How Do Employers Measure Full-time Status?

Under the ACA employers can use look-back periods of between 3 and 12 months. If an employee works more than 30 hours a week over a 120 day period, or at least 130 hours a month, they are considered full-time.

Are you Eligible if you Collect Social Security?

You are still eligible to get health insurance and cost assistance through the marketplace. However, you must report social security benefits (except Supplemental Security Income) as income.

When do I Need Insurance After Turning 26?

Losing your health coverage by turning 26 qualifies you for a 120-day Special Enrollment period starting 60 days before your 26th birthday. During this period you can shop for a plan and qualify for cost assistance.

Do I Have to Take Employer Health Insurance?

You don’t have to accept your employer’s offer. You may decline an offer for affordable, job-based health insurance, but then you won’t be eligible for cost assistance on the marketplace.

How do I Change my Health Care Provider if I Move?

If you are no longer eligible for your current plan because you are moving, you qualify for special enrollment. This means that, even after open enrollment, you can switch to a plan offered in your area.

Cost Sharing on MRI?

Whether or not a treatment is subject to cost sharing is based on your plans cost sharing schedule as laid out in the plan documentation.

Do I Need to Reapply for Affordability Exemption?

You must reapply for the affordability exemption at least annually to qualify for this exemption for that year. The definition of “affordable” has changed from 2015 to 2017 and may change again in the future. In 2017, if your lowest cost minimal essential coverage you are eligible for (whether employer-based or Marketplace) which costs more than 8.13% of the household income is eligible for this exemption. You can claim it on the 8965 – Exemptions form, but you’ll need to get this exemption through the marketplaces.

Can I Qualify For ObamaCare with SSD?

Social Security Disability (SSD) counts as income for getting cost assistance on the Marketplace. If your household income is between 100% – 400% of the Federal Poverty Level then you can get cost assistance.

Is ObamaCare Like the Hotel California?

ObamaCare is a nick-name for a law that crates a health insurance exchange with cost assistance. You can check out anytime you like and can leave whenever.

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