ObamaCare 2013

What 2013 Means for ObamaCare and Health Care Reform
What’s new for ObamaCare in 2013? ObamaCare 2013 means many new provisions, changes to Medicaid and the opening of the ObamaCare insurance exchanges on Oct 1st 2013. As well as the new benefits there are also so some things to watch out for as ObamaCare continues to roll out through 2013. Let’s look at some of the major changes that our Country will face.
ObamaCare 2013 Moving Forward
Almost 50 million Americans still lack health coverage despite the fact that ObamaCare continues to help provide an increasing amount of Americans with access to affordable, quality health insurance. Although the bulk of the law’s provisions in the law don’t go into place until 2014, 2013 will be one of the most important years in ObamaCare’s history. There is a lot on the table and a lot at stake. ObamaCare’s 2013 will be the year we get our first good look at how Medicaid Expansion and the ObamaCare Insurance Marketplaces will work (two health care reform’s biggest programs.)
ObamaCare 2013 Explained in One Sentence
ObamaCare has had the same mission statement since it’s inception and it carries that same concept into 2013 despite it’s ever changing nature. “In 2013 ObamaCare continues to expand affordability, quality and availability of insurance by opening the Health Insurance Marketplace and enacting better regulations on the health insurance industry, it also continues to reduce the growth of spending on healthcare through new taxes and budget cuts.”. ObamaCare is estimated to provide affordable coverage to 30 million Americans by expanding Medicare, Medicaid and creating an Affordable Insurance Exchange for employers, employees and low to middle income Americans.
The following video contains a quick description of ObamaCare Changes in 2013 – 2014 in under 3 minutes:
The following video explains how ObamaCare changes health insurance in 2013 – 2014:
Quick Facts for ObamaCare Changes in 2013
• Most Americans must obtain qualifying health coverage by January 1st, 2014, get an exemption or pay a fee for every month they are without “minimum essential coverage”. The fee is paid on your federal income tax return. This fee is commonly referred to as an Individual Mandate and is part of the shared responsibility provision. Learn more about the ObamaCare Individual Mandate
• If you don’t have coverage, you can use the new Health Insurance Marketplace to buy a private insurance plan. Many Americans will qualify for lower costs on monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs through the marketplace.
• The Health Insurance Marketplace Opened Oct 1st, 2013 and closes March 31st, 2014. Americans earning below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level may be eligible for cost assistance. Read our Complete Guide to the Health Insurance Exchanges to find out how to navigate your State’s exchange and how to get the best deals for you, your family and your business.
New Provisions in ObamaCare 2013: Which ObamaCare Provisions are Taking Effect in 2013
There are a number of new provisions, taxes and programs being rolled out by ObamaCare in 2013 here are some of the most important changes to the bill
ObamaCare 2013 Changes: The employer mandate for employers with the equivalent of 50 full-time employees to provide insurance was pushed back from 2014 to 2015.
ObamaCare 2013 Provisions: Increased free preventive services to Medicaid. The Federal Government is increasing funding to Medicaid with little or no cost to the recipient. New services include tests for high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol; many cancer screenings including colonoscopy and mammograms; counseling to help people lose weight, quit smoking or reduce alcohol use; routine vaccinations; flu and pneumonia shots; and others.
ObamaCare 2013 Provisions: Doctors that take Medicaid patients got a pay raise as of January 1 2013. Doctors who see Medicaid patients will start to receive the same payments as those who take Medicare patients. While some say the Medicare rate is too low itself it means up to a 73% pay increase for doctors who take Medicaid due to ObamaCare in 2013.
ObamaCare 2013 Provisions: A pilot program for Medicare service bundling. This means a flat rate for an episode of care as opposed to each service being billed separately. The effect will hopefully be a simplified and less expensive Medicare billing process.
ObamaCare 2013 Tax Increase: The Medicare part A income tax is raised on those over the $200/$250k mark. The increase is .09% to the existing Medicare tax and will help boost the Medicare trust fund.
ObamaCare 2013 Tax Increase: The controversial 2.3% excise tax on medical devices goes into effect on 2013. The “ObamaCare” 2013 tax doesn’t include hearing aids or corrective lenses, but does include devices like defibrillators, pacemakers, artificial joints and others.
ObamaCare 2013 and the Average American: The medical expense ceiling for which Americans can get a tax deduction is raised from 7.5% to 10% in 2013 due to ObamaCare.
ObamaCare 2013 and the Average American: There are new caps on FSAs, HSAs, Archer and other similar programs.
ObamaCare 2013 and the Average American: To help Americans better understand where there healthcare spending is going W-2 tax forms issued for 2012 and beyond must include a line showing the benefit employees receive from their employer-sponsored health care.
ObamaCare Leading up to 2013
Now that we know what is new for ObamaCare in 2013 it’s time to take a look at the program so far and how we got to this point.
When Did ObamaCare Become the Law?
ObamaCare, officially called the Affordable Care Act, was signed into law in October of 2010 By President Barack Obama. May of ObamaCare’s provisions are already in effect and the rest continues to roll out until 2022. ObamaCare sees the bulk of it’s provisions, taxes and programs rolled out in 2013 and 2014.
How is ObamaCare Paid For 2013?
ObamaCare is paid for itself via 21 new taxes most of which are on larger businesses and the health care industry. Although many taxes are already in effect, many more roll out in 2013. Take a look at the ObamaCare Taxes in 2013
Additional funding comes from those who aren’t covered under Medicaid or Medicare. Americans will have the option to buy private insurance, obtain insurance through the workplace, pay an income tax penalty to not have health insurance. By most Americans buying health insurance or paying a fee enough money is put into the health care system to help provide better quality health care (such as insurers having to cover everyone regardless of health status) and to help subsidize the insurance costs of low-to-middle income individuals.
How Does ObamaCare Regulate Insurance
ObamaCare reforms and regulates insurance companies and health care standards but doesn’t control your health care, your health care is still bought by your via a private insurer. ObamaCare lowers what 98% of Americans pay for taxes, decreases the deficit and improves government run health care programs like Medicare by cutting out wasteful spending. ObamaCare also expands Medicaid to cover 17 million uninsured seniors and low-income individuals.
ObamaCare’s Affordable Insurance Exchange Marketplace as of 2013
The ObamaCare Health Insurance Marketplaces (previously known as an affordable insurance exchanges), open on Oct, 1st 2013. The Insurance Exchanges / Marketplaces are an online marketplace where health insurance companies compete to be your provider. The exchanges are state or federal run (depends on the state) online market places are easy to use and run similar to travel and car insurance websites. Subsidies, credits, breaks and up-front cost assistance are all available on the exchange for those making between 133% and 400% of the poverty level.
ObamaCare and Small Businesses in 2013
Most employers will benefit from ObamaCare in 2013. Only .2% of small businesses (those with over 50 full-time employees) who don’t currently provide insurance have to purchase insurance. The majority of small businesses with under 25 full-time employees cannot currently afford insurance for themselves or their employees (they are eligible for subsides on the exchange). Employers can purchase insurance on the SHOP exchange, part of the Affordable Insurance Exchange.
ObamaCare, Seniors and Medicare Cuts
Seniors benefit from the $716 billion of wasteful spending cut from Medicare and the closing of the donut hole. The money is reinvested in Medicare and ObamaCare to improve coverage and to insure tens of millions of more seniors. There are many changes to Medicare coming up in 2013. Take a look at our timeline for a breakdown of all the Medicare provisions under ObamaCare in 2013
ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion 2013
Medicaid Expansion doesn’t go into effect into 2014. That being said the battle to see which States expand Medicaid and how it affects our country will play a big role in 2013.
Right now, low income Americans comprise almost half of the nations uninsured. ObamaCare expands Medicaid to cover these individuals, however State are allowed to Opt-Out of Medicaid leaving their poorest without health coverage.
ObamaCare and Women in 2013
ObamaCare includes a number of provisions that benefit women including expanding access to preventive services and wellness visits for 47 million women with no out of pocket charges or deductibles.
What Does ObamaCare Do for All Americans in 2013
ObamaCare has hundreds of provisions already enacted and many more will either continue to grow or be rolled out in 2013. These include individuals no longer being denied for preexisting conditions or being able to be dropped from their insurance for being sick. It also gives consumers more rights and protections in regards to their health care. ObamaCare also regulates insurance premium hikes for profit and improves the health care industry as a whole. Doctors and Hospitals all agree, they want to keep ObamaCare, in fact they have already started re-working the health care system, repealing ObamaCare now would cost them Billions.
ObamaCare; it’s a Good Thing… But it’s Not Perfect
As of 2013 ObamaCare saves millions of lives, cuts billions from the deficit and gives American workers more freedom by not being dependent on their employers for health care. ObamaCare puts your health care in your hands, not in the hands of insurance companies. Obamacare doesn’t ration health care, it regulates it, making sure you get a fair shake and the insurance companies play by the rules.
At the end of the day ObamaCare isn’t a perfect bill, but it’s a good start towards reforming the $2.8 trillion dollar American health care system. Americans will get a chance to voice their opinion during 2013, the way ObamaCare affects the average American along with the decisions of congress will be more important for 2013 and 2014 than ever and will determine the future of the program.
The Lazy Man’s Guide to ObamaCare in 2013