Are Tax Credits Annual or Monthly?

Tax credits are based on annual income, not monthly income. This doesn’t do much to help people between jobs when income is low, but it’s important to understand to avoid repayments of tax credits. Repayment limits are based on annual household income too.

Can I File Separate From Family If We Got Tax Credits?

Tax credits are based on household income, anyone in the tax family can join a family plan (coverage family) and share tax credits. The problem here is that everyone is filing separately, but sharing a family plan.

How Do I Claim Ineligible For Medicaid Exemption?

To claim the exemption for being ineligible for Medicaid write code “G” in column “C” of the 8965 – health care exemptions form. You don’t need to apply for the exemption to the Marketplace with the rejection letter if you live in a state that rejected Medicaid (although you can do this to get a ECN and qualify for special enrollment).

Is the Marketplace Granting Exceptions?

Between there Marketplace and IRS there are over 20 different exemptions from the fee, some trigger special enrollment, others short exemptions, some full year.

Will Medicaid Take My Estate?

Medicaid will use estate recovery and liens to recover certain Medicaid benefits for individuals 55 or older, this only applies to Medicaid.

Can I Get Covered Until I Find a Job?

The Marketplace offers coverage to those without employer coverage, when you get a job that offers coverage you can simply switch to the employer plan.

Why Did My Insurance Premium Go Up?

Your rates didn’t go up because of legislation directly increasing premiums, some who had lower rates before saw rates go up as a response to new protections

Can An Employer Only Offer Coverage to Some Employees?

As a small business if you offer group coverage to one full-time employee you must offer to all, same with part-time. Employers have to offer group coverage and not just reimburse individual coverage to get the tax benefits.

How Do Exemptions Work When Moving Back to US?

When you move back to the US use the 330 day presence test to claim an exemption the 12 months before you move back, then use special enrollment to make sure you are enrolled in a plan

Why Do I Have to Pay Back ObamaCare Subsidies?

If you projected a higher annual household income then you claimed, you may owe tax credits you received in advance up to the repayment limit for your income when you file 8962 at tax time.

TN Visa Health Insurance and Penalty?

Typically on a VISA you can’t get cost assistance, but can get minimum essential coverage (typically through work). If you file taxes in the US you’ll need to have coverage, or pay the fee for each month you don’t have coverage, or get an exemption.

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