Do I Need to Reapply for Affordability Exemption?

I applied for and received a hardship exemption (and ECN number) for 2014, as the lowest cost bronze plan in Delaware exceeded 8% of my income. Do I need to re-apply for an exemption in 2015? The lowest cost 2015 bronze plan in Delaware will still exceed 8% of my 2015 income. Thanks. Paul

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My husband and I are both self-employed and have no children. The cheapest plan available in our zip code through the Colorado exchange is $690/month –$8280 per year –for the two of us, and that is likely to increase by 10% or more next year. How much can we make and still qualify for the affordability exemption? Next year we are expecting only about $10,000 in regular income and $70,000 in capital gains from the sale of an investment home, for a total income of about $80,000. The cheapest plan would cost us more than 10% of that total household income.

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