Premiums Up For 2017, But Many Get a Plan for $100 or Less

Although health insurance premiums are up 22% on average for 2017; many can get a plan for a $100 or less through
For 2017: Despite rate increases, 7 out of 10 Marketplace customers will still be able to get a plan for less than $75, and 8 out of 10 less than $100! This is primarily because cost assistance is based on income. Learn more about how cost assistance works.
Now that you know the basics, here are a few things to understand:
- Most people who get insurance get it through their employer or a family member’s employer. Those costs have gone up, but inflation has generally slowed for employer coverage since the law was signed and the employer pays part of the premium, which can help keep costs low.
- Millions qualify for free or low-cost coverage from Medicaid or CHIP; this coverage was expanded under the ACA.
- Millions more will be able to stay on their parents plan until 26.
- Millions more will be able to get a plan for $100 or less via
For those left over who will buy coverage at the full rate, rate increases will be noticed the most.
Not all regions will see big increases, but the national average increase is rather high this year as noted above. The hope is that prices are evening out, and this is one last readjustment to the preexisting conditions clause, but no one can say just yet.
The average person will not notice much change from last year while millions who couldn’t get coverage before the law will have access to it now. Many people can buy insurance at affordable rates due to cost assistance and expanded Medicaid. There are some who will be unlucky. Even though these people represent few million out of the 320 million total, their rate increases will provide a challenge this year.
The next President of the United States will need to decide how to ensure that the vital benefits of the ACA remain intact while some of the sticking points are addressed. See Clinton’s plans for the ACA, see Trump’s plan.
FACT: Those who don’t obtain and maintain coverage will owe the monthly fee. Learn more about the 2017 fee and 2017 open enrollment.
Obama In Miami- Full Speech Defending ObamaCare.FACT: Despite some insurers withdrawing from ObamaCare’s exchanges, enrollments are projected to grow 9% to an average of 11.4 million in 2017.
Health Plan Choice and Premiums in the 2017 Health Insurance Marketplace. Read the full new report released by HHS Oct 24, 2016. It shows that 72 percent of Marketplace consumers in states using will be able to find plans with a premium of less than $75 per month and 77 percent will be able to find plans with premiums below $100, taking into account financial assistance. The report also shows that consumers will have options, with an average of 30 health insurance plans to choose from. 50-state premium examples with and without subsidies are provided.+
“… There are some who will be unlucky. Even though these people represent few million out of the 320 million total, their rate increases will provide a challenge this year.”… What lovely news for so many people, that their government doesn’t care about them.
And, paying a penalty for not being able to afford insurance is akin to the old debtor’s prison concept, punishing someone for something that is out of his control, making him less able to pay than he was before! This policy is Illogical, unkind, and basically, abhorrent, and should not be tolerated in America. For millions of citizens, it has been an “obamacurse”, rather than obamacare…But, who cares, except those who have compassion for everyone equally? “Liberty and justice for all”…remember when?
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
The GOP plan offered liberty and justice for all minus 49 million who were going to lose health insurance. So, I have gripes with the ACA too, but a fix needs to fix it, not just shift winners and losers around without achieving universal healthcare.
The people in the middle, that are not considered “low income”… That’s where I am. I really don’t need a policy because I’m continually paying towards a $6,500 annual deductible!!! That, with a premium of $518.00 a month for “one” person! It would be cheaper to just pay for a “annual” mammogram and the occasional meds I need. My policy is useless unless I’m “half dead”. This is NOT living. I don’t know what to do.
I am tired of paying $1650 a month for health insurance while some other people get free insurance. I am tired of paying for insurance for those people who are non working.
Mine just jumped from $214 to $395 a month. I rarely go the see any doctors. I am raising 2 nieces, my husband makes $40,000 a year. Why the huge increase?
Cynthia Stillson
Hi Karen. According to this site your premiums can’t be more than 9.5% of your income. Are you using your subsidies? How about tax credits. You can take some tax credits ahead of time. Your nieces could also enroll in CHIP which is really inexpensive. Trumpcare is going to be a lot more expensive and not cover as much either. Obamacare just needs some tweeking.
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
That is true (it is 9.5% adjusted each year for inflation… think the current is 9.65% or so this year). Note to self, don’t call something a 9.5% rule when it is adjusted for inflation each year 😀
“Hi Karen. According to this site your premiums can’t be more than 9.5% of your income. Are you using your subsidies? How about tax credits. You can take some tax credits ahead of time. Your nieces could also enroll in CHIP which is really inexpensive. Trumpcare is going to be a lot more expensive and not cover as much either. Obamacare just needs some tweeking.”
Tweaking? Really? It’s a disaster! It needs to be outright repealed.
Kathy Farnik
I think they need to work out some way to keep the cost to insurers much lower. The middle class can not afford such high premiums. I hope that our next President, Hillary Clinton will fix it.
What do you mean Hillary Clinton will fix it? She is Obama in woman form? That money has to come from somewhere. Our pockets. We need true change, not the same old same old. She’s got you snowed too. Not me!
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
Here is the answer to your question: