Coverage Cut Over Cadillac Tax – Story

My health insurance for a large company I’ve been working for 25 years cut my coverage and added the High deductible plan. So the company wouldn’t be subject to the Cadillac tax in 2018
My health insurance for a large company I’ve been working for 25 years cut my coverage and added the High deductible plan. So the company wouldn’t be subject to the Cadillac tax in 2018
It was not about making healthcare more affordable but driving everyone to a single payor system – touche.
Thank you so much to our wonderful President and the all who have contributed to this act. It absolutely has saved the lives of me and my unborn son.
When I first enrolled in the Marketplace I was able to get a Silver PPO that I could afford with the subsidy, that offered what I needed. The second year that plan went up
I don’t care what I read from this site or opposing sites. I care about what actually is happening. What actually has happened with my insurance is the cost has gone up every year since this bill was passed. the coverage has gotten worse every year, while the deductibles and premiums have gone up. Every… Read More
But I had to say it, Obamacare is not realistic! We are going to be in trouble, and soon.
If it were not for Obamacare, when I turned 26, I would have lost access to OBGYN care and the prescription which deeply improves my quality of life.
A series of unfortunate events out of my control have resulted in my current inability to function as a hard working American. I’m not victimizing myself intentionally, yet I am so isolated from my old life due to a slip and fall injury last January that I am the first to excuse myself as being… Read More
After three years without insurance I was grateful for the opportunity to get coverage. It didn’t take long to realize that there were very few doctors that took my insurance. I pay more for insurance per month than my mortgage, can’t save any money because it all goes to that and I can’t find a… Read More
Yesterday I went in for my annual physical, my second since I first enrolled in Obamacare in 2014. What a pleasure it was to go to my doctor’s office, be greeted by the friendly staff, be well taken care of by my doctor, get basic wellness tests lined up, and walk out the door without… Read More
My husband and I are both self employed. Thanks to these new laws we purchased health inusrance this year. We now pay $651.00 a month for our family of four to have health insurance. Now when we go to the dentist or doctor we pay the insurance fee instead of the cash price. All of… Read More
I have not benefited from the ACA. In fact I only clear 900.00 from social security a month but because I file with my husband I do not qualify for any assistance. We are being penalized for having to use money from his 401 k to help pay my $689. a month health insurance policy… Read More
My husband and I are both disabled. He is on Medicare and has a supplemental drug plan. I on the other hand do not have Medicare yet. I have several medical issues and struggled before ObamaCare to find an insurance that would even insure me. I found one, but it didn’t cover much at all… Read More
Long story short, I am looking for a pcp for my boss that is in his network with his insurance company. There are 154 doctors within ten miles of him all of which have a contract to accept his insurance. Every doctor out of the 154 doctors have said they will not accept his insurance… Read More
I was optimistic about health care reform and voted for Obama both times! However, I’m more disgusted everyday. I should have known that seeing what a debacle Medicare part D is that ACA wouldn’t help either. I am a physician in internal medicine in Peoria IL. Luckily my practice has lower than average medicare participants… Read More
I am trying to find a primary care doctor, seems like the majority of doctors do not accept my Coventry Carelink HMO plan. After talking with a few offices if I had regular Coventry health insurance they would accept that but not my “obamacare” insurance. I just want a English speaking, American trained doctor. I CAN’T… Read More
My parents have to use obamacare because they are not 65 yet. They have been over charged because the market place did not turn their information in on time. They had their bank account over drawn due to their premium being more than they were told and it being directly withdrawn (of the higher amount)… Read More
What Obamacare provides is a Health Insurance Reform. The Government throws out some arbitrary number, based on what it considers “poverty level” of Americans who qualify. That number was developed by a woman in the 1960’s who took a basket of food for a family of 4 for a week and multiplied it 4 to… Read More
I wanted to write and say how thankful I am for OBAMA Care!!! About 6 years ago I had gotten Toxic Shock Syndrome. This involved being in a coma for 2 1/2 weeks, kidney failure, a heart attack, and many other complications. By the time I woke from the coma, I had a pick line,… Read More
My best friend had a harsh life and has worked hard all her life. Two years ago she was diagnose with Cancer when things finally settle down for her. She has been through surgery and treatments and is on so many medication for all her symptoms everyday. She pay top for her insurance and they… Read More
In June of 2014, I terminated my employment and called 1800 ASK Blue to assist in finding an affordable Health Plan. The representative was very helpful and I chose the HMO Silver at cost of she noted I could be approved for a subsidy that bring the cost down to $105.70. We could make a… Read More
I wanted to share my story since so many people were affected by what just happened to myself and my coworkers yesterday. I was hired in as a full-time non-career employee. This meant that I had the ability to work 40 hours a week while learning about working for the State Of Michigan while I… Read More
March 1, 2015 A new health insurance policy with Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC (BCBSNC), subsidized by begins. The subsidized rate is $257.83. This replaces my policy with BCBSNC that, on Jan 1, increased from $295 to $405 due to me turning 50. April 23, 2015 I called the Marketplace 800# ( to… Read More
We could not afford this insurance but due to the law We were forced to get coverage. This year We are told it will double. We can’t make more income , I am disabled and My Wife makes less than than enough to keep us going I explained this to the representative and still were… Read More
A few weeks ago my daughter’s dentist told us the enivitable had come about. Rachel’s wisdom teeth were erupting and beginning to crowd her teeth. They had to come out. They gave us a referral to an oral surgeon and told us to do it sooner than later. I knew the procedure is not cheap,… Read More