Strange Happenings with BCBS Plan – Story

In June of 2014, I terminated my employment and called 1800 ASK Blue to assist in finding an affordable Health Plan. The representative was very helpful and I chose the HMO Silver at cost of she noted I could be approved for a subsidy that bring the cost down to $105.70. We could make a three party call to if I qualified. I was a impressed. After answering the questions with my Blue Cross salesperson there to help me along I was “approved”. I purchased Vision and Dental and was relieved that I had affordable healthcare. I have paid that premium since 6/14 through 6/15 to Independence Blue Cross. On July 2nd, 2015 I was informed by a Blue Cross representative my Health Insurance was terminated as of 3pm. I went to pharmacy and was told my prescription was $800.00.
The first concerns I had were the billing statements I received. The invoices were on identical Blue Cross Logo stationary so I called ! 800 Ask Blue for clarification. One stated No amount due $105.70 and second was for $511.05. The billing office said they saw no issues and all was in order. After receiving same billing statements in November, I was transferred from billing to a representative that said he would get to the bottom of it…Easy fix. I was relieved. I had two policies opened. Wow! How did that happen? Although he didn’t know the reason it was easy to fix. I wanted to keep my current $105.70 policy. He said just close the Keystone. He gave me a phone number, we called and he said he would take care of the rest. Keystone? I never thought I had Keystone All the information II had said Independence Blue Cross.
I continued to make payments. I received notifications that it was time to enroll. I called the number on my card, 1800 Ask Blue if I needed to act. “No, you are fine. No need to do anything unless your employment status changes” .
It is May and those annoying big statements were still popping up. I started ramping up my calls. Not so much out of concern but sheer bafflement. Why was I receiving Independence Blue Cross statements that did not reflect what I was paying. Finally a frustrated representative said they had no information and I was directed to call the “the Marketplace”..
After 3 months of no answers, every phone call starting me from the beginning and ending with redirecting me. Independence Blue Cross, ,Marketplace., the light came on. Someone made mistakes and I was lost in a shuffle board game and did not enjoy being the puck.
After learning “The Marketplace” was not a flea Market for cheap insurance but rather the Healthcare Reform.hub that assured everyone had affordable healthcare..
A Marketplace advanced resolution specialist finally facilitated a three call. with an Independence Blue Cross operations representative. The picture became clearer and “a case was opened” internally at Blue Cross. Bottom line, my payments were being processed.for over a year and being applied to a ghost policy. i had received my first notification from Independence Blue Cross billing after the case was opened that no payments had been applied to my policy since November and I owed them close to seven thousand dollars. My case was open so the operations representative assured me they would reach a resolution. This would be fully investigated. I would be notified as soon as a resolution was I could be directed on how to proceed. I called daily. No response.
As of today I have no insurance. I have reached out for help. My Independence Blue Cross has magic .It now shows I had no Insurance outside of dental and vision since November according to their computer. And yes, my June payment has been processed.
Prime example of why the gov’t should stay OUT of our business!! Most, not all, are incompetent! I have gone through different issues with United Health Care as well. They even sent my doctor a letter saying that I haven’t paid my premium of $500 for the last 2 months! Outrageous! Since when do they notify the doctor about me paying my bill to them? The doctor will find out when they submit it and it gets declined…then it is an issue between the doctor and me! For the record, I did pay my premiums and took the proof to my doctor so she wouldn’t drop me as a patient. I was pissed!! Good luck with the craziness you have to deal with!
Kathleen Wausnock
Today I was terminated from IBX because I started Medicare. No one told me I could not have IBX an Medicare until today. Started Medicare in June and paid premiums for July, August, September, October and November. My mom has IBX an Medicare at 83 years old and could not understand why I can not too. I have a Physical coming up next month an two prescriptions to pay for. My mother said Health coverage pays first an Medicare picks up what they do not. do not know what I can do. HELP!!!
If a health insurer makes a decision you disagree with you have the right to appeal it.
Me too! With Kaiser in California, but basically similar story. My husband turned 65 April 1, 2015, and of course that is mandatory Medicare (also with Kaiser.) Kaiser can’t fix the Covered CA Exchange billing, and despite 3 way calls and promises, I get bills saying we owe $7000 and more and yet I keep paying monthly also, the amount due for the rest of us. It is a mess! Covered CA won’t let my husband off the policy, and I can’t become the policy holder, everything still is in his name, despite HIPPA laws, all the explanation of benefits come to him, someone who is not even on the plan!
I have to say that government is not for the people anymore. What ever happened to “For the People” We are not living up to our constitution that our forefathers set forth. I don’t think that Obama Care should be a court ruling but it should be the people of the United States of America ruling. We will be affected by this coming shortly and I am not looking forward to this Health Care thing at All. Another Note” Social Security is not a Federal Benefit, We the People put money into this system and the government should be paying back the debt to Social Security that they have taken to pay off their debts!!! This is our entitlement, not theirs.