How Do I Provide Coverage for an EX-Spouse?

The best way to provide coverage for another person who you don’t file taxes with is to look into their cost assistance options through ObamaCare first and then look at private or employer options.
The best way to provide coverage for another person who you don’t file taxes with is to look into their cost assistance options through ObamaCare first and then look at private or employer options.
ObamaCare expanded Medicaid, but each state has a unique Medicaid program, when moving contact the state you plan to live in and arrange coverage before you move.
Worker’s comp doesn’t counts toward ObamaCare subsidy eligibility, as it’s not taxable. You can switch to an ObamaCare plan when worker’s comp ends.
If you are a small business with ten or less employees you can either not offer health coverage, or get tax credits for up to 50% of employee premium costs.
Only people who file taxes together can be covered under a family plan together, even if two people share a child or live together.
The ACA does not require coverage of prophylactic mastectomy or reconstruction procedures, but some state laws do. Thus it will be plan specific and state specific.
Wellness visits and key preventive care are covered with no out-of-pocket costs, but some related services aren’t covered without cost sharing.
An incarcerated person can’t use the Marketplace, doesn’t owe the fee for not having coverage, and can be dropped from a family plan without penalty.
A student health plan counts as Minimum Essential Coverage for ObamaCare for ObamaCare if it’s fully insured or self insured, paying for university medical or counseling services doesn’t necessarily count as a student plan.
Life insurance, unlike health insurance under ObamaCare, is not typically guaranteed issue. However, there are options for those with chronic illnesses.
If you file a tax extension with form Form 4868 the extension applies to all ACA related tax forms including Form 8962 for tax credits and Form 8965 for exemptions.
ObamaCare is short for the Affordable Care Act and is a U.S. law so it won’t go away when Obama leaves office. All Republican candidates want to repeal it, but will have a hard time undoing many of it’s provisions due to the way our system works.
Typically when switching employers you’ll need to give up the group health plan you are on and switch to a plan the new employer offers.
The key to working and getting affordable health insurance, with serious medical conditions is cost assistance and taking all available tax deductions.
The waiting period for health insurance through an employer is a maximum of 90 days. The exact waiting period is at the discretion of the employer.
To have maternity coverage in a state when moving you can enroll via special enrollment or get Medicaid. For traveling your current insurance covers emergencies.
If you are charged for covered in-network services not subject to cost sharing. Don’t pay, call your insurer and healthcare provider and have them recode and resubmit the bill to the insurer.
Most medical expenses are HSA eligible, but some things like cosmetic surgery aren’t. Since this is related to trauma or disease it should be covered.
If coverage ends due to non-payment you don’t qualify for special enrollment and can’t get a plan until next open enrollment. That doesn’t mean you have no options
If an employer offers grandfathered or large group coverage that doesn’t offer all benefits of the ACA it may still count as minimum essential coverage.
People filing taxes together should get a family plan together, if you want your own plan simply leave the plan and get individual coverage starting Jan 1st.
A public company can refuse to offer birth control for religious reasons, but a third party must provide free birth control to all employees with coverage.
All plans must offer pediatric dental, but people can refuse pediatric dental. Some people may not realize that pediatric dental is covered and thus not use it.
It’s legal for your employer to cut back your hours to avoid offering coverage, but you can use the marketplace to get cost assistance.
You must project to claim at least 100% of the Federal Poverty Level in household income to qualify for tax credits through ObamaCare. This is true in all states.