ACA Saved My Grandson’s Life – Story

The ACA saved a young man’s life, who happens to be my grandson. I write my Senator and Congressman every week pleading with them not to repeal the ACA.
The ACA saved a young man’s life, who happens to be my grandson. I write my Senator and Congressman every week pleading with them not to repeal the ACA.
Sorry for the LONG rant, but I am SICK AND TIRED of these HUGE companies and corporations and government agencies that do WHATEVER they want and won’t even follow their OWN POLICIES (but by God the TAXPAYERS sure have to “follow policy”, OR ELSE).
I am one if the many people who have been helped by Obamacare. I want Obamacare to be improved and saved.
It has been my experience that since obamacare was implemented great things
have happened.
But because of Obama care my insurance was costing me $600 dollars a month for just major medical!
I’m sick of people making up all these stories to trash it well if i didn’t have no one would want to cover me i was also paying for co pays for every prescriptions on a limited income monthly.
Thanks to Obamacare our health insurance dropped to a third of what we were paying, Soon we were able to refinance our home under a governmental plan to help homeowners save their homes.
Why do the middle income carry all the burden? There are fewer of us every day.
I don’t understand why it would be dropped with no notification? And if it was dropped in August why accept a payment in September?
I can no longer afford the plan I have had for many years. Already in bankruptcy as a result of Obamacare. Thanks!!!
Thank God the Affordable Care Act. Without the affordable care act I could not have gotten the treatments to fast track my healing process.
I am truly more afraid of the end of Affordable Care than the return of one of my many cancers.
Late in 2013 as conversations were taking place about universal healthcare I can tell you that I was not paying much attention. All my children had coverage with their employers and so did my husband and I. We were all in good health and so I guess I just did not pay that much attention… Read More
I thank President Obama for giving me the means to discover and fight off this beast before it could spread. President Obama saved my life with his Affordable Care Act.
I think that health insurance should be a 1-year contract. It’s strange that we can’t sign up for another plan when all we do is give them lots of money and haven’t asked for much in return!
what gets me the most is that no one will help. And the insurance is playing games with us.
Somehow I inexplicably missed the July payment, My question is, was my private insurance company suppose to give me 30 days notice before cancelling?
Family of three, had a great insurance through a p.p.o. was able to have a secondary on top of it. First baby the total out of pocket expenses was 100 bucks. In comes A.C.A. I lose my coverage because of the new restrictions. We were lied to. ” you can keep your plan” and “you… Read More
I was run over by a truck and SURVIVED. $300.000 later Blue cross said no to OBAMACARE and we signed up with Aetna now they are out and what am to do for a good affordable insurance?
As a small business owner, I have always provided health benefits to my customers and family but since Obama had to make sure the people whom DONT work and want to take care of themselves, i have to pay their way now!!!!
So I plan to continue to suffer without the surgery I was waiting for and then I will plan to pay the IRS penalty because they were somehow harmed by my error as well.
I had a security alert and my bank account so it was frozen for 10 days because of this my April payment posted on May 2 and then my May payment was received on May 28, when I made my June payment I made a mistake and shorted my payment $1.22 Humana canceled my Health… Read More
My husband recently lost his job due to eliminating his position therefore we lost our health insurance. Cobra was offered but extremely expensive for two disabled people (I’m permanently disabled due to incurable diseases and my husband came down with an incurable disease).
…Had Kaiser plan thru CC, then received a letter saying i was dropped for non-payment, I checked my bank records and was able to come up with proof/tracking number etc that i had indeed payed thru my online bill pay.
Now I’m without health insurance. I don’t blame Obama Care on this. There needs to be a fix here.