The House GOP Better Way Plan Explained

We explain the House GOP Better Way Plan (the House Republicans’ ObamaCare replacement plan) and how it could change ObamaCare.
We explain the House GOP Better Way Plan (the House Republicans’ ObamaCare replacement plan) and how it could change ObamaCare.
Trump promised to repeal ObamaCare on the campaign trail, and that means ObamaCare’s birth control coverage could be in jeopardy.
Leave a comment below to let President-elect Trump what you like and don’t like about ObamaCare. Let’s help Trump build a great ObamaCare replacement plan.
Trump’s been elected, and that means TrumpCare may replace ObamaCare. Here is what changes to expect for ObamaCare under President Trump.
EPOs (or “Exclusive Provider Organization” plans) are plans where you can ONLY use doctors and hospitals within the EPO network, but cannot go outside the network for care. With an EPO there are no out-of-network benefits.
Following a petition request with 320,000 signatures on, President Obama appeared in an interview with Bill Maher in which he discussed his Presidency and the ACA in retrospect, among other things.
Below we present the affordability exemptions for 2017 for employer and non-employer coverage and explain the family affordability glitch.
Although health insurance premiums are up 22% on average for 2017, but many can get a plan for a $100 or less through
Bill Clinton recently criticized ObamaCare. While his wording was confusing, his underlying point is arguably justified and hardly a criticism of the ACA as a whole.
Under Gov. Jay Inslee, Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) announced a new state-federal partnership aimed at improving the state’s Apple Health (Medicaid) program.
2017 Open Enrollment for ObamaCare starts November 1st and 7 in 10 marketplace shoppers can still get prices as low $75, and 8 out of 10 less than $100!
So far 33 Democratic Senators are backing a public option under ObamaCare, as previously called for by Hillary, Obama, and Bernie. However insurers are pushing back and Republicans control congress.
Starving the Beast and HealthCare Reform Although it won’t come as a surprise to many, it is worth noting: States who embraced the ACA’s main coverage provisions (especially Medicaid expansion) are having more success. This is to say, the states that rejected Medicaid expansion for their poorest (19 or the 20 states who rejected Medicaid expansion are… Read More
The uninsured rate dropped to a record low during the first 3 months of 2016 at only 8.6% for all Americans, that is 1.3 million fewer than 2015 (9.2%), and 21.3 million fewer than 2010 (15.7%).
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and three other progressive senators are leading an inquiry into why Aetna is pulling out of 11 of 15 of ObamaCare’s exchanges.
With price gouging on drugs in the news yet again, lets look at Hillary Clinton’s take on drug reform and Big Pharma.
Responding to recent ire over a price hike from a list price of $93.88 to $608.81 for an EpiPen two-pack, has Mylan offering some concessions.
Mylan, the maker of the EpiPen, is blaming consumers noticing a recent price increase on ObamaCare, but the fact that consumers are price shopping might be a sign ObamaCare is working.
Citing losses, but on the back of the Department of Justice (DOJ) attempting to block a merger with Humana, Aetna has stated it will pull out of 11 ObamaCare exchanges.
Below we provide some common sense insight into 2016’s sticker shock for ObamaCare’s premiums and deductibles.
Roughly 20 million Americans have been covered under the ACA’s coverage provisions between Medicaid, the Marketplace, and children staying on their parents plan since 2010.
We have seen an influx people who claim that BCBS has cancelled their insurance with little or no prior notice due to billing errors. If this has happened to you share your story below.
Every year under the ACA people are left without coverage due to accidental plan drops due to non-payment outside of open enrollment.
Sanders endorses Clinton, Obama presents a summary of ACA, and all support the fight against big phrama and for a public option.
President Obama published a summary of the ACA’s successes and suggestions for the future in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association).