Just Married, Should We Combine Health Insurance?

I got married in April 2014- Me and my husband decided to combine our health insurance for 2015. However, A coworker of mine just informed that was a bad idea. She said that if my husband chooses to opt out of his insurance provided by his company, that starting this year, I would have to… Read More

Can I Change Plans After Enrolling?

My son recently purchased health care coverage, but now finds that his doctor does not take his plan. Can he switch to a different plan before Feb 15th or does he have to wait until next year open enrollment?

What Do I Do For Health Insurance if Live in More than One State?

I enrolled in a Marketplace plan in New york state last year; will it automatically renew? I am between states during the year. My time will be now mostly be in Florida. Do i need to reapply with florida? Will it be able to transfer after the enrollment period?

How do I Get Health Insurance?

I don’t have medical at all and i’m interested in learning about this plan. I have a one year old and i always have to pay for medical expenses because of not being covered under my plan. If you could get back to me with information about this plan i would appreciate it thank you.

Will I Pay the Fee if my Husband is Covered Under my Plan?

My husband and I are both insured. We were also covered on each others plans. My husband has just recently taken early retirement. He will remain on my insurance. Since he does have insurance under my plan he will not be penalized for anything right?

What Options Does ObamaCare Someone With No Income?

I recently applied for coverage for a friend of mine who is unemployed, and is on food stamps for help with food. He doesn’t qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. So we went through our local market place for the health insurance. This is where I was appalled at what I have seen. The lowest choice for… Read More

Am I Exempt From ObamaCare if I Have Medicare?

My wife and i are on medicare , we both have supplemental Medicare for medical and drugs with AARP, do we need to file for exemptions? Do we need to do anything other than have the insurance we already have? Thank you.

No Insurance, Will ACA Help with Hospital Bill?

I have a question, i was shopping for health insurance and then was rushed to hospital for emergency appendix surgery I have my bill now and struggling to pay. Does Obama care help with this or what are my options. I was born in England and have a permeant resident card. Thank you so much… Read More

Should I get Short-term during a 90 Day Waiting Period?

I am getting a new job, and they do not offer insurance for the first 90 days of employment. I have insurance with my current employer, but during that 90 days, I was going to get short term. Will I be penalized by doing this?

How do I Get Coverage for Children of Young Adults Under 26?

My son who is 23 is covered on our insurance policy and his girlfriend who is 21 is covered on her fathers policy so, their two children are left in limbo. They purchase insurance for them that costs $248.00 a month and has an $8,000 deductible. They can not afford it but it is all… Read More

Is ObamaCare Self Funded?

Many people have said that there is no way Obama care can be totally self funding, it has to be subsidized by Federal funds. If this is true, from where are the funds generated?

Union’s Say ObamaCare is not a Group Policy?

Our company has one employee who was on a Teamsters health plan. The company paid his portion of the health costs, and he paid prox $4.00 – $5.00 per Hour to cover his wife. Combined with his other union dues, this left his wages at almost poverty level to care for his family. The employee… Read More

Do I Qualify as Full-Time with Seasonal Hours?

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask these questions, but I will. I work for a school district in New Jersey. I have been hired for 20 hours per week, but there are times additional hours are available. In the summer months, June, July, and August, I have worked 40 hours… Read More

Am I Exempt If I Moved From Outside of US?

My sister came to U.S on September 2014. I am supporting her fully till she finds a job. I am claiming her on my 2014 tax return. However, I have been asked to pay for obamacare fee (penalty) although she was not here for the open enrollment of obamacare. Does she qualify for an exemption?… Read More

Can I Get Marketplace Coverage in the US Virgin Islands?

I currently live in the US Virgin Islands and I see there is no coverage option here however, I used to reside in NY and have a family address there. Can I qualify for coverage?

Do I Have to Get Dental for Children Under 18?

The statements regarding REQUIRED dental insurance for children under 18 is very convoluted! Is a parent required to provide dental insurance coverage for a child under 18 years of age? I recognize that some plans offer it as a benefit…my question is related to the requirement of it being absolute or selective.

How do I Calculate Full-Time Hours For Employee Who Takes Time Off?

We have an employee who works full-time. This employee takes off from time to time. There will be 2 months she works full time and then she might decide that she’s taking a month off to go to Mexico to visit family. Then she come back and wants full-time hours back. A month later she… Read More

Is There a Free or Low Cost Dental Program for Seniors?

My husband is disabled and has Medicare for insurance, but there is no dental insurance. As retired senior citizen he needs dental insurance, without dental coverage the costs are too high. I too am retired and I too have Medicare. My consider is my husband in dental insurance. Please direct me too someone who can help a senior citizens… Read More

Which Exemption to Apply For: Unable to Afford Coverage or Hardship (Ineligible for Medicaid)?

I’ve been reading about exemptions, and I’ve determined that I need to apply for one. It seems to me, however, that I could likely qualify for two: the exemption for those unable to afford coverage (if you live in a state using healthcare.gov), and the hardship exemption for those determined ineligible for Medicaid because their… Read More

Can Employers Mandate Waiting Periods?

Can an employer mandate a waiting period before employees are eligible for Insurance coverage based on length of employment.

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