What Options Does ObamaCare Someone With No Income?

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I recently applied for coverage for a friend of mine who is unemployed, and is on food stamps for help with food. He doesn’t qualify for Medicaid or Medicare. So we went through our local market place for the health insurance. This is where I was appalled at what I have seen. The lowest choice for him was 215 dollars a month with a 6,000 dollar deductible. I will not even go into the highest amount. but seriously that is ridiculous. Now with this law, you tell me how it is fair to expect someone who has no income to come up with that money for insurance. He has no income at all.
Poor people in rich country have just one right: die for free.
Other opinions are illusions.
Wake up.
So the situation is as follows person does not work, but has inherited money to take care of said person for the rest of her life. The policy she has now is insane 5600 dollar deductible and 998 dollars a month. What routes can she use to find a cheaper better plan.
Medicaid is the best option if your state expanded Medicaid (or if she otherwise qualifies in her state). Otherwise private insurance is, as we all know, expensive (but the only real option). If it was me I would likely choose a high deductible low premium plan and fully fund my HSA if Medicaid wasn’t an option… 9 times out of 10 it offers the best value. With that said, some would choose a more robust plan to avoid out-of-pocket costs and ensure better networks and benefits (even if the end result meant paying a little more).
Elizabeth jensen
I am currently unemployed and have no income. Zero. I’m being told I apply for wa Apple, but I Jane ZEO income. What do I do?
In states that expanded Medicaid, all adults with no income qualify for Medicaid (calling the marketplace or local medicaid office or going to a local hospital can result in you getting signed up). In states that didn’t, you’ll have to seek advice of entities like local hospitals, local charities, and the state medicaid office (i.e. there is no simple answer in that case).
I live in WA. I broke my arm in Montanta when visiting my brother. I have Obama Care and thought I would not be charged. But now they are billing me. At the time I had no income. Now I am getting about 645. It don’t even pay basic bills. I would had let it heal on its own if I had known. They didn’t set it and wrapped it with someting that fell off. I could had done that myself.
You can likely appeal this as breaking your arm out-of-state might be considered an emergency. I would appeal this, I can’t promise it’ll go your way, but it seems like you have ground to appeal.
Tanvir Ahmed
My parents has Obamacare in New Jersey with no income at all,they got 1095 A by mail,so if they didn’t make a penny in 2016 just beacaue they receive 1095-A do they have to file taxes or not.
Been out of work for past 6 year do to back an neck injury and having chess pain when walking to my mail box and back around 100ft and having nose bleed ever day and tiggling in my right arm and go num
I would like to have health cover’er
unsubsidized plan at $215???….In your dreams ! Most plans offered under ACA (Obamacare) cost anywhere from $400 to $600 plus Based on your qualifying income your premium responsibility maybe lowered to just a couple of hundred dollars. Less if you make less. Please understand that I am talking about BRONZE level plans with a $6k+ individual deductible and $13K+ FAMILY DEDUCTIBLE. Shouldn’t this basic level of coverage be considered CATASTROPHIC?. I am quite sure it would be for most individuals or families. Most ACA participants do not offer a CATASTROPHIC PLAN. If you get my drift they call it Bronze Level.
A premiums plan is based on your age, region, and whether you are a smoker. $215 for a non-subsidized plan is not unrealistic if you are a young non-smoker in a region where their reimbursement rates are lower because: the population is healthier or uses less care, there are less middle aged to 65 year olds (ACA capped the amount that insurers can charge their oldest to 3x their youngest even though it costs more than 3x as much to cover them), or the reimbursement rates are lower because of regional cost of living differences.
People who have zero income have no ability to jump through hoops or in other words research and find this information even if it does exist there are so many forms to fill out and that is if you have an address and a computer or other device available with a connection mind you to the internet… I think that generalizing an answer without knowing truly the specifics of the problem in regards to states especially and subsidizing is just a broad amount of jargon where as the answer given might be correct if painting an entire picture but doesn’t at all solve the person’s problem… I know this because I had spent countless hours going on a merry go round only to end up being threatened by the government with having a to get insurance I cannot afford whether I made a decent wage or not… Its a joke and by filling out a tax form with 0 income makes you liable to pay for the health insurance or be fined…
Burnny vonRatchild
I am sorry to inform you that catastrophic plan doesn’t exist in any options that I have found available… People who have zero income have no ability to jump through hoops or in other words research and find this information even if it does exist there are so many forms to fill out and that is if you have an address and a computer or other device available with a connection mind you to the internet… I think that generalizing an answer without knowing truly the specifics of the problem in regards to states especially and subsidizing is just a broad amount of jargon where as the answer given might be correct if painting an entire picture but doesn’t at all solve the person’s problem… I know this because I had spent countless hours going on a merry go round only to end up being threatened by the government with having a to get insurance I cannot afford whether I made a decent wage or not… Its a joke and by filling out a tax form with 0 income makes you liable to pay for the health insurance or be fined… My insurance for zero income was quoted to me at 365 per month so $250 seems like a bargain because prior to that before there was this bogus law that is very much unconstitutional regardless of what the supreme court says since none of them are in our shoes, I paid $187.. I was insured with that company continuously for 25 years and when my insurance was initiated it was like $89 a month and in $25 years do to inflation it went to $187 and that was with a $500 deductible at the end… Now to have anything close to that I would be at somewhere between $600 and $900 a month with a deductible of anywhere from 2500 to 5000… I think that the law and the people who wrote it didn’t know what they were doing or they did and lied to us… Anyhow this answer is typical since it doesn’t actually answer the question because there is no answer that is acceptable other than don’t sign up and don’t pay and when something happens that is catastrophic oh well it was a good life… You what did people do 100 years ago before we had technology that someone used to hold someone’s life and money over the fire… They just died or not well the healthcare system is the greediest self serving and worst if not borderline fraudulent criminally motivated debacles of all time perhaps… I know I have been treated by the besty quacks in the system…. I was never cured and still live with health issues which keep me from being gainfully employed on a consistent and regular basis… Unless I can be treated which requires me to spend money I don’t have, I cannot even begin to work and if I take a job that is menial then I will NOT make ends meet just the same…. I will have to fill out a tax form where it deducts or charges me for this scam law so why bother working to get further in debt! How do I survive IDK I live a day to day life and its do to others feeling sorry for me… Everything I ever had earned is gone… I am still paying a debt to a medical center that was incurred 4 years ago and that was for a 15 minute visit so they could write me a script for some $15 medicine that if I was in Mexico I could have just walked and bought it with out having Dr. Dad provide me with permission and a $5k bill for it…
I moved to Georgia three years ago and have had coverage at almost 300.00 per month only because my former job gave me a settlement spread across those years. next year I will have no coverage and no “income”. I am looking for a job, but what if I cannot find one? You cannot get Medicaid in Georgia. When I first came here I found out what happens with no insurance – I got sick (almost died), spent seven days in the hospital. They had me on glucose, checked my throat, did a cat scan, observed me for a week… $60,000.00.
My son is in Kentucky. Can you tell me how to file an exemption as he was turned down for the marketplace insurance
Toby pendleton
I income and don’t work
Tom Murphy
My son is currently unemployed, but needs healthcare. What options does he have? He is 31 years old.
C mark
How does someone pay ‘out of pocket’ for dr visit AND pay monthly insurance pymnt when they have little or no income?
They don’t but you will never hear or see anyone from the government admit this they will have you filling out endless paperwork and then deny you based on insufficiently providing them with information because if you have no address how do they contact you and bill you etc…. The only way they can get you to pay or owe them is to fill out a tax form where on it it states where you need to provide proof of insurance…if you fill out a tax form for 0 dollars hey will fine you for every year you did’t pay starting with the form you just filled out… When you are sick and need to see a doctor you just go tell them you have no address, no id, no social security card bury them if you have to but see its ok to lie because they are doing it to you by saying everyone is covered etc….Tell them your name is John or Jane Doe and you have never been treated or examined in your life and if they say anything say prove it. Then see what they do if they refuse you then you then they are in violation of the law as well… I think we the people are and have been lied to long enough and well maybe we should act like our government and treat them to the same…
reese mckenna
so the plan encourages people to work for cash jobs…
[email protected] Erin
I guess you could say that. Mostly it just encourages that people have access to the insurance they need at a price they can actually afford. It hasn’t succeeded in every case, that much is clear, but those who are trying to work their way up from poverty it has been incredibly helpful. Even in states that chose not to expand Medicaid those that work their way above 100% of the Federal Poverty Level usually find multiple insurance coverage options on the Marketplaces and because of the way Premium Tax Credits (PTC) and Cost Sharing Reduction Subsidies (CSR) scale down they find coverage options they never had before the Affordable Care Act. The ACA does disadvantage working families who are offered “afforable” employer coverage, but millions of working families whose employers have never offered coverage are now covered and young adults under 26 (who also tend to have lower incomes) have seen the largest increase in coverage because they can stay on their parent’s plan. There is room for improvement though, no one can deny that.
judith whitman
this is false. When I moved to Florida last year, I received Medicaid for one year due to the appeal with Medicaid In Indiana, due to back injury that affects entire left leg and foot weakness and excessive PAIN. On July 2016 I lost medicaid due to I cant work, Unable to have children, Im not 65 or older!!! I couldn’t afford medications or even see a physician I still cant work, difficulty sitting at a desk, constently standing sitting. cant bend with out lots of pain. dont sleep. Majorly depressed, the only option I have is to go to Health Dept, inwhich they cant help me with my back and legs due to the excessive pain I endore on a daily basis. Cost me 15.00 each visit inwhich I have to borrow money just dont know what to do!!!!
The information is correct, Florida didn’t expand Medicaid and I would guess that is why you are having the issues. Let me be clear, I am in the camp that thinks people in your situation should have access to Medicaid and that is why we advocate for expansion and urge states like Florida to find an alternative via the Medicaid expansion waiver.
Hi I am not in Texas, im in VA. I dont know if medicaid was extended or not. I have no income and recieved a medicaid plan called “plan first” which only covers free condoms and std tests. Its does not cover anything else, this is not health insurance. I only got it out of fear id be penalized for not having any insurance and lose any refund i would have gotten for the part of the year I did work.
When I was working I was making 25 to 30k (not much especially in VA) before Obamacare my private insurance was affordable and great, after ACA the plans got worse and worse but still sligjtly better than obamacare plans. Now im unemployed without insurance, ya know one of the “uninsured” that obamacare was supposed to get insured. The ACA makes no sense to me whatsoever and has put my health at risk.
James carnicom
I was in a bad car wreck last year. Broke everything. Have no way to make an income. Flat out disabled from 2 fractures of the spine. Denied ss. Denied Medicaid. Am I supposed to live in the woods until I die. Thank you gov. Scott. I hope someone in your family has to deal with the same thing.
Sad to hear. You can always try local assistance and charity and apply to Medicare. Another option is going to a public hospital and requesting help. Nothing is going to solve the above issues, but these are other potential options.
concern Vet and Mom
my daughter fell off my plan at 26 moved from Denver, back home to TN because of lack of finances and could not get coverage and has been without insurance for 1yr. My employer dropped my husband saying if its offered from his job, then he has to get insurance through them which is a small construction contractor and its more expensive so I have always covered him as well. Now I cannot afford my plan at work but as a veteran i can use my VA benefits….
Up to now I have NEVER used my VA coverage for 23yrs, I worked and paid for insurance for my family. Now I will opt out of my insurance at work and just chance it and save $5000.
However my youngest daughter 23 will not be covered and only works PT and a student, now I’m concerned that Marketplace will also say she has to pay $223/month only making $600 month….
How can they both get insurance? I have had conversations with others who pay nothing but a deductible. How is this possible? it seems to me a draw from a hat….. no consistency… is it who we get on the phone when we call?
Jennifer Tipton
I have no income & I’m very sick with COPD & can’t go to doctor or get meds I need help
Naomi Holliday
This was helpful.thank you
alexandra spinney
where can i get health insurance if i have no income
Pat Newman
I am in Florida. I lost my job in March. As I struggle to try to even get an interview I applied to Medicaid for coverage. I was promptly rejected as disqualified. When I called they told me I was not disabled nor am I 65 years old, therefore they will not cover me. I have NO income and am on food stamps. Soon I will be evicted from my home. Last year I was penalized $350 for not have insurance during the 90 day waiting period at a new employer. This is rediculous!! If I were an Immigrant I would get insurance but I am a tax payer and I can’t.
Mary Ann
Immigrants who are not legal or covered under DACA do not get ACA coverage, nor do they get food stamps or Medicaid or any of the other federal or state programs most people think they get.
Very true. See: https://obamacarefacts.com/2017/09/07/obamacare-and-daca-facts-and-myths/
Michael Greene
I am on disability unable to work I have a Medicare card but is out but it’s can someone help how can I get some help from the government I am very sick diabetic neuropathy the heart is only working at 35% i’m having a hard time getting insulin for my diabetes I require two shots a day
I am a full time graduate student, I don’t expect to have income for this year till after I graduate on July 2016. I applied to marketplace on December 2015 and i was eligible for $262/month declaring $0 income, and i bought a health insurance for $316/month. What I am reading in here, i am afraid of losing my health insurance. If i don’t qualify for market place with no income than what should i do? Currently i am having some health problems and i cannot afford to lose my healthinsurance. is it possible to keep the same health insurance even if i pay the full amount myself? I don’t qualify for Medicaid, because i have been a resident for only 4 years and you need 5 to qualify for it.
I am a full time graduate student, I don’t expect to have income for this year till after I graduate on July 2016. I applied to marketplace on December 2015 and i was eligible for $262/month with $0 income, and i bought a health insurance for $316/month. What I am reading in here, i am afraid of losing my health insurance. If i don’t qualify for market place with no income than what should i do? Currently i am having some health problems and i cannot afford to lose my healthinsurance. is it possible to keep the same health insurance even if i pay the full amount myself?
Oh my gosh, I made a little over 9 grand and got 2 grand in unemployment now I’m back to working part time. So, because I only made 9 grand I will pay higher for Obamacare?
You are really close to the 100% poverty level, but yes if your state didn’t expand Medicaid it could mean that you don’t qualify for tax credits. If you project to earn more you can get advanced credits based on a reasonable projection though. You don’t get punished for falling short, but make sure it’s reasonable estimates (because lying about income is defrauding the IRS, and that isn’t a good practice).
I am a full time graduate student, I don’t expect to have income for this year till after I graduate on July 2016. I applied to marketplace on December 2015 and i was eligible for $262/month with $0 income, and i bought a health insurance for $316/month. What I am reading in here, i am afraid of losing my health insurance. If i don’t qualify for market place with no income than what should i do? Currently i am having some health problems and i cannot afford to lose my healthinsurance. is it possible to keep the same health insurance even if i pay the full amount myself?
Robert S.
Apply for an exemption where? how? I am in Texas. Right now I go to the Center for Health Care Services. They have applied for SSI for me. I am looking for a job but I honestly doubt anyone will hire me. If they do, I may be unable to maintain the job because of mental impairment. It’s 4:35am and I haven’t been to sleep yet.
Here is all the info on exemptions. Only some need to be applied for in advance. https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-exemptions-list/
My suggestion is to get local assistance. Texas isn’t very progressive on expanding Medicaid, but they tend to have some good local assistance programs.
The only people who don’t qualify for subsidies are low/no income people? That’s very Ayn Rand of Obama. I wouldn’t have expected that from him. Is this political payback for the states that didn’t expand Medicaid? It seems like there ought to be some federal provision in the plan for these people.
Anyway, where do you apply for catastrophic insurance from after you’ve gone through the humiliating process of being rejected by medicaire?
No that is very Ayn Rand of the Libertarians and Republican’s who orchestrated the Supreme Court case that let states opt-out of expansion, which they did. So it’s just another day in the office, unless you are one of 5 million of our nations poorest who will go without proper healthcare due to political games and ideology.
To your question, you simply let healthcare.gov know and they will walk you through the process. You’ll likely need the rejection letter as proof of rejection.
Aside from the fact that impoverished citizens in those *twenty* states are rejected or still unable to afford healthcare due to outrageous (now mandatory) costs, by not including federal provisions to properly account for, reduce, or nullify insulting penalties against these citizens in said states presents a blatant divisive intention by this administration. The whole thing appears to be a subversive plan to legally rob people and divide the country while claiming the exact opposite. Regardless, overall, we the people have brought this treachery upon ourselves.
I’d argue that Medicaid’s price-tag per recipient, especially considering the way costs are split, is pretty reasonable. It’s on par with what we pay to give people tax credits. Plus I mean we are talking about the sick and poor. If anything let them have the dang insurance and let’s crack down in some other areas to make it work.
To your point about splitting and dividing, yeah, agree let us not fall into that trap. Both sides seem more than happy to do that, ultimately I’d bet we all want the same thing: reasonable healthcare costs and a generally effective and fair non-politicized healthcare system.
Yes, we do want a “healthcare” system indeed. Unfortunately we have a “government healthcare” system. This is great news on many levels, not among the least of which is the fact history has proven every time; whatever the government gets it’s hands on always works great with no hitches and is ethical and terribly efficient.
Well we have a mixed-system. Its quasi-private quasi-public, describe it how you will, it is not purely public.
I do agree that government often complicates things, but the private market is incentivized to do the same without government. In terms of things like healthcare and education we are left in a near impossible task of figuring out how to mix these systems without making things worse.
This country is a JOKE,,They want 364.00 a month for health ins.I have no income at the moment.So this is the law hey obama why dnt you pay for it
If you have no income you should look into free or low cost coverage from Medicaid. 30 states expanded Medicaid under the law. The other 20 rejected it. ObamaCare in states that rejected ObamaCare only helps those who make between 100% – 400% of the poverty level (in regards to cost assistance for premiums).
Robert S.
Just Curious. If we have no income and we cant pay a fine do we go to jail. The federal pen because we cant afford health insurance. At least healthcare is free…at least in TDCJ.
You don’t go to jail (no one can be put in jail for not owing the fee). If you have no income you don’t owe the fee. In 31 states you get free coverage through Medicaid.
you are correct,
I am in the same page like you.
i lost job since 7 month ago. my mom-dad doesn’t qualify for medicare or medicaid. i have two kids.
total family size is 5 without job and still i have to pay for health insurance. Mr. Obama has to pay for it. I don’t have money. Texas has very bad rules, we all are legal resident but still we are not qualifying for medicare or medicaid.
I’m in the same boat in texas. I have been trying to get a job that offers some kind of health benefits but i can’t get anything. I tried to get obamacare but it costs more than i can pay. I am in so much medical debt because of this I’ll end up dying early. Thanks for killing me Obama.
Just so we are clear it was Texas who declined to expand free coverage to you via Medicaid. ObamaCare had it in the wording and decided against it. So did some know the result would be people being mad at OBAMA care? Well one would have to assume this was precisely the point. No one likes being duped, but we should make sure we give credit where credit is due in regards to those who have duped us.
William McClellan
You can’t put all the blame on Texas. If it was not for Obamacare and its stupid ass fine for not having healthcare this situation would not have come up. If you cannot find a policy you can afford or use then why should it be forced onto you. I am in same situation. Unemployed no money whatsoever and the minimum policy it shows is 275.00. That shows a catastrophic policy 550.00 a month. Thanks but no thanks I am not signing up for something I cannot afford because some stupid ass says I have to
No 100% of the blame belongs with Texas when it comes to Medicaid expansion. End of story. The law called for it, Texas rejected it, now over a million Texans have no health insurance options. We would also blame Texas for being one of the states with the most power who is pushing back agains the ACA in general. That aside…
You are referring to the private and subsidized private market. We don’t blame Texas for that anymore than the ways in which the state insurance board and local legislation has had an impact (which is true for all states).
The point IS that if we don’t want Health insurance we shouldn’t be FORCED to have it or be fined!!!
Funkk Obama
This is a ridiculous argument. Without Obamacare, premiums would be back where they were before all of this mess was created, which was actually affordable for catastrophic plans.
Yes, you are right, if insurers could sell junk plans then junk plans would be cheaper. I am all for allowing this. Not sure I ever said I wasn’t.
The idea that premiums were affordable is kind of a junk argument though. One, with cost assistance plans are now more affordable for many, two, for many premiums were rising faster than inflation before the law… that is why the law was passed in the first place:
Unfortunately those who have any savings or own property don’t qualify for Medicaid. So the idea that someone who’s having a rough patch can be saved by Medicaid is false. Find a way to pay the premiums it forfeit all you have saved. Most hospitals we’re run by churches and the ACA has ended the concept of “,charity care”. Bragging that 1% GDP growth rates were the new normal, implementing untenable insurance scams underwritten by looting federal mortgage insurance profits, and 20$ trillion in crushing natl debt are Pres Obama’s legacy and the primary reason HRC missed her corronation
In all states that expanded Medicaid access to Medicaid is based on income only.
The only states that can follow special rules are states that rejected expansion.
The only caveat here is for long-term care. In those cases there is rules for property and assets. See: https://www.elderlawanswers.com/medicaids-asset-rules-12016
So the idea that someone who is having a rough patch case you Medicaid is 100% correct. You I think are misunderstanding the rules.
I am not in Texas but I agree with what you said and it should be known we are being screwed by big businesses and government where we need less of both.. The healthcare industry is a scam and they extort money from everybody who is forced to use them and now they went one step further and made it a law and us criminals….This is when inmates in the prisons get it for free and never have to spend hours filling out forms only to be denied for some reason…
Jamila wheeler
I have the same problem no Income but I need cocerage
John Doe
It stupid that i have to pay for something i did not even use. That called forcing something on people who did not even want it, and that should be a crime. People who do not want to be insured should not have to be fined for not having it. That another example of the government over stepping it grounds, and that is a crime. If you think you can come up with something to say about that, think about this, You didn’t have a job and the whole year you tried over and over to get a job, and time after time you got denied. So how are you expected to pay for a Tax that you do not even have the money for. So don’t give answer you have no right answering. This Free heath care is a rip off just to the government can get more money to spend on them self. I do not think that our founding fathers did not fight for us to pay for a tax, that will end up pay all of our hard earned money that we worked hard for.
I was not in a car accident last year yet I had to purchase Auto Insurance what a scam I don’t think anyone should be required to purchase Auto Insurance for the same reasons that you give
In my state auto insurance protects others from your actions and costs about 50$ month. If your operating a machine that can destroy lives on public roadways then yes you need a policy that reimburses monetarily those you harm from your actions. Very different than ACA, which makes me wonder if you do have an auto insurance policy in the first place
Well there are different mandatory insurance types. Each serves a different function. Workers’ comp is one, it doesn’t work like health insurance, but its important and mandated. Auto insurance is another. There is an argument here on both sides.
You’re welcome!
Tara Richter
So, thank you Rick Perry and Gregg Abbott
I live in Okla. i’m disabled as of a wreck 2.5 years ago. I have no income at all. Living off savings thats going away daily. I have an atty working on getting me disability. I have NO INCOME!! So, how am I supposed to pay for insurance I cant afford, or be penalized for not having it?