Why Was I Denied Health Coverage Based on Income in PA?

You are under the impression people are getting free help, you now know this isn’t true in many states, including PA. In fact getting help can be hard, and many times it’s only offered to those with high enough incomes.

Can I Switch from COBRA to ObamaCare?

During open enrollment you can switch from COBRA to ObamaCare’s Marketplace at anytime, outside of open enrollment you must wait until COBRA ends.

Why Do I Owe Money for ObamaCare on my Tax Returns?

You probably owe the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment since you only had qualifying health coverage for 5 months out of the year. This fee is charged on your year-end tax return. You could also owe money if you didn’t claim exemptions on form 8965, or you received too much money in tax credits up front.

Travel Exemption Over Multiple Years?

You can use any 330 day period outside the US for ObamaCare’s travel exemption. This means you can have two exempt periods in the same year of 12 months each.

Am I Covered For Preexisting Conditions on BCBS Idaho?

No insurer can deny you for preexisting conditions, once you start the plan all treatment is covered. Treatment sought before your plan started isn’t covered, but ALL treatment that counts as a covered benefit is covered at the plans cost sharing amount.

Requirements for Employers to Notify Employees of Eligibility?

Starting 2015 employers with over 200 employees need to auto-enroll employees with an opt-out. Employers with less need to let their employees know about their health coverage options, then offer no more than a 90 day waiting period for coverage to start.

How Does ObamaCare Affect Tax Brackets?

The ACA doesn’t directly affect tax brackets, however Americans can use a Health Savings Account to lower their household income. This can help them qualify for more cost assistance and potentially lower the rate at which they are taxed

What if my Employer Coverage has a High Deductible?

You can decline your employer’s offer and opt for a MarketPlace Health Insurance Plan. However, this probably won’t be more affordable for you unless you qualify for Health Care Subsidies. Since you’re offered an employer-sponsored plan, you will not be eligible for ObamaCare Cost Assistance subsidies unless the plan is unaffordable or inadequate.

Can You Help me Find the Projected Affordability Form?

Unfortunately, we can’t help you with this. As an unofficial source for factual information on ObamaCare, we do not and cannot file tax or marketplace application forms for you. We recommend contacting whomever originally requested this form from you.

ObamaCareFacts is a free informational site. It's privately owned, and is not owned, operated, or endorsed by the US federal government or state governments. Our contributors have over a decade of experience writing about health insurance. However, we do not offer professional official legal, tax, or medical advice. See: Legal Information and Cookie Policy. For more on our company, learn About ObamaCareFacts.com or Contact us.