Can I Keep my Marketplace Health Insurance if I Get a Job?

If I get a job that offers insurance, can I keep the MarketPlace policy I have now and just pay the additional portion covered by the the subsidy?

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How do they figure the 9.5%? Let’s say one was out of work for a few months and would soon be eligible for insurance through their new employer. They already have a marketplace plan and would like to keep it (Employer only offers worthless United plans).

Do you take the expected annual income vs. how much it would have cost to insure them for the entire year (had they been eligible – i.e. weekly cost x 52) or do they somehow go month by month?


Great question. It is (from what I understand) always based on annual figures. So you take your monthly premium and x12 and compare that to your projected household income (which is roughly MAGI plus dependents AGI). You then compare that to the federal poverty level.

Could be less complicated, but that is the gist.


My husband and I currently have insurance through the market place and I just got a job. The job insurance is offered to my whole family. My husband is scheduled to have surgery in the next 2 months and his ortho isn’t covered with the new work insurwnce…what would happen if I was to accept my work insurance for just me and leave him with Obama care? Or could I get my work insurance for the both of us and also keep Obama care for the next 2-3 months as well until he had his surgery. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!



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