Travel Exemption Over Multiple Years?

I am a U.S. citizen currently traveling outside the country. I left the U.S. on October 15th,2014 and will not be returning until September 27th, 2015. I believe this meets the 330 day exemption, but how do I spread this out over 2 years on my tax forms? Do I need to pay the penalty on the 9 months of 2014 that I did not have insurance, even if I was not employed for some of them? Also will I be able to get an exemption for my 2015 taxes since I will have been out of the U.S. for 330+ days by the time I return? Finally, when I do return to the U.S. will I have to wait for open enrollment or will I be able to sign up for Obamacare immediately? Thank you.

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