Marketplace Appeals Length and Proving Income

You can appeal any HealthCare.Gov or state Marketplace decision in regards to coverage or cost. Typically the process will take 90 days at most.
You can appeal any HealthCare.Gov or state Marketplace decision in regards to coverage or cost. Typically the process will take 90 days at most.
All Silver plans offered on the Health Insurance Marketplace offer cost sharing reduction subsidy options. The amount of reduction you qualify for is based on your projected income.
In most cases the application process for ObamaCare’s Marketplace is immediate. In some cases the application could take verification
US citizens, nationals, and lawfully present immigrants can get ObamaCare’s Marketplace coverage, undocumented immigrants can’t, and Medicaid has special rules.
You have until April 30, 2015 to enroll in a Marketplace plan if you don’t have coverage and would owe the fee from 2014.
The only way to switch carriers outside of ObamaCare’s open enrollment period is via a special enrollment period.
If you have been out of the country and move back to the US then it triggers a special enrollment period to get coverage outside of open enrollment.
Access to cost assistance is based on filing status. If you plan to file separately then you can get an individual plan with tax credits, even if you aren’t divorced.
If a single person get’s married they can use special enrollment to switch to a family plan. They will need to adjust tax credits on form 8962 at the end of the year.
If you have to move from one state to another enroll at least 30 days before you move so your new coverage can start when the old one ends. You’ll need to apply for a special enrollment period.
When you sign-up for ObamaCare’s Health Insurance Marketplace you’ll project income based on your expected household income for the year, if you are unsure make an educated guess and consider only taking part of the tax credit up front
Any legal US resident can enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. Subsidies are offered to anyone that qualifies, but Medicaid and CHIP have restrictions in many states.
The best health insurance plan for an individual or family is going to depend on the income and needs of that family. With that said, many will find a marketplace plan that qualifies for cost assistance to be the best value for them. Very generally speaking the best health plan when it comes to benefits… Read More
Applying and enrolling aren’t the same thing. For most people the application process takes 15 minutes. Getting the application approved can take longer
You can get ObamaCare as a secondary insurance, but you can’t get tax credits on it. Generally holding more than one comprehensive insurance plan makes no sense.
If you tried to change your health plan, but the change didn’t go through, here is what you do.
You can log into the marketplace to see if your plan was renewed. You can also call your insurer. In general only some plans auto-renew, so you’ll want to check by December 15th each year.
If you can’t pay your health insurance premium through the Marketplace, you can simply call up your insurer and pay them.
Everything You Need to Know About Changing Plans During ObamaCare’s Open Enrollment Peroid Each Year The only time you can change health plans under ObamaCare is during open enrollment or a special enrollment period. Verify info or change plans by Dec 15 to ensure you have the right plan and cost assistance starting January 1st. Although you can’t change plans… Read More
What is a Qualified Health Plan? Under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) is a health plan certified by the marketplace to meet new benefit and cost sharing standards. Qualified Health Plans include all the metal plans sold on the marketplace and count as minimum essential coverage. Let’s take a look… Read More
How to Use Your State’s Health Insurance Marketplace to Buy “Affordable” Health Insurance ObamaCare’s Health Insurance Marketplace, or ObamaCare Marketplace, is your State’s price comparison website for subsidized health insurance under the ACA. The following guide will explain the marketplace and how you, your family, and your business can compare health plans and qualify for… Read More
The Health Insurance Exchanges Explained: A Complete Unbiased Guide to the ObamaCare Health Insurance Marketplace. Our Health Insurance Exchange Guide makes using ObamaCare’s Health Insurance Marketplace easy. Get how-to’s, tips and tricks on using the marketplace. Our guide covers everything from applying for premium tax credits and out-of-pocket cost assistance, to comparing qualifying health plans,… Read More
Qualifying for Coverage Outside of Open Enrollment A special enrollment period is a period outside of open enrollment in which you can get coverage due to qualifying life events. You may qualify for special enrollment if you have certain “qualifying life events” like a change in family status (having a baby, getting married, adoption, etc), losing… Read More
Updates on the ObamaCare Website (HealthCare.Gov) The official ObamaCare website, that is the official health insurance marketplace website under the Affordable Care Act, is We explain the history of HealthCare.Gov and how it works. The History of the Health Insurance Marketplace The health insurance marketplace was created by the Affordable Care Act as a… Read More
How to Sign up for Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act To sign up for ObamaCare, go to HealthCare.Gov or find your state’s health insurance marketplace, create an account, then enroll in a plan. Sign up for ObamaCare during open enrollment. Directions for signing up, details on cost assistance, fees, enrollment periods, and information… Read More