Falsely Dropping Me

Now I’m without health insurance. I don’t blame Obama Care on this. There needs to be a fix here.
A complete archive of user generated stories pertaining to ObamaCare (the Affordable Care Act).
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Now I’m without health insurance. I don’t blame Obama Care on this. There needs to be a fix here.
In 2014 we enrolled in Obamacare after my husband lost his job when diagnosed with epilepsy. We send in our premium on, got our cards and although the premium was much higher than we ever anticipated, we thought we were all good. Month 2 – sent our premium in and rec’d a full refund saying… Read More
Now that is the good and I still think this is a good program, however the implementation still needs a lot of work.
I unexpected developed several life-threatening health conditions at the age of 59. Because of Obamacare I have been able to get insurance and essential medications.
The story title speaks for it’s self. The family glitch has made my wife insurance unaffordable but mandatory since my job only pays my insurance and not kids or spouse.
I have been working for Government Agency for nine years part time, working between 30 to 37 hours per week; and I was told that under his act I can only work 29 hours per week.
I work for a non profit. My insurance premium has doubled and I have to pay for my husbands premium at a higher rate than mine. If one spouse works and gets coverage then you sort of must pay for other spouse, anyway the rates are about the same on the “exchange”. Last year in… Read More
My husband and I applied for insurance through our state marketplace. Mostly because we were told we needed to apply. After I applied I was found to be eligible for Medicare because I am disabled. It took several months to cancel my coverage, but I was able to do so. The other problem is that… Read More
i qualified for a subsidy thankfully which allows me to be on a great plan with everything i need at a very manageable monthly cost.
I am the mother of a son that does not have a job although he is married and in a same sex marriage. He cannot get health insurance because his husband refuses to tell his employer to add him to the health insurance plan.
It is so absurd, ridiculously insensitively how a part-time, struggling, educated person striving for full-time employment face outrageous tax penalty.
About 71% of Americans made less than $50,000 last year. I can’t verify the following facts, but your blood should boil
Ted Cruz Receives Taxpayer Subsidized Health Insurance Ted Cruz became the GOP spokesperson for the 16-day Government shutdown over ObamaCare. One of his main criticisms of the law is it’s cost to taxpayers, specifically due to subsidies offered to low-to-middle income Americans and the fact that large employers will have to offer coverage to full-time… Read More
Obamacare while pretty good is flawed and has holes in it which anyone can fall through.
In 2012, I spent over $30K in out of pocket expenses trying to find doctors that can actually help my daughter. My family now has a portfolio of effective doctors, but they are all at different facilities. None of them is covered by Medicaid; none of them is covered by any one provider network except… Read More
Sunmitted by family member. Employee has worked “part time” 40 hours a week for Kroger Fuel Center for more than three years. Their Full-line (grocery employees) are considered “full-time” if they work more than 20hrs a week, including their store managers. The “full-time” employees are offered the equivalent of a Silver plan on the marketplace…. Read More
Thankfully, my children have been able to qualify for Medicaid in the State of Nebraska. But our State does not want to have expanded Medicaid. My husband and I are self-employed and do not make enough money to be able to qualify for tax subsidized health insurance for ourselves. So we fall into the “Opt… Read More
I am very lucky. I work hard. 60 hours per week. My small business supplies health insurance for all employees. Yes, our rates have about doubled in 4 years. I am not at all surprised. This is what happened right before our eyes. Pres Bobo tricked insurance companies into the ACA. Of course they supported… Read More
I signed up for my insurance in May, my first payment was in June. My monthly payments at the time were $77.13 a month. Come October 1, 2015, my premium went up to $149.13. I called and waited on hold for more than 30 minutes total of my 3 attempts… and no one could explain… Read More
I am back in college and unable to work the minimum required hours to keep me and my husbands insurance through my work. My only option was “the marketplace”, every “private” insurance I look into seems to be linked back to Obamacare. Last year I purchased the absolute lowest catastrophic plan, since our $60k income… Read More
As of January, 2016, our Healthcare provider has notified us that our rates will more than double. They increased by almost 20% from 2013 to 2014. There is no logic in not having every single American citizen pay on some level for care they receive, barring the elderly and disabled.
Hi I would like to point out a HUGE problem with the health care as it stands. My question is “what can I do about getting it changed?” I’m sure your answer will be “absolutely nothing…good luck.” but I’ll ask anyway. My husband and I are low income. when he was working for an employer… Read More
As a healthy 30 year old male with no prior history of illness beyond typical colds, the occasional flu, and a few stitches here and there, seeing my health insurance premiums go from $150 before the Affordable Health Care Act was implemented to $250/month for 2015, and now $425/month for 2016 for the Gold Plan… Read More
I applied to ObamaCare and it was the only thing that kept us going. I have one medication that costs over $3,500 a month, and between us our SS payments are around $2500 a month. With ObamaCare we were able to manage my medications. Next year I have to sign up for Medicare and I… Read More
They just redefined all these 2-person businesses so they could force us to go onto the individual health insurance market to fund all the subsidies.