177,082 People Selected Plans Using HealthCare.Gov on Week One Open Enrollment

177,082 people selected plans using the HealthCare.gov during week one of open enrollment (Nov 1 – 2) according to CMS data.
Check out our ObamaCare news archive to get the latest news on the Affordable Care Act or to thumb through news articles stretching back to 2012.
177,082 people selected plans using the HealthCare.gov during week one of open enrollment (Nov 1 – 2) according to CMS data.
A new analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows the richest Americans would save billions if the ACA was repealed.
Open Enrollment for 2020 plans started Nov 1st and runs until Dec 15, 2019 in most states. Open enrollment is in most cases your only chance to enroll in health plan and see if you qualify for cost assistance without qualifying for Special Enrollment each year.
Premiums are dropping by 4% on average on marketplace plans. This the second year in a row premiums have dropped.
A federal judge has overturned transgender protections under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) by the Judge who ruled ACA illegal.
The open enrollment period for 2020 starts November 1st and ends Dec 15th 2019.
a New GFRC study shows that hospital borrowing costs were lowered under the Affordable Care Act ObamaCare.
According to a 2018 Census report on health coverage, for all ages and all insurance types: in 2018, 8.5% of people, or 27.5 million, did not have health insurance at any point during the year. That number increased from 2017’s 7.9%, or 25.6 million.
According to a recent study that looked at census data, the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) has closed the coverage gap between rich and poor by 44% and between whites and minorities by 27%.
CMS data shows that marketplace enrollment was down by 1.2 million for 2017 – 2018 for those who didn’t qualify for cost assistance. However it was up 300,000 for those that did qualify.
A recent study found that states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) saw a decrease in deaths compared to non-expansion states.
Joe Biden announced his “ObamaCare 2.0” plan. This plan preserves the most popular parts of the ACA, but adds other popular items like negotiating Medicare drug prices and adding a public option.
ObamaCare could be in a very odd sort of jeopardy. Conservative lower-court judges are openly questioning if “anyone” (specifically, attorney generals from Democratic states and the house) have the right to appeal the lower-court ruling that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.
The ACA is going to end up in the Supreme Court again. This time it is insures bringing a lawsuit against the Federal Government for refusing to reimburse them as required by the ACA.
According to a Penn Medicine study people are less likely to die of heart disease in states that expanded Medicaid.
Appeals arguments are set for July 9th in the lawsuit that could decide the fate of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).
The Trump Administration has deleted the official “ObamaCare Facts” section on HHS called “Facts & Features.” Luckily, WayBack Machine archives everything, so we still have access. If you want to find out a ton of ObamaCare Facts you can always check our independent website, but you can also check the internet archives. Here is the… Read More
A new rule passed by the Trump Administration protects healthcare works who refuse care based on religious or conscientious objection.
The Trump administration recently affirmed their support for the case that declares the ACA illegal, and as such it is likely to make its way to the Supreme Court eventually. However, on the opposite side of things, Wisconsin has fully removed itself from the lawsuit.
In mid-April Bernie Sanders made the case for Medicare-for-All during an appearance on Fox News Town Hall.
Doug Elmendorf, the former director of the Congressional Budget Office from 2009 to 2015, did an interview with Yahoo Finance where he voiced opinions on the ACA and healthcare reform.
While recent polls have shown that key provisions of the ACA in aspects of healthcare reform have the favor of the majority regardless of political affiliation, an April 1st 2019 Gallup poll shows America is split on the ACA as a whole.
According to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll, most Americans want to see lower prices and the current protections and benefits of the ACA upheld or expanded. Meanwhile, about 30% are against Medicare-for-all and about 30% are for ACA repeal.
Here are some quick tips for filling healthcare related taxes by the April 15th 2019 deadline for 2018 taxes.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a motion to expedite the case against the Affordable Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare).