Americans Less Likely to Die of Heart Disease in Medicaid Expansion States

According to a Penn Medicine study people are less likely to die of heart disease in states that expanded Medicaid.

This study doesn’t just have implications in respect to the human factor, in that the lead cause of death in America (especially in terms of the uninsured) is causing less deaths.

This study has implications in respect to spending on healthcare.

Counties in states that expanded Medicaid averaged 4.3 fewer cardiovascular disease deaths per 100,000 residents after researchers accounted for demographic, clinical, economic and health access factors. That equated to about 2,000 fewer heart disease deaths each year, nationwide.

Get the full story from (People are less likely to die of heart disease in states that expanded Medicaid, Penn Medicine study finds) or check out the Penn Medicine study Association of Medicaid Expansion With Cardiovascular Mortality.

Findings  In this difference-in-differences analysis, states that expanded eligibility for Medicaid had a significantly smaller increase in rates of cardiovascular mortality for middle-aged adults after expansion than states that did not expand Medicaid.

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of,, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. is a...

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