Study Finds ACA Lowers Risk of Bankruptcy; Especially For Low Income Americans

A recent study has concluded that the ACA may be helping to reduce bankruptcy rates, especially for low income Americans.
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A recent study has concluded that the ACA may be helping to reduce bankruptcy rates, especially for low income Americans.
When you lose employer based coverage for any reason other than non-payment you qualify for special enrollment in the health insurance marketplace (HealthCare.Gov or your state marketplace).
A recent study has shown that states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) have seen less cancer deaths.
Trump has stated he will continue to support the ACA lawsuit that could lead to the law being declared illegal, but not everyone in the GOP agrees.
The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of insurers after Republicans in Congress defunded the ACA’s risk adjustment program used to pay insurers. The US government will now have to pay health insurance companies $12 billion.
Some states gave residents without health insurance an extra special enrollment due to COVID. However, many of those state deadlines are coming up. Make sure to enroll ASAP if you haven’t already. Please note this does not impact other special enrollment windows such as the window if you lose your job. For more on state… Read More
If you lose health insurance for any other reason than non-payment, for example if you lost coverage because you lost your job, you qualify for special enrollment in ObamaCare’s health insurance marketplace.
The Trump administration has said no to a special enrollment period for coronavirus, that means those without health insurance will have to stay without it despite the pandemic in most states.
Politico is reporting that the Trump administration is considering reopening ObamaCare’s enrollment by creating a special enrollment due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Some states have extended special enrollment under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) due to coronavirus.
Social distancing can help slow the spread of communicable diseases like coronavirus. Slowing the spread means less pressure on the healthcare system. Less pressure on the healthcare system means it can do a better job of delivering care to people who are sick.
A new bill from Congress includes provisions that increase Medicaid funding and offer coverage for COVID-19 testing without cost.
According to a Feb 2020 Kaiser Family Foundation poll the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is more popular than ever.
Senate Democrats have urged Trump to get the DOJ to defend the ACA in the ongoing ObamaCare lawsuit. Right now the Trump administration is refusing to defend the federal law.
The proposed Trump Budget released in 2020 includes about $1 trillion in cuts for Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).
The Supreme Court has refused to hear an expedited appeal of a decision that could spell the end of the ACA pushed for by Democrats.
Trump recently claimed in a Tweet that he saved pre-existing conditions. It is unclear as to what he is referring to, since pre-existing conditions were protected by ObamaCare and repeal efforts were led by Republicans under the Trump administration.
The Trump administration has suggested waiting on sending the court case that will determine the fate of the ACA to the Supreme Court until after the election.
According to preliminary data, CMSs says enrollment in ObamaCare’s marketplace was down by about 200,000 from last year with 8.3 million enrolling in a 2020 plan.
On Dec 18 a Federal appeals court ruled that ObamaCare’s individual mandate was unconstitutional. It did not however decide on the fate of ObamaCare as a whole.
If you had issues enrolling in HealthCare.Gov and needed to get a last minute extension, today (Dec 18) is your last chance. After this options will be limited. Find out what to do if you miss the deadline. Find out more about the rules for the last minute extension.
People are getting three extra days to enroll in coverage at HealthCare.Gov. The extended deadline is Dec 18, 2019. The deadline is due to some shoppers having last minute problems using the website to sign up / enroll. With the above noted, customers need to have at least tried to sign up by Dec 15… Read More
Open enrollment ends Dec 15 in most states for the 2019 – 2020 open enrollment season. However, some states have issued extensions.
Open enrollment ends Dec 15. That means you have until Dec 15 to enroll in a plan, renew a plan, update your account for cost assistance, etc.
Democrats have lost a vote in the Senate 43-52 that would have overturned a Trump administration rule that made it easier for states to opt out of some of the ACA’s health insurance requirements.