ObamaCare Remains in Effect During Appeal

The Texas federal judge who struck down the entire Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) issued a stay on Sunday Dec 30 2018. That means ObamaCare will remain in effect while the ruling is appealed. This is good news for anyone who is getting cost assistance, who has a preexisting condition, or who otherwise depends on the… Read More

Obama Tweets to Promote ObamaCare

Barack Obama did a promo for signing up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Make sure to sign up for the Dec 15 deadline. Cost assistance is available to many based on income, don’t forget to check out your options. No jump shots. No ferns. No memes. Not this time. I’m going… Read More

ObamaCare Did Well in the Midterms

Given the midterm elections, it looks like Medicaid will be expanded in Utah, Nebraska, and Idaho. Plus, with Dems taking the house the chances of an ACA repeal are slim for now. On top of that, Maine and Kansas elected governors who support Medicaid expansion.

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