Being Denied Medicaid or CHIP

Being denied Medicaid or CHIP may grant you access to a special enrollment period, an exemption, and/or catastrophic coverage depending upon your situation
Being denied Medicaid or CHIP may grant you access to a special enrollment period, an exemption, and/or catastrophic coverage depending upon your situation
HealthCare.Gov is allowing those who signed-up, but didn’t complete enrollment until Feb 22nd to enroll. Other state’s have unique extensions as seen below.
By the end of open enrollment 2015 an estimated 11.4 million people were enrolled in ObamaCare.
I lost my job in September and have been receiving unemployment since October. I have multiple health problems that made it impossible to get insurance last year. I was able to get coverage that began as of January 1. The coverage I had was awesome in that all my medication and my primary doctor visits… Read More
If you created a Marketplace account for 2015, in most cases, you have until February 22nd to complete your enrollment process for ObamaCare.
If you missed the health insurance February 15 deadline, health plan options include Special Enrollment, Medicaid, CHIP, and Short Term Health Insurance.
If you are running out of time to enroll in a Marketplace plan for 2015, follow the steps below to ensure you get covered.
Barring any official extensions, today February 15th, 2015 is the last day to enroll in a health plan for 2015.
My name is Joseph D’Andrea. I proudly served in the U.S Navy for 6 years. I recently got separated and now working 3 part-time jobs and finishing my degree in accounting this year. I can not find a full-time job because I don’t have a degree. I went to the Hawaii health connector because I… Read More
There may be an extra enrollment period during tax season due to an ObamaCare enrollment extension that would let people sign-up and avoid the fee.
Come 2017 Arkansas plans to create a “private option” alternative to Medicaid that uses a single pool for nearly 190,000 under the 138% Poverty Level.
The new Federal Marketplace enrollment numbers are in from HHS for January 31st to February 6th. Read the whole Open Enrollment Week 12: January 31, 2015 – February 6, 2015 report from HHS (posted Feb 11, 2015), or see the highlights below. Week 12 Enrollment Highlights Since November 15th 7.75 million are enrolled in HealthCare.Gov (the Federal… Read More
I gave birth to my son in 1994. I was 16 years old. His father was a crack dealer. I never did drugs in my life but I loved him and believed I could change him. He was young too, 19 years old. I was raised poor and now at 37 year old, I am… Read More
Why, if all Americans should be able to be covered, does no one cover long-term health care for someone with dementia? Not only can we not find insurance for my husband who will need long term care in the future but, although he is a veteran and served in Germany and Lebanon 1957-1959 in active… Read More
Open enrollment ends February 15th. That means February 15th is your last chance to get cost assistance and coverage each year, unless you qualify for a special enrollment period.
I am 64 and make a decent salary for a solo practice attorney. I am also very healthy. Before Obamacare, I was self insured with an HSA account and my employer put $50 every week into that account. I purchased health insurance for approximately $300 per month, and I had that tax free $50 every… Read More
Obama Care saved my husband and I from total ruin. Since the law first passed and the immediate changes went into effect we have benefited. We both had existing health conditions He suffered through Prostate Cancer and Lung cancer, I had 3 heart surgeries. When my company stopped furnishing health insurance we have been lost… Read More
My wife and I (retired, too much income for subsidies, not eligible for medicare etc) apparently qualify for exemptions because last year’s ‘grandfathered’ policy was cancelled and the cheapest bronze is in excess of 8% of our AGI/MAGI. finding someone at or at the two insurance providers in our area who understood how to help… Read More
The ObamaCare alternative, a plan by Burr, Hatch, and Upton called the Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility, and Empowerment (CARE) Act is here. Just wait until you see what is inside.
A while back we told you that Medicaid expansion was in jeopardy in Tennessee due to GOP opposition. It’s been rejected and now 200,000 will go without coverage.
ObamaCare sign up numbers reach 10 million after a surge in Federal Marketplace enrollments. A February 2015 HHS report shows ObamaCare is working. Enrollment numbers have surpassed 10 million between the state and federal marketplaces. It also points out some other really cool and groundbreaking facts about the uninsured rate (updated with citations on March 18 2015)…. Read More
They say the 60th time is a charm, or even if they don’t… The house voted for the 56th time to repeal ObamaCare, and the vote passed 239-186. Added together with provisional attempts this is the 60th GOP attempt to repeal the law.
You’ve heard about vaccination and its dangers. Let’s look at the facts and myths on vaccines covered under ObamaCare at no out-of-pocket costs.
ObamaCare’s Open enrollment ends on February 15th, are you covered? Time is running out to get coverage for 2015.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam proposed plans for Medicaid expansion to cover up to 200,000. But given the history of TennCare and the opposition, expansion may never see the light of day. Are 200,000 low-income adults worth a state income tax? Until 2017 it’s not much of an issue either way. Find out why. How Would Expansion Work in Tennessee?… Read More