What to Do When Losing Coverage and Income?

I’ll make it simple:
We are a Married couple
2015: january-june work and insured through anthem blue shield (both) ; july-december no work and no insurance (both)

Do we have to pay a fee/penalty when we file in our taxes next year?

If penalty –> How is it possible that we have to pay a fee/penalty when we don’t have an income for the rest of the year? We will be volunteering the rest of the year (6 months).

We both had a salary wage and we were W-2.

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My husband carries our insurance through his employer and will be retiring in May. He is retired military, we will have full Tricare coverage when he reaches 60 in June 2018. Until then we are eligible for free healthcare at an MTF. Do we need to purchase insurance or is it possible to receive a waiver ?


I’m unemployed and my insurance runs out next month. what can I do? today is the final day to register and I don’t have money for it and I still have bills to pay

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