Multi-State Insurance

I am currently in California but I travel a lot and live in different states, especially in the West. How do I get insurance that covers me in multi-states?

Also, I am confused about the prices. To get half way decent insurance it will cost me at least $600.00 a month that is more than I was paying in the past. I can not afford that.

I thought insurance was suppose to be cheaper now.

Am I missing something? Is there somewhere that we can personally talk to someone, because this is very confusing and we want to make sure we sign up with the correct company.

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I am in the same boat. I have researched and researched this and it is so confusing and disorganized. I live on the Nevada, California border and I could only find one insurance company to insure me in both states and it only insures me 100 miles into California. I use to have a limit of $2000 and now it is $6000 and cost me more.

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