Author: User Generated

Content generated by our users

Not Eligible For the Marketplace?

I am not eligible for the exchange because my income (according to who?) is too high @ 42k. My regular catastrophic @ $6000 deductible has increase$140%. I can no longer afford to pay for any health insurance. How ever I pay through my taxes for all other people to have low cost or no cost… Read More

The Medicaid Gap

Obamacare gives the Insurance companies carte blanche for EXTORTION (already a MAJOR problem–people would have insurance IF they could afford it.) Husband and I were both professionals, RN and Chemical Engineer. At age 60, due to military cutbacks he lost his job. You don’t get another job at 60 in this economy. So we were… Read More

Medicaid Expansion Story

Im 59 years old And i have been working every since i was 12 years old i had started a small business to help people in the community who couldnt afford to take thair vehicle to the shop i woyld even come to them where thay broke down at weel one night when i was… Read More

$39.90 a Month For Coverage Under ObamaCare

In California, on company insurance, I paid $160.00 a month for one person. When I moved to Georgia, I called to check out ObamaCare. I’m now paying $39.90 a month to Blue Shield. I pay my premium every month. I am going to have surgery next week. – Vincet Green From

Made to change by insurance provider

My wife is a retired teacher who has health insurance through the state employee retiree program. She has been asked to work a 120 day interim for a maternity leave teacher. She is being told by the HR director that at 90 days she must drop her retirement insurance and take the school system insurance…. Read More

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