Will I Be Penalized For the Months I don’t Have Insurance?

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I will be uninsured at the end of this month. I just started a new job the end of Feb 2015 and my insurance there will not go into effect until the beginning of June 2015. Will I be penalized for the 2 months that I do not have insurance?
Gregory Jordan
I am wonderind, if I only worked 6 months out of the year of 2017. Will I be penalized for the months I was injured and, completely out of a job due to critical brain injury?
Well you may have exemption options here, but you also should have had insurance options at the time. It is a complex situation, you could try asking the marketplace. Also check out the exemptions https://obamacarefacts.com/form-8965-health-coverage-exemptions/
deborah george
I lost my job in July 2018 I did not go to the Doc and I paid all of my medications last year. I just had to pay 843.00 fine. NOW I can’t pay for my annual visit nor my labs. How is this ok??? I paid taxes, I don’t qualify for Medicaid and I always pay my medical bills – which summed almost 5216.42 in the year of 2017.
I’m still not employed and I could have used that $843.00 to pay for my next Dr. Visit and much needed labs. Now I may have to go to a free clinic.
How is this allowed and is there any way to get my money back?
When you lost your job you needed to take COBRA or use special enrollment to enroll in a marketplace plan.
A marketplace plan would have potentially qualified you for assistance (especially since you lost your job), and that would have off set some of the cost of your medical bills.
That said, moving forward you won’t owe the fee for not having coverage, so it’ll be your choice.
Of course, even in making your own choices, it could have still made a lot of sense to take advantage of the ACA instead of paying out of pocket.
donald thomas
what is the penttily for not having insurance
Here is the information
Everyone know that insurance on a new job takes effect after 91 days what are you supposed to do to compensate for not having 3 months of insurance?
Well there is the Republican solution, which is “a small loan from your father”… or there is short term insurance, or in theory there is still get a plan via the exchanges for those months until you get coverage. See: https://obamacarefacts.com/insurance-exchange/short-term-health-insurance/
I switched jobs twice last year , but had insurance for a solid 9months out of the year, am i safe. i am at my new job now, and just finished the probation period and soon to be eligible for their insurance.
Chetyl perdue
We had insurance 10 months in 2016 we have found any we can afford right now. Will we have to pay a penalty for not having insurance.
This is conflicting information with healthcare.gov – https://www.healthcare.gov/taxes/no-health-coverage/
It says “If you didn’t have health coverage for only 1 or 2 consecutive months of the year, you may not have to pay the fee.”
I was told by healthcare.gov after filing for an exemption that since I was only out of coverage for 3 months, I don’t need an ECN number, and when it came to filing taxes I am being penalized.
I think the problem is the provision is a bit of a tongue twister (or there was an update i’m not aware of).
We base our information off official documents (but it doesn’t mean we didn’t miss an update somewhere).
Let’s refer to 8965 (the exemptions form) which clearly says Short coverage gap—You went without coverage for less than 3 consecutive months during
the year. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i8965.pdf
This is often expressed in a way that makes it seem like “3 months”, but it actually has to be “less than”. Now think about this, 2 months and 29 days is less than three months. So you can see how conveying this point simply can be problematic.
Anyway, you just put in CODE B for the less than three months (which can span over the course of 3 months using the above logic).
Sorry if that is confusing, just wanted to over-explain rather than under-explain.
Okay, thanks for the clarification. Hopefully folks at healthcare.gov can be updated about this. I just couldn’t get why healthcare.gov told me that I don’t need an ECN number and closed my exemption application.