How Do I Switch From Family Plan to Individual Plan?

I tried the “local help” places listed on the healthcare marketplace site — three times, and did not receive a response so I hope you can answer my question. My husband will not pay the bill for the family care signed up for through the marketplace. The reason is because I called the number as mandated on December 15th but because the number obviously was so busy, there was a message saying leave your phone number and we will use your phone number as proof that you called by the necessary date (I’m paraphrasing of course. In retrospect I wish I would have taped the call myself for “quality control purposes”.)
I enrolled in Amerihealth, which we already had from my husband’s employer. The employer would no longer pay for the insurance because of Obamacare. Because we already originally had Amerihealth it rolled over automatically, and came in at a higher price than quoted through the marketplace.
When I tried to straighten it out through the marketplace, they would not adjust the January invoice because they claimed they knew nothing about the automated message in regard to all who called on 12/15 and received the message I spoke of. This made my husband decide since they would not adjust the bill we simply would not have insurance. This was the final straw that broke the camel’s back to me and I am in the process of finding out how I separate from my husband.
I do not want to be married to someone who will not pay for his family’s healthcare because the bill came in a few hundred dollars higher. My question is how do I end the family care marketplace insurance and get individual insurance from the marketplace? As mentioned, I tried to ask this question of CamCare twice and also a doctor’s office designated on the healthcare marketplace site as “receive local help” but what a shock, received no response. Thank you for your response. If you give one anyway. I’m not getting help anywhere so far that was designated to be able to help. Also, I do not want to speak to anyone by phone. I prefer email so I have a record. That’s how I got screwed by the marketplace originally and I won’t make that mistake again. I am in New Jersey.