Open Enrollment 2023 Has Ended in Most States – But there May Be Options

Open Enrollment 2023 ended on Jan 15, 2023, in most states. In a few states like Rhode Island, enrollment is extended.
Opinions from the staff. Read opinion editorials and other blog types articles about the Affordable Care Act.
Open Enrollment 2023 ended on Jan 15, 2023, in most states. In a few states like Rhode Island, enrollment is extended.
Biden’s “Bidencare” (a plan to expand the Affordable Care Act) could mean more cost assistance and coverage as the Biden administration builds on ObamaCare and rolls back Trump policy.
Democrats have been making the case that Amy Coney Barrett becoming a Supreme Court Justice would put ObamaCare in jeopardy.
Joe Biden criticized Trump’s anti-ACA stance, pointing out that without the ACA having COVID could be treated as a pre-existing condition.
Before the ACA insurers could deny you coverage or charge you more for having a preexisting condition like COVID-19.
With Joe Biden showing strength after Super Tuesday, the fight over healthcare between parties is looking like it could be the GOP’s “Repeal and Replace” ObamaCare stance vs. Biden’s “Protect and Build” ObamaCare stance.
ObamaCare Open Enrollment 2020 started Nov 1, 2019 and ends Dec 15, 2019. Sign up for ObamaCare to get guaranteed coverage that qualifies for cost assistance based on income.
A new ad from Joe Biden is defending the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Defending it not just from Republicans, but from Democrats who are pushing for other solutions.
Under the ACA, health plans are ranked according to metals where the plans are ranked bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Bronze has the lowest premiums and highest cost sharing, platinum has the lowest cost sharing and highest premiums.
Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-all plan improves and expands Medicare to create a single payer universal healthcare system with no out-of-pocket costs for all Americans.
The Trump administration is backing a lawsuit that would make the ACA illegal. This would for example make the ACA’s cost assistance and pre-existing protections illegal. That is not popular.
For 2016 coverage, you could go silent on your tax returns regarding health coverage. For 2017 and 2018 coverage, going silent isn’t an option.
The Trump administration has proposed a second bill every month for California health insurance customers with abortion coverage of $1. If this bill isn’t paid, then people could lose their health plan.
For plans held in 2018 you may need to file both the 8962 and 8965 forms in 2019 for healthcare related taxes. 8962 is for tax credits, and 8965 is for exemptions from the fee.
A new study shows that ObamaCare, specifically Medicaid expansion and marketplace assistance, helped people from becoming delinquent on rent and mortgage payments.
According to data compiled by Kaiser, the premium increases from 2018 to 2019 were rather tame compared to past years.
Sign up for “TrumpCare” between November 1 and December 15, 2018 to get health coverage and cost assistance for 2019. Get covered at Healthcare.Gov.
20 states are suing the Federal Government charging that without the mandate ObamaCare is illegal. Now consider Trump repealed the mandate, the 20 states are Republican led, and Trump’s administration won’t defend ObamaCare in Court.
20 states sued the federal government in February claiming the individual mandate is unconstitutional. The Trump administration refuses to defend the provision. This could lead to a loss of preexisting conditions protections.
According to preliminary reports health premiums are set to surge for 2019. Meanwhile, solutions for fixing the looming 2019 problems are lacking.
Repealing the individual mandate means from 2019 forward there is no fee for not getting covered. This can be good for those who don’t want coverage, but will likely raise costs for everyone else.
The Trump Administration has been making small changes to the Affordable Care Act through CMS and HHS that deregulate healthcare.
Obama had his 8 years, and “ObamaCare” had its days of being a hot topic. Today healthcare is evolving. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”) is still mostly in effect and a lot of the evolutions taking place rely on the structure the ACA set forth.
Idaho plans to allow health plans that don’t comply with Obamacare’s minimum standards. Thus, in Idaho, non-marketplace plans won’t have to meet the standards set forth by the Affordable Care Act.
Congress hasn’t funded CHIP yet. What is happening is that Republicans won’t pass a clean CHIP funding bill. They are using it as a bargaining chip in terms of striking a deal on the 2018 budget.