ObamaCareFacts.com is Restructuring our Site

We at ObamaCareFacts.com have been writing about the ACA since 2012. A lot has changed since then. Given all the changes we are in the process of updating our site.
Opinions from the ObamaCareFacts.com staff. Read opinion editorials and other blog types articles about the Affordable Care Act.
We at ObamaCareFacts.com have been writing about the ACA since 2012. A lot has changed since then. Given all the changes we are in the process of updating our site.
Here is a list of things you can do if you missed the Dec. 15 deadline for ObamaCare’s open enrollment 2018 in the health insurance marketplace.
Here are 7 last minute tips for open enrollment 2018. These should help answer any last minute questions.
What if you Don’t Have Medicare Part B? Many Americans enroll in Medicare Part A because it is free if you have enough Social Security quarters of employment. Part B has a fee, and you need to sign up for it and start paying for it during your first Medicare enrollment period or pay a… Read More
Both health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket cost-sharing amounts have been increasing rapidly for everyone. The middle-class has suffered unequally.
What is Medicare Cost-Sharing? When you use Medicare, you share the cost of your care by paying premiums, deductibles, copayments, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket maximums. If you receive a paycheck, part of your check will be set aside for Medicare. You pay for the program when you work and pay again when you use it. When you… Read More
It’s Open Enrollment! Participating in open enrollment is essential even if you have been affected by the hurricanes and wildfires or are dealing with other pressing issues. It is open enrollment for both Medicare and the ACA in November and early December of 2017. Trump has talked a lot about repealing the Affordable Care Act and… Read More
Trump’s move to cut Cost-Sharing Reduction assistance will likely result in lower premiums for those who qualify for Premium Tax Credits on Bronze, Gold, and Platinum plans.
Trump likely just made health insurance cheaper for some with his executive order on association plans and short term insurance. We look at the pros and cons.
The House GOP’s proposed 2018 budget cuts healthcare and other social funding to offset new tax cuts (i.e. it does what all GOP legislation does.)
Word is Trump plans to reject a “stopgap” plan in Iowa to control premiums and save their insurance market. However, no official decision has been made yet.
At a webinar for assisters, HHS announced that HealthCare.Gov would shut down between 12am – 12pm EST on Sunday mornings during open enrollment.
Rand Paul opposes the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare, not because it cuts too much, but because it doesn’t cut enough.
Bernie’s Medicare-for-all bill ignores funding, but not as an oversight. The bill itself purposefully leaves funding mechanisms open to debate.
About 35% of the insured in the U.S. are covered under single payer systems. The VA System, Medicare, and Medicaid/CHIP are single payer systems.
The wealth gap between primary care doctors and procedure-driven specialists is increasingly forcing primary care physicians to become a vanishing breed.
We look at the Affordable Care Act, asking why many people’s medical insurance or care is unaffordable.
We discuss the Affordable Care Act under Trump and look at why some states are exploring state-based healthcare solutions like single payer.
One may ask, “why do I need health insurance?” The simple answer is to protect ourselves against high medical costs and bankruptcy.
Although only a few states have a number of ObamaCare insurers offering plans, some have only one or two. We explain what this means.
The ACA Is Ours, Not Obama’s. We need a bipartisan repair of the Affordable Care Act that focuses on people, not parties. All sides worked on the ACA with Obama. Medicare and Medicaid are not JohnsonCare; Social Security is not RooseveltCare. The ACA cannot be ObamaCare. It belongs to all of us. Franklin D. Roosevelt… Read More
One good way to stay up-to-date on the facts surrounding healthcare reform is by frequenting the Kaiser Family Foundation website.
We look at the question, “can repealing the ACA or its key provisions bring down the cost of health insurance / healthcare?”
Trump’s Claims That 2 Million More People Just Dropped out of ObamaCare, that ObamaCare is in a Death Spiral, and that Democrats are Obstructing Fact-Checked Trump claimed a lot of things about healthcare recently, we fact-check some key claims like “2 million more people just dropped out of ObamaCare.” Claim: Trump recently tweeted “2 million more people… Read More
We explain Iowa’s stopgap measure that cuts cost assistance for the poorest, including out-of-pocket assistance, but could help stabilize their health insurance market.