Supreme Court Upholds Subsidies

On June 25th the supreme court upheld ObamaCare’s subsidies in King V Burwell ruling 6-3. Millions will keep their legal HealthCare.Gov subsidies
On June 25th the supreme court upheld ObamaCare’s subsidies in King V Burwell ruling 6-3. Millions will keep their legal HealthCare.Gov subsidies
Repealing ObamaCare would increase the federal deficit by at least $137 billion over ten years and increase the number of uninsured by 19 million by 2016.
More Americans approve of ObamaCare’s subsidies than not with 55% against repealing subsidies according to a Washington Post poll and our own polls.
A Supreme Court ruling on King V Burwell (the lawsuit challenging the legality of subsidies offered through HealthCare.Gov) is expected in June of 2015.
Everything you need to know about ObamaCare for June 2015 including Hawaii’s exchange, a subsidy lawsuit, Florida and Medicaid, and other healthcare news (plus multiple instances of the word “boondoggle”).
Insurers are planning rate hikes for 2016 under ObamaCare. ObamaCare being both the reason we know about it, and part of the reason it’s happening.
Memorial day is about remembering those who served our country, it’s also a day that has a high civilian death toll due to alcohol related events… and of course that means ER rooms across America working around the clock to save lives.
A recent survey from shows that people like their non-group insurance under ObamaCare. The findings are pretty remarkable showing that Republicans are more likely to dislike their insurance then independents or democrats, more people are benefiting from plan costs under the ACA then not, and the only thing people like less than ACA-compliant plans are plans that aren’t ACA compliant.
A 2015 RAND corporation study shows gross enrollment numbers under the ACA of 22.8 million, while Medicaid sees 12 million according to CMS.
Last week a story went viral about a guy in South Carolina who didn’t get ObamaCare and ended up needing it.
HHS issued guidance to clarify the requirement that insurers cover at least one form of each of the 18 FDA approved contraception (birth control) methods.
Far in the distance, a long time from now, on June 5th 2015 the GOP will be expected to have a solution in place for the potential repeal of ACA subsidies. What is that you say? “June 5th isn’t the distant future, it’s actually less than a month away?… And the GOP have no solid agreed upon… Read More
The Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) established by the ACA allows healthcare providers to group together under ACOs to get paid for quality over quantity. Initial reports show savings for Medicare and providers under the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) model established under the ACA. Not all the initial “Pioneer ACO” groups faired equally as well, but overall… Read More
A study shows that ER visits have increased as more people have gotten coverage under the Affordable Care Act. This expected short term outcome isn’t ideal, but speaks to habits of the previously uninsured, the fact that ER visits are covered under the ACA, and an increased doc shortage as demand outpaces supply in the short term.
If the Supreme Court rules against ObamaCare’s subsides the GOP has offered to allow subsidies to continue until 2016, in exchange for gutting the mandates. This isn’t the only proposal we have seen from the GOP in this regard, but is instead it is the common theme behind a number of different GOP based ideas…. Read More
Open enrollment ended February 15, 2015 but last minute shoppers have until April 30 to get covered and avoid the fee, if they don’t have a health plan yet. * customers and select states only.
Florida continues it’s battle over Medicaid expansion under the ACA. Over 800,000 Floridians could get covered, but GOP opposition remains strong as the Federal Government pushes Florida toward expansion under Governor Rick Scott.
The Medicare“doc fix” bill, officially called the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) passed 92-8 fixing the Sustainable Growth Rate formula.
Here are some last minute tax tips for ObamaCare about claiming tax credits, claiming exemptions, using your 1095-A form, and filing for extensions.
Under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) the uninsured rate dropped to 11.9% for Q1 of 2015. This is down about 1% from last quarter and 5.2% since 2013.
Florida currently offers no coverage options to single adults below the 100% poverty line, expanding Medicaid could cover all those people.
Rand Paul announced he is running for President, but didn’t mention ObamaCare. What cuts would Libertarian (ish) Rand Paul make to the safety net and federal programs? Luckily Rand is very vocal about the rest of his policy ideas and how the budget should look
My families health Insurance thru HEALTHCARE MARKETPLACE: BC/BS of NC has been Fraudulently CANCELLED by the Licensed Independent Agent that originally set it up in May of 2014. Background information: I contacted a recommended Authorized Licensed Agent in May of 2014 to see if my family would qualify for insurance thru the Healthcare Marketplace. We… Read More
A recap of Jan 2015 – April 2015 on ObamaCare’s tax forms, special enrollment periods, Rand, Cruz, Medicaid expansion, King V Burwell, signups, and more.
Get the latest 1095-A information from the Treasury department and IRS released on April 3rd, 2015. Those who filed won’t be penalized, but can amend.