Requirements for Employers to Notify Employees of Eligibility?

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Is there any requirement for employers to actually inform employees of their eligibility?
Can a company take the position that it “offered” coverage even if it didn’t give its employees the paperwork, didn’t have a meeting, or didn’t mail anything out?
Does an employer have to provide info on eligibility and paid time off earning to employees when asked for it? How we accrue paid time off, enrolling in 401K, things like that?
I don’t have the answer to that question, but I’m pretty sure the answer is yes, especially if the request is in writing. You may want to ask the Department of Labor, since that questions is pretty specific and goes beyond just healthcare 🙂
I have worked for a large corporation for 14 years. They are requiring photocopies of birth certificates in order to keep our benefits. Can they do this? Is there a formal process to terminate our benefits if we don’t provide the document? In our state it is illegal ( Wisconsin statute 69.24 (1) to make photocopies of vital records and they are requiring only photocopies.
My boyfriend was out on nine work related injury his employer did not file proper disability papers the wrong dates were put on by HR. This delayed his STD 11/4/15 till 12/26/15 he finally received a check foe past balance due. He was on FMLA. When he returned to work 2/9/16 the employer took his aquisition away. His insurance doubled. He has been employed there for 8 years now. His income is very low due to child support and his medical taxes, etc. We filed complaint with dept of labor in NJ. nothing was done. He now can not afford the increase in medical for 2017.
This may make sense to a government bureaucrat, but it does not translate well to the real world.