Can I Get Help For Withheld Tax Refund?

All the best information we have about 1095-A’s discusses how to get the form filed, at that point it’s up to the IRS. We can only imagine they are working hard to get everything flowing smoothly. You can always call them to follow-up or get assistance from TAS (tax payer advocate services).

Is There Free Health Insurance?

Medicaid and CHIPP are free or low-cost health insurances that are offered to all adults under the poverty line in some states due to ObamaCare, but have limited eligibility in others. The fact that some states rejected expanding Medicaid means millions of hardworking low-income adults are left without coverage options.

Employer Mandate Concerning Per Diem Employees

Per Diem employees can be considered full-time employees under the ACA if the work over 30 hours on average a year. Employers can use a look-back period of up to 12 months and reasonable methods of crediting hours to determine eligibility of full-time employees for health insurance. If an employee works more than 30 hours a week on average (or 28 as a safe harbor) they must be offered coverage as long as they maintain full-time status.

How Is Income Counted for ObamaCare?

When you sign-up for ObamaCare’s Health Insurance Marketplace you’ll project income based on your expected household income for the year, if you are unsure make an educated guess and consider only taking part of the tax credit up front

How to Project Income for ACA if Income Varies?

If your income varies from week-to-week you’ll make a reasonable prediction of your annual income, which you can base on last year. You should consider taking only part of the tax credit up front and then adjusting the net tax credit on the 8962 – Premium tax credit form at the end of the year.

What Metal Levels Comply With the ACA?

I am trying to make sure that our Bronze Save plan with Aetna does not qualify toward the minimum wage for our medical benefits. If we have a Bronze Save plan with Aetna, is that the same (not necessarily the same plan but same “level” as a Bronze Metal Plan as defined in the federal Affordable… Read More

How can you Find Affordable Coverage?

Your daughter should enroll in your state’s exchange or the federal marketplace. There she will be able to shop for different qualifying health plans and qualify for cost assistance

ObamaCare Popularity by State?

We have a poll on our site where we are collecting survey data on ObamaCare’s popularity by state post open enrollment 2015. We will post the results once we have enough data. For now, why not put your name in the hat.

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