Employer Health Insurance Three Month Probation Period Penalties?

My husband is starting a new job and will have a three month probation period where he won’t be insured. Can he be penalized for this lapse?

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Started new job on January 4, company had 2 full month waiting period before I could get on insurance. So I was not eligible until April 1st. Does this require me to pay penalty?


Can I cancel my employer health insurance prior to my 90 day probation period?


Generally speaking yes… although i’ve heard some employers aren’t actually offering an opt-out. So i’d always check with the employer.


I recently turned 26 so I will be getting off my parents insurance at the end of this month. I recently started a new job where there is a 90 day probationary period before health benefits are available. This period ends about 2 weeks after my time on my parents insurance runs out. Does my employer have to offer it to me earlier because of this? If not, would I have to pay a penalty for those few weeks in between?


Is the 90 day waiting period – 90 calendar days or 90 work days?


90 days straight up. Not work days.


I worked pest control in Maryland after my 90 days I still wasn’t on the insurance until I got hurt on the job.two months later. What am I to do


That is a sticky situation, I would go with local legal counsel first. This is their area of expertise. As for the health insurance part, it is very dependent on the specifics of the situation. You might qualify for special enrollment if you were cheated by the employer, but if you missed some fine print you may not. You can also always check with Medicaid to see if you qualify for free or low-cost coverage in the meantime.


I had my 90 day review a month late and they put me on another 90 day probation but told me they were taking my insurance away until I was done can they do that?

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