Just Got out of Prison, How Do I Get Health Insurance?

I just got out of prison and have no health insurance what can I do?

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I was released to home confinement in May 2020 due to COVID. Even though I am in home confinement (Federal Custody) I am still listed with the Regional Re-entry management. My official release from custody is not until Feb 2021. I incorrectly assumed I was still covered by the BOP since I am still officially in their custody and missed the 60 day open enrollment period. I am at 120 days, do they make any exceptions.


Exceptions can be made in theory, basically, it would be a type of hardship that would have to be given to you by the marketplace to qualify you for special enrollment even though you are outside of the window. I would call them ASAP and explain. You can use HealthCare.Gov to get the contact info, call them and explain your position. Here is more info on special enrollment, you’ll note that your situation doesn’t qualify you given you are outside of the window, however, you could still make a sort of appeal to them and see if they have an exemption given your situation https://obamacarefacts.com/special-enrollment-period/


I get out of prison on May 21st 2020 and have no job and need health insurance.


In most states you can apply for Medicaid as Medicaid is an option for all adults with lower incomes or no incomes. A good place to start asking questions in HealthCare.gov.


just got out of jail did 2 years , have nothing need insurance


The answer above I think explains it about as well as I can.

Your first two options are 1. healthcare.gov (the marketplace), and 2. your state medicaid department for Medicaid.

Luckily healthcare.gov can help with both. So call them ASAP or sign up online.


I just tried to enroll on this and it denied me.


If you try to enroll and get denied, make sure you call healthcare.gov and follow up. There is a limited window in which to enroll, if try but don’t follow up you could miss that window.


i am diagnosed wiyh hodgkins lymphoma i have a port a cath on my right chest that needs maintence and treatment i have no income to pay my bills been incarcerated for 20years


I just got out of prison and I need health insurance. I have no income as yet. What can I qualify for?


You most likely qualify for Medicaid, but it depends on which state you live in. Both HealthCare.Gov and your state Medicaid department are smart place to contact for further assistance. You can do a Google search for either of those terms and find what you are looking for.


I have no money and no insurance. I just did 11 years and 8 months in federal prison. I need some health insurance bad.


just been paroled and need hernia surgery as soon as possible. I am not able to work in this condition.


First off, very sorry to hear this. Don’t put it off, it can be deadly.

If your state expanded Medicaid you can use that, if not you’ll need to look into marketplace insurance. Often calling a local public hospital is your best bet as they can help coordinate this. Also try healthcare.gov or local state Medicaid office. Since you just got out you have lots of options, but you only have a short window to qualify for all of them. So again, get this done today.


does obama care offer free medical coverage for individuals that just recently got out of prison in the state of north dakota??


Yes, generally, but the details depend on your income and other specifics:

You may qualify for Medicaid: http://www.nd.gov/dhs/medicaidexpansion/

You may also qualify for special enrollment in the marketplace (see healthcare.gov).

James Dakota allgood

Was released from jail for probation violation after serving 18 months in state prison. Have a neurological problem with right eye causing lost vision. Diagnosis was made in prison. Need to see specialist but do not have health coverage.


I would start by trying your state’s Medicaid program.


Just got out of prison…no job..need help…

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