How Can Someone With No Income Get Health Insurance?

I have a nephew who doesn’t work and has no income of any kind. One step from being homeless. How can he get the insurance plan our President offers with no income. I understand that if you have to pay taxes its taken from there. He is broke, no money except small jobs for family. His mother is supporting him with a roof over his head and food.

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I have been turned down for disability seven times in the past because of my age at the time when I applied after 40 something years old but now I’m 50 I got four metal rods and four metal pins and two bones taken out my back home I have no doctor records because I got discouraged from a flying because I always get turned down when should I do now


After an injury in the job and after collecting a settlement which has now been depleted, I am trying to get social security disability. I keep getting denied because I don’t have doctors lines. Without health insurance I cannot go to the doctors. I did however have an MRI done which shows the hardware in my back. How can I get approved at least temporarily until I get SSD


In many states you qualify for Medicaid. In states that you don’t qualify, you have unique options under the American rescue plan.

If you were on unemployment you have access to assistance even if you are under the poverty level under the act for example.

If you aren’t sure of your options, a good first place to try is HealthCare.Gov. Otherwise, our best advice is on this page.




If you are in a state with Medicaid, you should call your state Medicaid office. If you are not, you have more options. One option is to contact the local hospital or the state Medicaid office and to ask them for options for someone with no income who needs health coverage in your state.


I hv no health ins and am being eat up w/ medical Bill’s, still hv to go for more tests and see too a gall bladder surgeon, I desperately need help!!!


It is open enrollment right now, it is the perfect time to get guaranteed issue health insurance that starts by Jan 1st! You potentially may even have options with Medicaid that can cover previous bills in some cases. Call HealthCare.Gov and find out your options!


On an another note, I had just been denied for VA’s medicaid application and can’t afford the marketplace coverage. I am not pregnant, don’t have a pregnant person in my house or dependents.

After Obamacare, on a 40K salary, with my employer insurance at $150 a month, I could no longer afford to go to the doctor or continue medicines because of the out of pocket costs. There just wasn’t that $140+ left after monthly bills were paid. Big difference between a $20 and $50 copay on a budget. I’ve tried prescription assistance programs through pharmaceutical companies.

I was able to get emergency treatment at a hospital once and they generously waived the sliding scale payments, however I had to pay for prescriptions and opted to just fill the most important one.


Thank you for the kind reply. Virginia is a bit odd in that it is not a GOP state, did not expand their programs and provides resources for unlawfully present immigrants (whether that is state or by locality, though it is possible some are private or church sponsored). I hope that is more pc terminology.

This has been extremely frustrating. Unemployment combined with lack of health coverage becomes a vicious cycle. Health clinics for low income and uninsured have various requirements. Last time I tried there, I had been out of work or off unemployment too long to meet their specific requirements.


“Please be aware some states have very tight regulations on Medicaid programs, as they rejected expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and childless adult males tend to be the group that is excluded.”

Childless adult females are excluded! Please correct this answer, it is very offensive!
I have been fighting this on and off for nearly 2 years after being laid off from my job and only finding temporary contract positions. I cannot get coverage, nor can I afford the ridiculously high priced marketplace plans.

With employer sponsored coverage after obamacare trainwreck I paid a maximum of $150 a month, prior to it, I paid around $100 with far better coverage and lower copays and prescription costs. Now, with no income and part-time cleaning jobs bringing in $100-$200 month, I am expected to pay $500 – $750 monthly premiums and/or face a freaking monetary penalty at the end of the year on my taxes.

I am a citizen, pay taxes and have for over 30 years, yet you give illegals free healthcare. I can’t even get a part-time entry level job thanks to the illegals living large while citizens like myself get screwed.


Thank you for the correction, you are right that sex has nothing to do with Medicaid rules. That said, there is no long a fee for not having coverage in most states and at that income you would qualify for Medicaid if you state expanded.

States were supposed to expand under the ACA, but a Supreme Court case made it so they didn’t have to. Since that time many have, but a fair number of GOP lead states have still not expanded. In these states neither childless adults nor non-legally present immigrants tend to have coverage options. Other states, including many expansion states, have more inclusive policies. So there is something to think about in your last statement, in terms of the question of how expansive should health coverage be.

All that said, double check with Medicaid and the marketplace to see if you do have any options, because Medicaid is still in the process of being expanded in some states.


I will be laid off in February 2020. I can not afford health insurance on unemployment. What do I Do?


There are different options for someone in that situation, mostly options are based on income and which state you live in. In states that expanded Medicaid if you make less than 138% of the poverty level you would qualify for Medicaid. Otherwise you may qualify for cost assistance based on income earned from unemployment.

Because you potentially have a range of options, you should contract for direction in my opinion. You may not get everything you need from them, but they are there to help.


Hi my name Pauline am 48 years old and have Medical problem … I have no income no place to go … my medicine almost ran out now


You can always contact a local hospital for direction and should immediately seek help in an emergency regardless of insurance.


In missouri they do not care about young adult students. My daughter was unable to receive any healthcare or health insurance even though she has no income and is living at home with her parents. missouri tells adult students to go to hell!


I can see someone having that reaction given the data and facts. The reality is about 352,000 Missourians who could be covered if the state government expanded Medicaid and about 87,000 of those have no realistic access to health insurance. She isn’t alone, but one could argue no one should be in that position (especially given the federal dollars available to help pay for the program)


Hold on, you said that those that have no income that there is nothing in the marketplace for us. Ok, all southern states didn’t expand their coverage except Louisiana and Kanasas to women regardless of child or pregnant or disabled. But….but…you said also childless males will probably not meet the requirements either. So if a 38 female from Mississippi no child no income due to a rare neurological disease that recently was added to the ssa list of quality disabilities, and this will result in death if gone untreated and it is causing major impacts of ones health like trouble swallowing vertigo irreversible permanent nerve damage permanent vision problem and the only treatment that has shown to either stop or slow down the sysmptoms that treatment is brain surgery. But…. symptoms can come back or never go away and here’s the real kick in butt there’s no cure either. And very few specialist and there’s none in Mississippi btw. But….a diagnosis alone doesn’t work to get on disability it has to be well documented from doctors that in detail on every single symptom from this disease has to tell why employment isn’t a good idea. Who will hire me since I have severe migraines everyday, neck pain that keeps me unable to turn my head side to side, hands that fall asleep for no reason, double vision,blurred vision, memory loss,loss of ability to walk correctly because of severe nerve damage from my brain crushing my spine and blocking fluid my brain and spine needs, and compromised nervous system I could go on but my hands on numbing now? A SHOW OF HANDS WILL YOU GIVE ME A JOB?!?! CAN I DRIVE YOUR COMPANY VEHICLE?!? GOVERNMENT VEHICLES?!?! LOOK AFTER YOUR KIDS?!?!? ANYBODY?!? Everyone!!!!!! Well every female!!!!!if you want help, pop out a kid and let that child be the states problem and then seek the help you need. Or become a drug addicts alcoholic homeless person or “poor person ” who is without a permanent resident that can apparently get mediciad cause every one I have come across has coverage but remember to “act” crazy. Or be a freeloader lazy person who rather use kids as meal tickets and live off other people because you can’t be bothered. One of those will get you coverage. Someone somewhere that makes the rules to this is completely stupid. I watched a male individual going for his SSI disability hearing one morning. His car was very nice, his clothes clean and pressed, walking with almost a skip in his step,cane hanging on arm not in his hand for support, but the second he realized someone could see him from those windows, he could barely walk.and the elevator ride he could barely keep his balance. Leaving his hearing was even better, just as the elevator binged and the doors opens you could hear angels singing, he was healed. And I was denied. Yeah, I must be stupid. Mortality rates have declined my butt. I’m dead because Mississippi is so backwards still 50 years behind. So, care to weigh in….


No comment just question. I’m 52 year old woman with a lot health problems. I do not qualify for Medicaid.been denied for ssi. I can’t work. The doctor I see every 3 months wrote a letter to welfare stating I can’t work because of health problems. My doctor said I need to have some tests done but no ins or money to pay. Please help me. I live in Texas. I worried about my health and I really need to get these test done.


So in general there is no option for single adults in your situation in Texas due to the fact that the state rejected Medicaid expansion after a court case brought by conservatives led to states being able to reject it.

All feels like politics on TV until you can’t get care. Then it becomes frustrating, not just for you, but for those of us who don’t think we should leave people in your situation with no options.

That said, there are some options for free care in some instances. It mostly would require asking around or googling around, for example I found this site for “free clinics in texas”

I can’t say that site is useful, I have no clue, but what I would do is search and find resources and make calls.




This partly depends on what state you live in. In states that expanded Medicaid, you qualify for Medicaid if you have no income. Nothing more to it.

If you don’t and are working on applying for disability, you should really do more than just fill out the application and wait. I would keep following up and asking what you could do until you got a satisfactory answer.

Good luck and make sure to use the resource available (state Medicaid department and the Social Security help line for example


I have n earned income but have savings from an inheritance which im living on?


no income but have some savings a, I expected topy for healthcare


Savings don’t matter when it comes to cost assistance on marketplace plans or Medicaid (unless we are talking about long term care when pairing Medicaid and Medicare; please also note that, although rarely enforced, there are estate recovery rules).

So, if you have no income, but do have savings, you can still get Medicaid.

With that said, not every state has expanded Medicaid to adults.

In states that did not expand Medicaid, there may be limited coverage options for low income adults who aren’t willing or able to pay for coverage outright.

The information above should go a long way to making things clear, but let me provide some additional pages where we cover the subject:


In Mississippi if you are not a Senior citizen, and you are not pregnant
If you are between the ages 26 – 64 and you have $0.00 income, you cannot pay a monthly fee for insurance, you cannot pay co pay.
You just suffer until you die, no one cares, that how the much the people making decisions care about Mississippians or that’s how smart they are, yes smart. If a person has 0.00 income how can you pay a monthly fee? Oh let me correct myself unless you are with child, you qualify.
That means no mammogram, no colon testing, no pap, just suffer and die.


I don’t have a job and I have 4 kids who would I qualify for medical


Your best bet is to contact your state Medicaid department, CHIP is very likely an option if the children are younger and Medicaid might be an option depending on your state and other income.


I have numerous amounts of medical bills, Need to see my doctors for my prescriptions and I don’t I have the money ! Drawing an early retirement, and it’s barely enough to pay my rent! I need a hip replacement can’t hardly use my right hand long, dued to my wrist being broke back in April 2018, I Have seziures and have to stay on meds, hypertension! I really need help! Can’t afford to see the dentist either and I have several teeth that need pulling are filings! Please someone help me
Sincerely, Susan Mabry


The best answers we could provide were included in the article above. Make sure to exhaust all your options and don’t give up. In an emergency always go immediately to a hospital (a public hospital if you can help it).


I have an incurable disease. Neurofibromatosis. It causes terrible pain, tumors embedded in my nerves and many other symptoms. I’ve applied for disability, but cannot afford a Dr now because I lost my Medicaid around 5 yrs ago. So, that makes it virtually impossible to get the medical documentation I need to be approved for disability. If I see a Dr I cannot afford medicine. I need help. Please! I cannot work due to the pain. Please if you have any suggestions please let me know. I am desperate. My fiance is 100% disabled due to a service connected disability.


I had insurance through ACA, but my actual income is 8500$. Do i have to pay back any tax credit for obamacare?


Because you earned under 100% of the federal poverty level you should not have to pay back any tax credits (you’ll see this when you fill out form 8962; or it will be accounted for when a tax professional works through the form with you or for you).

With that said, if this is the income you expect this year as well then you would likely want to look into Medicaid rather than the ACA. ACA tax credits are available to those making between 100% – 400% of the poverty level. Those making under 138% are supposed to go with Medicaid if they qualify (eligibility depends on the state).

Make sure to contact or see official IRS documents for the final word. Just trying to offer insight into how it should work, different people have different situations and rules can always change.

This link has a lot of points related to tax credits and the poverty level:

This link has information on repaying tax credits:


I own a house
Self employed


I hare no income. I need to have a Family doctor. Can you help me with this information?


I am on SSI and my 20 year old daughter Marissa lives with me and has no job can she get peachcare or medicad or Medicare under me.please help me to find out what we can do to get her on something


It depends on your state. In states that expanded Medicaid, the answer is yes. In states that didn’t the answer might be no.


Is there a way for a person to get assistance with health insurance premiums if they are retired but don’t qualify for Medicaid because they have money in the bank (less than a half million)?


In most states the only requirement for Medicaid is income (wealth doesn’t affect it). Only caveat is for long-term care. That said, if your state didn’t expand Medicaid, they may have their own set of rules.

If you have capital gains you might qualify for marketplace assistance.

In both cases, you should contact and inquire further. There isn’t a ton of other options aside buying a private plan or looking to charities (although charities probably aren’t the go-to in this situation).


Sad that a young man with a heart condition, two open heart surgeries, is not working, cannot get insurance. Obamacare is a bummer! This is in TN.


The affordable care act expanded Medicaid, which would have provided this person with the coverage they need. The reason they cannot get insurance is because TN is run by republicans who rejected ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion.

In other words, this isn’t something that ObamaCare did, its something the Republicans did by blocking the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). That is a fact.


hello i am 18 years old male and live in texas. i dont have job nor money. can i get free insurance


You may be able to get assistance via local charities, but you can’t get Medicaid as a single adult in Texas because they didn’t expand Medicaid.


Medicaid was not expanded in Georgia under the ACA. That means that my mental health care for ptsd and prescriptions have stopped. I had to move from WA because I lost my home and live with my brother. He is also close to losing his home.
See, this is where the end of the earth is and where the dragons are.

Q. What is a “medial” professional? (Above: IMPORTANT: In emergency situations you should go directly to a hospital and seek the advice of a medial professional.)


Thank you for catching that. It was an unfortunate grammar error. It was meant to read “medical.”

In other words, in a true emergency one should go directly to a hospital (ideally a public hospital) and seek the advice of a medical professional.


My brother needs medical and dental insurance . He is 30 and has 0 income. He has no children , isn’t married , and isn’t a student . My parents provide a roof and food for him. What insurance programs does he qualify for in the state of Indiana ?


Here are the rules for Indiana’s Medicaid expansion (which Mike Pence oversaw).

I believe you need to be able to contribute a small amount to qualify, but please read up on the rules yourself and make sure to contact your state Medicaid department with any questions.


I understand that a female who has never married and has never had children and has no income, can still be insured. Is this true?


This is true in states that expanded Medicaid. Learn more about Medicaid expansion:


How can I get health ins when I don’t have income in Georgia


You can try calling the state Medicaid office. You can also contact local assistance entities and local public hospitals.

Georgia didn’t expand Medicaid, so that makes it difficult in some ways, but in some cases there are still options.


Texas Medicaid does not cover poor people with zero income unless they are children or child bearing women.

My granddaughter is 20 years old. She has a seizure disorder. She is a scholarship student at A&M, graduated valdictorian from her high school. There is no insurance available for her because her income is “too low.”

My daughter, the mother of the child above does not have insurance. Her income is “too low”. My daughter does not and has not worked because she cares for her elderly father and while her child was a minor had to be continenously available for her daughter with multiple seizures. For a period of time this same daughter had to be home schooled.

Texas Medicaid does not/will not cover health care for this pair. Texas would prefer that my gifted granddaughter work at McDonald’s than continue her education. Texas would prefer my husband in a nursing home vs. being cared for by his daughter.


I have medical problems…and started having pains in body and i panicked left my jobs insurance and everthing i had in california…it seems they dont have medical or any emergency med cal. Here in elk city oklahoma unless your on disability and not much resources here…Do u know how i can get help


The answer can be a little complicated and differ by region, but this page should help:

Generally speaking local charities and the marketplace are the best non-Medicaid options.


Trying to find affordable​ Health Coverage. I am presently not working. Looking for work @56. Don’t know what I can afford because of my 0 income.


Hello I currently have Medicaid in IL. I received a letter in the mail that I need to redetermine eligibility. If I currently do not have a job or income will I get denied? I need my insurance for a prescription that I need to take daily and I’m afraid I’m going to lose coverage and wouldn’t be able to pay for the prescription every month. Along with doctor visits too.


It would be pretty Ironic if Illinois didn’t expand Medicaid (Obama has a long history with Chicago). They did of course expand Medicaid.

That means ALL low-income adults qualify. The only stipulation is that you have to show your income isn’t too high (your income being too low doesn’t affect things).


My brother recently returned to the US to live with us. He is 64 years old, is physically unable to work, and has no insurance. How do I go about getting him health insurance?

Thank you


He may qualify for Medicaid and you can call your state Medicaid department, so try that first.

He may also qualify for special enrollment because he just moved (try that second).

He can also look into short term (although that won’t avoid the fee).

You can still generally call for help, but things have gotten a little strange over there in .gov land, so I’m less sure of this than I used to be. 😉


I have afriend in Tennessee that can’t cuss he is sick from prescription meds it got so bad he can’t work cuss he in so much pain doctors when did give so much meds high doses opioids meds it got him so hooked he been trying to go to hospitals they just give more meds he has to withdraw from he can’t work cuss of withdraws he lost his car had electric water shut off so he out on the streets sleeping fustrated if he can get some help then he try go back to work he had no money and nothin at all he could die go into seizures cuss withdraws are so bad cuss what doctors did but give him high doses of meds ..I don’t no if this will help he is vet too he does have house behind on mortgage too all cuss got addicted to pain meds bad just trying to help afriend to get help not sleep on streets and mybe returni to work environment and be able to afford medical..


Single and 55 yrs old. Unable to work to medical issues very ill and a large amount of medicine to buy. Spent savings, stocks, etc. Awaiting SSDI. 3 year waiting court hearing. Borrowing money from family and friends as gov says to do. LOL. Do not qualify for Medicaid been turned down several times. Other programs you have to much money even though it is only a loan from family and friends. No help.


I was collecting Medicaid in Indiana. I just moved to Texas at the end of December. I have applied for Medicaid and was denied because in Texas you have to have a child under the age of 18. I was told I do not qualify for any government insurance. I see doctors once a month and I am on 10 prescriptions. I don’t know what to do. I have no income. I live with my daughter. How do I get health insurance and prescription coverage? Please help me.


The best solution is local charity. That may seem like a callous answer, but such is the nature of a state like Texas.

This means contacting local assistance programs and local hospitals is a solution.

Another solution is paying out of pocket and using something like this:

Without local assistance there is no free or cheap way out of this, but with a discount card and some savings there is likely some solutions non-the-less.

This is why people vote for the Democratic Party though. We all want to feel safe and be fiscally conservative, but what good does a wall do someone who can’t even afford their essential prescriptions and healthcare. And not just a person, a mother trying to raise their daughter none-the-less. Frustrating stuff.


how can someone who is not working, with 0 income, trying for disability, get insurance???


I have tried health marketplace they said since I have no income and I’m 49 yrs old waiting on a hearing for my disability cannot get insurance and Medicaid has denied me twice already I have RA and have to see a Rheumatologist every 10 weeks and now I cannot cause I can’t afford the bill I have NO income cannot work so what is a person suppose to do? I have worked my whole life and now I’m unable to and I feel I’m being punished for being disabled it’s a shame that this situations causing me stress and nervous problems on top of my RA flair ups it’s sad when a US CITIZEN cannot get any form of help what’s going to happen is I’m going to lose everything I have for being a hard working person and I feel it’s a disgrace to Americans who really need it after 14 yrs in a government factory who made great money to give that up for minimal pay from disability a month if I could work I would but I can’t and I’m being outted because they don’t feel I’m disabled we’ll live with my disease everyday and I’m sure you would change your mind!!


I lost my job due to being out of work due to extended medical leave and loss my insurance bilateral hip replacements.


I have NO job, NO income, and homeless! I do I get healthcare by law


In most states you can get some form of care (if not full benefit Medicaid). You should ask local assisters, contact local public hospitals, or contact your state medicaid department.


My name is Michael M. I am very sick I am on insulin and I suffer from neve damage and I can not get no help with my medical insurance because I don’t have no job I can not work I my condition please someone help me


You should call your state medicaid department and inquire about local assistance. Local public hospitals are also a good bet. When in doubt, a call to will work too. There are lots of options, but all require reaching out.


Obamacare sucks, He lied to us all. My son, need surgery can not get health insurance or medicated. What is wrong with America when they can not help their own. oh wait lets ask the celebrities they seem to think they have all the answers.. It funny though they have all this money, they do not live in the real world.


Not sure what situation you are in where a child doesn’t have access to healthcare? CHIP is expanded in all states to some degree and all families have coverage options. Sometimes there are cost issues that bar people from coverage, I get that, but the statement is a little general considering it is paired with vast accusations. Still, I get it, seems like you aren’t in a good place for your family, and i’d be outraged too if this was the case.


I need health coverage without using my husband income


In NC there is no help for someone not working and no dependants..they are SCREWED


It is unfortunate that North Carolina has not yet expanded Medicaid. At the moment your state only covers those who are low income who are also disabled, children, or women while they are pregnant. So even unemployed parents with dependents have no options for insurance they can afford to cover themselves. 18 states have still not expanded Medicaid to low income adults who are not disabled or pregnant and the GOP replacement proposal would cut Medicaid expansion funding to the states that have expanded over a two year period. This is likely to be difficult to get passed in Congress because they have a slim majority, but it is still a big concern for millions enrolled in state expanded Medicaid programs. I hope that future healthcare reform gets you the assistance you need to get covered even if you are unemployed.

Kristin Erika Haskins

You know, many people think -and say- that “there is work, if you really want it”. Well, I say that is NOT true. Not at all. There are places-and reasons- for that statement to be totally meaningless.
There ARE places where the population, geographical, and economic “atmosphere” is simply non-conducive to industry, or works opportunities of any kind.
I am sure of this. I have seen this. Not only is it true, it is also a fact for many small towns and poor areas,where here are virtually NO places where one can find work without having a car, and many (again) poor, and/or rural areas where NO jobs are available unless one is physicallly (and /or economically) able to travel!! I would really be interested in finding out ANY ideas or answers to this issue!

Kristin Erika Haskins

You know, many people think -and say- that “there is work, if you really want it”. Well, I say that is NOT true. Not at all. There are places-and reasons- for that statement to be totally meaningless.
There ARE places where the population, geographical, and economic “atmosphere” is simply non-conducive to industry, or works opportunities of any kind.
I am sure of this. I have seen this. Not only is it true, it is also a fact for many small towns and poor areas,where here are virtually NO places where one can find work without having a car, and many (again) poor, and/or rural areas where NO jobs are available unless on is able to travel!!I would really be interests in finding out any ideas or answers to this issue.


OK so I live in FL. I was turned down through Medicaid because I did not want to take out child support on my child’s father. He is a very good dad so we have a mutual agreement, they want accept the agreement. Now I am troubled I suffer from diabetes, hepatitis, And lots of other issues. I am married to someone else I forgot to mention, and really don’t want child support or make him come all the way from up state for court hearings, why does he make a difference on my health the child was covered but I was denied this makes no since I never had this problem in Louisiana!!


I need help they took me off Medicaid cause of my husband they go by his income and he won’t help me I have health issues and I can’t take my prescriptions now I need health insurance and prescription coverage


If you have been abandoned or deserted by a spouse, the you can use your own income only for eligibility.


This is a joke. People are still people wether they have children or not. Take the beer goggles off and stop refusing help to people who need it. That is some broken logic.


I have an over 30-year old adult child who lives with me and who I support. Currently, my child’s only income is investment income – an amount that would qualify for Medicaid. I have been paying full price for my child’s healthcare. If my child could get health insurance through the exchange, I would be willing to subsidize the Affordable Care Act subsidy (through a financial gift to my child) so that my child can continue to see the same doctors and go to the same facilities as in the past – not be forced to go to Medicaid prescribed doctors and facilities. We don’t know how to fill out the NY State of Health application so that when all is said and done, my child isn’t directed to seek a Medicaid plan.

Bottom line question: is it possible to help an adult (over 30) child with very little income (Medicaid eligible) obtain a marketplace health insurance plan by helping to contribute to the monthly premium?


You can subsidize them, but they need to file and claim more than 100% FPL to get assistance. So Medicaid is almost certainly a better option.

You can have adult dependents in some cases, so I’d look into that:

If you share a tax family (you claim the dependent) then you can share a coverage family (you can get on a family plan together).

So that is another option.


Thank you.

I am over 65 and now have Medicare. I do not claim my adult child as a dependent. My child files an annual, personal tax return.


What if you are receiving indigent, charity health care through your local hospital programs? This is not insurance, but a health and prescription program designed for those well below the poverty level. You have to pay a copay for doctor and EM visits along with a small fee for some medications, and you can only go to a specific clinic that they designate. Do I still need to have official health insurance if I’m covered by charity care?


Yes. If you do not have minimal essential coverage (or an exemption) than you may owe the fee on your year end tax return. That revenue from the Responsibility Payments under the ACA are used to cover unpaid medical costs (aka charity care) at hospitals for when patients are uninsured. ERs get reimbursed for the charity care they provide.


How do I get disability without a doctor or insurance, I have lower back problems and panic attacks and high blood pressure? I live in Florida.


You left out my group, 55-65 year old female. I could only work part time due to heart problems, was told that since I have no dependents, I am left hanging. I have to get an exemption certificate every year now. Horrible.


what if you are seriously disabled and simply can no longer live at home, have no family, no other resources? You would be dependent on Medicaid — that is, if it still covered for people like you in your state.


I tried O’Bamacare but I had to have some income. I was denied Medicaid because. I am not disable or 65 years old. I can’t find any health care and I am a diabetic. I need medicine now. What to do. I just lost my job in September and my health care and Doctor.


My daughter is turning 19 on November 23rd 2016. She is a senior in high school and plans on attending college. She is ADHD and sees a doctor every 3 months for this condition and take medicine that cost about 300.00 a month. I am a single parent and I need help. Please can you offer some advice.

Reva Bowen

Little John Testerman

I am 46 year old male and have an injury to my right knee and need surgery. I need healthcare coverage to get my knee fixed so I can get a job.


My mom needs surgery but can’t get it done because she has a spend down or some crap and she don’t qualify to be on my dad’s what can she do

jerry one pissed off american

So let’s see if I got this right. American (check) no income, no job (check) Past felony (non-violent, drug user) can’t get a job (check) have hepatitis C (check) in Florida have no dependents (check) must have job for Obama care (check) Must have job for medicare (check) this all equals No health care help only option die.

Or be or claim to be a non citizen, illegal all government benefits.


I currently receive health care coverage via my partner’s employer. However, I will be losing that coverage in 2017 as the employer is doing away with domestic partner health care coverage benefits. I’m a homemaker with $0 personal income. We have no children. Would I be eligible for Medicaid even though my partner would still be receiving employer-sponsored health care coverage? I do live in a state which expanded Medicaid coverage under the ACA.


I am a non-working “spouse-equivalent” (i.e., we’re not married) currently receiving health care coverage via my partner’s employer, but will be losing coverage in 2017 as the employer has decided to no longer offer coverage for an employee’s domestic partner. With $0 personal income, would my best alternative (short of running to the courthouse to get married before January — which quite honestly we’d prefer to think about on our own timetable versus the employer’s timetable) be to apply for Medicaid? I live in a state which did expand Medicaid coverage under the ACA.


If your state did expand Medicaid and you no income then you should apply for Medicaid in your state.


If you retired early like I did and have IRAs, here is a link that might help you in a number of ways by utilizing Roth conversions:


I’ve been laid off from my job and no longer have health insurance. I carried my daughter, but she doesn’t have coverage either since I lost my job. She is working part time and will be 19 in February. She now resides in GA and can be covered under Medicaid for 5 months. What happens when she turns 19? Cobra is too expensive and I’m looking for coverage for her.


I’m sorry that you lost your job. That is really stressful. Hopefully you will be able to find work quickly that will provide insurance for you and your daughter. Georgia is currently strongly considering Medicaid expansion and this would mean covering ALL those making under 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) or under $16,242 for a single individual in 2017. That’s good news, but it doesn’t help you right now. She will be eligible for significant cost assistance for purchasing health insurance on the marketplace, but she would need be able to project 100% Federal Poverty Level ($11,880 for an individual in 2017) to get access to health insurance on the marketplace. If she does though, she will have access to cost assistance for deductibles and premiums (which tend to be lower for young people).


I lost my Health Insurance in August 28,2016. I could not pay the monthly bill any more. I do not have any income coming in. I did apply for Ten Care and dined coverage. I have a lot of medical bills right know.
I am living on food stapes. I got sick last year I had to quit my job. I worked for many and many years.


If you currently have medical bills than you qualify for an exemption from owing the fee for not having health insurance. You can apply for it through The thing you should understand though is you were denied coverage by Ten Care. You are not eligible to use the Marketplace and get cost assistance for health insurance unless you make over 100% of the Federal Poverty Level. In states that expanded Medicaid, you would be eligible for Medicaid at no cost to you if your income is below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level.

Call your state and federal elected officials and tell them to expand Medicaid. They are the only one’s with the power to change that. However, you do qualify for exemptions from owing the fee or from being required to have insurance. You can apply for Medicaid, be denied, and then use that to file for an exemption. Any coverage available to you is going to cost more than 8.13% of your income, so you also qualify for an affordability exemption. It doesn’t solve getting you insurance, but it will ensure that you don’t owe money out of your tax return at the end of the year, and it gives you access to a few additional coverage options.


My daughter is a full time medical student with $0 income. She will be 26 in December and we are confused on how to get affordable insurance for her. When we go through we are kicked out and told to look at medicaid because of her $0 income. Also is obamacare cheaper than private insurance plans for a single 26 year old woman?


If she qualifies for Medicaid that is almost always the best bet. I can’t think of a reason to go with another option with $0 income (as it would be full price and have all the costs that Medicaid avoids). That said, any American is free to go direct to an insurer and buy a private plan at full cost.


My husband and I had 8 children in the household my husband make 16 an hour and they took mine and my husband’s Medicaid away but not the children’s thank God I tried to get Obama help and I have to pay full price that’s because we don’t make enough money to qualify for the substance but people with more money you can afford to pay full price get that discount and don’t have to what is going on here this is not fair


Part of this is that you live in a state which did not expand Medicaid, the Medicaid Gap. In states that expanded Medicaid, there are still some who seem to be getting the short end of the stick, but there is no Gap in assistance for coverage. In states that did expand Medicaid. Everyone under 138% the Federal Poverty Level is covered by Medicaid. Everyone over 100% is eligible for cost assistance if they shop on the marketplaces for private insurance.

These programs and how they function are in the hands of your state and federal legislators. Contact them and tell them to expand Medicaid in your state. Then tell them to do something about the Family Affordability Glitch too.


First with Medicaid you have to be categorically eligible by that I mean first you meet criteria. Under 21, If you are pregnant, if you are disabled, if you are elderly, if you are a family with children, if you have HIV, if you have breast or cervical cancer or if you are medically frail. Then if you fall into one of those categories then the income part comes in and depending on your income and citizenship will determine if you can get coverage through the Medicaid program so under federal guideline just because you have no money does not mean you will get coverage. Some States do have offer more programs than the federal government requires but mostly you have to meet a category first to go to the next step which is income.

I agree that Obama care does not cover everyone as it said it would and made it a law that everyone must be covered but the health care system doesn’t work and it is not just covering the unemployed its high premiums and deductibles for family is not affordable for those who have little or no access to their employer sponsored health care. I believe it needs to be handled differently and more effective. To get even a affordable plan people have been falsely giving information so that they can be eligible but at the end of the year when they have to pay a high tax because they got a tax credit based on what they attested to will be a rude awaking because they don’t understand the effects.

If you claim your nephew on your taxes as a dependent then he can enroll in a plan but they will require some of your information even if your not applying. The other thing is your nephew can apply for free care at any local hospital. It is a community based service which is based on income but you will have to use there services and area.

Children can also stay on their parents private health care insurance until they turn 26.

Good Luck and lets hope our government joins us in the national health care system so they can see for themselves first hand the burden this forced health care is on the tax payers and citizens.


I am sending you this message b/c I know this sweetheart of a woman that is overwhelmed with her living environment and most of all her health .she has no job and could not work even if she had a job .not sure what her med problem is .she goes to Jackson hospital and they still want money for services that she cannot afford to pay .so she just lets it go .she is constantly tired, weak, ect I am very concerned .if I could afford to pay every thing for her I would so .she needs help and fast .she is not feeling good at all her belly is swollen and is in constant pain I wish I could help .so I turn to you in hopes you can help her or point me in the right direction .thank tou jerry b


I lost my job in December 2015, and haven’t been able to get anything. I have a 1 yr old baby who has medicaid, however I was denied medicaid, I live in florida and is the worse state for medicaid. I don’t have any income except the $400 I get in child support, I don’t qualify for a premium tax credit and I can’t afford to pay $212+ in monthly premium. Will I have to pay the fine for not having health insurance?


If your only income is $400 a mo. in child support your claimed MAGI should be $0 and thus you are exempt from the fee. Your issue in Florida is your state rejecting Medicaid expansion and leaving you with no health options, not the fee in your case.


I lost my job in December 2015, and haven’t been able to get anything. I have a 1 yr old baby who has medicaid, however I was denied medicaid, I live in florida and is the worse state for medicaid. I don’t have any income except the $400 I get in child support, I don’t qualify for a premium tax credit and I can’t afford to pay $212+ in monthly premium. Will I have to pay the fine for not having health insurance?


I dont work but hv income evry month can i get a medical aid


At age 56, I just got back from overseas with my daughter who is 15 years old and have not find a job yet right now, how can I get medical insurance and how much is the monthly bill will it be ?


Obama care sucks what are the unemployed suppose to do after getting ill and can’t work and can’t see a doctor because of no insurance and Medicaid turns you away


Well as we say, its often not ObamaCare in instances like this, it is often states rejecting Medicaid expansion (as ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to all adults below the 138% poverty level and about 19 Red States and Maine have continued to rejected it and not offer an alternative (the law allows for this).

With that said, other options include seeking out other types of local assistance, including private charity, and looking into unsubsidized options including short term.

The problem with insurance is the only way one can adjust risk is by edging out sick people, exploiting loopholes, and adjusting rates and benefits. So for those stuck in the Medicaid gap they face a number of unfriendly options, similar to how it was for millions before the ACA.

All the above said, sorry, obviously I find this frustrating personally as I like to be able to offer some modicum of helpful advice.


This is what politics does to the general public on ALL fronts. Bait and switch, smoke and mirrors or the good old regular bald faced lie! I lost my job due to downsizing, when I was employed I received UnitedHealth Plan coverage At NO cost which was costing the gov 500 a month now I am unemployed and No plans are ava. not to mention Medicaid is no longer ava to the majority of the most needy people! Thus Obama care is crap, a lie which allowed gov. to effectively close Medicaid for the poor and mandate coverage to the masses. Corrupt worthless thieving political elitist!


That doesn’t help a bit. How does a sick person get medical attention that will make him well enough to get and keep a job? My 39 year old son wants to work, but cannot keep a job due to health related absence which results in his being let go before he qualifies for benefits. I cannot afford my own medical bills, I certainly can’t pay his. What is he to do?


After almost 6 years, I’ve returned to the US after living/working abroad. I’ve never had health insurance before and now learned of this health care law and don’t want to be penalized. I was abroad for the first 6 months of 2016. I’m 31, now unemployed (0 income until I find a job) and staying with my dad until I do. I can’t afford anything right now, not even the fee if I don’t find an option soon. So, what are my options? (I called, no results, no surprise, and Medicaid rejected me). Is there any way to claim the ‘lived abroad’ exemption or extend it since it was only 6 months and 8 days this year?


I have seizures and need a doctor and medicine and have no job or no insurance and live in Abilene TX and need help.


Usually you can’t get Medicaid unless you are pregnant or disabled…I’m sure he isn’t preggers, right?


I am a 31 yearold female homeless denied by Medicaid I am in need of mental health services to be able to keep a job and better myself. Feels hopeless


I am 48 my husband has been laid off for 7 months we have no income what so ever. Can I apply for Medicaid? My 2 children are on it. We receive food stamps but no other help. I’m so sick, I can’t afford a doctor visit and if I go to the hospital they will turn me away unless I pay at least $200 or more. I’m losing this battle!!!


You can 100% apply for Medicaid, but some states haven’t expanded Medicaid and options may be limited. You can call the state Medicaid office or the marketplace for direction, and you can also seek local assistance (with a public hospital typically being able to sign you up on the spot). In an emergency you can always use a public hospital as well. Hope that helps. Learn more about Medicaid expansion.


I was was working on a job with insurance September 24 2015 I got hit by an tractor trailer damaged disc in my neck that a pressing on my spinal cord I also have 3 herniated in my lower back I’ve applied for medicaid in November 2015 denied I applied again in January 2016 which I was told I have to wait for disability to kick in which I applied for that in October 2015 February 2016 comes around an I’m told I need a lawyer to get my disability started I’m taking therapy to try to get better but it’s not helping so now it’s July 2016 and I’m still waiting on disability I can’t work I have a neck surgery coming up this August 2016 and back surgery is to be announced still havent heard from disability so I can’t get medicaid now so I’m going to be fined 625 for not having health care.


My mother is elderly and hardly worked in the past. She applied for Medicaid and was denied lack of work credits? How else can she get on medicaid or medicare?


I acquired lawful permanent resident 4 months ago. the special enrollment period for eligibility based on gaining lawful permanent resident has lapsed and I was not able to get insurance in the market place. I recently found a job but the job does not offer health insurance. Can I apply again in the marketplace for special enrollment?

Kellie Fitzgerald

Lost my familys health insurance (2 adults and 4 kidos)


I am in the same situation. I have a niece who is 26 years old does not have a job and will not and cannot be covered by Medicaid in the State of Florida. The only way she can be covered as if she is pregnant, which she is not thankfully how can I go about getting her insured so she can get the coverage she needs


My brother is homeless and is in ICU with a breathing tube. I have no idea where the money is going to pay for this. I have asked several times to several agencies without an answer. I voted for President Omaha. Where are you now that I need help?


My husband has a job that offers insurance to both him and I but I will not be working and I was wondering if I can apply for Medicaid or will they kick it back because of my husband? Just wandering.


I live in south carolina and I had medicaid and for some reason my medicaid was shut off. I do not understand what happened. I am a single parent who does not work but I live with my boyfriend who pays the bills. I am only staying home because we cant afford childcare. Because me and my boyfriend is not merried I cannot get onto his health insurance. I had my yearly review last august and was excepted but was shut off for no spacific reason. Should I still be able to reapply for medicaid?


Yes you can always appeal and reapply, and you should if you think you are in the right.


I have a 24 year old son whom I adopted out of an abusive situation when he was 6 years old. He had been physically abused leaving him according to two doctors with the back of an 87 year old man. His abuser used to grab his right arm, twist it and kick him in the back. He worked in a restaurant doing a little bit of everything for about 6 months and then the restaurant closed its doors. He has not worked since. Currently he does receive some medical help from and org. called Sulzbatcher but his back problems are more sever than they seem to have the abilities to treat. I have some experience with back problems in that I have had 17 operations on mine. It was injured originally in 1970 while in the Military. Currently I stumble through on a implanted Morphine pump and doing as little as possible. I am 70 years of age and have enough other health problems that I don’t believe I will be around that much longer. But back to my son. He needs help and I do not know where to turn for him to get it. He needs a neurosurgeon or at least a orthopedic surgeon. If you have any answers as to where I can turn or have him turn for help please let me know


Sad story, it is hard to find the right words.

First thing first you want to apply for Medicaid, that is a great option in 30 states, not as effective in the rest (see

Next bit of advice is, and you could do this first or directly after Medicaid, contact (see

If none of this works, then you’ll need to look to local charities.

I hate to say this, but as a 24 year old in that position it may behoove him to be in a strongly Democratic state. It isn’t about politics, it is about the underlying ideology in regards to state-based assistance. In my home state of Washington (state), specifically the east side (near Idaho, not Seattle), the housing is cheap, care is great, Medicaid is expanded, and the job market isn’t too shabby.


I f obamacare subsidies aren’t paid or filed will my meficade help be cancelled?


Medicaid is only affected by Medicaid. If your income qualifies you then you have access (in states that expanded). The ACA cost assistance just affects taxes and coverage for those making too much for Medicaid.


If you get into a bad car accident and been out of employment for 8 months and can’t receive unemployment can you receive Obamacare


You can transition to marketplace coverage via special enrollment if you lose coverage, and Medicaid if your state expanded and you have no income. You can’t just be without coverage and then get coverage outside of open enrollment in the private market. I would call and get direct assistance with this.


I looked at the comments below and again you the government are not really listening. No one below will qualify for Medicare. And you know it!


We are an independent site, but we are saying that if you have no income (actually anyone under 138% FPL) qualifies for Medicaid under the ACA if their state expanded Medicaid.

So, and go ahead and google “Medicaid expansion”, we are saying that 20 of the 30 states didn’t expand and that is leaving millions without coverage.

The terms medicaid and medicare can be confusing, but we are saying Medicaid, not Medicare.


I am a 43 year old female with m s and have no income so I have no insurance and in Texas unless you are pregnant you can’t get medicaid what do I do


Sometimes local charity will help. Texas, especially urban Texas, actually isn’t the worst place in the world for healthcare. It just isn’t the best. Applying for Medicaid can help (as the rejection letter can help broaden your options). The rest is really left up to local charities, which by the way, the right-wing thinks is sufficient and is why we don’t need social welfare programs… which logically makes no sense, but especially sucks in practice when I have to answer the question “why can’t I get health insurance in Texas?”. The general answer being, The Republican Party.


My husband makes 44$ over the amount from medicaid and his medicaid was cancelled including the insurance. He is a type one diabetic , 61 and must see a doctor regularly. What can he do?


Find a legal “white hat” way to lose $44 a month. Donate to charity, 401K, or whatever other vehicle you can figure out. If a corporation can pay a 0% effective tax rate (that isn’t why they qualify for subsidies), you can wiggle out of the $44 guilt free and take advantage of Medicaid, which honestly should be an option in a position like that any way. The other option would have been shopping on the marketplace during open enrollment.


This did not answer the question. Medicaid turns u away. Period….
My son had car accident two broken arms 7 mo later saw orthopedic bcs specialists ddnt want liability. Denied Hidalgo indigenous hasn’t had income since accide program nt has 4 children. Texas simply doesn’t help males over age 18. Your American and hung out to dry.


Texas didn’t expand Medicaid, so there are simply less options in Texas. I think i’ve said this before, but the lack of answer is because there isn’t one in states that rejected Medicaid.


Not working now. Full blown a_fib need health care.


My brother hurt his back had surgery while insured it didnt help. He had to allow 1 yr recovery before the doctor would reevaluate for possible 2nd surgery. During this time his long term disability company cancel his coverage so he lost his income. His doctor determined he is much worse and needs a major 2nd surgery. Now he has no income except his wife’s who works in fast food at minimum wage, he has no insurance becasue her check pays the mortgage that is 2 months past due and they have 2 sons living with them 15 and 18. He was turned down for Medicaid in Ga and so was his wife. The kids have Peach care. They live on the verge of losing everything and he would gladly go back to work if he had insurance and could have the surgery that would help him get back to work so he can pay for insurance. This is ridiculous! He is a hard worker who took care of his family paid his way and taxes all his life until this happened. They can barely get enough food stamps to eat each month. This act is a lie and is putting more and more people in this situation. Oh and yes they could get the health care for $400 a month! What a joke and another joke, the state of Ga! They are pushing more and more families into this situation! No Medicaid for adults under 65! This family has done everything Everything possible just to keep a roof over their heads and keep getting kicked in the face by out state and federal government! Oh and yes hes a candidate for ss disability has an attorney and the standard time is up to 2-3 years to get a hearing in Ga. Try waiting that out while being in much pain you cant walk across the room at times or put your own pants on while trying to live on the incone from Wendy’s. It is heart breaking to watch and not be able to do anything.


I’m working but have three children. I can’t get Medicaid and need insurance the prices quoted are very high. Is there any lower than $100 a month


I have no income and no health care.we live with my mother in law. We don’t pay any bills. I have food stamps and that’s how we help out. How can I get health care


This answer does not answer the question with any health care….it only states that people with NO INCOME can NOT get insured…. so what good is that ?:?:?


I would direct that question to the Republicans representing your state. I don’t have an answer beyond charity, because their isn’t one, because the GOP in your state rejected Medicaid. I don’t like giving that blanket answer to the millions who will ask, but what can I do?


So, what if you can’t get on Medicaid and have a hard time finding a job that offers good or even decent health insurance? Cause that’s the predicament I’m in.


You can sometimes use the rejection letter from Medicaid to expand options through Or at least, in theory this works, I haven’t heard many happy success stories. Other options involve local charities.

Always apply to Medicaid and get rejected though. It opens up options and tells your state, “hey another person with no coverage being denied an olive branch here”.

The states that reject it often say, “oh no one wants it, or those who do have other options, or its just lazy people who don’t work.” So making your voice heard actually counts on this one.


Im a mother thats in need of Medicaid because im in need of getting my teeth fix my children get Medicaid so i want to know if my children get it do i get Medicaid to


Medicaid and CHIP are based on income, family size, and what state you live in.


You can go to the hospital with no coverage but if they send you to a specialist you are out of luck.I’ve been living with a broken shoulder for three years and cant work. I cant get ssdp benefits because I havent been able to get a specialist to see me.


I have been without insurance 3 months and have no job. I take care of my mother, And I need insurance. My mom is 82″ of age, she has insurance. We have bills and she only gets very little in social security. She needs me to take care of her, but I need a job too, to pay house payments, electricity, and house phone payments. But I need to go to a doctor, no insurance. Someone help me out here.

Benjamin. Mcknight

I have no job I have been in three wrecks I’m on strong medicine it’s hard for me be around people I stay with my mom and dad they live on a fix income and can not help me with any bills I’m 37 years old I don’t get around real good because of my back and feet legs I have a 18 year old daughter and theirs no way she can help.this is my moms iPad that I’m using

Patricia Williams

I do not currently have any income. My boyfriend works and I stay home with my kids. We are not married. I obviously don’t qualify for obamacare …but don’t qualify for state insurance either because they count his income as mine even though we are not married… any suggestions?


Well if you guys both count your income together for taxes you may be able to project over 100% of the poverty level and use the marketplace (so look into that).

If not then Medicaid expansion and CHIP might be options, contact your state Medicaid department.

If none of this works then local charity is the next good option.


Make 100, dollars a week please I need health insurance


I am 64 years old and could not afford to pay for health care insurance. The U.S. government has fined me $569.00 for not having insurance. I did not go to a doctor nor am I ill. I do not take any medication. I can run down five flights of stairs and keep walking. Why do I have to pay this penalty and people who are not citizens pay nothing?


I had Medicad, and was told that I am not covered anymore. I have health issues, now I can’t have my nurse anymore, nor can I afford my medications.


Dial211 or visit food stamp office. Or socail service office is removed from that part of it’s duties so instead they can will and have helped me with that.


OBAMA CARE SUCKS!!! SO DOES STATE OF GEORGIA MEDICAID!!! Not to help someone that is homeless and jobless is HORRIBLE and this whole junk of a “healthcare” program is completely unbelievable that it was even done….but when does Washington elite care about those that have nothing??? NOTHING!!!

linda mae bennett

Help with health insurace but no income


I have applied to for affordable insurance for myself. I was told because I have no income I.m not eligible for any assistance, it’s how it is set up. I was told it would cost me 293.00 a month. I have not worked for 2 years, but I am a full time student who’s trying to better her life. How is unemployed not considered low income. I have been turned down several times. If there is a program that can help me, I will gladly appreciate it. I have received no luck in obtaining any help with health insurance.


That was a bad answer w or without expanding Medicaid. Everyone knows as does the author of above answer Medicaid will not insure an adult without a least one child under age of 18. It’s a known fact and furthermore Medicaid is a big headache for the moms and dads and kids it does insure becuz no doctors take it !!!


That is not true. ObamaCare expanded Medicaid to ALL single adults in states that expanded Medicaid. End of story. Will a specific private practice take Medicaid? That differs by practice.


Fewer doctors are accepting Medicaid or are restricting the number of patients they accept on Medicaid – the reality is even if u can find a doctor that will accept you, you most likely will only see a PA – unless of course you have a life threatening illness then you can hope the waiting list isnt so long you have a good chance of dying before you see the doctor, the treatment you do receive is dependent on what you can afford, or how good your insurance plan is , good health care is for those that can afford it – health insurance IS NOT health care


Im Dana Rogers I broke my hand in three places and I went to the hospital the told me it was nothing they can do I tried to apply for medical and county said I couldn’t what can i do


What about if someone has no income and they have a disease that can be spread….who pays the gloriabill


Medicaid in Florida will not covered this individual. It has limited guidelines mostly for women with children or severely handicapped. And because Florida did not expand Medicaid in Florida. Most no income people are out of luck


This is true and very sad. That said, Florida isn’t the worst of the non-expansion states for getting local help. Not sure that is much of a consolation.


Is there an OFFICIAL Obama care website, for FACTS? WHY would the government waste money on a website, that gives unofficial information? Makes no sense, but then its Obama care Bamboozler


We are an unofficial website created by private citizens. No one asked us to build the site, just sort of doing the whole freedom thing here. The benefit is we can say what we want and allow others to say what they want too. Luckily our main goal is to help. Think that is done pretty well in between the banter.


Ok thanks. I need Obamacare for me and my kids. I have no income.


I am leaving my husband, but we are still married. He works but I don’t so no income for me.
Since he is working out of state and I will be living in Idaho in our house. What am I to do. I can’t afford a divorce and he doesn’t have the time or wants to pay for it. Since I have no income at an age of 57 I can’t afford health care. What am I to do.


Well, in this case you aren’t get a fair deal. He should actually either agree to cover you as part of a family plan, or he will owe the penalty for you not having coverage (likely for this year as it’s after open enrollment). In Idaho they didn’t expand Medicaid, so there is that problem too.

No easy solutions here.


I can’t find this answer anywhere. What happens if I believe I will make 100% of poverty line in a state that didn’t expand Medicaid so the state gives me a tax credit but I am self-employed and if I end up making $0 each month then will I owe back the tax credit for each month that they gave it to me at the end of the year when I file taxes? Basically does it work the same as if I made too much money if I end up making too little money? I’m worried that if I have a bad year and make no income that I will also end up paying back the $200 a month tax credit since they will say I shouldn’t have had a tax credit. Is that possible? There is no accurate way to guess my income since self-employed and fluctuates.


When you file the 8962 and 8965 forms you’ll see that you owe $0 if you drop below the poverty level due to household income compared to the poverty level.


To Rodney who wrote “… the state gives me a tax credit but I am self-employed and if I end up making $0 each month then will I owe back the tax credit for each month that they gave it to me at the end of the year” …

If the marketplace in your state estimated your income would be over 100% federal poverty level, and you received advance premium tax credit for at least one month to help pay your health insurance premiums, if it turns out your actual income for the year ends up below 100% FPL, there is NO repayment.

People only repay some or all of their tax credit if they earn MORE than the amount they predicted when they signed up. You can read about this in the Instructions for Form 8962 from Search for this section, quoted below:


“Estimated household income at least 100% of the Federal poverty line.

“You may qualify for the PTC if your household income is less than 100% of the Federal poverty line and you meet all of the following requirements.

“You or an individual in your tax family enrolled in a qualified health plan through a Marketplace.

“The Marketplace estimated at the time of your enrollment that your household income would be between 100% and 400% of the Federal poverty line for your family size for 2014.

“APTC is paid for the coverage for one or more months during 2014.

“You otherwise qualify as an applicable taxpayer (without taking into account the Federal poverty line percentage).”

Note that this requires you to elect to get APTC during the year, not all after the end of the year at tax time as PTC. If you pay full premium hoping to get the PTC as a refund at tax time, you would not qualify for the credit because actual income would be known, and you would not get the help to reimburse you for paying full premiums during the year.


My son who is fifty six years old has been denied health care coverage. He has not been able to find a job and has no income at all. He lives with me and I pay all the bills. But I am a senior citizen and can’t pay for his health care.


i live in Texas. There is no medicaid expansion. The nearest and only hospital in our country turn me away twice. I’m only guessing, but I think I have gallstones and it causing me great pain. Not sure what to do.


i Meant county, not country.


This is a hard one to answer. The best general answer is to look for local community help (charities and trainees). I hate to give this answer as it is so general, but all the other advice involves getting your income in the right place to get assistance through HealthCare.Gov.


My sister is a widowed 57 year old with multi health issues, Her knees are bone on bone. She has no real medical care. She came to stay with me, April 2015. she was in Vermont prior and became homeless due to alcoholism. I got a call that she was in a travel trailer with a friend in freezing snow and had carpet tacked to the outside of the travel trailer. she lost her job, and was at her rock bottom. My Dad lives with me and he sent her a ticket to come stay with us temporary, She has been with us a year in April 2016. She has had no alcohol for all that time. She is suffering with her knees and her teeth are rotten. NO money and I just dont know where to turn for help! what can I do??


Look this Obama care crap is ridiculous and a waste of time! If this president could not litterally enforce this law to be respected and enforced by every state and party line and it seems to me he knew he couldn’t because all these so called southern states aka “racist” have rights. Let me tell you had it been Bill Clinton or Bush that had passed this Bill all these white folks would be listening right now and not blocking their states from using it right now. Thus leaving people with no place to go health care wise and have to pay a darn fine that no non working person can pay Duh? Then why the heck did he pass it? Dumb! Heck I voted for the guy and even I know better. Had he told me that he passed a bill that no states has to follow or support but that I would still have to pay the $695 for a penalty that I have nothing to do with because he can’t do his job and enforce it! I would have told him to take a hike and not vote for either party!!!! Shame on you Obama! It isn’t just his fault either. GET IT TOGETHER WASHINGTON!


I am 26 years old and was laid off from work on January.Need help to get an affordable health insurance.I was not able to sign up for health insurance because I don’t have service job.


I lost my Medicaid due to my child turning 18. I can’t work due to illness. Can’t collect SSD due to lack of recent work history. I live on $5400.00 year as I lost child support! I need Doctors and prescriptions. I’ve tried everything! What can I do? Buying terrified!


I’m a childless male with health problems that have kept me from working for several years. I live in a state that rejected expanding Medicaid and have been rejected due to my lack of “points” in their required taxed/work scheme. Meaning I haven’t worked enough and payed enough taxes to qualify. I was rejected for SSI also and was told in a letter I can no longer apply for Medicaid/Medicare.

So basically you’re telling me it’s impossible to receive health insurance and medical care because I have no money to pay for it. If I do receive care I acquire dept I can not pay and eventually have to go to Prison where ironically I would probably get health care.


Im a 24 year old female who is unemployed i have a 9 month old baby who has medicaid but i on the other hand does not. Im from texas currently living with my dad what ate some options i have? Can i still get medicaid even if im not working? I need help please i really don’t know much about insurance.


As a mother you might have options through CHIP (almost positive you would). CHIP tends to provide coverage in most states, Medicaid for most single adults is what is not an option in Texas.


I earned +/- $500 to $800,000 a yeat up until12/1/12 where my income was $60k in 2012 and 2013 and 14 were even less and tbe second half of 2015 thru current day, I have no income living of basice and assistance of familu while I apply for 10 to 20 open jobs a day and gannot get any decent earnings even of I work 2 jobs at 20 hours a day! I applied for Medicaid for myself and 2 children and we all are without Auto, home and HEALTH INS. my credit one from a 785-2839 T so I am unable to take a home equity loan to catch a sub up in half nobody else that will cosign for me you name it we are on the verge of bankruptcy and I have major health problems in cannot afford light medication that is having a slow but progressive pass to my desk and I’m only 43 years old. My chemotherapy and diabetes that I have been going through for the last 10 years has resulted in 98% of all of my teeth becoming incredibly fragile and breaking off clean at the gum line but even if I had Health or dental insurance they would not cover the extraction and replacement with the lowest cost 4 in 1implants and cant eat losing so much weight, constant mouth sores and cannot chew food as not ONE molar to grind food and in painanagrment to handle the chronic pain and also diabetic meds i. Cant afford with no insurance.

Please any advice, any online legit pharm/skype/phone Dr to help with pain treatmemt as I need pain management after half of my liver removed from tumors, 10 years of chemo and minimal radiation for Psuedo Lymphoma, diabetes (11.9 A1C) and then asthma, high blood pressure ,no short term memory at all… and ALL OF MY TEETH ARE GONE OR READY TO FALL IN DAYS OR WEEKS. I am on despirate need of help


I guess you have to sit down with a health advocate from a hospital or a Charity and get some guidence about what you should do first. It is dificult to understand just what your financial situtaion is right now/
Everything sounds so scatterred and is hard to un ravel.
It’s your income right now that is important.
You should be having a Health clinic assist you with your Health plan with eligbility guide lines for Medicaid
A dental clinic might be able to offer you implants
Your children might be eligible for medicaid
You might be eligible for Medicaid.


I cant work do to not being healthy. I cant get healthy without medicaid or insurance if some type. This is a sad country we live in. Walking into a emergency room doesnt to much for the uninsured. Mental health in my state is terrible (Louisiana),and unless your shot or been in a car wreck ect.. You will be treated poorly and will get no or very little treatment. Usually told to find a primary care doctor that you can’t afford . A waste of time. Very sad. Poor people didnt get much from this president!


To be clear the GOP (Republicans) in your state blocked the part of the Affordable Care Act that was supposed to give you free health insurance under Medicaid and provide mental health treatment. One could claim their strategy was to block Medicaid to make it look like “Obama” didn’t care about our countries poorest. Criticism of Medicaid aside, it of the less cool things done by Republicans in the Obama Presidency. Not sure how else to point out this fact, know it comes of as bias, but we are talking about 5 million Americans in hard working families who don’t make enough for Marketplace tax credits who are going without coverage over this.


I am a student, with no income, just a full time student living with my girlfriend. I had my university’s health insurance 4 months ago but they dropped their plans due to little usage, will I have to pay a fine for not having health insurance? I’m 28, no income, student, in the state of Florida. I am trying to find the answer online but it is unclear for students. I get a grant to pay for classes, I assume I won’t have to but I am not sure, please let me know. Also I have 4 medications I am on , but cannot afford health insurance, am I eligible for free Healthcare or reduced?


Generally you won’t have options in Florida as Florida refused Medicaid expansion.

That being said, they have looser rules than some states so you should 100% just apply to the state Medicaid office. If not then you’ll need to make at least 100% of the poverty level (in yearly MAGI income), and not be offered employer coverage, to get marketplace assistance.


But will I be fined the $625 for not having insurance if I get denied? I can’t find rules for students , not working so 2% of income would be $0. I will file for medicaid and see if anything happens, but other than that, do I need to rush by the 31st?

I am in the same category as described above; not enough income to afford healthcare and denied by Medicaid. My income was approximately $1,400 for 2015 and I have been semi-homeless. I enrolled for healthcare and spent my last bit of money on it. Unable to make further payments I was dropped. I was denied Medicare because I have no children. My blood sugar levels are often close to 300 and I cannot afford my medication because I cannot afford a doctor visit. My vision is rapidly failing. The medication is $4 but the doctor visit is $185. How can people with no savings and very low income afford premiums of (in my case) around $350-$400 per month?


I take care of my brother, is unable to care for himself and has been rejected for disability and now as of 02/01/16 he is losing benefits that cover Health care in Arizona. He has no income, no job and now no healthcare, what can I do? My insurance won’t cover him, and now it appears that there is nothing I can do to keep him insured. He cannot pay the penalty for not having insurance, nor can I carry that burden either, and abandoning him is not an option- he has no one else.


My son is living outside of the country more than 330 days and therefore does not need to sign on to a health care plan in the United States. He is visiting home for 3 weeks and would like to get a medical check up. How does he do this without insurance?

He carries international insurance but that exempts care in the United States.

Can he see a doctor here? What does he say when they ask for his insurance card?


He can just pay for the doctor out of pocket. Either that or he can get travelers insurance.


I need health insurance when I’m 18 because I’m going off my parents plan. Do I apply now for this year before the deadline? Or would I not be eligible because I’m still a minor? I won’t be employed for awhile because I can’t juggle school and work. How would I be able to do this?


You can enroll 30 days before you turn 18 to have coverage that starts close to your birthday. That said, you don’t have to transaction off your parents coverage until you are 26. If you transition early you will need to project to make at least 100% of the federal poverty level to get tax credits, otherwise you should look into Medicaid expansion and ObamaCare’s exemptions.


Under Obamacare, dependents can stay on their parents health insurance up to age 26.


I need health insurance but I have no income. Need to know what to do and where to go to to get insurence. I understand my state did not expand there options but I still need insurence.


This site avoids the question of what a unemployed person is to do by saying “medicare”, when they know there are states that do not allow this. Answer the question twofold, what is a person to do when they are unemployed and their state does not offer the medicaid option.


Not purposefully ignoring anything on this site. It’s just a complex topic.

When a state doesn’t offer Medicaid, but income is below 100% FPL:

– Apply for Medicaid to get an exemption.
– Use the exemption to get catastrophic coverage.
– Look into local assistance programs. Specifically other public programs that can offer assistance and point you in the right direction locally and private healthcare providers who after assistance as charity.
– For those a little better off in these states. Look at the millions around you who can’t get healthcare and take political action.


I cant believe any reasonable sain person would expect a democrat not to go mute when asked a simple question that only has one simple answer..they comfuse easy…mod..ban them!


The promises by Obama and the Democrats were “You can keep your doctor,” and “The ‘Affordable Healthcare Plan’ will be affordable.” These are both LIES. Would you like to defend those statements to your readers?
In the States that did not expand Medicaid, many Americans (ages 19-64) now have no healthcare, and will die prematurely. So, what happens when people start flooding the emergency rooms in lieu of going to a doctor’s office, because they have no money?! Who will pay for that? This “affordable healthcare” is not affordable for anyone.


Im homeless and i need insirance what can i do.


Local assistance programs are almost always going to be a good first step. They can help you understand your state’s Medicaid rules, you can also contact your state Medicaid department directly. In general public hospitals and private assistance programs are a smart choice to get further help. HealthCare.Gov also offers on-phone assistance and could likely provide general guidance in this area.


I am 20 years old, female.. I tried to apply for Medicaid but i did not get approved because I am not disabled, blind, pregnant, older than 19, and i have no dependents.. i do not know what to do.. even before i lost my job last month (I Moved) i could not afford medical insurance.. is there anything that could help? I have zero income and no family


Well if you read the comments you know it is your state that rejected covering their poorest leaving them with no health options. You can look to charity, you can move, you can get a job. It’s hard to give advice because it always comes off like we are mad at the GOP or we are saying “get a job, or move”.

What does one say when the truth is ugly? Other options include looking into local charities.


I need Medicaid as well. I have been denied too many times to count. My Medicaid ended 12/01/2012 when my daughter turned 18 yrs old. I have been hospitalized for DVT/PE, and I also have Osteoarthritis. I am required to take blood-thinners, but can not get them because I have no income and no insurance. What is a person like me supposed to do to get some help?




This reply is basically telling all those who dont qualify for Medicaid in the backward states that rejected it that they are screwed. My mother has skin cancer and at this point it looks cheaper to pay for her needed surgery out of pocket than attempt to pay for her to have health insurance. She is 52, on the verge of disabled because of past injuries to her legs, cannot get a job because the only things she is qualified to do involve standing long hours, and cannot afford $500 a month in health insurance 🙁 Thanks for trying. I guess the only thing I can do is continue to hate Rick Scott and dearly hope he gets eaten by an alligator for what he has done to the citizens of Florida.


It brings us no joy to give people that answer. We try to lay out the facts on what is happening and some suggestions on this page and others:

Options include getting a rejection letter and looking into catastrophic health plan options through, looking into local charities, going to the emergency room in an emergency, and figuring out a way to raise income enough to qualify for marketplace cost assistance (this can be done in some instances by filing taxes with others who have more income and sharing a family plan, although other limitations apply there). Also, although Florida didn’t expand Medicaid, it does offer Medicaid and CHIP based off unique eligibility levels set by the state of Florida.

Don’t give up hope!


I wish the President would see these responses although I’m sure they are only a fraction of the population that are going to continue without coverage. The premium prices are outrageous in my estimation as well. We have allowed states to deny medicaid to deserving people after being told that ALL Americans would receive health care. And yet industrialized nations around the world lead us by leaps and bounds, providing health care to their citizens – most pay nothing.
I don’t think anything has changed in this country. The wealthy and the “haves” are still cared for and have the necessary resources to thrive. The rest of us wait until our pain becomes critical or life-threatening before we see a doctor in the ER.


I assure you that the more people talk honestly about their experience, and the more they think critically and put their frustration aside to express real problems and solutions, the more ears will hear what people are saying.


Response to NOV 6 reply:
I would like you to tell me how one is supposed to “think critically” in a time of health crisis when a program entitled Affordable Care Act is not accessible to all citizens. How does one think critically when they are overwhelmed with pain, suffering, uncertainty, and a sense of hopelessness when no options are available? It’s pretty impossible to think outside the box when you’ve waited years for a solution to a crisis in your life – only to be told by your state “no can do” – and then your federal government says “you have no options here.” I have a right to be frustrated. It was, after all, frustration from millions of Americans (including the Pres himself) that led to change. But it only changed for some.
PS. You work for the federal government and can’t spell “experience”?


I hear what you are saying. Thanks for the spell-check. I nor anyone on my team works for the Federal Government as clearly stated on every page.

ObamaCareFacts is a free informational site. It’s privately owned, and is not owned or operated by the US federal or state government. We don’t offer professional official legal, tax, or medical advice. We simply help point you in the right direction. Legal Information.

We are simply here helping people to understand the law and trying to give a voice to anyone who wants to be heard.


I have no income. I’m 46 female had stroke two yrs ago. That left me with a limp. I suffer with hypertension. Depression, I had a stent placed in my heart about two months ago. & I so suffer with back trouble.had two back surgery in O7 . I was going to pain management.I was on medicade, till my daughter turn 18. I was under doctor care, taking meds. Now I can’t continue the meds . or continue going to the doctors on my the visit.due to no income. Will Obama health cover at least my meds. (Exspecially my high blood pressure & heart medications. )Please reply back .thanks in advanced.


If you are experiencing medical problems it’s really important to do 2 things.

One, in an emergency you need to go to a public emergency room. No one should ever put off help due to costs or lack of coverage.

Two, in a non-emergency, you should look into Medicaid options in your state and cost assistance options through HealthCare.Gov. If you have trouble you can always ask for help at a public hospital, call your state Medicaid office, or call HealthCare.Gov.


my parents and i don’t have enough income to buy obanacare so how can we have insurance


States were supposed to expand Medicaid giving people without enough money free or low cost coverage. If your state expanded you can get Medicaid. If you make too much for Medicaid than you can get cost assistance. If your state rejected Medicaid than you may have no affordable options.


I have rectovaginal fistula and need surgery, no Insurance need help.


If it is an emergency you should always go to the emergency room (ideally in a public hospital), even if you don’t have insurance. If you are low income and your state expanded Medicaid, you can qualify for Medicaid in retrospect in some cases and you can even sign up in the hospital after being tended to. If you make too much for Medicaid or your state didn’t expand you should try and see if you qualify for cost assistance on a health plan due to income.

You can also contact community health centers like Planned Parenthood.

If none of these are an option you may want to ask local charity and assistance programs for advice.


IMPORTANT: In emergency situations you should go directly to a hospital and seek the advice of a medial professional. We ( are an unofficial facts site and are not able to help our users contact or coordinate medical care. In non-emergency situations you should direct questions to your state Medicaid office or HealthCare.Gov. Please do not request that we contact you directly for assistance, this page (and this site) is created to help provide unofficial information only.


I have been trying to help a friend, 56, who has no job apply for obamacare but lives with her mom. The cheapest plan for one person is $200-600 so how is she supposed to pay this outrageous, (as expensive as private rate health insurance) monthly, health care plan when she has no income and is not on medicare? Obama implied that obamacare would be free health care, and said nothing about hiked up, insurance rates. Physicians will not see patient without this, outrageous, bogus health care, no one really wanted. Now they cant even get it privately so is obama hoping they will be so poor, and ill they will just die? Sounds like it to me!!!!


Medicaid was supposed to be expanded to all adults with no or low income. However at the moment 20 states are rejecting Medicaid expansion (the same states that are against ObamaCare generally). This is the reason some 5 million people with no or low income are in a situation like the one you describe above.


I am 61 , live in Texas now, moved from another red state , I am unemployed and having health issues for the first time in my life with no job and no insurance , Obama care wont help me because I Have no job, the state wont help me because they didnt sign up for the Medicaid expansion – so this affordable care act has been determined to be unaffordable if u are an unemployed American citizen


so i am an unemployed male adult with sever medical limitations, the gov is basically telling me that i am screwed, my medical conditions are chronic and fatal if left untreated but oh well guess since my state dosnt want medical the gov will just put me on the street to die.


That is awful. It is always sad to hear first hand experience of someone who isn’t at the moment making at least 100% of the Federal Poverty Level in a state that refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. To be clear for other readers, it is this person’s state Government leaving them with no health options. The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) was written to cover ALL adults below the 100% federal poverty level.

Learn more here:

and here:


Hello Ya’ll

I am 58 years old and don’t have any job. I recently moved from NJ to CA and I am resident in CA now, I am living with my relative and has no income at all. I have pain in my eye and I need to see a doctor, what option do I have or how can I get covered through any insurance. please advise.


California expanded Medicaid to all adults making less than 138% of the Federal Poverty Level. You can simply go to the hospital and let them know that you need help and want to enroll in Medicaid. Medicaid can cover you up to two months in retrospect meaning you can get care today.


I’m 19 and had my insurance cut from CHIPS after I was discharged from the military . I have filled out over 73 applications only to be denied I have 10 months not 12. Mississippi Medicaid only covers pregnant women and with children. I can’t have child with a growing cyst (that’s already 2 inches) on my ovary that ovulates. When I did have CHIPS the obgyn claimed they found nothing and said I had lumps in my breasts because they were just sucking my Medicaid . I finally found out what was wrong as I stated above 8-10 months afterwards with no lumps like they claimed when I had insurance! Not to mention when I had insurance I could not even get a second opinion because I was not pregnant not even from the hospitals ER services . You claim the republican states did not want to extended when there are other sources claiming the 7 states did not want to extend because of them still angered by the race of our President. Its ridiculous reasons !! Also because if this cysts bursts and( can be felt outside my pelvis ) if I don’t bleed internally I can get a serious infection to where I can never have my miracle child. Why has no one addressed this and took action ? Will I have to write my state government ?


If you are experiencing medical problems visit a hospital immediately. In America we don’t turn away people from hospitals, even in Mississippi, even if they don’t have insurance.

The issue you are having in general is that Mississippi was one of 20 states that as of today is still refusing Medicaid expansion. So there are about 165 thousand people just like you who have no options for health insurance under the ACA in Mississippi. The official reason given is, we can assure you, cost not race (although it’s worth noting 90% – 100% of costs are covered by the federal government).

You should, after seeking medical attention write your state and complain. You should also look into the health insurance marketplace. If you can aim to make 100% of the Federal Poverty Level next year (including odd jobs and temp work) you would be eligible for cost assistance through HealthCare.Gov (coverage would start as early as January 1st 2016).

Logistics aside, you can also move to any state that did expand Medicaid and get free or low cost coverage today.


My mom doesn’t work and she is 50 years old. She lives with my brother and show her as dependent when he files tax return. Can she be eligible for obamacare/Medicaid?


If a parent is a dependent they can be part of a family plan and thus share tax credits (which can be given in advance, but are technically filed for on tax form 8962). As a rule of thumb you want your “coverage family” and “tax family” to be the same.

If the family is eligible for Medicaid, everyone can get Medicaid. If the parent has no income and wants Medicaid then they need to be filed for separately.


I do not work and live with a friend. I have no income & because I live with a friend (instead of on the streets) and pay no rent or utilities I do not qualify for ANY type of assistance! We fall through the cracks because there is nothing for us!!!! So your example answer is very vague/general to 99% of real life people.


Sorry to hear that. To clarify the answer is saying:

– In states that expanded Medicaid anyone making less than 138% of the Federal Poverty Level, who doesn’t qualify for Medicare, regardless of other factors, can get Medicaid through their state Medicaid office (you can also contact HealthCare.Gov to be pointed in the right direction or sign up a number of other ways).

– States that didn’t expand Medicaid may have narrower eligibility guidelines and as a result single adults with low or no income may have no coverage options.

– In all states those making between 100% – 400% of the Federal Poverty Level can get cost assistance to buy a private plan though HealthCare.Gov.

So when in doubt check with HealthCare.Gov and your state Medicaid office (links provided in the answer above). Hope this helps.


These replies are terrible! These people have no income, telling everyone who lives with a friend rather than being homeless, They have no healthcare and our government claims everyone should be able to have the opportunity to have healthcare. We no longer can unless we $$$$$$$$! They refer them to the Healthmarket place! That place sucks, they only tell you being you have no income you must buy your own private insurance!!!! because there is no expanded Medicaid in our states!!! THERE IS NOTHING GOING ON WITH OUR GOVERNMENT TO HELP THE LOW INCOME, POVERTY, DISABLED, AND UNINSURED. They must start fining our states that do not help the uninsured.


Unfortunately the 2012 Supreme Court Case NFIB v Sebelius ended in a ruling that made it so states can’t be punished for not expanding. It’s simply up to each state to decide. And even if a person is low income and without a permanent residence HealthCare.Gov can offer very affordable plans to anyone making over 100% of the Federal Poverty Level. Just because a person is struggling doesn’t mean they have no taxable income, thus they should know that HealthCare.Gov does offer direction and help (and can help someone enroll in Medicaid). Medicaid and CHIP are offered to those making under 100% of the Federal Poverty level in some states. So even if a person doesn’t think they qualify they could find out they do or they are close to by contacting their state Medicaid office or HealthCare.Gov.


It is unbelievable that more disclosure has not been made about this “gap” in the affordable care act. Truly I believe that the options for low income, disabled and no income families is Much worse, and unacknowledged by the media and administration. Must be an election year.


This is so sad. I won’t even bother with what’s going on in my household, because half of America”s adults are probably walking around with no health insurance. We are the poor and the working poor that cannot afford Obamacare and are denied Medicaid. Something has to give. People are dying unnecessarily. A crying shame…….smh


Health care. Market says to pay for private insurance.How the hell can you pay for private insurance if you have no income and denied by Medicaid. How do you pay for that


Apply for Medicaid
Have the friend you are staying with write and explain the circumstances.
If you are staying there utill you get a job and it is a fill in temporary situation because they are worried about you you should be eligible.
If they can not keep you or support you on a permanent basis you should be eligible for Medicaid. and if this is just an emergency stop gap situation you should be eligible.
If you intend to pay them as soon as you get a job and this is a temporary situation you should be eligible.
If Medicaid denies you ask for a Fair Hearing


I am unemployed due to health issues and lost health insurance when layed off from job. I need health insirance to see drs and get required medications. What can l do?


If you have access to Medicaid in your state (many states that expanded Medicaid to the 138% Federal Poverty Level) then Medicaid is going to be your best bet. You can use special enrollment up to 60 days after losing coverage (due to losing your health insurance) to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace and get cost assistance if your income is between 100% – 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. Even if your state rejected Medicaid you should apply anyway. A rejection letter from a non-expansion state will get you access to an exemption from the fee and an option to buy catastrophic coverage.


In SC, I cannot get any medical assistance (56 years old) because I live with a friend. I do not pay rent or utilities in lieu of cooking/cleaning. So Thankful I am not on the streets…BUT leaves me with no money to pay for anything let alone health care.


This explains the issue. You live in South Carolina. South Carolina has been a little lackluster in regards to embracing the ACA. They didn’t expand Medicaid and we get comments from SC residents complaining about other things such as the SC not offering Women’s health services to teachers. To be clear, ObamaCare was meant to cover you and people like you. Your state took advantage of a 2012 supreme court ruling, brought on by the NFIB (, which made it so states didn’t have to expand Medicaid. In SC alone 200,000 other South Carolinians like you don’t have health insurance and thus have no access to healthcare outside of emergency room visits, charity and community help, and paying out of pocket (which is hard when one has low to no income). In all there are something like 5 million Americans without coverage in almost exclusively Republican run states that rejected Medicaid. Wish I had a specific solution for you, but the only real solution is for South Carolina to expand Medicaid or to address lack of coverage in another meaningful way.

Next time you hear someone say all politicians are the same, or it doesn’t matter what party I vote for, you should explain to them that in some ways they aren’t and it does.

You can learn more about Medicaid expansion here:


Political rhetoric is uncalled for. If you want to play that card, this law is a grab bag for the Federal Government, and it’s Insurance Company Cronies. Party IS irrelevant. The ACA was originally based of a Republican proposal in the first place that never got off the ground. It is an utter pile of garbage then and it is one now.
This country already spends more on social and health services than most other nations, and more on it than our entire Military. That is Fact.
And it is no better off today than it was 8 years ago. It’s worse. Premiums and Deductibles are higher. The President says “Shop around”. Well what about all that money you already payed to the insurance company you are leaving? It’s gone. Poof. thrown to the wind. You don’t get it back, it doesn’t add up, it’s just gone. Insurance is a scam. Bad money management for the average person. Especially now in 2016. Take that money and invest it instead of giving it away. You’ll always be poor otherwise and needing help from the government. Vote against anyone who offers you things for free. Nothing is free.

You really went there???? How old are you? Do you know what a free market is? Blame the republicans, geez.

A pure free-market, the Adam Smith or even Mises kind, is something that doesn’t evenly remotely exist in healthcare. So how can we really even discuss it? Republicans are to blame in that they have consistently been obstructionists rather than a counter-balancing force. They dismantle, prevent, and defund rather than augmenting and presenting solutions. Thus, they contribute to the problem, especially regarding Medicaid expansion, and thus, yes, I blame them. Not the only one who gets the blame in healthcare, but they are on the list.

This page is specifically about Medicaid expansion, so literally, and I swear I mean this, on that issue alone the Republicans are solely to blame for low income Americans not having health coverage.

Google “list of states that rejected Medicaid expansion” and tell me what pattern you see. Then look up “the effects of rejecting Medicaid expansion”, “why did republicans reject Medicaid”, “what law-firms participated in the NFIB SCOTUS case” etc. Start doing the research and tell me who else we have to blame on this one?

The GOP isn’t the source of all life’s problems, but on this one, yeah, it is them specifically. Now if only millions of our brothers and sisters weren’t at risk of dying on the street due to a lack of coverage options while we squabbled I’d be a little less prickly about this.

I need medicaid have no ncome my medicaid end on 3-31-15 because my turn 19 I am disable and I have appled for medicaid 3 times they keep denined me.


Go here:

This will let you see what the minimum income is for your state and if their are any other eligibility guidelines for your state. Many states offer Medicaid to those with no income (and Medicare has options for disability too). Once you understand the eligibly guidelines you can work to meet them. If your state shows a 0% income limit for adults that means your sate hasn’t expanded Medicaid. It isn’t easy, but if you can project to make $11,670 you can get assistance through the Marketplace in all states. Even if you end up making less you still have options. You can also apply for coverage in a state that has a eligibility level of 0% and qualify for catastrophic coverage and an exemption for the requirement to have coverage via Hope this helps.


Im begging for someone to help my son hes suffering with depression and he has back problems,he has applied for ssi because he hasnt worked long enough to get disability.He has applied for medicaid but they turned him down so many times,now im trying to help him get medical ins,please n JESUS name help him he also has sleeping disorder.He stops breathing when he goes to sleep i cant afford the breathing machine he needs.please help .Thanks a worried mother


Any emergency related health issue should be directed at a hospital regardless of whether or not you have coverage. We do not offer professional medical advice.


Have you tried catholic social services? In my area of Florida we have a catholic clinic that pays for everything from dental to hospitals if you have no insurance of any kind. They are your best bet.


Is there a Catholic social services in Texas?

You should find an advocate in your area and in your state to help him apply for Medicad as you are having trouble doing it your self.
Ask your local library for help.
Call legal aid and see if they can help you or tell you where to go
Ask Medicaid for a for a hearing for a “Fair Hearing” on your denial
Contact the Medicad office that denied you and dispute their denial.
Take him a physciatric hospitl or a hospital with a physciatric clinic to get him help and ask them to help you apply for Medicaid for him.

Call the office for the disabeled in your county and ask them for help as your son is disabeled
You must locate an agency to help you deal with Medicaid as you can not do it

Write a letter to the head of the Medicaid department, the Commissioner telling him you can not afford your son’s care or his medical needs and it is a desperate situation
Do everything until you get it done


My plan is to leave the country you can’t have freedom then punish the poor because it leads to what this country was a short time ago praying is good but actions will be necessary to deal with this problem


Oklahoma denied me sooner care which is their Medicare. Need to find medical help so hopefully i can get back to work. I have no income and I’m in pain .


I’miss a diabetic with congestion heart failure an high cholesterol problem no insurance an no doctor what can I do for help


I turned 19 year old on December 1 2015 and my insurance went out on the 31 of December and I’m looking for insurance and don’t have income but still in school at this time want can I do to get enrolled in some kind of insurance


Not knowing your situation you can go onto your parents private health insurance until you are 26. If you lost your health care you only have 30 days from the time you are notified to sign up on your parents health coverage. It called a life event and negates open enrollment periods. But time is limited. If you are not living with your parents go and apply for Medicaid because the new law is your covered until your 21. If your parents claim you you will need their information.

Good luck


i have already filed 5 times and been turned down but i cant work and i want give up on it either i have c o p d digenertavie disc diease and dementaia to and really bad miaragrain head aches to that make me throw up 3 to4 times a week .

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