Fewer Young Adults Rely on the Emergency Department for Routine Care

A recent HHS blog post helps to illustrate one of the many small, but noticeable, ways ObamaCare has helped to curb healthcare costs across the nation. A new study, in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, shows that, following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the annual rate of emergency department visits by young adults age 19 to 25 decreased by 1.4 percent in 2011.

I Have Seen Universal Healthcare Story

I live in California and we have an Exchange here called covered California…but my wife has universal healthcare now in Mexico..right across the border..and it seems way! Simple..and has helped many people….and I will never give up till we all have it in the USA!..see movie Sicko..and vote all Democrats 2016!…I happy you all in Kentucky… Read More

Expensive Pink Eye Story

I am 24 years old and live in Iowa. Over the last year and a half I have graduated from Iowa State University, and since had to replace my student health care coverage. After searching numerous marketplaces, the government exchange being the most expensive for the least coverage, I found a sub par private coverage… Read More

Paperwork Nightmare Story

After i enrolled in the healthcare.gov it has been a full time job, calls, paper work, and notices that request me to provide info. Then over and over they said i need to do this and that than i call them and told to disregard notice then they canceled my wife’s ins. its just been… Read More

The Wrong Amount of Poor

My income is lower than average, so we watch every penny carefully and live within our means. I used to have a Healthcare plan that fit my budget and worked well for my family of 6. It cost less than $300 per month, and the deductible was $4000. I felt good about being able to… Read More

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