Matt Bevin Wins Kentucky, but 400,000 May Lose Medicaid

Tea Party favorite Matt Bevin (R) is the new Governor of Kentucky and that is bad news for 400,000 Kentuckians who qualify for Medicaid under ObamaCare.
Opinions from the staff. Read opinion editorials and other blog types articles about the Affordable Care Act.
Tea Party favorite Matt Bevin (R) is the new Governor of Kentucky and that is bad news for 400,000 Kentuckians who qualify for Medicaid under ObamaCare.
For 2016 Millions will get coverage, and cost assistance will help ease the impact of rate hikes, yet millions will be left uncovered due to the Medicaid gap.
The new ObamaCare lawsuit is based on the Constitution’s Origination Clause, which requires that the House be the first to pass a bill “for raising revenue.”
Profit creates competition on a good day, on a bad day a 32 year old ex hedge fund guy under investigation hikes an AIDS drug from $13.50 to $750 to profit off the sick and taxpayers. This event raises the question: How do we avoid price-gouging on taxpayer subsidized items and how much profit and regulation belongs in drugs and treatments that treat chronic illness?
The new 2016 house GOP budget includes a full repeal of ObamaCare, this mirrors the 2013 budget that shutdown the government cost tax payers billions.
ObamaCare is a law, the law contains cost assistance based on income and tax filing status. Whether this is a handout depends upon your definition of handout.
A woman put a public facebook post up about a BCBS plan in Alabama. Is this an ObamaCare problem or an Alabama problem?
We explain Scott Walker’s plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare. We compare it to the ACA and examine what it gets right and wrong.
Here is the official clip of John Oliver’s bit on sex education. The video may be funny, but the debate over sex education is very real.
Section 9010 of the Affordable Care Act includes a tax on America’s largest insurers, the one’s who profit the most off of ObamaCare.
Even if all states expand Medicaid, we need Planned Parenthood. ObamaCare’s expansion of coverage options provides free sexual and reproductive health services, but millions fall in the Medicaid gap in state’s that didn’t expand.
710,000 who got subsidies through ObamaCare have yet to file tax returns, while 9% (7.5 million) who did file paid $1.5 billion in penalties (although many qualified for additional exemptions).
The Supreme Court has been busy making America awesome, not only did they uphold subsidies they also declared same-sex couples have a right to marriage. Generally almost all of their recent decisions have fought back against discrimination, repression of freedom speech, repression of freedom of religion, and repression of individual liberty. It hasn’t seemed to matter… Read More
Everything you need to know about ObamaCare for June 2015 including Hawaii’s exchange, a subsidy lawsuit, Florida and Medicaid, and other healthcare news (plus multiple instances of the word “boondoggle”).
Insurers are planning rate hikes for 2016 under ObamaCare. ObamaCare being both the reason we know about it, and part of the reason it’s happening.
Memorial day is about remembering those who served our country, it’s also a day that has a high civilian death toll due to alcohol related events… and of course that means ER rooms across America working around the clock to save lives.
Last week a story went viral about a guy in South Carolina who didn’t get ObamaCare and ended up needing it.
Far in the distance, a long time from now, on June 5th 2015 the GOP will be expected to have a solution in place for the potential repeal of ACA subsidies. What is that you say? “June 5th isn’t the distant future, it’s actually less than a month away?… And the GOP have no solid agreed upon… Read More
If the Supreme Court rules against ObamaCare’s subsides the GOP has offered to allow subsidies to continue until 2016, in exchange for gutting the mandates. This isn’t the only proposal we have seen from the GOP in this regard, but is instead it is the common theme behind a number of different GOP based ideas…. Read More
Florida continues it’s battle over Medicaid expansion under the ACA. Over 800,000 Floridians could get covered, but GOP opposition remains strong as the Federal Government pushes Florida toward expansion under Governor Rick Scott.
Florida currently offers no coverage options to single adults below the 100% poverty line, expanding Medicaid could cover all those people.
Rand Paul announced he is running for President, but didn’t mention ObamaCare. What cuts would Libertarian (ish) Rand Paul make to the safety net and federal programs? Luckily Rand is very vocal about the rest of his policy ideas and how the budget should look
A recap of Jan 2015 – April 2015 on ObamaCare’s tax forms, special enrollment periods, Rand, Cruz, Medicaid expansion, King V Burwell, signups, and more.
If you are switching on or off a Marketplace plan, because you lost or gained income, you should be aware cost assistance is based on annual income. A few of our readers have been confused about how ObamaCare’s cost assistance works when getting or losing a job. We break down how cost assistance works with… Read More
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash used her GOP clout to fish for ObamaCare horror stories, but came up with success stories instead.