Common Sense and ObamaCare Sicker Shock

Below we provide some common sense insight into 2016’s sticker shock for ObamaCare’s premiums and deductibles.
Opinions from the staff. Read opinion editorials and other blog types articles about the Affordable Care Act.
Below we provide some common sense insight into 2016’s sticker shock for ObamaCare’s premiums and deductibles.
Here is a side-by-side comparison of Hillary Clinton Vs. Donald Trump on the issues to help you tell the difference between Trump and Clinton.
Despite improvements to the ACA (ObamaCare) being a smart focus for Democrats, Single Payer must remain on the table and in the Democratic party platform.
Here is a proposal for a simple gun law for the U.S. It respects the Second Amendment while attempting to limit violent gun crimes (specifically mass shootings).
Don’t change parties, change the party. Politics isn’t about getting everything you want, it is about Civil Service. To make a change, you need allies.
When people get sick they typically lose their income source. Unless they have savings, this results in a plan drop. Thus, private health insurance loses value in a catastrophic long-term event.
House Republicans won the 2nd round of a Court case that makes it so Congress must approve funding for cost sharing reduction subsidies. 7 million could go without cost sharing assistance.
A few tips on how to unite the Democratic party, beat Donald Trump with a message of peace, love, and social justice, and create a new “New Deal” coalition.
We break down, in simple terms, what Bernie, Hillary, Trump, and Cruz mean for American healthcare. We present basic overviews of the candidate’s healthcare plans, and then provide detailed explainer videos (including some awesome vlogbrothers videos).
A recent effort by Politico highlights a movement to address the Opioid drug abuse crisis which claims tens of thousands of lives each year (outpacing deaths from car accidents in some regions).
Ever wonder what the difference between Medicare and Medicaid was? In overly-simple terms Medicare is for seniors and Medicaid is a free or low cost program for low-income children and adults.
Whether it is individual costs, insurers costs, or costs as a nation, drug price increases go hand-in-hand with rising costs under the ACA. This is a monetary and moral issue, but where is congress and where is the code of ethics?
When it comes to Advanced Premium Tax Credits, it is always tempting to take the maximum amount you qualify for. However, repayment limits can mean owing back credits.
When it comes to the ACA we hear a lot of talking points, that means a lot of lies, truths, and half-truths. We tell you how to spot the BS.
Explaining ObamaCare to the average person who is upset with costs is really hard, but an honest approach sends the right message.
We explain some ideas for how to fix ObamaCare (the Affordable Care Act). The goal is to seek universal coverage and fix the ACA’s sticking points.
On this page we cover the 2016 tax credit repayment limits and explain 2016 refunds for premium tax credits.
There are a few taxes related to ObamaCare that require the attention of most tax paying Americans. Below we review the most important tax tips for 2016.
Setting up auto-pay on your health plan is a smart option, but there are a few things to know first.
If you haven’t yet enrolled in coverage for 2016, you are pushing it. Your last chance is January 31, 2016.
Bernie Sanders proposed a single payer Medicare for all solution for American health care (BernieCare). What does that mean?
Out-of-pocket costs, the GOP’s rejection of Medicaid, the family glitch, and premium increases. These are ObamaCare’s sticking points.
ObamaCare created “risk corridors” to spread the risk of taking on the uninsured between insurers and taxpayers. The profitable insurers pay in each year, the unprofitable one’s take money out, the government puts a little money in the pot, and everyone except the GOP is happy. Essentially risk corridors work like this: Risk corridors keep the price of… Read More
Under ObamaCare the best plan is generally a Silver plan with an HSA, for low income it’s Medicaid / CHIP, and for Seniors at least Medicare A & B. There is a bit more to it, but if we only had one sentence to convey a blanket answer that would be it. If we get one… Read More
People of all income levels, news sources, insurers, and providers have expressed frustration over rising health premiums and deductibles going into 2016.