Indiana Expands Medicaid Under Healthy Indiana Plan (or “HIP 2.0”)

Indiana has expanded Medicaid to 350,000 people under the Healthy Indiana Plan (or “HIP 2.0”) proving it isn’t too late for state’s to expand Medicaid to their poorest.
NOTE: HIP Is a market driven expansion of Medicaid under ObamaCare that doesn’t replace the basic program, but expands it with a unique market-based Medicaid solution for those who would otherwise be in “the Medicaid Gap“. The plan offers a HSA-like account called a “POWER account”. Contact HIP to enroll.
IDEA FOR REFORM: HIP is a really smart Indiana GOP written, but Obama approved, market-driven Medicaid program. Since Pence is VP and this is his plan, I’d like to suggest we use this program as the basis of a national public option. All you need to do is offer a buy-in that replaces the POWER account with the ability to use a self-funded HSA (giving us the POWER account plan and a HSA compatible buy-in alternative). The shopper pays the deductible, the plan takes care of the network and the maximum. Boom, single payer lite, everyone is happy, and Medicaid is paid for (in-part) via the market system. Now pair this with a national public network. Double boom. See our fix for the preexisting conditions exclusion Ryan and Price put in their plans. This idea fixes it (because HIP doesn’t have an 18 month exclusion period), gives us a public option, and I think will make everyone happy.
The new Healthy Indiana Plan (or “HIP 2.0”) is an affordable health insurance program from the State of Indiana for uninsured adult Hoosiers. The Healthy Indiana Plan pays for medical expenses and provides incentives for members to be more health conscious. The Healthy Indiana Plan provides coverage for qualified low-income Hoosiers ages 19 to 64, who are interested in participating in a low-cost, consumer-driven health care program. Hoosiers with incomes of up to $16,297 annually for an individual, $21,967 for a couple or $33,307 for a family of four are generally eligible to participate in the Healthy Indiana Plan.
The Healthy Indiana Plan uses a proven, consumer-driven approach that was pioneered in Indiana. HIP 2.0 builds upon the framework and successes of the original Healthy Indiana Plan.
If you have any questions, or to find out if you may be eligible to participate in the Healthy Indiana Plan, please consult the menu on the left of this page, or contact 1-877-GET-HIP-9 (1-877-438-4479).
Some current health plan members will transition to HIP 2.0. Click here to learn more.
Marianne C.
I have no taxable income, but receive principal distributions of $1,500 monthly from a trust. Am I eilgible for HIP2.0.
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
I’m not sure the details on HIP and HIP basic off the top of my head, i’d contact them directly.
Natasha Wilson
Is HIP a part of Obama are?
Good question. Not exactly, but sort of. Under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) states were offered funding in order to expand Medicaid to able-bodied adults who fell under 138% of the Federal Poverty Level. Several states have refused and this has caused the Medicaid GAP of low income adults who have little access to affordable health insurance. Indiana, under Mike Pence as Governor, chose to come up with a completely original expansion design. Rather than simply offering traditional Medicaid (still use by disabled, CHIP, and pregnant woman in Indiana) which covers all of it’s benefits at no charge, the HIP 2.0 plan has either copays, or a required contribution into the POWER account. People can also chose to be covered under their employer plans instead and get $4,000 annually to cover premiums and out-of-pocket costs. This plan took years of planning and cooperation from the Obama administration and legislators from both sides of the isle in Indiana’s state congress. It also depends on federal funding created by the Affordable Care Act which redirected using a sec. 1115 Waiver for State Innovation to Medicaid.
is there estate recovery for hip enrolees who have died?
Debbie sitarski
I have a 401k with former employer. It is about $80,000 but I am only 60 and will need it later to retire on. I just lost my job and have no income. I had an auto accident on-the job. Workers comp paid all my medical bills
Cobra is about 792 a month which I can’t pay due to no income. Can I get hip 2.0??
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
You should contact the state medicaid department directly and ask. Taxable income can affect things, but there are a few different factors to consider like when you will claim it and if you are claiming it as a lump sum.
Carol Edwards
I need more information on obamacare insurance for the state of indiana please…
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
For general information about taking advantage of ObamaCare in Indiana contact HealthCare.Gov. That is where you are going to be able to enroll in Marketplace coverage again during open enrollment. If you want to learn more about Medicaid and other assistance programs you can find your regional Medicaid office here To learn more about the Medicaid expansion under HIP 2.0, the NEW Healthy Indiana Plan or to see if you’re eligible, go to
or call 1-877-GET-HIP-9.
Does HIP2.0 cover preexisting conditions?
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
Yes HIP 2.0 does have some eligibly criteria to brush up on, but won’t deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions. HIP is a low cost health insurance that is extended to all single adults making less than 139% of the Federal Poverty Level who don’t have access to Medicaid or Medicare.
The new Healthy Indiana Plan will provide coverage for individuals currently enrolled in:
Family planning services (MA E)
Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP)
Hoosier Healthwise (HHW)
Parents and Caretakers* (MAGF)
19- and 20-year-olds (MA T)