Federal Appeals Court Puts a Temporary Hold on Ruling Against ACA’s Preventive Health Care Mandate

Federal Appeals Court Puts a Temporary Hold on Ruling Against ACA’s Preventive Health Care Mandate On Monday, a U.S. federal appeals court temporarily halted a previous court decision that eliminated the obligation for employers to fully finance certain preventive healthcare services, as outlined by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Broader Context The ACA mandate… Read More

Trump’s Recent HealthCare Claims Fact-Checked

Trump’s Claims That 2 Million More People Just Dropped out of ObamaCare, that ObamaCare is in a Death Spiral, and that Democrats are Obstructing Fact-Checked Trump claimed a lot of things about healthcare recently, we fact-check some key claims like “2 million more people just dropped out of ObamaCare.” Claim: Trump recently tweeted “2 million more people… Read More

What Will Happen if ObamaCare is Repealed?

What Does an ObamaCare Repeal and Replace Plan Mean For America? We will explain both “what will happen if ObamaCare is repealed” and “what will happen if the latest repeal and replace plan goes through.” The Basics House Republicans passed the latest version of their repeal and replace bill 217-to-213 on Thursday May 4th, 2017. The bill will now… Read More

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