I Cancelled the Wrong Health Plan, What Can I Do?

I recently had dual coverage at a new job until I accidentally cancelled not 1 plan but both! I had Obamacare AND my new job’s minimal essential coverage plan they offered to me when I was hired. I was going to compare both and decide. When I realized my Obamacare plan was the best plan I decided to cancel the Essential Staff Care MEC plan at work. I called, gave my ss# instead of my card number and , thinking I called the correct plan , vehemently cancelled. I didn’t realize I cancelled my BCBS Obamacare plan until a letter arrived in the mail on Valentines day 2019. I immediately called thinking it was fraud! I even had an escalation case set up in fear. I decided to back up my word and looked at my phone for outgoing calls. I then saw the worst thing: I saved Obamacare’s number as “MEC” plan in my phone. It was me that cancelled the incorrect plan. Trying to correct my wrong, I made sure to find the Essential staff care card & phone number and cancel the plan I wanted too in the first place, to find out that Obamacare wouldn’t accept me back! I’ve made payments on time for over a year, made an honest mistake and figured it out within 10days (when I received the letter). I’m not sure what to do. I started a case. I’ve escalated it. I’ve told my story. I’m at a dead end.

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