Does ObamaCare Cover Alcohol Rehab?

My sister needs alcohol rehab. Can she get help from the ACA? (Obamacare)

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My son has an addiction to alcohol and has Obamacare,he is currently laid off and not working what are his options for treatment.


What I want to do is set up a system for people who want to voluntarily submit themselves for alcohol or drug rehab through the local County Police Department. What we need to know is that is someone comes in who needs rehab how fast can we get them to a rehab facility with the ACA paying for it, or how much would the community need to pay before the ACA kicks in? We need a system where when a person calls and say they need to go to rehab that we can get them there ASAP, as in less than 24 hours. The community would pay for all of the out of pocket expenses for the individual, we just need to get an idea of how much that would be. Thanks


will Obama care cover 55 year son and hi 12 year old together in inpatient care


As long as someone is in a tax family they can join a coverage family together. If you don’t share a tax form than you can’t share coverage. What a plan provides is up to the plan, so you would need to check. I don’t think there would be a blanket answer to covering in-patient care with a child. Would be curious to know how this works out. Rehab services are covered, but one that cares for children while the parent gets treatment is probably a long shot and is a pretty specific answer. Why not try calling some rehab centers and getting their advice. They will know best.

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