Does COBRA Ending Count as Qualifying Event for Special Enrollment

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I currently have insurance through Cobra. This is due to end by October 31 2015. I will need to find and sign up for other insurance coverage by then. Does this count as a “qualifying event” to allow me to enroll outside of the open enrollment window?
T. W Stewart
Thanks. It help
My Cobra ends Oct 6. I talked with 2 different people at the exchange and they told me I cannot apply for special enrollment until Oct 7th for health exchange insurance that only starts the first of every month, so Nov 1st. That’s a 3 weeks gap that I’m uninsured. Short term insurance isn’t available. This is ridiculous.
That can be frustrating to have a gap. It does happen. Sometimes it can be avoided (by starting the new plan before the old one ends), sometimes it can’t.
This is one reason an underlying single payer system makes a ton of sense. We think of those who need a fallback as being those who don’t work, but as we can see here, this is not always the case.
If I retire at 64 and do NOT take COBRA from my employer, am I eligible for subsidies when signing up for Obamacare? My income will be from IRA and amount to approximately $25,000 for the year. Spouse and myself in household
Yes, generally you would be. Make sure to enroll during open enrollment.
Glynis golden Potts
I am being offered Cobra through my employer after being off work sick for 4 months and having my employer offered health insurance end as of 1/31/16. I also have a secondary health insurance through my spouse. Am I eligible for obama care health insurance under the Marketplace if I decide not to take the Cobra offered through my employer? I seem to be getting mixed messages from different groups that say they understand obamacare as well as the website. So if you are eligible for Cobra and if you have a secondary health insurance through your spouse, can you sign up for insurance through the marketplace and elect not to take the cobra coverage?