8.3 Million Enroll in ObamaCare’s Marketplace For 2020 (Down Slightly From 2019)

According to preliminary data, CMSs says enrollment in ObamaCare’s marketplace was down by about 200,000 from last year with 8.3 million enrolling in a 2020 plan.[1]
This total includes everyone who used HealthCare.gov, including during the last-minute extension, but is not a final count.
This number is notably just those who used the federal marketplace, it does not include those who got covered under the ACA another way such as via state marketplaces (which account for 25% of private individual and family plans), Medicaid expansion, staying on a plan until 26, or through expanded employer coverage.
This is down from 8.4 million in 2019, 8.7 million in 2018, 9.2 million in 2017, and 9.6 million in 2016 (prior to 2016 enrollments were up each year).
To see how enrollment has fallen since Obama left office, take a look at our page on enrollment numbers.
NOTE: These numbers are for the federal marketplace HealthCare.Gov only. The total enrolled in HealthCare.Gov and state marketplaces was 11.4 million.
UPDATE: It looks like the final results also came in at 8.3 million.