Was Unable to Get Insurance Told to Wait – Story

I have had the worst experience trying to get health insurance coverage as a single woman professional. I don’t know how this new health insurance system helps people get coverage because so far it has set me up to fail in getting the coverage I need for my health.
I just started a new job as an independent contractor and am trying to set up health insurance for my self. I was told that I would not be able to sign up for coverage until next November 9 months from now as I had missed the deadline. Now I am afraid and thinking I will have a gigantic tax bill at the end of 2015 because I could not get the health insurance that is required and that I need. I see the government of setting this up so that they get huge tax payouts and the people do not get the care they need. How does this benefit me?!!!
I was just told the same thing because I have diabetes and a- fib
H Lawrence
If this was a new job then it is a change of circumstance and you ARE ALLOWED to apply for health insurance at this time!
Sorry to hear this. Dealing with open enrollment periods can be frustrating.
There is a good chance that you qualify for a special enrollment period. It seems you were either confused about open enrollment and will owe a fee (which qualifies you to Marketplace), or you lost other coverage (which qualifies you to use the Marketplace).
You should look into the information on the two following pages and then apply for special enrollment immediately. If you get ‘no’ as an answer, then you it may be due to the way you are phrasing your situation and to whom you are speaking. The only way to really get locked out of getting coverage is to choose to go without coverage or for not paying your premium.