How Do I Claim Ineligible For Medicaid Exemption?

I went to apply for medicaid and they said I couldn’t get it because they had not extended medicaid in Va for my age group. They said it was supposed to be extended but was not. As I try to apply for an exemption I’m not sure if the code would be C or where it says Determined ineligible for Medicaid in a state that did not expand medicaid. If it is the last one I need a ECN. It says see part one but 1 can’t find a part 1.

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What about for 2015 tax year I Live in Florida. ..And Im below %138 of FPL


If you applied to Medicaid and were rejected (in a state that itself rejected Medicaid) the rejection letter will act as grounds for an exemption (although you may need to get a ECN from the marketplace to confirm).

ECN = Electronic confirmation number. AKA code to use on form 8965 (the Exemption form).

If your taxable income is below the filing limit you don’t even need to worry about this, as you won’t file and thus will automatically be exempt.

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