ObamaCare Stories: Real Life Stories on ObamaCare

We Asked You How You’ve Been Affected By ObamaCare, Here is What You Said
Below are Real ObamaCare Stories from our readers. We asked you to share your ObamaCare stories on how health care reform has affected you.
About the ObamaCare Stories from our Readers
The Following are true ObamaCare Stories from real people Across America. We post the good, the bad, and the ugly, so you won’t simply find ObamaCare horror stories or ObamaCare success stories.
Don’t just listen to the talking heads and politicians, see how ObamaCare and the health care system are effecting your fellow Americans directly from them.
At ObamaCareFacts.com we aim to bring you the facts on health care reform under the Affordable Care Act. We know that if we stick to the facts, we give you room to make up your own mind on what is going on with our healthcare system. If you would like to share your story on HealthCare or ObamaCare simply send it over and you could be featured on our site.
What Our Readers Say About ObamaCare / HealthCare
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ObamaCare Stories Archives
Below is our archive of ObamaCare stories going all the way back to 2012.
My Experience with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)…
I am one of the 5 – 6% of Americans who buy their insurance in the individual marketplace. I currently have a high deductible plan, which is one of the plans that will not meet the minimum requirements of the new law so my old plan is being phased out.
With the changes in the law that have already been implemented, I have already benefited from Obamacare.
Before the law changed and health insurance policies were required to cover preventative screenings, I had put off getting a colonoscopy because I would have had to pay for the entire amount myself (the $3000 cost being less than my deductible).
My family history for colon cancer is downright scary. My father and both of his parents had colon cancer. My father was diagnosed at age 45 and died 4 years later from the disease after “living” with several surgeries, radiation treatment and chemotherapy during his last years. His mother lived into her 80’s before succumbing to the disease and his father died of other causes in his 50’s before the colon cancer could get him.
In the years leading up to and past the age that my father was diagnosed and then died of colon cancer, I had a nagging fear that the disease would visit me also.
Finally, in my later 50’s, the ACA changed what my policy was required to cover and I scheduled my test since my insurance company was now required to pick up the tab.
Years of stress melted in relief when I saw the photos of my healthy, pink colon after my test. Another test isn’t needed for 10 years. The peace of mind I was able to experience because of the new law is more valuable even than the money I was able to save.
I recently found out through coveroregon.com that I qualify for a substantial subsidy toward my health insurance premiums under the new law. So although my current plan is being phased out, I have the choice of upgrading my plan and keeping my premiums about the same or paying even less, or signing up for a similar (but better) plan to the one I currently have and paying much less than I have been.
I am sure there are hundreds of thousands, and probably eventually millions of stories similar to mine. I understand that there are a small percentage of people who will end up paying more for health insurance, but almost all of them are so well off that they do not qualify for government subsidies. Most of these people can afford to pay a bit more.
There is a lot of noise from the people who want to kill, stop, impede and otherwise throw a monkey wrench into what is being called Obamacare. The true source of this noise is not anyone who actually cares about helping people – it is about protecting power and money. Too bad the press has been giving this B.S. so much airtime.
If I had my way, there would be universal health care for everyone – but the political climate makes that impossible right now. I think the Affordable Care Act is probably about as much improvement to our broken health care system as we could have hoped for right now.
John G
Ashland Oregon
I grew up in Oregon but now live in Australia, a country with a national health scheme. My son, who is currently in the U.S., had an cycling accident in Montana and was treated in Northern Idaho. He had to have major stitches on his foot. The bill was over $600 for something that would have been treated as part of the national scheme down here and would have cost less than one third of the cost in the U.S. Fortunately for my son, the doctor waived the bill under some local (northern Idaho) program, but we were going to pay the bill to avoid any legal action against our son as his travel insurance had expired.
When I was in the U.S. a few weeks ago, I lost an asthma puffer and when I looked into replacing it in Oregon, I was told I needed a doctor’s prescription and $95 for a single puffer. Something is very wrong in the U.S. when an item so common and important in the treatment of asthma costs 10 times more than it costs in other countries. An asthma puffer in Australia is less than $10 and can be purchased over the counter. Thank goodness Australia has a pharmaceutical benefits scheme that keeps the cost of medication within reason.
The folks who cry ‘socialism’ whenever ‘Obamacare’ is mentioned need to have an objective look at how health care operates in other countries because caring for your citizens should not be a profit industry, it should be caring and compassionate field. If Mr Romney genuinely cared about the American people, he would back this compassionate policy. He and his fellow republicans should be ashamed for turning a caring and sensible policy into an evil and unaffordable policy.
‘Obamacare’ must become reality early in the days of the next Congress.
Robert H
Temora N.S.W. Australia
This is a great plan I work for a small business that Blue Cross blue shield dropped because we had older women working and the premium became so high we could not afford it, but under the Inclusive Health plan we all have insurance again even women with diabetics and older males that smoke, they are better off because they can all afford to see a doctor regularly and can afford their medications again, which keeps them healthier and able to work and have preventive care rather than more expensive catastrophic care.
I myself was diagnosed with breast cancer while I was uninsured and have a huge hospital bill to pay but under inclusive health plan everything from Oct 1, 2012 is covered even if the cancer comes back. the recommenced drug for estrogen blocking was $89 a month under the plan it is $10.00.
I feel so much better knowing my co-workers have health insurance. Everyone has gone for a much needed physical after getting their insurance which ma kes them feel better and safer
Thank you very much
Roxanne K.
North Carolina
I came to your website looking for answers. Thank you for strait forward simple, to the point information.My husband and are are business owners of very small businesses. What will the health care act mean for us as our businesses grow?As we have a need to hire help? We are worried this may affect many small businesses that are springing up here in the midwest.
Mary H.
Hello Mary, we are a small business too!! Go here and you will actually see that WE are the Job Creators and will greatly benefit from this! Thank you
My insurance premiums increased 46% . thanks.
David C. Iowa
David, Obamacare was created to combat a situation such as yours. The Insurance Companies can do whatever they want in regards to raising your rates. The ‘actual’ part of the law that protects you from what has happened will not come into fruition until 2014. At that time you will finally be protected from your rates being raised arbitrarily. Good luck until then!
I’m 83 y/o & for the last 10 yrs – I’ve been eating more wisely – & losing excess weight. My doc ceased high blood pressure meds – since i no longer have it!!
I only see my doc once a year for a checkup & thyroid med o.k.
I’m a living example of, “Staying healthy & not needing much insurance” – my health insurance Is medicare only….can’t afford a supplement. I am on social security & living very simply & frugal. Plus, I feel very blessed too. My love to obama & his family……You’re our man barack!!!
I am a 48 y/o female, unemployed for a year now. I have diabetes and a seizure disorder. I no longer have health insurance and cannot afford it. I have trouble getting my medicine and am in debt because of it. It’s not that I want it, I have to have it or I will die.
Thank you,
Cristy G
Hang in there, ObamaCare keeps rolling out protections for you and your family. Please get on state insurance until 2014 and you’ll be taken care of (assuming Romney doesn’t repeal ObamaCare day 1).
I am 29 years old and have a beautiful 13 myth old daughter. In 2011 I lost my job and health coverage. Lucky for me there is a bill in NJ that allows adults under 30 who live with there parents to ride on there insurance.
However I had to pay an out of pocket premium which was much cheaper than COBRA, BY OVER $400.00 a month. However this option is only available to children of employees who have private coverage through the state. whether they are local township employees or employed directly by the state. Not long after I enrolled I found out I was pregnant, I knew from previous medical history and my doctors that I was at moderate risk for early labor. So it was extremely important that I had good coverage, Aetna was amazing! But the state stipulates in order for me to have or qualify for this coverage I could have no dependents of my own, so I knew once my daughter was born I’d lose my coverage.
I applied NJ family care early in case I had to find other private coverage for myself. I also did my absolute best to find work but in my field most employers don’t want to hire someone who is pregnant. I feel that this is discrimination in its finest. Because I was unemployed I did not qualify for family care even though I met income requirements. It was good I applied early because my daughter was born prematurely at 32 Weeks. She was automatically given coverage. I appealed family cares decision due to the fact that I could no longer afford private coverage. And also because she was early I made the choice not to return to work right away. Her father and I are still together but we’re not married. He worked and I chose to stay home with our daughter.
My state insurance actually required me to request to be terminated because I had a child even though I did not want to lose my coverage. But since I had a child I no longer qualified. Familycare never responded to my appeal, I actually had to call almost 10 myths later and had the appeal refiled. Because my income was unemployment it was counted differently. and I was still ineligible.
This is apparently the case because there are so MANY parents who meet these requirements but choose not to work, or are disabled, or are looking for work and collecting unemployment. The need for affordable healthcare is exponential. A lot of these people who do qualify that work are barely over the income limits and are either just at are denied coverage.
Since Familycare in NJ is tied to medicaid, I didn’t or don’t qualify for that either because they go hand in hand. Now in theory when family care started it was great, and its still good because all children are covered regardless of a parents working status. But if you think about it a majority of small employers do not offer health coverage because of the expense. But also if you want to improve the economy and increase jobs, people need to be healthy. That’s hard to do when some Americans have never had insurance ever.
This leads to emergency rooms being overwhelmed with issues that are not necessarily urgent but the patient in question has gotten so sick by not having the option of just going to see a Dr, that they have to resort to going to an emergency room. Also by waiting to this point recovery time is longer which means the patient misses more work and loses money. Which in turn means the employer loses money. don’t get me wrong, I think everyone has the right to choose whether or not they have coverage. But my story is a great example of how messed up things are.
I a 28 year old patient at the time I applied for coverage was pregnant and losing my coverage was denied by a state program. I included in my application that my coverage would cease the day my daughter was born. Which meant that my c section was covered but any follow up care I would need, would not. This is baffling to me. I paid for my coverage while I was working, and even paid privately when my employers did not offer it.
The one time in my life that I needed my states help it wasn’t available to me because of where my income came from. That’s crap. I work in the healthcare field. and i’m familiar with how the insurance companies work. How they decide whether or not something is medically necessary or requiring authorization for diagnostic testing and procedures as well as certain medications, and treatment procedures. I’m also familiar with how claims are paid out etc. this insurance companies make billions, from people who are covered through their employers or pay privately. They don’t pay anywhere near that amount of money out. And I know a lot of people have negative things to say about Obamacare, but do these people really get it?
Its not nationalized healthcare like Canada or great Britain, but I think people feel that because our government is finally stepping in that it could end up like that.
People don’t realize that medicare,medicaid and various programs will and cannot keep up with demand and the way things work right now. I hope that this works out the way its intended to. Insurance companies would make more money if they offered more affordable coverage. Most states offer private coverage that you can get through them but the premiums are unaffordable for a majority of people who live paycheck to paycheck. I also feel that parts of Obamacare that were already in place were what allowed me to have fantastic care while I was pregnant with little or no cost to me.
I don’t how exactly this will go but I’m hoping that these tax credits or assistance to pay for coverage for us as Americans gives us access to the same type of quality care we would get if we paid for or had private coverage through an employer. I have yet to see anyone offer better solutions. So as of now until I see negatives, or someone can point them out to me, I fully support this. There’s got to be a better way.
Tara U.
Hello, My name is Brittany and I would like to share my story. Being only 20 years old, I have never known or participated much in politics other than in my government classes. I only recently began paying attention to the presidential candidates and this year’s election, because of a small yet important set of events.
My fiancé just got into a car accident a couple of months ago, and although it could have been way worse, it did require a hospital visit. We are very thankful that he was allowed to go home that night with nothing but some stitches and a pair of crutches. Of course we knew that we would have to follow up with several doctors, car insurance, and police reports.
We did not worry about how the car insurance and police reports would play out because he was very simply not at fault in this case. However, what we dreaded was the hospital/doctor bills we would receive. My fiancé, Brandon, turned 25 this year and to our knowledge had no health insurance.
As the bills started to come in, our debt appeared to be increasing, and he was out of work until he healed. After a few phone calls, we had Obama to thank.. Since the ObamaCare bill had been passed, he was now covered under his dads insurance!
Being young and trying to start our careers, this was a huge sigh of relief. Thousands of dollars owed turned into the bare minimum. Thanks to this chain of events, we no longer had to fear this accident would throw us into debt and Obama has made a few more people politically aware!
Brittany W.
I don’t have a personal story about breast cancer, but have seen many of my dear friends and relatives go through it. I have a question for you. Will the Affordable Care Act resolve the problem described below?
The Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2009 (HR 1691/SB S688) was passed by the House but never enacted by the Senate. This legislation was intended to protect women who had breast cancer surgery from being sent home from the hospital less than 48 hours after surgery. This came to be called “drive by mastectomy,” and is caused by insurance companies who refuse to cover more than 24 hours in the hospital in some 30 states.
I have been a strong advocate for women who are sent home from hospitals in 30 states around this country with tubes coming out of their chests and a bottle of pain pills. That just ISN’T RIGHT and it is still going on.
I am a life long republican who voted for Obama in 08. I believed President Obama’s message of “hope and change.” Now I am wondering if anyone knows the answer to this question. So far, all I have heard is “we don’t know that yet.” I will be thinking of this issue as I approach the voting booth November 7th.
June S.
Obamacare doesn’t fix everything that is wrong with the health care system. While the ongoing healthcare reform under Obamacare aims to address all issues, it’s not something that we can reasonable expect.
However the current Health Care Reform under President Obama does make a big difference in terms of offering better coverage to more women, eliminating co-pays for cancer screenings, additional decection and prevention services such as mammograms and providing garunteed treatment to Women with preexisting conditions.
All we can tell you is that ObamaCare is the first step towards reforming this sort of sick behavior. Support ObamaCare and the more popular the program becomes the more protections women will get for their tax dollars.
To date over 45 million women have taken advantage of these services since Obamacare was signed into law.
I am interested in information on how Obamacare will reduce pharma expenses.
It seems obvious to me, that it should and this might become a strong argument for it.
I am interested having a presentation in an Economics class at a graduate level, where I would like to argue for Obamacare.
Hedinn S.
So I pay a penalty if I choose no insurance because I can’t afford it so others can live off welfare not work at get free insurance long run your telling me quit my job live off state get free insurance to avoid paying lazy deadbeats free living. K guess I will do that I’ll live way more comfortably for free rather than busting my ass to just survive.
Justin S
You are paying into the program that supports the middle class. Our nations poorest will be insured through Medicaid. You will be insured via an online market place where your insurance costs and quality insurance is regulated… not your health care. You will pay less than you do now if you are struggling. Only those who make an excess of $250k will pay the ObamaCare tax. This is why the facts are so important.
I am a President Obama supporter! One of my friends sent me this attachment about the President’s health care plan is this true or a lie? (Please read below).
Mr. Kirk E.
Home Sales Tax becomes effective Jan. 1, 2013
The National Association of Realtors is not pleased with this new tax and hopes this information is forwarded to every voter prior to the election in November.
It doesn’t matter which side of the political fence you sit on – it will affect ALL of us. EDUCATE YOURSELVES!
When does your home become part of your health care? After 2012! Your vote counts big time in 2012, make sure you and all your friends and family know about this!
HOME SALES TAX I thought you might find this interesting, — maybe even SICKENING! The NationalAssociation of Realtors is all over this and working to get it repealed, –before it takes effect. But, I am very pleased we aren’t the only ones who know about this ploy to steal billions from unsuspecting homeowners. How many realtors do you think will vote Democratic in 2012? Did you know that if you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8% sales tax on it?
That’s $3,800 on a $100,000 home, etc. When did this happen? It’s in the health carebill, — and it goes into effect in 2013. Why 2013? Could it be so that it doesn’t come to light until after the 2012 elections? So, this is ‘change you can believe in’? Under the new health care bill all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% salestax. If you sell a $400,000 home, there will be a $15,200 tax. This bill is set to screw the retiring generation, — who often downsize their homes. Does this make your November, 2012 vote more important?
Oh, you weren’t aware that this was in the Obama Health Care bill? Guess what; you aren’t alone! There are more than a few members of Congress that weren’t aware of it either. You can check this out for yourself at: http://www.gop.gov/blog/10/04/08/obamacare-flatlines-obamacare-taxes-home
First off this comes from www.GOP.gov… Obviously they don’t support ObamaCare, so this is a red flag. Also the idea that a Democratic bill attacks seniors is hard to swallow.
Obamacare reforms healthcare to offer better healthcare to more people. Part of ObamaCare is paid for via taxes (You already pay a medicare tax on income, now there is an additional tax on investment income for couples making over $250k and individuals making $200). Essentially no matter how old you are, if you own over $200k in personal investments or $250k as a couple (this includes real estate) you will pay an additional 3.8% on that income.
The B.S. about everyone paying 3.8% capital gains tax on selling real estate is right wing rhetoric. Only people who have owned their houses for less than 5 years and are making hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxable profit will pay the 3.8% tax. Unless you are flipping real estate you are basically fine. In other words, this is another are you in the 96% or 2% question. Chances are grandma isn’t in the 2% is she.
The bottom line is the math above is wrong and misleading. This GOP B.S. is backed by big business who doesn’t want you off their insurance.
I am a 41 year old divorced mother of three. We were married for 11 years and my husband suffered from ADHD to the point he could not hold down a job for any long periods of time. I am a full-time graduate student and work full time for 10.00 per hour. I hope to have an MBA in Dec. 2013. If a decent salary is not available then I will continue until I receive my Doctorate. I am accomplishing this with financial aid. All three of my children have ADHD. Only the youngest of the three has health coverage through Social Security Disability.
She has severe Epilepsy and Apraxia. We still do not have a primary diagnoses. If I earn more than 2,000. per month my youngest child will get dropped from SSI. I would have to earn 20.00 plus per hour to afford paying for an employer based insurance plan to cover my family as a whole. Based on my income decides whether my other two get kicked off of Medicaid when I clearly qualify for EBT benefits.
My other two children take medication for the ADHD which clearly helps them for their academic goals. Two of my children have an IEP from their respective schools to help them in their academic careers. I have been terminated and let go more times than not because of the health problems of my youngest. I am a resilient person and do not complain about the hand life has dealt. It just seems that no matter how hard I work to get caught up something happens and the rug is yanked out from underneath me again and again.
I have come to realize that I know many people are in much worse situations than I am. I am thankful. However, all I know to do is keep going to school to further my education to set myself in a position where lack of money, opportunity and health coverage will not be a issue. In the meantime I have no medication for two of my three children for their ADHD I can’t take them to the doctor if they are sick or myself. My medical experience has given me enough experience to medicate my family at home. This is not the best thing but all I can do.
I am doing all I can to keep a roof over my children’s head. Because my special needs daughter is out of district I have to transport to and from school. I can not afford to pay for after school care and with her needs we need a caregiver to help with her needs in the evening until I get home from work. Her medications make her real emotional and it wears on her siblings when they are struggling to get homework assignments complete. Needless to say the anxiety levels in our home are very high.
I have been struggling with worries for my health. I am sure it is stress related but I deal with chest pains very often. I know we are falling through the cracks of the system and the inability of Department of Family and Children Services to be organized and thorough enough to handle each case.
I have had to wait up to 8 hours in their office and politely demand to speak with someone in supervision in order to show proof of copied documents that never were processed. People have to be dealt with regard to their individual case not their skin color. I have no doubt I will make it, but, I do believe there is help that is available for my situation that I am not being informed of.
Even if benefits are made available through Obamacare I am not going to be able to afford it with my circumstances.
Clearly need some help.
Angela M.
Thanks for sharing your struggles. No system is perfect, but the Affordable Heatlh Care Act does offer help to those who can’t afford healthcare. It may not solve every need you have, but one of the reasons health care reform exists is to help people like you.
A True Story About ObamaCare and Medicare Reform: Closing the Prescription Drug Donut hole for Seniors
I wish my mother had lived to see the closing of the infamous Medicare “doughnut hole” due to health care reform under ObamaCare. She died on July 28, 2011, and I think it’s fair to say that the doughnut hole hastened her death.
I’ve heard the talk about “death panels” and health care rationing as a result of ObamaCare. Anyone who thinks that health care isn’t already subject to rationing is fooling herself and lying to others. The doughnut hole led my mother to ration her pills, kept her on the phone for hours with pharmaceutical companies who might be able to send her samples, led my parents to switch repeatedly from one supplemental insurance provider to another, always chasing a slightly lower premium and better coverage. In the midst of the worst of it, my mother contracted a terrible case of shingles and suffered neuropathy from it for her remaining days.
My parents combined income was about $1500/month. This put them about $70/month over the limit for full Medicaid assistance, a pittance that was more than eaten up before her very first prescription was even filled. They had no assets—they did not own their own home; they had no savings, pension, or 401 K. They had been small business owners all their lives until the oil bust of the 80s in South Louisiana forced them to close the doors for good.
My husband and I moved my parents from Louisiana to Connecticut in August 2010, and we have been fortunate to connect my father to the amazing VA hospital in West Haven, CT. (He is a Korean War veteran.) His care has been exemplary—compassionate, preventive, integrated care. Anyone who thinks the government can’t run a health care organization need look no further than this impressive facility. At 83 and despite having multiple chronic medical conditions, he has not suffered a hospitalization in the more than two years since he has been in Connecticut with us.
My mother, unfortunately, did not fare so well. In the 2008 election, she cast her last vote in Louisiana, where she had lived all her life, for President Obama, and one of the first things she insisted we do when we moved my parents to Connecticut was to get them registered to vote. She quickly got herself up to speed for the mid-term elections and proudly cast one ballot here in Connecticut. It was a struggle for her to get to the polls, but she made it there under her own power. Were she alive today, I know nothing would keep her from voting for the President Obama again. On Tuesday, I will be driving my father to the polls for him to cast his ballot for President Obama again, and I will be doing the same, in memory of my mother and in the hope that no one need suffer like her again.
Thank you,
Beth B
I live in the middle of a strongly Republican enclave and their beliefs run hot and strong. They spout off “facts” about Obamacare that I can neither deny or debate because I just don’t know enough about it. Is it true that Obama care will result in loss of the Medicare Advantage Plan? If so how is this going to impact seniors now and in a few years? Is this a good or bad result??? It sounds bad to hear it explained.
Is it true that people will have to get onto lists and wait for many kinds of care, just like the socialized medicine of Great Britain and Canada???. I lived in Scotland, was born in Canada, and I can tell many stories about how their systems reduce available medical care for almost every one. Young people in pain caused by back injuries wait to get “voluntary” back surgeries since it is not a life threatening condition. Many doctors refuse to care for more that a limited number of patients on the system as they barely eke out a living in it. My own grandmother was refused cataract surgery because she was “too old” and so spent the last 20 years of her life legally blind.
My friend has a niece who is a physician in North Carolina and she believes that Obamacare will result in many of us senior citizens NOT getting basic or preventive care. One gentleman, a prostate cancer survivor, believes he will not be allowed PSA tests under Obamacare. Oh,these Republicans do fill my ears with a lot of info but I suspect they just tell this stuff to each other and all believe it without knowing any more about it than I do. Is there a source of info that is not 150 pages long? I am a life-long Democrat/Independent and think we are heading down the right path but people seem to have very short memories of what it was like just 4 short years ago!!!
Bob & Robin
1. Obamacare reforms Medicare Advantage. 99.6 percent of beneficiaries will still have access to a plan. Plan choices increase by 7%, coverage improves, waste decreases, enrollment has grown almost 30% since Obamacare was signed into law in 2010. Enrollment continues to increase. There is no negative effect on Medicare Advantage premiums or co-pays. Of course there is a lot more to it than that. Bottom line is Obamacare doesn’t affect any Medicare or Medicaid program in a negative way.
2. People already wait on lists, for long periods of time. If you have the money for private insurance you will still get better care than those who don’t. Obamacare does work to improve this.
3. Obamacare aims to bring down healthcare costs by providing more preventive and detection services. It’s a major point of the whole reform. Right now countless Americans don’t get preventive or detection services because they can’t afford insurance or their current insurance won’t provide it.
4. The problem is that everyone is trying to give you skewed facts. Not just about healthcare, but about everything. You just have to try to take your emotion out of it and not believe everything you hear… especially if you are listening to someone who is obviously left or right wing.
Check out President Obama’s official site for “facts”. Of course we started ObamaCare Facts to give all the Obama Care facts in one place, so check out the obamacare-facts page for a quick Affordable Care Act lesson.
I am so 34 year old woman. Ii have carried insurance on myself since I was 18. My husband has also carried me on His since I was 20. My husband lost his job in April and at that time my whole family of four lost their insurance. As of October 1st I elected to drop my insurance due to the premiums becoming too high. With my policy at work I would have to pay out over $7000 before the insurance company would pay anything. In six months I went from having to pay nothing to go to the doctor to having no insurance at all.
You are the perfect candidate for health care reform under The Affordable Care Act. Before ObamaCare Americans would have to fear losing their job since it was the only way to provide affordable health care for their families. Over the next few years (from 2012 to 2014) the protections of ObamaCare will ensure that you and your family have access to insurance that you can afford. You will no longer be at the mercy of your employer or health insurance companies who charge Americans more than they can afford.)
Exactly what it will cost me, and how much will be taken out of my SS check only make 841.00 per mo.
ObamaCare works on a sliding scale. Your cost to purchase health insurance, on the health insurance exchange which opens in October 2013, will be based on your total taxable income. Please check out ObamaCare Taxes for more informaiton.
I am 17 years old and happily married. I am in college for medical assisting and soon will be in college for nursing. I live in Polk county FL and was denied free health insurance because I do not have a child, I am not disabled, and not elderly. I do not have the money for health insurance and need health insurance to attend my college and might have to drop out because a lack of health insurance. Please help!
Aside from applying to state insurance or getting help from a loved one (perhaps your Husbands work) you are going to have to stick in there until you are able to buy affordable health insurance on the health insurance exchange starting in OCT 2013 where insurance companies will compete to be your provider. Of course no one is getting a “free ride” if they can pay for it, instead you will be offered a plan that will cost what you can pay.
I have a question, not a story. I just read from retires website that GM will stop providing me with a prescription drug program. I am retired and need this program.
No one is going to stop your access to the drugs you need to survive. ObamaCare protects your access to healthcare, this includes prescription drugs, it even helps you afford non-prescribed drugs.
I work for the health care industry, I will look for other employment if Obama care becomes totally enforced, I know many others feel the same as I do, many doctors hate the idea due to medicaid pays only a portion of the actual cost (66%) that will hurt the hospital and doctors. Also the working class will pay for those who cannot afford insurance, the rich have many loop hole to hide behind. I pay for my insurance. I expect those who make less than 31,000 a year to pay for their own too and if they can not they should go to school so they can but many just want a handout…its easier.
Shawn V
Words like handout should be used when talking about getting a new car or an extra serving of fudge on your sundae, not when it comes to whether or not you can put food on your families table or if your son’s life can be saved with a procedure deemed too expensive by your provider. The rich have always hid behind loopholes, but the 3.8% capital gains and income taxes that tax the 2% on profitable income over $250k will help (you can only hide so much money).
Sean, the health care industry pretty much uniformly stand behinds ObamaCare. Yes things may change, but only things that aren’t working. That is what reform is all about. ObamaCare is all about supporting the working class, the idea that it would hurt them is bunk.
I was pregnant and couldn’t, get healthcare. I hate that unborn babies have to be neglected because pregnancy is considered a Pre existing condition. And the state Medicaid program is awful makes you feel like your on welfare that’s why many women dont get prenatal care they need.
Rinda C.
Thanks for sharing your story, this is one of the reasons why healthcare reform is so important. ObamaCare stands up for women and helps them get the treatment they deserve. ObamaCare greatly reforms the way the health care industry treats women. Women will be offered much better preventive services, wellness visits and access to proper health care that applies specifically to women. ObamaCare also does a major reform on Medicaid and helps to expand and improve coverage to the nations poorest. There is no shame in getting the care you need.
Because I have HSP and can no longer work.I am getting ssdi. I am also going to get medicare benefits, but there is a two year waiting period. In the meantime I have no health insurance. The state of Oregon has denied me healthcare because my ssdi payments are too much. There is a state program to provide anyone with high risk healthcare, but the premiums equal about a third of what I bring home on ssdi. I have a choice, either healthcare or a home. I have chosen a home but I keep getting hurt. I would like to see the rules changed just a little bit. It makes sense to at least have major medical. This has been a tough year, I have had three accidents that have resulted in either broken bones or stitches. The hospital has allowed me to make monthly payments, but a serious illness could wipe me out.
Rex R
The current system is still broken in this regard, ObamaCare will decrease the amount of money you have to pay out. By 2014 your premiums won’t be able to be raised for the profit of the health care provider and you will find a health care option that doesn’t break the bank. Hang in there Rex!
I am a senior and been told by friends, if I vote for Obama and his ObamaCare, and if we need surgery or any special medical care we would be governed by a panel of 15 people (not doctors) who will make that decision. If we are over the age of 70, we would not get approved because we are too old and don’t have long to live.
Jo R
Well none of that is true. The panel which worked to reform Medicare advantage (it includes health care experts and economists) came back with a plan that will greatly increase coverage for seniors and costs to seniors. Trust us ObamaCare is about saving lives and about 1/4 of the bill is about how to provide better coverage to seniors. Anything else you hear is a lie. Make sure your friend reads this site Jo.
I just have a quick question:
We have BC/BS of Kansas during the months of April thru maybe the end of Dec. It just depends when my husband goes on lay off. You see he is road construction. We depend on his job for our family Ins. Now durning the months of lay off we will get our kids on state ins., this is when my husband is getting unemployment. Now we are told that durning this time if we dont have Ins we could get fined. Well I don’t believe this is right. We cant afford COBRA, they want at least 800 to 1,000 a MONTH for just my husband and I! I do work but both my jobs are part time(I do this soI am available for my kids things) but there is NO ins at these jobs. So is it true will I get fined if I have no ins?? And if we never have to go to the hospital or see the Dr. how can we be fined then?
Also real quick:
Under the preventive care does that mean my mammorgrams and colonascapies (sp), my dad had colon cancer so his chidden are told to have this done every 5 years, are free??
Valerie S.
Fairbury Nebraska
Most preventive care will be free or covered under your insurance. There are some exceptions, but over all this will help to bring your costs down. Also you do receive a tax for not having insurance, but only if you can afford to pay it. This ensures that health care reform under Obamacare is affordable. All the top economists agree that it must be this way. Don’t worry about the tax though, as an example the tax in 2014 will be $95 for not having insurance… if you can afford it.
Thank you for the opportunity to share our story.
Facts: we are a family of 4 living in the middle class bracket. Our daughter (4 yrs old) has Down Syndrome.
My husband and I make an average gross income of 150K annually. He is self employed and I work as a professional.
Prior to Obamacare we could afford all medical/therapy related Needs for our daughter.
Post Obamacare we cannot and have bills coming at us weekly from any doctor/hospital or lab/therapist that we see in a given month.
It is not my daughter’s fault that she needs help so I take full responsibility for her needs and care. Unfortunately, even with all other living arrangements being equal, I have lost 8,000 in income to out of pocket expenses and that amount is what I have been able to pay out of pocket. I am now on a payment plan with 4 providers because I can’t pay them. This is after insurance offered by my company and my investment of 3,500 into flex spending has been used up.
I now am having to consider cutting therapy sessions (she has apraxia) and we want her to have the help she needs to learn to speak but the bills aren’t getting paid because of limits in care by my firm and me being able to pay the bills for more care and not having income left to do so.
Finally, next year the limit for flex spending is going from 8,000 to 2,500. This is honestly unimaginable to those of us trying to care for our own. This is by far the biggest shock as you would expect more help not 40% less!
I am meeting with a social worker next week to determine if working hard and having an income is a detriment to my daughter’s ability to qualify for the care she needs. If I make less money and can qualify for government help and let my fellow Americans pay a portion, I will likely have no choice but to do it because my purpose in life is to care for my children who cannot do it themselves.
This has been a very depressing 2 years as Obamacare in the short term has dramatically changed our way of living and providing for our family.
While I am trying to remain optimistic, the results speak volumes to me as a citizen.
I beg you to consider my example, as there are 1,000’s of my story out there and there will be more and more as companies change their healthcare plans to reflect the market trend.
I do not want to ask my fellow Americans to pay my bills through Medicaid and I do not want to give up my career just to qualify to get her the help she needs either. There has got to be a better way and this current system isn’t it.
Stacey Y
So far, for me, I have seen a small increase in what I pay for my
premium, and RX drugs. I do not anticipate any major changes in the
What I really want to know is how this effects my primary physician. I
know he is against it, and I see that his hours, and staff have been
cut back. I know that he receives less from Medicaid, or Medicare
patients. I would like to see how the plans will look in the future
for doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers
Fay W
I am a WV state employee. I was very thrilled to get an email from Human Resources stating that I could qualify in adding my 24 year old son back to my PEIA insurance. He doesn’t live at home, but is a full-time student, a member of the Army Reserve and works full-time at a hospital which also carries PEIA for its employees. When I called PEIA, I found out although he does meet the qualifications under the “Obamacare” program, he would not be allowed to drop his present coverage and enroll under my family plan until PEIA’s “Open Enrollment” period during the month of April in 2013. At that point, he would have effective insurance coverage as of July 1, 2012 under my plan for one year only, at which point he would turn 26.
I find this to be a glitch in PEIA’s program. Obamacare is trying to get more young adults insured under their families, if possible. Since my son and I both have PEIA, he should be allowed to drop his existing coverage and enroll under my plan during this “special” enrollment period for Obamacare recipients. He was previously covered under “my” plan not more than 3-4 years ago anyway. It’s not like he had totally different insurance and there being a fear of “pre-existing” conditions.
I would appreciate this experience to be featured on ObamaCareFacts.com, and also a resolution to this issue be made so that I CAN get my son covered under my insurance.
Tina M. Walther
Our small business may have to discontinue our Health Insurance. Why? We had a 21% increase across the board for our 2013 plan. How can we handle that… They say it is in preparation for Obamacare. Isn’t there a cap on what they can go up? I can’t find info on that anywhere.
If the exchanges do not come in for a year and they don’t get regulated on how high they can go on us we are just out of luck. They just rack up the rates and WOW! Why bother payting for it anymore.
Not the kinda story you wanted but I thought you should know. I wonder if I should change my vote and get this ACA repealed.
Disappointed in Obamacare in AZ
Pattie T
The website obamacarefacts.com is a little appalling. If you said you were all liberal, or at least included an ABOUT section on your website, people could see past these “facts” and notice how biased you are. Half of the time you talk about how bad the opposition is, saying things like “A Romney-Ryan endorsed voucher program will end up costing seniors up to 4.8k more a year for insurance.” That’s NOT an ObamaCare fact…
You mostly say what Obama’s goals are, which aren’t facts but it makes sense because the plan is entirely theoretical and will only end up costing more money and time spent in hospital waiting rooms. Frankly I don’t care about your opinion I’m just saying it’s wrong to present those points as fact.
I grew up in Oregon but now live in Australia, a country with a national health scheme. My son, who is currently in the U.S., had an cycling accident in Montana and was treated in Northern Idaho. He had to have major stitches on his foot. The bill was over $600 for something that would have been treated as part of the national scheme down here and would have cost less than one third of the cost in the U.S. Fortunately for my son, the doctor waived the bill under some local (northern Idaho) program, but we were going to pay the bill to avoid any legal action against our son as his travel insurance had expired.
When I was in the U.S. a few weeks ago, I lost an asthma puffer and when I looked into replacing it in Oregon, I was told I needed a doctor’s prescription and $95 for a single puffer. Something is very wrong in the U.S. when an item so common and important in the treatment of asthma costs 10 times more than it costs in other countries. An asthma puffer in Australia is less than $10 and can be purchased over the counter. Thank goodness Australia has a pharmaceutical benefits scheme that keeps the cost of medication within reason.
The folks who cry ‘socialism’ whenever ‘Obamacare’ is mentioned need to have an objective look at how health care operates in other countries because caring for your citizens should not be a profit industry, it should be caring and compassionate field. If Mr Romney genuinely cared about the American people, he would back this compassionate policy. He and his fellow republicans should be ashamed for turning a caring and sensible policy into an evil and unaffordable policy.
‘Obamacare’ must become reality early in the days of the next Congress.
Robert H
My daughter is a divorced single parent. She is 40 years old. She has several medical issues that need to be treated. She was laid off her job and has not been able to get another job. She has a seventeen year old daughter who is on on soonercare. My daughter cannot get the medical care she needs because she cannot afford to do so. How can she get the the medical care she so urgently needs. ?
Linda L
Both my sons benefitted from the healthcare option of staying on our health insurance plan until they turn 26. Without this option neither one of them would have had health insurance. Our oldest son , a college graduate, now has a full time job and has his own insurance. Our youngest son will stay on our plan because the insurance his fulltime job offers is high priced and offers poor benefits. We need Obamacare for every single American citizen who qualifies. Anyone who says differently is not looking at the facts or talking to people who are seeing the benefits and who will benefit in the future as the plan unfolds.
Jackie B
My husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2011. My son watched him lose weight over a period of a year, and lose his ability to eat or drink. It played a toll on his mental state. He eventually had a breakdown. Went to work and quit his job because he could no longer function. He couldn’t think to get a doctor to place him on a medical leave, all he could think is his dad was dying. After the funeral, He tried to commit suicide. I took him to the ER, from there he was taken to another hospital, placed on some program to be admitted to a hospital way out of my area. I was sent a bill for $3,201.00 and $1186.00 for doctor fees at the ER visit only. I was not consulted as to what was going on in his life, to get family input.
They placed him on a cheap medicine called Haldo. They called me to come and get him, and he was like a zombie. He was not scheduled with a doctor for 3 months. I had to take him to the ER again because of the side effect from Haldo he was like paralyzed. They could not do anything because mental was not their field. For that I was billed $1500.00 for hospital and $979.00 doctors fee to do nothing. I had to pay $200.00 to get a private Psychologist to help him get off of the Haldo. He is still having problems and it cost me $70.00 each visit. They wanted to put him in Detroit Receiving Hospital, but I said no because I payed $200.00 for another medicine that this hospital would not give him, they would give another cheap medicine. I want him well. I am on a fixed income social security only. His place of employment does not want him back, I guess they don’t understand He had a breakdown, so his actions were not his character. Health Care is completely out of control and if you don’t have insurance you are treated like you have a dreaded disease.
Sally O
I am not sure this is an ObamaCare story but I have a meeting to go to tonight on my insurance plan thru a hospital. They are now offering 2 plans. 1. basic plan by paying more per month and less coverage or an engaged plan which is going up 200.00 a month for me and all my number need to be sent in like BMI and etc, which is fine but 200.00 more a month. My boss keeps saying this is because of ObamaCare and I am not getting in an argument on this with her, she has her own thoughts but I thought this was for affordable insurance and I do know a lot of single moms cannot afford this and pay rent. So I am confused that they can do this. I see a lot of employees at this hospital maybe having to go elsewhere for insurance to be able to afford it in stead of taking advantage of the hospital insurance. Just a thought.
Jo Ann
I personally appreciate my daughter being added to our health insurance at the age of 20. I’m thankful knowing she’s covered.
I dont really have a story. I have an issue and it’s not good. I thought that this was suppose to make it where the Ins at a job was affordable. It is not at mine. They are raising the costs of the premiums. I am going to really go broke if this happens. I am a mother of 4 small children and my income is a big part of what we live off of. If the rates on my ins double like they are suppose to then my children are going to be left out of either clothing or food since they will be taking more out of my check next year. This is just right out ridiculous. How is anyone suppose to survive on this ins change?????????????????????
“Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet!!!”
Felicita P
I never thought I would be in the predicament I am in now. I have been working since I was 16yrs old. For the last few years I have worked as a contractor for the DOD. For almost 18months I have been aggressively treated for psoriasis without a cure. I am now at home using a wheelchair and have rarely been out of the house since Sept 2012. On Oct 19th, on my birthday, my company had to let me go due to downsizing. I now find myself unable to look for work, without a computer, being disabled, my husband disabled, loosing my retirement home and no health insurance. I have always paid all my bill and have outstanding credit. I have been hit hard as well as many Americans and making alot less money than I use to several years ago. I voted for you and we will both vote for you again. But I got to tell you, I have no idea how we will not end up on the streets. Without medical care, both my husband and I will suffer without getting medications and or treatments. Can you help us?
Eileen and Charlie
ObamaCare offers all Amerians insurance starting on Jan 1st 2014, and you can start buying it on an online market place called the health insurance exchange in Oct 2013. Hang in there.
I would like to bring to your attention a loop-hole in the ObamaCare policy that my insurance company (and probably others) are using to skirt the law and to deny preventive care services in some instances.
I recently went to the doctor for a preventive care exam (Well Woman Visit). This exam is now covered 100% under my Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Policy. I believe that the credit for this full coverage should go to ObamaCare. However, in order to receive coverage I was required to sign a form that stated,
“If a problem such as a breast lump is found at your ‘annual exam’, the exam is no longer considered by the AMA guidelines as an annual exam.” Such an instance would constitute a “problem visit[s] and will be coded accordingly.”
It appears that the insurance companies are already trying to avoid having to cover preventive care visits. The AMA policy outlined above defeats the purpose of a free preventive care visit. I can understand that any follow-up care would not fall under the category of a full coverage preventive care visit, but why should the initial exam not be covered if a “problem” is found? Isn’t this the whole point of covering preventive care exams? Don’t we want to encourage individuals to seek medical attention so that these “problems” can be detected early and therefore be treated early before the “problem” gets out of control and requires more medical attention and higher medical costs?
The above policy discourages individuals from seeking preventive care. Before going to the doctor for a preventive care visit, most individuals do not know if the doctor will detect a “problem” that requires follow-up. Therefore before going to the doctor for a preventive care visit, it is impossible to know if the exam will be covered or not or, for that matter, how much it will cost.
When I called the billing department at my doctor’s office to inquire about my coverage, I was informed that if I asked questions to my doctor, my exam might be billed as a “problem visit”. Therefore my visit would not be considered a “Well Woman Visit” and therefore would not fall under the label of a preventive care visit and hence (under my policy) would not be covered. I was outraged that my insurance policy was affecting the quality of care that I received from my doctor. Do we really want to discourage people from asking their doctor questions about their own personal health? Do we really want to discourage people from speaking honestly and freely with their doctor?
My intention in writing this is to bring this problem to the attention of our legistators, so that they can seek ways to prevent insurance companies from eroding our right to covered preventive care services. In doing so, I am trying to improve ObamaCare and to make it better. Please let me know what suggestions you have and to whom I should raise my concerns.
Dr. Susan Schweinsberg
PS To view the insurance policy which I was required to sign in order for the insurance company to cover my preventive care visit, please go to http://www.tvobgyn.com/share/Patient_Insurance_Information.pdf.
WOW this is a loophole indeed. Don’t worry we will bring public attention to this and help to fight the good fight. Thanks for speaking up. We know that moving forward preventive measures, especially for women, will be ironed out, but if this is happening now it needs to be talked about. Just another reason we NEED MORE REFORM.
This is a great plan I work for a small business that Blue Cross blue shield dropped because we had older women working and the premium became so high we could not afford it, but under the Inclusive Health plan we all have insurance again even women with diabetics and older males that smoke, they are better off because they can all afford to see a doctor regularly and can afford their medications again, which keeps them healthier and able to work and have preventive care rather than more expensive catastrophic care. I myself was diagnosed with breast cancer while I was uninsured and have a huge hospital bill to pay but under inclusive health plan everything from Oct 1, 2012 is covered even if the cancer comes back. the recommenced drug for estrogen blocking was $89 a month under the plan it is $10.00 I feel so much better knowing my co-workers have health insurance. Everyone has gone for a much needed physical after getting their insurance which ma kes them feel better and safer
Thank you very much
Roxanne K
Chapel Hill NC
Glad to hear that you and your co-workers are in good hands.
My premiums in the last few years have gone from around $300 to over $1000. And now I have to drop it because as a part time worker who can’t find a job it’s not as the website says “affordable”. Wo-ho yea Obamacare!
You should be ashamed… But you’re not.
Greg S
The Protections under ObamaCare prevent this sort of thing. Unfortunately until additional protections kick in 2013-2014 health insurance companies will still be able to treat you like this (this is why we NEED health care reform). After 2014 you will be able to afford health insurance (in fact you will be guaranteed coverage unless you opt out and pay a tax). Help support ObamaCare and make it so insurance companies can’t increase our premiums for profit knowing that we can’t risk dropping them, for now our lives depend on it.
I came to your website looking for answers. Thank you for strait forward simple, to the point information.
My husband and are are business owners of very small businesses. What will the health care act mean for us as our businesses grow?
As we have a need to hire help? We are worried this may affect many small businesses that are springing up here in the midwest.
Mary H
ObamaCare does the most for small businesses and Americas poorest. In fact the more your company makes or the more you make as an individual the more you have to pay under ObamaCare. Small businesses with under 50 employees and over $250k in excess profitable income will have to pay a 3.8% tax… That is it. Considering most small businesses (Americas biggest job creators) have a hard time covering themselves and their employees ObamaCare does nothing but help people like you (and us!). Want the rest of the truth on ObamaCare and Small Business? Go here
I am so 34 year old woman. Ii have carried insurance on myself since I was 18. My husband has also carried me on His since I was 20. My husband lost his job in April and at that time my whole family of four lost their insurance. As of October 1st I elected to drop my insurance due to the premiums becoming too high. With my policy at work I would have to pay out over $7000 before the insurance company would pay anything. In six months I went from having to pay nothing to go to the doctor to having no insurance at all.
Lisa C
Hang in there. ObamaCare protects you from this and offers Affordable insurance, but the full effect doesn’t start till 2014.
My insurance premiums increased 46% . thanks.
Dave C
Insurance companies can still grandfather you in to higher rates until 2014 when ObamaCare stops this. Some companies are squeezing us for everything they can get to recoup costs until it is illegal. We suggest finding a better provider on the health insurance exchange in October of 2013. Hang in There!
I get an email CaringBridge newsletters from a great person named Mike Guilbeau. He is fighting cancer.
Here is his link
and in his story he says:
“The doctor recommended two drugs that I could have administered by my local oncologist. I was ready to get on with it. My insurance company was not. They denied one of the drugs on the 13th of September and the second one at the end of the month. One of the drugs, Tarceva, has already been a successful part of my treatment plan. But because of new regulations related to Obamacare I would no longer be able be eligible.
Can anyone check this to see if the insurance company is telling him the truth?
I am a firm believer in ObamaCare and I want to know the truth for Mike Guilbeau’s life and for my knowledge and everyone else reading his CaringBridge story.
Thank You
Diane T
Doesn’t sound right does it. Consider this, one thing ObamaCare does is close the donut hole in medicare that was causing seniors to have to pay out of pocket and thus not be able to afford necessary medication. Haven’t found anything in the books about ObamaCare stopping sick people from getting help… health care reform helps people in these situations… what aren’t we being told in this story?
To All Concerned:
My first experience with Obamacare has been negative. When I visited my OBGYN for my yearly check-up my appointment cost me nothing because it was a “wellness visit.” However because my doctor found something wrong, the insurance bounced back the claim and charged me a $50.00 co-pay. My regular co-pay is $25. Will this be common practice in order to avoid “free welllness visits” as stated on your website? If so this is highly deceptive!
ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Obama Health Care Plan
Not all of the proectections under ObamaCare are implimented yet. One of the main focuses of Obama’s health care reform is free preventive treatment for women. This would be your insurance comapny mucking with you… This is what ObamaCare fights against. Hang in there.
Ok…..did you know…..that Pelosi said you have to pass the bill in order to know what is in the bill (obamacare). I say this to update y’all on yet another issue that is in obamacare….in case you haven’t heard. As of October 1, 2012, yes that is this month, this went into effect cause of obamacare……if you have someone who has Medicare (as in our parents, our special needs children, etc) and they go to the hospital and then are released to go home once stable enough and you happen to return within 30 days, the hospital will be fined $125,000. The Cleveland Clinic that the president so loved to share in the debate that is doing well could go out of business cause of this obamacare law because they are funded by donations. So, what is your discussion on this, other than we have to get Romney voted in so he can get obamacare repealed. It’s scary, obamacare is finally starting….
We are aware that there are some growing pains… however most hospitals, doctors and health care employees from workers to CEOs agree ObamaCare is the way to go. No system is perfect, but there is some part of the truth we are not getting in this story. ObamaCare does not hurt the healthcare industry… in fact the health care industry will make far more money and create more jobs…
I just wanted to say that my insurance is going up 10 % January of next year and I did NOT get any decrease this year. Obama Care is not working today for the middle class and looks like it will not work in the furture for anyone.
Thank you,
Sally N, SCP
Senior Integration Developer
Information Technology
Floyd Medical Center
Remember premiums aren’t regulated by ObamaCare yet. This won’t happen after 2014. There will be a Cap on raising insurance premimums.
If you make less than $200k in taxable income as an individual you get the benefits of ObamaCare’s reform on the insurance companies and pay less for coverage (on insurance purchased through the health care exchange market place)… Unless you choose private coverage. If so, then your future is in your hands (with some extra protections from healthcare reform).
Note: Middle class = less than $250k… $250k means you make about $700 a day in non taxable income. So chances are 98% of us are “middle to lower class” and helped by ObamaCare.
I am interested in information on how Obamacare will reduce pharma expenses.
It seems obvious to me, that it should and this might become a strong argument for it.
I am interested having a presentation in an Economics class at a graduate level, where I would like to argue for Obamacare.
ObamaCare helps to control costs by reforming the system as a whole. This is one area of health care that still needs big reform. One step at a time.
It has changed my medicare coverage. Last year I had a heart ablation and everything went well. But when I went to my heart dr. This August for my yearly checkup and echocardiograph I was told I it wasn’t covered. Since I wasn’t having any heart trouble right now Medicare will only pay for it every two years. I would think that would have been preventive medicine since I have a history of heart problems.
ObamaCare rolls out many protections to people like you over the next few years. One of the main ways ObamaCare saves money is by focusing on wellness and preventive care that stops people from getting sick or needing costly operations.
Hello, My name is Brittany and I would like to share my story. Being only 20 years old, I have never known or participated much in politics other than in my government classes. I only recently began paying attention to the presidential candidates and this year’s election, because of a small yet important set of events. My fiancé just got into a car accident a couple of months ago, and although it could have been way worse, it did require a hospital visit.
We are very thankful that he was allowed to go home that night with nothing but some stitches and a pair of crutches. Of course we knew that we would have to follow up with several doctors, car insurance, and police reports.
We did not worry about how the car insurance and police reports would play out because he was very simply not at fault in this case. However, what we dreaded was the hospital/doctor bills we would receive. My fiancé, Brandon, turned 25 this year and to our knowledge had no health insurance.
As the bills started to come in, our debt appeared to be increasing, and he was out of work until he healed. After a few phone calls, we had Obama to thank.. Since the ObamaCare bill had been passed, he was now covered under his dads insurance! Being young and trying to start our careers, this was a huge sigh of relief. Thousands of dollars owed turned into the bare minimum. Thanks to this chain of events, we no longer had to fear this accident would throw us into debt and Obama has made a few more people politically aware!
Americans will no longer have to go into debt due to getting sick. This is one of the benefits of ObamaCare that will really help Americans. America has no debtors prison and soon no Americans will go bankrupt just to stay alive. Reform is a wonderful thing.
I am 29 yrs old and have a beautiful 13 mth old daughter. In 2011 I lost my job and health coverage. Lucky for me there is a bill in NJ that allows adults under 30 who live with there parents to ride on there insurance. However I had to pay an out of pocket premium which was much cheaper than COBRA, BY OVER $400.00 a month. However this option is only available to children of employees who have private coverage through the state. whether they are local township employees or employed directly.by the state.
Not long after I enrolled I found out I was pregnant, I knew from previous medical history and my doctors that I was at moderate risk for early labor. So it was extremely important that I had good coverage, Aetna was amazing! But the state stipulates in order for me to have or qualify for this coverage I could have no dependents of my own.so I knew once my daughter was born I’d lose my coverage. I applied NJ family care early in case I had to find other private coverage for myself. I also did my absolute best to find work but in my field most employers don’t want to hire someone who is pregnant. I feel that this is discrimination in its finest. Because I was unemployed I did not qualify for family care even though I met income requirements.
It was good I applied early because my daughter was born prematurely at 32 Weeks. She was automatically given coverage. I appealed family cares decision due to the fact that I could no longer afford private coverage. And also because she was early I made the choice not to return to work right away. Her father and I are still together but we’re not married. He worked and I chose to stay home with our daughter. My state insurance actually required me to request to be terminated because I had a child even though I did not want to lose my coverage. But since I had a child I no longer qualified. Familycare never responded to my appeal, I actually had to call almost 10 mths later and had the appeal refiled. Because my income was unemployment it was counted differently, I was still ineligible.
This is apparently the case because there are so MANY parents who meet these requirements but choose not to work, or are disabled, or are looking for work and collecting unemployment. The need for affordable healthcare is exponential. Alot of these people who do qualify that work are barely over the income limits and are either just at are denied coverage. Since Familycare in NJ is tied to medicaid, I didn’t or don’t qualify for that either because they go hand in hand. Now in theory when family care started it was great, and its still good because all children are covered regardless of a parents working status.
But if you think about it a majority of small employers do not offer health coverage because of the expense. But also if you want to improve the economy and increase jobs, people need to be healthy.
That’s hard to do when some Americans have never had insurance ever. This leads to emergency rooms being overwhelmed with issues that are not necessarily urgent but the patient in question has gotten so sick by not having the option of just going to see a Dr, that they have to resort to going to an emergency room. Also by waiting to this point recovery time is longer which means the patient misses more work and loses money. Which in turn means the employer loses money. don’t get me wrong, I think everyone has the right to choose whether or not they have coverage. But my story is a great example of how messed up things are.
I a 28 year old patient at the time I applied for coverage was pregnant and losing my coverage was denied by a state program. I included in my application that my coverage would cease the day my daughter was born. Which meant that my c section was covered but any follow up care I would need, would not. This is baffling to me. I paid for my coverage while I was working, and even paid privately when my employers did not offer it. The one time in my life that I needed my states help it wasnt available to me because of where my income came from. That’s crap. I work in the healthcare field.and i’m familiar with how the insurance companies work. How they decide whether or not something is medically necessary or requiring authorization for diagnostic testing and procedures as well as certain medications, and treatment procedures.
I’m also familiar with how claims are paid out etc. this insurance companies make billions, from people who are covered through their employers or pay privately. They dont pay anywhere near that amount of money out. And I know alot of people have negative things to say about obamacare, but do these people really get it? Its not nationalized healthcare like Canada or great Britain, but I think people feel that because our government is finally stepping in that it could end up like that. People dont realize that medicare,medicaid and various programs will and cannot keep up with demand and the way things work right now.
I hope that this works out the way its intended to. Insurance companies would make more money if they offered more affordable coverage. Most states offer private coverage that you can get through.them but the premiums are unaffordable for a majority of people who live paycheck to paycheck.
I also feel that parts of obamacare that were already in place were what allowed me to have fantastic.care while I was pregnant with little or no cost to me. I don’t how exactly this will go but i’m hoping that these tax credits or assistance to pay for coverage for us as Americans gives us access to the same type of quality care we would get if we paid for or had private coverage through an employer. I have yet to see anyone offer better solutions.
So as of now until I see negatives, or someone can point them out to me, I fully support this. There’s got to be a better way.
Tara U
Thanks for sharing your story. Being able to stay on your parents health insuarnce gives many Americans that extra protection to their health and their wallets until they can start to care for families of their own.
As free thinking small business owner I have a mix of conservative and liberal values. I consider myself an intellectual at the very least I’ve cared enough to study ObamaCare since it’s inception (I have a lot of sick people in my family, so it’s live or die for us). What I have found is that like Social Security, Medicare or any other major milestone in our countries history that is meant for the good of the people we can’t afford to lose ObamaCare. In fact you might be surprised but the program is extremely popular, you might hear different, but this is simply not true.
The most disturbing thing I have found is that anti-Obamacare campaigns and rhetoric is being backed and funded by those who stand to lose the most. It’s not as political as it is socioeconomic, in fact this is the exact same thing that happens every time the government wants to give more to the people… it’s attacked by big business for being communist and all the money-men cry less government.
I mean literally history has repeated itself over and over again, it should be plain as day, but there is a lot of manipulation going on (has been since we learned to walk upright… one day we will get it). It’s really scary to me as a person, but we CAN and are fighting back.
While corporate money may be corrupting part of our system of government, we have one thing that no one can take away and that is our voice and our numbers. We are the 98%, and the better we understand ObamaCare the less likely it is to be taken away. It might scare you, but trust me, from everything I know having healthcare reform stripped away and given to the states to be manipulated by big business will scare you a lot more!
Don’t let Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, ALEC, the NFIB or anyone else take away your right to health care. Remember the Affordable Care Act is the law. It offers 98% of Individuals and 97% of businesses better healthcare at a more affordable price. It worked in MA and its working in the US… Heck, even the healthcare industry is on board.
The people who want to stop are ALL big businesses or backed by big businesses (or manipulated by big business… sorry Dad, but it’s true).
But hey guys, this is just one opinion. This is America and at the end of the day the choice of who you support is yours… but read the stories and read the facts and you’ll see we are all in the same boat and want the same things. Well all of us except the big businesses that funded $450 million dollars in superPACs to get rid of ObamaCare and Obama…
PS. How did I come to care about politics? I mean I started life interested in music, video games, drinking, art, GIRLS!, but no way did I care about history class or especially political history. The only thing I knew about Clinton was about “not inhaling” and “not doing the other thing”… Really didn’t care. That was until 9/11.
I remember being in my dorm room in 2001, my father called me, woke me up and said “we have been attacked.” My heart sunk into my stomach and it was a dark day that I spent with close friends. Honestly I never cared about politics, but over the next year I started hearing crazy, racist and ignorant things from my friends and people on the street.
Later I found out that “right wing-ers” like Fox News were using peoples patriotism to manipulate us into going to war with some country that had nothing to do with the attack. They wanted us all to back the killing of millions of people by spending trillions of dollars. Honestly it didn’t sit well with me. I remember watching “shock and awe” on TV because everyone was too scared to stand up and say “HELL NO!”. It scared me and left a real bad taste in my mouth. years later people got the guts to speak up against this insanity.
SIDE NOTE: Remember when everyone was getting black listed for being communist in the 50’s and no one had the guts to speak out. But eventually enough was enough and about a decade we finally overcame it, until it was used again a decade later… history repeats… and repeats… in very small cycles. It’s almost insane that we don’t all see this. But then again most of the country is still listening to music in there dorm room talking about girls, no noticing that the talking heads of today are calling the left and the president “communist” oh how nothing has changed… but one thing that has is peoples access to information… Thanks ObamaCareFacts.com a site run by normal people and not big business or private interests.
You see growing up both my Stepfather (wealthy banker in his day) and Father (Multi-million dollar mergers and acquisitions guy in the 80’s) pushed what I consider “right wing hate” on me. I later found out this was pushed by big business on them… this happened a good two decades (one I didn’t notice and didn’t care)… Starting on 9/11 I believed it for a while and would laugh about “killing sand N” with my buddies (that’s how white people talk, even up north, sucks huh?)… but after a while, it just didn’t seem right any more.
Over the years it started to really piss me off and I started to educate myself, but I couldn’t win an argument with my extremely smart stepfather or father. They would pull out these crazy facts to tell me why we should be at war and why we needed to get rid of Social Security (turns out this is a lie propagated by big business to privatize a public service… btw this is why they want to move things to the states and shrink government… it makes it easier to control the people… and they do want control).
Well any ways, even though it didn’t sit right I loved and respected my Father and Stepfather so much that I lied to myself and went into denial. Heck if both these guys thought we should hate people, be racist, fight wars and back big business obviously there was something I didn’t get. The left was trying to take away my parents money! Screw them (turns out we were in the 98% after all and this wasn’t true… oh well).
The last straw for me was when my stepfather was very sick and at the end of his life didn’t have proper healthcare (he had declared bankruptcy and lost everything from his banking business). My stepfather, one of the most important people in my life, died in a delusional state telling me and my mother that terrorists were torturing him and trying to kill him…
He begged me to get him out of the hospital, I didn’t save him from the terrorists so he tore his catheter out and died because there were no nurses around to help him… had he had better care, had there been more nurses, maybe this could have been prevented. But it’s not just the healthcare aspect, it’s the fact that he watched fox news every day and his last days on earth were full of paranoia caused by fox news, full of him being scared of Terrorists.
Ever since that day, I wouldn’t hear it anymore. When my buddies said “F them Sand N” I stood up and said, look here is the truth. When my friends said “Obama that N is trying to shove health care down our throats” I said look buddy you are in the 98% with me, here is how ObamaCare helps. And when I saw the NFIB try to repeal ObamaCare I said, enough is enough I’m going to reach as many people as I can and make sure that what happened to my stepfather never happens again…
The most I can do, and what this site can do is spread the truth. Sometimes the truth is left, sometimes it’s right and sometimes big businesses is the saving grace of America (in it’s best representation it is the pinnacle of the American dream and American Ambition)… but when it comes to life, liberty and happiness the 98% come first, not corporate interests and narrow minded hatred. It’s time to make sure that your fellow Americans have a home, food in there bellies, health care, protection at the work place, protection when they are older, a clean environment for their children and a thriving economy. Less government and more debt, pollution, war and disease, manipulation and hate… that’s not the world I want for me or my children.
Today a large majority of us can see past the BS. We see that they all use the same talking points, we have found out that it was big business who were trying to use our hate and anger and patriotism to manipulate us against our own interests. We learned that we have been being screwed by corporate robber barons since… well pretty much forever. The more we have access to information the better off we will be. For now we need to fight for one reform at a time. Today our battle is to make sure ObamaCare stays around. Good health to you, your family and your country.
PPS. Man, I really wanted to be a rock star… but when you get a chance to make a difference, you do it. Life isn’t about getting what you want, it’s about doing the next right thing and hey, if Obama wins the election by 537 votes then all the people have helped to get the truth out made a big difference, no? Thank you guys for doing your part, ObamaCareFacts.com has helped me to understand and spread the truth to people in my life.
Keep digging guys, the truth isn’t easy, but its the most rewarding. We are the 98%.
Thanks for sharing your ObamaCare story. We all have different backgrounds, but we all share the same core American values and experiences even if that leads us to different conclusions. Keep standing up for what you believe in regardless of who stands against you. It’s your right as an American and we appreciate you supporting health care reform.
No health ins. provided thru my husbands job that is affordable.
Tracy H
Thanks to ObamaCare’s health insurance exchange opening in Oct 2013 we will no longer have to rely on our employers for health insurance. Sorry big business, but now we get one extra chain lifted that was stopping us from following the American dream.
My daughter and son-in-law are confused as I regarding some of the fact of “ObamaCare”. She stated to me that because of “Obamacare” they are now having to pay more insurance premiums on his son because he was forced to put him on his plan at work. He had coverage for him on an individual plan but when “Obamacare” became effective he stated it was costing him another $100 a month because of the change. Can you clarify this for me? Did he have to give up the private plan and cover him on in group plan?
Very confused voter.
If someone is covered they don’t have to switch insurance plans. Everyone is free to keep their current coverage. The law only states that a dependent CAN stay on their parents insurance until they are 26, not that they have to be on their parents insurance for an additional charge… Does this mean he now has two insurance plans? I can’t imagine that insuring his son under his plan could be more expensive than a private insurance plan just for him. Also it’s worth noting that young people tend to be in good health so it curbs the cost for the rest of us. In other words providing more insurance to young people helps to lower health care costs for everyone. Hope this clears some of this up for you, check out the exact wording in the law below.
SEC. 2714 [42 U.S.C. 300gg–14]. EXTENSION OF DEPENDENT COVERAGE.”(a) IN GENERAL.—A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage that provides dependent coverage of children shall continue to make such coverage available for an adult child until the child turns 26 years of age. Nothing in this section shall require a health plan or a health insurance issuer described in the preceding sentence to make coverage available for a child of a child receiving dependent coverage. [As revised by section 2301(b) of HCERA]”(b) REGULATIONS.—The Secretary shall promulgate regulations to define the dependents to which coverage shall be made available under subsection (a).”(c) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to modify the definition of ‘dependent’ as used in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with respect to the tax treatment of the cost of coverage.
I hate ObamaCare.
I just renewed my insurance policy with my company and my rates went up $100.00 a month for next year just to pay for the extra things we are made to cover. I make right around 35,000 a year and have a child in school. I am a single father taking care of a child in elementary school. This plan is costing me 1200 a year. I have never had an increase like this one. I have the exact same coverage as what I have had for years. I also saw an increase in my deductable that I must pay. My copay also went up. Before this rate increase I was just making it. I will now have to cut back on my budget even more. Why should I be made to pay for a persons choice to go out and screw anybody they want. Why shouldn’t they bare the cost of their choice. I teach my children to be responsible for their choices. You have now made me a single parent of a daughter pay for a lawyer’s choice to screw around. By the way, I am sure she makes a lot more that 35,000 a year.
Mr. R
First off we are sorry that you are paying more, no one wants to see that and few of us can afford it. ObamaCare provides reform to fight back against this kind of behavior (finally!).
Unfortunately not all the protections of ObamaCare have kicked in yet. As of today November of 2012, insurance companies can still increase your premiums without justification. ObamaCare’s protections against raising insurance premiums doesn’t kick in until 2014.
If your current private insurer tries to lock you in at higher rates, starting Oct 2013, you can buy health insurance on the online marketplace like the rest of us including all of congress.
When your insurance (purchased from the ObamaCare exchanges) kicks in January 1st of 2014 you should be paying less for better coverage.
Part of the costs will be offset by young people who don’t usually need costly medical services.
Young people drive the cost of our healthcare down since they are in a low risk pool and usually don’t require health services outside of a yearly check up.
ps. Probably worth noting that whenever people decry Planned Parenthood, ACORN, ObamaCare or any other program that helps out our nations poorest you should really take a close look at their motives. Big business has historically tried to keep the working class dependent on them for healthcare to keep wages down and maximize profit… Unfortunately these same practices are still occurring today.
Think about the women in your life before you speak poorly about women and programs like planned parenthood. Regardless of what you may hear the preventive services it provides far outweighs the few who abuse the system.
The bottom line is planned parenthood may provide some controversial services, but as far as costs go women’s health services, specifically the wellness visits and preventive measures provided at planned parenthood and similar programs help to drive the cost of health insurance down by preventing sickness before it starts, again lowering the risk for the insurance companies. preventive measures are cheap, emergency room visits drive up the cost of health care drastically.
… Remember women have been repressed for most of the history of Human Kind. History is not so far away and can certainly repeat.
I’m upset my flexible spending account has been reduced from $5000 to $2500 for 2013. So far obamacare has NOT helped me.
I work hard for my money and am tired of having politicians rationalize why I should keep less and less and have to pay more and more in state and federal taxes.
American dream….fleeting…..?
Deanna P
While ObamaCare has put a cap on your FSA, it’s not without good reason. Here is what was happening:
Americans would put more money into their FSA then they needed. Due to the “use it, or lose it” policy many people were spending their tax free FSA dollars on things they didn’t need. This created wasteful spending and of course if you are spending money you don’t need to spend, on things you don’t need the next result isn’t saving un-taxed dollars it you spending more then if you had just paid the taxes in the first place. It’s a reform to your FSA, that will work in the Average Americans benefit.
I’m upset my flexible spending account has been reduced from $5000 to $2500 for 2013. So far obamacare has NOT helped me.
I work hard for my money and am tired of having politicians rationalize why I should keep less and less and have to pay more and more in state and federal taxes.
American dream….fleeting…..?
Deanna P
While ObamaCare has put a cap on your FSA, it’s not without good reason. Here is what was happening:
Americans would put more money into their FSA then they needed. Due to the “use it, or lose it” policy many people were spending their tax free FSA dollars on things they didn’t need. This created wasteful spending and of course if you are spending money you don’t need to spend, on things you don’t need the next result isn’t saving un-taxed dollars it you spending more then if you had just paid the taxes in the first place. It’s a reform to your FSA, that will work in the Average Americans benefit.
My husband is a Neurologist who is starting his own practice. Medicare is being cut so drastically that my husband will no longer be able to afford seeing those patients – which take up the majority of his patient care. With over $100, 000 in student medical school debt and a practice with a new loan, how is it that doctors will be able to afford their own practice?
Some of the tests that my husband runs on his patients are being cut by about 50%. Many of his patients are worried that Obamacare is going to prevent them from seeing good doctors like my husband. It’s true, many doctors are not seeing medicare patients because they just can’t afford too.
When my husband was working for Heart and Family, time after time doctors were turning down seeing Medicare patients because they couldn’t afford to see them.
It is good that Obamacare focuses on preventive care, but the medical treatments need to be paid for as well, otherwise we will all be left with doctors who treat patients with substandard care.
In addition, the hospitals who are said to support Obamacare will have trouble getting doctors who will treat patients who have a plan that doesn’t provide adequate coverage of expenses.
Is there something that we aren’t understanding? How can doctors afford private practice? How will we keep good doctors that want to treat all of their patients, but simply can’t afford to? My husband does not want to turn his patients away and he is very sad that he is forced to decide between paying his bills and treating Medicare patients. How will Obamacare keep good doctors that can treat everyone?
Cayla M
Some of the reforms under Medicare cut “wasteful spending”. While this works out good for a Medicare recipients in general it does cause extra issues for someone like your husband. Although Obamacare creates more health care jobs and the health care industry as a whole will make more money and held to a higher standard of care not every doctor is going to be able to do things they same way.
Patients will still be able to find the best doctors and be covered for the best services, however depending on the specifics of your husbands practice he may have to reorganize how he goes about treatment and if there is a hole in this part of the system it will be found and repaired. Health reform is a big process, but one of the main focuses is on Medicare and staffing the health care industry with quality professionals.
Here are some areas where health care increases jobs:
NFIB Research Foundation, Jan. 26, 2009: The employer mandate would boost demand for healthcare goods and services, thereby increasing employment in healthcare-related sectors. The number of ambulatory healthcare professionals (physicians, dentists, and other healthcare practitioners) needed will increase by 330,000. An additional 327,000 staff will be required to work in hospitals. Some 157,000 more nurses (net of retirements) will be needed to staff doctors’ offices, outpatient clinics, and other provider locations. And payrolls at insurance companies will expand by 76,000 workers.
I think you have grossly misstated what the CBO and The Heritage Foundation have stated about this bill. Both say it is unethical, unconstitutional, and will cost millions of jobs. You can find the correct facts at the CBO & The Heritage websites who are asking to repeal the bill. As for my experience with ObamaCare…I have lost my job as a health insurance agent.
Dr. Rick S
Thanks Dr. Rick, we are very sorry you lost your job. No one feels good that health care reform may be putting some insurance agents out of work. While the health care companies will restructure and new jobs will be created for the good of everyone, we understand it hurts your paycheck and your family.
We at ObamaCare Facts know you can put your skills to work in the new jobs created in the health care field, new insurance jobs associated with the new health care reform or jobs selling other types of insurance. (my neighbor is in the same boat) Hang in there!
About the CBO report, we focus on just Facts. For this reason we don’t use the Heritage Foundation as a news source since it is a privately funded organization back by big business. They tend not to support government funded public programs (historicaly, as a rule of thumb). ObamaCare is pretty much focused on ethics and job growth and is a law upheld by the Supreme Court, so in no way is it unconstitutional.
For the CBO report (which in no way says, “Both say it is unethical, unconstitutional, and will cost millions of job”), here are some facts on the talking points vs the report from factcheck.org:
- Independent, nonpartisan experts project only a “small” or “minimal” impact on jobs, even before taking likely job gains in the health care and insurance industries into account.
- The House Republican leadership, in a report issued Jan. 6, badly misrepresents what the Congressional Budget Office has said about the law. In fact, CBO is among those saying the effect “will probably be small.”
- The GOP also cites a study projecting a 1.6 million job loss — but fails to mention that the study refers to a hypothetical employer mandate that is not part of the new law.
- The same study cited by the GOP also predicts an offsetting gain of 890,000 jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices and insurance companies — a factor not mentioned by the House leadership.
so most of you know I was recently in the hospital for a few days. If you didn’t you do now… I hate sharing that for all sorts of reasons (mostly professional) but because tomorrow is such an important day for all of us I have decided to share this story with you.
Here it goes… three days in to my hospital stay it was time to switch me off the morphine iv to some other type of pain managment in preparation for my upcomming discharge. The nurse came and told me the pain manangment Dr. would be in to see me soon.
A few hours later no one had came. I asked the nurse what the deal was. She said- “you have no insurance, he won’t see you”.
I started crying. I have a pre exhisting condition (SLE) so even though I can afford to purchase my own insurance I can’t get any. I am also self employeed making it even more difficult.
There was never even a time when someone came in and asked if I wanted to pay the Dr. to come see me. They just said he won’t see patients with no insurance. So here it is days later, I’m still sitting at home in pain with no solution on the horizon.
I ask my friends to read what Obama Care really is and who it helps and hurts. I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO BUY insurance and to not be discriminated against because I have a disease that I’ve had for almost 20 years that is under control.
Obama Care isn’t socialism. If you think that you have not read the bill or your understanding of what socialism means. Please read the bill-
A qualified health benefits plan may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion (as defined in section 2701(b)(1)(A) of the Public Health Service Act) or otherwise impose any limit or condition on the coverage under the plan with respect to an individual or dependent based on any health status-related factors (as defined in section 2791(d)(9) of the Public Health Service Act) in relation to the individual or dependent.
This bill may save my life friends. I’m not on welfare, I am not on medical and if your reading this then your a friend of mine. Why would you vote against something that will save my life?
I am a resident of South Carolina and I have two beautiful grandchildren that do not have medical coverage. I was elated to hear of the possibility of Americans gaining the right to have medical insurance for poverty reasons. My daughter does not have a job and has returned to school and seems unable to get assistance. In addition to this she has been faced with medical problems and cannot get help for herself.
I was disgusted to learn that Governor Haley has chosen not to participate in Obama Care. What advice or choice do we have and how can we get help? I work hard and desire good health and the advantages for my off spring and feel trapped in the southern forum that wants to omit others in need.
Please help! Sincerely, Janice H
I’m an average middle class US citizen who currently will be losing my benefits through my employer since the Luxottica corporation’s goal is to maximize on part time positions, eliminate all full time positions except General managers and above. With this said, I currently have benefits and insurance for my family that I will lose. Amongst other employees, I will suffer loss of hours at work as well as all the full time benefits. Is Obamacare for me? Is there any law that can protect our right to keep benefits if we are willing to accept the deduction from our pay? Is there any affordable health plan for families based on our income?
Is there any health plan at no cost to small businessman to offer to their employees even if they are working part time? If President Obama wants to build a healthy nation, please bring my questions to his attention as I am amongst millions in this situation and solutions are needed to resolve these issues. We voted for Obama because we believe he cares, its time to show us results.
I’m an average middle class US citizen who currently will be losing my benefits through my employer since the Luxottica corporation’s goal is to maximize on part time positions, eliminate all full time positions except General managers and above. With this said, I currently have benefits and insurance for my family that I will lose. Amongst other employees, I will suffer loss of hours at work as well as all the full time benefits.
Is Obamacare for me? Is there any law that can protect our right to keep benefits if we are willing to accept the deduction from our pay? Is there any affordable health plan for families based on our income?
Is there any health plan at no cost to small businessman to offer to their employees even if they are working part time?
If President Obama wants to build a healthy nation, please bring my questions to his attention as I am amongst millions in this situation and solutions are needed to resolve these issues. We voted for Obama because we believe he cares, its time to show us results.
My husband is an American Consular Agent in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. He reports to the American Embassy in Mexico City which is part of the United States State Department. He is a contract employee at a 95% pay scale (that equals 36 hours/week). He started in this position in May of 2006. He current salary is $40,000/year, His only benefit is insurance coverage of 70% up to $10,000 max. (That sounds like a lot of money if you have never been sick.) My husband, children and I are American citizens. My husband is currently 59, I am 57 and my children are 18 and 16.
I purchased insurance for our family of 4 on Nov. 9, 2006. I signed up for a basic plan that included treatment worldwide and selected a low, $250 pp deductible. Having 2 young children, I wanted to feel like I could go to the doctor when needed and not put it off to save money.
In 2006 the premium was $3,752.
In 2007 the premium was $4,215
In 2008 the premium was $5,993
In March of 2008, my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was treated in San Francisco at UCSF
In 2009 the premium was $10,300
In 2010 the premium was $15,594
In 2011 the premium was $21,000 – To get my premiums down to $21,000 I had to change the deductible to $2,500.
In 2012 I just paid a premium of $26,000
My insurance company is IMG, International Medical Group. When my husband was diagnosed with the brain tumor, I was informed by IMG that they were there to HELP ME COVER MY MEDICAL COSTS not completely cover them. But first of all, IMG said they needed to review my husbands file to determine if his brain tumor was a pre-existing condition. (At this point, I almost had a heart attack) The medical bills I had to pay exceeded $90,000 after all was said and done.
I have attached an email from Kelly Donica whom I spoke to a number of times regarding my rapidly escalating premiums. She told me the company needed to recoup their costs. This doesn’t even seem legal.
Additional information: The IMG benefits paid for medical services has not changed in the 6 years I have been with this plan. An appointment with a specialist is paid at $70US from 2006-2013.
First – I am appalled that IMG can get away with this. Unless my family has another medical disaster, I am just a cash cow for IMG.
Second – How can I continue to pay these rising premiums on a salary of $40,000?
Third – How can my very educated husband work for the State Department and not receive health care?
I hope you can help or advise me.
Congratulations on the reelection. I voted for Obama.
Sarah C
Dear Sarah C:
I have reviewed the information in your email (I have not attached it in order to protect your private health information). I am glad to hear that your husband’s prognosis is so good. I am sure that is a huge relief to you and your family.
Regarding your family’s renewals, let me assure you that IMG® does NOT operate it on a “Use it or Lose itâ€� basis for renewal rating. Rather all insured’s are pooled based on several underwriting factors including, but not limit to, Original Year of purchase, gender, age and medical trend. Everyone in the same pool receives the same percentage increases. This is a common underwriting practice for International insurance carriers to use.
You are correct that since inception of November 9, 2006 the premium paid to IMG for the 4 family members and certificates referenced above is $60,467. During that same time IMG has paid out $240,314 in claims for these same certificates.
All of the certificates for you and your family will be up for renewal as of November, 9, 2012. You will be receiving renewal notices approximately 60 days prior to this on or about September 9, 2012. While I cannot currently give you renewal figures, I can tell you that we will not be able to lower the current premiums, and that they will in fact receive the renewal increases calculated as mentioned in my first paragraph. I have, however, asked the Manager of Global Underwriting to review the renewal action with me prior to them being mailed out so that we can take into consideration the latest information you have provided, to determine if the scheduled increase can be mitigated somewhat.
Thank you again, IMG values your business and we want to continue to help you meet your international insurance needs.
Kelly D
President Obama,
My name is Summer Henderson and I live in New Hampshire. I have worked in healthcare for the last 7 years and, for last 3 years I HAVE NOT had health Insurance. It is available but, with the high deductibles and premiums I can not afford it. I have not had a routine physical in 4 years. I have also not seen my primary care physician for 4 years. I have gotten really ill twice since I have had no insurance and have had to go to urgent care or the Emergency room. Then the bills stack up. I will now be paying 20.00 a month for the next 10 or 12 years so my bills which I can’t afford) don’t go to collections.
Everyone automatically thinks that because I work in the healthcare industry that I have “awesome” insurance. That is so not the case. I am very excited to see what Obama Care has to offer. I need insurance that is not only affordable but, is actually worth paying for. Keep up the good work president Obama! Please don’t let the American people down.
Summer H
Since Obamacare I have lost my insurance. They cut back on coverages and it sucks!!!!!!
Good Morning
I am a mother of three and I have no insurance. My husband has stage IV Congested Heart Failure at the age of 32. He has Medicaid and zero income. My children all have Medicaid because my income is below the poverty level. I am the only income for my family of 5. My husband does not receive disability (we have applied and have been denied). I work full time. I make less than 25K a year. My job offers insurance but its $400 per month just to cover me. I can barely afford to pay rent let alone $400 a month for medical insurance. With a sick husband and three children under the age of 10, I truly need insurance. I am a borderline diabetic with no coverage and mounting ER bills.
Who helps me? I paid my share of taxes when I was making $40+ at my previous job. Due to downsizing, I lost that job. I consider myself blessed to have a job. I work hard. I’ve always paid my taxes, how is it that I am excluded from medical coverage? I am very happy that my children, as well as my husband, are all covered but what about me? How did I get left out? Where is the family unit if the head is not intact?
Thanks so much for your attention.
Respectfully yours,
Joyce. E
How do I get help with obamacare. I lost my job September 1, my husband has been unemployed on and off for 4 year…in home building. I have been paying $765 per month with a $10,000 deductible for 5 in my family. My insurance just went up to $932 per month. I have paid out $10,000 each of the last 4 years before my health care “kicks” in…..now it’s is absolutely unaffordable . Just our prescription drugs cost almost $1,000 per month out of pocket before the insurance starts paying …when we reach our $10,000 per year deductible. We have pent nearly $80,000 in the last 4 years I’m healthcare. Help!!
Nadine W
I have a condition called Severe Chronic Neutropenia. We don’t really know what caused it as I do not have cancer with it. But the cost of the medication to keep me alive is something like $3,250 a month! I was diagnosed with this condition at 48 yrs old. That means that my insurance could have kicked me off the plan for having met the lifetime limit after so many years of being so very sick. Knowing I was probably very close to that limit, I phoned my insurance to ask about it a year ago. They told me that it was a law that they could no longer kick me off the plan for a lifetime limit. Can you imagine the stress that took off my shoulders?
I no longer was going to die without my medicine at an early age. Then came the repeal attempts with Romney. Again fear and worry hit me as I do not wish to die or lose my home because of the costs of medication. My husband suggested we divorce so that the Government would be forced to help me. I said no… you gotta have faith. We both voted for Obama and are very glad he won. Nobody wants to have to get divorced or go broke and live in a cardboard box in order to stay alive.
“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful., so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”
My sister just called my daughter and told her that Obama under Obamacare was going to take all overweight children away from their parents. I cannot believe Obama would even consider this. I voted for Obama and didn’t see anything about this in the Obamacare plan. Please confirm one way or another if this is true or a myth. I have a grandson slightly overweight, but his parents are working with him. He is very active in sports and they fix healthy meals. We would all go in to hysteria if we thought he could be taken away. I cannot believe this is true and feel my sister was being very very cruel and telling this to my daughter. She is a republican and I believe she is trying to start trouble since the rest of us are democrats and she is mad that Romney didn’t get elected. Please reply ASAP.
Sharon L. N
It’s certainly a shame when rumors like this are started. This is ‘tall tale’ absolutely false (and borders on the bizarre).
This rumor may have been started because of Michelle Obamas plight in helping school children eat healthy.
School lunches (because of budget cuts) have continuously gotten less nutritious over the last few decades. If this does not stop the obesity rate will go through the roof for children.
Please tell your sister that this is just a silly rumor. You may also tell her if she cared so much about her children that she would embrace that when she isn’t around to help them eat right that they can start (hopefully) get a decent lunch at school; which of course good nutrition helps you learn!
We’re so sorry that she is mad because Romney did not win. Just give her some time and I think that she will be very thankful when all of the elements of the Affordable Health Care act are implemented.
Take care!
I just went to http://healthreform.kff.org/SubsidyCalculator.aspx to calculate what my insurance premium will be in 2014 when Obamacare is fully implemented. My cost will be $8,687 per year or $723.92 per month (salary of $55,000, age 50 and single). This figure is calculated on the “silver premium”. I could save money with the bronze plan but I don’t know the cost for that and from what I read, the coverage is poor at best.
I am a middle class, single woman (49 years old currently) with my own home. I currently pay $2,268 per year for a health insurance plan with a $5,000 deductible (once the deductible is met, additional costs are paid at 100%).
I also contribute the maximum amount to my HSA. I use my HSA to pay for vision exams, contacts, glasses, visits to the doctor, dental care, “once in a blue moon” prescriptions and to set aside money toward the deductible should I ever have to pay it. From what I understand, high deductible plans will be taken away and the maximum deductible offered will be in the neighborhood of $2,000 or $2,500. I thought we were supposed to be able to keep our current insurance plan. Please explain.
I understand that HSA’s might also go by the wayside. This will force me to buy insurance through the exchanges. There are only two employees where I work and no health insurance is offered. Under Obamacare, my premium will increase $6,419 per year ($534.92 per month) and I will no longer be able to set aside money for the things I currently use my HSA for.
I have never been a burden to the health care system and have been a contributing member of society since I was 14 years old. I now find myself in a position where I won’t be able to afford health insurance and I am literally in tears as I write this.
I’m praying that someone will tell me I’m missing something here. I would be very happy if my logic is flawed somehow because I simply cannot handle an increase of this magnitude. I will have to either forego health insurance and pay the penalty, sell my home and buy an apartment, get a second job or ???. How is any one of those options fair? Why should I lose my insurance in order to pay for someone else’s?
I am not trying to be mean here or insult anyone. I understand that those less fortunate need some sort of health care. But seriously, must I lose mine in order for that to happen? Please understand that my comments come from a deep sense of fear, sadness and despair. I would think I work hard enough that I shouldn’t have to feel that way but here we are.
You wanted people to share their experience and I am doing just that. If you do address my concerns (which I would be most grateful for), I hope that my comments are met with empathy, compassion and consideration, rather than partisan rhetoric. Like I said, I will be very happy if my logic is flawed and I seriously invite you to enlighten me.. . .
Kathy S
We understand your concerns. First off, you can keep your insurance, it’s part of the law, so you won’t lose your current health care plan. Also, we want to let you know that no one really knows what insurance plans will cost on the exchange.
The Kaiser foundation is a pretty trustworthy source, however the cost calculator is from 2010 and even less was known at this point. We ran the numbers and this figure is very high (you are also being quoted as the “high” value not the “lower” which is closer, but more than what you pay.
ps. Looks like the fine print says costs are estimated to be 60% lower than given cost (the wording is much less plain english, but that’s about what it says)… That’s starting to sound more on par with our research.
pps. There is a cap on paying more than 12% of your gross adjusted income. While that is higher than what you pay now, it’s much lower than the Kiaser estimate.
Obama care sux, the government has no business telling me i have to get insurance. This is becoming a communist nation and i hate it!
ObamaCare is not a mandate, it’s a tax, like your taxes you already pay. You can chose not to purchase insurance, but there will be a tax penalty (if you can afford to pay it). This covers your costs if you use emergency health services without insurance, need to be covered at a moments notice when you acctualy get sick and to keep the costs of insurance Affordable for Everyone. It’s not communist, it’s the way the American government operates. Taxation in exchange for protections and services for the common welfare.
I work part time at Lakeshore Technical College and the school and I am not covered by health insurance because part timers are excluded. Starting in 2014 do I have to purchase my own insurance policy or does the school have have to insure me?
Karin G
Only employeers with 50 or more employees are required to insure their employees, those employees must also be fulltime. So you will most likely purchase your insurance through the exchange starting OCT 1st, 2013.
Please inform the people in regards to the micro chip that is to inserted in peoples foreheads and, hands. Being a believer in Jesus Christ, and having the Constitutional Rights, unforced when it comes to freedom of religion.
I feel, and so does a prayer partner from the 700 club, prayerline, thought that it is a form of the mark of the beast. Which is very scary. And it is also being that Barack Obama is the antichrist. Please respond, to me, and not only to me, but to all of the American people.
Please, God Bless America. We do not want to go to hell by following the President of America.
Thank-you, kindly.
Alix Amber R
Coming Soon
this act might do well for the american people . but the part that i object to is either buy ins or face a fine ie tax if its a tax then everyone pays it reguardless of there status .
If its a so called tax because you dont buy ins then that is a fine forced on us by the government and that takes away our freedom. and as i see it makes us a slave to the federal government. and that is not a government of the people, that is a government being a tyrant over the people.
I’ve never met someone who liked paying taxes, but we all live in this country and are proud to be American. Part of what it means to be an American is that everyone chips in to pay for the protections and services we vote for elect officials to vote on. I assure you for all of it’s imperfections ObamaCare is completely in line with how we have always ran our country.
Just like we won’t get rid of Social Security or Medicare or stop paving roads or building bridges or funding other public services, we shouldn’t look down on ObamaCare just because it’s new. It offers protections to every American, even if they choose to pay the tax instead of get insurance. (most government programs tax you for exisiting, so you will have paid into the system by the time you need it).
Thank you Obama, Thank you so much for helping the low income. Now we can breath. We love you and may the Lord continue to give you wisdom, health and happiness.
Erika M
Thanks for sharing your hope. Even though some of us can nit pick at paying an extra buck (if we can afford it) or worry about paying an additional tax on our earnings (btw. my earnings / small business puts me in this group) it’s all worth it knowing millions of uninsured Americans will have access to quality health care. For the rest of us knowing that you can count on your insurance to be there when you need it is enough.
It wasn’t too long ago I remember watching “Sicko” and feeling helpless, praying that I wouldn’t get sick and have a preexisting condition… We’ll I ended up having one, paying 30% of my income and not knowing wheter or not I would be dropped… wasn’t fun. Come 2014 I won’t be charged more than 12% of my income (I make above 400% the of the FLP) and I won’t have to worry if my insurance company will drop me or cut me off.
ObamaCare doesn’t just save lives, it saves the lives of people we know and talk to everyday.
Some people may never apriciate ObamaCare, but we love to hear from the people who are really affected by it, for better or worse.
I work for a small non-skilled home health care company. We have only 8 employees in the office, but around 100 PRN caregivers out in the field. Most of our clients have severe dementia making it unsafe for them to be alone, but this does not qualify them for a caregiver through medicare while their children are at work.
Since our clients pay out of pocket they are already stuggling to pay for in home care causing a decline in buisness that has dipped us just below the break even point. These clients can not afford to pay more, and we are already losing money. Is there a possiblitiy for exceptions for non-skilled home health care companies like ours?
That is a great question, we know that Medicaid expansion covers situations like yours. Hopefuly the Medicare reforms or Medicaid Expansion (assuming it’s passed in your state) improves your situations. We will look into it, please update us with the outcome.
I”d really like to know why i need to have isnurance when i have 10 kids and we RARELY go to doctor. When we do, we pay cash. I spend less than $500 per year on doctor fees/medicaiton etc.
Our secret? We eat healthy.
Why do i have to pay for eveyron’es bad habits….?? help me understnad why it is that the govt’ shoudl tell me what to do with my $$ regarding my health.
That is great news. ObamaCare has a big focus on wellness visits, preventive measures and even reforms to how fast food restaurants must display nutrition values. Of course if someone in your family does get sick, they will still be treated. If you choose not to buy insurance the tax (you pay as a family, which is much cheaper than an individual) is your payment towards all reforms to the health care industry and an “insurance” that if and when you or any of children get sick at anytime in life they will be covered.
My daughter works for a housing Association covering 5000 homes with 185 employees doing a wide assortment of work. The Association is unable/unwilling to increase fees to cover the new Obamacare requirements for healthcare. The Board of Directors will cut the employees to less than 50 and hire private contractors to fill in. Now I understand why she voted for Romney!
There is a lot of talk from employers who don’t want to offer insurance to their employees. The talk goes both ways, we have heard from larger employers that this does not effect them. I wonder if everyone who has something to say has really crunched the numbers. One of the things we are in the middle of is doing case studies on these sorts of things to find out how justified this all is.
actly how much are the families making over the 400% mark taxed? According to the Kiser health care calculator my family will now have to pay a total thats equal to 2xs my mortgage! ( And we make just barely over the 400% ) It seems the article skips the entire middle of the road income – going straight from data designed to entice the “lower class” to the “3%” – I am not by any means rich, I struggle to pay my bills, drive an old mini van, & shop in thrift stores.
I am the Self Employed, I am the Uninsured (due to the cost) Obamacare is supposed to help the uninsured yet it seems to be costing me ALOT more. The irony is, the doctors weren’t gouging me near as much as this bill is proposing to.
The Kiser Health care Calculator is just not right. Take the number it gives you and decrease it 60%. Also use your adjusted income and not just what you make. You aren’t going to pay more than 12% of your earnings.
I am a 33 year old female who has held a job since before graduating high school. I consider myself to be a “good girl” as I have not gotten pregnant out of wedlock, tried living off the government, or any of the other things people may do to try to get out of being a productive American citizen. I am a full time student working on my nursing degree that made it impossible for me to keep my full time job.
I have struggled very hard to continue working part time but and have just recently been forced to quit my job all together. I am a type 2 diabetic with a few other co-morbidities.
I searched for private health insurance for over 6 months prior to loosing my company insurance just to get the same response from all the private companies; basically they would cover me because they are not supposed to turn any one down however half just straight up refused to cover my diabetes and the other half offered me rates of 3-5 hundred/month plus I would have to pay all supply costs (usually 5-7 hundred/ month) as far as I am concerned this is not a solution for me. How on earth is a full time student supposed to pay this much for base coverage not including co-pays and whatever else?
My next step was to apply for Medicaid which I was denied for because I was told that I am not considered disabled. The man looked me in the eye and said Medicaid does not worry about prevention, the only time they step in is after you loose a leg or something from your disease. (So what happened to the part about Obamacare focusing on prevention? I guess Louisiana didn’t get the message.)
After some time I did receive a type on Medicaid called GNOCHC which I must admit is better than nothing however if you want to prevent illness I need to be seen in under a year. U ask what I am talking about I am sure well I am loosing weight rapidly due to chronic diarrhea but we are in November and I am still waiting on a referral since June!
Also, I am having major respiratory issues with chronic wheezing and infections but yet again all they can tell me is I am still on the waiting list ( 3 months now). And one last note; if I am unable to afford all these doctor visits how do you really expect me to afford the multiple medications I am prescribed on a monthly bases????
So this is my story, a young woman trying to educate herself so that in the near future she can take care of herself without government assistance all the while watching people around me receive these benefits without trying to do anything to further themselves or try to be a productive part of society. I just want a little help in order to help myself. Is that really so bad?
~Have a wonderful day~
•Amy G
I make a decent wage, but due to school loans, I owe a lot of debt. Therefore, I picked up a second job and now work around 70-80 hours a week.
Since I would fall between the 133% and 400% above the poverty level, where is my motivation to work? This is teaching Americans that debt is OK because if you work too hard and make more money, you will be punished by having to pay a higher percentage! Also, where is my motivation to support this bill? Again, this bill will serve to cost me a higher percentage! This bill is a cop-out by the people who are too lazy to go get a job. Jobs are out there! I have two!!!
My first is as an engineer, my second is at Subway. What people really mean when they say, “Jobs aren’t out there” is “The jobs that are available don’t pay me enough and I’m too proud to work somewhere that won’t make me wealthy.” That puts an expectation on our government and our working citizens to shoulder their burden. Our country can’t even control it’s own debt, how should it be depended on to control others debt?! But our country still supports that behavior and rewards them by giving them handouts and lower percentage rates.
We understand your points, glad to know you are working hard. Working is obviously about a lot more than health insurance.
“ObamaCare” cares for all people regardless of their personal choices. We firmly believe that we should care for all people regardless of the personal choices of some of them. It’s unfair to generalize all poor people as people who “won’t” work. While some low income individuals will get
Here are two bible verses that we fell support our feelings.
Proverbs 19:17 – Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.
Deuteronomy 15:11 – For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
Hope this helps you give another perspective on the law, even if you don’t agree.
Well my story began in 2008. My state run Hospital crippled me it never ‘should’ have happened, I’m still healing from the deliberate cruelty. I was at the time a successful self created business woman.
I could not challenge the law suit due to losing income and basically. I’ve lost all my savings and home. Losing my ability to walk and then the pain was quite the journey. Here I see again that as of a few days ago, my Private HMO is hoping to raise my premium – my basic plan will be unavailable if they succeed. So what now? Where shall I go? I really do need healthcare. I’m working to the best of my ability – no way am I a loafer or a taker. What happened – was to me not me.
Alohanuio l
Come 2014 there will be many options for you. Part of the the Affordable Care Act makes it easier for people to seek justice from heatlh care companies. Other parts make raising premiums for profit illegal. Hang in there and thanks for sharing your story.
I shared this with a friend on face book. I thought I would share with you as well.
I am a perfect example of how Obama care works for my family…daughter born with rare syndrome 1989 22 surgeries later many preexisting conditions, now 23 still able to receive care under my insurance. Nic 21 works two part time jobs rarely between the two jobs at $8 p/h gets 30-32 hours (no insurance) but is covered under me, Shawn 20 works full time at Petco can’t afford his own insurance if he wants to continue his education but is covered under me.
My husband works for a small business kitchen and bath remodeling, his boss cannot provide insurance for his 7 employees so Marty is covered under me. Being able to still provide them coverage allows me to still sleep at night. My Stephanie had to go to emergency dental appt Saturday morning with an abscessed tooth, praising God she was covered by my insurance.
Steph is going to college pt time and works one day a week as a courtesy clerk in a grocery store. People may look at her and say she is pretty independent, but with her disability she may be living with mom and dad most of her life. Our family so far choose not to put her on medicaid when we can still provide for her…FACT that’s the way it should be. I would like to be able to keep her on my insurance as long as I can provide insurance for my family after the age of 26. Once she turns 26 we will be forced to set her up with medicaid.
Young people who will most likely will not have the opportunity for insurance coverage should be able to stay on their parents plan no matter what the age if they still live in the same household. Once they live on their own and are independent then hopefully they will have a good paying job and coverage. My oldest son lost his job in his late 20’s a couple of times, could never get a job with insurance coverage and had to move home a couple of times. He got second degree burns both arms when a smoker back fired on him.
He had no insurance and no money. After ER and medical treatment, I know his bills were turned over to collections. He had no insurance and really not much of an income to pay. He is 31 works as a kitchen manager in a small bar and grill with no insurance. He was born with a club foot and works on his feet all day. At the end of the day he can barely walk, but he has no insurance so he refuses to get medical treatment, with the wages he earns he barely makes it living with his uncles family in a loft they provide him.
These are the things that need to be fixed.
Thanks for listening.
Celeste M
51 yr old mother just trying to keep her family above water.
Hello. Will tax increases on Americans be used to provide illegal aliens with Obamacare coverage?
No, it only covers American citizens (although some religious groups are exempt as well).
This is not my personal experience with Obamacare, although I wish it was. I’ve been living in poverty since I became disabled. I applied for social security and was denied. The order stated I had debilitating injuries but could work in a light duty capacity.
I have done this and only making 10 dollars an hour and its taken its toll physically. I have several herniated discs in my neck and also have two forms of skin cancer. I am supposed to be screened every year but because I do not have health insurance, I cannot do this. I was wondering when I will be able to get on Obamacare?
Thanks in advance, (hope to hear from you soon)
Shelly W
Pre-existing conditions may be covered now in a high-risk pool. Your preventive services will be free as of 2014.
I voted for the President and I want to be able to respond to some of the ridiculous stuff that will be flying around in emails.
Today I received the email below. I am not sure how to respond, they make the experience with their doctor sound so real.
How do I calmly and factually refute what is being said?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Sincerely, Fran F.
God help us!!
Your hospital Medicare admittance has just change under Obama Care. You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happen in 2013 & 2014!
Age 76 Today, I went to the Dr. for my monthly B12 shot that I have been getting for a number of years. The nurse came and got me, got out the needle filled and ready to go then looked at the computer and got very quiet and asked if I was prepared to pay for it. I said no that my insurance takes care of it.
She said, that Medicare had turned it down and went to talk to my Dr. about it. 15 minutes later she came back and said, she was sorry but they had tried every-thing they could but Medicare is beginning to turn many things away for seniors because of the projected Obama Care coming in. She was brushing at tears and said, “Some day they too will get old”, I am so very sorry!!
Please for the sake of many good people. . . ..be informed please .
At age 76 when you most need it, you arenot eligible for cancer treatment
* see page 272
What Nancy Pelosi didn’t want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, “We have to pass the Bill so that we can see what’s in it.” Well, here it is.
Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number
Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, TX – highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200
Please read this……. especially the reference to pages 58 & 59
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – ACORN).
Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors’ fees.
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient’s age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an “end-of-life planning” seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
HAD ENOUGH? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:
“Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.
Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls, Texas
All of theabove should give you the ammo you need to oppose Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.
Thanks for writing Fran,
The short answer is this whole email is a myth, and it’s not written by Judge Kithil. It’s written by a right wing blogger in 2009. Here is more information than you could ever want:
For the first time in my 48 years I will become uninsured as of 12/31/2012. I’m scared. I have a preexisting condition. I’m unemployed and my husband is a union electrician of 25 years who was laid off in March 2012. I am actively seeking work. My husband may not see another union job for 3 years! How does Obamacare work for me?
Gail G
No, it only covers American citizens (although some religious groups are exempt as well).
Actually, I want to understand this paragraph of your article, and understand how one would get “grandfathered in” to a bad plan. Can you help please?
“All Americans (including Congress) will be able to buy their insurance through the exchange as long as they are above the poverty level (those Americans will be covered under Medicaid expansion). Anyone (except congress) can opt out and keep their current health insurance or pay a tax or stay on their private insurance.”
Thank you,
Jody O
Your provider can “grandfather you in” by upping your premium now and keeping it that way once the insurance cap protections kick in in 2014. They can also grandfather you into plans that don’t provide coverage options that are required under the Affordable Care Act.
My story is that I simply don’t understand what ObamaCare actually covers. Here’s my current story:
I was forced out of my job (a Dutch company bought my company) on July 1, 2011 at age 58 … no job and no severance package. Although unemployment benefits are higher than my reduced pension, I chose my reduced pension because it allows me to continue my health insurance at the current employee rate until age 65. Unfortunately, the company is changing the insurance plan on January 1, 2013 to something I call “worthless insurance, unless you get really sick”. It only covers an annual exam, which includes a mammogram, PAP smear and blood work. Other than that, it covers absolutely nothing until you have paid $1,250 out-of-pocket. My reduced pension is $1,223 per month. How am I supposed to pay for my prescriptions and any other medical care I may need when I have to pay more than one month’s income towards the cost of my medical care before my insurance plan pays for anything? Do I have to choose between food and medical care?
Does ObamaCare provide more benefits than this? Okay, I’m glad that I don’t have to pay for an annual exam. However, I’m not much better off than somebody who doesn’t have any insurance. Is anybody checking to see what companies are doing to get out of paying for reasonable health insurance costs? I’m incredulous that a huge international company (AEGON) would do this to their American employees/retirees. They pay better benefits for their Dutch employees, who also get more vacation time than their American employees. The Dutch employees also get paid when they’re sick, but the American employees don’t. I know this because I have several friends who live in Holland and they’re incredulous over how the American employees are being treated.
So, how do I find out if ObamaCare would offer better coverage? I think we should be given a choice of paying a higher premium to get better coverage. My current premium is $145 a month. It will be reduced to $96 per month on January 1, 2013 … but that’s for “worthless insurance, unless you get really sick”.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Coming Soon
I read through some of the website, but there was no mention of who has compiled all the information on the website. If I am to share the information on the cite with others who are against Obamacare, I want to be sure where the information is coming from because I am sure I will be challenged.
Thank you,
We are a grassroots team, we all work for the same small business and use the CBO report, ACA and other reputable accurate sources to compile information. Thanks.
Hello. I am not sure who to contact, but thought I would start here.
I want to inquire how or whom I can file consumer concerns against Blue Cross for their continuing to raise premiums in the last two years at a very steep increase. I am not able to work so I had to look hard for an insurance plan that I could afford and found one that I thought would work for me with limited office visits allowed per year. It started out at $104 per month about 14 months ago. Then two months after I signed up, they raised it to $112. Now, almost a year later, they are raising rates to $124 a month. If I did my math right, that is almost 10% increase per year on the premiums. Something about this does not feel right as I have never seen such steep increases through the companies I worked at in the past.
So, if you could advise where I could file consumer concerns, this would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Chriz D
Insurance premiums rise every year. Obamacare curbs this come 2014. Until then BCBS seems to be doing this to people across the board.
Since I heard Florida Gov. Rick Scott refused to open up exchanges, I am concerned that it will be difficult to get healthcare insurance in 2014. Is it a fact that the Federal government will provide exchanges for people in Florida? Will this be up and ready for sign up in October?
Thank you,
Judy P
Rick Scott may be standing up for Florida. He has discussed implementing the exchange, but is meeting resistance. Keep supporting his decision and let him know the people of Florida agree. Everyone can use the exchange starting Oct 1st 2013.
An acquaintance was getting therapy from a company that helps stroke victims. The personal caregiver told me that the care was no longer paid for under his insurance plan since Obamacare took over. She(the caregiver) is a republican and likes to take every opportunity to complain about anything she don’t agree with.
Please comment and send an answer to my e-mail.
Thank you
Gary H
We know ObamaCare reforms health care and Medicare. We are pretty sure ObamaCare specifically helps people in this situation. Let us do some research on the specifics and get back to you. Thanks!
Be a man stop lying to us and ripping us off. Do the right thing, watch the movie LINCOLN and take notes on how to truly be a president.
I am a physician who cares for elderly patients who reside in a variety of long term care facilities.
Recently a very disturbing change has taken place secondary to Obamacare. Medicare B rehab is now requiring pre authorization, problem is they are not approving any Medicare B rehab. The reason for denying the claims have most consistently been the requested service is “not medically necessary”. I find it very odd, if not fraudulent, that a bureaucrat, without seeing the patient, can contradict a signed statement by a physician.
Also, the CMS insurance providers have thirty days to answer the pre authorization request. So, if a patients debility is even at a moderate level keeping them from completing minimal activities, then it is possible their debility will acutely worsen before they receive any therapy, adding to the expense of rehabilitation as it will take longer to return them to baseline.
Another area of proof Obamacare is actually CutTheCare, has to do with Hospice payments. Hospice companies are being denied payment after the company has been providing services for 3 and sometimes 4 months, again claiming “not medically necessary”.
I think it is time we realize in the United States, that our government is not the answer for medical insurance, especially mandatory. So far, all Obamacare has done is cut services, I really doubt it will ever pay for all needed medical services.
Hopefully, information as claimed above will soon start showing up in the media. Then, democrats, republicans, and independents will see the inability of Obamacare to provide appropriate medically necessary care.
Thanks for sharing.
Goodmorning, I am a member of a union in Phila,pa. The union is now deducting $50.00 per pay because of the Healthcare Act. The members were told that allowing adults up to 26yo being covered per President Obama is causing the new co-pay. I don’t have dependents,so why am I paying the deductablea? Thank you
Lots of businesses and groups are adjusting to the new healthcare law. We never like to see it taken out on workers, but for some of us insuring 32 million Americans is worth it… If we can afford it. We will inquire as to why the PA union is dealing with the costs in this way.
As a young adult I was thrilled to learn I was able to stay on my mother’s insurance until 26. Staying on her insurance meant that I could continue to go to school without the fear of not having health insurance. It also reduced the cost that was coming out of my pocket to stay healthy. As a young woman I am very grateful for Obama. He has allowed me to make my own choice and has set a path that can only get better with time. Thank you
Taleah H
Thanks for sharing your ObamaCare story.
I don’t have anything to contribute and I support the idea the legislation. However, my employer is going to totally change our plan because of the Cadillac provision and it appears it will cost me a lot more and my plan will not be as good.
Can you explain to me why the legislation is penalizing employers who are providing fantastic coverage at almost no cost to myself?
Thank you,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ll do a study on this post it on the site. We appreciate your input. Keep us updated as to how this effects you.
Here is what we do know:
Excise Tax “Cadillac” on Premium Health Insurance Plans. Starting in 2018 the provision levies a 40% nondeductible tax on the annual value of health plan costs for employees and individuals that exceed $10,200 for single coverage or $27,500 for family coverage in 2018. “Cadillac” referring to some “Gold” and “Platinum” plans and high cost private insurance plans. As a result of the excise tax provision, a plan with single coverage costs of $11,200 in 2018 would exceed the limit by $1,000 and be assessed a tax of $400.
The answer to your questions in short: The tax raises $150 billion over 10 years.
ObamaCare does a lot right, for individuals this makes sense and wouldn’t have a big impact… on larger employers who will cut benefits on workers… doesn’t seems so great. Like we said, we’ll study it more.
Hope this helps you understand this better.
I am not even sure this story should be here, but I will share anyway. Maybe it will help someone or maybe someone will write some to me that will help me.
Last November l learned that I hav lung cancer. Needless to say i was shocked.I had gone to get a chest ex-ray, something i did every four orfive years. That evening my Doctor called and told me ,she wanted me to go the next day for a scan, they thoughtthey may have seen a spot.
I am 81 years old, have no insurance, common sense tells me I am in big trouble.First thing I did was to call my only son.I knew this was going to tear him apart.But he is my strength and I really needed him. He had just retired a few years before. He went on line and did somereserch. He is very good at that. About two hrs. later, he told me that he had some place to go, he wouldbe back in time for dinner..
When my son came back, he told me , Mom, dont worry, everything is taken care of for everthing. He had been tothe hospital, spoke to I have noidea how many people he spoke to.He also went to see my Doctor. I had to have many scands, and we decided to have the sergery after Christmas.
I hade a whole team for the operation, another for rehab, another for phisical therphy. and another for treatment., radation and chemo. There is a lot of good and a little bit of bad.First, let me explain, i have been disable since i was in my fifties. I live alone and have an aid to help me five days a week.
The bad news is they were unable to get the cancer, it was to close to my heart. I was complety out of it for nine days. They almost lost me on the table It took a while, but after all of the treatment, iam so much better. I still have cancer, but i am here, iam alive, and i am so thankful that God gave us a president. My son never said much to me about how he aganged all of the care i recieved. I was never asked for money ,I never received a bill.The kindness, compassion, consideration just loving care from everyone.
You know, people think AffordableCare Act will not start until 2014 and mayme that was not ObomaCare that took care of me no one will make think different. I see on line where mony is being sent into this county for seniors, disabled and children and it happend’s often and been happening for quite some time The thing is there has to be another way other than a computer to get the word out. Not a lot of seniors have computer., so they have no idea whatis out there for them.
We have got to find a way to let them know that there is help for them. Melissa D
Thank you for sharing your story Melissa. For everyone we reach online, we hope that they will help spread the facts to at least one friend. Over time we should be able to get the facts out there.
Is my employer required to put my daughter back on my health care plan since she is under 26 . and if so is he allowed to raise my rate higher then is wa before he took her off ?
They have to offer it, you don’t have to take it. If you decide to do this it is relativity inexpensive, much cheaper than her insuring herself. If you add her they can raise your rates. There is a limit to the amount your rates can be raised however. You cannot pay more than 9.5% of your families income. Hope this helps.
If you are over 50 you will be deniey medical care. I have evidence of this fact WAR has been declared on the white people of this country
ObamaCare doesn’t deny health insurance, it’s provisions expand coverage to 30 million Americans. Also, “White people” arguably benefit from ObamaCare more than anyone else (if states decide not to opt-out of Medicaid Expansion this is even more true). This is because Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.
Are employers required to offer ALL employees (full time, part time & PER DIEM) an option for health insurance in their group plan?
I am a per diem employee for a nationwide home health agency in PA. Currrently covered under my husband’s health plan. We were recently advised that the premium for my coverage will nearly double (from $450/mo to $850/mo). As a PER DIEM EMPLOYEE does Obama Care mandate my employer to offer health insurance via their group plan?
Thank you for your anticipated immediate response.
Kathy W
Only full-time employees have to be provided with health insurance, assuming your employer employes over 50 employees. If you work over 30 hours on a weekly basiss you are full-time PER DIEM or not.
I retired 1.5 years ago. Two weeks ago I received a letter from Medicare stating they were raising my medicare because of the amount of money I made in 2009. Today I make less than half what i made then and the company paid my insurance. Now I am responsible for my individual insurance as well aa Medicare (and Medicare only pays 80%. Obama is lying when he says his plan only helps seniors. The only ones it helps are those that never paid any medicare because they were on welfare or are not citizens are getting a free ride from the rest of us seniors.
We will look into this. The formula for determing Medicare has always been the same, ObamaCare doesn’t change that.
Hey, my insurance with BlueCross BlueShield doubled for next year. I thought there was a cap on the insurance premium. What gives?
Sharon L. O
The provision doesn’t go into effect until 2014. When it does they have to justify rate hikes to the state.
My observation is that almost modern country on earth has has kind of medical insurance for all it’s citizen and neighbors do not loose their homes because they can not affort medical insurance
George O
I am 21 years old and I work full time where I am not offered health insurance. I have tried purchasing my own health insurance plan but was denied coverage due to pre existing conditions (misdiagnosis from years ago).
What am I supposed to do?
Sorry to hear this, this is exactly why ObamaCare is a good thing. It eventually gets rid of pre-existing conditions clauses and helps medical data be more accurate.
Any new insurance you purchase today will have to accept you, but you will be on a 6 to 12 month waiting period for a high risk pool (assuming you can’t get the misdiagnosis cleared up). Depending on your employer (if they employe over 50 full-timers) you will have to be offered health insurance come 2014.
You have destroyed the job a broker played. 100s of thousands of jobs have been eliminated and you are subjecting people to the confusion that will be generated by non insurance agent consumer service representatives. I dare you to post this. The average American does not understand insurance and as a consequence will not be able to get the kind of care they need and want. Socialism does not work. It is a disincentive.
We posted this, it’s a fair point. However the Health Insurance Exchanges should address a lot of these issues since they will be designed for ease of use for all Americans. Private brokers still exist and can be used, but not everyone has to use them now. Whenever there is a change, jobs change too.
As far as socialism and it being a disincentive we strongly disagree. Socialism is a dangerous word that has a long history in our country as being used as a meaningless smear word, do a google search on its history and how it has been used over the past century in American politics (FDR’s New Deal is a Great Example). Same thing with “incentivizing”, this comes from the Regan- era and is used by big business as an excuse to “take” from the average American (see trickle down). So while both these concepts do exist their connotations are far reaching.
You have obviously not seen the confusion of Medicare recipients when they go to use the CMS website Medicare.Gov.
As for socialism being a pejorative term, it is not. It is a well defined economic system. FDR was not responsible for America’s Economic Recover it was WWII forcing us to produce capital goods.
By the way thanks for telling us insurance Brokers that we are not needed. How are you going to retrain us and compensate us for the Government nationalizing the insurance industry. Obamacare is not national healthcare it is nationalized health insurance.
I remember the East German Consul lamenting to me about their brain drain and their justification for building the wall. She said,”how would you feel if all your engineers and other professionals left your country?” I responded that I would think there was something wrong with my country.
How is this administration going to feel when I, with my Doctorate, and others like me flee from a system designed to keep me from reaching my potential financially and justify a “progressive media” that prevents us from criticizing our country for fear of retribution.
By the way read the writings of Karl Marx and learn about surplus value.
Also Reagan can’t be embraced by Obama during a campaign and eschewed by him after. That is blatant hypocrisy.
Are you going to post my response to your glittering generalities and your bombastic cavalier attitude?
Jane A
Just to be clear we are an independent group of citizens who goal is to help Americans understand the health care law.
We don’t agree with all of your view points, but that won’t stop us from posting what you say on the site. We really do try to be non-biased, however our stance on Socialism is something we won’t back down on considering the history of usage as a “dirty word” in America (despite it being a viable party in the US and an economic system). We are also in no way against insurance brokers, but obviously insurance reform affects that industry harder than most. Don’t think anyone wants to see anyone lose their job.
Mostly however, we appreciate your detailed and thought out response regardless. Please feel free to contribute or comment in anyway you would like. The best way to do this is probably through our Facebook /obamacarefact
Read on your website that we should report instances of “” prior to the 2013-14 “cap” on the amount private Health Ins. Companies can raise rates–
We just go a notice of rate increase from Anthem/Blue Cross (California)–increasing monthly rate to over 2900/month
–the second 14 percent increase in the last 6 months.
Investigate? Let me know if you need more info.
Thanks we’ve gotten more letters about BCBS than any other company. Whilie the Rate review is enacted in california it can only be done on rate hikes of over 10%
My brother (and others) was recently laid off from his job as a sales rep for an aftermarket auto parts company. He believes the reason for the layoffs was the owner panicked about the 50 employee mandate after Obama was re-elected, and decided to drop his staff below 50 ASAP..
The employer does offer poor insurance, and the payroll deductions, copays… are not affordable. My brother has been on his wife’s insurance.
Even though his 23 year old daughter is on her Mom’s insurance, and it would be impossible for him to ever insure himself without Obamacare (pre-existing conditions).. .he sees nothing good about Obamacare, and I don’t know what to say to him.
Thanks for asking. It’s a hard one. Come 2014 everyone is going to have an easier time with insurance. Right now we are in a transition. His employers reaction to something that he might have to deal with a year later isn’t really ObamaCare’s fault, but we can see it feeling that way to him.
Perhaps the best thing you can do is say, look ObamaCare isn’t good or bad, but it does do some things that will benefit you (pre-existing conditions and under 26 insurance are a big ones). Maybe have him look at the facts page so he can get a better idea of what the bill really does.
In February of this year, I went blind in one eye and had to miss work for several weeks. The diagnosis was Multiple Sclerosis, a disease that had already been suspected. In June, I lost my teaching job and my health insurance for my son and me. Thinking I would get a new job soon, I did not apply immediately for insurance coverage from the state of Connecticut. (The cobra payment was a prohibitive $1600 per month.) By the fall I knew I was not going to get a job and I began to look for insurance. Because of my preexisting condition and my 20 year old sons preexisting condition (he has type 1 diabetes), I was told by BCBS that the would not cover us.
So, I applied to the state for “affordable” insurance. I asked when I applied what I additional paperwork I needed to send to expedite the application. The woman on the phone assured me that the application was all that was required. I pursued my sons insurance first and had the state request information on several different occasions delaying the approval of insurance until the end of November. Once the insurance was approved, a letter. was sent to my son’s monthly income had been found to be $823.75 a month and the premium would be $446 per month, or more than 1/2 of his monthly salary. I was also told that the premium would be going up over $500 per month in January. I am making $527 per week on unemployment. If I were to pay for his and my insurance, the cost would be close to half of what I take home a month.
Since we have been off of insurance for nearly 6 months, we will shortly be available for the preexisting conditions insurance. This insurance costs $381 dollars a months per person, and has a deductible of $1250 for medical care and a $250 deductible for medications. The effective monthly cost of this insurance would be $506 per month. Once again, hardly affordable.
Every eight days or so, I must buy a bottle of insulin for my son at the cost of $143. This is a reduced cost for this insulin. I have looked into getting this medicine from the manufacturer for a reduced cost. However, this would take a trip to the endocrinologist for the prescription, and over a month for the medicine to be delivered. NO ONE should have to be in this position for insulin that sustains their life.
And of course I am on no medicine for my Multiple Sclerosis and am feeling the pain at the pharmacy for my high blood pressure medicine, another must have drug to keep my alive.
We have a long way to go to make medicine affordable.
Kathleen O
Yes we do! ObamaCare doesn’t do a thing to make insurance more affordable until 2014. Seems like this year is going to be really hard cost wise (although you guys can get insurance even with a pre-existing condition now! hopefully without the waiting period in the high risk pool)We suggest you do what you need to do until ObamaCare’s provision kick in in 2014 and give’s people like you a fair shake.
Applebees is cutting emplyees to under 30 hours and still no health care i cant be able to pay my bills on less than forty hours thank we will al be on welfare soon
Wé. Are losing hours in burger king .
The Devil is in Charge Now…
You will NEVER put a Chip in my Skin,,.
I’ll die first….
I don’t fall for all this Obama Myth correction Crap.
This man has Killed America… The Death of America and patriotism has begun.
He is slowly getting rid of Our Military to leave Our Country Weak.
This only proves that the end of times is Near…
And I feel really sorry for the OBAMA FOLLOWERS……. They will end up in Satans Hands and Fire. They have been FOOLED….
Not me….. I am a Christian and refuse to Follow Satan.
I was warned… I am paying attention…. and I will NOT be tempted by his lies and the destruction to America and Christians.
I hope that HE BURNS for a eternity in Hell for what he is doing to human beings.
He has Killed America…
and his followers will pay also….
Satans children.
God will Prevail…. It is written…
The CHIP rumor is a myth. See our ObamaCareFacts Myth Page. We read the bill. Anyone who is lying to you and telling you to hate our Christian president who cares for the poor (that’s the bulk of what ObamaCare does) is the one who is leading you in the wrong direction.
My health insurance was $330 a month just for health and didnt pay until you meet a 3,000 deductible. Paid for 2 years and never met deductible so I never got anything in return. Waste of money. It went up this year and i had to drop. Cheaper for me to pay cash at doctor.
On Nov 26, 2012, at 8:38 AM, Linda Ienuso wrote:
I wanted to know if this interview was true and if it is what can we do to protect ourselves and ones we love from this happening. I have been in support of our President and his desire to help the citizens but not at the cost of our parents. Thank You
Neurosurgeon calls Mark Levin about Obamacare – YouTube
That would be a caller pretending to be a Neurosurgeon. The whole thing was a farce and there is no wording in the bill that says this. Both the AANS and CNS have dismissed these claims.
This is what obamacare has done for me. I am a single mother. I make $9.00 an hour and I work 39 hours a week for Round Table pizza. As of the first of Jan 2013, my hours are going to be cut by 10 a week. I will be losing 25% of my wages. That is $4600 a year or $390 a month. My employer does not want to buy health ins for their full time employees. Therefore our hours are being cut. I do not know how I will survive. Thank you obamacare!
Dustie C
Good news Dusty if that makes your income less than 1.2k a month you may qualify for Medicaid via Medicaid Expansion, which CA is implementing. Of course this doesn’t happen till 2014. Regardless it is a very nasty side effect of a great program when employers decide to deal with costs by cutting hours. Not to take away from the issue (it is important to us), but only .2% of firms in the US have enough employees that makes them “need” to buy insurance or pay the fine. Many of these companies are raising prices rather than cutting workers hours. Since you have a month to deal with this perhaps you could use your work experience and start applying at other jobs?
Here is a outline of the Federal Poverty Level, if you don’t qualify for Medicaid, you will qualify for big breaks on insurance come Oct 1st 2013 once the insurance exchanges open up.
I am currently employed as a Registered Nurse through a contract agency. When I accepted the position, I was told that I would have an hourly wage, PLUS an additional $3-4/hr for the “Health and Welfare” benefit because I didn’t need health insurance benefits. (My husband is active duty in the Army so I am covered under him). The first two paychecks were paid out as such. This last paycheck had no “H&W” benefit money on it. (about $300 less than it should have been with it) I was told by HR that with the Obama Care act they are mandated to require employees to take the health insurance and they take the premiums out of the “H&W” benefit money…EVEN IF THEY DON’T NEED IT!!!! This is ridiculous! I need that extra money every paycheck! I don’t need the insurance!! They told me there was no way to decline the insurance anymore and that I would have it whether I used it or not. I’d like some clarification as to if this is legal on their part… It doesn’t seem as it if it should be….
Thank you.
Starr R
Good news Dusty if that makes your income less than 1.2k a month you may qualify for Medicaid via Medicaid Expansion, which CA is implementing. Of course this doesn’t happen till 2014. Regardless it is a very nasty side effect of a great program when employers decide to deal with costs by cutting hours. Not to take away from the issue (it is important to us), but only .2% of firms in the US have enough employees that makes them “need” to buy insurance or pay the fine. Many of these companies are raising prices rather than cutting workers hours. Since you have a month to deal with this perhaps you could use your work experience and start applying at other jobs?
Here is a outline of the Federal Poverty Level, if you don’t qualify for Medicaid, you will qualify for big breaks on insurance come Oct 1st 2013 once the insurance exchanges open up.
I am currently employed as a Registered Nurse through a contract agency. When I accepted the position, I was told that I would have an hourly wage, PLUS an additional $3-4/hr for the “Health and Welfare” benefit because I didn’t need health insurance benefits. (My husband is active duty in the Army so I am covered under him). The first two paychecks were paid out as such. This last paycheck had no “H&W” benefit money on it. (about $300 less than it should have been with it) I was told by HR that with the Obama Care act they are mandated to require employees to take the health insurance and they take the premiums out of the “H&W” benefit money…EVEN IF THEY DON’T NEED IT!!!! This is ridiculous! I need that extra money every paycheck! I don’t need the insurance!! They told me there was no way to decline the insurance anymore and that I would have it whether I used it or not. I’d like some clarification as to if this is legal on their part… It doesn’t seem as it if it should be….
Thank you.
Starr R
I am currently employed as a Registered Nurse through a contract agency. When I accepted the position, I was told that I would have an hourly wage, PLUS an additional $3-4/hr for the “Health and Welfare” benefit because I didn’t need health insurance benefits. (My husband is active duty in the Army so I am covered under him). The first two paychecks were paid out as such. This last paycheck had no “H&W” benefit money on it. (about $300 less than it should have been with it) I was told by HR that with the Obama Care act they are mandated to require employees to take the health insurance and they take the premiums out of the “H&W” benefit money…EVEN IF THEY DON’T NEED IT!!!! This is ridiculous! I need that extra money every paycheck! I don’t need the insurance!! They told me there was no way to decline the insurance anymore and that I would have it whether I used it or not. I’d like some clarification as to if this is legal on their part… It doesn’t seem as it if it should be….
Thank you.
Starr R
Here’s an email that I sent to the Governor of the State of Florida. Hopefully I will get a response. However, in the meantime are there any suggestions that you have for people who are going through serious illness and is not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare? Thanking you in advance.
Dear Governor Scott,
I am a job coach who work with people with disabilities. Currently, I am working with a customer who works part time and have no health insurance. My customer has just been diagnosed with a serious illness. With no health insurance and the State of Florida opting out of The Affordable Care Act, my customer will get worse and eventually die without medical treatment. May you please give some suggestions as to any programs that offer free medical treatment for serious illnesses. I am aware of our local Health Dept. and free clinic, however, the scope of my customer’s illness is beyond the service they provide.
Where can people go to receive medical care/treatment for serious illnesses if they do not have medical insurance or even the opportunity to purchase LOW COST medical insurance? I hear about a lot of the States opting of Obamacare but don’t hear anything about other alternatives or solutions, in particularly the State of Florida. The information that you provide will be important information which I can pass along to others and help the people that I serve.
Thank you for your time and consideration and, I await a response.
Cheryl C
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for sharing this with us. Just so you can be specific, Florida WAS opting out of running “State Health Exchanges” where low to middle income Americans can use tax credits and subsidies to purchase affordable insurance, instead leaving it up to the Federal Government. However Rick Scott changed his mind, hopefully because of letters like this one.
However, he said he will opt out of “Medicaid Expansion”. Medicaid Expansion covers folks under the 133% Federal Poverty Level mark and those with disabilities, etc (Seems like your client falls into this category). So you are correct to question the Governor’s decision to “opt out” of ObamaCare. Just wanted to help give you some background.
We empathize with you, your client and the millions of Americans who are impacted by this arguably political move to opt-out of a program that provides a cumulative 93% federal funding (the common reason to opt out is cost). Some states have even been posting plans on how they will save billions by implementing Medicaid Expansion. Here is one such article http://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/story/20211/20120727/new-york-expanding-medicaid-and-expects-to-save-billions
Hope that helps. please copy us if he sends anything back, and thanks for helping to stick up for the people who need it.
All this talk about Obama Care…what are the costs? Affordable to who? I haven’t heard one word about how much this insurance costs, but I have heard a lot about having to have it by law. If this health insurance is so great, how about providing some information on costs and coverage. The damn government is so good on making demands and passing laws, but doesn’t watch out for the little people that earn less than 50K/yr and even much less than that. If you fall just above the poverty line your net even considered. What a bunch of cXXX!
Thanks for writing. Actually making under $40k roughly puts you in a great position to save on health insurance. Those between the %133-%400 poverty line can get subsidies, tax credits and upfront assistance for buying health insurance. In states that support Medicaid Expansion being below the 133% mark means you are covered under Medicaid. Seniors covered under Medicare pay about the same or save depending on their income bracket. So those who pay more or the same tend to be the $50k plus, not under. It helps the majority of Americans, especially the little guy. Read up on our cost of obamacare page! : )
Let us know if you have more questions or comments. Make sure to join the facebook.com/obamacarefact page to discuss this with hundreds of others.
I know this will never make it into the hands of anyone who will act on it or make it better but I thought I’d vent anyhow as being a United States Citizen born and raised in this country I have seen healthcare progressively decrease over the last five years or so from what is offered to what is covered etc.
My story is about my Mother – Advanced Heart Failure Patient…long story short – within the last three years, Mom has had four heart attacks, one stroke, a leak in her main valve, 11 stints and one ballooning, a pacemaker/difibulator in her heart and constant and continuous fluid buildup that puts her in the hospital..all completed locally at Bryn Mawr until they said they can do no more. We began going to Penn in January Dr. Rame – heart failure specialist in January, testing and evaluation was completed and determined Mom needs an LVAD or she will just get worse and perish. Heart is pumping between 20-30% depending on readings, she cannot walk 39 feet, cannot last 1 minute on a tred mill stress test and cannot even shower without tiring, losing her breath and being out of commission all day.
She is 65 as of Oct 6th on Medicare with Humana as a supplement. She is in Penn right now was scheduled for LVAD surgery this morning..due to an infection it was cancelled so they can treat the infection…however in conjunction her EKG yesterday showed a % of 30% for heart pump function and we were told that per Medicare guidelines if you are not at 25 or below they will not cover the surgery. Penn – Dr. Rame must now petition and fight for a patient he can passionately see is very sick and dying to get an insurance company to cover her getting a surgery that will save her life – THIS IS UNHEARD OF!
So now there is a chance that an insurance not knowing my mother will go against doctors who out right told us she needs this surgery to survive all because of a reading and guideline within 5%.
It is nice to know the health system is willing to let our citizens die out of their own selfish needs of not wanting to pay for something that will save their lives…last I checked guidelines are not policies and can be overlooked. I can only hope Medicare feels this way as I watch my mother every day get worse and worse and I am watching her die in front of me.
Jaci G
Today was my first introduction to Obamacare and I am extremely disappointed and I wish I had never voted for Obama. I work as a bartender/server at Applebee’s Restaurant in Garden City, Idaho. I have worked for them for almost five years. Last night I was told that every employee was going to be cut back to less than thirty hours/week, compared to the forty I have been working every week since I started there. This is due to the fact that my employer doesn’t want to have full-time employees so they don’t have to provide insurance for us.
So, now I get to go and find another part-time job and work 50 to 60 hours a week and neither one of them will be providing me health insurance so, I will have to get my own. I can see it now, I will pay high premiums to an insurance company that will pay nothing out on the claims, but I will have insurance. And Obama and the democrats will have bragging rights about all the new jobs they have created, all the part-time jobs that everyone at my work will be forced to take if they want to feed their families.
That is my Obamacare story. I hope that you are happy now. By the way, I had insurance before this legislation passed through my employer. It was horrible insurance but, I was covered. I was recently diagnosed with RA. I am so grateful that in a couple of years I won’t be able to be discriminated against because of this pre-existing condition. Well, what would you suggest I do in the meantime?
So, thank you Mr. Obama. I was making decent money and had health insurance and could almost pay all my bills every month before Obamacare. Now I will work twice as many hours at two different jobs and still have to pay for my own insurance. Oh, did I mention I also used to have vacation pay? Well, I won’t qualify for that anymore either, thanks to you. I have to work 36 hours a week to get that, and well I will only be getting 30.
Go Obama!!! You are moving this country in the right direction, aren’t you.
Dear Mr. President Obama:
I believe all people everywhere in the United States should have access to free health care, somehow. Recently, Colorado passed a bill that mandates employers to supply healthcare benefits to anyone who works full-time. Along with that rule, the definition of full-time hours have been lowered to anyone working over 25 hours a week. I was hired at the Home Depot here in Arvada as a part-time employee in November, with the hopes of getting full-time employment in the future once my 90 days was fulfilled on February 3rd. I was told yesterday that because of this new mandate, I will not be scheduled any more than 23 hours a week so I will not be working any more than 25 hours a week. I had been working up to 34 hours, and I was able to pay my bills and rent and hopefully not have to rely on Food Stamps for food to eat. I have never had Food Stamps before the last year, and now I am ashamed that I have worked so hard all my life and can’t make enough money to be self-sufficient anymore. Now, I am forced to look for other work, either a second job or quit my job and find a full-time job elsewhere because my company is not willing to give people any more than 25 hours a week. Now the reality is, you do not make enough money on a part-time job to afford benefits, anyhow. You do not bring home enough money working 35 hours a week to afford benefits either, and employers do not want to chip in. They offer the benefits at a discounted price for being in an insurance network, but they do not chip in to help pay for the cost.
The year 2012 was very hard on me because I had 6 jobs in 10 months, 3 of which closed their doors. I lived in the mountains close to the ski resorts and my town of Georgetown was great for tourists. However, I was 30 miles from anywhere to work. My previous job closed the doors September 30th, and I had no warning when they eliminated my shift two weeks before. I had no money. I scrubbed the Post Offices in the county I lived in, did house cleaning, drove stranded tourists to the airport once, and a variety of other jobs to bring in money and figure out what I could do for a job. I was denied unemployment, although I had worked at one job for almost 7 years until 2010 and another for over a year after that. I was literally one month away from being homeless, which I have been homeless several times in my life and it is not a good place to be. I was frightened more than I have been in a long time. When I applied at the Home Depot online, I was called for an interview the next day, and started work. The job was almost 50 miles away, but it was a job. I had to borrow from credit cards to move and get set up. Then, I went weeks without any paycheck, so bills did not get paid. I really thought that I would have a full-time job by now, and be on track to being self-sufficient again. How wrong I was!
I am a full-time student at the University of Phoenix now in my Bachelor’s program in Communications and Technologies. Scrambling for a new job every couple of months is not fun when trying to keep up my “all A’s” grades I received. I do not consider myself especially smart, I do all the homework and I am just determined to get my money’s worth out of my education that I will be paying for until I am 80 years old. I am 58 years young now. I had the opportunity to continue my education and I took it. After working in restaurants for over 35 years with other careers in between, I realized that at my age, with a body that ached from carrying 35 lbs of food on a tray over my head, I needed something different for a career. I have had more jobs in my lifetime than most, all without benefits. I would rather have a job without benefits than have to pay for health care out of a paycheck that is under 34 hours a week that would bring my net pay below what I need to live on.
I know there are others that are a lot worse off than I am, and bless their hearts. I am able to work and do basically everything I did when I was in my 20’s. I am quite healthy, and see a doctor maybe a handful of times a year. This is one of the loopholes in your health care plan that I know you could not foresee. Employers will say what you want to hear to get you hired, then change the game-plan a week after you are hired. They do not want to compensate employees with a fair wage, let alone benefits to boot. In order to get around paying for health care programs, employers cut their employees’ hours so they do not have to offer paid benefits when most part-time employees would not be able to afford it in the first place.
You really need to bring down the costs of the simple things in health care people use the most: office visits, dental and eye care, and emergency room visits. Of course hospital stays are outrageous, but that is not used by the majority and is another story. The simple healthcare everyone needs to stay healthy are office visits, dental and eye care, and emergency room visits. Put a mandatory maximum charge on these four items, and most people would not have the need for expensive insurance to cover these services. Keep people healthy in a simple way, at the beginning of their lives, and you will have more money to work with when it comes to hospital stays.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Obama.
Debra L. G
I was told by my boss today that due to your plan my job could be cut! I was just hired in July and being the new employee puts me at risk! I have made more in 6 months of employment at this job than a whole year at my last job. I guess just when I thought my life was turning around I get hit in the face with this! Our company hires more than 700 plus people so cuts would need to happen for our company to survive! I am just sick! How will I tell my husband or my children that next year at this time we could be living on the street because mommy lost her job!!
DeLisa G
I came across this website to learn more about the obamacare and see how to leverage it to buy health insurance to my mother who is 55 years of age. I don’t see any fact regarding elder people with low income. I tried purchasing an insurance through kaiser but she was rejected until they have proof that she is healthy! I am very disappointed and I am hoping to get some directions or facts on how to help my mother get a health insurance.
Bassam B
She may be eligable for Medicaid.
Many of us are confused about Obamacare since we were under the assumption it meant affordable health care for the citizens but in fact it evidently mean affordable for the employer because many of us have had our benefits cut, large deductibles implimented and therefore making “Being HEALTHY” no longer affordable. Previous to this Obamacare, we had HMO’s and only had to pay small co=pays for doctors visits and prescriptions. NOW we pay thousands of dollars out of pocket. How is this helping, people are losing their homes. Can’t afford good food due to the prices being increased, fuel to get to work is astronomical and now basically NO INSURANCE.
What is the solution to this????
Pam L
I am a single mom of one child working just barely above minimum wage. My work offers a health plan discount but I can’t find a Dr in my area that will accept it. I refuse to keep going to the emergency room for health issues a Drs office can take care of. Besides ERs cost too much. I have an IUD that has been in for 5 years that needs to come out but as stated before I cannot find a Dr who accepts my insurance. Also I have tried health clinics in the area and their Dr’s will not remove it if they didn’t insert it. So im left with possibly having to take it out myself which can lead to a disaster. If a health professional has to put it in, a health professional is who I want taking it out. So Obamacare, what is your suggestion for me?
Dear president as a self employed white male who has worked and lived his whole life cutting my own way and worked for everything we have. We are possibly losing our healthcare benefits because of you. It may be cheaper for the hospital where my wife puts in a average of 60 hours a week to pay a fine then offering insurance benefits to their employees. You who have done nothing but spend money with no budget since you have been in the highest office. You have now pushed us into survival mode. We live on what we make you don’t you lied to the hard working people who don’t complain and trust the election process. Not any more were going into survival mode thanks to you and your unprecedented attack on people who just want to live free and work for what we have. You have not united you have divided. Good luck to you and god bless. We The people of the United States of America.
I have a few comments on this new plan.
First, my brother and sister in law are now divorced and have been for approximately 2 years. My brother in law in on Medicaid and so are his three children. He is on disability and his gross income is about $1,400 per month. They have shared custody of their children. However, my ex-sister in law works and has access to health insurance for her children. She doesn’t want to pay the premiums so the kids are all run through Medicaid. Why is it fair that she doesn’t feel like paying her premiums, therefore the government picks up all three of her kids? I work every day to pay my fair share of health insurance costs for my family and theirs and many others. I’m not understanding why the government is allowing this to happen. Just think of all the funds saved if parents were actually held responsible for providing health insurance for their own children instead of spending money on needless items/entertainment each week.
I have friends who have adopted 2 children. Their first was a girl who became a ward of the state the day she was born. My friends make a very good living and have great private health insurance. However, our government covers child number 1 on Medicaid because she was a ward of the state for approximately one week. How insane is the thinking in Washington to allow this to continue until this girl is 18. So on top of getting a $10,000 adoption CREDIT on their tax return, they now have completely free medical care for their daughter. We have to have the most screwed up government in the world to allow this to happen.
And what a shame that your entire organization represented ObamaCare as “affordable health care coverage for every American.” What a joke! I am now explaining to our employees what affordable actually means on your so called health insurance plan. Funny how people’s opinions are changing in regards to their most recent votes casted during the latest presidential election. While they all thought you were going to give them some kind of wonderful health care coverage, they have to discover the truth after the fact.
While you’re so hell bent on reducing health care costs – here’s a thought. Why don’t you penalize those who are on welfare who continue to stay home and pop out one kid after another for more money? Seems pretty black and white to the those of us who work – you keep costing the government more money are behave irresponsibly, your funding gets cuts. No, instead you keep rewarding those completely abusing the system by giving them more food stamps and health care coverage.
I’m 41 years old and have worked since I was 16. I had a daughter at 17 and could not receive one dime of government assistance. Guess what? I worked my entire life and so did my husband to provide a good home for our two kids. Now, your administration is going to continue to chip away at middle class America until we are no more. It’s no wonder there are so many ex-Pat groups in other countries. I hope I never have grandchildren. I can’t even imagine the world they will have to live in. Your administration is doing so much damage to this country that it will never be repaired in my life time.
And while you’re all at in Washington – working on your own personal agendas – tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are being released back into society this week – only to work under the table for cheap wages – taking more jobs away from those willing to work and pay taxes. Maybe they too can keep having more children. Seems that if they’re born here they’re one of us. Except for the fact that they now have rights and privileges that my kids will never see in their lifetime. I wonder what’s going to happen when white people are the minority in this country? Are we going to receive better loans rates, better opportunities, better college funding and better job offerings? I bet not. I’m sure all of that will be wiped out. Try explaining to your children why the government won’t help them pay for college at all because their parents worked their butts off their entire lives and stayed married. We don’t seem to be the kind of people that should have their children punished by the government because we’ve worked our entire lives.
Washington really needs to wake up. I’m sure the rest of world is having a great laugh at our expense. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!
Tara D
Read the bible u said u was not going to change anything and im not racist by all means i have Mexican baby’s,but the bible says there will be a black president come and he will start the Mark of the best 666 a chip in ur an your baby’s body no that’s wrong keep it the way it is i will never vote for u again!!!!!!!!!!
So because of Obamacare my retirement board FORCED me onto Meidcare Part D. My co-pay for my medicine went from $15 to $150 (because on Part D you cannot have assistance from drug companies).
On regular Caremark it was $100; not $150. So now I am out of medication and cannot buy it. It was for my Lupus and RA.
Exactly how is that a benefit to ME?!
As I see it, the insurance companies get all the breaks still putting the burden on the government and the patient.
So it is a bold faced LIE that Obamacare benefits seniors. It will only get worse in January unless you stop this insanity.
Cheryl K
I am a firm supporter of ObamaCare.
I am 26 years old and have far too much knowledge of what the healthcare system is really like and how badly it needs to change. My mother died of AIDs in 2001 after a long battle and little help from the health care industry she ended up dying in a nursing home at the age 39. We couldn’t afford hospice because of how high bills and medicine were and let alone how expensive it was just to have a person come out once a day or even week to let us know her condition. I was 14 and watching my mother fade before my eyes. I think ObamaCare will help make this type of situation more affordable, so that families can worry more about saying their goodbyes and spending the last months,weeks, days or even hours with their loved ones instead of being weighed down with how much things are costing them. I believe our health is important to us and I would like to believe this bill is going to make a change for the good of humanity. I hope it doesn’t put us under anyone’s thumb and it allows us to soar the way people in America were always meant to do. I hope it brings out the best in us in any stage of life. Thank you.
Linnea L
What happens to my career. When my hrs drop if they do I won’t be able to pay for the things I worked so hard for 20 years. And I have paid for an. Mortage. Land contract for 3years now what happens to us when we have to move cuz the only career I have here in my town is aviation mechanic there isn’t anything else here then I’m forced to move. Besides my old trucking career I can’t drive anymore trucking. Cuz of an right eye problem which toured for miss. Jobs for the disabled which they declined me for that and this is b4 I got my old job back in aviations. I will lose everything Midas well be a nasty divorce . A ‘ll because our government wants to get rich of the medical system and once again I get robbed like they do to my social security. Which they don’t suppose to touch but. They do anyways. I will be forced to. Go and move to. Where the jobs are and that means getting two jobs cuz rent or things a even higher. Is that why in west Virginia that their at 5man coffins for. US people that are going into poverty die of starvation or bullets from us for surviving the government forgot something we made them exist not the other way around. It’s time. Now to act to remind the government this is our country and we the people run the government not them we all have the power to shut them down and impeach them all. If I lose everything because of this obama care I know that my constitution no longer exist meaning this is illegal against my rights that I did not vote for and its against everyone’s rights except for our government that is exempt for any penalty’ s like I said b4 plus corruption go ahead government keep it up what goes around comes around u all have to answer to God and this who km e who thy are will Parrish oh. I forgot our government doesn’t believe in God only themselves. Good luck government against us real Americans we are the people we make the laws we put them there we surly can kick them out. Get real people time to wake up help us join us to ‘re free our country against this government that wants to play God and most likely ruin everyone’s jobs amongst other things let’s get together and stop it will take everyone every American to stop them. Obama is just a pawn the congress is the problem.peace .
Amanda S
Hello I was wondering how Obamacare works/ how much would it cost to me? I am 24 and still under my fathers plan but his insurance is changing in 2014, and I am looking at my options of what I can do. I do work full time at the moment but not a job I will be there for life, but I also have school loans, and do not make much in a year to afford much of anything towards health insurance.
A colleague of mine recently told me that his wife is suffering from cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and a fifth condition that escapes me. He says that her doctor has informed her that the ACA defines 7 major medical conditions and that if you are over 50 and have 5 of the 7 she is “not insurable” and it would be illegal for the doctor to provide anything other than comfort care. The doctor claimed he could be imprisoned for providing care. He claimed the doctor was trying to get her off of diabetes medication through diet specifically so she would not be categorized this way anymore. Now I have read other rumors about similar care rationing and understand them all to be false. However, this man is an honest person and I believe him if he says the doctor told him this. Is there any semblance of truth to any of this?
He also mentioned that his wife requires natural thyroid hormones for a thyroid disorder she has but that the ACA says that the insurance company doesn’t have to cover this medication only the synthetic versions (which apparently are not effective for her due to an autoimmune disorder). He claims before ACA that they had a 25 cent copay for one months worth of the medecine and it is now $300+. Does the ACA allow for this and does a patient have any recourse if a certain version of the medication is ineffective?
Jarik C
Because of this my hours at work are being cut from 37.5 hrs per week to 25 hrs per week. I am losing one third if my income and I don’t need health care because I have my benefits through my husband’s plan. SO now my income is lower and my taxes are gonna be higher because of this plan. That stinks. I work as a paraprofessional in a multiple disabilities classroom. Now these children are going to suffer without the extra support they deserve because if this plan.
Michele W
This is probably just republican hogwash to.. I am sure obama would not allow anything like this to happen to us.
Just want all of you to see what is included in the obamacare bill, so I copied and pasted this little tidbit so it would be upfront for you. Us seniors know we have a finite life span. But now we won’t have any health benefits (which we have been paying for before we get any of our SS), however, you will get counseling on how to die. Oh, not to worry, all the illegals and congress (aren’t they one and the same?) will have full coverage. Bob
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
You need to read this and pass it on to everyone on your e-mail list.
PLEASE PASS THIS OUTRAGE TO EVERY ONE ON YOUR LIST!!! THIS should be read by everyone, especially important to those over 75 ……. If you are younger, then it applies to your parents…………..
Your hospital Medicare admittance has just changed under Obama Care. You must be admitted by your primary Physician in order for Medicare to pay for it! If you are admitted by an emergency room doctor it is treated as outpatient care where hospital costs are not covered. This is only the tip of the iceberg for Obama Care. Just wait to see what happen in 2013 & 2014!
Age 76 Today, I went to the Dr. for my monthly B12 shot that I have been getting for a number of years. The nurse came and got me, got out the needle filled and ready to go then looked at the computer and got very quiet and asked if I was prepared to pay for it. I said no that my insurance takes care of it.
She said, that Medicare had turned it down and went to talk to my Dr. about it. 15 minutes later she came back and said, she was sorry but they had tried every-thing they could but Medicare is beginning to turn many things away for seniors because of the projected Obama Care coming in. She was brushing at tears and said, “Someday they too will get old, I am so very sorry!!”
Please for the sake of many good people. . . ..be informed please.
At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment
– see page 272
What Nancy Pelosi didn’t want us to know until after the healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, “We have
to pass the Bill so that we can see what’s in it.”
Well, here it is.
Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number
Judge Kithil of Marble Falls, TX – highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200.
Please read this ……. especially the reference to pages 58 & 59
Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.
Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – ACORN).
Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors’ fees.
Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient’s age.
Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an “end-of-life planning” seminar every five years. (Death counseling…)
Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.
HAD ENOUGH???? Judge Kithil then goes on to identify:
“Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.” ~ Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls, Texas
All of the above should give you the ammo you need to oppose Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.
Only in America does “Health Care Reform” begin with the hiring of 16,500 new IRS agents tasked with determining whether your insurance policy merits a fine.
Why is my natural child age 25 eligible under my plan, but my step son 23 in school, who lives with me will be discharged from my plan 9/30/13 according to the benefits dept of PBA, he is not verified since he is not on my tax return .My natural son is not on my tax return either and they will extend his coverage . This is very discriminating.
I am a retired Police Officer from NYC and my children and step children along with my wife, the mother of my step children have been on my plan for years.
Who made this discriminating LAW ????
A very distraught citizen 1111
Loire R
Why is my natural child age 25 eligible under my plan, but my step son 23 in school, who lives with me will be discharged from my plan 9/30/13 according to the benefits dept of PBA, he is not verified since he is not on my tax return .My natural son is not on my tax return either and they will extend his coverage . This is very discriminating.
I am a retired Police Officer from NYC and my children and step children along with my wife, the mother of my step children have been on my plan for years.
Who made this discriminating LAW ????
A very distraught citizen 1111
I work at Mcdonalds,, because of obamacare every employee where I work has had their hours cut extremely! Some employees have went from working 5 days a week to 2. 30 hours a week to 16 hours! Why is what I want to know!
Paula M
I had a good job at Global Management Solutions until they decided to dodge ObamaCare by cutting full-time employee hours from 40 a week to 29. Now, I have to find healthcare that I can’t afford or pay a tax that I can’t afford. I only make $9.75 an hour and can hardly afford rent and groceries now that my hours have been cut. So far ObamaCare has left me with nothing but questions and eventually an eviction notice. What am I supposed to do? How can my employer get away with this? Shouldn’t Global and companies like it be penalized somehow or not allowed to do this to us in the first place?
Angle G
My husband is a two time cancer survivor. He had colon cancer in 2002 and it reappeared last year in his left lung. They removed part of the upper lobe of his left lung. He is now on oxygen when needed, albuterol treatments 4 times a day, Advair inhaler once a day and prednisone. Last winter his pulmonologist put him on Cipro for an upper respiratory infection. He was on it and the prednisone all winter to prevent infection. He now has a infection in his colon because the antibiotics and the steroids destroyed both good and bad bacteria. He was on antibiotics for 14 days, off of them for about 10 days and the infection came back. We called the doctor and they wanted to call in a prescription that was a 14 day supply of 28 pills, my out of pocket expense would be $1523.00. If I didn’t have insurance it would have been over $3000.00.. I told them that there was no way I was paying that kind of money for 28 pills. They called me back with a prescription drug in the liquid form… for a 14 day supply, my out of pocket expense is $5.93.. Now how in the world can people afford the drugs with these kind of prices..something needs to be done about the drug companies & pharmacies charging outrageous prices.. People may have cheaper premiums and affordable insurance with Obamacare.. but we can’t afford the damn medication to make us well. I think this needs to be addressed.
Susie E
If I pay for my insurance threw my company are they allowed to cut me down to part time?
My family has historically had good, affordable health insurance coverage through my employer. However, as a result of ObamaCare, my wife joined the ranks of the uninsured as of July 1. My employer no longer covers spouses if the spouse can get “affordable” coverage through her employer. Affordable is defined as a monthly premium of less than $300 (regardless of the benefit that this coverage provides). Because my wife’s employer offers coverage that costs $293 per month with a $1500 deductible, I can no longer cover my spouse through my own health plan and we can’t afford to pay $500 per month for insurance (the total for my and my spouse’s insurance premiums).
Unfortunately, I fail to see how the Affordable Care Act benefits my family. I used to pay $227 per month for premiums for my whoel family. Now, the best I can do is $500. That, to me, is far from affordable.
I’m very disappointed that my president, for whom I voted, has forced my spouse to join the ranks of the uninsured.
Kamil C
I have been told so many stories about the new health care that I don’t believe are true. I would like to study the plan so I can defend it by telling people they are wrong. They don’t know the facts, please come out with a fact page, simple to read and easy for them to understand the new benefits. They told me the cancer drugs are not covered under Medicare D. Is this true?
Linda L
Im a British citizen that works alongside a whole load of American citizens who suffer from Epidermolysis Bullosa Also known as EB. I have been trying to contact someone in regards to this “New Obamacare” bill that’s already in place. I have set up a petition to try and eliminate a ton of stress from our patients by getting them FREE medical supplies. I have a family that has been left with a $7000 bill that the insurance does NOT cover and this is for one month to keep her son alive.
If you could pass me info of who i am able to speak to i would be most grateful.
Kind regards
Suzanne A
Mr. President &/or staff:
I am writing this in regards to my health care. I have been battling physical and emotional disabilities for many years. I applied for Disability benefits 4 years ago, attained a lawyer, and have been denied twice since. My case is currently in Appeals. I realize that dishonest people have ruined society for those of us who are honest. The last 3 jobs I held were terminated due to absenteeism because of health problems. I am a single mother, with a 12 year old daughter. We are victors of domestic violence. I was in it 20 years, but only stayed 3 years after MiKayla was born. She has a deadbeat dad. I had to have a protection order enforced in 2004 and she has not seen him since, nor have I seen any child support (well worth not seeing him). We are on Medicaid and get food stamps, I have no other income. We stay with my parents, in a camper in their yard, or camping during the summer. Thank God I have good parents and a strong brother. Last year I used all my doctor visits because my doctor finally started sending me to specialists. I have to go to a clinic, because it is the only place that takes Medicaid for adults. I have been going there for about 5 or 6 years because it operates on a Federal Sliding fee program also. (I did not have insurance the last year or so that I worked.) Since it is a Clinic, I have seen numerous doctors come and go through the years.
It is 3/24/13 and I have already been to 9 doctor and/or specialists appointments. After my 14 allotted yearly appointments, someway I will have to pay for the office visits. I have 17 prescriptions that I have to get filled a month, a list of 24 diagnosis, 7 medical doctors, a psychiatrist and therapist that I see regularly. My mental/emotional health is improving with less anxiety attacks, nightmares, and more coping strategies.
The judge that heard my case the last time was via video-com and denied all 5 cases that my lawyer, Cliff Hill, had that day. Her response seemed that she got the cases mixed up; she reported things in my paperwork that was not said.
People like me NEED health care.
Mr. President, or whoever is reading this, please considers looking into my case and the case of others who need your help. I just really do not know where else to turn.
I originally wrote you and email last night concerning my concerns in regards to my Disabilities case.
I wanted to follow-up with a note telling you that I received the Notice of Appeals Council Action, which was another denial for benefits.
I have made an appointment with my attorney for tomorrow, but am really disheartened and downcast
In Christian Love and Friendship,
Melissa (Lisa) L
I have recently left my job 4/30/13. I had my 2nd back surgery last year February 2012. Now I can continue to pay COBRA the outrageous prices each month or get my own personal plan.
In calling several plans Anthem, Humana One etc. I was told since I am already on expensive medications like Butrans patch, Cymbalya, I am ” high risk” for these companies to carry me especially since this is a pre-existing condition. I am stuck considering theses medications have calmed my chronic pain and kept me out of the emergency room on a consistent basis.
If I don’t continue to see and follow up with my back surgeon he will discharge me and I cannot receive care from him.
My new job does not offer insurance as I will be a adjunct instructor while I finsh grad school.
I cannot afford COBRA. What do I do?
I’m am a single white 33 year old female. I never see any grassroots projects for people like me.
I’ve been a social workers my entire adult life helping others. Who can help or suggest a program for someone like me?
Thank you dearly for your hard work and dedication to our country.
Debby M. S
These plans are not affordable by the working poor making under $100,000 per year and struggling to make mortgage payments and pay medical bills incurred from not having employer provided medical insurance. These premiums will further bankrupt the working class who work for employers with fewer than 25 people and don’t want to provide insurance. When I figured my premiums it was 15% of gross income. The government does not factor in the net income after taxes. We are already struggling and will not be able to afford this insurance. It is a lose lose situation.
Diane C
I propose that the Government consider setting up Medicare clinics just for seniors, and cut out the middleman, just as they do in how the VA was created. There are too many special interest involved in our private hospital sector and controlled by insurance companies……Imagine the money that could be saved in creating a system within the system, and the money never leaves as its used from within, and spent from within…..Just a thought…..Call it what you want, but we must be more in control of our money on an individual level, and not give it to big business……The military has there own care why not the people, especially the seniors on the last days of their lives……Just something to think about…..Lets out a think tank together on this…….
Anthony G
This healthcare reform is the worst thing that I have ever encountered. I work 34 hours per week, my husband works full-time, only to have our insurance dropped by my employer. The employer decided that this was the perfect time to “drop” all part-time employees. I spent over 2 months trying to get health insurance only to find that I did not qualify for the “tax credit.” This in turn caused me to seek insurance on my own. I since have enrolled in insurance for myself and my family. It is now costing us twice as much money per month and we have half of the coverage. How is this fair to the working class of the United States?? So because of these new laws, I pay for the deadbeat person to sit around and get free insurance while I no longer can have decent care. That is disgusting considering that I and my family are hardworking Americans!!!!! I have never been much of a complaining person until Obama decided to dictate our lives. His worries are nothing compared to the middle class Americans. He and his family never have to worry about insurance now do they?? He ruined the healthcare world. I have come to realize that if I would quit my job and live on welfare, I may actually benefit. Is that the kind of world he anticipated??
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Terri J
Dear Mr. President,
I am a progressive mother of two young daughters, a small business owner and a supporter of the Affordable Care Act.
I am writing you with my unique experience both before and after the law came into effect in Jan. of 2014. I am hoping that my comments will assist in making the current law better and individuals such as myself and my family may get the health care they are paying for and need/deserve.
First, I would like to thank you for attempting to fix a system that is broken. I was pregnant with my second daughter who was diagnosed with a heart defect at week 20.
My husband Paolo and I endured months of testing and bad news leading up to a c-section scheduled to accommodate open heart surgery for Scarlett upon arrival.
In the midst of reeling from the realization that Scarlett’s birth was not going to be the feel good moment we had hoped and fearing for her well being, we put together an amazing team of doctors and hoped for the best.
As a side note, we were also a family that had two separate insurance policies because I wanted to have a baby and most insurers wouldn’t cover maternity at the time. We were/are paying over $1000 a month in premiums.
Scarlett was due on 11/18/13 and we were confronted with the possibility that after she was born she may be uninsurable from October 2013-Jan. 1st 2014. If things looked bad we were at the whims of the insurance companies. The additional stress of that realization is something I never want anyone to experience. I am therefore grateful for many of the protections established by the affordable care act.
We are blessed to say that Scarlett defied the odds 95 to 5% and was born with a developed aorta and valves. It is truly a miracle to have our healthy baby girl home with us.
The lead up to the first of the year was hectic and Paolo and I wound up keeping on our insurance plans and finding something when the websites and insurers were less frantic.
However, I was hospitalized with a blocked kidney in mid Jan. It came out of nowhere and could have killed me.
It was at this point that we have come to find out that although everyone has the option to be insured it has suddenly become very difficult to get the actual care you are paying for.
As I mentioned before we are paying over $1000 a month in premiums. We are self employeed and have individual plans. We are that small percentage everyone talke about, but no one has protected.
Basically, our insurance that we know own, was rolled over to a new plan that no doctor will take. I am now waiting for additional surgerys and unable at this time to get the care I need.
We will need to dump our insurance although we have met our out of pocket and buy a plan that has very high deductibles and out of pocket. I will also have to wait unnecessarily to have any care until we can transfer everything to a functioning plan.
In the meantime, we have paid additional out of pocket in the thousands without really getting care because the doctors offices and the insursnce comapanies will not be upfront about what is going on. I have met with a doctor and after the fact been informed they no longer accept Blue Shield CA PPO and therefore would be unable to follow up with them for surgery.
Blue Shield CA quite simply will not pick up the phone. We are talking hours of being on hold.
I would not be able to charge my clients as a small business a large fee and not offer any service and then not answer phones.
So, I am writing you, because you should know there are families out here who work hard and are still being taken advantage of and need some kind of protection.
Like I mentioned, I am a mohter and have two small daughers to stay healthy for. I also run a businss, which means that I would seven days a week and untold hours.
I am doing all of this while paying for insurance that is worthless and I have a ticking bomb in my body I cannot care for even though I have 2 insurance policies.
We are well informed and understand the climate politically that all of this change is taking place under, but we need help. It feels like everyone is playing games and while we can get insurance, we cannot get the care we need.
I would love to hear from you. Please keep fighting for us.
Jen K
Please help. We support obamacare, however, we live in oregon and are having trouble getting insurance. We don’t make too much even though we are self employed. We are willing to pay for something but cannot afford the full cost of coverage for a family of five. Right now I’m 8 months pregnant with our third child and the baby has been diagnosed with bilateral club feet. Which will need weekly visits to the doctor as soon as he is born. We can afford to pay some but not all. I’m really worried. We have talked to many different offices. Family services, we’ve applied for OHP, they said our application was done wrong! People in billing. No one has helped. It took us months for me to see the doctor because finally we just had to buy a cheap insurance because I was so pregnant. But now we cannot afford to cover kids. But they should be covered by the state of Oregon. Please please help. Our children deserve better. Any advice or contact would be appreciated. Please don’t just brush us off to someone else who doesn’t care because thats whats happening in Oregon. People either don’t know how to help or they don’t want obamacare to work and are purposely stalling the system. I’m due in 4 weeks and if something isn’t done our new baby might be deformed for a long time.
I have a (very) small business. We are saving a significant amount of money on health insurance using the exchange. A quick check around the lunch counter- other businesses are having the same experience.
OCF: Remember when politicians say small business they are often talking about BIG small business with 50 or more full-time equivalents, hedge funds and as opposed to mom and pops. For the truly small businesses ObamaCare pretty much rocks as it provides big tax breaks and no mandate.
Judith Jaime I called Marketplace which handles Oklahoma and they called me back when I told them I didn’t have a job and it’s been a year and still can’t find one. She said she couldn’t help me and hung up. I thought the purpose was to help people who couldn’t afford insurance?
OCF: That doesn’t sound right at all. Try again and get some help. Call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-800-318-2596.
Here is my story, I had BCBS TONIK plan, originated in CT.I work jobs between CT and Mass in ‘temp’ positions, I have established my physicians in the Boston area, and sublet a room in Boston area.
Obama said ‘if you like your plan you can keep your plan’? Well, that was a lie and misleading, I was notified that I am unable to use Mass Dr’s and facilities. REALLY ?????
I don’t have a lease or elec bill to prove that I live in Mass.
So, was forced to maintain CT BCBS, but plan not as good, and if I need medical care will have to drive to CT ???
What he should have done, if people DIDN”T have insurance, then incorporate Obamacare, but for the people who were already being responsible citizens should have been allowed to maintain what they had.
There is my story……
Christina L
Two stories for you:
I live in New York City and have been on my own as far as getting insurance goes since 2011. Learning about the individual marketplace was frightening. I got a broker to help me get the coverage I needed. The costs were astronomical, compared to employer-accessible coverage, even when looking at a side-by-side of the full burden. After a lot of handwringing and rejection from several providers, I finally landed group-of-one sole proprietor coverage with Emblem, a mostly local insurance company. The plan was decent, and though expensive, not unreasonable, given the marketplace (about $1,500 for me + spouse for 70/30 traditional PPO coverage, with copays in the $35/$50 range for office visits and $10/$40/$70 for drugs, though the drug plan’s $2,000 deductible made it almost moot).
After my plan was cancelled, we took the exchanges, which was its own fiasco. But it turned out for the best. We now have considerably better coverage in almost every way (the copays are SOOOO much less) and we’re paying $300 less per month. If we’d elected to drop a tier, from platinum to gold, we’d be saving nearly half the cost. I was ambivalent, but my spouse wanted the better coverage. We can afford it so, I’m giving it the year to see how it goes.
I’d say 3 1/2 out of 5 stars in the satisfaction level. By decentralizing this process, the administration didn’t seem to think through the ramifications for the everyday person. Signing up for insurance is a lot of work, and the paperwork is complex. I wasn’t even looking for subsidies! As a college grad with grad work under my belt, I really wonder what the working single mom with a GED is expected to do when she uses the public library terminal to sign up for this coverage. I don’t think most people with a 8th grade or lower education could easily handle this. But I did it, I have coverage (dunno how; it was like sending the application into a black hole, thanks in no small part to the total disaster of a rollout), and I’m basically happy with it. ObamaCare was supposed to level the playing field for people like me, and I feel it has done that.
My parents live in Nashville, and my mother works for Vanderbilt University. With their med school and teaching hospital, they’re an enormous provider in the area, and also a hugely important employer in the Nashville area. Ever since the earliest provisions took effect, they have blamed every cost-cutting measure and job loss and dumbfounding new rule on the ACA. Today she sent me a text message to say that the nursing registry—the department that provides nursing staff when a full-time staffer calls out sick from their clinic or hospital floor—is being eliminated “due to the ACA”. Apparently the nurses at the registry, many of whom earn significantly less than their full-time counterparts per hour, were not offered insurance by the University, and now that the employer mandate will force them to do this, they’re just eliminating the group instead of offering them coverage.
Massive job cuts have happened across the medical center. Many of these have been attributed to “the ACA” and its “fallout”.
It’s this kind of nonsense — and outright politicking — that makes me really sad for the state of business in america in 2014.
I was trying to get a hernia fixed before Obama took my BCBS coverage. Now it’s 2014 and my insurance has ended and I still have a hernia to get fixed but no insurance.
Why hasn’t the IRS mailed letters to us telling us how to get the ObamaCare? BCBS mailed me a half dozen letters telling me my coverage was no longer allowed comeJan. 1.
Do we just go to the doctor and send Obama the bill? Or does the doctor bill Obama directly? It’s free health care right? I mean that’s how it was sold to We The People.
I hear of a bad website supposedly put up by the government called healthcare.gov but heard that it’s futile to attempt to join and it’s vulnerable to hackers and felons are signing people up. I am afraid to compromise my personal information on such a shoddy site.
What am I to do? I can’t afford private insurance since Obama jacked up the pricing and why doesn’t the IRS just send me an ObamaCare card to use at the doctor?
John in Tennessee
I am corresponding to you in regards to a story about Westchester Medical Center, located in Valhalla, New York, refusing to accept medical insurances underwritten through Obamacare. I have recently experienced this rejection from a private doctor, in Yonkers, NY, after services were rendered to me. I have also been refused care from St. John’s Riverside Hospital located in Yonkers because they refused to accept Emblem Health, which is underwritten through Obamacare, after my surgery was scheduled. I am outraged by this practice and I am hoping to place St. John’s, private doctors, and other community hospitals under scrutiny as well advocate for individuals paying for healthcare that are experiencing this unjust treatment. If the majority of doctors and hospitals begin to follow this discriminatory practice, how will those of who have finally began receiving healthcare benefit from the services we are paying for.
I would appreciate your assistance in investigating this matter as well as alerting the public of these practices. If you need to contact me I can be reached at 914-830-0263.
Thank you for your time and consideration into this matter.
Lynette D
Our son, Joel Whitson, received an outpatient MRI in April, 2012. He was at CHOC less than an hour for this. Joel had had an epileptic seizure, which runs in our family. The MRI was not a medical emergency, but was used to rule out any brain pathology. We feel it was questionable whether it was even necessary, or a wise recommendation from his neurologist, especially after we learned the cost.
When I scheduled the MRI, I asked the cost, but CHOC personnel was unable to supply me with that information. I can certainly see why they did not want to tell us. Had they been up front with us about the exorbitant cost, we would have either declined the procedure, or compared prices at other facilities. Since then, We’ve told many of our friends and acquaintances, so that they would not be swindled and some have informed us that they chose other facilities.
Our insurance was initially billed $7,034.00 for this routine MRI which took less than an hour. Since our insurance allowed $5,136.00 and paid 80%, CHOC received $4,108.00.
More than enough you would think, Around $80.00 per minute for use of this machine!!! As our family paid $6,000.00 for the used toyota I’ve been driving for the last nine years, you can imagine our shock and dismay at these prices. I can not imagine how you can ethically justify charging such amounts, for a brief exam of a healthy child. This is such a waste.
Our 20% remaining balance was $1,027.00. We received this bill in December, 2013, and have made a couple small payments. As we are struggling to pay for the neurologist appointments and she has been recommending another EEG as well, this is a hardship for our family.
Please send us information on a board of ethics governing hospitals. I’d certainly like to bring this issue up with them.
Jean and Steve W
I am a divorced 62 year old. My monthly premium has been several hundred dollars a month for 9 years.My premium was going to go up to 518.00 a month starting in 2014. Because of my income I live in poverty in my Country the U.S.A. I work very hard and live within my means. Because of the Obama care my premium has dropped by a good amount and my benefits are so much better. I am truly very thankful for this. It is truly an answer to my prayers. Thank you President Obama for your Obama care. I feel very blessed!!!
This is a great plan I work for a small business that Blue Cross blue shield dropped because we had older women working and the premium became so high we could not afford it, but under the Inclusive Health plan we all have insurance again even women with diabetics and older males that smoke, they are better off because they can all afford to see a doctor regularly and can afford their medications again, which keeps them healthier and able to work and have preventive care rather than more expensive catastrophic care.
I myself was diagnosed with breast cancer while I was uninsured and have a huge hospital bill to pay but under inclusive health plan everything from Oct 1, 2012 is covered even if the cancer comes back. the recommenced drug for estrogen blocking was $89 a month under the plan it is $10.00.
I feel so much better knowing my co-workers have health insurance. Everyone has gone for a much needed physical after getting their insurance which ma kes them feel better and safer
Thank you very much
Roxanne K.
North Carolina
My story is simple. I used to have good health insurance that was accepted by any hospital and doctor. I only paid $730/mo. for my premium. My monthly prescriptions cost $40 (now they are $98). My deductible was $5,000, but I received benefits from my insurance long before the deductible was satisfied in the form of reduced rates from doctors.
In October of 2013 I received a notice that my policy with Anthem Blue Cross was being cancelled because it didn’t comply with the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. I didn’t pay for maternity care (I am 60 years old) and I didn’t carry a dental plan for my children.
I certainly don’t need maternity care, and the dentist that was assigned to my children for the dental plan I was forced to take out had the worst review I have ever seen for a healthcare professional. I will continue to take my children to a quality dentist and pay for it out of pocket, just like I did before Obamacare.
Now I play $1100/mo for a policy through Covered California, and I have yet to find a doctor who will accept it. No doctors affiliated with any hospital in the area will accept this plan. My insurance company told me I have to present myself to the doctors as though I were uninsured and ask them for a cash price. Why am I paying a monthly premium for this?
Welcome to the DMV of healthcare. We call it, “Obamacare”.
I am currently I part time retail worker. I have had my current position for over 3 years now. I enjoy my job very much but due to ObamaCare we have all been cut back to working only 20-26 hours a week. We had the opportunity in the past to pick up extra hours from co-workers or if it was busy to come in on days off where we could average 30-35 hours a week. Not to mention during the Christmas season when it is so busy that we could get overtime. Now I am being told that we are being restricted. I am now forced to look for a second job to make up for the lost income. I get my medical benefits from my husband’s job so getting benefits from this job is not important to me. The fact the I love my job and because of the restrictions that this new law is putting on my employer and just because my job title restricts them from making my position full time, should not allow Obama the right to tell them how many hours I get to work.
I would like to not thank the developers for Obama health care for these reasons:
1. As a restaurant general manager of a state who pays $2.33 an hour the servers next to a state who is in the process of raising the server wage to $9.50 plus an hour. You have all made our managers lives insurmountable to stress ( yet doctors can’t help cause we can’t afford to pay for them) trying to service guests with only employees who can work 30 hours. How do I explain to guests I have to send people home because they met their hours???
2. I have to work 2 weeks for free to pay my husband and I’s health insurance every month because the government denied my spouse (who served 6 years in the Marines) insurance!
3. The insurance provided is not affordable to servers in Wisconsin because they cannot afford it because they receive no paycheck each pay period! Pay checks are ZERO. Taxes take it all.
4. Staff quit to go to the new wage state! I don’t recommend anything from this process to be American friendly to any of the 7 tip credit states.
I as with many believe you did not think of the hard working people of the USA who work to support their families and not go on welfair!
Sent from my iPad
I work for a public school district as a paraprofessional and am part time. The district has already reduced the number of full time paraprofessionals due to higher cost, therefore, obviously causing many people to loose benefits. I am currently receiving my health benefits thru my husband. Along with my 25 hour work week as a paraprofessional, I also work 12 1/2 hours a week in a before/after care program also run thru the district. One position is contracted and the other is not. I was told that as of Sept. 2014 I can either resign from my paraprofessional position or only work a total of 29 hours. When I started the before/after care position I resigned from another job based on the hours I was working. Now my former employee can not hire me back and I am loosing more money in my pay check. I really can’t afford to loose about $110/week in my check. It really irritates me since I don’t even need any health benefits from my district. I understand the need to make sure there is health care for everyone, because that is everyone’s right, however what happened to my rights to earn a decent income since I already have the health benefits. More and more people will be back on welfare and living off the state. If you currently have health benefits the mandate should not matter. It should be my right to choose not to take a second set of health benefits.
Sent from my iPad
Question about the effect of Affordable Care Act on Mid to Large Companies health care costs.
My company is telling me that our expenses have increased due to the Affordable Care Act. Is this true?
Are they paying more than before so they can offer us our “Cadillac” health care plan?
In effect, are the mid to large companies paying more for healthcare to supplement the system as a whole?
Dena R. S
Some group plans did see an increase in premiums under the ACA. The system as a whole adjusts prices to supplement the others on the system, this is true of insurance, not just insurance under the ACA. There is no specific tax or aspect of the law that calls for premium increases, however there is a provision which is set to kick in in 2018 that does tax high-end plans.
ACA has come home to roost on my paycheck. Luckily, my employer pay 75% of the premiums. However, to keep our coverage the same, my portion went up by $120 per month, or what amounts to a 10% cut in my take home pay. I am a veteran and looked into (via the VA and official website) and found that I am not eligible for insurance through the VA because my employer offers insurance. I have no liberty or freedom to choose what is best for me financially. If my employer decides that he can no longer afford to pay 75%, and hypothetically decides to only pay half, I will no longer have a paycheck…just insurance.
To make up this financial issue, I have turned off my air conditioning(I live in Florida), quit watering my garden and mothballed my VERY humble 12’ fishing boat…and this will not be enough to make up for this loss. In addition, I will have to no longer buy frozen foods and unplug my freezer when it becomes empty. I just got public trash service and paid for the first quarter. At the end of the paid period, I will have to cancel my trash service…I can’t afford it.
I’d like to improve my situation, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Honestly, I don’t expect to hear anything from this email, because ACA is about running lives and you’ve succeeded in ruining mine with the loss of freedom and liberty that a decent paycheck provides. I live very humbly, in a small mobile home on land that I own…That’s my retirement plan…and ACA has taken that away. I cannot retire, ever, due to this punitive and costly “law”.
Surprise me
Maverick J
Sorry to hear this. There is a big issue with folks in your position. Employers offer health plans that are right at the cut-off line for unaffordable insurance 9.5% (I suspect this is truly the percent of your pay your insurance costs as it is the law). This has left many in your position. Solutions unfortunately are complex because they require we either a) eliminate employer health coverage or b) reduce the percentage an employee can pay and still be considered affordable which puts a bigger burden on employers.
As for insurance rates they have been growing at alarming rates before the ACA, and took another jump upon the new regulations being set into place. From here on out the law actually seems to be curbing further growth a bit, which is a small bit of good news.
Sorry there is no simple solution here, but our thoughts are with you and others in your position.
Thanks, you surprised me
Obama care has cost my family two full time jobs. After 4 years for me and 10 years for my husband of working for a restaurant corporation, we have just been told that our hours will be cut down to 28 per week. If we are asked to work more then 28 hours on any given week, the hours will be taken away the following week. Obama care assumes corporations will do the right thing? Ha! They will obviously not fork over a their vacation pay or quartely bonuses to give their employees insurance. So, not only are we losing half our income, we will be forced to purchase high priced health insurance. I would like to know how we are going to afford our rent, let alone insurance. I have contacted the state L&I dept., employment security, the US dept of Labor, and guess what… there are no fair labor laws that protect the working class American citizens against these horrific cutbacks! Once again the middle class is taking the hit. This one hurts. So thank you, Obama, for costing me my job.
I would like to know WHY American people have lost their right to choose? First of all if this country is in such bad shape maybe the white house employees need to take a wage cut..Mrs. Obama needs to shop at second hand stores try WalMart dollar stores like the rest of us have to. I’d love to see her have to decide pay the electric bill or buy food???? This country has gone to hell its not all the President’s fault but start to take care of your own, and let the other countries destroy themselves. Now back to my question of freedom of choice supposedly Obama care allows you pick your own doctor.WHY CAN’T A PERSON PICK WHAT PHARMACY THEY WANT TO GO TO????????? THE OBAMA CARE IS KILLING THE MOM AND POP PHARMACY’S AS WELL AS THE SMALLER CHAIN PHARMACY’S. I WANT TO KNOW WHY PEOPLE HAVE TO PAY A PREMIUM AND NOT HAVE A CHOICE???
Hey Sonya,
The ACA did a lot to make insurance more fair… However our current system which offers a mix of public and private insurance options with subsidies, means more affordable insurance, yet it maintains an unequal system in regards to quality of coverage.
There are lots of folks in our country who would like to see a “single payer” system where there is one health plan for all that covers everyone equally and insurance is paid with a fair tax based on income. We aren’t there as a country yet, but stick with the Affordable Care Act as it is the closest thing we have. When someone asks “do you like ObamaCare” don’t say “no” say, “it’s a good start but it’s not enough”. We need more reform not less.
I promise you the intention of the President and the rest of the supporters of the ACA is to ensure people get the coverage they need at a cost they can afford. This is a good first step, even if choices are still limited by income.
Thank you for responding, you did not address my concern which is Why do only select pharmacies accept Obama insurance? When a person pays OUT OF POCKET they should have the American Right to puck where they want to get prescriptions filled, bit have to go where the government dictates them to go!
Insurers choose your doctor and drug network. ObamaCare actually regulates what services need to be covered by insurers and what percentages they have to cover, but doesn’t force providers to take a specific type of insurance. So it’s actually private companies dictating where you go, if we had public healthcare or public (single payer) health insurance the government would then be able to dictate where or how you got your care. In this case, it would be a good thing since the answer would be anywhere.
Hello there,
There is a way that Mr Obama could show the world how caring &committed compassionate & caring that he actually really is,
My name is Jonathan (Joff) Kerslake I’m English & live in the UK, I am an above knee amputee , I lost my leg around 11 years ago due to osteo militias caused by a bullet lodged in my spine & metal parts from another bullet that passed threw.
The shooting took place in a Denny’s diner on sunset blvd, North Hollywood L.A ON DECEMBER 10th 1985 I had to have a 12 hour operation in the cedars hospital by amazing head of surgery Mr Warren Grundfest who saved my life.
I am medically unwell & suffer poor health & do have to attend hospital quite regularly, I have what is like a permanent abscess which is continually draining due to it being rotten where the bullet is lodged.
The thing is I was shot by a security guard in Denny’s, whose real name was Larry Diamond I say real name because at the time he was working under a false name because he had lost his firearms license previously, this guy only got 6months probation for discharging a fire arm in a public place, the guy was trying to kill me, he fired three shots at me & two of them hit me, I kept quiet with this as far as British embassy or shouting for help, because I didn’t want my parents to know about it back in England and worry my Mum & Dad as I was over the worst of it, looking back on it now, I wish I had told the embassy & all the media, but being young at the time when it happened on holiday, I didn’t think to much about the later years in my life, but now I have been suffering from it for nearly 20years & it’s getting worse, but there is nothing that can be done about it now, I lost my leg because of it.
To be honest I don’t really expect what I’m writing will get any results, but I am doing this as a Tribute to my son,
Jonathon who lived with me & I brought up.
Jonathon was always saying he was going to write to president Obama because he seemed really nice & knows what family is all about, he felt if the president new all that he had missed out on, due to the fact of me only having one leg & that he wouldn’t want my other children, Ben age 10 & twins Bella & Sam who are 8years old & myself of course to miss out on any more, Jonathon felt if the president new, he would give me one of the computerised prosthetic C legs which are issued to American citizens freely, as this would enable me to join in with the kids, like kick a ball about,ride a bike,go crabbing & also Just being able to keep up & go along with them, instead of missing out all the time while they are getting older, Jonathon was a fantastic boy who touched a lot of people’s hearts, which more than showed when over 350 people attended his funeral. I will never ever get over the loss of such a marvellous person, he achieved so much & helped so many people giving confidence & help in any way that he could.
So I write this for him my son.
Jonathon K
My personal suggestion is to formulate your story a little more, edit it down, and then create a gofundme account. You can then send that over to us and we can feature you. That would probably be your best bet for getting medical help and drawing a little attention.
With all due respect: I don’t need the “dough nut hole” to close by 2020…I need it now…Two of my medications for which I paid $19.35 each last month are $117.46 and $257.81 this month.
My child just graduated from college, May 2014. My 65 year old husband is retired from the City of Los Angeles. We pay $738.00 monthly for medical insurance for our family of four. The City of Los Angeles opted out of continuing coverage until 26 years of age for child who just graduated, unemployed and seeking work. We have received several different answers from employer and insurance company as to actual termination date of coverage for college grad. Is it end of month he graduated? Is it end of his birthday month? Is it end of year? Is it next IRS filing? No one seems to know. Also, where and how does he get coverage and how does he pay for it?
COBRA costs $800.00 monthly just for him. He does not qualify for Medi-Cal as he has over $3,000.00 in assets. Individual private plans seem to run $280.00 monthly. Are his parents suppose to pay this additional cost?
Please advise as we are very frustrated.
Los Angeles opted out? I wasn’t aware that this was an option. Where did you get this information so we can follow up?
He may be able to get highly subsidized insurance through coveredca if you contact them and let them know he just graduated, this should qualify him for a special enrollment period.
My policy is being canceled by Aetna because I don’t have “maternity” coverage in my current plan. Ummmm… I am 56 and cannot become pregnant! Of course to get covered, it will now almost DOUBLE my cost. We were true believers in the system…. but now may have to look into downsizing our home…just to take on healthcare insurance that doesn’t even apply to me? How are we supposed to feel about that?
The cost of maternity care ups the cost of your coverage by such a small amount it’s almost not relevant. Plus, we all have mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters who will need it and that is why it is mandatory coverage. Unfortunately this gave insurers a big(one-time) loophole to replace older plans that barely fell short with much more expensive plans. That being said it’s hard to find a reason to be happy about paying twice as much for a plan.
How on earth can you regulate deadlines? I wish the US would run healthcare like Canada, you sign up in each province when you move there, no DEADLINES, everyone gets heathcare, only in the US would such a system exist!!! Garbage!
It is so confusing. I have yet to talk to a health care person that could answer my questions. All they want is my information so they can enroll me into whatever someone decides I will pay and for what. That does not work for me or any other adult I know of.
This is the worst GOVERNMENT takeover I have ever seen in my 57 years. It must be criminal. Someone needs to stop the madness. It reminds me of high school student stuff and not the United States of America government. How did we go so wrong?
Bruce B
Sorry to hear that. The truth is you have a number of choices in regards to your coverage (although they all have different price tags). This is far from a Government take over of heatlhcare. The health care and health insurance industries have together, with our choices as a nation, created such a health care crisis we all finally passed the ACA to deal with these issues. Maybe it wasn’t enough, maybe it was too much, but beyond Medicaid, Medicare, and subsidies it is still a private health insurance system with a private health care system at it’s core.
President Obama and Care Staff Supporters,
I’m so excited to have medical insurance! My name is Jodie Alinea Marinaccio and I’m self employed and a full-time student in Houston TX. I’ve been trying to sign up for over 6 months and now finally after a fantastic call… ‘ I have a MEDICAL PLAN With Cigna!” Never have I been able to get insurance for myself and I’m so grateful. Living in Texas is nice and it’s so unfortunate that individuals are pushing out Obama Care.
I’m 53 years old woman and fairly healthy. But in today’s world you just don’t know with health issues. I like the Bans and the enforcement of compliance in the health care system. This is the first time I personal was able to have my own policy! I appreciate the Tax Credit of the difference in my payment. Just knowing I have coverage has removed the stress level of having nothing at all. So many individuals just lose everything and health care providers I believe do need to be capped on high fees. Canada everyone is insured. Many countries make sure their citizens are healthy and can remain in the world to lead on.
My children are grown now and Air Force / Coast Guard Families. Thank god they have Tri-Care. Regardless of who has what I wish the people of the USA would appreciate the efforts and hurdles Obama Care has jumped through! I’m feel so proud to not have to use a medicaid card – As I do work hard and second I didn’t qualify for one. So many people have benefits for all kinds of medical. I’ve paid my taxes for years and always file since I was a young kid working my job as a papergirl in Lakeside California, before going to school.
In closing I would like to say… Thank YOU! Thank You!
Please don’t let them Cancel My Obama Policy Care – I promise to always make my payments!! Because I don’t want to lose these benefits. If this would have been passed years ago, our mental illness and homeless would have possibly made it with support. If you can’t afford medicine or doctors you can’t get well. As simple as a toothache, nobody should be in pain. People simply just give up in life because they lose faith in the system.
President Obama, You have restored my faith in the USA. I realize a man or woman can only accomplish so many things in terms. However, wanting your country to be healthy and challenging those with other spending habits, has made the people open up their eyes. Let them blog and complain. Bottom line is that many others like myself will support Obama Care because you fought for us. I voted for you first and wanted change. Never thought I would be touched by a President before his term was up!
Very proud mother and self-employed / student making it on her own. With the support of country after so many years of feeling helpless. Direct Hurricane Hit on our home twice in FLORIDA 2004-2005. Losing everything and business and storage unit payments for over 7 years. Business slow in this economy, now cross training so I can branch even further to help others. I honestly wanted to give up Mr. President. Now, I don’t have to pay 470.00 to go see a doctor and 200 for High Blood Pressure Pills and a prescription for estrogen. I’m a PRETTY HEALTHY person that has been crushed with huge ticket items for being sick and that is maybe once a year. The print labels out and start tagging you like a bar-code meter. Before you know it you have a running tab you can’t run or pay off in 30 days.
My point is that my card should be arriving in a few days. I have taken care of the first payment and when I get my card I’m going to send you a picture of me and Post it Everywhere! Thank you for believing in the people. Your wife and children are very pretty and I believe it takes more than one person to make things happen. Please thank your family and all of those who have spent endless time and effort from drafting proposals to building the websites and following through. (e.g iF eBay and Google and other search engines can run at lightening speed) Maybe Obama Care could put a banner or affiliate and let the people push you in the engines frames in? Save a lot of money and the networks have an opportunity of growing much fast. Just food for thought. You’re doing a wonderful job. I’m just a woman that would like to help with a tip probably already given.
“I’m Insured”
Jodie Alinea M
I work for a company that has laid off more than 50% of its employees over this “great recession” (I guess we don’t use the depression word) and is currently 17 weeks behind on my pay check as I have been incurring for the last 6 years, as their top sales person in order to keep the business going. They let our health care go with the economic downturn, and I never know each week if I will get a pay check or not yet I’m not privy to what the owners take or how they use it. I stay to keep the company going because I am a key person, and many mouths depend on me. I make a gross that looks good, but by the time I pay my bills out of what I get each month, and my expenses as a sales person, I have just enough to save a little. I have not had health care for most of my career at this company, and when I did it was Kaiser, and I was not impressed with their average care though I did like their emergency services. I have endured a back and foot problem for years, undiagnosed by Kaiser and I do this to keep everything going. I would like health care but when I looked into Obama Care and healthy California, I found that my monthly donation to the insurance industry record profits , would be about $600 a month, because, at an income level of between 76,000 and 85,000 a year (varies) which is not an extremely high one by Bay Area standards, rates are predetermined for me based on my income and not the care. So while I believe in sharing the burden of a society, the fact that corporations and super rich people do not pay their fare share, and people like me are forced to choose between having health care for $7200 a year, or paying penalties so I can pay off my credit cards and perhaps change jobs in the future, so that I will not need the income level currently required. Mind you I’m one that lost my retirement property, and whose home is in one of the worst affected zip codes, dropped from $650,00 home to $175,00. I was going to build on my retirement land someday, hopefully sell my home to retire… now due to fraudulent foreclosure procedures by Indymac, who would not negotiate with me, when I had never been late on a payment, but would not renegotiate my balloon payment (even the address was wrong on the document), have managed to keep my company going, pay off my car, paid off my second out of fear of loosing my main residence, paid my mortgage and bills on time (I’m one of the lucky people) during these last 8 years, and worked to pay down my credit cards, and reestablish my credit after the foreclosure; yet people like me, are expected to subsidize the insurance industry for “what kind of real care, and to subsidize the poor and lower middle class , while corporations do not pay their share and CEO’s benefit, and 1-2% super rich, Banksters and Wall Strippers, do not? Most of them have company provided health care, while small business people like us suffer and struggle to keep going in manufacturing, and now I have to pay penalties that ad insult to injury? I have been a died in the wool Progressive Democrat for most of my adult life, and I’m increasingly disgusted with the pandering to the right and special $$ interests and capitalists, at the expense of the rest of us. Britain pays little over $2000 per head for health care system that is better than ours, and we pay more than twice that (profit) for much worse health care, even if you DO have insurance. So, what will I do? Pay a penalty I guess, so I can continue to pay off my credit cards (my economic priority), and not get insurance or any health care at 56, so I can eventually be more economically free to change my career and get a more stable working condition.
We should have had Universal care, Single payer or an insurance exchange which were not even at the table, and not what we ended up with, which was a give away to insurance companies (I don’t know why I would be surprised). The figures are that it is costing more, not less, and if I a progressive feels this way, then imagine what a tea party right wing nut feels!
Disappointed in America, one that values war, profits, greed over the peace and health and prosperity of it’s citizens. I do wish politicians had to have the same insurance options we do and perhaps minimum wage and then maybe they would be more interested in the plight of Average Americans, instead, they feather their pockets and job prospects as lobbyists post career. Ugh.
Hard to be an American and wave a flag anymore,
David F
I can’t say how excited I was that Obama managed to get healthcare passed. What a fantastic legacy that will be for him! I knew Obamacare wasn’t perfect- but even a start is amazing considering the obstacles.
I had been paying 20% of my take-home salary each month to stay insured- and I’m essentially a healthy person. I found a plan in the marketplace that reduced this to 16% of my take home- with slightly better coverage! I checked to see if my doctor and counselor were in-network- and they were listed as providers!
Unfortunately, I didn’t realize when I signed up that my doctors were in-network for most of my insurer’s plans (BCBS), but not for my Marketplace plan. My doctor told me when I went for my appointment today (for which I will now have to pay full price) that many of her elderly patients were discovering the same problem with their new plans. Now I have to revert to the former unaffordable plan with very little support for the mental health care I need, or change doctors for the 3rd time in 2 years and drive out of town because there are no in-network primary care doctors on my ‘Platinum’ plan in my town. And no way would I change counselors- a good counselor is too hard to find. No one should ever have to choose different care than their preferred care, especially for mental health.
I blame the insurer, Obamacare is a great step in the right direction. I just hope our country can find ways to force insurers to provide adequate affordable healthcare- which is being able to see the doctor of your choice in your own hometown and being able to get counseling from someone you trust.
Amanda B
I want to share our story about the ACA. On March 29 my mother in law had a stroke. She died a week later on April 5, 2014. 2 days before her 60th birthday. She had not been to a Dr since the 1980’s due to not having access to health insurance and she had some undiagnosed medical conditions. A week after her death I started trying to figure out how to get my father in law health insurance since he had also not been to a Dr in many yrs. He had been sick and had lost over 50 lbs and no one knew why. Since, he had a change of life situation he was able to sign up through the marketplace and had insurance as of May 1st.
He started seeing Drs and I am happy to say, he is on the road to getting healthy and stronger. He has had to have many tests and procedures in the last few months and he would have never been able to do this without the ACA . He was diagnosed and is being treated for a rare esophageal disease.
Unless you’ve watched someone die because they didn’t have access to healthcare and then watched someone get help because they did, you can’t understand.
We are forever grateful.
Debbie N
In 2012 I quit my job to start my own business. I had been working full time making about $30,000 per year, plus my earnings from my new business on the side. My husband was making $15/hr working full time. When I quit, we took out private health insurance through the Washington State Health Plan system – and it cost about $280 per month for both of us to have similar coverage to what was offered through my employer. Fast forward to 2013, and towards the end of the year, I receive notice that the state plan is being shut down. I am now on a single income for myself, and paying all of my own costs of business. My husband had lost his job and was on partial unemployment and had been hired part time for $10/hr. I searched the marketplace and worked through the application process and was told that even though our income was significantly less (about 1/3 of what it had been) that the lowest coverage would cost us $660 per month. That’s over 2x what I paid before, and while starting a new business with varying income each month, there are months where that would mean we would not have food to eat. I could not afford to get coverage at that level, so we have gone without all year. The new enrollment period is starting soon – my business expenses still exist, our income is still drastically reduced. How is that affordable at all? i hope there is a way to show business expenses and net income rather than gross income which is all the representative would consider last time.
Bethany S
Last year I had to go on a modified work schedule which meant my hours changed from 40 weekly to 35 per week. At the time the agency I work for informed me they do not have to insure me because I do not work 40 hours. I was also informed that the Obamacare Law would change in 2015 and at that time they would have no choice but to provide me with insurance. I now note from reading the new changes and speaking with the benefits administrator I will not be insured again this year. Due to the fact I can no longer afford Cobra I must resign my position. I believe these laws assist the employer more than helping the employees who are desperately trying to maintain a living above the poverty level.
Mary M
I am 56 years old and I have been a substitute teacher for 17 years. Starting this year we can only work 3 days a week. There are only 180 school days in a school year. I wish our part time status could be figure on a year basis because then we would truly be part time employees.
Patricia H
I WAS very much an Obama fan, but now am loosing my faith as my health insurance premiums have gone up so much that I’m considering cancelling and paying the penalty instead. We don’t qualify for assistance, but that does not mean that I can afford to pay $800 per month for the worst plan available.
Tina D
I do not have medical insurance through an employer, so I purchase an individual high-deductible policy through Blue Cross of Tennessee. I was notified that my policy did not meet the minimum requirements of the Affordable Care Act, so I had to purchase a policy that costs me $150/month more. I was okay with that since I would be able to receive 4 screening procedures annually at no cost to me. When I went to schedule a screening colonoscopy I was told that, since benign polyps were removed during my last screening colonoscopy 8 years ago, my procedure would be deemed “diagnostic” and not covered as a screening procedure, even though I have no symptoms that need diagnosing. This will cost me about $3000. It appears that the goal of the Affordable Care Act to ensure that Americans have insurance that provides free screenings that save lives and money by early detection is being subverted by word play on the part of the insurance/medical industry. This is unacceptable and must be addressed by government insistance that “screening” procedures not become “diagnostic” procedures if the “screen” detects a potential health problem. Otherwise, what’s the point of requiring coverage for “screening” procedures? Smoke and mirrors. I would appreciate a response.
Patrice C
This Obamacare Plan is really messing up the medium class workers. We unfortunately because of this Plan don’t qualify for almost nothing that we can afford. A minimum Plan for a family household earning only $55K pays a minimum of $300 per month and do not cover anything. This is the worst thing ever that has been processed. Again, it is against to the medium class people with no benefit at all.
Someone really has to take a look at this and review it and see if this is really worth it.
People are suffering a lot for this unfair plan.
Yolanda B
I work for HP. We are told that we will be forced against our wills to purchase Health Insurance from our company. Many of us have ACA approved insurance by other means. I have BCBS Federal Plan which is mine thru my deceased husbands pension for my lifetime. I need no additonal insurance except for Dental/Vision. I have been told I will be forced to purchase a plan, the defaulted plan which will cost me almost $6,000 for the year. I am a widow and plan to retire in 2015 and this cost will be a great hardship on me. Our hourly wage is only $14.95 an hour. How would you like to pay a $2,000 a month mortgage on that. Then there are other bills too that have to be paid. I cannot afford that blatant waste of money. Who is profiting from this. I certainly am not. I very well could lose my home because of this. Please tell me that someone will protect the people who already have health plans. We have many young people under 26 who are on their parents plans and they will be forced to purchase a health plan because of this also. This is not right! It’s downright unconstitutional!
Janice P
My husband and I own a small business and due to temporarily leaving my job as an LVN to stay at home with my now 3 month old, I lost my health insurance through my workplace. We recently enrolled on Blue Advantage for $215 a month for me and my husband while placing our children on CHIPS. The plan is actually better than the United Healthcare plan I had previously through my employer which cost me $287/biweekly in premiums. My doctor co-pays were previously $60, deductible $1500, prescriptions were $10-$150 depending on what tier they fell into, and the plan was 80/20 once the deductible was met. On the Blue Advantage my doctor co-pay is now $40, deductible is $1500 family/$500 individual, and it is also 80/20, and prescriptions are anywhere from $0-$100 depending on what tier they are. I recently visited a Care Now in Burleson, TX for bronchitis due to my primary being booked until December. I was told after calling that they did accept BCBS and when I got to the office and the front desk attendent realized it was an Obamacare plan I was told that they accepted BCBS but not the Obamacare plan trough BCBS and the lady was very rude made me call the member services line of BCBS stating she simply could not get ahold of anyone on the Provider phone number to verify my benefits at this point people were staring at me. I was told by our insurance agent as well as numerous people with BCBS that if a provider accepted BCBS that they should accept my plan because it is basically the same as any other BCBS plan that they offer and plays on the same billing codes. I gave the staff the phone after getting BCBS on the phone and they started drilling them with questions while out load stating what I needed to be seen for. I really felt at this point it was a HIPPA violation since pretty much everyone in the office new what was going on at this point. Then my insurance agent called up there telling them that they cannot treat me that way being prejudice to the fact it was a Obamacare plan because they do accept BCBS after I had text my husband mortified by the experiance and he called our agent to tell him what was going on. At this point the front staff were all upset and mad at me and kept laughing and finally called me back up to the desk and said well we don’t know what your co-pay is so we can bill your insurance and then bill you after the BCBS personnel already told them what the co-pay was and that the benefits and billing codes are not different due to it being a “Obamacare” plan. I told them no my co-pay is $40 and they tried to argue that this was an urgent care facility. I then told them the co-pay was the same for urgent care as it was still on my plan considered an office visit and there were no separate co-pays due to it being a walk-in clinic. An hour an a half later they finally got me back there and the nurse and doctor was great, but the front desk people had treated me like I was a welfare case that was beneath them. I had been seen at this same facility previously without any problems on my previous insurance and had always only paid the $60 co-pay for an office visit without a problem. Can they really do this? Is there nothing out there that protects people from this treatment by providers? Can they pick and choose which plans they wish to accept even though it is through the same company that is in their network? Being a nurse I know what medical professionals make and I would think that everyone getting insurance would increase revenues and volume of patients.
Cyrena F
So last year, 2013, we had to pay as individual family insurance of 4 about $400 with $3,000 deductible…..
Well 2013 my insurance DOUBLED to over $800 / month………….and we have problem getting to right doctors (they come and go from web site of Anthem, and they will not pay for required visits)…….. Also our DEDUCTIBLE is over $10,000….. for DOUBLE THE PRICE of insurance
Now we just got notice of another 22% for 2015 premiums.
So this wonderful laying s.o….and his stupid party said we will ensure your cost will not go up and it will be great for USA and you can have your doctor.
HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS….. I consider myself making reasonable living, but I cannot pay $1,000 per month for something which can cost me additional $10,000 + a year in deductibles….
Why you do not junk this and go back to what we had…..you still have as many uninsured as before……..and you are causing harm to normal middle class families….
Way to go democrats…never ever will be voting for you again in my life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a result of Obama Care my Insurance plan was cancelled twice. In addition the lies on this page are endless, my insurance plan covered everything as required by Obama Care and still got changed. My deducible went from $3000.00 per year to $6,000 per year and my monthly payments went from $250.00 per month to over $400.00. for one person. My family plan went to $12,000.00 ded. and monthly premiums went to $800.00. I had to cancel the family plan
I am sitting here terribly upset over the Republican claims that they will repeal Obamacare! It will mean thousands of dollars lost to us and my husbands employees. We are in our early 60’s and are relatively healthy. My husband and his law partner employ 5 or 6 older women and have tried to offer healthcare over the years but every year the rates kept going up and up until they decided they could no longer provide for them. All their employees are older women with some health problems. Without Obamacare, we were paying $26K a year just for John and myself for coverage! Not very good coverage with a lot of copays and deductibles. Under Obama care we cut that to under $12K with a deductible but once we meet it, it pays 100%. His employees got reasonable rates for their insurance and he was able to give them a bump up in salary because he wasn’t saddled with those huge costs. That has to help the economy when employees and bosses have more money in their pockets to spend. So, everyone has benefitted. Now, we are afraid that the Republicans are going to scrap Obamacare. We are really worried and I don’t know what John’s employees will do but he cannot carry the costs of their policies anymore.
Linda B
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