How Obamacare is making me SICK – Story

My husband, myself and my child are fortunate to be in very good health. I can’t say the same for our finances. We had to file for bankruptcy in 2014 due to the economic CRASH in 2008 (we held on as long as possible, too long in hindsight). We’ve managed to hang on to our home, but have no savings and had to cash in most of our retirement accounts. I work over 40 hours weekly and my husband has been working 55+ hours weekly to try and catch up and have a little savings again and rebuild our credit. However, we also owe money to family and thanks to being forced to either buy health insurance or pay penalties, we are again sinking into credit card debt. This year, we are paying the maximum penalty.
Since the rules to Obamacare are murky at best, I would’ve been better off to forgo insurance for 2016. I’ve paid a total of $2888 for insurance through the two employers I have worked at (I changed jobs in June 2016). But because there was a 3 month gap, it’s like I didn’t have coverage at all when it comes to the penalty. So, we’ve had to pay nearly $5000 in 2016 for basically nothing. That is a big chunk of money to pay when your AGI is 44,000. None of us went to see a doctor during that year. There is nothing extra in our budget that would’ve covered the copays and none of us had an obvious need to go. I will continue my coverage in 2017 only because I know the stress of trying to stay afloat is beginning to take a toll on me physically (insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, etc). I will continue to struggle, but I honestly feel that things are just becoming more hopeless. Whenever we begin to get a half step ahead, the government is there to push us back two. I no longer believe that I live in a free country. Not when I’m forced to pay for something I hardly use. It makes me sick to know that my daughter will probably have even fewer options and be subjected to ever increasing controls put on by our “democratic” government. Yes, we are in that percentage of middle sinking into working, and at this rate, poor class of Americans that make just enough to be thoroughly screwed over. I’m beginning to believe that this is the ultimate plan. After all, the less money you have, the more powerless you feel, and thus, easier to control.
Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way if insurance rates were not so age discriminatory. If I could pay the same as someone half my age (and I know many people half my age who are only half as healthy as myself and husband), I wouldn’t see this as such a burden.
Barbara Dadswell
Ok, my question is can you plan for the horrific accident that leaves you comatose but still alive and with the possibility of recovery or the cancer that can be cured but only if you can pay for it? These are why insurance is so important and should be at the top of necessity list not the bottom. Too many believe it is going to be paid for somehow, but that is not the case. People who believe we “The United States” is a FREE country are using the term way too loosely, NOTHING is free. You have never lived on nothing (free) so why would you think supplying health insurance would be free or even less than what you are paying. In the whole scheme of things (income) the amount you quoted was fractional probably less than paying for a luxury car or family planned cell phones (which we all know are now a necessity). This country needs to start rethinking what is really important, safeguarding your family through health insurance or buying the big house with excessive square footage, having immediate access through cell phones, internet, television cables/dish, etc… The basics are living healthy and maybe doing things that don’t cost much like enjoying the outdoors, getting back to basics then complain when you have done all you can.