Not Eligible For the Marketplace?

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I am not eligible for the exchange because my income (according to who?) is too high @ 42k. My regular catastrophic @ $6000 deductible has increase$140%. I can no longer afford to pay for any health insurance. How ever I pay through my taxes for all other people to have low cost or no cost insurance. How is this fair that I have to pay for others and I can no longer afford to have any insurance?
At $24,000 a year, I do not qualify for Medicaid. I went to my state’s “marketplace” and applied. The only thing I was eligible for was limited Medicaid Limited that isn’t even health insurance. It only pays for a few things provided I go to some community health center. I need actual health insurance! I am in a position where according to the state, I make too much to get any help, but not enough to live on. In my state, I guess they consider $24,000 a year not in need of assistance. That is very low income in my state and is certainly far from a living wage. Who decides these “eligibility” requirements? Obviously people who have never actually had to try to make ends meet on that kind of income. There are no options available to people in my position. It is frustrating and disappointing. I thought “Obummercare” made it possible for people to have insurance! Apparently only people who are either dirt poor, or male enough money to pay $300-400/mo.
Simone Woodward Richardson
I am deeply troubled by eligibility requirements. I am not eligible because I make too little money and was told I had to come out of pocket $630 dollars a month. No insurance for me, I can barely afford food what a joke.
It is really rough for people in Red states that rejected Medicaid expansion. Justifications aside, it hurts real people. This person being one of millions of examples.
You are not eligible for a subsidy, but you can purchase a policy on the Marketplace. Catastrophic insurance is a waste of money and a way for insurance companies to separate you from your money.
What if you are unemployed? What options do you have? The market place isn’t going to help.
Jenny Valenzuela
I don’t understand, I’m a student with a part time job. I earn about $800 monthly, after I submitted my application it stated that my “yearly income is too low for a premium tax credit”. Then it informs me to enroll in a healthcare plan anyways. So according to my info, my earnings are too low to be eligible for affordable health insurance. Instead, I should chose a healthcare plan with minimum of a $190 monthly charge and $6k deductible anyways? Lol! What a joke.
You must earn at least 100% of the Federal Poverty Level in order to qualify for the Marketplace. If you live in a state that has expanded Medicaid, then you should apply for Medicaid. If you live in a state that hasn’t expanded Medicaid, you fall in the Medicaid GAP and you qualify for an exemption from the requirement to have health insurance. You must apply for Medicaid and be denied in order to use this exemption at tax time. While that doesn’t help you get coverage it is intended to relieve the pressure for those who live in a state who declined to expand Medicaid coverage to able-bodied low income adults in their state.
Why am I not longer eligible for a cheaper health insurance. It went up fromantic $27 a month to almost $300 for what? This is crazy. I’m 22 years old and it’s ridiculous to pay 300 for one person who rarely ever goes to the doctor…
I have coverage through my employer, but not fertility coverage , can I get this through Obamacare in Pennsylvania?
Interested Party
When selecting a healthcare insurance plan in the Healthcare Marketplace, I was not offered a Platinum level plan. Customer service agents at the Marketplace do not know why certain applicants qualify for Platinum level plans, while others do not. I thought the Marketplace was to level the playing field and offer all U.S. Citizens under the age of 65 the same coverage. It seems a bit discriminatory that some people qualify for Platinum plans and some do not. What determines the qualification?
Yeah, that is 100% not the law as I understand it. All people can by all plans, if they can afford it, except catastrophic coverage. Tax credits should apply to all plans, but i’ll research this more.
Barbara Clark
My husband and I are not eligible for free insurance according to my state. We never see the doctor consider ourselves in good health and make under 32k a month combined. However the marketplace offers if a premium of 170/mo/pp. 4000 out of our pockets to go to something we don’t use….that is an outrage. I have student loans, he has child support and we do not earn min wage just above it. Why the penalty to us, why bill us on our taxes if we never saw a doctor for that year, or have any outstanding medical bills? The cheapest rent on a one bed is 600/mo (7.2k) where we live and we had wanted to get a house. How can we afford to do that. If I have a baby on the way I’m still not qualified for insurance, discounted or free.
Point is I don’t mind companies having to provide insurance for workers but don’t make substandard wage earners pay their own insurance you force on them.
All non-exempt Americans under 65 can use the marketplace. Your income doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you can use the marketplace.
What your income does determine is your access to cost assistance through the marketplace. If you project you will make $46,680 (Modified Adjusted Gross Income MAGI) or less in 2015 you are eligible for cost assistance.
If you get a higher deductible plan, you can even use an HSA to help bring down your MAGI and ensure you don’t go over the $46,680 MAGI limit. Given the income you state, the second lowest cost silver plan should cost no more than 9.5% of your income at max. A bronze plan or cheaper Silver plan could cost less.
Always sign up at HealthCare.Gov to see what you qualify for and make sure to adjust your information every year.
See 2014 Federal Poverty Guidelines for cost assistance eligibility levels for 2015.
See HSA’s for pairing an HSA with a High Deductible Health Plan.