What if I Still Can’t Afford Coverage?

What if i still cant afford coverage under ObamaCare due to monthly bills, child support, etc. What do i do? Is there free insurance somewhere?

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I now have 2 clients I do home health care but now they say I make too much money so I got my Ebt and my medcaid is in jeopardy also its not fair that we bring our selves up alittle but our services get taken away

Camellia Deforrest

Truly no matter if someone doesn’t understand after that its up to other viewers that they will assist, so here it happens.|


Natasha saves $167 a month. Natasha saves $41 less each month than Lucas. How much will Lucas save in 4 years? The answer.


In simple terms, more than Natasha. To be fair, Natasha either earns more or has chosen a higher deductible plan (assuming we are talking about premium savings). The question is though, are we just talking about premium savings, or are we talking about out-of-pocket savings from assistance too? Or perhaps we are just talking about the value of a plan offering savings on the market price of drugs and services.

What seems like a simple math problem is truly a deep conversation, isn’t it?


My son (35) can’t work because he fell and blew his knee. He has no insurance and we cannot put him on ours. He lives with us now and provides help to us-elderly parents who are stuck with very high medical bills on our own. All insurances are based on household income and not his. What is he supposed to do? If he could get his knee fixed he would be able to work again but it is a Catch 22 situation.


Unless he is a tax-dependent he should be able to qualify for Medicaid in most states. Medicaid offers free or low-cost coverage.


Obamacare was around $300 a month for me, I don’t have that kind of money to spare. Couldn’t find anything else, so what do I do? Am I just supposed to die under this unequal rule?




My husband and I are on disability benefits and we make to much for Medicaid. But it takes very thing we have to pay bills.. We can’t even buy food. We have to rely on food panties and you can’t go often. We can’t even get our medicine but every other month. We both have meds. that we are to take every day and we are taking a chance with our lives when we don’t have them. Can you help


There aren’t any perfect solutions aside from “make less money” or “make more money” when it comes to healthcare (and of course each of those “answers” have problems), with that said, local charities, local hospitals, staying up to date with changes to Medicaid in your state, and more are good places to start.


OBama care for me and my wife will cost $12-1300 a month that’s is with a high deductible. So after many years of having good affordable insurance I now have no insurance. I have been battling Lupus for a long time and now I am having to go without medical coverage. I literally would be better off leaving my job then it will be practically free. This is most ridiculous disgusting kick in the butt for the hard working middle class American.


So first off, not knowing any details, I can see how that would be very upsetting. I would not be happy, how could anyone be?

Still though, the rate you are paying is toward the very high end of what someone would pay with no cost assistance (that is no marketplace assistance and no employer assistance).

So my first thought is, are you getting the maximum amount of assistance you qualify for?

My second thought is, although it is little consolation, it is important to note that before the ACA there were other people out there who couldn’t afford coverage (like literally couldn’t afford it) and went without treatment for conditions like Lupus.

The ACA may not have gone far enough to provide assistance to working class families making above 400% of the poverty level. I won’t argue there. But in my mind we need a solution that helps families like yours and families of those less fortunate, and not just one or the other.


You can’t get low cost or reduce plans if you can not work! Why do so many keep posting the same nonsense info online? If you’re practically disable like me, you’re not going to be on a job and therefore, you won’t own even one cent, so what good will reduced plans do?

You have only two options if you’re in my position….

1 – Your forced to work disabled on a job long enough to get several months worth of insurance

2 – Die

That’s it…because no one cares.



I still cant even make it about my coverage. Life taking so long to wait


My husband worked for over 36 years with the phone company and when he was a employee it was awesome, we never had to worry about medical. I could go to the dr. anytime I wanted…Now…Nope, Obama care ruined it …I have to pay $350 per mo just for myself, ( my husband is now on Medicare) and I still can’t go see a dr. due to it’s over 300 dollars per visit and my medical won’t kick in until I have satisfied my deductible of 3500 dollars and then it only pays 80%. Our premium went up again this year. I’m only 60 this year and when it goes up next year I won’t be able to afford it at all ( were on a fixed income). it’s scary when your older knowing things are starting to go wrong with your health and not being able to do anything about it. When I do have to go to the Dr. for something serious it will be to find out how long I have due to I won’t be able to afford any treatment.


I don’tknow wtf to do. I’m on unemployment that runs out Oct 20, am doing everything possible to get a job, I have a past, I’m a recovering addict n alcoholic w 13 misdemeanors, none of them hurting any1 or theft n last one was in 2013. I’ve worked really hard to get clean despite some OVERWHELMING challenges (An a abusive relationship which is y I’m unemployed, bc he went to prison for beating me so bad, he’s gone for 3-6 yrs and I started taking xanax for anxiety, I went into work one day, I had tbe perfect job for me, a call ctr making 38k/yr for someone w/no work history or hardly any, it was great, I was there 4 years n they fire me. Anyway, I’m on unemployment and b4 I even got on unemployment, 1st thing I did was apply for medicaid thinking, maybe now I can FINALLY get these health probs taken care of, 1st 2 being dental n Hep C, I wanted to c if they’d cover me for Mayvret, a Hep C med cheaper than Harvoni, and they granted me covg, I went, got the bloodwork. My C was bad enough I qualified for covg n they started me on it. I took 3 days of the 8 week treatment and find out they say I make too much $$ on unemployment. Now the insurance I had at my old job was horrendous and would never have paid for this and I cannot afford Obamacare, I don’t even know where I’m gonna find a job making enough to pay child support, pay methadone clinic, buy food, keep roof over my head, have a minimal cell phone bill, and pay for my psychiatrist who I’m starting to feel is somewhat useless anyway-she doesn’t listen to my complaints that this med isn’t working. I’ve made phone call after phone call and really wanna straight give up bc everyone on the good side of the fence always say, “oh, there has to be an answer
r for u somewhere” n there really is not. I’m starying to feel suicidal over all these problems, I can’t take 1 more thing, And with Trump in office, I’m even more scared.


Well good on you for doing the right thing, none of that is easy to deal with. My immediate thought is unemployment should not be disqualifying you from Medicaid… unless you live in a red state. If you live in a red state then this all starts adding up. In general, not to get political, but blue states (like my home state of Washington state) tend to have more helpful assistance programs.

The reality is there are a lot of states where there really isn’t an answer because state and federal government fails to properly fund safety net programs. That said, there are so many details and details change by state so without me knowing more information it is hard for me to offer perfect advice.

The annoying thing is under the ACA it was supposed to be Medicaid is expanded up to the poverty level and then Obamacare with full assistance kicks in. But in some red states there is a gap inbetween those and people get stuck in that and then can’t afford their healthcare. No perfect way out, but that does seem to be the problem here.


My husband is a teamster and he has to work a number of hours to be covered for the following month the problem is some months he doesn’t make enough to qualify , and he makes too much money for assistance so month by month coverage would not be an option as if we paid for the month and he gets enough hours they we would be paying twice just a no win situation


Free health care for illegals while hard working American CITIZENS don’t qualify and now can’t afford the absurd premiums and out of pocket charged by insurance companies. It is a fact now, you either need to be a poor, non contributor or extremely wealthy. Good job destroying the middle class, AKA the ones who built this country. You’re destroying this country.


Only legally present immigrants can access the Affordable Care Act benefits. Even those in the DACA program are not eligible.


I work like a dog and gross 50,000 a year in the south which is above. I have a family of 4. I have a house note of 1,000$ moderate here. My paychecks are about 1300$ every 2 weeks.
They want 987$ for insurance. So choices are, sell house and live in a box and have insurance, Have a house and insurance, just no groceries, utilities, or other expenses.

Why is it not affordable anymore!!


If I buy a catastrophic plan that’s not ACA approved, but it cost 8% of my GAI, I won’t be penalized?


Under the current law technically you will still be penalized for not having minimum essential coverage. The Trump administration and IRS have sort of butted heads. The law is what it is until 2019 when the mandate is repealed. There is massive confusion over this. Can’t image it will turn out well.

Always contact HealthCare.gov and/or see official IRS documentation for the last word on the matter.


Well, isn’t that just wonderful. I am 56, have a genetic condition that requires monitoring and cannot afford even the “cheapest,” cruddiest Bronze insurance plan, whose deductibles and copays would bankrupt me. So, great. I’m exampt with no access to health care. This is a death sentence for me and many like me. This country should be deeply ashamed of itself.


It is crazy right. On one hand you had, before the ACA, a situation where if you didn’t have healthcare you would face prices like this for sure. As you would have been a nightmare to insure with your health issues.

Now after the law, and with everything that has happened with both parties playing tug of war with our healthcare, you have this situation where you qualify no matter what, but it’s super expensive because you make too much for cost assistance.

For others maybe its that they think one politicians is MAGA and the other is a bummer, but for you it is life and death and you get no help (as rhetoric isn’t going to solve your health or health insurance issues).

Its almost an existential situation. I mean, what is your solution? Start a GoFundMe account, right?

I don’t know what to say, unless we get someone who will actually push for Universal healthcare… I don’t see how your situation gets any better. One party will bring costs down, by excluding people like you. The other will generally offer assistance, but not to your income bracket.

Neither solution is poised to help you, I would be upset in your situation too! One thing you could do is invest in healthcare stocks. The return is really good, that could probably help pay for your healthcare if you have like $100k to put down. Of course not everyone is a wealthy investor, so they aren’t seeing the upside of remaining in a profit driven system.


i gross 1000 for a disability check from a company but i get 423 of that is taken out of my check for child support and tenn care tells me i dont make enough money to get tenn care and i can get one of there plans that is over 400 dollars and with all the bills me and my family have we only have 300 dollars left and my fiance gets ssi and even with help from welfare with health care for my step kids have medical i still cant health care so what do some due when the need to have surg. on there so they can work again and not be put in a wheele chair so all i have to say that the health care system is one big joke for the poor people so the rich people can just line there pockets


My companies health insurance was great the last 13 years. Paid just over $ 450 monthly for a family of 4 and had a 20/80 split, 20% being my co-pay. Due to the high cost of Obamacare on the industry, my insurance is now an HSA at roughly the same monthly cost but just 2 covered now. I have a $3000 deductible that must be completely met prior to any coverage and only then it becomes a 20/80 % split. I have to drop my monthly maintenance medication due to the cost being out of my reach. Maybe I need to quit my job and ride off the govt like many.


I couldn’t afford Obamacare in Texas and moved to Missouri and still couldn’t afford Obamacare how can I receive something from there so I don’t get penalized on my tax return. The tax check would help me pay off some small debts


This whole system is jacked up! There ain’t no way in hell I’m going to pay 5,6,7,8,9 or 1000 thousand dollars a month for insurance with a deductible of $6,7,8,9,10 thousand dollars on top of co-insurance when I see the docter once a year. Even for little things like broken arms or something along those lines you end up paying for everything. Example: My plan is $530 a month with a deductible of $6200. So, I break my arm and shit and have to go to the docter several times. First off, $530 for 12 months is $6300 a year on top of the deductible is 12,000 dollars out of my pocket in one your for a broken arm. Really!!!! Fuck that. This is the most ridiculous shit I have ever seen. On top of that you have lazy pieces of shit and illegal immigrants out there that are getting free health care on my fucking dime. There is no reason in this world that any family that is more or less healthy should have to pay premiums for health care anywhere near what a house payment cost. Health insurance now is pointless. Basically you just give away free money. Obama care blows!


Just another swindle by the rich pig capitalist scum of the U.S. government and business class. Because the place I work reports my tips for taxes, I am now ineligible for Medicaid, but even the cheapest Marketplace plan costs 233 dollars a month- should I choose between paying my rent to my pig landlord, paying my student loan to the vampire scum making a profit off me, paying this allegedly lowest possible price for healthcare, or putting gas in my car so that I can get to work to afford to do any of this? How do you expect me to eat, how do you expect me to pay taxes to you bloodsuckers? Magically produce money out of thin air to pay you?


I am a single mother and my ex does not contribute much! I have a good income because I bust my ass and work non stop!! They should consider AFTER TAXES for insurance cost!! After taxes, my mortgage, private school, my vehicle note, piano lessons for my son, groceries, gas, electricity, and all the other necessary things that cost, I don’t have an extra $800 for SAVING much less heath insurance with a $13,000 deductible and $14,700 out-of-pocket! Our government has LOST their minds!!


I make 24000 per year and I have pre existing conditions


Then you qualify for assistance under the Affordable Care Act and you are in the category of people who very likely benefited from healthcare reform.


ObamaCareFacts.com on August 1, 2016

“That really isn’t true, I know it feels like that sometimes… but America is built on hard work, don’t worry about what the Jone’s are doing aside when it comes discussing on how to create smart policy.”

Wrong. The ultra wealthy who own the stooges in DC want everyone to work hard without question… like slaves.


The ultra wealthy and lobbyists work hard every day to make their vision a reality. 😉

Half joking.


So health Insurance assistance is based on income. But what is not taken into consideration is monthly bills. What if someone is living paycheck to paycheck. And yeah, maybe go the lowest possible option but why do we have to pay for something that won’t even cover??


That is a great point. There are essentially no considerations for certain types of debt and monthly bills that burden the low income percentiles in the tax code (beyond the obvious like health care tax credits and the mortgage interest deduction). That is one of those things some people want to see reformed, but generally doesn’t make it on Congress’s or a given POTUS’s agenda.


I Make ZERO dollars a year. I do not qualify for any form of Medi-cal, Medicaid, Medicare or any of it. I have tried and been denied for all.

Reason being:
I live with my parents. They earn money. So therefor, even though I am a 31 year old man, with no job and no money whatsoever, living in my parents garage… I am not eligible.

Guess what I am eligible for? The god damned fee on my taxes.

I cannot afford insurance. It will not be provided for me. But I still have to pay a tax for it?? Absolute and total bullshit.

And before you tell me I am wrong, I have been trying and arguing with Medi-cal for 6 months.


If you file taxes with them, then you have this problem. If you don’t file taxes with them, then you should qualify.

The reasoning is assistance is based on the MAGI income of the tax family and tax family size in general.


Just to add my two cents worth. Besides the fact that my monthly adjusted out of pocket went up 145% to over $245 per month and my income went down, I have been trying now to find a specialist who will actually take my insurance coverage. I have needed surgery for over a year now, with rejection after rejection of providers and my disability is about to run out. I am the main income earner in our household. With the huge deductibles for my elderly Father and myself I am about to be bled dry.


how am i to pay $1500+ on a income of $2400, what about the mandated vehicle insurance that forces you to pay for uninsured motorist, when ever one is suppose to have veh insurance how do I pay that too and Taxes, then still exist. Never-mind the roof over my head or food in my belly or heat in my home. This was a greedy insurance scam forced on the american people, utterly disgusting, by all calculations we pay for something monthly we cant use do to high deductibles, saved insurance from spending, just collecting, then lack of care puts me in the grave, seems like economical genocide, Thanks for nothing. I know my Lord so In ready to die and get away from this evil earth I just dont know how anyone in their right mind can call this AFFORDABLE


This is insane..the deductibles are insane,,and if we don’t sign up we get penalized ..well you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip I say..its extortion plain and simple and people need
to call it what it is..a crime


Looked at enrollment costs. 1600 a month plus 5000 deductible on a 60k income. With subsidy. Guess I’m not getting insurance. I CANNOT afford that. This law is a disaster for my family. Choose America. Pay your mortgage, or get insurance that needs you to spend 5k before any benefits kick in. Oh and do it again next year. Garbage


I can’t argue with that. If after all assistance options you would pay $1,600 a month, then how can one expect you to be anything but frustrated.

Now, with that said, the cost of comprehensive insurance isn’t likely to go down without a real solution in place. Neither party has brought a real solution to the table yet, so keep that in mind. Even if you aren’t mandated to have coverage, you’ll still be up against costs like this (and without any assistance) without some sort of reform in place.


POOR ANSWER for those in need. Bureaucratic nonsense.
Here’s an answer. LOWER COST OF INSURANCE!!! No one would need subsidies if the costs were affordable. There should be no need for a premium to be more than $300. If insurance companies feel that gouging the American public to make up reductions in their bottom line is acceptable then maybe we should stop using that company. Has anyone noticed the credit card companies doing the same. High interest rates to make up for the losses they created and incurred.
Insurance companies need to look at the big picture instead of building monuments to their institution. There is no need for humongous buildings and millions of dollars spent on advertising. Everybody knows who you are just give the service you used to and people will flock to your doors. Millions of people paying a nominal amount is better than a few paying a large amount.
Shame on the system!!!


The fact is healthcare reform made health insurance not affordable to me
I make 26k I qualify for about $80 subsidies per mongh but premium is $200 more per month than it used to and my deductible is much higher.
I’m too rich for Medicaid at 26 k single
This is all in 2017 , in 2018 is even worse premium just went up even more. Thank you for the unaffordable care act


I’m 21 and have many born diseases and can no longer afford health insurance. Thanks to you I’m getting sicker. This is a complete scam and since I cant afford health insurance they are going to take even more money. I dont even make 5000 a year and you want 300 from me a month and if I dont have health insurance come tax time youll take more than 900 I guess im going to be in dept all my life..


Under the Affordable Care Act your coverage is free. The ACA expanded Medicaid. The only way you don’t have coverage is if you live in a Red state run by Republicans… because they refused to expand Medicaid.

Does that make sense? Your anger is valid, but misdirected.

Obama tried to ensure your healthcare, the GOP denied it. This is what we are up against. I hope we can have your support in ensuring healthcare FOR ALL… not just those citizens who live in Blue states.


Medicaid is not insurance. It’s theft of money from taxes and inflation of the money supply to give someone medical care for free. It will destroy the dollar as it’s value plummets in response to the money printing necessary. Medicaid is half the reason for high prices to begin with because it incentivises third party ins. and doctors to utilize the most expensive treatments and drugs by not having the consumer see costs, nor have a choice in the marketplace and purchase the cheapest solution for their individual situation. Think of this analogy… If you have two drugs, one is 97 percent effective and costs a dollar, the other is 99 percent effective and costs 1000 dollars, a normal person who.had to choose on his own would choose the dollar treatment, but a third party will choose the 1000 dollar option. If the seller of.the drug, say a hospital can charge a 1000 every time and be compensated by the gov. They will. Same with contraception, which I’m told is a right. 2 dollar condom, which is as effective as a 1000 dollar iud. Force the iud, and ins. Premiums go up. Govt is the COMPLETE reason for the astronomical costs. Red blue makes purple. Bipartisanship is an excuse to hide the fact that in the 50s a single worker could easily afford to have a doctor to come to their house for treatment.


What about the millions of working poor and children who rely on Medicaid? What about those who want this insurance to cover contraceptives, and who pay for their insurance… should someone else get to tell them that their coverage can’t include contraceptives?

Sure, most of us can afford a doctor, but not everyone can afford all the care they need.

Appreciate the cogent points, but don’t think we fully agree on some specifics.

This has to be a bad dream

I make 28k a year and have 3 kids. $400 For bronze with a 6k deductible.
That’s almost as much as my rent, I can’t afford that.


That doesn’t seem right. You should, after cost assistance, be looking at something that costs less than $50 a month with a bronze plan and a very small deductible on a silver plan.

You must go with the silver plan to reduce your out-of-pocket costs at your income, so please browse those plans.

Based on the numbers you are giving me, I feel like you are quoting me the amount without cost assistance applied. Please call the marketplace directly so they can help.



I make minimum wage and worst, I am a contract worker so I make sure calculate what I need to pay for taxes. I don’t qualify for medical. I live in the state of CA because all my family here. I love being with them more than wanting to move to a less expensive state. Currently, I live in the not so nice neighborhood (ghetto), not because I want to, but it’s the only place I can afford rent. It would be nice to not have to share a room. I drive a 1999 Toyota because I need a car that won’t break down on me and can get me to point A to B. I work an hour away. The car is old and has problems that I can’t afford to fix. Every year, I feel less safe driving it. I never eat out, but I want to. I live frugal, and literally mean it.

I’m thankful I don’t have kids. I’m thankful my roommate is ‘normal’. I’m thankful that my student loans are small and was smart enough to pay my high interest off immediately. I’m thankful that my credit balance in 0.

I believe everyone should have health insurance and I agree the reason on forcing it.

I chose to not have health insurance last year, not because I was healthy, but because I couldn’t afford it. Paying a fine of $325 was a better chose at that time. Not that the fine is $695, I had to get it. I can’t afford the catastrophe plan.

All I am doing now is looking for a better paying job. I’m sure my life would turn around, but gosh dang it, why is it so difficult to live a normal life here?


Just got my projected premiums for 2018. My monthly premium will be OVER 25% of my income before taxes!! And I’m a healthy 30-something. My parents premiums are even worse. That is absurd. Why am I even working anymore? My entire paycheck goes to healthcare/rent/utilities etc. I have no money for even groceries, let alone having any kind of life! When are “we the people” going to put a stop to this, because nothing is going to change as long as we just keep letting them take us for everything we have! I’ve never been more embarrassed to say I’m an American. And I’ve already started looking into moving out of this greedy country. So sad.


That means you would be exempt from the requirement to get coverage. You should contact healthcare.gov and explain your situation. They will guide you toward your options and the proper exemptions.


It’s ludicrous to charge people who can’t afford insurance! That’s as stupid as the standardised tests that reward good scoring districts with more funding and cut the funds for low scoring districts. It’s ads backwards. Especially these days where the set poverty level isn’t even accurate. Cost of living far exceeds general pay out of jobs! You’re putting people in debt because they’re poor and in debt! There’s no reason any form of medical help in this country should be so outrageously expensive! It’s just Big Pharma and the Government with their heads up their asses and have no idea what it’s like to be an average American citizen. It sucks! America sucks! Abolish the ACA! It doesn’t help and further ensures the people in this country are ruled by being in debt. The y) government body is a bunch of scammers, liars and crooks. Y’all need to be hung and lit on fire.


That was rather harsh words, but I think they are in the bounds of reason (although I almost didn’t hit the publish button for your sake; I don’t think you crossed any line). Anyway, to your point:

So technically, if you can’t afford it you qualify for an affordability exemption. Also, if you can’t afford it you generally get Medicaid for free (in states that expanded).

Now, this is only true in general for those with lower incomes. If you have an income above 400% (but sometimes even between say 300% and 400%; or in other very specific cases below that) then you can get in a situation where you can’t afford it with the rest of your costs in life, but you technically don’t meet the criteria for an exemption.

That situation is frustrating, and it is the type of thing that I was hoping the GOP and Trump would fix. They however seem intent on addressing that only by offering low-cost low-benefit plans and by undoing all the assistance that makes coverage affordable for those on Medicaid and with cost assistance. That is, they may lower plan prices for the healthy middle-class, but then a whole new group of people will be without coverage.

You may think the mandate is absurd, and certainly I don’t love it, but it is one of a few types of systems that exist in the world. Australia has a mandate system for example, and they have cheaper universal Medicare for all. But if you opt-out, you have to pay.

In other words, I agree with your sentiment to some degree. People are paying a lot and are rightly frustrated… but let’s not throw out the idea of universal coverage and healthcare reform just because the current iteration isn’t good enough.


Does “If everything is still unaffordable, look into exemptions”refer to exemptions one takes filing taxes? If so, how will this help a person in the short term who can’t afford to pay the insurance the marketplace has decided is affordable? I underwent a qualifying event and reapplied for health insurance, hoping I could receive Medicaid, but I was told my income was above the threshold, so I signed up for a “Silver” policy with Health First. The coverage was backdated to September 1 although the navigator said the coverage would start October 1. Long story short, I got dropped (remember, going through hardship, no money). It turns out I cannot have coverage until January by enrolling again. I’m 64-years-old, work two jobs, pay rent myself and for my daughter, and if I get sick, well, that’s just too bad! This renders one feeling totally marginalized and devalued. Oh–and because I reapplied but lost healthcare, I’ll have to pay a penalty too even though I tried (phone log shows over 12 calls to NYS of Health). I”ll be penalized too for not being insured. Thanks, Obamacare!


That is a strange sequence of events. Don’t blame you for being frustrated. In a situation where the marketplace or an insurer made a mistake and it resulted in you losing coverage, you have the right to appeal and have your coverage reinstated.

If you lose access to cost assistance due to your income dipping below the poverty level, you should have been transitioned into Medicaid (if your state expanded).

My best suggestion in your case is to appeal, as it sounds like you are in an unfair situation.

As for exemptions, some you take in advance and some you take at tax time. Here is a page on that: https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-exemptions-list/


I was Soo happy in the beginning when I got the insurance coverage . I paid only $36/month. The following year it was $53 and some change still not bad at all. I had coverage on everything. Dr visits for complete physicals were $5. I never paid for lab work. I even had to have gastric sleeve surgery which is a very expensive surgery and only had to pay a little over $300… This year nearly tripled to $141.06/month. I get behind on my payments all the time now. Now I’m getting bills for $200, $375 all for mostly my lab work. I’ve never had to pay for this!! Ever!! Then yesterday I get a letter in the mail with me new estimate for 2018 and it’s $227/month—WTF??!! If I can’t afford $141 now and constantly get behind, I’m totally screwed come next year. I don’t qualify for Medicaid. I have epilepsy, bipolar, migraines and have to see my doctors…this is ridiculously insane. I don’t like Trump but I sure hope he’s talking the truth and really does have something better. If not it’s going to cause problems


I make about $400 bi-weekly and after bills and expenses i have about $50 dollars to my name how am i suppose to afford health insurance and be able to eat and pay for my gas to get to work. all the insurance company’s on the market place leave me with nothing and just so you know i live in Chicago were TAXING people is done for fun.


I am so ready for Obama Care to disappear, I can’t get it due to company offering insurance which most of us can’t afford and if I don’t have it will have to pay when I do text return. This isn’t fair to us hard working tax payers to its time for those who suppose to take care of us tax payers to get on board with our President and getc rid of Obama Care and bring back Health departments.


I became unemployed so we (family of 3) qualified for Medicaid. None of the providers in our area would accept it. We had to drive 35 miles for a checkup. If we had an emergency the Hospital 1 mile from our home would be worthless. I’ve been working a full time (temp) job and my wife is working 2 jobs. We were just informed that as of the first of the year we no longer qualify for aid. We will have to pay $850 per month for a $13k deductible policy. If somebody gets sick or has to go to the hospital, we’re bankrupt. The biggest part of this problem is heath care providers can charge what they want and we have to pay. When I was working we had good insurance – my wife broke her arm. Four hours in the hospital – $25k. Our out of pocket was $2k.

Obama care is garbage. We are partially covered now, and next year we have to pay huge premiums for less coverage. Just repeal it


I get the frustration, but keep in mind that ObamaCare expanded Medicaid. Without that you would have had no healthcare options when you became unemployed. That would have probably been worse than having to travel to get care. With that said, Medicaid programs differ by state. In some states it just works better. Lots of things to keep in mind here. One of those is that “repealing it” could very well hurt your family more than help depending on the specific situation. That $25k for a broken arm isn’t going to be repealed, so that cost is something people are up against with or without assistance.


I just need the hardship exemption form sent me. I got it last year with no. Problem. Its like 4 or 5 pages long I believe kit o965


It should not be called the affordable care act at all. I was in the national gaurd for 11 years, deployed and all that good stuff. For out and got tri care take away. Now since I have a good paying job and a house and I’m married I can not even get by with health care. If my wife and I got divorced she could get state aid for her lupus and our daughters healthcare. Plus other assistance. Makes it pretty hard to live an honest life and stay married like people should. And don’t give me that nonsense on how your not better of working rather than being unemployed or underemployed and living of the gov’t because it because you are. Middle class gets taxed to hi hell then have to pay out a ton to have insurance. While the money from my paycheck goes to pay for people that are living the dishonest life. Glad I fought for a country that has their priorities all screwed up.


Well it finally happened. I had to rush my husband to the ER without medical insurance. I knew something like this might happened but with Obamacare/ ACA wanting $600 a month for coverage we had no choice. We could have cut all our extra expenses & still not had enough for a plan. Now we are probably in $50,000 dollars worth of debt. Debt that we will never be able to repay.


That is truly sad. One can see why $600 a month, though absurdly expensive for the average family, is in those worst cases worth it… but you don’t need a lecture here. Likewise, one can see why single payer isn’t just for those too lazy to work, but instead a good idea for all Americans.

I’m not sure what to say, but thank you for sharing your story.

TIP: You can google “ways to deal with medical debt” there are lots of potential options for those willing to exhaust all their options (charity, bankruptcy, talking to the hospital and getting amounts reduced, payments over time, etc).


Yes I just acquired health insurance in March through hip. In April I began working for the senior community service employment program and now I found out I will no longer be eligible. I cannot afford marketplace insurance.


I am unemployed and have/had serious health issues. I fall in that gap and it is very stressful. I am part of the gap that you don’t hear about in the news.I go to a low cost clinic for my prescription refills, but I need so much more. This is so scary!!


My workplace plan is considered “affordable” because I can afford my premiums. However I have significant pre-existing conditions and have a large amount of doctor’s appointments and medical needs, and my employer only offers one plan – a high-deductible plan. I’ve maxed out my HSA and it only covers about half of my medical expenses, and I only make about 29,000 a year. Right now I’m taking loans from my parents just to be able to afford enough medical care to make it so I’m able to hold down a job, and I’m thinking of dropping to part-time because it would allow me to go back to a marketplace plan. Is there any other option for me?


If you don’t qualify for the affordability exemption, then there might not be any other perfect option.

The only other thing I can think of is that if your costs get high enough, then you might be able to deduct for medical expenses, and thus bring down your AGI, and thus qualify for the exemption.

That seems like it would create an odd loophole where you wouldn’t qualify for assistance, but then you would spend, and then you would qualify, but then you’d have to change plans, and then if the assistance helped you wouldn’t be able to deduct, etc.

I don’t have the expertise for this one, but I can point you at https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tools/tax-tips/Tax-Deductions-and-Credits/-Can-I-Claim-Medical-Expenses-on-My-Taxes-/INF14196.html

In other words, I don’t have a perfect answer here, but certainly calling the marketplace might help you think of solutions.


To be quite honest, our exchange can’t even manage to keep me in the system long enough to be useful, and has repeatedly offered conflicting information or simply lost information they told me. I can’t even get my 1095-A from when I had a plan with them 2 years ago, because every time I call they’ve lost my information. They also caused me problems failing to cancel my plan upon request when I started my employer’s plan. At this point even if they offered me a solution, I wouldn’t trust that it would actually be legal because they’ve been so woefully uneducated about their own program


I should also add my premiums themselves are very very low – around $15 a month. So if the affordability is going off of premiums, it’s going to be pretty much impossible to get my AGI under the limit, unless I go low enough for medicaid (and my state medicaid limit is too low to live off of in the part of the state I live in).


This answer isn’t good enough. I find myself in the position where I simply can’t afford to pay $180/mo. for health insurance, but I apparently make too much to be eligible for Medicaid. I’m homeless, carless, most of my money goes to food and transportation to and from work, and I have severe health issues, I can’t afford ANY of my many medications now, try holding down a job without medications you need to even function.


I can’t afford insurance. I’ve been exempt for a couple years now. Texas has denied Medicaid for adults. It’s great that I don’t have to pay a penalty, but the problem still exists. I don’t have insurance and I need to find out if anything is wrong. But how?……


My sister is supporting 4 people on $44,000 a year and The cost of insurance is more than what it cost her to just pay for the doctor and dentist bills out of her pocket. She is barely making it work from month to month. Obama care would be killing her to get the insurance, the monthly cost alone for four people is about $600 and they did duct a bowl is about $2000 per person,. I myself find that as the definition of insanity. Then she gets fine her entire tax return for not having insurance and she still owes over $1500 after they take her return. Money she used to use to get her kids clothes, school supplies and pay their school enrollment fees. How do they expect people who they consider middle class to get by? It’s impossible, please if somebody out there has a solution for my sister please let me know. She makes too much to get Medicaid, but not enough to get private insurance or insurance that makes sense.


Try Medicaid, Marketplace or see a broker.

I don’t have any health issues. When I was 22 (17 years ago) my healthcare cost was $1500 deductible, $50 copay, $160/month. If I were 22 today, it would be $6000 deductible, $30 copay, $230/month.
ACA or OdumboCare is a terrible system. Best bet is to get hired by employee that pays health insurance. Hang in there until it get repealed.


This is a crock of horse poop! I don’t qualify for help from the state and I sure as heck cannot afford more than half my mortgage (with a tax credit mind you) just to pay for health insurance and still be able to feed my children. There needs to be help. I never had insurance and yet I still managed to pay for all my medical bills. I should not be forced to purchase something that I don’t want just because other jerks out there don’t know how to pay for their stuff. Someone needs to end this madness and find help for people like me who can’t afford to not work and now I can’t afford to work either. What am I supposed to do? Why are there no other agencies to help? Why isn’t there something else I can do? Who helps families like mine? Does anyone know?


I feel your pay. It is a desperate situation as it is for me. I pay a health plan through my employer for my wife, daughter, and myself which is costing me $1300 a month. It is ridiculous and I can’t afford not to have it because of my wife’s health. Obamacare has destroyed what American build in so little time where employers are not obligated to cover family and only employees in their packages.
How do we make it? Barely, crawling and me looking for a second full time job. We need help and we need it fast.


Almost $500 a month for insurance?! I’m 29 and healthy! This shit is a joke! I make under 35k a year and still don’t qualify for assistance. So much for affordable health care


I cant afford Obama care why are so many of us left out and no one really talks about it national tragedy


Obamacare is a sham! It is designed to increase your premiums and become unaffordable so it will fail! Don’t you get it?? I’m sorry but for the sheep that still worship that pimp…wake up and realize you have been had by your shepherd. You are screwed either way. You either have to be dirt poor to get it free or work hard enough to have a huge portion taken for healthcare so that you are dirt poor anyway. Of course by unconstitutionally making it MANDATORY to purchase what he is selling means you have no choice..HA HA HA.. Still a believer? You are in the minority my friends. Thank God that loser got out before he could do more damage!


I don’t know, I just reviewed the Senate bill and it is pretty bad. So if you think the ACA is a shame, I can’t imagine you will like the Senate version with all its assistance cuts and tax breaks. https://obamacarefacts.com/2017/06/22/the-senate-healthcare-bill-trumpcare-explained/


Last year I was so poor my portion of the Blue Shield premium for Silver 87 was $2.00 per month.
In Jan 2017 it jumped to $103.
Feb it increased to $203.00. No one at Covered Ca could tell me why. I’m a nurse, but my husband became disabled and requires care. Therefore I’m at home.
I began getting my less than $1000 per month from Social Security
In March 2017.
The Blue Shield plan was changed by CoveredCa to a lower benefit almost catastrophic type. Now all of my social security plus more goes to Blue Shield, Co-payments of $55 to see a doctor. I think we’re on the Trump Plan. This is not what was intended!


I am offered health through my company. But the deductible is so high that I can not afford it. So I got the Obama care plan with my husband. Will I be penalized for it?
I am so worried. I barely make my bills each month.


If you have access to affordable employer coverage than you don’t qualify for cost assistance. You should call healthcare.gov and explain your situation. Essentially you need to show that the employer coverage is too expensive so you can qualify for cost assistance (or you could run into trouble). You’ll likely need to get an “employee coverage tool” filled out. Because there are a few steps, I suggest contacting healthcare.gov.


I’m 51 I cannot get Medicaid or Obama care I have no income at the moment how do I get insurance . I have back problems and go to a pain management Dr but he is fixing to turn me away because of no insurance what do I do?


If you live in a state that didn’t expand Medicaid, and thus you can’t get Medicaid even if you have no income, then local charities are essentially one of the only answers. You could contact a public hospital and ask for direction, you could also contact your states Medicaid offices and ask them for guidance. Otherwise you could look up charities in your area.


I’m a 50 y.o. female. We’re paying over $730/mo., which is more than our mortgage payment, for me to be covered under my husband’s policy through his employer. We simply cannot afford this and are going deeper in the hole every month. Is there absolutely NO WAY for me to cancel my insurance coverage outside of the open enrollment period? My own employer would happily reimburse me for a cheaper premium, but even they said they can’t afford to pay for my current coverage. We do not qualify for any subsidies. Besides allergies and the subsequent occasional bronchitis flare-up, I’m pretty healthy.


Footnote about the medicaid. Although it is free to the person applying for it, it is the law that Uncle Sam attempt to recover any monies spent on that person at age 55 or when they pass away. So, if you were a single mom at age 18 and was on medicaid or food stamps or other assistance. You will find out later your big bill. Or your children will not get the life insurance you purchased for them, uncle sam gets first rights. At this time the subsidy assistance is the only thing not subject to this. But, I am sure the winds of time will do something about that.


Actually this is sort of a myth. The only time you get hit with collections is for end of life care that exceeds a certain amount. Most states refuse to comply with this (and have for a long time), however, if you live in a state the complies with this rule and you rack up a huge amount of costs, then when your child turns 21 they may come after the estate.

This can certainly feel shady, but if you think about it it isn’t unreasonable.

But hey, you know SINGLE PAYER. Single payer wouldn’t be going after your estate.

We did a page on it.


See also: https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/eligibility/estate-recovery/index.html

Estate Recovery
Estate Recovery and Liens

State Medicaid programs must recover certain Medicaid benefits paid on behalf of a Medicaid enrollee. For individuals age 55 or older, states are required to seek recovery of payments from the individual’s estate for nursing facility services, home and community-based services, and related hospital and prescription drug services. States have the option to recover payments for all other Medicaid services provided to these individuals, except Medicare cost-sharing paid on behalf of Medicare Savings Program beneficiaries.

Under certain conditions, money remaining in a trust after a Medicaid enrollee has passed away may be used to reimburse Medicaid. States may not recover from the estate of a deceased Medicaid enrollee who is survived by a spouse, child under age 21, or blind or disabled child of any age. States are also required to establish procedures for waiving estate recovery when recovery would cause an undue hardship.

States may impose liens for Medicaid benefits incorrectly paid pursuant to a court judgment. States may also impose liens on real property during the lifetime of a Medicaid enrollee who is permanently institutionalized, except when one of the following individuals resides in the home: the spouse, child under age 21, blind or disabled child of any age, or sibling who has an equity interest in the home. The states must remove the lien when the Medicaid enrollee is discharged from the facility and returns home.”


We did these things and still can’t afford it. Very unhelpful. What is going to happen to my family?

Our tax credit got taken away and nothing changed in our income. This just happened in MAY. We budgeted for what we agreed to in Jan and now I’m pregnant and we are going to lose our care because we honestly can’t afford it.


I was part time student. I have to pay $20000 student loan. I had $16000 credit card debt, and $ I borrowed some from friends. I applied for coverage but affordable care was costing me $ 260 a month according to my income. my credit card debt was increasing every day. just tell me how can i afford to pay $260. Is it really affordable? now i have to pay penalty. can you believe it is affordable or people like me can afford it? rents are going high. all living cost is going high. can’t afford extra cost for insurance.


There is a real “healthcare crisis” here (google that term).

The crisis is getting worse, there has been a lack of fixes up to this point (despite good efforts of the ACA), and yet the AHCA (TrumpCare / RyanCare) is posed to make things even worse (in my opinion).

For me the best options are the ones that seek universal coverage. There is so much to say here, check this out: https://obamacarefacts.com/2017/04/24/what-is-wrong-with-obamacare-and-how-do-we-fix-it-suggestions-for-fixing-obamacare/

On the outside it could seem like “oh great, Trump is gonna come along and fix healthcare,” but upon closer inspection I really am not seeing much in the way of fixes. At this point it is getting absurd. If Democrats aren’t happy and Republicans aren’t happy, can’t we just put our foot down a demand a solution that doesn’t stink for the majority of Americans?

Before you say “well I have employer coverage, so I’m fine” remember, “no one is ensured job security and good health for the rest of their lives”… and even if they are, it isn’t very American to have no choice but to labor for an employer until you die just to ensure your healthcare… which by the way is highly subsidized by the tax payer.


Obamacare is so frustrating!!! Myself and my husband are hard working people who have 2 kids, ages 17 & 20. Our 20 yr old is in college and we basically live paycheck to paycheck. For the last 2 years we qualified for the tax credit and paid $950 a month for a crappy insurance coverage. The deductibles were so high that we ended up paying for all our medical care ourselves! It got to the point that we would do whatever it takes NOT to seek medical attention. This is just WRONG!! I recently received a raise which made us unqualified for the tax credit and my insurance premium is now $1800.00 a month which we cannot afford! With a daughter in college, a mortgage, car payment, bills etc… there is no way I can afford this premium. Obamacare does not allow me to change my coverage to a cheaper policy. We have tried to shop for private healthcare insurance but found out it has to be a major medical insurance policy. If it is not, we will be penalized. We are basically screwed!!! What are my options?????????


There are no great options, but I will say that $1,800 for a family of four is on the high end. The answer here is, in some ways: “We have and had a health insurance crisis.” That means we have people who are unable to get coverage due to costs and premium costs are rising.

There are tricks, like getting a high deductible plan and maxing out an HSA, or putting money aside and paying the fee and hoping no one needs very expensive emergency care. But those aren’t great answers.

I really think Single Payer (or some sort of universal healthcare option, like a public option with an HSA) is the way to go.

Congress lives in a bubble with their protected retirement accounts and healthcare, large employers and high paid employees are in their bubble, but at some level there are the poor, middle class, and average employees who are feeling the sting.

They say “oh single payer can’t work”… but unless you get cost assistance, is it really working today?

Look into healthcare triage and the 32 other developed countries with some form of public option. We get just about the worse deal of all developed nations. Sure our care is good and country unique, but still.

Today Obama is gone and all the GOP wants to do to fix the problem is increase deductibles and remove regulations to hope insurers will drop prices. That trickle down might work a bit, but it is so far from actually helping you and your family. There are tens of millions out there like you.

The ACA was a fine start, but we need so much more. We already pay out the ear for healthcare tax-wise!


I make about 40,000 a year but the cost of living is high in my area. And I constantly have to choose paying for insurance I don’t use over food. So I eat rice and beans and have no disposable income anymore. I don’t qualify for any subsidy


I’m just started a new job and am not eligible for insurance benefits yet. How much gap time do I have between jobs to get insurance without facing penalties?


Everyone gets a single gap of “less than three” months. So it essentially covers the 90 day gap while you wait for employer coverage to start, but only if it is your only gap. If you need to you can apply at healthcare.gov in the interm.


Everyone should just stop paying for health insurance. I’m sure things would change real fast


Obamacare is a money grab. The health care needs reformed and regulated not just throw the rediculus cost upon the people. This is what happens when you let politicians that have the best health insurance set your rates and price.


The affordability plan in this country is an absolute joke.How am I supposed to afford healthcare coverage,pay for rent,2 children in child support payments and 160 bucks a week to a methadone clinic because im an addict in recovery.Its funny how when I was unemployed when I was an active user and now that I’m clean trying to rebuild my life I get denied medicaid because I somehow (make too much) but when I wasnt working yeah no problem everything is taken care of and I got the best healthcare better then some friends I know who make over 100 grand a year at a union job that offers premium insurance.Country is completely upside down and nobody is doing a thing to improve it.I work at a warehouse and make 10.90 an hour live in the northeast one of the most expensive places to live in the nation and am not eligible for ANYTHING for assistance that is complete B.S.


I tried to get Obama care but if u don’t have income I can’t get it and the state of Tennessee will no expand their tencare or medicaid so what else can I do ???


I plan to travel the country for 6 months. No job or source of income. My college health insurance ends August 1st, 3 months before I’m coming back. What can I do? It will look as if I have income because of my job before leaving to travel. I don’t dislike having insurance, I just also don’t want a fine because I want to travel.


If you will not have a source of income you may qualify for Medicaid in your home state. If your state hasn’t expanded Medicaid, but you would have qualified for Medicaid if they had, you can apply for Medicaid and your denial letter can be used to get an exemption from the fee (and the requirement to have coverage). In addition, if your income falls below the federal tax threshold for the year or below the poverty level you won’t owe the fine for not having coverage and everyone is allowed a 3 month coverage GAP exemption.

That gives you a lot of options and anyone of them should protect you from owing the fee for not having coverage during those months. Having coverage while traveling is still important, so consider at least purchasing travelers insurance to cover you for those months.


I always get audited cause i’m stuck not able to afford health care plans, and make too much for assistance. Can’t cut out my car cause i need it to get to work, can’t cut my cell phone cause i need it at work, can’t cut off my power, water, or trash collection. Why did this bs ever get started. So sick of being stuck paying a fine every d*** year because of this crap. It’s theft is what it is. Pure and simple theft from hard working americans struggling to live pay day to pay day and it’s beyond frustrating. I’ve even considered suicide just to avoid constantly hearing i’m being audited by the IRS. I feel legal action should be taken and all the audited money should be returned in lump sum with a formal apology from capitol hill.


Just jumping in here to say that I am yet another who is being robbed blind by our countries taxes and health insurance. Obamacare supports NO ONE but those on welfare, at the expense of the hard working middle class.

The democrats are still trying to push the fact that Obamacare accepts preexisting conditions as a way of pulling the wool over our eyes as to how HORRENDOUS this system actually is.

$400 a month with an $8,000 dedictible? You have got to be kidding me. We are being charged whatever the hell they feel like charging, and they are penalizing us if we choose not to pay up. In what world is this not considered robbery?

Come to think of it, why do we owe you ANY of our hard earned money [taxes], if we are seeing no beneficial results from it? WE DONT.

We pay taxes, and yet we’re still charged tolls. Why?
We pay taxes, and yet we’re still charged $400-$1500+ for healthcare that is next to pointless.
State taxes gave me back $18 this year. Obummercare stole $750 from my federal return, for insurance I didn’t once use. Gee, and not so much as a thank you for copping all that money of mine?

The middle class is already burdened to death with sky high rent costs, merciless student loans, and raising prices all around. We cannot do this anymore. We are tired of lining the pockets of the government.


This whole thing is a joke. You look at income before taxes and other fees. Then don’t count in that I’m single and have bills to pay. After bills and really paid and gas to get to my job and food I don’t have 100 a month to spend on health insurance I may use 2 times a year. Or not at all. With a rediculous deductible. Then penalize for not having coverage. Money that most Americans can use when they get their refund to pay off dept or put towards bills/savings. Figure out a solution because this whole system is a mess and NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED


My family had to go on the exchange for the first time this year, because my provider no longer offers individual policies because of Obama Care. Now, there are only two providers to choose from on the exchange. I am self employed and my wife is employed. My wife gets insurance through work . Her single policy is reasonably priced at about 150/month. The family policy however, is at an out of this world price of $1200/mth, and this is not even a great plan, so that is not an option. FORCED to buy on the government exchange I am now paying $817 month for my two healthy daughters and myself, who is also in good health. This is the BRONZE plan, with $7500/$13300 deductible! We would have qualified for about a $200 monthly subsidy but because of a government LOOPHOLE we get nothing! Because my wife’s employer offers a family plan you get no subsidies! Even when that family plan is ridiculously priced! What a joke, it seems as though they have thought of every way possible to screw over the working person and get them to pay maximum dollar. By the way, I am paying over $300 more a month in premiums with a higher deductible, and the plan doesn’t cover all of our meds that my previous plan did. We also, had to change doctors initially, but out of sheer luck they have picked up my doctor. My wife and I make a decent living in Wisconsin, own a few rental properties and work very hard to keep what we have. I will have a daughter off to college next year and We are trying to figure out how to pay for that. Our total premium cost of $12,000 a year is simply too much and impossible for our family to afford. The mention of purchasing catastrophic policies is also a joke. That is pretty much what I am paying for RIGHT NOW! Anyway, once again the government wouldn’t allow me to buy one, because I’m too old. I’m awful glad I have a 20 trillion dollar in debt Big Brother telling me what I can and cant afford. Why is my coverage worse than someone who pays far less? I will be going off the exchange next year, so the government will have to look elsewhere for the $12000 a year that I have been contributing. I literally cannot afford to pay this much and I will not lose what I have worked the past 30 years for because of this TERRIBLE affordable Care act. $12000 a year will go a long way towards providing and protecting my family.


I have to put food on the table first plus we all know that you get homeless service with obamacare at best and IF or when it works, now we are starting to see what happens when you let the government take power over the people and don’t forget every 2 years obamacare will go up. so, what’s next, $50 a month if you want to see your family? here in FL we need a license just to go fishing and of course that cost money too. yet we say, this is the home of the free!!! maybe it’s home of the free for the government to do as they please with people. when are we going to stop relying on the government?


You are of course entitled to your own perspective, but I am confused about the “homeless services with Obamacare at best” and I just wanted to clarify for readers that “Obamacare” insurers are private insurers… often the same private insurers that sell insurance off-marketplace in a given region. Usually a Insurers’ provider network (and thus quality of care one can get) is the exact same providers available to those who purchase insurance on the ACA marketplace or off.

Charles A Barraclough

It s not about heathcare it’s about money..alot of people that make well over 100000 a year and now have no insurance. they want 1500 to 2500 a month to help pay for others
I have worked 60 to 80 hours a week
For 38 years. And now I have no insurance. If I need medical .I pay for
It. If I can’t afford it is do without


I had to leave my job because I was being harassed and discriminated against – with that I lost my health insurance. I have a lawsuit pending but we know how that goes – time and money.

When I was working, we were still living month to month because of rent, $100,000 student loan debt and other bills. When I stopped working and my income went to $0, I qualified for $0.00 help with insurance because my husband makes too much. If I want health insurance I need to be ready to pay $800 a month or more – even through Fidelis! AND I just got fined for not having it when I paid my taxes! This is a joke.

Even if I gave up my vehicles (my husband’s way of getting to work), my cable and internet and my groceries, I still couldn’t pay that and then I’d have no way of making money at all anyway!

Where else can I turn to besides Obamacare? I guess I’ll never have kids.


You forgot the part where they get fined if they don’t sign up…


While it is true that many face a fine if they do not have coverage (at least through 2019), but those who are low income are automatically exempt from the fee and those financial hardships are also eligible for exemptions, but you have to apply for most of them in order to have the fee waived. There are several other hardships as well, consider applying for an exemption if you are unable to afford the coverage available to you: https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-exemptions-list/

Andrea Weatherford

I am very afraid I have Chiari Syringomyelia. I have read what is known about Ryan Paul and the presidents new plan. My condition is chronic little is know I have taken care of my whole family until their deaths. I have a feeling of such hopelessness all I am asking is to be able to afford my medications. I have worked all my life I just did not make any money and now I being punished for being sick. WOW


Finally gave up on any medical coverage. I used to pay 170/mo before Obama care, 10 dollar doctor visits, 10 dollar prescriptions. Then it went up to 345/mo and now 504/mo just to have decent medical insurance?

I’m done.


Try applying for an exemption so you can just get a catastrophe plan and avoid a penalty. Apply for Medicaid, save your rejection and send this as proof with your exemption application.


Age 55-64, married, filing separately

I don’t qualify for assistance due to my income being above the ACA’s threshold (and working longer is not an option). There are no alternatives in my state.
45% of my monthly pension pays for healthcare premiums, etc., but I’m healthy and don’t use much healthcare.
I’m tempted to go without and just pay the penalty (until Medicare kicks in). It’s a risk but would be a huge cost-savings. If I do get sick, out of pocket expenses are much more affordable. As it is, I’m slowly going broke.
How will the ACA help the millions of people in this situation?


Well, under the current system I would consider getting a bare bones bronze plan that was HSA eligible and then maxing that out.

I feel like I might be slightly confused here, as to clarify you are above the 400% poverty level and not below it, right?

Obviously the situation and advice is a little different for each, but generally: Catastrophic coverage with an HSA is a good middle ground (it almost functions like not having insurance but allows for great tax savings).

Under the Trump plan you might be better off, in that you might be able to buy even cheaper junkier HSA qualifying insurance + claim an age based tax credit. So in those ways the plan is good (and I think if we can all work on it together it could even be great-for-real).

With that said, lets put aside everything. What you want is what we all want: 1. emergency protection so you don’t go bankrupt in a worst case and 2. less costs as possible. I don’t see how anything less than a cheap HSA eligible does that if you are far over 400% with no flexibility. You can also use short term, but I don’t see how that would save you much money (and if the fee is enforced you would still incur it).

However if you are under then there is additional advice that I won’t offer here.

This is all complicated by the fact that the mandate may not be enforced. The whole repeal thing really tossed things up in the air, but as you know, they were already up there for some people anyway (of course this was also true before the law).

But really though, Single Payer catastrophic and HSAs for all would be such a better plan. But the people didn’t pick Bernie, and here we are.


You keep suggesting to get the cheaper Bronze plan and get an HSA to subsidies it. you are ignorant to think most people have a gold or silver plan to start with. I cannot afford to pay the $817 a month for the Bronze plan! That is for myself and 2 daughters. Do you think I have money left over to put into an HSA? You are soooo out of touch.
This country better get ready to see record breaking bankruptcies! This is an economy killer!


So, I am offering the help I can. The Republican plan focused less on assistance and more on HSAs. So “the fix” being offered would have been worse for you. I bet that isn’t what you have as a vision in your mind. Really though, check it out: https://obamacarefacts.com/the-difference-between-obamacare-and-trumpcare/

I’m not, as a person, out of touch. I am crunching numbers based on how assistance works and offering advice.


Obamacare is designed to kill us thank you for killing the American dream single handedly


Why would a healthcare plan kill people… that makes literally no sense.

Desperate and Terrified

Since the beginning of 2017, I officially make less money than the poverty line (less than $11k a year), so I can no longer qualify for the tax credit. I lose money, so they increase my insurance from $50/ month to $300/ month? Because that makes sense. I live in a state that did not expand Medicaid. I am not healthy enough to get a second job, which is why I desperately need my insurance so much. But I’m not sick enough to get disability. I’m currently having to choose between paying for insurance and paying my rent. What do I do?


If I can’t afford Obamacare what makes you think I could afford to fine that Obama said you have to pay what’s the purpose of fineing somebody who can’t afford Obamacare


Generally if you can’t afford it that you are exempt. This is explained on form 8965 https://obamacarefacts.com/form-8965-health-coverage-exemptions/


I want you to know this. I have paid a lot of taxes in my lifetime because I always made a good income.

I am 63 years old and lost my job on January 5th, 2017. For the first time in my life, I have no health insurance because the premiums are so high and we made a decent income last year so, that means I get no subsidies from Obama care and oh lucky me I live in Texas and cannot get Medicaid. It is a case of either buy food and pay house payment or buy health insurance. We elected not to starve.

I had cancer 4 years ago consequently I have no money in the bank because of medical expenses. My wife and I can barely make ends meet.
I get checked by Md Anderson every 6 months to make sure it is not coming back. I can no longer afford to go. So, I guess I will just have to roll the dice.

I have paid taxes my whole life. Now when my wife and I need help I cannot get. it is so ironic that only the people who have never paid taxes can get subsidized health insurance.


This Obamacare is a big fat lie. Why would my coverage be $400 per month and my friend who has two kids is $30? Uh, wth? I earn $6000 per year. That’s right six thousand dollars per year. I enjoy getting to pay no FINE on my federal taxes every year. Fly a big flipping kite, and quit expecting people to willingly feed you their information into your database for who knows what.


This explanation is pure BS to someone who works 15 hrs per week @ minimum wage. Obamacare sucks for the poorest of the poor and my great state of GA hasn’t bought in to Medicaid’s, so I’m screwed by both political parties, as I continue to hunt for full-time employment opportunities with a BSBA degree.
What a let-down program. I’d be better off enlisting in the Armed Forces.


You are right in that TRICARE is actually a good healthcare program. Amazing what happens when an institution puts healthcare before politics. Although, VA isn’t as impressive, so I don’t wanna get too ahead of myself.


Our government is such a freaking joke. I make $22,00 a year. The government takes 16% out of each paycheck I earn. Which leaves me with about $1,700 a month.

I have to pay for rent ($525), car payment ($325), car insurance ($165) ,gas ($120) utilities ($80), internet ($65), groceries ($250), phone bill ($75).

This adds up to $1,605 a month. Which leaves me with a whopping extra $95 per month to buy anything else. Now I don’t get my tax refund because I couldn’t afford 1 more bill. If fact now I owe $200 this year on taxes now.

I’m struggling to even pay my monthly bills. Now the IRS says I owe them after robbing me of 16% of my total income for the year. The system is completely broken!


The healthcare tax penalty feels like a punishment. I’ve been struggling to stay on top of my bills with just the minimum payments each month and cannot afford to pay for health coverage. My job does not offer health coverage. I don’t qualify for financial assistance because I make a little too much per year. I don’t have kids so I guess I’m being punished for that too since that’s another way to get reduced cost health coverage. I don’t qualify in the other areas that are mentioned as ways of getting reduced cost coverage. I have “successfully” been struggling with my debt before this new health regime came into play a few years ago and would love to get coverage but I CANT AFFORD ANOTHER EXPENSE!!!! I already pay to see my doctors, pay the lab bills and pay for whatever prescriptions I need out of pocket. Why give a penalty for people that want to try to work their way out of debt without declaring bankruptcy? It’s like the government is giving it to us on both ends….We stressfully manage to pay for our health care out of pocket but because we don’t sign up for something that will DEFINITELY put us further in debt, we get hit with a penalty at tax time. ITS UNFAIR TO ASK PEOPLE TO GO INTO FURTHER DEBT FOR HEALTH COVERAGE THEY CANNOT AFFORD!!!!! Again, some of us want health coverage but we fall into this bracket of people that CANNOT AFFORD IT!!!!! ITS IS NOT AFFORDABLE FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!! I’m VERY FRUSTRATED AS I TRY TO GET COVERAGE EVERY YEAR AND DON’T HAVE A WAY TO GET SOMETHING “AFFORDABLE”. I just called and spoke to someone about getting the tax penalty waived somehow and was told to look into an 8965 health coverage exemption form. It still seems like someone else is deciding for me what I can afford.


Good luck with getting anything free if you a working class citizen… grrrr. My dh and I work full time and can’t afford this damn obamacare health insurance. It’s absolutely crazy. More than my mortgage. I think they want normal people to quit there damn job and go on welfare. NOT in a million years!!! I have worked for anything I ever wanted or needed. But can’t afford health insurance anymore. So pissed right now…….


Single mom of two grade school aged kids. I make $11 an hour, work 35 hours a week, and get $560 a month in child support. I had to turn down a $1 an hour raise because I would lose my Medicaid health insurance completely if I made just one more dollar an hour! That raise would certainly not offset any of the “affordable” healthcare plans. I would have to double my income to afford real insurance. So what will I do? Keep my crappy yet flexible job close to home and my 100% free insurance because f*** Obama. Medicaid used to be tiered so you could work your way up in a company while paying in just a little more each month to Medicaid until you finally could afford to get off it. Not anymore! Now I’m stuck on it while racking up interest on my student loans which obviously I can’t afford to make payments on. So much for the land of opportunity…


OBamacrap is sh!t. I make too much hourly and after bills, expenses and child support (which is about the same as my monthly premium), my wife (disabled) and I live off ramen and potatoes and thats if we are lucky. Every single week we stress about gas money just to make it to work. It would be a lot easier if we werent taxed for everything and then penalized (taxed some more), for not being able to afford “health insurance”. I don’t get why I have to pay for lazy no good sh1tsticks, like obama and all his look like they are working piece of shit politician buddies as well as the too damn lazy to work a$$holes in the U.S.


I may be forced to pay 2400 in fines because I did not have health insurance for 4 months after being forced to resign from my job or be fired because I was out of work to long, due to battling with mental health issues after having a friend commit suicide. I had severe depression before losing my job due to the death of my friend, and this only compounded the problem, plus I lost medical coverage. I did not receive Unemployment until a month and a half after losing my job, so all of my bills were backed up. When my unemployment came in I wasn’t thinking about medical coverage, just getting my life back in order. Medicaid would not have worked because I don’t believe I need free medical insurance, other people are in much more worst situation; plus I was only without income for a month, and my unemployment would disqualify me for medicaid. I did eventually apply for obamacare and even with the assistance, I wouldn’t be able to pay the premium due to all of my other bills. But their is no exemption for my situation. So I’m forced to pay that ridiculous amount when I will barely make $33,000 this year?? How does that make any sense? I have no income in my savings and have loan companies calling me daily looking for money. Just got a new job this month, IDK how this makes any sense. Not to mention they want you to pay the higher amount of the 2.5% or $695 a month.


Some people seem to be getting the amount of the penalty wrong; it’s 2.5% or $695 ANNUALLY divided 1/12 for every month you are without insurance. So if you made $40,000 for the year and did not have health insurance for 4 months, your penalty is $333.33 ($1,000 / 12 * 4) or if you made $30,000 your penalty is $250.00 ($750 / 12 * 4) or if you made $25,000 the penalty will be $231.66 ($695 / 12 * 4). The last one is an insult because it really penalizes the poor. I am a republican believer in some type of ACA but this plan harms the poorest of poor if they don’t sign up; particularly those who have some kind of illness or financial situation that precludes them from acting wisely. I live in Massachusetts where we have a decent program but I became unemployed in June of 2016 and did not get approved for unemployment for 8 weeks and could not afford COBRA. I went 4 months without insurance. I’m only working a temporary job right now at $16.50 an hour because I can’t find anything better and I have an MBA (that’s what we call 4.8% unemployment). So basically, I get a giant F-U. I’m sorry, but it’s shameful for people making $35,000 to go broke with crappy insurance and any kind of illness while others who work part time or not at all do better. It’s not a fair system. And don’t give me that “Jones” crap. In the meantime, our Democrat Speaker of the House just voted himself a nice $45,000 pay raise and I can’t find a job making that much in a year. THIS IS WHY TRUMP WON. That’s my $.02… thought I would try to be somewhat constructive.

The Struggle Is Real

Complete BS. I’m a full time Engineering student with no outside help other than student loans, making less than $14k a year with two jobs and my lowest cost option is STILL $200/month. It’s absolutely impossible to afford.


So, by the book, $14k a year, you qualify for dirt cheap coverage… you didn’t fill out the form right or are citing employer coverage. Simply, you are not correct in your assessment and this is provable with little more than this chart: https://obamacarefacts.com/2016-2017-federal-poverty-guidelines/

The struggle for you then… it is not real.

You are misunderstanding your options. Your cost should be like, no kidding here, $30 a month or so with limited out-of-pocket costs (rough estimate based on your family size and income).

Well I mean, that was before everyone voted for Trump. Repeal and replace will change things. The struggle for you, as one who seems to be going into the Trump era without coverage, may get real real. As you may not have coverage options.

Do yourself a favor, sign up at healthcare.gov with cost assistance by midnight on Tuesday January 31st, 2017 (today).


I live in the SF Bay Area and after rent, food, phone, utilities, transportation I pay about $2000 and make about $2300. That leaves me with $300 for dining out, entertainment, medicine, clothes or whatever sudden costs spring up. I make twice as much as poverty level so I don’t qualify for Medi-Cal (CA version of MediCaid). When I fill out application for Covered California( CA version of “affordable” care act) it says the lowest per month plan is $350 a month and that is with $75 co pays and big deductibles. I tried that last year and had to stop because I was falling behind. What can I do? I have some skin condition and can’t get help!!


Just say you roughly made 16,000 in 2016 can you still qualify for Obamacare?


Not in most states. If your income projections are vastly different from your previous years income, then you’ll likely need to demonstrate that you had a change to your financial situation. On top of that, you’d be expected to pay back any tax credits you received or, in the case on Medicaid, you could be prosecuted for fraud and face huge financial penalties.

It’s best to be as honest as you can be and estimate as close as possible.


Shame on the IRS and the federal government in general for extorting the American people under this unfair and corrupt law.


My husband and I have 5 children. One of our children are severely disabled and is on Medicaid and CAPC. However, a plan for myself (a former cancer patient), my husband and children will cost over $700.00 a month. My husband makes $6000.00 a month. There is NO way we can afford that bill. What can our family do? I also, have two children with asthma and one who struggles with anemia. They need care. A couple of our kids have cavities we can’t afford to have repaired.


I got exemption last year but I cannot get one this year. My situation has not changed from last year. I don’t understand it


Some exemption are subject to change, if you explain which one we might be able to offer insight.


So this all means because the government thinks its “affordable” i have to pay even though it really isn’t for me because I pay a mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, food, gas for my vehicle so I can get to my job where i work 40 hours per week for $15.00 per hour. I get paid twice a month. Yes my gross income is approximately $2,400 per month, however, my take home pay after taxes (the only thing i have taken out of my check) is $1,680 per month. My living expenses are: $1,350 mortgage, property taxes, homeowners insurance, $90 electricity (that’s with the low income discount; thanks to the recent utility increase), $60 car insurance, $40 gas for my vehicle so i can get back and forth to work, $30 water. This leaves me with approximately $27 a week for food. Oh but wait, the lowest health insurance i can get is $83 per month so I guess I’ll go on a severe diet because that leaves me $6.75 a MONTH for food! Oh I guess I could sell my house, but why? Because the government thinks this is all Affordable?!


What do you do if you cant afford health insurance and the state also denies you health insurance? What about coverage for a young child being denied by the state? I make very little monthly income….


I love Obamacare! Wish it wasn’t going away 🙁


Couldn’t afford insurance because I didn’t have a job. Finally got a job and insurance and penalized for not having insurance the months I did not have a job. Thanks Obama for taking my ENTIRE tax return!


Hey, people you want real advice?? Get out there and demand change! Get big money out of politics, make it illegal to be a billionaire! Come on people! Wake up!


our household of 4 makes maybe 28000 a year. my kids are covered; but my husband and i have to come up with 400+ a month for insurance. how can that be affordable when i have a house payment, utilities bills, KIDS…..

William Thomas Palmer

This is a joke $350 dollars for the Obama care. I only have $150.00 left after I pay my bills every two weeks. I assume they want to to just not pay a bill, walk to work because I won’t be able to afford gas to get there, and not to mention I work at ten different buildings a night. Fuck I’m already on the Obama diet all I have to say is Fuck you Obama and all you bitches that thinks it’s okay to work at a job that screws people over everyday. If this shit don’t go away I will be moving the fuck out of the crap ass country! I’LL NEVER PAY $350.00 FOR SOMETHING I CAN’T AFFORD AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO USE! TAKE THIS OBAMACARE, AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!


What if you do not want healthcare? Is it really a law to have healthcare?! Why is his being shoved down our throats. How can you charge someone for not having healthcare? That is insane!


If you can’t pay auto insurance, you don’t own a car. That makes sense. But what happens when you can’t pay health insurance these days? Based on our income, we are told we can afford “xyz” health insurance. Really? I say, Please Show me how! My husband and I pay over 800 a month in healthcare with premiums and out of pocket plus dental and eye care that aren’t even covered. We pay all this out and still pay more because we haven’t met a deductible. We are struggling to pay health insurance. We have never been so much in debt as we are right now. Non of these options have helped me so far. And I may even be penalized from last year because I couldn’t afford it for a few months (and still can’t). Which is humorous. I’m going to owe money for NOT having money. Looking for a real solutions. Please help!


I pray to god that something works out for all of us. I pray that some how I will be able to support my family.
I have never been without health coverage but since losing my job a few months ago and just got benefits from my current employer, premiums are over out affordability measures.
My wife has health issues and she is not covered by her employer so I have to add her and our daughter to my plan. That plan is $1300 a month. LORD I beg of you!

Patricia Lynn Arnold

Im having great difficulty meating my deductible in order to get my medicine. They asking 200.for deductible n 50.00 copay for savella scrip. Im so afraid


Last year I made about $2000 (Full Time Student) – But the lowest cost is $350/month which is about 250% more than I make a month.


Generally people in your income bracket are best off with Medicaid. The full-price plans are going to be unaffordable without cost assistance and you don’t make enough for tax credits.


“There isn’t always a good answer to not being able to afford coverage, but..” and ” it’s of course not an easy question to answer, and we feel for people finding themselves in this position…” Please, spare readers the platitudes. The fact is that very many families and individuals are BARELY surviving as it is, and being REQUIRED to pay an additional health care tax when we can’t make ends meet living the most humble lives already is criminal.

No, there isn’t “always a good answer to not being able to afford coverage” so long as one is FORCED to accept coverage. Some of us have already resigned ourselves to just dying if/when we get sick b/c we can’t afford treatment and we can’t afford coverage. At least we’d rather die without the additional threats for not paying yet another bill we didn’t elect and we simply cannot afford. In the meantime, please don’t pour salt on the would with saccharine, specious, vacuous expressions of pity.

Sorry for any negative consequences of an Obamacare repeal for those who are benefitting from the so-called Affordable Healthcare Act, but many of us who’re barely staying alive as is realize no one’s out there for us anyway, so we just can’t subsidize other people’s healthcare. Good luck, everybody.


Tens of millions of lives on the line, lots of middle class struggling with costs, lots of poor struggling with health, a giant healthcare economy, and a politicized law. I get the frustration, but we aren’t “placating” we are trying to illustrate to all sides that this complex issue is rough on many but not something that can be solved with all-or-nothing purely Republican or Democratic solutions.

Even in your valid message, you are politicizing the law as much as we were placating. But it simply isn’t “all good” or “all bad”, just look at all the different types of comments.

If a government can’t address healthcare? What is the point? Healthcare, education, and other basics are 100% in the scope of government. These are basics. We can’t just replace with nothing.

I can’t remove my empathy, not with a struggling middle class and millions of sick and suffering. We can and must do better.


You’re not paying attention to what people in this comment section are saying. If ACA works for YOU, congratulations. It doesn’t work for others of us. Period. You may call that politicizing, but I disagree. I’ve been independent my whole voting life, and while it’s inevitable to include politics in broad social policy discussions, the objections in this comment section concern largely families’ (and individuals’) inability to pay premiums/copays/deductibles (not mere disinterest in paying these). It is not a matter of priority, but rather of literal survival–which many of us are not doing. The comments here only scratch the surface of how much citizens are suffering from fees/taxes/bills we’re required to pay but don’t have the funds to finance.

It’s time to throw out ACA. Your responses to people sharing that they are dying slowly from the ever growing bills–of which this is yet another FORCED onto us–are largely hollow, no offense meant. I am firmly behind efforts to repeal ACA. Yes, I would like some type of health care in place, but if I cannot afford it AND am required to pay for it nonetheless, then that is worse than not having healthcare and not being penalized for the fact I can’t afford it. Either way, I can’t afford to seek medical help AND, as you’ve demonstrated in the answers to the desperate pleas here, for very, very many of us there are no solutions besides squeezing blood from stones.


Listen, I do get and respect those points. However, what I think some don’t get is that there are real tens of millions got covered for the first time under the ACA. I’ve met people who have had their lives saved.

Do I care about the economics of the middle class? Of course I do! I grew up middle class, why would I not care?

Will I sit here and not play Devil’s advocate when you try to put yourself about the sick, suffering, and poor though? Nope. That is not going to happen, no point in asking for it or expecting it.

Feel free to throw accusations at me, but I read too many comments each day to take the viewpoint of only one. I know many sides of this, left right, this ideology that one, this class that one.

On a page where everyone says “oh no, i’m the victim, healthcare isn’t in my budget” i’m like “yes! Exactly the problem the other family is having”.

It matters that ANYONE doesn’t have access to affordable coverage. The difference is, the family on Medicaid, they aren’t calling to have your coverage taken away, they are just praying you don’t call to have theirs taken away.

We need reform, we personally wanted single payer, but we can’t be expected to just concede with one viewpoint. Still, read the thread, we advise and empathize (and are skewered for both) pretty consistently.


Hi, read my comment. I make six-thousand per year and only qualify for $400 per month policies. I am healthy.

Really? it cant be fixed huh? take look at denmark and they’re healthcare coverage and follow suit.Please dont give us that B.S that it cannot be fixed because it can but the greedy politicians in office dont want to have to go without their yachts and vacations.Pretty sad born WORKING Americans are actually thinking of moving out of the supposible “greatest country” over the government robbing its Citizens Blind weather its being in bed with the Greedy coporate insurance companies or taking tax returns from people who cannot afford a monthly health insurance premium..thats sick.Btw would LOVE to know the type of paycheck the people that support or put these policies in place I guarantee you all of em make at minimum 200k a year.


I don’t think we would have claimed that things “can’t be fixed”, our whole goal here is to help people understand the ACA so we can move forward toward “fixing” our healthcare system.

If you google “single payer”, you’ll find this page: https://obamacarefacts.com/single-payer/ (lots of useful resources there).

Not tooting our own horn, but rather illustrating that we are actually part of the effort to continually reform our nation’s healthcare system for the good of the people.


Its over $400 for the cheapest plan in my state, with my income. I’m over thirty, single, and make less than 30K a year. I get discounts, but even if I used just half of that per month, I’d have to pay back $2400! That’s a 10th of my annual income! How am I suppose to pay that?! And I find out that if I don’t have coverage I owe you $700!? I was denied medicaid because I earn too much, and my job doesn’t have insurance options for me! I cannot afford this, if I don’t take the discounts I have to pay nearly a 1/4 of my monthly income, and if I do take the discounts I have to pay back 10 to 20% of my yearly income back to the system. How is this fair?!


Car loan, rent, food, bills, student loan, Gas and some how I can afford a 220$ a month insurance???? What is this? On top of that I get penalized if I don’t have coverage!?!?!? I don’t get it, if I had enough to pay for health care I’d have it! I have insurance for dental and vision because they are 14$ a month and I actually use them! Even if I was to get insurance the copays are so high I’d never use it! Why do they use Gross income? That’s not how much I actually see! No one gets 100% of their paid in taxes back. I’m so lost as to why this is actually a thing. I’m 21, just got out of school, Starting my career and I’m already drowning, kick me down some more why don’t you?


If me and my husband divorce but remain at the same address can I then get Obamacare using just my income? Or will they make me still include his income? We have a large IRS bill coming up that we cannot pay and keep paying for Obamacare. His job insures him but not me. I have had a couple heart attacks about 8 years ago so don’t want to chance no insurance. We are in California.
Any other suggestions?


You all got what you wanted now. Trump in power, all sick people without money can just drop dead.




me and my wife between us we can pay our bills only just barely i even had health insurance but my hours were cut just enough that we had to drop our health insurance provided by my company i was working with
now were getting mail saying we have to sign up for this but we still cant afford it
we’ve already looked at coverage’s they’re more expensive than what my place of work was offering and we just cant afford it
if we’re still not exempt from this are we going to be forced into debt to have this health insurance?


Everybody can’t get Medicaid I make to much to be considered able I’m a 100 above being able to do bitch what you want us to be lazy


I always said damn you Obama this is the most stupid thing you could have done of course the rich rarely get penalized because they could afford health insurance but to the lower class I can’t get ahead worth a damn you uncle Tom piece of shit


I have no income yet was eligible for coverage thru exchange. 525 A MONTH AND 3500 DEDUCTIBLE! I had coverage thru Parkland healthcareplus, but now I cant get it because I wasnt denied by exchange, which according to an agent never happens. Now I cant get to see my doctor or get my perscriptions.


I have to many bills i can’t afford another one I can’t get medicaid or medicare even if i could afford insurance if something happened I couldn’t afford the 10.000 dollar deductible so why have it it would do me no good then they take my refund it’s rediculous I can’t believe people think Obama care is good


I’m a senior with diabetes and can’t afford health insurance.one simple reason I MAKE TO MUCH!
I’ll take a minute to explain.with my pension and S.S. and my wife has a part time seasonal job we make to much to qulify for any assistance programs.due to both of our health problems we were never able to have children so just two in household.
With our house payment car note and all other monthly bills there is nothing left.Our house is now in for closer.
Don’t know where to turn?


Both my husband and I work, we have 4 children. He has insurance through his employer, but I do not. Both income combined, we make enough to get by. If I start having to pay the monthly premium we will have no gas or grocery money left, but I don’t qualify for any assistance. I don’t know what to do.


I am in Ohio . Could not afford it last year and can’t afford 2017 either. What a joke. I do not qualify for subsidies. Who can honestly afford a $400+ a month payment???? Thats a car payment.There are no special credits to use. It is what it is. The deductibles are a joke.How is this crap legal????The plans on the site do not offer any out of network coverage which there is always an out of network service somehow that sneaks in .Who has 10grand laying around for a deductible. I should really stay at home and live off of the government. What the hell am I working for.


Prior to the ACA many people faced premiums over $700 for an individual (with $5,000+ deductibles) due to discrimination based on pre-existing conditions (“conditions” which included things like seasonal allergies, migraines, and rape). I know that this little bit of information probably doesn’t make you feel any better about your $400/month insurance, which I agree is still too much, but for those of us who faced insanely high premiums or no coverage options at all prior to the ACA… $400 seems like a steal.

The projections for premium increased in the very near future is looking pretty bleak for everyone. Everyone will feel the weight of a strained safety net as federal funding that pays for skyrocketing premiums also skyrockets.


We don’t qualify for any assistance. If we purchase a high deductible plan- it is double our mortgage. We don’t have that kind of money. My son is hurt and we can’t get any care because of no insurance. We are married, working, healthy and yet cannot afford any of these “options”. What are we supposed to do?


There are real families in this situation, and aside “get an HSA with a sliver plan and shop around” there isn’t much solid advice as to how to combat high costs without cost assistance. No perfect answer today, but not sure there was a perfect answer before the law either.


Yes there is y’all is retarded cancel this or we could petition to get this out of here cause he messed up everything with this if you knew people was barely getting by already my job offers health insurance for 200 a month that’s bs what about real fuckin bills fuck that health insurance shit we all gonna die anyway I’ll rather die living decent in a place than paying for health insurance with no place




I am a single 27 year old woman with yearly income of just under $13,000. Marketplace sent back a number so I won’t be fined on taxes and said I quality for MS Medicaid but that the state of MS doesn’t offer it to me since I have no children and am not pregnant. What other options are there for me?


So I applied, I am an independent this year (yay, guess that means I am an adult now), I don’t have enough income, I receive no premium tax credit to help pay for my healthcare plan through the Healthcare.gov but also can’t afford it because I have bills and just paying for a plan that is over $200 doesn’t allow me to pay for my bills, and to top it all off I apparently can’t receive medicaid because I don’t make enough. What am I supposed to do?


So now we are in 2017.
Last year I worked as a caterer for events. I basically worked via word of mouth. After developing Tendonitis in both arms(repetitive chopping)and major lower back pain(from constantly stooping due to my excessive height 6′ 7″), I was unable to work for 6 months last year. I grossed 12k.
Without insurance I reluctantly applied for Public Assistance and Medicaid(it was a humiliating process). I was immediately denied Medicaid because I didn’t have any children! Now I was raised with the thought process of not creating “unwanted babies”. I live in Texas and I applied for a total of SIX times and was denied everytime! So, I can’t afford health insurance and I cannot get Medicaid because I don’t believe in making babies to burden the world… It’s a messed up situation.
You’re given special treatment for having lots of babies but screwed for being responsible??? Meanwhile, seeing migrant workers and legal citizens driving pricy brand new vehicles and dropping their pregnant wives off at State funded hospitals to get FREE medical???
I thought Public Assistance was their if at some point you need it. Instead, those who REALLY need it are denied.


I lost my job in December and have no job in 2017, I was denied assistance because I’m making $0 this year, plus my state doesn’t offer Medicaid. I was told to check out a clinic…? Really?


Don’t worry all, you don’t qualify if you don’t have a job and can’t hold one down because you need health care either. At least in PeeAay.
Thanks barry.


I am so disgusted. I lose my ENTIRE tax return every year because I am penalized for not being able to afford coverage. My tax return is usually used to pay a TAX BILL!!!
THIS IS INSANE. I make about 15,000 a year. Why are people be punished for being poor?!?!


If your state has expanded Medicaid, you can enroll anytime. If not, you can qualify for an exemption from the requirement to have health insurance by being denied Medicaid. There are also other hardship exemptions you can apply for through healthcare.gov.

Also, if your income were below the filing threshold, there’s an automatic exemption. From the IRS: “If your income is below the filing threshold for your filing status and you choose to file a tax return, use Part II of Form 8965, Coverage Exemptions for Your Household Claimed on Your Return, to claim a coverage exemption. You should not make a shared responsibility payment if you are exempt from the coverage requirement because you have income below the filing threshold.

I hope that you find a solution that works for you.


My employer dropped our insurance when obamacare came in .now I have no insurance because I can’t afford the affordable care insurance. I am sick and hurting ,but I can’t go to the doctor. I have bills that I have to pay each.month and have no extra money .when I get my income taxs I get penalized for not having insurance. My tax refund was the way I paid my land taxs and purchased propane gas to heatr my home now that’s been affect. Just who is this affordable for.


By the time I pay taxes, bills, and rent I barely have enough to eat and put gas in the car to go to work. I’ve tried Healthcare.gov and I still can’t find anything I can afford and I’m told I don’t qualify for Medicaid.

What is a person in my situation suppose to do?


Forget Obamacare. Join a Healthcare Ministry. You will be exempt from the obamacare penalty. http://www.samaritanministries.org


Healthcare Sharing Ministries are a good choice for some people. They aren’t considered insurance, so they aren’t required to provide the same type of coverage. They can cancel your plan at anytime and tend to do so if you’ve violated the agreement to healthy living/faith they require. I know some people for whom are very happy with their healthcare sharing ministry and it matches their lifestyle choices and values. Some have reported getting dropped unexpectedly or unfairly, so be sure to tell people you give that advice to that they need to actually share the values and live the lifestyle or they are definitely taking a big risk.

Happy Obama is Leaving

If OBAMACARE is SO good, why doesn’t Barack, Michelle and the girls go on it. I work for a large company and have insurance, for which I am grateful and blessed…HOWEVER, I just had an MRI…with insurance $3800, but if I chose to pay cash, it as only $382! OBAMACARE has jacked up the insurance so much that many of the major insurance companies are bailing out too!


The term “AFFORDABLE” Health care Act is a complete joke. I work 44 hrs per week, every week. I make about $32,500 per year and the least I could possible pay in monthly premiums is about $265 per month, with a 4k-5k deductible for myself. I’m a single parent..I have to keep a roof over my son’s head, clothes on his back, shoes on his feet, food on the table, electricity, heat a water. I can’t even afford cable. Its completely ridiculous.. they expect you to pay $300 per month in premiums and still be unable to go to the doctor, because you cannot afford to pay 4k-5k out of pocket before the insurance even picks up small amounts of the costs. I personally have an autoimmune condition and several other health issues as a result. I now have no insurance and had to stop all meds, because I’m considered to make too much for help from Medicaid a the “subsidy” from the marketplace is a completely useless $58. I basically just have to wait to get so ill that I’m hospitalized and hope I can make it to a county hospital in time, then if I make it out, look forward to thousands of dollars in medical bills. Its such a shame the way this country is run. The government will help with all kinds of things if you choose to not work and just stay home to have children or work a few hours per week, but severely punishes anyone who tries to do right and work to support themselves and their family. I personally know many women who don’t work, or work a few hours per week, but are given subsidized homes in the suburbs, utility allotments monthly, help purchasing and/or fixing vehicles, FULL coverage Medicaid, food assistance and free child care. Yet, I work 40+ hours per week, have a degree that I’m paying loans on and can’t get anything but fined for not having enough to afford my medications, let alone pay $260 a month for coverage that is completely useless. The good old USA, where you’re punished for trying to do right. Something needs to be done… but I guess that one way to depopulate the planet in their eyes, can’t afford you meds, can’t afford to go to the doctor, so eventually you’ll be one less person here to bother them about trying to find a way to afford to stay alive… Especially when the local government already has poisoned the water supply for years.


I needed medical treatment so I went to an urgent care walk in clinic. Result was a prescription for antibiotic and ibuprofen, I have infection in my teeth. I don’t have any medical insurance and I paid for my visit to a doctor and I went in knowing exactly what was wrong and knowing exactly what I needed. So should I be penalized for not having health insurance? Financial situation is I have a job but if it weren’t for a kind relative letting me rent a room I would be homeless. Seems my Gross income is just over the cap for medical through welfare and it’s not available through my employer. There should be an exemption for people who actually pay for medical when they need it or in my case when they save up to have funds for it.


Have you tried applying for Marketplace insurance? If your employer doesn’t offer insurance then you would be eligible for cost assistance for premiums and potentially for deductibles and copays too (given you described being just over the income for Medicaid eligibility?). However, if the least expensive insurance you are offered is more than 8.13% of your families income you can apply for an exemption from the requirement to have insurance and you wouldn’t owe the fee. You must apply at Healthcare.gov.


Hello, I’m 26 and I do not have a stable enough job to pay for insurance. What’s the better option, not getting health insurance or paying the $185/month health insurance that North Carolina says is the cheapest plan I can get.

I cannot afford $185 a month.


Family of 3, making $45k a year in Michigan. Lowest plan I can get is $565 a month, which is more than my mortgage. Please explain how I am supposed to afford that.


It isn’t. Those numbers mean the cheapest plan you are being offered is 15% of income. Anyone whose cheapest plan is over 8.13% of income can apply for an affordability exemption through healthcare.gov and would be exempt from the requirement to have insurance or owe the fee. Unfortunately, it appears you also make just a little to much to be eligible for CHIP in Michigan (212% FPL or $42,739 for a family of 3). CHIP eligibility is based on your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) though. This is lower than your gross and there are a number of ways to reduce your MAGI score, so that maybe a way for you to get your children coverage through CHIP in Michigan. In addition, the cost assistance you are eligible for on the Marketplace is also based on MAGI, so you’d be eligible for more cost assistance to cover yourself on a marketplace plan to just cover yourself. I hope that this information helps.


I can’t wait to move out of this country. Look at the statistics for most other countries and you will see that insurance is either free or less than half the cost it is in America. I am a student in college and have a part time job and there is just no way I can afford ANY type of insurance. I can’t afford to even eat some times. Insurance in this company is a giant money making scheme between the government and insurance companies designed to keep poor people poor and rich people rich…. maybe more people will move to other countries like me instead of throwing more money into these greedy rich peoples pockets. I refuse to help insurance companies profit off of the suffering of others.


All these options are not acceptable. If someone has a high deductible, they most likely will not be able to pay the deductible. This country must stop fleecing its citizens on something as important as health care. Even with insurance, I found myself instantly $800 in debt because of an emergency rm visit. All I needed was some anti anxiety meds until I was able to c a Dr. That visit was $2300!!! My ins paid $1500. That was March 2016. I’m still trying to pay this off. Most dental ins is so poor that people are afraid to go because they will immediately be thrust into debt. The negative BS we are given about European healthcare is just that.. BS. I have family in Europe and there is no problem.


I only make 750 Dollars a month, How do I get Obama Care and then how do I pay for my doctor visits and the high detectable when i have to go to the hospital.
So I am forced to have Obama Care but will not be able to pay when I get sick. or even pay just to go and see a doctor or even pay for medicine. What type of insurance is this.


Your income is low enough that if your state has expanded Medicaid you’d qualify for free insurance. If your state hasn’t expanded Medicaid, than you would need to be able to project income over 100% of the Federal Poverty Level to gain access to the health insurance Marketplace, but that insurance would be highly subsidized. You’d qualify for Premium Tax Credits (which sometimes means there are plans that cost you nothing) and you’d qualify for cost sharing reduction subsidies which would be paid to your insurer to reduce your Deductible and Copays and out-of-pocket maximum for Silver Plans. For example, a plan that normally has a $5,000 deductible, a $10,000 out-of-pocket maximum, and $25 copays might end up having only a $250 deductible, a $500 out-of-pocket maximum, and $1 copays. This is just an example, insurers are given a little leeway with how they spread the Cost sharing reduction subsidies, but they must meet certain criteria (Silver Plans that cover costs like a Gold or Platinum plan). All of the plans will also cover required amount of preventative care at no cost before deductible.


I make 52000/year my new monthly cost is 425.00/month with a 6500 deductible . i cannot receive any assistance so I will pay 11600.00 before the insurance company pays a dime.That is almost 28% of my salary after taxes I will have to go without insurance because this system does not work. Does that really help keep everyone insured .


It is definitely a problem that premiums and deductibles continue to rise faster than incomes, especially for those who aren’t eligible for any cost assistance. They are required to cover the preventative care and an annual primary care visit at no cost before deductible. I know that doesn’t solve all of your financial issues in this case, but you should take advantage of that care. Additionally, if the insurance you are eligible for costs more than 8.13% you can qualify for an exemption from the mandate to have insurance or pay a fee. It doesn’t ensure you are covered in the case of a catastrophe, but you could then choose a catastrophic health plan with lower premiums (and still get the preventative care at no cost before deductible) or simply cross your fingers and use the money to pay for your care out of pocket.


It’s ridiculous. How are we supposed to get decent health insurance when you can’t go above $150 a month? I’m unemployed and most likely won’t be able to work again. My husband only makes $14.00 an hour. I’m getting top pay with unemployment but it still is very small. I wanted to get disability but I need money now. Can’t wait for disability to kick in. By law you can not be collecting unemployment while working on disability. I don’t know how the government expects people to survive. I can’t survive on my penny jar. I can’t get insurance with pre existing conditions for a low income wife and husband. Anyone have any ideas? I’ve been searching since September .2016


Under the ACA no insurer can deny you or charge more for per-existing conditions. Assuming your spouse’s employer isn’t offering you employer sponsored coverage, you should be able to get cost assistance for health insurance premiums and cost sharing reduction subsidies to reduce the deductible and copays. While it might not be below $150 a month (depends on your region, income, and the average cost of the second lowest silver plan in your area for the year). If your income is low enough and you live in a state that has expanded Medicaid, you’ll qualify for free health insurance from Medicaid and it appears that your family’s income is low enough. So, you should start there. Just FYI, once you do get on disability, you’ll be eligible for Medicare, but that is also not free. Medicare deducts premiums directly out of SSDI pay and you’ll have copays and deductibles too. If your income is low enough, you may qualify for Medicaid as a supplemental insurance, but in most states (check your state) you must “spend down” your income to 100% the federal poverty level on medical expenses before Medicaid steps in.


Just want to throw in my 2 cents. I called Covered California and said close our account. I can have crappy insurance through my work for 38 a month, can pay about 200 dollars each month for my husband, son and I to have same crap insurance. So that is 2400 a year to put a match to my money. I guess it is the same as penalty will be come tax time. And looks like we will be getting a penalty again this year since I underestimated my income by about 4 grand. I work as a manager/waitress so my income can fluctuate, hard for me to estimate. Anyhow, the so called jnsurance through work pays for nothing really, I can skype with a doctor I am told. I said What if I break my leg? Well, again would just be on my own if that happened. What a joke. Somebody is really making some money here.
Like many others I have other debt that is making it hard to afford premiums so just figure smarter to opt out. I am paying off the IRS for getting too much help one year and for quitting insurance the year before. The one year we used the insurance we saw doctor once each and my husband had some dematologist work done, our co-pay with office co-pay about 200 dollars for that one visit. Just saying, you try to use this insurance and really need to read between the lines. Preventitive care covered? Not really, there are co-pays for each service, test, and then you pay the premium. I mean Hell, I think all insurance just feels like this endless rip off unless you make enough not to be too tapped out by it. And if you have a job/income like that you probably have coverage through your employer. It is just discouraging and feels like you can’t win. Sorry, was just venting and not answering question. My answer woukd be to say there are no good answers and we are being taken for a ride. By the way, I am a democrat, I wanted to believe this could work. It hasn’t for me.


my daughter just called in tears she can’t afford healthcare!!!!!. her husband has a job, she’s a stay at home mom with a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old. She has a college education but when they saw the cost of child care, by the time she would have paid that, the money she would have brought home was nil. so she opted to stay at home till the kids are in school full time. Her husband also is college educated and works hard. He makes just enough that they do not qualify for assistance on healthcare, he works for a private small company so the benefits are high. To put my daughter and the kids on his insurance its $1800 more a month. So she has been on the Obama roller coaster from hell. She just called that re signing up for her and the kids will run $1100 a month with a $6K deductible for each of them. Basically you have no insurance. Basically you are hung out to dry and pay out of pocket on everything and with 2 little kids as anyone knows you are at the doctors with colds, strep, colds and what not all the time. Who came up with this system should be made to be on these plans. Obamas legacy won’t be Obamacare, his legacy will be how he killed the working man/woman with his healthcare. We have to have healthcare that is affordable. and if we don’t put a cork in the drain on our healthcare from people who can work but won’t work or people who come here and work and drain our system, then the US will cease to exist. It hard to tell your kids, get an education, work hard, get a job, pay your bills and life will be good. what a lie……those days are gone, I pray them come back. I pray our new President cares more about the working class than the last joker we called President. Cause he basically has left us in a row boat with no oars……..


What is the point of paying for health insurance that you can never use. In NY we pay very high rent and taxes. A one bedroom apt can go for well over $1500 a month, that is not including gas and electric, food and transportation to work and clothes. If you make $29,000 you can barely live life on that. Why should you then pay another $300 for insurance with such a high deductible that you can never use?


I feel Obamacare is unconstitutional I’m required to have health insurance that I never use and pay ridiculous amounts every month and then when you do get sick and have to go in you end up paying more then the insurance pays can we all say BS!!!!! I’m single make $18 an hour and I still can’t afford health coverage after rent bills child support there is very little left over to eat most people have to supplement their income by doing under the table jobs or illegal BS just to get by how shameful life is in America peopl that actually voted for Obama should be ashamed of themselves


I am 20. I have rent, school bills, medical bills, car insurance, car payment & my f**king self to feed. How the f**k am I supposed to fit $200+ into my already tight budget?! F**k America’s health care system.


I pay $1245 a month for rent, $170 in electric, $60 car insurance, $50 phone bill, $93.00 cable bill and $320 a month for child care for my daughter to go to daycare while I work. I make $2400 a month before taxes and bring home $2098 after taxes. I have to pay gas to and from work, which is 18 miles each way. I have to buy food because the $39 in food stamps only buys bread for the month and my growing daughter can’t run around naked all day otherwise O.C.S. is sure to show up at my front door. And now you expect me to pay $695 for not having Health Insurance!! For a period in my life, I was against people robbing and stealing and selling drugs, HOWEVER, I might need to find out where do I apply or how would I meet the connect because I need to do something different. I need to quit my job, have 7 more babies, apply for welfare and let the smart ass government pay for me to live like a queen and feed us all steak and lobster. Its the American Way!!!


It is clear that many people are struggling just like you with the many rising costs for living and raising a family. That is a common struggle and something that our legislators should be spending more time addressing. On the other hand, I would definitely not recommend that you quit your job and have 7 babies because I promise that it will not be easier to pay the bills or afford the costs. In fact, it will be much harder. Though, if you do, you should definitely apply for welfare because you will absolutely need every single penny of assistance you are eligible for in order to provide all of the most basic necessities for your children.


My monthly insurance payment will be increasing from $59 to $209 next year. The coverage has changed from $0 medical deductibles to $1300. I have checked out other insurance companies and other plans, none of them makes any sense and any decent plans are beyond affordable. I have to pay for monthly insurance and have to pay more to go visit the doctor. If I don’t buy insurance, I have to pay penalty. How do we survive in this country anymore!!!!!!!


This is so not helpful. I am 21 and the working poor. I work my butt off to survive on my own. My job does not provide health insurance, I cant afford to pay for it, and I don’t qualify for Medicaid.

America is BS.


That stinks, sorry to hear that obviously.

To be political for a second here, the Democrats tried to expand Medicaid to all states by 18 (current count) GOP led states + Maine have rejected the measure so far.

In words, about 5 million Americans are in your shoes in Red states (and Maine) because of a Supreme Court Case brought on by conservatives and the rejection of Medicaid by conservative state leadership.



HI! I’m turning 26 next month, so that leaves me out of my mother’s health insurance plan. I do not have a steady job, and I will most likely lose it in January, with that in mind, I can’t afford insurance with what little I managed to save while also paying for other bills.

I applied to find cheap insurance through the marketplace, but the cheapest they are willing to provide me is around $185/mo. and I still cannot afford it.

Are there any options I can take? I don’t know what I can do or how I can prepare for this.

I also live in North Carolina, and they do not have expanded Medicaid.

I’m stressing myself out. Do I just go into debt????


Definitely don’t just go into debt for health insurance. if your income is below the tax filing threshold, you are automatically exempt. If you make over the tax filing threshold, but below the Medicaid threshold (138%) you can apply for Medicaid in your state and YOUR DENIAL WILL EXEMPT YOU from owing the fee. If your financially unable to purchase insurance, but are over 138% you may still qualify for a hardship or affordability exemption from the fee.


How does one account for a drastic change of income from current to future year as far as qualifying for health care?

I’ve worked for more than 50 years–working since I was 8 and paid labor since I was 12 years old. Too sick to work right now and just a few years short of qualifying for full social security. Nothing is terminal in and of itself but I have many chronic health issues including high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, advanced arthritis, etc. I will receive a reduced social security benefit starting January 2017 (well, February with the 1-month delay). My income will go from an unadjusted $42,500 where employer paid most of my medical/dental healthcare, to less than half of what I earned, or about 1500/month. I really need to have healthcare but can’t afford it. My rent is $1400/month. I’ll supplement my living for this first year with the small amount (about $10k) of retirement funds I’ve amassed, until I might be able to qualify as low-income. I’m hoping that once I’ve improved my health, I can go back to work at least part-time. I want to work but as the saying goes, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

I can’t afford ObamaCare although I still support the idea of it. Single payer would have been preferable. Emergency care is expensive. Not everything is Obama’s fault especially when he has had so much opposition from congress, etc. Now those that opposed every good thing he tried to do are going to be in power. (I get people’s frustration but why would you put the fox in charge of the hen house? Desperate for ANY chance of a solution I guess.) I don’t think they’re even interested in solving problems as mentioned here in this forum, less alone fighting for the benefit of the poor and middle class. Not all poor are poor because they’re lazy.

Thanks for hearing me out.


I can not afford obamacare, but the forms for exemption are hard to find, or use.


This answer is not very helpful. I make decent money, but this plan is ridiculous. I support our current president in most things he has done, but this ACA has got to go. Because these plans are NOT affordable to people!


I agree about the struggling costs, but there is lots we can do to fix the ACA without just repealing it. Repealing it isn’t going to make the base costs of healthcare or the X trillion dollar healthcare system go away.

See this for example: https://obamacarefacts.com/2016/12/02/alternatives-to-the-gops-pre-existing-conditions-fix/


This is ridiculous. we had Obamacare last year and got assistance but my husband lost his job and we make less we don’t qualify now. What a scam!


I am suppose to pay $500 for a basic plan. I cannot afford it on $15 an hour. I do not qualify for Medicare because I am an LEGAL immigrant who just applied for citizenship. And I DO follow all the rules.


As a legal immigrant who is not eligible for Medicare you should be eligible to purchase Marketplace insurance and cost assistance based on your income. If the lowest cost plan is more than 8.13% of your income, then you can apply for an exemption from the mandate to have insurance or owe the fee. If you get marketplace insurance and receive advanced Premium Tax Credits, you will need to file a year end tax return to reconcile those credits.


I cannot afford the health insurance plans. I’m 22 and I need neck surgery as soon as possible. Any suggestions?


In truth I can’t afford anything the WV marketplace is offering yet make too much to qualify for Medicaid. My alternative solution right now is suicide. I’m tired of being a burden and would rather go quickly than wait it out over 2017 as s chronicslly ill person. I’m out of options now.


I am paying out of each paycheck for insurance i can’t afford because it boils down to it being cheaper than the 1000 $ penalty. I really need that money but there’s nothing i can do. I live in seattle and my barber income fluctuates yet i make too much for apple care. sometimes i feel not working is better. you get free food, healthcare. I can’t even get a check-up because i don’t have the 6000$ deductible. I would be homeless if i used up all my money. I wish a basic checkup would be included in all the plans as a courtesy to us tax payers who are paying the insurance company “free money” and getting absolutely nothing in return. this should be illegal. P.s I voted for Obama but absolutely abhor obamacare’s penalty fee


An annual wellness visits are required to be covered by all insurances at no cost to you before deductible. Call your insurer and ask them which billing codes your provider should use when you receive you free preventative care and wellness screening. Make sure that your provider uses those billing codes as insurers don’t typically make it easy for you to get the services they are required to provide you for free under the Affordable Care Act. Here’s a full list of the services that any insurance which qualifies as minimal essential coverage must provide at no cost to you.


there are no options, its basically too bad. pay, pay, pay
yes its better to not have a job. the people with no job get the better medical coverage and zero payment, zero deductible, zero co-pay.
the people who work are paying for the people who do not


Wrong actually. I make $11 an hour and work 35 hours a week while raising two children. If I make $1 more an hour, my kids are still fully covered by Medicaid, but I lose my free coverage completely. I’m stuck on the dole. It’s horrible. There’s no working your way up in a company anymore.


I personally dislike these “ceilings” very much. I think they get built in because, in many cases, “people who pass laws don’t now what it is like to be poor or middle class”.


Yr doing God’s work trying to answer people’s questions here. I got here for the same reason as everybody else– none of the solutions add up to help for me. I’m a single male, so it’s hard to catch the subsidy, which is fine since I’m healthy. I definitely have to just pay the fine. Won’t lie, it makes me a bit butthurt to pay Uncle Sam for health care coverage I won’t be getting– but health insurance isn’t for the healthy, is it?

If I got coverage I’d probably have to move, and I’m just not willing to do that. So, fine it is– I’ll just hope for the best.

But really I just want to say that obviously you at the website are doing your best to get people the info they need. There should be more folks like you. Thanks.


i make 65,000-75,000 a year. My student loans, bills, rent, living expenses in general leave me with zero extra money at the end of the month. with “making so much” I cant qualify for lower cost plans, but I simply cannot afford what my options are.. what do I do?


Everyone has a different and unique situation. Why not just flat rate people either by income or by age group (although this is a form of discrimination) Make all monthly payments equal, within a group. Then Cap the cost of medical care & prescription drugs ie…, Aspirin 10.00 ? You can get an entire bottle of name brand for that price. The markup on surgery and drugs should be capped at a reasonable percent. (That way the doctors can get paid too.) Gov’t should fund hosp with tax money as part of the shared responsibility difference. Then there is after your already sick or in need of a surgery. How about more money on preventive care like diet nutrition, fitness. Not perfect but something like this would be a start.
I am single in my forties, divorced, no children and I did not complete my degree. I dropped out after divorce, one income unable to afford and be in debt any more than from when I was married. So I am self employed (house cleaner) live in my sister (shack out back). Her roof is falling in, the house has old electric and only works in half, you do not dare use it or house will catch on fire. No heat, no gas , was removed due to leak. No hot water, there is a ecotemp propane heater. No oven, no dryer or washer. We both use a 25 dollar cheap flip phone, no cable, internet use at the library. We work on our own vehicles, or ride a bike. Every year we grow our own food if the bugs don’t eat it. Neither of us have been to the doctor in years, I can’t miss work as it is only me…, and I am supposed to try harder and pay for someone else?? I don’t qualify for healthcare, poverty level, no medicare (Texas) But you know I am happy, I am alive and far as I know have my health. We are hard workers, honest people and pull our own weight. AS should everyone!! I love this country and feel so sad for all of those who are hurting, but if the corruption at the top is not fixed first then it will always be this way or worse. Millions for leaders and CEO of Insurance co. just voted more raises…, etc. min wage $ 7.25, sales tax 8.25%, federal tax like 15%, you get the pic. Hold onto hope that’s still free. Best of luck to all.


ok – What if I REALLY REALLY can’t afford it and I can’t get your welfare? What then? i guess I can sell a car this year to pay the increase? Any others ideaS


Some people are legitimately in a situation where even with HSAs, cost assistance, and catastrophic coverage considered they face high costs after all their expenses. I don’t have any sort of perfect answer for this type of individual or family. I have less empathy when that family won’t put themselves in the shoes of the millions of sick and suffering still excluded by non-expansion states or those who support a full repeal in hopes their costs will go down, but after seeing years of comments I CERTAINLY HAVE EMPATHY.

My line of reasoning says 1. HSA, max it out. 2. Seek very low cost catastrophic coverage that costs less than the fee. 3. If all else fails, pay the fee and save some extra money in case you need care.

You have to be in a very unique situation not to have a better deal with an HSA and catastrophic coverage (above 400% FPL, but low enough in net income after expenses to not have coverage costs make sense), but it is a real situation… and no, there isn’t a great answer (same general thing I have to tell those with no income in 20 states, but for them… there is literally no option, not even an expensive one).


I got ripped off.
My premium was $522 per month and my out of pocket was $7500
My wife got sick and lost her job so the doctors started running expensive tests and said they know whats wrong with her. Sent her to surgeons who said It was too risky to fix her.
The massive bills came, Multi thousands for tests, I’ve got no money so I threw the bills in the trash. The bill collectors are still calling for a full year now, actually longer for a few of the older ones. one test was $2600 and the next three were about $1700 each.
NEXT my premium jumped from $522 to $764 and any contact with the system was a complete waste of time, seems they employ Idiots who are told to baffle us with bullshit.
NOW the next thing they do Is take the government money three months In advance AFTER I told them I had no money to pay anything.
And NOW they threaten me by saying I have to pay that BACK to the gov…….

Guess what the doctors did next !!!!!

Told us they were all wrong with all those test and all that money, told us she was mentally ILL…Lying crooks all.
Now I have to watch her get slowly worse with no help for her because of two reasons,,
we have no Insurance they can steal from and that means we are not profitable for them.

A BIG Thank you to my health Insurance company for stealing from me and Congress for showing them how.
I am Victim and have been robbed ! I think Grand theft Is a felony, Now made legal by our sytem.

The outcome of all this, the Impact on us, I make just enough to feed us and pay the regular bills, we will loose one car soon and I cannot afford to keep my home In good working order so, I may loose my home.
My Mortgage is $900 per month and they want $764 for health Insurance with a yearly out of pocket of $7600..do the math, It simple.
A home to live and die In, mtg $900
Health Insurance that does nothing for me unless I spend more than $1,397 per month.

YOU are being watched, expect them soon I hope


This is a little hard to follow, but I think it sums up the very real frustration felt well. Notice how this rant isn’t “blaming ObamaCare” as much as it is “frustrated by the grand result of not getting a fair shake”. It is so much easier to have empathy for that than it is to get hit over the head with the “Obummer care is bad” stick. Things like the preexisting conditions protection, cost assistance, and Medicaid expansion save far too many lives to just throw out in a fit of political anger. <---- In my opinion.


What I would like to know is how you figure determining health insurance availability off from someone gross income is even fair? We have a two year old without health insurance and medical bills piling up because we can not afford to buy him health insurance. Just because his dad has a job doesn’t mean that there is enough money left after paying the mortgage, electricity, propane, phone, insurance, diapers, groceries, etc. Did our government forget that we have bills to pay so we aren’t living on the streets? Or why is it that the hard working man is the one who constantly struggles while the lazy ones get all the help? Don’t you think that offering assisting to families who are trying to provide for their families is a better option than giving all of the help to people who refuse to work hard so our government will just give them everything?


I am still paying monthly payments for my tax penalties from last year because I couldn’t afford insurance. I can’t afford it this year either. My cheapest option is $924 a month through the Marketplace. (That policy by the way is not worth having!) We make too much money to qualify for help with the premiums and not enough to pay the outrageous premiums. I mean, that’s a house note. We have no options but to keep racking up penalties that we will never pay off! Unless of course, I quit my job, draw food stamps and government assistance.


If the lowest priced plan you are eligible for is more than 8.13% of your income you are eligible for an affordability exemption from the requirement to have insurance and from owing the fee for not having insurance. You must apply for that exemption in order to get it. You can also apply for that exemption retroactively, but it tends to take longer to process and once processed you would need to file an amended return for last years taxes.


I’ve tried looking everywhere for coverage but the lowest rate is still $500 for just my daughter and I (and the coverage is SO bad. It covers practically nothing and is accepted almost nowhere). I’ve tried looking at various places with no luck.


I only make 1900 per month before tax. Family of 4. The only option I have is Bronze level. lowest is 780 per month with a high deductible. Which I can not afford to pay. So I have to pay penalty??? This is not the program to help. It forces me to sign up for something I can not afford and the insurance company is the making money out of it. They keep raising premium every year.


If the least expensive insurance you and your family are eligible for is more than 8.13% of your family’s income, than you can apply for an affordability exemption from the requirement to have minimal essential coverage and you will not owe the fee. You will also be eligible to purchase Catastrophic Health Insurance instead. Catastrophic plans have high deductibles, but they often have much lower premiums and they will ensure that your family is protected in the event of a worst-case-scenario health event.


I can’t afford this either, 600 dollar a month premium is more than what I pay on rent. I have child support, I have debt, student loans. I’m not filing for bankruptcy, I am not on government programs. I’m being responsible, working and paying everything. I don’t smoke, or drink, I am healthy and I pay life insurance because I cannot afford health insurance, so if I do get sick I can pass away and my son will be taken care of. I only want health insurance to avoid a penalty, it’s now to the point where I still cant afford the plans but also I can’t afford the penalty. Why am I not allowed to give back to “caesar” what belongs to “caesar” without “caesar” wanting to take more. I pay taxes. Not really sure what else I can do? I don’t want the government to pay the things I’m responsible for, but at the same time I would like there to be realistic expectations of me as a citizen, at least to some degree. To the employee who responds to this, if they do, be thankful you’re not me, and make good decisions in life!


I still dont understand why Im being punished for not being able to afford insurance? Why would I pay $2400 a year for insurance I’ll never see a benefit from due to the high deductibles? So Im forced to pay $700 dollars in a “tax” because I dont see the point of paying for something that doesn’t help? I work two jobs for over 55 hours a week, why are your premiums so ridiculous for such poor coverage?


Your taking almost every dime of my wife’s retirement!
I make with my wife about 79K a year. She is 63 and insurance for her on Obama care is eating us up! With not doing anything but existing and PAYING our bills we just get by. Last year was a nightmare with about $788 a month out of her retirement of around $900 a month. How are we to survive this next year and pay our bills? Now the E-mail from the .GOV site says her insurance is going up over $250 starting this Dec 15, 2016. All I see is a bunch of greedy addicts getting my wife’s retirement and the price is so High this next year what the heck are we to do? I am a cancer survivor and I know how Hospitals and Doctor bills can be. I have been there and I know the subject matter well since I lived it. But this Obama Care is a rape of older Americans with no representation. My wife and I are just screwed huh?


I’m sorry that you are not finding affordable insurance, but just to be clear ObamacareFacts.com is not taking any of your wife’s retirement money. This is an informational website about the ACA (aka Obamacare), but it isn’t the insurance company shes paying premiums to and it also isn’t the official healthcare.gov site.

Being married, you and your wife’s income are counted together because you are in the same tax family. That being said, based on the information you provided, the insurance being offered to you is more than 8.13% of your family’s income and your wife would be eligible for an exemption from the requirement to have insurance or paying the fee for not having it. You must apply for affordability exemptions at healthcare.gov. That would also make her eligible for purchasing catastrophic health insurance on the marketplace instead, or she could look for another form of health insurance off the marketplace even if it’s not minimal essential coverage. If she does choose off-marketplace health insurance that isn’t considered minimal essential coverage, she will want to read the fine print very carefully and ensure that is covers the medical care that she needs because it won’t be regulated in the same way or have the same “rights, protections, and minimal benefits” as insurance that is considered minimal essential coverage. I realize that isn’t necessarily an answer that will make you or your wife feel any better about your situation or the high cost of health insurance, but again, this is an informational website. The goal here to provide the best information that we can based on the Affordable Care Act law, that doesn’t mean the law is always fair.


Obama care 2 PPL $965


This year my insurance sky rocketed. I need Blue Cross due to conditions I have. I do not drive to get to work due to my epilepsy. I haven’t driven in over 10 years. I filled for partial disability, to lower my cost. I some how made to much money. I’m really worried.


I cannot afford any premium costs, I have too many bills. I work part time and get retirement ss… this year I got a small raise, but my food stamps were cut drastically, my rent went up, but that was not taken into consideration , nor is my car insurance I have to have in order to drive to work, go to the store, Dr.. etc. I have out of pocket expenses every month for heart meds but the lousy insurance pays less than a discount card I use, still I have to pay 40.00 a month for meds out of pocket… that was once 12.00 a month. Our state did not expand medicaid so I do not qualify for that either. Why isn’t my out of pocket expenses not considered in Obamacare and car insurance for those that work? Now I have to pay 24.00 for a premium bronze that is terrible insurance and pay out of pocket for meds still… This mandatory insurance is just sucking the poor even more. If you get help, they just cut you off some other way. It looks as if certain people who make it right on the line that cannot get medicaid is set up to lose their federal income taxes to the Gov. This is just wrong!


I make under $45,000 and I’m a single mother with 4 children. Health insurance for me alone was quoted at $380/month with an $5,500 deductible (this was the cheapest option.) I don’t qualify for any premiums because the website stated, “I don’t have enough income to qualify for the subsidy). Complete BS. I have a car payment/ insurance, daycare costs, a mortgage, electricity and other bills that I have to pay, yet I can’t afford these costs. I am just going to go without health insurance again because of this BS.


Since you only mentioned that your income was below $45,000 its a little unclear how to answer your question. $47,520 is the most a single person family can make and still qualify for cost assistance. Eligibility for cost assistance is based on Federal Poverty Level guidelines, the income considered is your MAGI. Unfortunately, the way federal poverty guidelines are structured, the number gets higher the larger your family is and this has made Marketplace cost assistance out-of-reach for many families living in states that have not expanded Medicaid coverage. So, as long as you make between $28,440 and $113,760 (100%-400% FPL for a family of five in 2017) you should qualify for some cost assistance (assuming you aren’t being offered “affordable” employer insurance) and your kids may qualify for CHIP (children’s medicaid) though CHIP eligibility guidelines vary state to state. If your income is between 100% and 400% FPL for a family of five than you should try to appeal that decision. You may also be able to get assistance from your state’s Insurance Commissioner’s office as well if that is the case. If your income is below 138% FPL and your state hasn’t expanded medicaid, you can apply for Medicaid and your denial will allow you to claim exemption from the requirement to have minimal essential coverage when you file your tax return and thus you won’t owe the fee for not having insurance. If your income is below 138% and your state did expand, you may be required to apply for Medicaid and/or to accept Medicaid coverage instead of getting cost assistance on the marketplace. I hope that I was able to provide you with some clarification.


I cannot afford the ACA increased monthly premiums, co-payments, co-insurance, yearly blood work and monthly medicine. I have other basic monthly living expenses and still making monthly payments to Quest Diagnostics 2016 lab work. I do not agree with being charged a penalty for enrolling in the not affordable ACA. The fact I cannot not afford a $600 monthly premium where am I going to get the money to pay the penalty?
Extremely Disappointed

Frustrated in Upstate

in 2015 75 million people paid the fine for not having health coverage. The IRS received 1.5 billion dollars from this. I would like to know where that money is spent. Wouldn’t that be enough money for the entire country to have coverage? I am almost 40 years old and I have never had insurance. I have worked for small independent businesses for all my career. I live in upstate NY where there are not a lot of options for coverage. Right now I make about 65,000 a year which is pretty good for my area. My cheapest option is paying 360 a month with a 5000 deductible. I feel that is a lot of money to spend on something I “might need”. I am choosing not to pay for health insurance. I don’t believe in this failed system. I do admire the president for trying to do something about it. I do want to feel safe in the fact that I won’t be in financial ruins if an accident happens. I really don’t know what to do. I feel bad that I make enough money, but like most I have other bills as well. I don’t live extravagantly. I have a 30 year old truck and I rent a small house. What is the answer? How does it get better? I feel if I end up paying the fine I’m still ahead. That just makes me frustrated.


It is supposed to go to Charity Care at hospitals for when uninsured patient’s are unable to pay. The medical care industry is a 3.8 trillion dollar industry at this point, so no, 1.5 billion isn’t enough for all Americans to have coverage or even to just cover the care costs directly. It is frustrating that the US, as a whole, spends 2x or more per capita than all other major western countries, but even if we cut those costs in half it would still be in the trillions, not billions. May people feel that universal health care is the only way to reduce costs, but there is a lot of debate about what type of universal coverage is best. Some countries have used mixed public/private universal coverage models, others have use single payer models, and some have universal coverage provided only by private insurers despite being funded through taxes (Switzerland). Most though don’t allow health insurance to be a for-profit industry and perhaps that is the key.

As for your personal situation it’s possible that paying the fee you’ll still be ahead. Some folks find that is the best option. However, getting an HSA qualified High Deductible Health Insurance may offer you more tax benefits for the care you pay out-of-pocket for, you’d still get the preventative care before deductible, and you would have coverage in the event you have a major health event.


I’m disabled but Medicare won’t kick in for me until next year. I was denied Medicaid because my income is “too high”. I am on chemo, I see 3 different specialists and my primary doctor and am on several medications. I’m also a single mom. I cannot afford Obamacare. I’m so worried!


I’m 20 years old and quit my job I only made 2’000 dollars and don”t have a job now i can’t afford health insurance or the penalty what do i do?


If you plan to file single and claim your own exemption then you made under well under the tax filing threshold which means that you are automatically exempt from the requirement to have health insurance. If you will be claimed as a dependent on someone Else’s tax return, then they are responsible for ensuring that you have minimal essential coverage throughout the year.


And what about the now-defunct Middle Class who are now stuck in the gray area? We don’t qualify for any subsidies because we “make too much.” But the premiums and deductibles are forcing us to take on thousands in debt because of this so-called Affordable care act. There is no help for us at all. We spend years and years planning, budgeting and being money savvy only to have this crap forced on us and pushing us into bankruptcy. Where is the help there? How is that affordable?


I’m in the same boat too. I’m a single & have no children. I work part time and have been terminated for Medicaid because I make $20,500 a year in New York City. My job or union doesn’t offer health care benefits because I’m a part time worker. I went to the marketplace the monthly costs are not affordable to me.
I rather just heal my own wounds. 32bj union & Madison Square Gardens Company treat their part time employees like crap!! 32bj union are all Shifty . They collect union dues but don’t get things done.


I have a fun scenario for you:
I’m self-employed as of July. My business is currently taking a loss due to business expenses, but I anticipated this and saved money to pay insurance premiums. The Marketplace won’t even let me have insurance because they say I’m not eligible unless I can show income. They say I have to use Medicaid. So, as much as I don’t want to use Medicaid, I still applied because it’s better than nothing. Medicaid says that without me showing some kind of recent income pattern, they have to go off of my most recent tax returns (the ones for 2015) which show I made a lot of money. The real kicker is that I’ve been informed that despite all of this, I still don’t qualify for an exemption from the penalty.


That does not sound fun. Glad you have access to care theoretically, very annoying you are getting held-up by bureaucracy.


The only insurance I can afford has such a high deductible I cannot use it. I am one of the 20 million they brag about now having insurance that could not get it before. Obama care is totally useless. If the new president is going to totally do away with Obama care why should I even sign up for something I have to pay and cannot use?


This is the absolute most ridiculous nonsense I have ever seen. I had healthcare before for $340/mo for my entire family. Now $1200/mo is the cheapest plan with the highest deductible. Affordable??? are you kidding. Thanks to everyone involved with Obamacare, you have officially put me into debt and ruined my life. I would be better off quitting my job then you guys would happily pay for it.


ok, soour bring home is 2400 amonth. With the renewal for 2017 they want $750 amonth for me. Huge deductibles, huge out of pocket. We are 3100 over per year for medicaid. So…………………… I cant afford it!


My family ( 3)) ) make 58000 dollars at year and I qualify for marketplace health plan but paying about 1000 dollars at month, we are deeply in debt and we xan not afford even 200 at month. What option do we have???? . We are worry because we are expecting a baby in about 2 months.


just another way to screw the little guy great thanks who are the morons who came up with the Idea of penalizing the poor and then making it impossible to qualify for Medicaid and then if your state dose not expand medicaid then your HOSED THANKS AVER SO MUCH… THANKS FOR NOTHING. meanwhile filling their pockets whit tax dollars that is supposed to help the ones that are poor like me.

I was born with a learning disability never finished school so no one would hire me so I had to do my own thing (clean Houses) I have just squeaked by ant at 53 this is the first time I have ever had to go on food stamps and still going to get penalized


Was paying 3,800 a year for coverage even though I’m a healthy 26 year old graduate student, a non-smoking woman, and I used insurance pretty much just for prescriptions and an annual checkup. I chose to have insurance for just that — in case something unexpected happened I knew I could count on my fiscal responsibility to have my back. Now the only insurer left in the market place for me has increased that price to 5,000 a year. I don’t make enough money (because I’m on student loans) to qualify for any tax deductions and I qualify for Medicaid but guess what? My state doesn’t offer it to me. But as a bonus I’m exempt from paying the fee for not having health insurance. Oh gee how generous.

What a waste.

Maybe I’ll die a quick death so my family can collect the life insurance money. Assuming that isn’t a huge waste as well.


First, I want t say thank you to the even-minded and compassionate “fact” representative replying to the comments. There is so much emotion about this, so much at stake. I know people are hurting.

1) Obamacare makes it possible for me to have insurance. We’re both self-employed, but not in big-income fields, so we’ve gone about 20 years without insurance. I’m very thankful for the opportunity Obamacare gave us.

2) Without the subsidy, insurance has been around $800-$1500 for the 2 of us (before or after Obamacare). We simply do not have that money. There are no cost-cutting or frugality that would give us that money. This year, my husband got a steady part-time gig, and it looks like it will put us out of eligibility for the subsidy. Back to bandaids and prayer. It’s not Obamacare’s fault, it’s just a bad system all around that hurts the lower middle class.

3) There is only one reason Obamacare does not work: because it is not health care, or health insurance. All it did was set up basic, humane requirements for what Insurance Companies must provide. A single-payer system, like other civilized countries have, would resolve almost all complaints.

4) If you are upset with the cost of insurance, it is the insurance companies to be angry about. They are merely a middle-man making profits. Of course costs will go up if we cover everyone. But isn’t that a small price to pay, to assure every citizen has coverage? And take the huge burden off Hospitals who cover emergencies and the uninsured? And in areas where the price jumped significantly, that is the fault of insurance companies… many of whom started with low rates, then had to balloon.

Obamacare is our country’s first attempt to provide health insurance, and therefore health care, to all it’s citizens. It’s barbaric not to have that. What would you change to make it better?


I am now 2 months behind on paying my health insurance. There just isn’t enough money for it. I used to pay $240 per month and in just 6 years it has gone to just under $600 per month and it’s going up again. I hope I don’t get sick or injured.


Sadly I barely make enough to get by, with rent, food, gas to get work the premiums that I am being offered are $300 and up…that’s rent money and I’m not even being offered aid because I make too little…deff not happy as I may have to not have consider not having heath insurance due to not being able to afford the lowest premiums, $50 a month so almost now $300 is a HUGE difference.


I have just become the most rent victim of the terrible legislation thst has befallen the American people. IT really is not a wonder why or how we now have Trump as president, funny thing is, if he successfully repeals this mess, then he will go down as the greatest president of all time in my book. I have a family of 5 and we were looking into relocating but it may simply not happen due to a forceful change in health insurance because of state rules. Our premiums would be due to go from approximately 450 per month on upward to approximately 1200 per month. I am not generally one to complain on message boards and generally stay out of politics all together, assuming they re operating in the American people’s best interest, but that is simply not the case here. I pray that this socialist viewpoint does not continue and that a reworking of the establishment will stop special interest groups from being able to push their agendas. THE only winner I see in this whole mess is the insurance companies who may now charge whatever they want for forced health insurance and no competition to drive prices down. I bet Obama has lined his pockets with blue cross blue shield hand outs in some way shape or form. 2 cents over, disappointed and glad that the Obama regime is finally at an end so that maybe this travesty can be put to bed.


In Texas, every doctor I have and that my family has is opting out of the plans that are available on the Marketplace. When I went to the companies they are all accepting (Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, etc.) to see if I could purchase outside of the Marketplace, our premium for 4 people went from an already ludicrous $1133.00 a month to over $2300.00 a month. Just the premium. A month.

I want to have health insurance, but I will not pay over a thousand dollars a month for plans that none of my doctors accept, nor will I pay over $2300.00 a month for premiums. No one should be paying this much. It’s a bad product. I want to be part of this universal health coverage movement, but this is not acceptable.


The marketplace sells insurance from private insurers are depending on your income you can may qualify for cost assistance. Most insurers including Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, etc.. If your medical providers are in the networks for these insurers they will accept reimbursement from those insurers regardless of whether you purchase it on or off the Marketplaces. Providers have always had and continue to have the right to choose which health insurance networks they participate in and which insurers they will accept reimbursement from, but there is no way for them to know whether you purchased that insurance on or off the Marketplace.


I do not make enough for assistance and can not afford insurance otherwise. I had a company looking for insurance for me and they suggested I file an exemption? What is that and how do I do that?


There are a number of things which can qualify you for an exemption from the requirement to have insurance and from owing the fee. If your income is below 100% the Federal Poverty Level than you will likely qualify for an affordability exemption, but there are a number of them. You can find out more here.


That was the lamest response I’ve ever seen. You can’t force families to have health insurance then jack the prices so high they can’t afford it.


I hope Trump moves swiftly to do away with Obamacare. Here in Florida our governor valdemort, didn’t take the money to shore up medicaid. My daughter has two special needs children. One gets SSI because he’s deaf. He has medicaid. The other is high functioning autistic. SSI said he is not disabled enough. Her husband gets his free from his work but to add his family would cost $1000 per month. They make $100 to much to get medicaid for their other son. A plan on your sight with a $10,000 deductible (which is ridiculous) would cost them 1200 a month. Basing everything on a credit they will get on their taxes is the kind of messed up logic that has got this country in a mess. Short of advising people to divorce their spouses, considering child support is cheaper than health insurance, there is no good answers for these families falling in the cracks.


Medicaid eligibility is based on MAGI. That means there are options like putting $100 in an IRA, HSA, or 401K that will your daughter’s families MAGI score. If the coverage offered by his employer to just cover your daughter is still more than 8.13% of the families income (based on that new MAGI) than she can file for an exemption from the requirement to have insurance and owing the fee. If she qualifies for the exemption than she can still purchase Catastrophic Coverage (typically HSA eligible) or other off market health insurance. If she doesn’t qualify than she can still shop off the market place for minimal essential coverage. Some people have reported finding affordable coverage off marketplace compared to employer coverage, even without premium tax credits. I hope that this information helps.


Its absolutely ridiculous, I am working 2 jobs to pay rent and bills etc,I
Am a single american daughter of two world war 2 veterans, and I can not afford this health insurance, I really don’t even want it,but I’m being forced to have it,I do not run to the Dr every time I have a sniffle…. Sick and tired of seeing people, all around me milking the system


It’s so sad i make 1000 dollars. More a year to get any assistance.I signed up for Obama care and had to drop it.(only 3 months) Thay raised my rent.Half my income..I believe i will die young.So sad…George in Colorado.


I still can’t afford my health insurance with Obama care and my tax credit because they want 140-200 bucks a month .. how is this helping anyone on top of it all that doesn’t cover dental at all either! Yes I make More then state requires for free insurance but I go to school full time as well as work and I can barely make ends meet as it is and my company doesn’t offer health insurance! How is this helping anyone!


I am getting into a very terrible situation as the new 2017 health plan is kicking in. I live and work in a different state and my family (spouse and kid) live in a different state. After submitting my health Insurance application for 2017; I had only options to chose plans that started from $956 monthly. Choosing this option will lead me go entirely penny less.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
Please guide me if there is some option of payment plans for monthly premiums.
Best Regards,


How can I sue the president? His stupid policies have made the premiums too expensive, and his idiotic policies have also made the prices ridiculously expensive. If the penalties are going to keep rising, and the price of health insurance is going to keep rising, and every promise he made about keeping our doctor, rates not going up, etc. etc, are all false – is that not a violation of our rights to the pursuit of happiness? Or otherwise saying, is he not violating our rights of property by forcing our money (property) out of our pocket and into the marketplace? Obamacare literally forces money out of citizens pockets to pay for something that the government made too expensive? There’s no alternative for us. We can’t afford the penalty, and we can’t afford the health insurance.


How can I sue the president? His stupid policies have made the premiums too expensive, and his idiotic policies have also made the prices ridiculously expensive. If the penalties are going to keep rising, and the price of health insurance is going to keep rising, and every promise he made about keeping our doctor, rates not going up, etc. etc, are all false – is that not a violation of our rights to the pursuit of happiness? Or otherwise saying, is he not violating our rights of property by forcing our money (property) out of our pocket and into the marketplace? Obamacare literally forces money out of citizens pockets to pay for something that the government made too expensive? There’s no alternative for us. We can’t afford the penalty, and we can’t afford the health insurance.


the problem is that we live in the land of the free but are now being FORCED to give our money to the ringleaders of the insurance corporations whose salaries are out of this world. This is a horrific scam. What is we all said hell no!


I do not qualify for any credits and only one company is offering insurance in Maricopa County in AZ and I cannot afford the cheapest plan as it is 310% more than my plan for 2016 and $700 more than my house payment. Now what am I supposed to do?!


You can go to the emergency room and wait with all the illegal aliens. At least that’s what I’ve heard. If you have some cash, you may be able to the get the care you need in Mexico. I know working people who have no health insurance and one of them said his plan is to show up at the hospital if he is very sick and say either take care of me or send me to jail where at least I can get treated. America is so great, is it not?


Your comments about the GOP restricting the expansion of Medicad are ridiculous and unprofessional. The reason why the GOP is blocking the expansion of Medicad is because it is the goal of the Democrats to have a one payer system controlled by the government which is against the Constitution of the United States. And these slim ball Democrats passed this horrible healthcare system as a tax in the middle of the night not notifying majority of the Republicans that this Obamacare was going to be voted on. I pray to God that this abomination gets repeal and replaced with a heath care system that is more versatile, more competitive, more affordable, and more accountability of doctors, drug companies, and hospitals for the outrageous cost of health care. Think about it….why does 2 Tylenol cost about $10 to $20 dollars in a hospital when someone can buy several huge bottles of Tylenol for the same cost. Accountability from the heath care industry don’t “punish” they American people to pay for their incompetency.


Impossible system! Failing the poorest of Americans. I am below the poverty level I retired early but not disabled enough to be “disabled” even tough I don’t have the strength to work – this is per SSA.
I have a little money – 200 per month to live on. Friends took me in otherwise I’d be on the street. For this I’m truly greatful.
Medicaid in NC, gives me STD coverage a joke! I’m 56 and menopausal with no relationships! Useless!
I worked all my life and this is a slap in the face. Now when I need help the most I can’t get it. I have received advice from healthcare.gov and private insurance.
To date I have no affordable health care at all. So for the poor in NC this system is pathetic and leaves the poor to die of treatable illness.
I have checked this enrolment for 2017 same as last year. No coverage. the best they offer is 425.00 per month. If I had that kind of money I wouldn’t need assistance at all.
The insurance companies are mad the government is helping us to die and not live a good life at all. I pray for everyone who is in the same situation as I am. There is no answer yet I hope one comes soon.


The math dictates. Paying the fine is more affordable. I had the highest hopes for reform but…ugh. They can keep my refund. Really its kept from dept of education for that set of penalties and interest fees. Not exactly going to my vacation fund. Lol. It’s comical. My subsidy was $78/month. I thought…ok I’ll muster the extra $100. Pull my social weight etc. Then…omfg the flippin $78 had already been accounted for in the premium. So $178 extra dollars. No. But if you can find those extra $ in my budget. Keep them! You earned it. You’re magical & delicious. Holy bleeding Christ. And a copay too!


I am-
*full time student (no degree)
*perfect record (not even a traffic ticket)
*part time worker (min wage. 12 hrs a week)
*no insurance
*significant health problems (PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Chest deformity that causes many physical issues)
*relies on medication and doctors visits to get through the day
*denied Medicaid. appealed. denied again. So, because my medicine is helping me function, you’re saying I don’t have health problems??? that’s like telling a person with diabetes they are cured because of the invention of the insulin shot. – um. HELLO! Would you like me to get off my medication and let you see what I’m like without it? That’s why I’m 26 and still haven’t finished college. Mental health that kept me from school for years, plus being raped, abused and a physical deformity that had my heart pumping at half capacity for my entire life isn’t enough to help me get some medical help so I can finish school.
*live at home
*applied for open enrollment. (income too low for tax credit. my state does not offer coverage.) My monthly premium quote is more than I make a month PLUS I would still need to pay for medicine, doctors visits, and an upcoming 60,000$ surgery.

Come on! I’m 26 and lost my health insurance. I rely on medication to function. still need another costly surgery on my chest cavity. I need to finish school so I can get a job that suits my physical and mental needs. I want to be able to afford my OWN health insurance, but cant do that flipping hamburgers- especially when you consider my high-cost medical needs.

an exemption is not the answer for me. I NEED health insurance to afford my medical bills.

at this point, my only option is to take out loans to afford to pay for insurance.


If I cannot afford my heath insurance, is there a way to pick a cheaper option with less coverage? Or am I set on a specific coverage and premium due to my income?


I can either pay for health insurance or I can pay for my doctor visits. Not both. Which should I choose? My health, or avoiding a government tax fine? I am a contract worker who enjoys my job and makes a meager $50K per year in a high cost-of-living city. And I am trying to start my own business. I am not unhealthy and I do not go to the doctor often, so I will likely never meet any of the deductibles available. One visit with lab work cost me $1800, so I had to stop paying my premium in order to pay my doctor bill. Now I’m uninsured. Many people I know have been forced into making serious life changes in order to fit these premiums into their budget, or have decided to drop insurance altogether. I am single, in my 40’s, and like to stay on top of my checkups. If these insurance plans do not cover basic health management, I feel I should have the option to opt out and not get fined. It’s a sad day in America when the government forces you to pay for “healthcare coverage” you’ll never use, which then makes it difficult to afford actual medical care.


Ahhh, so, we blame someone else for failure of this “Affordable” program!! I suppose it’s now the American way: policy makers who couldn’t fight their way out a wet paper bag are now in charge of our lives – as if those of us who know the value of hard work and independence would need help from lily-livered imbeciles who are afraid the get their hands dirty! It is an insult to the generations of Americans before us who struggled to make this country the greatest, God-fearing nation in the world!!!!


It’s outrageous what they charge for health insurance each month. I can’t afford to pay it each month along with bills and I fall above the Medicaid eligibility. Looks like I’ll be going without health insurance thanks for nothing Obama.


After countless days and hours of shopping for an affordable health insurance plan I have decided to give up and open a savings account at my bank instead. The lowest premium I can get through Obamacare is $350 a month but I recently bought a new home and that combined with other important financial issues means that $350 a month would be too much to invest in an insurance policy that is never going to pay a single doctor bill because the deductible is so freaking high. In order for me to get a lower deductible I would have to pay double the premium. That is more than I pay to own my home. Its absolutely ridiculous and I will not do it. I looked into getting an HSA, but you have to have a health insurance plan in place to connect it to. I tried shopping private insurance plans and they all sent me away saying that my best bet was to go to healthcare.gov and shop Obamacare. Health insurance in this country is a damn mess. I am not going to contribute to a plan that is never going to contribute to my health. I will put my money in the bank and use it when I need it.


Prior to AFC I purchased my own individual health insurance for myself and 2 dependents (I am self employed and net about $30000 per year and had 2 dependents – all of us are healthy and we may see a doctor only once per year). My premium was $222 per month, $30 co-pay and was allowed 4 doctors visits per year per person. Labs & diagnostics were exempt from my deductible, urgent care was covered as well as prescriptions with a small co pay. The great thing was that I could write off my premiums and health care costs on my taxes.
In 2016 my plan was no longer available and was notified I had to use the Healthcare.gov website to purchase new insurance. I was able to find a plan somewhat similar in coverage through Providence (well checks and labs covered, deductible waived) at a higher cost $276 per month out of pocket but with higher co-pays ($50-70) and higher out limits and less coverage. and… I can no longer write off my costs.
For 2017 the plan I currently have is no longer available. To get a plan similar, my premiums will run over $700 per month (that’s my cost). To get a plan that I can afford ($250-$300) I would have to meet a deductible of $6000-$7500 BEFORE ANY SERVICES ARE COVERED. then I am still looking at $70-$100 co-pays and $35 co-pay for prescriptions or 20% cost to me after deductible is met…

I am a moderate democrat and believe everyone should have access to health care but someone has to pay for it. How is this affordable for me?? I am better off not having insurance, paying the fine and paying out of pocket if I need a doctor. What I am now being forced to do is purchasing the lowest premium plan at $160 per month with a $12000 deductible so I would be covered for any catastrophic medical situation and paying out of my pocket for my annual exam. This system does not work for me. I was covered 2 years ago with great health care at an affordable price, now I am worse off.


I cannot afford Obama Care. Cheapest plan for my husband and I costs almost $1000 a month for 2017. I have cancer. No more treatment for me. Guess I will just die.


If we weren’t spending a million dollars a day to protect D. Trump in N.Y. Maybe we would be able to have affordable health care coverage. The alt right is in th White House and we have to pay penalties for not being able to afford ACA. Go figure.


I stopped working about 8 yrs ago and haven’t needed to file taxes, since my investment income has been less than IRS limits.

Tax Credits are useless to help with insurance bills, since we don’t pay federal taxes.

We’ve always had health insurance, but the costs have gone up 240% in the last 3 yrs and is forcing our savings spend to be about an extra car payment every month. Plus the high deductible plans have gone from $3000 -> $5000 –> $7500 during the price increases. Basically, these are catastrophic plans.

We were notified a few weeks ago that our current provider is leaving our state after 2016.

We WANT affordable health insurance and don’t want a hardship exemption.


God bless Trump…with costs of Obamacare and deductibles skyrocketing…I am amazed Secretary Clinton got 2 votes. Add in job killing corporate taxes, war on oil, inviting the mother of a man who attacked a cop to the DNC (Brown’s mother)etc.


The cheapest plan in Florida via the marketplace is $5K with a $7500 deductible…and $10K out of pocket max…insane.

$12K plus out of pocket for nada/prior to seeing one dime of benefit.

Prior to Obama, I was paying $4K per year for a $1500 deductible plan, with $3K out of pocket max.

I’ve zero health issues.

new haven stump jumper

Single Payer is the Only Solution to this mess.


If you’re a christian… google “medishare” It’s not for evryone but may help you


I have a friend that makes about $30,000 a year and she says that she has to pay $600 a month for medical insurance is this right


I make 7.80 an hour but work a lot of overtime so they just terminated my Medicaid. I was on Obama care and got kicked off after 2 months cause I couldn’t afford it. They are looking at my income but not my expenses. I have 9 people in my house and I’m the only one working. I have my 3 grandchildren and 1 grandchild due in March. My disabled daughter and husband who is out of work due to seizures. And I have glaucoma copd emphysema ptsd among other medical issues. Without my meds I will get sick and wind up losing my job. It seems they reward you when you don’t work and when you try to do the right thing and work you get punished.


I’m at a total loss of what to do. I’ve searched and have found no way out. The health insurance premium for me and my two kids for 2016 is $680 a month. 2017 it will be $940. My wife gets health insurance through her job, so, regardless of what our MAGI is, we are not eligible for any subsidy, and to add us to her work plan would be $1600. We can’t afford the 2016 premium we’re paying now, can’t afford to actually go to the doctor, are living on beans and day-old bread already; what are we going to do when our policy jumps 34% next year? There are even worse plans on the exchange, but they would only save us $100 or so; we can’t afford what we’ve been paying, $100 less isn’t going to make any difference. I checked, and there is no exemption on the marketplace for our situation (and if there was, an HSA won’t make our premium affordable.

I don’t blame the ACA. I had an appendectomy and ear surgery and was denied insurance because of that — before the ACA went into effect. I blame our health insurance and health care problems on the greed of insurance and drug companies; on over-priced procedures and inflated medical costs; I blame those in congress who refuse to fix the flaws in the ACA and make it work, who refuse to do their jobs because they are trying to make this system and Mr Obama fail.

But blaming or not blaming isn’t going to help my family now. If we pay the premium, we’re going to go further into debt just to make the payments. If we don’t buy insurance, we face a tax penalty and a potentially huge debt and bankruptcy if we get sick and need healthcare.

What can we do? There is no out. I can only hope that we don’t get sick, or if we do, that we die quickly.


So frustrated with this ObamaCare. you say “Affordable Health Plans”

But then the premiums start at $273 for me? I pay a lot of bills (rent, car, insurance etc.) and I make decent money and I still cannot afford any of the health plans advertise to me. So im getting penalized for not having insurance I cannot afford. Thank you


So, i just looked at my choices this year. We make the same money. Last year my plan cost us $25.00 a month. With nothing changing, i looked again and the new plan is going to cost me $289.00 a month, or i can chose the cheapest plan for 189.00 a month and it pays NOTHING until i hit a 6500.00 deductible. What in the world is going on. 50% increase i could wiggle, but this increase is RIDICULOUS! I really cannot affofd this hike, so guess i will have to be one of the uninsured people….


This unaffordable act insurance is a joke. I need help.



I need help.. i applied for obama care they told me i dont make enough.. they then told me to try medicaid and they told me i dont qualify because i make more.. i need insurance but i dont know what to do?


This is not more than a tax, forced on us, there is nothing affordable about it. I am 45 years old I good health and you want me to pay 528.00 per month for 30/70 coverage with a 7500 deductible. Just call it what it is “Death Coverage “


This is ridiculous.I went from 268.00 a month to 456.00 a month for the same exact plan.I can’t afford this.I guess they don’t consider food and other monthly bills.This is insane.


This is ridiculous.I went from 268.00 a month to 456.00 a month for the same exact plan.I can’t afford this.I guess they don’t consider food and other monthly bills.This is insane.


Cost for 3 healthy individuals.

My first year 2014 AHA premiums $246 with $3550 Max out of Pocket Cigna

2015 $167 with $5000 max out of pocket with Humana

2016 $224 with $5000 max out of Pocket w Humana

2017 $ 545 with $15000 max out of pocket with Insurnce companies rated 3 stars or below that no doctors will accept here in South Florida. Like always insurance companies win with the back up from our corrupt politicians.


Alejandro Damiani the insurance companies aren’t winning, they are being pushed out by other insurance companies. This was all Obama’s fault! Many insurance companies have had to pull their Health Insurance plans from offering them to people because they can’t compete because nobody will buy them because they would have to offer them at an astronomical price. Many of these companies laid off their employees and I am Insurance Broker, so I lost my contracts with those companies to sell their product. Obama Care hurt everybody in so many ways and it’s sickening! Where I live in WY we have one company to choose from on the Market Place and that is Blue Cross Blue Shield. It isn’t an ACA Affordable Care Act, it’s the UCA Unaffordable Care Act! In my 17 yrs of selling insurance, I have never seen such a not well thought out plan and such a complete mess! I feel your pain on all of it because my deductible and insurance premiums are unaffordable and no I don’t get any breaks just because I sell insurance. Hopefully, we will see a huge improvement over the next couple of years.


This is a form of oppression. …..Obama care should be a choice not forced onto people, I thought we lived in america….the land of the free


We can get insurance but it’s $850 a month for our family of three, we make 58k jointly and can’t afford that high off premium, and that’s the cheapest plan we can get. If my wife and daughter get insurance and I go without do I still get screwed and have to pay a fine!


Household income of $84K a year, living a fairly frugal life in a ‘cheap’ part of the country. Basically healthy 50-somethings. Since the ACA our premiums have tripled and the coverage has gotten worse. Healthcare costs now take all our disposable income and are eating into our savings. How the hell is this defined as ‘affordable’?


Thats what I want to know as well. This “afforable healthcare” act is a big effing joke. I tried to see if I was eligible for a subsidy to help pay for healthcare in 2017, and because I make below Federal Poverty Level Im in eligible. (Keep in mind, FPL for 1 person is $11,000). Im a student who has a part time job who makes roughly around 8,500 annually and was denied a premium credit to help pay for healthcare coverage. I cant get Medicaid in my state. So how can I afford healthcare when its clear that I can barely make fcking ends MEET? Fck this obamacare and this affordable health act this is a bunch of bullSh*t


we get great coverage from obama crap . 5000. deduct. and 500.month payment .what are they smoking. i gess when we get sick well just give the hosp my 500 a month you dont go to your insurance company when your ill so why do i want to give them my money. o to fill up there jet .


Oddly enough, I work at a large hospital, oftentimes 40 hours a week, but because I fall under the category of supplemental, I am not offered employer based healthcare or any real benefits package. Unfortunately, at a pay of about $13.40 an hour, I make too much to qualify for medicaid but not enough to reasonably afford the current health plan offers in the market. How am I supposed to get health coverage in this case?


Obama Care is a joke.I lose my job and now im told i have to pay $250.00 a month with no tax credit. Do i give up my home, my car, lights, gas, water or just get pregant to get assistance. I hope i find a job real soon.


I’m now at $1200 a month for premiums with a $14100 deductible and they won’t let me put it on a credit card. I’m checking into a bank loan. My wife and I got second jobs to help pay for coverage which knocks us out of any assistance. Our mortgage is only $900 a month. We also dropped the dental insurance portion because that added another $32 a month on top of the $1200. We just can’t work much harder, we took the kids out of their activities to save some money and I’m looking for a 3rd part time job. I have the lowest premium plan available plus all the providers all pulling out here in Iowa.


I’m 23 years old and I live in Whatcom County, WA and still cannot afford health insurance. I feel like I might have many underlying serious health problems. I haven’t been to the doctor in over 15 years. Anyone know what it takes to get a complete physical for cheap?


The premiums are ridiculous. Why have insurance when you pay more than your weekly paycheck for a visit? I’ll pass.


REPEAL OBAMA SCAM, this dude is getting a comfy job at a medical firm and we pay his pension. I cannot afford this filth shoved down our throats by greedy politicians


Rates are not affordable at all in 2017 in Pinal county Arizona if you are an individual retired and not yet 65 – my estimated premium for basically the same coverage jumps from $275 a month to $1,000 per month and out of pocket per year of 6400 – that is outrageous – how can they do this and call it affordable and expect people to sign up – we are right back where we started with people not signing up.

Kyle goddamn Stonehouse

I make 20-25,000 a year. But it’s part time work, so my employer isnt required to provide insurance. However; they offer it, and since they do, and I don’t take it, Medicaid rejects me. I dont take it because I can’t afford to give up 30% of my income. The plans on Obamacare all cost $200+ a month and don’t cover anything until you pay $6000 out of pocket. So it’s like paying $200 a month to not have insurance at all. But don’t worry, the government will pay most of it for me; so that I can go back to getting a $600 paycheck and only taking home $350. Becsuse government paying for it actually means I’m just paying more taxes. I pay either way. And now, since Obamacare has driven premiums so high, my company has restructured their benefit wages, and I just took a $4.00/hr pay cut. So now I’ve lost 30% of my income and still don’t have insurance. My teeth are rotting out of my mouth, I haven’t been to the dentist in 5 years, I feel sick and I have to choose between dying and going broke, because talking to the doctor for 15 minutes will cost you a hundred bucks and blood work $500, but it’s still better than paying $2400 a year to have to pay up to $6000 of your costs out of pocket in the first place. I’m sick I’m dying can’t afford insurance and what little money I had from my job Obamacare has ruined that too because my employer faces so many fines and taxes related to employee healthcare they can’t afford to pay me benefit wages anymore. Obamacare has ruined my life. First the government takes 50% of everything ruining the economy and then they turn around and force you to send the 50% you have left on bad insurance with high deductibles and high premiums even though you’re 25 and low risk.

Don’t even blame it on republicans and GOP like that’s supposed to make me feel better. You guys passed it and Obama signed it. I need my teeth fixed, need my health seen to, can’t even afford to eat good because I pay $6,000 in taxes every year on $23,000 gross and don’t get a penny back in tax returns. I eat bologna sandwiches and ramen every single day because it’s all I can afford. And now on top of it all I’ve taken a pay cut because my employer can’t afford Obamacare either.

I hope jay z and Hilary are swanking around at their cocktail party while my teeth rot out of my goddamn mouth and I work my ass off for 5 years without being late or missing a day once risking my life working in horrible weather to take a 4.00/hr pay cut


I checked into this. The “low-cost” catastrophic plan covers nothing until you pass $8,000 of expenses as your deductible. For this protection, they wanted me to pay almost $400 a month. The only jobs in this area available are part-time minimum wage jobs that will not allow you to take a second job because “you gave to be able to work any shift, any time”. You cannot even support yourself on this, let alone pay $400 a month for nothing.

They base your plan and pay.ent on your coming year’s estimated income. Why? If you start getting good close to your deductible (meaning the plan you pay for may finally have to pay something) they insist on reassessing your income, determine that an adjustment must be made and start your deductible at zero again. This is just fraud.

If you had to go without medical because you couldn’t afford it, despite the fact that you received no benefit, you are charged full price for the months you didn’t have it at tax time. Affordable? The price is much higher, and you get so much less. Not sure who actually gets a subsidy. I was told I don’t make enough income for a subsidy. And no, we don’t have extended medicaid in SC.


The answer to those complaining is tough s.

I lost my job, I got a new one making much less money, I have to borrow from my 401k (with huge tax penalties) just to make my month to month bill payments and since my new job is self employed it means now my tax rate is skyrocketing AND I have to buy Obamacare even though I can’t even afford to make car payments. Since I’m white, a man and single it means I can go f myself in the a – they don’t care since I’m not in the Obama voting demographic.

Meanwhile Obama is on Twitter saying “TREAT” yourself to “FREE” healthcare and that those “SPOOKY” rate increases aren’t actually a big deal since his voters are all on welfare anyways.

So now since I can’t afford to pay for Obamacare, since my SS tax went from 7% to 15% because I’m self employed – it doesn’t matter – they want their money. Period.


So even the cheapest plan is doubling its premium, and my annual income went nowhere… and that’s mostly luck. I get a laughable “credit” to my monthly payment, which accounts for less than half the increase… so somehow my other expenses (I’m looking at you, student loans) are going to magically be reduced to compensate? I already save zero for retirement… is that the plan? Pray to live long enough to get on Medicare while the insurance companies rob me for all they can get in the meanwhile? Your money or your life?


I have told the IRS that I am unemployed, with no income whatsoever. So WHY am I still being threatened by the IRS with a $600+ fine for not having insurance? WHY am I being threatened with jail time? WHY is the IRS threatening to take my home (which I don’t even own) and my property? WHY?


This is still a JOKE I was far better before this joke !! We all were


5 years ago, our family coverage cost $8000/yr with a 3500 deductible. The renewal quote we received yesterday is $24000/yr with a 10000 deductible. We have 2 kids in college and cannot afford to spend this kind of money for health insurance. What are we supposed to do?


As an American, not having freedoms to choose on simple things like Health Care, I am going to quit my job and become a homeless bum. There is no will or point of going to work anymore. Now that we live in a lovely SOCIALIST country why work anymore? There is FREE Health Care, FREE Cash Aid, FREE Section 8, FREE Food Stamps and the list goes on. Thanks Obama, I was against it but now I realize, it’s time to sit back, be a bum and reap the benefits of a socialists 3rd world dump like America.

And of course if Hillary (a continuation of the Obama legacy) gets in, more reasons not to work anymore.

I wanted to start my own business up at one time, but with all the regulations and red tape involved, it’s not worth it. Your truly better off being a bum in the United States then you are sitting in traffic like the rest of the sheep every morning and evening, slaving away your life to make some corporate clown rich while you shed away your hard earned money to a bunch of idiots like the IRS who do NOTHING for you and paying into this new sham of a health care system. I’m done, I just don’t give a (Blank) anymore as there is no hope of getting ahead.

It’s no wonder insurance companies are dropping off the face of the earth like flies. I am glad and hope this all collapses.

I hate America. The dream is over and DEAD.



This is RIDICULOUS!!!! The cost of the insurance is MORE than our house payment!!!!!! I can’t afford to pay this! It’s either pick health care or live in my house……HMMMMM…. NO BRAINER!!!!! My house wins!!!!! Since the cost has sky rocketed and many companies have pulled out, we SHOULD NOT be fined since the governments POOR planning of this disaster of insurance has been in play! DO AWAY WITH IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am in tears. My costs are increasing by 57%. I don’t qualify for subsidies or exemptions because I have a good salary. I work for a small company which does not provide health care, so I must purchase it on my own. I am the main earner in my household which includes my husband and me. Our combined insurance costs will more than double, and I don’t know how we will afford it (even though it’s not 8% of my salary). Not to mention, our deductibles are going up from $6000 to $6550, so all of our healthcare will have to be paid for out of pocket. We will be paying $600 a month for the pleasure of paying for all of our healthcare out of pocket. What do you think will happen to the economy when people like me no longer have any disposable income? We will have to cut WAYYYY back this year on our quality of life.


I am in tears. My health insurance is going from $175.67 to $275.28. That’s more than my car payment. I make a good salary and do not qualify for any subsidies. I am the sole earner for my household which includes my husband. His health insurance will also be close to $300.00. That’s about $600 a month for me. 1/4 of my take home pay! With bills that include a car payment, cell phones, home repairs I had to finance and am still paying for, internet, power, natural gas, gasoline, food, pets, and a legal dispute with my neighbor, I absolutely cannot afford $600 a month. Not to mention my deductible is going from $6000 to $6550, so all my health care costs come out of pocket anyway. Paying this health insurance means I will not be able to afford to go to the doctor!!! No, I do not qualify for an exemption either. My salary is too “good.” I seriously don’t know what I am going to do. Obamacare sucks so much.


I’m self-employed and work at home but schedule my hours to be 1:30 a.m until noon to help take care of my elderly parents (mom has Alzheimers, dad isn’t too far behind). My premium in 2016 is $275 a month (after the $200 subsidy) but for 2017 that’s going to $490 a month after the $200 subsidy. Crime in Italy! How am i supposed to afford this? So, I could work more hours, earn more money to help afford that – but then pay more in self-employment taxes AND would probably lose the subsidy too. ugh. I’m frugal, have a relatively inexpensive apartment, no cable TV just internet (mainly for work but also entertainment). Car is almost paid off and thankfully don’t have too many expenses there, but have dental expenses that aren’t part of my $275 a month and of course glasses (I’m 57) I only went to the doctor once in 2015 and just my well-woman visit this year. I don’t know what I’m going to do for 2017 and It’s stressing me out to even think about it.


I hate when people say ” Happy new year “, there s nothing good about a new year, all prices go up, now we can’t afford health insurance..


Basically people we are shit out of luck. I have been denied chips and Medicaid for my 6 year old and myself. I work 40 hours a week and so does my husband to support our family and we live pay check to pay check . Obamacare will not give my family any tax credits because they say my income is to high. I have pretty much been giving the option of groceries and electric or health insurance. And I will be fined at tax timed by people who will never be faced with this choice . Our country has failed us. I don’t know what to do.


I just can’t wrap my head around what this country thinks is affordable. With the amount of money it costs to just live in this country….there is no job that pays what is necessary for a family burdened with the high cost of housing, food, gas, schooling, and homeowners, car, life, and health insurances. No politician is going to fix this, they caused this mess. The increases granted to the insurance companies by the states this year is ludicrous. How do they think we can shoulder this? My only choice at this point is to drop our insurance and pay the fine…annually it is more than 50% cheaper than paying for insurance that I never benefit from because of the high deductible and because I’m lucky enough to be relatively healthy! That’s some choice…the good ol’ USA


So glad you feel for us…the 20% who don’t qualify for exemptions. We vote too!!!!


The fraction of people who don’t get employer coverage, aren’t on CHIP, Medicare, Medicaid, and don’t qualify for cost assistance or an exemption is a small fraction of the population. I do feel for all parties not seeing a better situation under the ACA, but don’t think it is 20% of anything (certainly not of the general population or even 18-64).

Kyle goddamn Stonehouse

The fraction of people who cant afford the health insurance they’re provided makes your “smaller than 20%” fraction of people into a much larger number. What’s the difference between these three people: someone with no insurance, someone who can’t pay for it themselves
so they’re provided with crap insurance, and someone who has it, but their deductible is so high they still can’t afford healthcare? You tell me. Seems like the same situation the way I look at it.

I work my ass off on a federal job and I don’t even have health insurance.

The only people I know of with health insurance are unemployed people. Obama wants me to quit my job get food stamps an Obama phone and Obamacare.

If I didn’t work and earn money my life would literally be better in almost every regard. I could afford groceries I could never afford before, have health care, and never pay another phone bill.


…um not sure where to start, I can’t afford Obama care either, I left my factory job of 30 years to care for my husband, he’s retired on ss and his insurance is through va. To cover just me on Obama care it’s $400 a month $6000 deductible 45% co-pay, we can’t afford that ! So I’m without insurance. I need a real solution answer.


I’m a single I’m a single divorce parent. I don’t get assistance for rent or food and I got a new better paying job so I could eat more than once a day. So now because I make an extra $260 a month I have to pay $245 for health insurance. WHY? I no longer qualify for free health care. Because my income went up I’m pay an additional $50 for day care? Why? Getting a better job made it worse.


I just lost my job and am on unemployment while going to school full time. I don’t qualify for Medicaid and I can’t afford any of the premiums for these plans. I’m also regularly in and out of doctors offices for a disorder so the catastrophic plans are useless. What do I do?


My niece’s insurance was 150.00 mo pre obamacare and she just got her 2017 amount and it’s 750.00for ONE person.. She makes 22,000 a year. How the hell is that? What happened to you can keep your own insurance? I checked and mine is 3000.00 per year which leaves me 9000.00 to live on for the year. ONE INCOME. I hate freaking Obama


United Healthcare is offering no compliant plans here in Florida. Thanks, AFFORDABLE care act. What is affordable about this? If you are in the middle, you are screwed. It’s really only beneficial for those who make very little money, but if you are low/middle class, you are not getting much help, and those plans have all gone up. No one will admit this is a broken system. All that will be said is all the good it has done. When no one looks at the pitfalls, someone is full of it. Yes, and many, many people will agree with me. Also, thanks for those WONDERFUL plan options this enrollment period. Higher deductiles, higher co-pays, etc.


This is more frustrating than anything. You charge people copious amounts of money for insurance they barely use. I’m 25 years old, and I’m trying to finish college and I’m going to fall off my parents insurance soon. I work at a grocery store, and I can’t go full time due to my studies, hence I cannot get health insurance through them. If Obama didn’t screw everyone over, I would be able to FINISH college and get health insurance when it fit into MY budget. But I’m so thankful that the people on welfare get a life full of relaxation knowing their housing, food, and insurance bills are all footed by the hard WORKING people in the US.


$47k a year for family of 4. $452 credit. STILL cannot afford this bull crap. Yeah I can get a free bronze plan…whatever with a $6k deductible per person per year? SO basically, Im paying for health insurance….. well for no health insurance.

Before this crap kicked in… I could get GOOD health insurance for $200 per pay check… and had $30 office copay and $5 prescription drugs. NOW I will have to pay 100%

Obamacare is a huge joke.


It is a tax. Roberts understood it. Roberts caved in to pressure. If you penalize people for not participating in your mandated program, it is a tax. It is also quite unconstitutional and unfair for a govt to force a marketplace. This whole thing was designed from the beginning to be so complex, so expensive, and so time consuming that it would force a single payer system. The people have had a load of agenda laden rhetoric shoved down their throats. Pass it, then you can read it, she said. It will be better, they all said. Oh, yeah … that’s proven to be really true. My premium has jumped by 50% this year. You can put that where your hope and change don’t shine.


After reading all these comments from desperate people, I have to wonder how Hillary is ahead in the polls?????

nathaly big mountain

The IRS will hold back the amount of the fee from any future tax refunds. There are no liens, levies, or criminal penalties for failing to pay the fee.
I just got this copied straight from healthcare. gov
I thought that was good to know meanings that I have never gotten a refund anyway.


I am looking for facts for healthcare for my son that is in college and since we are a military family, tricare dropped him at age 23 (he’s 24). how is it that obamacare supports this ridiculousness? Now he has to try and purchase healthcare through obamacare at the lowest rate it is $250/mo. But he doesn’t work (school) and if he was to get a job it would all go to supporting healthcare he most likely wouldn’t use. (He’s healthy) but worried he will have to pay a tax in January which he does not have the money for. This is a big circle mess. I also don’t want to hear that it is the GOP’s fault as indicated by many of the responses below- I don’t care what party is responsible- I want it fixed.


People under 30 are eligible to get catastrophic coverage. The premiums are much much lower, but the coverage is only designed to cover people if they have unexpected costly healthcare issues. He’ll get preventative care before deductible and the lower negotiated reimbursement rate that the insurer gets, but he would be responsible for early medical expenses.


Obamacare is a disaster. The Democrats have destroyed my life. I cant pay $6000 deductables with $570 a month premium and now that is considered in my best interest ? Then I have to pay a penalty because I cant afford it? This country under Democrats is worse than communism. Before Obama I had a plan $395 for me and my partner, now we have NOTHING but worries.


ACA has left more people unable to utilize their health care benefits because of gross premiums, deductibles and out of pocket expences and far out ways the new people now covered again leaving those very same people to pay for John, Dick or Harry plus their unaffordable Healthcare. Johnathan Gruber said the ACA is working as planned, I believe him. Obama again has lied, cheated and stolen from the American people. He and his family and all Congress should have Obama care as an example but, you knew it was a scam then and it is demonstrated daily it is a scam now.


It is always important to remember the millions who would have been unable to get coverage before the law (due to cost or preexisting conditions). We also have to remember that part of the old health care crisis was the rising costs. There are fair critiques of the law, and some involve cost, but the narrative you are presenting here is not a very helpful one. Healthcare reform is not about Obama lying and cheating, it is about reforming the healthcare and health insurance system for the 320 million. We will have a new President soon, but we’ll still have to solve the same issues together long after we can no longer point the finger at the current President.


Wow our rates just went up over 50% and our premium is more than our mortgage. How can anyone be expected to live with this. I am in tears as I type this because it seems like no matter how hard we try to lift ourselves up and get ahead someone comes and steps on our neck, crushing any effort to rise. I have never in my life had a president that so directly and negatively affected my life.


Obamacarefacts you keep going on and on about this pre existing condition rant that people with pre existing conditions could not get health insurance or coverage BEFORE Obamacare, and that is part of the scam.

It’s is one of Obama’s flat out lies, along with if you like your doctor and your insurance you can keep your doctor and your insurance.

How do I know this? I am one with pre existing condition and had AFFORDABLE insurance BEFORE Obamacare.

It is the law in many states for insurance to cover people with pre existing conditions and many of this states had this law way BEFORE Obamacare was even a thought.

So please, don’t go there, trying to further deceive those getting hurt by the ACA with the garbage about no one with pre existing conditions ever being able to get health care before Obamacare came into effect.

That is simply not true, and it’s a flat out lie.


I know people personally who couldn’t get coverage before due to being priced out of any sort of affordable coverage (despite the old preexisting condition pools and laws in some states).

But we will see what happens under President Trump.


“We will have a new President soon, but we’ll still have to solve the same issues together long after we can no longer point the finger at the current President.”

Oh but we can! Trickle down theory! Remember that little ditty? It really works right? Just ribbing the “trickle down people” is all. No harm no foul.

Anyhow, This system is horribly flawed as we all know. However, it is NOT only the ObamaCare that is flawed. It is rare to find a good deal on insurance anymore. Everyone who had a good plan before was told to get bent. Plans got worse and worse by the day as millions of people LOST their healthcare coverage due to Obummercare. I think the numbers that are projected at the polls are just a tad off to make the plan look better on paper.

Now let me toss this one by you all. And please pardone me, I am a bucket mouth …err uh fingers… I was on my wifes health plan provided through her employer. I will leave the name of said employer out to protect her job. Their coverage was pretty good IF you could afford $6500 deductible and $11000 out of pocket max. Oh I can still hear the words 9.5% Ray….. Only 9.5%. Hmmm. Now that coverage was coming out of a total monthly income of around $1600 /month to the tune of around $265 a month for the both of us. Where does that 9.5% come in to play? Oh it is the cost of the premium in retrospect to your monthly take home pay NOT INCLUDING your money that it costs to go to the doctor with such high deductible and out of pocket cost. %9.5 …….

I have MAJOR health issues that I do NOT expect any hard working American tax payer to cover. I did it to my self, I should man up and own it. I used to trim trees on the side to make extra money to “Get By”. Until one day guess who fell from about 30′ in the air to the ground flat on his back. My back is destroyed. In the process I lost my job, lost my house, lost my girlfriend and daughter. Then iw as offered Cobra at the low low price of almost 1k per month while unemployed. Remember good old Cobra insurance?

Fast forward a few years, I started getting MRI done and spinal injections to curb the pain since I had no insurance and could not afford major back surgery to fuse the spine and remove 4 discs and screw 3 of them back together that to this day are still broken. Through it all, I have gained some weight from not being mobile due to a essentially broken back for almost 15 years. Gained a lot of weight, picked up type 2 diabetes and non alcohol fatty liver disease.

So now my dr refers me to his financial lady because I cant afford to use insurance to come see him due to the cost. I appreciate his effort. He is an awesome guy. The financial lady looks at my insurance and says oh my god get off of your wife’s insurance and get this Silver plan! Ok. Surely she knows more than I so dropped me my wife did. I go to get my Silver plan and no back pain coverage. No Pain management coverage. No weight loss coverage that my dr said will essentially save my life. Not just weight loss surgery folks, weight loss programs in general. Was it Obummers wife pushing the our kids are to obese thing? But its ok for us adults? Hmmm Anyway, I know its not their fault Im big. Moving on.

Specialist visits. JOKE! With me being diabetic, I have to see a podiatrist to get my toes trimmed which really sucks and is embarrassing to be honest. Specialist. GI Dr for my fatty liver, specialist. My neurosurgeon for my back is a specialist. I am now allowed up to 3 whopping specialist visits per year. So which one do I go see? Oh and just tossing this out here, I get spinal injections twice a year for 3 weeks straight. it takes me no less than 5 specialist visits per session to get my injections. Oops!

Now back to that whole 9.5% thing. All the issues I just listed fall under the old Pay out of pocket thing. Ok cool. After my wifes insurance for her self, bills, gas money for the month for work alone, my Silver plan, house payment, car payemt and car insurance, water, sewer, house phone only, and garbage, we had $5.65 left over this month. $5.65…….. 9.5%. 9.5% of what?

Someone mentioned suicide earlier. At the rate I am going, it would be easier for me to bite a bullet and get my wife some death benefit from SSI for me and her live a little better life without me burdening her or the bank account. I am going down hill quickly and am nothing but a burden on society as a whole. F* all that. I was a hard worker all my life and paid my own way. Now they want me to go silver and take tax credits that you the tax payer have to pay for. But the rich can afford it right? Let them pay my fair share. WRONG! I need no ones money. I appreciate the gesture.

One little trick we all know is to adjust our taxes so we pay nothing each week or barely. Just enough to NOT have to pay back at the end of the year. This little trick makes it so they can not keep any of our refund as a penalty for not having insurance if I decide to not get it again. BEWARE PEOPLE this bring sup a new issue. if you owe any monies to collections, they can brick your check if you bring your take home pay up any higher than 40 times the minimum wage ($384 as of 2016) . Be very careful with the avoid the penalty tricks.

Ok I’m done now, let the poking with sharp pointed object begin on me since I rambled so much.

In the words of a wise man, “Take care of yourselves, and each other”. ~Jerry Springer~


Obama scared me and my family. Cost is through the roof. Moron.


That’s a pretty lame answer for people who are having a hard enough time coping. “Hey, you have money problems and health problems so you’d better read up and educate yourself on what to do. It’s all on you to figure out our changes. So we hope you have a computer and internet access and time and the brains to jump through our hoops. Good luck, we feel for you but not enough to provide a human being to help you through this.”


When a person has no income and lives in a state that didn’t expand Medicaid there is no simple answers for them. This frustrates me to no end, but it is very complex to solve (as each state and region without expansion will have its own little tips and tricks, like seeking out a specific charity). My general answer is to check with local assisters in public hospitals, at programs for low-income people, and to call the state medicaid department. There are millions of Americans who need answer here, but states rejecting Medicaid has made this difficult.


This is a joke and one that has hurt everybody. We are a family of six, and our new premiums for a mostly major medical plan are going up to $1600/mo. We’re a farming family, so we get screwed being self-employed, and also because our adjusted gross income is too high to qualify for ANYTHING, despite the fact that most of that income goes back into farming or is taken in taxes. I seriously don’t know what to do and have considered all options. The ACA is going to break our family. Thanks.


Just reviewed over the new premiums – my old was $24 p/month and now its $460 p/month. I am the only one working with a family of four – there is NO WAY I can cut this out of my paycheck between rent, food, basic necessities (we don’t have luxury items like cable or dish, we have no TV services!), being able to afford gas and keeping up with bills – how do you expect me to pay for all of that?? This is complete government robbery! This increase is past ‘cutting us short’, I now have to choose either abiding by the law and getting mandatory health insurance OR feeding my children??? How dare you! I used to believe in our government was doing whats best for its people…you are forcing people to choose to break the law or stave.


It sounds to me like you went below the 100% FPL limit or above the 400%. There is no way (unless you had an ultra cheap grandfathered plan) that $24 was the old full price and $460 the new full price. The rate hikes are an average of 22%, your increase is obviously well beyond that. Are you applying through the marketplace? You may want to double check what income you are projecting. Assistance is based on actual income for the year, and since that has happened yet, you still have time to wiggle around using HSAs, 401ks, other deductions, and even controlling your income (by working a bit more or less if needed).

I get the frustration, and you aren’t alone, but the increase you describe seems fishy compared to the way you describe your other costs.


So basically what you’re advocating for middle class earners is to reduce their expenses in order to afford mandated coverage that we don’t want? Is that about the size of it? I know many people who were perfectly happy with their coverage before it was cancelled due to ACA minimum requirements. We all know how this works friend. The plan was designed to fail to begin with. Tax us to death so desperation drives us to beg the government for single payer. The fact that you have a website defending this travesty utterly amazes me.


The main point of the website is to help people navigate the ACA, but yes it is also meant to defend the rights of those who don’t speak up. I know millions face higher costs, but the other millions are getting affordable coverage for the first time. I personally want to see lots of fixes, but gotta deal with what we got. In that line of thinking we are making actionable suggestions like “find out how to utilize the amazingly tax advantaged HSA” and “check out section 1332 state-based alternatives”.


Not fishy if you live in AZ. The same plan that we had last year went from $400/month to $1200/month. That is a fact.


Obama care is the reason I can’t afford health care and its going up. So now what? I have no extra income to put towards a plan with shared cost even if I qualified yet the government which is taxing me over 20,000 a year is going to fine me a ridiculous fine that I wont be able to pay because like I said I have no extra money. THANKS OBAMA AND JERRY BROWN!!!! I feel your pain my working class brothers…


Cost assistance is based on household income compared to family size and the federal poverty level. https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-poverty-level/

If you pay $20,000 in income taxes, then your income is fairly high and perhaps that has priced you out of cost assistance. I know many people struggle with high incomes due to other costs, so I won’t take that from you. However, you may want to look into an HSA in this case. It is hard to give specific advice without any specifics, but your frustration is noted.


The average premium will go up 25% next year? So if that’s an average, take the number of catastrophic plans, which is probably hundreds of thousands if not millions, and realize they pay next to nothing if not nothing at all. So their increase goes up very little if any. The average will be lobsided to the American tax payer. We will see increase of 50% or more. Cities and towns all over America are limited to 1 or 2 providers. There is no competition. No choices. 85 providers leave and less than 20 enter. We are 20 trillion in debt, with a horrible gdp to deficit ratio. WE ARE RUNNING A DEFICIT FOR PETE’S SAKE!! We are not Iphones to tweak and play with. We are human beings and Americans. When did it become so impossible to grow a small business or have choices.?


high deductible insurance is going to kill people.!!! anyone who depends on medication and can’t afford the ludicrous deductibles are going to go without!!! So when u have diabetic people losing limbs and depressed people harming themselves or worse, but at least we will know who to Sue.


Health care premiums are too high. Even after paying hundreds of dollars required by the government for healthcare and the money going out in child support I’m left with a negative balance each month that has now gotten me in a lot of debt. God forbid I have to use the health care I can’t afford the deductible. If health care and child support (and I still have my children 50% of the time) take up 70% of my income after taxes there isn’t enough left for bills. Health care was cheaper before this. And I have to agree with another poster, you are better off to not work, take the free health care plus state assistance. I understand why many people work under the table regardless of the “consequences” why do we let the wealthy of America decide policy? This country used to be built on hard work and honesty but it is not present in our politicians or our business leaders and the majority now suffer.


Overall outlay for our family of 4 in 2017 with Obamacare: $18,000 a year in premiums, PLUS $6800 / person deductible, $13,500.00/per family. and 30% co insurance. And paying for maternity when my wife has no uterus. In our house, we call it “SH–CARE”. We are out of the program as of the end of 2016, no more of this insanity for us. No more of us subsidizing others, at $31,500.00 per year, even if the care was wonderful, which it is not, it still would not be worth it. Good-bye


I am a single mother of a newly 18 daughter who just graduated High School. I’m also a disabled Veteran who goes to the VA that only covers service connected things. The VA will not cover my daughter because she just turned 18 in August, and I’m disabled not retired military. We do not qualify for access because I’m not on unemployment, and medicaid is not in my state. My ex-husband refused to put her on his insurance this year, because he’s out of state. We are living on my student loans, and I’m only bringing in $350 a month on my 30% disability. Why am I going to be taxed $1.5k for not having insurance that I can’t afford?


They “feel” for me. Hahahaha


What if you don’t make any money and aren’t on disability. How do you get insurance if you can’t pay for it.


What if you don’t make any money and aren’t on disability. How do you get insurance if you can’t pay for it.


If your state has expanded Medicaid, then you would apply for Medicaid in your state. If not, than you are automatically exempt from the requirement to have health insurance or owing the fee because your income is below the Tax Filing Threshold.


I’m sick of obamacare! My health insurance just went from 250.. To 300..$. I’m on the income base and I can’t really afford the 250 a month. I also had to pay $500. In federal tax because I was told I didn’t pay enough for my insurance. There are young people able to get off their asses and go to work, yet they get ALOT of Food Stamps and Medicaid to set on there lazy asses and do nothing but breed! What the hell are the elderly suspouse to do, curl up in a ball and die! Fuck you OBAMA! I hope TRUMP wins and takes out your damn legacy!!!


You said in your answer “People who are exempt due to affordability (or some hardship exemptions like being denied Medicaid) can get a low cost catastrophic plan outside the marketplace (exemption required unless you are under 30).”

Why did you specify “outside the marketplace”? There are also catastrophic plans *inside* the market place. The identical catastrophic plan where I live costs more if purchased outside the marketplace. The catastrophic plans outside the marketplace may be qualified or NON-qualified (see below).

Since the lowest cost bronze plan costs about 15% of my income, I qualify to do one of three things: 1) go without insurance and without penalty at tax time 2) buy a qualified catastrophic plan inside or outside the marketplace or 3) by a non-qualified plan.

The qualified catastrophic plans are still pretty expensive. The one available where I live will cost 10% of my income. Not great, but the option of no insurance is not one I’m willing to accept. Catastrophic Insurance is for protection against catastrophic medical events, not so much for everyday use, although the catastrophic plans do still cover some things without deductibles and copays.

The NON-qualified plans are generally less expensive than the qualified ones but have all the problems of pre-ACA insurance plans: underwriting, pre-existing condition exclusions, benefit caps, etc. Many of them also have duration limitations e.g. you can get them only up to a maximum of 6 months (depending on state) since they are mostly for bridging coverage gaps.


Thank you for pointing that out. I will make sure that gets corrected on this page. Also thanks for the additional information as well.


My option as a 27 year old working at a non-profit with no employer-provided options, and making $30000 (just above the assistance pay rate) is to pay premiums for a plan that offers no real coverage, pay premiums soon to increase to 1/5 of my paycheck, or be penalized for not having coverage; a penalty which is also rapidly increasing. Alternatively I can jump on my wife’s employer-provided plan for 1/4 of my paycheck. So there are zero quality options for the middle class and for young adults trying to build a life. The governments response to this problem is “you have many options,” ignoring the fact that every option is a terrible one.


—You can tell this site is watched by a liberal A=====hole


Well our great country was founded on the principles of liberalism, so I’ll take that as a compliment. My favorite principle is probably freedom of speech, not always in practice, but in principle.


What is your advice to those of us whose premiums double or even triple in 2017? Many people will be forced to drop coverage and pay the fine. Where will that leave them? Poorer and with NO insurance. Thoughts?


The first advice is to shop around. Second is to look into all options including assistance, exemptions, HSAs, self-employment, cutting back hours, working more. This will be different for every family. Then i’d likely try to find low-cost catastrophic coverage that counts as minimum essential coverage and avoid the fee. It really depends on a family’s needs though.

medication should be exempt from high deductible insurance period people depend on these meds to live and if u think for a second they will be able to pay the outlandish cost for prescription till they meet the deductible. This will cause people to go without becouse of costs. People will be hurt or worse. Your literally going to have blood on your hands.


What else would expect to be defending this unaffordable socialized attempt at healthcare?

The cheapest plan I can find for me is 14% of my annual income. That’s a mortgage payment. Ridiculous.


If the cheapest plan you are offered is more than 8.13% you income, you are exempt from the Individual Mandate to have insurance and from paying the fee. File for an exemption.


obamacare is a complete joke. Despite if you love or hate obama has nothing to do with is happen to millions. If you change oil for a living, you are not living paycheck to paycheck, but more to 4 to 5 days till net paycheck. Since you are working, you do not get any help, or fit in any government plan. Sorry, there isn’t a plan to supports the people who fall in the middle, but wants to work. If you get laid off your job, and can’t afford cobra, like most people. Then it takes 3 months to get a job, then it takes 3 months to get insurance, why should I or anyone have to be taxed? This is still America, and the poor should not be taxed because they are poor. This is pathetic at best.


If you change oil for a living the chances you qualify for cost assistance is probably high. If you get laid off and can’t afford COBRA you can get marketplace coverage (which is better than it was before). I get the frustration, but not sure this is the best example.


I’m sick been sick for months can’t afford insurance can’t get Medicare gu as the poor simply die


When checking for plans the website asks for income but not expenses. ACA is not affordable at $474 for a single person’s monthly rate. What can I do to get an exemption?


My premium jumped from 35 bucks per month to 320 per month in a year time. I’m a waitress with 3 teeagers. I do recieve an extra 400 per month to my income for servivors benifits. I’m all alone with no help at all. I don’t get foodstamps, wellfare, ect….Why was I excluded.


Even if I stretched my budget to pay the premiums for the health plan I could never afford to use it because they want me to pay 40% of the bill. $695 is half the premiums and as long as I make sure I don’t get a refund the IRS can’t collect the $695. They need to just cover everyone and tax employers based on the hours worked. Good Companies already pay health care so it would not be a burden to them. Those who try to avoid or pay provide the minimum health coverage would pay more but then again they are cheap and greedy so I don’t care if they have to pat more. Companies use part-time to avoid things like health care, Vacation and sick time. We need laws to force companies to pay these benefits to their part-time employees at a reasonable rate per hour worked.


I barely can make the $300 monthly ACA payments. Just received a notice that my premium will increase to $500.
Where the crap am I supposed to get the extra income? If I get another job then it will lower my supplement and increase my payment even more.
This is making the poorer even poorer.
This program STINKS! Worst idea ever.


We can’t afford obama care anymore. If we take lower premiums then we have to suffer trying to pay bills. Obama or this healthcare does not care for middle class, they have millions we have a few thousand. Noting about this helps us.

obamacare is horrible

im a single mother of 1 child, living on long island. I work two jobs, making about 35000 a year.. rent is 1400 a month, and I have credit card bills, after school day care payments so I can work, living costs, car insurance, car note… barely making it week to week with money in my pocket… and I currently have no insurance because OBAMAcare says I can afford “LOW COST” health insurance with payments of about 300 or more dollars a month, with catastrophic deductibles, 7,000 8,000 deductibles.. really? whats the point in even having the insurance, might as well have no insurance take the penalty.. and get back to taxes at all… and just pay out of pocket for doctors visits if I’m dying and over the counter medications aren’t helping. so basically just die…. until you feel you have no choice but to go to the doctor.. its DISGUSTING. I don’t receive child support but my daughters father has Medicaid food stamps and housing……. something is definitely wrong with America. What’s the point in working? Might as well stay home and get everything for free… that’s basically what America has come to.. the Hard working middle class gets screwed. Its so frustrating. and literally makes me sick. So work hard all year long, waiting for your income taxes and getting nothing in return because they FINE YOU for not having the LOW COST INSURANCE that they TELL you that you can afford… lol. It’s sick..


I am 57 years old, and make $68,000 per year (gross). My health care plan is going up to over $700 per month!! That’s almost 25% of my weekly take home pay. What part of AFFORDABLE is that!??? So, my other option is to take a plan that will cost me over $600 PER MONTH, and have NO hospital coverage at all. I can’t afford any of this. I am basically a healthy person. I don’t go to the doctor very often. But the doctor I have had for years is PPO only. Or, I can just pay him $90 per visit, which is far, far less costly than my current medical insurance plan. The insurance companies, once again, are taking all the money from everyone – the individuals, the doctors and all the hospitals, labs and other health care providers while they continue to get richer and richer. I just want a hospital plan and a prescription drug plan.


I am 57 years old, and make $68,000 per year (gross). My health care plan is going up to over $700 per month!! That’s almost 25% of my weekly take home pay. What part of AFFORDABLE is that!??? So, my other option is to take a plan that will cost me over $600 PER MONTH, and have NO hospital coverage at all. I can’t afford any of this. I am basically a healthy person. I don’t go to the doctor very often. But the doctor I have had for years is PPO only. Or, I can just pay him $90 per visit, which is far, far less costly than my current medical insurance plan. The insurance companies, once again, are taking all the money from everyone – the individuals, the doctors and all the hospitals, labs and other health care providers while they continue to get richer and richer. I just want a hospital plan and a prescription drug plan.


I am 45 and have had health insurance all my life and marketplace insurance in 2015. I had to payback $1,500 for 2015 coverage and had to opt out of coverage for 2016 because the premiums doubled and even though I received a pay increase all that did was completely disqualify me from qualifying for a tax credit. I support the idea of the healthcare reform but am VERY concerned with the actual results. I still can’t believe I am uninsured for the first time in my life!! The premiums are 1/2 the cost of my rent! How do I find affordable coverage? I want REAL coverage not just some inflated deductible or catastrophic plan to meet the new law!


I really hate Obama care , me and my husband don’t qualify for any tax credit so we have to pay everything but we can’t ,we are paying mortgage, water ,gas and school I mean this is wrong!!!!!!! I hope the next president fix this!!!!!!!!


I am drowning in debt thanks to this Healthcare. I had insurance last year and what I could barely afford was $567 for the cheapest plan. My gallbladder went bad and the hospital bill was over 20k and they did not take it out yet…… My insurance covered 7k of that. Then this year my insurance went up to $697….I chose to go without it to try to climb out of debt but the government will now penalize me! I own a small business and can’t afford this!


In 2016, your out-of-pocket maximum could be no more than $6,850 for an individual plan and $13,700 for a family plan before marketplace subsidies. If your insurance is not covering the costs beyond your out-of-pocket maximum then you need to find out how to appeal the claims through your insurer.


My adult unmarried son has Asperger’s, and still works a $10 hrly job- which grosses him at about 20K per year, or about $1700 gross per month. He earns too much for Medicaid! Basic math & common sense (which congress is NOT good at) tells me he cannot afford Health Care. $750 rent & utilities, $50 Phone, $130 car ins, 0 for old rickety car, $400 child support, $250 various taxes, $250 food…uhhh hello that is already in the red and does not include such things as gas or registration, vehicle repairs, much less hair cuts or a vacation. These are not frivolous expenses, Mr President, these are LIFE expenses, non negotiable. Congress needs to be required go out and live on $20K a year with no help, before they can hold office. SO, he will adjust his w-4, so he DOES NOT get a refund, and that way IRS cannot take it. The ACA law is CLEAR that this is a penalty tax the IRS cannot arrest you, freeze your money or levy property. So, for those of you who cannot pay for Insurance, go ask a tax account to help you adjust your W-4 (that is the form you fill out when you start a job that tells the employer how much money to withhold for taxes.) The IRS can, however, collect the penalty from the next year IF you have a refund. So, plan your withholdings carefully (owe some tax), but don’t pay a penalty when you only earn $20K a year.


Well as all others have said, Obamacare is a JOKE!!. I just got our notice for the 2017 insurance premium increase. It has gone up $300 / month for 2017. Since December 2015, to January 2017, basically a year and a month, our premium has gone up $700 / month. We are a family of 4, no health issues, just get our annual preventative check up. We cannot afford that, I can’t afford the last increase. We are a small business, no big corporate group insurance, and don’t get the luxury of the government workers who elected to opt themselves out of Obamacare, so here we are “stuck and up the creek without a paddle. Overall outlay for our family in 2017 with Obamacare: $18,000 a year in premiums, PLUS $6800 / person deductible, and 30% co insurance. And paying for maternity when I don’t have a uterus. In our house we call it “SH–CARE”.


For a family of 6 I cannot find any affordable health insurance. Everything is far more expensive than my mortgage and that makes no sense. My family does not qualify for a tax credit, yet we cannot afford to pay this outrageous cost! I just found out that the plan I have $1600/month (which already pays for NOTHING) is being discontinued and the next cheaper one I can get from my provider will be almost $2000 next year!!!!


I work 70 hours per week and am the soul provider for a family of three with a disabled son that my wife has to care for. For the first time in my life we are all uninsured and the fines at the end of the year are expected to financially destroy my family. We will never own a home, we have no future. We are slowly slipping into bankruptcy and the ACA is the direct cause. We have decided to file for divorce over this issue as my family can no longer afford to stay together. I have real, deep seated hatred for anyone who even attempts to defend this. Burn in hell.


My family has chosen to go off market for health insurance because Obamacare and the chip program for our children would be more than our mortgage $1,167/month (why ?!?!?!?!) to be exact. It still is right around the same as our mortgage but not as high as Obamacare. We are self-employed and we are being raked through the coals living pay check to paycheck even dipping into savings now to pay for health insurance. We are hardworking people and have never felt so trapped. We’re not wealthy, but we work hard and pay our taxes. It’s unfair that we are paying outrageous premiums for something we need. My husband and two boys have the lowest premiums and I have the gold because of having a baby this year and I didn’t want to pay the ridiculously high deductible. I’m not looking for handouts I’m simply letting the government know that it’s not working for us and please let the American people handle insurance ourselves the way it was before. I understand that there is no perfect solution for health insurance but the Affordable Health Care act is destroying the middle class and the American dream of being self-employed.

In response to this statement: “Hopefully other people will post some suggestions below, it’s of course not an easy question to answer and we feel for people finding themselves in this position,” stay out of health insurance.


My health insurance is increasing nearly $500 a month in 2017. This should be renamed the unaffordable healthcare act. Also, BCBS dropped my plan. What a country! You are better off paying the penalty and taking your chances.


My husband and I earned 82,000 BEFORE taxes last year. That means that we brought home about 60,000. We don’t own a home, we rent. We don’t live high. If cable is living high then we have a basic plan
. We have no health insurance. The cheapest plan for us last year was 1,450 per month. We have been fined every year. I’m 60, he”s 55. What do we do? Why are we being punished for working all our lives?


I this is crap. A family of four worth am income of 40,000 is barely enough to live. Wet pay our bills that wer have to have and the ones that the law imposes on us (rent,elect,water,car insurance). After these are all paid we are scraping change together to buy groceries…..very cheap groceries! Not healthy! Cheap! Which in the long causes medical problems that wer can’t afford because we can’t afford another bill every month. Aka some wer can’t afford it or wonderful (pshhhh)president charges a very large fee….a few for being middle class.
In order to be exempt from this nonsense the lowest priced plan must be more than 8% of your income. Do you realize how much that is? 266 per month for us! That’s a whole freaking lot! Enough for a car payment! I’m driving my two small children around in a car that is about to break down, because with our income we cannot afford the *extras” such as car payments, or any kind of financing for anything! It just wouldn’t be smart. 40,000 is a good income. Better than a lot of other people’s situations, but it’s just enough for a family of four to get by on. We don’t EVER go on vacation,never to the movies, or the mall. Our clothes come from goodwill, and a treat for us is to eat out somewhere like a cheap Mexican restaurant ($10 per plateam is a lot for us. ).
Im not complaining about my life. Im very happy. But the middle class is constantly punished. Either paying a fine or not being Rich enough, or paying more and being denied any help for not being poor enough.
This is not affordable health care. It’s cheaper to pay doctor bills at the self pay rate! With the hopes that you don’t end up having to be admitted into the hospital. Im one of the ones who are just having to take my chances. Not by choice. By nessesiy.
The only advice this whole group of Obama care pushers can offer is basically ”sorry bout your bad luck! ”
I’m sure president Obama is losing tons of sleep (on his expensive white house luxury bed) at night about what he has done to people like me.
I know I sure am.


Your right that the benefits of the Affordable Care Act are not well distributed. I assume that you and your family are restricted from using the marketplaces because of the “Family Affordability Glitch” related to Employer Coverage. If you were allowed to use the Marketplace and receive cost assistance for premiums and out-of-pocket expenses you would probably have a much different perspective. At $40,000 annual a family of 4 is 164% of the Federal Poverty Level (for 2017) and your families portion of the premium costs would be reduced by the amount it would take to keep the second lowest cost silver plan at 6.41% of your families income. In addition, you would have been eligible for Cost Sharing Reduction Subsidies (CRS) to reduce the deductible and copay that your family are responsible for.

TIP: Some state marketplaces do not show CRS on their sites and you must instead call the insurer’s offering Silver Plans to find out what portion of the deductible and copay you would be responsible for. Your families income must be below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level and it is only available on Silver Plans.


I am a free-lance graphic designer in excellent health who has not been able to find work. I am 55 so my prospects are rather dim for employment as I am an immediate health risk. I live paycheck to paycheck. Currently I am trying to sell some possessions on ebay to cover living expenses. With rent, food, renters insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, no cable just an internet connection, a cell phone, gas and electric, and health insurance (a $405/month Anthem bronze plan that leaves me $11,000 immediately in the hole if something catastrophic happens) – SOMETHING WILL GO UNPAID.


I want to address the man that is the graphic designer. I understand your situation. My husband and I are in the same boat. Both freelancers, my husband is a graphic designer too. He worked 27 year for the same agency, then one day, the place sold and everyone was let go. For the last 3 years it has been all freelance work, and plenty of it, until the last 5 months, and now nothing at all. Not even one little thing. Our health insurance through his company was great. We bought our own insurance in 2014 after the layoff, the premiums were $1000. a month with a $3500. deductible for each person. 2015, the premium was 1500. a month, with a 3500.00 deductible for each person. 2016, the premium is now $1125.00 per month, with a $3500.00 deductible for him, and a $6000. deductible for me. We had to split our policies. NOW for 2017 we are looking at a premium of $1700. per month and $6000. deductible for each of us. I am rarely sick, and take no Rx and I am 58 years old. My husband OTOH who is a very fit (meaning trim and runs daily) 61, has all sorts of genetic issues, already had heart surgery, etc. and his Rx per month without insurance is $800. We are blowing through our savings fast. We get qualify for no subsidy at all as up until April 2016, our income was very good. BUT, when going to sign up for the 2017 plan they ask only ONE question, how much our income will be for 2016. Well our income for 2016 will be $52,000. but that ended in April. They need to ask how much you are making RIGHT NOW and expect to make in 2017, since the premiums being paid will be for 2017 and NOT 2016. There is no thinking outside the box when it comes to the ACA.

And to the moderator of this blog, I understand you are trying to help, but it does not help to tell overworked, worried, scared people to take it to their congressmen/women. They barely have the energy to go home from work, make dinner, take care of the kids, etc. I read every post on this site today, and have to say, any change that might come to pass from this slow as molasses congress is not going to help any of these people on this blog, who are really in dire need and do not have 5 years to wait for fat cat politicians to get the “OK” from their puppet masters to finally do something about this national catastrophe.


Since Obama Care started my insurance went from $240/month for my wife and I to $500/month, to now more than $850/month. I’m done. I’ll pay the penalty (which is a tax) and gladly save the $10,200 in premiums and $12,000 deductible (before anything is actually covered – what a joke. AND IT”S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE AS MORE AND MORE INSURANCE COMPANIES OPT OUT.


There is nothing affordable about Obama Care! What a joke! Way to go democrats way to go!

Government needs to stay out of the insurance industry!


Im paying a few hundred a month in insurance that i cant afford to use because the deductible is soo high. I work i pay my taxes and before obama got involved i could have healthcare and use it to. Can we get back to that? My wife is due anyday now and wont be working for a while. Now down to one income and insuring 3 people my monthly payment will be around 400. Does that sound reasonable?


I live in California and make 3000 a month. The cheapest plan from my job would be 1400 a month for me and my son. Rent is 1800. Don’t qualify for assistance and can’t afford insurance.


It’s difficult to find out state specific eligibility guidelines for CHIP, but based on the graph, your son will qualify for CHIP (Medicaid for kids) and CHIP costs are reduced or eliminated depending on family income. According to this California offers CHIP coverage to children in families making less than 261% of FPL (for a family of two that would be up to $41,812 in 2017). Usually, but not always, employer coverage for the employee is fairly reasonable and it is adding in family members that is a big expense. So you would take your employers coverage for just you and you will apply for CHIP in California for your son’s coverage. I hope that this information helps.


so i am making ok money to support my family, we have no health insurance and have been paying cash for all medical (X-rays cost about $30). we will have to pay this year over $3000 in fine for not having health insurance, but to get health insurance it would cost over $24000 a year before health insurance would do anything which is over %25 OF OUR INCOME. our auto covers us in car accidents, lni covers work injuries, so how can we justify paying for something that will cost more than our home every year before it does anything, but yet we have to pay a fine for paying for 100% of our medical expenses since we dont qualify to get assistance from any government agency?


If your coverage costs more than 8.13% of your families income, you qualify for an exemption from owing the fee for not having insurance and from the requirement to have minimal essential coverage. You have to apply for that exemption through Healthcare.gov.


I am at my wits end because I have been dealing with severe stomach problems since 2014, but I am an uninsured college student, and get denied for medicaid, yet get crazy high choices I cannot afford due to not being able to work because I am literally too sick, but I am screwed because I need to work because, again, I am a college student (though this has literally gotten me to the point of having to do all online courses). It sucks but I have no options what so ever, my biggest hope is in the upcoming elections, sadly, Trump gets in so he can repeal it. I literally wish I could move up to Canada, but alas, too broke.


I make roughly 19,000 a year. My job offers me insurance but its to much for me. I live on my own, and I go to school. Is there any options for me? Even if the insurance through my job is considered affordable, under Obamacare, there’s no way I can afford over 100 bucks a month. But I need health insurance.


I recently moved to a new state and I found out I was pregnant. I have 3 kids and my husband is the only one working. May I add I have an autistic child. My husband makes good money but with food and rent and every other bill we’re left with nothing.I dont qualify for insurance and neither do my kids even with a disability. So you want us to be dead beat parents and just get welfare and in order for us to be insured. Welcome to america people where the rich stay rich and the middle class don’t exist


Should I just go without health care? Im 48 and healthy. And I make around $50,000 per year. But still just seem to break even with child support, bills and everything in between.
Another $300 per month for the most basic coverage and high yearly deductible just doesn’t makes sense.

If something catastrophic happens there’s always the county hospital?



Is there any help for me – On permanent SSA Disability due to Stroke; I’m 54 years old and can’t afford supplemental ins to Medicare to cover what Medicare doesn’t. My Medicare will be starting in Dec. and I am so worried I won’t be able to afford the health care I need and the many prescriptions I MUST have.

Breaking my back for nothing

For my wife an myself the cheapest insurance is more than my house payment and has a $15K deductible. Even if I could afford the insane premium the insurance is worthless as I also have to pay all medical costs out of pocket until I hit $15,000 dollars.

People here are right we are better off being unemployed than working in this system.

This is the most devastating policy to the middle class who pay for this country to operate.


First, under the ACA health insurance plans must have a $14,300 out-of-pocket maximum for a family plan. So the deductible for a family plan can’t exceed that amount.

The ACA isn’t perfect and its confusing at times. Many people come here to get advice and we try to offer the best advice we can about the law and people’s options. The best advice isn’t always fair and it isn’t always affordable either.

Second, I have seen this comment a lot here “better off being unemployed than working in this system,” but have yet to see anyone actually unemployed who is actually better off, even after the ACA went into affect. If people are so certain that they’d be better off unemployed, perhaps they should try being unemployed and let everyone know how that goes.


Well, I am feeling trapped. My husband lost his job in 2013, can’t find anything else- he’s 50 and apparently too old. I am working two part-time jobs- earning $36000 a year. I’m 48. I was recently turned down for a full-time job because they didn’t like the fact that I have been working part-time for several years. So, the cheapest health insurance plan we could find is $800 a month, with a $3700 deductible. We have to pay 100% of any doctor bills until we reach that deductible. We don’t go to the doctor anyway. We were given a subsidy to bring the health insurance down to $500 a month, but it’s still a huge hit on our income. I pay approximately 30% to fed, state and city income taxes- this leaves $21,600 a year. So, $6000 to health insurance, $3400 to property tax, then there is house and car insurance, utilities, etc. We don’t have cell phones or cable TV and I seriously don’t have anything left to cut out. All I hear is that since we are “old”, we are a big drain on the system. Like I said, we don’t go to the doctor- all they know how to do is to push pills anymore. So, we are paying a huge amount of money for nothing and being penalized for being “old and decrepit”.


America is officially in an epic healthcare crisis, not just for younger people just starting out in life that want to be gainfully employed, but it is even worse for people who are chronically ill or have diseases with no cure. I am 44, not 24, like many of the others commenting who are having trouble paying their insurance and still be able to take care of their basic needs–but make too much to qualify for subsidies. I hope you do not ever get really sick, need a surgery or get diagnosed with a serious disease because that is where Obamacare completely unravels. I own my own business (no employees, just me), working 60 plus hours a week and I can no longer afford my health insurance after paying $20K out of pocket from 2014-2016. The biggest problem is, I have Lupus, a chronic disease with no cure. My deductibles have been over $6,500 each year, which I have to pay IN FULL the FIRST MONTH of every year to cover the cost of my monthly medication (the cost of the drugs part of the problem, one infusion per month is $42,000 requiring insurance companies to raise rates to keep up with pharmaceutical companies). This does not include the $350 a month premiums I pay for just me. I have zero coverage until the entire deductible is met, but for someone who is sick and makes too much to qualify for subsidies but not enough to pay $10K a year on health insurance, ObamaCare has taken away my ability to stay insured any longer. But it gets much worse. Fast forward to 2017, my healthcare costs would be over $10K PER MONTH. The 2017 Plans are even more costly than the previous 2 years due to only one remaining provider left in Arizona (and insurance companies pulling out of the system all over America), while also providing less coverage. This provider only covers 80% of Tier 3 drugs AFTER the full deductible is met, meaning I would have to pay 20% of a $42,000 drug per month. My first infusion in January would require me to pay approximately $18,000 in deductibles, premiums and my share of the medication and about $10K per month thereafter. Of course that is not something most families could afford to do, even wealthier 2-income families ($120K a year for healthcare costs?), so as of December 31,2016 I will be one of the many uninsured middle class Americans that also has to pay a penalty for not being able to afford the insurance. Instead I now will be paying taxes to make sure other people that do qualify for subsidies stay insured while I become sicker due to complications of having an untreated illness and no health insurance. I am not sure who is going to fix this but we are in a very bad place and the corruption of this system will become more evident in 2017 because I am just one of many this is happening to.


So October the 1st is open enrollment for non- subsidy healthcare plans. I live in FL and a monthly cost for trying to get coverage without a subsidy is $630 a month that’s the lowest plan. Who the hell can afford $630 a month. That is $15,000 a year for my husband and I. That is the equivelent for us buying s new car every year. We are forced to then shop the crap plans in the markey place because we can’t afford it any other way without a subsidy. We pay $388 a month still to much. We have no live a slave to our bills 2 mortgage payments. I have a masters degree and I am forced to live in poverty. While the rich don’t pay taxes. The middle class ppl in this country are the people who pretty much pay for the whole entire country to operate. We have 2 idiot nominees both who which only care about themselves. This country is not a super power we are right next to the 3rd world countries we may not live is a slum but give it time we will get there. People can’t afford to buy s**t in this country not a house not a car can’t go to college work for 8$ wtf can you buy with $8.


I make under$10 an hour and have not had any Medical bills I have not paid out of pocket. Can I get exempt for my 2016 taxes


I am a 50 year old female making $10.00 per hour working 20 hours per week. I have high blood pressure and type Ii diabetes. I looked into private health insurance but can’t afford it. I cannot get Medicaid because Nebraska opted out. I thought I would qualify for Obamacare, but I don’t due to income. This makes no sense. I can’t afford my diabetes medication. Obamacare is not for the poor.


I am a 50 year old female making $10.00 per hour working 20 hours per week. I have high blood pressure and type Ii diabetes. I looked into private health insurance but can’t afford it. I cannot get Medicaid because Nebraska opted out. I thought I would qualify for Obamacare, but I don’t due to income. This makes no sense. I can’t afford my diabetes medication. Obamacare is not for the poor.


I can easily say our health insurance premiums have tripled (thanks Obama!). They wouldn’t even offer the policy I have carried for years, stating the “Affordable” Care Act didn’t allow the high-deductible plan I used to carry. Despite the lies spewed about it, it does seem you are being penalized for working. With another increase for the upcoming term, it is getting ridiculously high to carry health insurance. Especially for someone who goes to the doctor maybe once a year. It’s not even a affordability issue. Why should all the workers have to pay for insurance for mental health, abortions and such for people who can’t afford it themselves.


Thanks to MAJI, my special needs daughter is no longer covered. My current husband (her stepdad) makes too much money. Since when is it fair to hold step parents responsible for a step child’s insurance? I have 0 income because I’m a full time student, haven’t received a child support payment in over a year, and now my husband is responsible for her insurance? This is absolutely ridiculous! There is no way I can afford her doctor bills and medications. Yet, her dead beat dad is out there living the life with no responsibilities! Thanks, Obamacare for screwing the middle class!


I havent had i come or filed tax returns for the padt 3 years, do i still have to pay the fine to the irs? I am being told by people at the healthcare mkt place that i am facing a 695.00$ fine for not having health coverage even tho i havent had any income. Is this true? If i have no income, how can i be fined?


If you have no or very low income you are not obligated to file taxes. Anyone making under 100% of the federal poverty level is also automatically exempt from the fee for not having insurance, even if they file taxes. You may be eligible for Medicaid depending on the state. If you live in a state that did not expand medicaid, you make under 138% the Federal Poverty Level, and were denied Medicaid (thus you have to first apply for it knowing you’ll be denied) then you can apply for an exemption from owing the fee as well. Read more about the exemption and how to qualify for them here.


I have been unemployed and gotten free health coverage and food assistance. I now have a job making what is considered a decent salary $52,000, I have 2 boys (9 and 10) and I can’t afford insurance for myself. First they take what I make before taxes a month, REALLY!!! I don’t have that money the gov’t is taking it and they want to say I have it. After my rent I have $300 a week to spend on everything else. It costs about $150 a week in food, that leaves me with $150 a week to pay the phone, car insurance, water, garbage, electric, TV (which I got rid of direct TV to save money and pay internet, Netflix and hulu) and $280 a month for childcare. Now I have to pay $60 a month for the kids insurance and for me forget it!! They want over $300. I really would like some state person coming to my house looking at my bills and paycheck and tell me where in the world an extra $300 is?? There are NO extras. In fact I am lucky I have a couple people in my life that are paying for my children’s clothing and school things and sport fees. I wouldn’t be able to do any of it. I told my sister if I lose this job, I am not caring and getting just any job making a low salary because at least I know we can eat and be healthy. The Gov’t is so unbelievably unrealistic and have absolutely no idea of what it takes to live. I will probably end up with major penalties because I cannot afford to get any insurance for myself and will be without until I can enroll in insurance with the company I am working for. I live paycheck to paycheck and I own 1 credit card with a $300 limit and that’s it. If there is a better option, I certainly haven’t found it!


I understand that you are frustrated and like many find health insurance is still financially out of reach. I wasn’t able to glean enough from your comment to give you specific advice, but I will do my best to lay out the various options that are available to you. We didn’t write the law, but we are trying to help people understand it.

If you aren’t offered “affordable” insurance through your employer: Based on the Federal Poverty Level, that income level puts a family of three just above the threshold for Cost Reduction SubsidiesPremium Tax Credits which can be used to offset your premium costs throughout the year. If you are a family of four, you would qualify for both types of assistance. It’s also important to note that your income for this assistance is based on MAGI and there are a number of things that reduce MAGI, so your “income” for deciding how much assistance you qualify for might be lower than you realize.

If you are offered employer insurance, but it isn’t “affordable” (see link above), than you can get an exemption and choose to purchase a much less expensive catastrophic coverage.

If you are offered “affordable” employer coverage, than you can still see if you are eligible for an exemption from the fee for not having insurance based on other financial burdens. You wouldn’t be eligible for the marketplace insurance, but you can still seek health insurance from outside the marketplace for your family. Sometimes people find a less expensive plan then their employers even without the cost assistance available on the market place. Unfortunately however, you are not alone. Lots of families are falling through the cracks because of The Family Affordability Glitch. While Obamacare has some provisions that have been very successful, this part left many, many working families without access to insurance they can afford. Best of luck and I hope that this information helps.


So let me ask you this…. I’m a 29 year old married mother of two boys (1&7), my oldest has autism and ADHD. My husband works full time ($25,000 a year) and I had to leave my job because my oldest son was “let go” from the before and after school programs. So a family of 4 living on $25k a year. Both of my boys receive Medicare, which doesn’t even cover the therapy my oldest needs. BUT my husband and I do not qualify for Medicare and in no way can afford paying the $240+ a month in premiums AND a HUGE deductable from the marketplace. We live in Florida where the expansion was denied by our greedy govener, so there aren’t any government assisted programs available to us.
Then to make things even worse, there is an awesome law that keeps a mother from moving her child 50 miles from the other parent in Florida statues. My oldest is from a previous relationship. Well we could move to Colorado and receive free insurance for the entire family and the therapy my oldest needs, I could use my degree and work again, BUT NO we are trapped in a 50 mile radius in the middle of Florida, with no help and a $10,000 lawyer bill which is still going because we can’t even get seen by a judge (it’s been 6 months)!!!!!
So please tell me what options I have to receive health insurance, because it pretty much looks like I’m being told to just deal with it. Ps I definitely need neck surgery from a car accident. Nope that’s not even getting the treatment it needs.


Medicaid just dropped me because my daughter turned 18. I had a liver transplant in 2012 and have some very expensive medications. I only make $2200 a month and my 23 year old Autistic son, my pregnant 18 year old daughter and her fiance live with me. They don’t work but my kids get SSI from their Dad’s death, $691/mo each. How am I supposed to get health insurance when my meds cost almost as much as I make? I also am diagnosed with depression but most plans do not cover mental health or my meds. Its very overwhelming and just didn’t make sense to me.


I am with everyone else on here. I make 70,000 per year. i have a family of 4. we pay 600 a month for bronze coverage. our deductible is 6850 per person up to 13,700. so before my insurance covers anything, i have to pay almost 21,000 out of pocket. that is more than half of what i bring home. l would like to ask Obama who the healthcare is affordable to? i guess they really want everyone to get divorces, live together, have wife and kids get medicaid, while still living in the same place.


“fred on August 1, 2016

its a joke ur better off without job
thaen u get everything free

ObamaCareFacts.com on August 1, 2016
That really isn’t true, I know it feels like that sometimes… but America is built on hard work, don’t worry about what the Jone’s are doing aside when it comes discussing on how to create smart policy.”

So your answer to people not being able to afford health insurance is that we are not working hard enough and we need to be more intelligent?
I have a degree, make way more than minimum wage, and work over 60 hours a week and I’m here today because my health insurance for an adult and 3 children is higher than my house payment. Further, we only go for check ups, nothing special here. I would save over 6 grand a year paying this out of pocket. We have an HIM, again nothing special. On top of the monthly payment I’m still required to pay to see a doctor. From my point of working hard doesn’t seem so smart when I would be breaking even flipping burgers or getting knocked up by 5 baby daddies and living off uncle Sam. How dare you infer that people aren’t “smart” or “working hard” you brain washed piece of shit.


I’m not trying to be difficult but I would really like to know what was so bad with the system as it was where if I couldn’t afford health insurance I didn’t get it and found other ways to pay for healthcare. With that system I wasn’t penalized if I couldn’t afford it. Now I get penalized and have even less to pay for needed healthcare.

This is like making it mandatory that you have a car and penalize you if you don’t. It’s also like taxing you more for a house that looks nicer which means people will opt to not fix up their house.

Please help me understand how a $300 to $800 monthly premium with a $6000 to $7000 deductible is affordable and again what was wrong with the old system?


I’m beginning to really feel a struggle. I make 37k/yr and my husband is no longer employed because he is in severe pain. He hasn’t worked in 10 months. I think he has Fibromyalgia, but Dr’s say it is depression. Husband won’t take antidepressants. Dr says if he isn’t taking them then he isn’t hurting enough. I don’t know how depression would cause all this pain. Bloodwork says ANA’s are high, IMO it’s more than depression.

I have a Humana Silver plan. I’m paying $328/mo total for both of us, which was an adjustment for us, but I made it work. I don’t have TV anymore and we grow a lot of our own food.

The problem is now the medical bills are crippling us.

I’m still paying medical bills from last year. I was hospitalized last year – I had severe abdominal pain for five days. I went to the doctor three of those days. The doctors kept giving me medication for indigestion (Bentyl, Nexium, and pepsid or something of that nature…) and told me it takes time to work. I was in a ball on the floor crying and couldn’t move by the fifth day.

My husband put me into his van and drove me to the closest emergency room. I had never been admitted to a hospital before, this was my first time. They put me on iv morphine and I was finally able to sleep for the first time in 3 nights. I had a urinary tract infection coupled w/ an ovarian cyst.

To top it off, the ER I went to apparently was not in network for an entire month while the insurance company and hospital were working something out. That happened to be the one time I needed to go to the ER. I never got a letter, notice, nothing. I had a magnet from my insurance company that lists this ER as my hospital! I threw it away after that…

Well anyway, I’m paying a lot of money each month for this mistake… I now call my health insurance company before I go to any DR to make sure they are in network. Turns out they have a “72 hour” list. So once you check, you have 72 hours to visit that DR or they might go out of network on you.

Last month I got a lump on my neck. My coworkers urge me to get it checked out. It goes like this:
Me: I have a swollen lymphnode in my neck.
Dr: Let’s order an ultrasound
Ultrasound reveals its a swollen lymphnode.
Dr: You have a swollen lymphnode. Let’s refer you to hematology.
Hematology reveals: you have an infection
Dr: Let’s do a biopsy to see what it is
Me: Isn’t it a swollen lymphnode? Like you’ve actually told me nothing at all…
…then it disappeared a week later.

I don’t understand, why even go to the doctor? I feel like I am paying a lot of money for poor service… but the bigger problem is, I have to suck it up and take it, where normally a business would be put out. I am stuck. My husband is hurting, but doctors don’t care, they just want money. The bills are getting bigger. If I could get just a few months relief from my health insurance bill I could get a lot of the medical debt paid off, but instead I’m constantly slipping behind as more bills rack up.

When I was referred to get bloodwork done I called my insurance company. They say blood tests are free for the first test in a year (which it is my first blood test, ever, actually). The bloodwork wasn’t free. It was $400+.

My health care costs (incl insurance) this month are $900… but most of it isn’t even recognized (by recognized I mean go towards any kind of deductible) because it’s an old medical bill. So next year, when I have more medical bills and Obamacare increases again, I’m not really sure what I’m going to do.

I would like to go to the dentist. I have a cracked tooth. It is only a bother for getting food stuck in it causing me to be constantly flossing, but I feel it should be addressed. I have separate dental insurance which is very affordable ($9/mo), but I can’t commit myself to any procedures because I’m already in debt w/ doctors.

I need glasses. When I drive the signs are blurry…but I need to keep swimming. I need to stay on top of all the bills, don’t I?

What happens if I don’t pay my medical bills?
What do I do? Is there any relief?

I turn 30 this year. Does it work like car insurance or something and go down after a certain age?


I remember when we had freedom, freedom of choice. Now I can be fined because I CANNOT afford any insurance, I’m already living below the poverty level….can’t get much lower.


In this case you likely qualify for free coverage through Medicaid and/or an exemption from the fee. You may live in a state who rejected Medicaid expansion. You may ask, “why would a state do this”? The answer is of course, “so people would react negatively to the ACA, plus it saves money”.

I think we can all agree “saves money” is a good thing, but as to the other point… I personally don’t like being toyed with, I don’t imagine you do either. We need real reform, that only happens when we figure out common ground one which we can stand together en masse.

This is how it works in healthcare: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/04/16/states-embracing-obamacare-are-doing-a-better-job-of-covering-the-uninsured-surveys-show/

This is how it works with poor black regions of the US: http://inthesetimes.com/article/19442/the-gop-wants-to-blame-black-misery-on-democratic-mayors.-why-thats-wrong

Here is the concept as a political tactic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast, http://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/serials/files/cato-journal/2006/11/cj26n3-8.pdf.


This is a joke. I worked for two years in a place where I was being harassed by a manager and eventually had to quit because of severe anxiety and depression from the job. I was set to make about $50,000 and my husband makes about $50,000. Once I lost my job my income went to $0 but because I had already made $38,000 for the year and my husband (on a commission job) is projected to make $50,000 we got denied assistance and our lowest cost option is $650 per month.

Our bills come to $4000 per month WITHOUT food thanks to crazy student loans. That’s just rent, bills and my loans. No credit card debt or anything. So now I have no job, zero income, no insurance AND the state says I’m on my own. YOU do the math NYS.

He makes $50,000 per year.
Our bills come to $4000 per month = $4800 per year.
That’s $2000 to cover food and health insurance for A YEAR.

I know the state could care less what I pay for loans and rent but realistically, it’s the middle class that gets screwed over every day. I have to live without health insurance now while the guy next door is INTENTIONALLY unemployed to get everything paid for and guess what, he’s wearing NIKEs. This country has gone to hell.


That is the problem with 1. basing assistance on MAGI (not net income after expenses like child care and student loans) and 2. states rejecting Medicaid expansion (as some people in that situation would end up qualifying for Medicaid when they lose income for that year).

I agree that what happened to you feels not fair, especially knowing you’ll owe the fee for those months… however, pointing at your neighbor’s shoes doesn’t do much to show the ways in which you are wronged. Intentionally not working and collecting welfare for the grand outcome of a pair of shoes isn’t much to be proud of, holding down a $50,000 a year job is. The unfair part is how losing your job affected your health insurance and taxes, not what shoes the Jone’s are wearing.


Recently lost my job and my work based insurance for my family.
I payed close to $600 a month for coverage with the company assistance with a full time job. Now that I am unemployed I am being told that due to what I already made and what my wife makes we are not eligible for any discount or assistance. When i worked I paid for insurance I didn’t just pocket the $$$. Now that I don’t have an income coming in I am penalized a second time for losing a good paying job. I don’t get it. How do they expect I still pay close to $600/month for insurance when I don’t have an income coming in? Basing the math on total annual and not what is currently coming in is a backwards formula. If I had lost it earlier in the year or not worked at all this year then we would be good, but since I made too much so far this year with my wife’s income it doesn’t matter that there is no income coming in, the formula says I should be able to pay $600/month because of what I was making.
No income = no money for full premiums. What I made in the first 6mnth of the year (and was paying out for insurance sat that time as well) means nothing now that I am brining in nothing. We were initially quoted at approx 50% off premium that we were figuring a way to handle (not sure how). We live in CA with CA rent prices, have a 4yr old who I cannot dream of having uncovered, and to pay rent, child care, car insurance, and God forbid feed him, I am being penalized because I had a good job once upon a time. My wife’s income would cover rent and half of child care for the month. I am hoping unemployment kicks in but even there that isn’t much and yes I hope I can get a job ASAP for at least more than unemployment pays (lofty goals).
Her employer offers insurance through Kaiser but doesn’t contribute so we would still pay 100% for a worse plan than the plan we found on the market place.
I am lost as to what this system was suppose to do. It doesn’t help those who actually work and fall on hard times, per their own words, it would be better if my wife quit her job before we reach the threshold and get on all government programs for support.
If I would have been unemployed sooner in the year (longer without a job) then it helps. The longer someone stays unemployed the more they will help and give.
For those who need help for short term and have done everything they can to support themselves without assistance, it is not there when needed.

I paid taxes into this but it was not there when I needed it.

My wife and I have ongoing medical issues, nothing major but continued treatment none the less, and cannot afford to take care of our health.

I thought the point was for help when help was needed, instead they line it out to help those who do less to help themselves, and help those who either come on long hard times or know the system will only help if you stay dependent on the system.

I have heard that the system is broken and it penalizes those who try to get themselves out of it, and I’m now discovering firsthand that this is true.

Any type of assistance, if you try to save money you will lose benefits, if you had a good job then you paid a fair amount of taxes into the system, and those are the ones who cannot benefit from the system for the short term when needed.

It is a trapped system that won’t let people get themselves out.

If you are on UI and or food stamps don’t try and save money in a bank. They will cut your benefits.
If you paid a fare amount of taxes to help an insurance program for those who need help, you cannot get the help when needed even though you helped keep it afloat.

Either stay down and out and get little help or suffer long term with no known end in sight of you ever hope to get out of the cycle. If you don’t go homeless first.

Sorry for the rant. This is just a very eye opening and very disappointing realization today. And I don’t blame Oboma Care itself as there was no better plan in place before it, but it failed to fix a lot of big issues with everything that was promised. It going away won’t help, without a better plan to take its place. Don’t yell for abolishment of the system, yell for a fix or better plan that actually helps those in need across the board and allows people to help themselves along the way. Don’t punish those who have always been or want to become self sufficient, make these programs that help people help themselves, not punish people with goals and plans and force them to hold themselves back or lose everything.


I’m a single mother who makes “too much” before taxes to qualify for discounted insurance but too little to afford gold, bronze or silver plans. I was quoted $516 per month on myself (30) and my son who is two.


Me and my two boys had health insurance Medicaid. I got married now his income counts. Got insurance through my work costing me $53 every two weeks but I can’t use it until I meet a $6,000 deductible also looked into the health insurance Marketplace they want $697 a month for me and my family everything is just ridiculously unreasonable it’s true you’d be better off if you were without a job and homeless you get better coverage


This is a Capitalist nation, so how dare the government tell me I have to buy a product in a free society. I am a veteran what I buy is my business and the government can have fun trying to enforce fines when I send them back with a letter that says professionally how I feel. If America is going to shove healthcare in our faces then America needs to do it like Norway, Canada, Germany, etc are doing it. Pay for our healthcare and raise taxes to compensate for it. It would financially be cheaper. If it wasn’t then other countries like the ones I named wouldn’t be doing it. Everyone there is super happy, so it’s proven it works. The government is too big and needs to back off.


Emergency room visit yesterday. Priority Health copayment $250.00. Wanted to go back today because symptoms did not improve. Called and told another $250.00 copayment will be required. Don’t have money. No visit made. Need medical help with no options. What can I do!


The best is always to contact the insurer and hospital to get advice. There is no perfect solution to having coverage, needing care, and not being able to afford the copay / coinsurance.

21 year old male who can barely afford his bills as it is

So tell me again, why is it that I can’t afford healthcare when I’m getting $100-$200 taken out of every paycheck in taxes? Is it because, dare I say it, our tax dollars aren’t being distributed effectively…..?


I am a divorced, single mother, 55 years old. I do not receive child support anymore, because my daughter is 18. I am employed full-time, but am looking for a second and possibly third job in order to pay my rent and bills. i was penalized $400 on my 2015 taxes because I could not afford health care, even under Obamacare. This year, I did sign up for an Obamacare plan but had to drop that in 2 months, because I could not afford it, no matter how much I tried to cut bills. This year, I will be fined $700, because I can not afford health care. What kind of a country do we live in?


Obamacare is designed to destroy the middle class.Even folks making decent salaries cannot afford health care-just paying rent/mortgages/food/outrageous taxes/utilities/basic needs-are burying them in debt/foreclosures and despair.Seems those that never paid a dime in taxes or a penny into the Social Security system get more than those who worked their knuckles to the bone.With the amount of taxes we are all paying why do we have to pay for health care to begin with??Why are we being fined for not being able to pay for it??Now it is a crime if you can’t keep your head above water!!”Affordable”health care does not exist!


I was laid off and used my 401k to pay for my house but now obamacare is using that money as my income for the year and the insurance is 700 a month but I don’t have that money as income.
How can I get around this


I am losing my healthcare insurance from DHS. I was getting the exact same pay as I am now from my previous job when I enrolled…I got covered. But now they say I my income is over the limit with my new job…same pay! By the time I pay the bills, pay my car payments (old car died) and car insurance…pay my daughter’s school and if I have anything left over…food. How can they go off of gross income when I get maybe a bit more than half of my take-home pay and still supposed to have monthly payments for insurance? It’s impossible!! What are we to do?


My wife is employed now which is great for us but now she has insurance and we can’t afford to put me on her plan due to the cost. I’m self employed and no longer qualify for a subsidy due to the fact that I COULD be on her insurance. Kinda stuck here. Need some help from somewhere!


My plan is 7000 deductible for myself and only pays 60 % after the deductible is met and I get a tax penalty because the plan claims it is giving me a 500 subsidy per month This has no benefit to me at all. The plan is terrible terrible sarcastic customer service Can explain how this is fair when Medicaid for which I do not qualify is so much better and it is same provider in Ohio Caresource


I am a stay at home father, due to the cost of after school child care, and my wife doesn’t earn enough to cover our bills AND health insurance. We live in NC, and our State does not have the medicaid option. What are we supposed to do for health insurance?
I have a few skin cancer spots that need treatment as well as some painful dental things that need attending, but we fall into that giant gaping catch-22 that leaves so many people ailing, but with no options. The cheapest insurance option I could find was $50 too high, and even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t be able to afford the copay.


Open letter to all of those Senators, Congress people and US Supreme Court Judges who voted for Loser-Care
This is an update from a previous communication sent back in 2013 regarding health care insurance. Anything less than a full repeal, not replacement would be a catastrophe.
Much to our surprise, we found out according to dear leader’s wisdom that we won life’s personal income lottery. My wife and I along with our home based micro business, make slightly more than $24.30 adjusted gross income hourly rate each. This puts us outside of the Loser-care web based subsidized insurance plans. Now we are forced into purchasing health care insurance that you have made unaffordable on the open market. We have two kids in college are approaching retirement age and now you are responsible for putting my family at the financial risk of personal bankruptcy. No golfing, no vacations no disposable income goes without saying. Plus; we lost our doctors, old affordable health insurance plan and have to pay a massive increase in health insurance costs. All promises made and broken by Loser in Chief.
All of the US senators, Loser in Chief, congress and US Supreme Court Judges voted to exempt themselves, family and staff from this disastrous joke of a health care plan. I am confident that none of you are aware of the costs for Loser-care so I will update you with the current costs of health insurance premiums, deductibles and co-insurance. The quotes we have been receiving from the open market insurance companies that are forced to comply with Loser-care coverage requirements for a family of 4 all heathy with no pre-existing conditions, are between $1,400.00 and $2,600.00 per month, $6,000.00 to $7,000.00 per person annual deductibles with a family cap of $13,500.00 some plans have even higher deductible limits. Co-pay of $40.00 per visit and after all the deductibles are met we are still on the hook for 30% of any additional health care costs. We are forced to carry maternity and pediatric dental care, two features that are impossible for us to use. All of this paid out in just 12 months. We have made every effort over our lifetime to eat healthy, exercise and to not indulge in risky behavior, no reward for those disciplines now as our insurance premium rates are based on income rather than living a healthy, disciplined lifestyle. Just because you can afford to buy something does not mean you should buy it if it is a horrible value and bad deal.
So you are demanding by force of law for my family to pay between: $16,800.00 to $31,200.00 in premiums plus $6,000.00 to $13,500.00 in deductibles. Where are we supposed to get this money from? Even though you have classified us as rich we do not have this kind of money and will be forced to make some very difficult choices. We should be saving money for retirement, paying off our home mortgage and helping our children with their college costs but now all of those financial goals have been destroyed by you and Loser-care. Not to mention we still need to pay out of pocket for eye exams, dental work, chiropractic, skin checks and other medical services not covered under Loser-care. No money to spend on home improvements or replacing our high mileage ancient cars, we will not be stimulating the economy or making charitable contributions at all in 2016 or 2017 thanks to the likes of you.
Our choices that face us now are to go without insurance or pay as we go and hope we do not get seriously sick or hurt. Of course we have to pay the $695.00 per adult or $347.50 per child, or more depending on our hard work and annual income. At minimum $2,085.00 penalty for not having signed up for Loser-care. Another choice is to just insure the kids and my wife and I pay the Loser-care penalty, or some other combination of non-coverage. In the spirit of Mrs. Loser-care, this is the first time in my adult life that I cannot afford health care insurance for my family.
Half of the Loser-care health Co-Ops will be closed by the end of this year. What does that say about this flawed big government program?
Your collective elbows must be sore as you continue to be one of Loser in Chief’s minions, rubber stamping everything that dear ruler puts in front of you.
I will surely do everything possible to vote all of you out of office.
The amount of time that my family has been spending on what to do about our medical insurance coverage is a disgrace. It is similar to having a second job. What are you going to do about that? The loss of productivity across this country has to be phenomenal; no one even talks about all of the lost man power and productivity due to a dysfunctional website, confusion, bogus policy pricing, coverage no one wants and grotesque subsides. The fact that insurance premiums need to be subsidized; means there is an inherent flaw and broken plan from the start. Where is this subsidy money supposed to come from; rich tax payers like me and over 10 other new taxes placed on the middle class?
Loser in Chief is a failed president, failed insurance salesman, failed on the economy and taxes, failed on foreign policy, failed on domestic policy, but I will admit that he has been a very successful gun salesman and dividing our country into opposing groups. For the first time in my adult life I am not proud of my country (sound familiar?). I am disgusted with senators, congress and justices who vote and support the current Loser in Chief in the white house.

Suffering Tax paying surf


In an effort to not censor people, i’m posting this. But I have to say the barrage of insults make me question the wisdom in this. Also, while some core frustration and points are fair, it seems to me that you are irate about the base cost of healthcare and the affects of that on health insurance, sure the ACA impacted some rising rates, and yes it mandated coverage, but it didn’t make insurance expensive on its own. iI fact, half of what it does is try to combat inflation in healthcare. https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-control-costs/


How gracious of you to not censor people, this is still the USA not Cuba right? All of us surfs are full of gratitude for your generosity in letting the people be heard. Based on your response the reason you are struggling with the wisdom posted above by me and so many others, is that it is difficult for liberals to deal with facts, logic and reality. The facts and logic are laid out clearly for all to see. Loser-Care is a failure. The reality is displayed by all of the complaints so eloquently posted. These people are not stupid as you have tried to downplay their real life predicaments and offer no real life solutions.? I do know this, healthcare insurance was affordable before Loser-Care, now it is not. Have you seen the proposed increase in healthcare insurance premiums? Double digit increases are on the way for 2017 across the country. Insurance companies are losing money with Loser-Care and are getting out to save their companies. Of course I am irate how can any of us surfs not be? Where would we be now if our founding fathers were not irate with the king of England? If you are not upset (irate) about what is happening to our country, you are not paying attention.

You do not combat inflation by inflating costs. See the top 10 additional taxes Loser-Care placed on businesses, the medical community and tax payers to try and pay for Loser-Care, still not enough, it will never be enough.


Open letter to all of those Senators, Congress people and US Supreme Court Judges who voted for Loser-Care
This is an update from a previous communication sent back in 2013 regarding health care insurance. Anything less than a full repeal, not replacement would be a catastrophe.
Much to our surprise, we found out according to dear leader’s wisdom that we won life’s personal income lottery. My wife and I along with our home based micro business, make slightly more than $24.30 adjusted gross income hourly rate each. This puts us outside of the Loser-care web based subsidized insurance plans. Now we are forced into purchasing health care insurance that you have made unaffordable on the open market. We have two kids in college are approaching retirement age and now you are responsible for putting my family at the financial risk of personal bankruptcy. No golfing, no vacations no disposable income goes without saying. Plus; we lost our doctors, old affordable health insurance plan and have to pay a massive increase in health insurance costs. All promises made and broken by Loser in Chief.
All of the US senators, Loser in Chief, congress and US Supreme Court Judges voted to exempt themselves, family and staff from this disastrous joke of a health care plan. I am confident that none of you are aware of the costs for Loser-care so I will update you with the current costs of health insurance premiums, deductibles and co-insurance. The quotes we have been receiving from the open market insurance companies that are forced to comply with Loser-care coverage requirements for a family of 4 all heathy with no pre-existing conditions, are between $1,400.00 and $2,600.00 per month, $6,000.00 to $7,000.00 per person annual deductibles with a family cap of $13,500.00 some plans have even higher deductible limits. Co-pay of $40.00 per visit and after all the deductibles are met we are still on the hook for 30% of any additional health care costs. We are forced to carry maternity and pediatric dental care, two features that are impossible for us to use. All of this paid out in just 12 months. We have made every effort over our lifetime to eat healthy, exercise and to not indulge in risky behavior, no reward for those disciplines now as our insurance premium rates are based on income rather than living a healthy, disciplined lifestyle. Just because you can afford to buy something does not mean you should buy it if it is a horrible value and bad deal.
So you are demanding by force of law for my family to pay between: $16,800.00 to $31,200.00 in premiums plus $6,000.00 to $13,500.00 in deductibles. Where are we supposed to get this money from? Even though you have classified us as rich we do not have this kind of money and will be forced to make some very difficult choices. We should be saving money for retirement, paying off our home mortgage and helping our children with their college costs but now all of those financial goals have been destroyed by you and Loser-care. Not to mention we still need to pay out of pocket for eye exams, dental work, chiropractic, skin checks and other medical services not covered under Loser-care. No money to spend on home improvements or replacing our high mileage ancient cars, we will not be stimulating the economy or making charitable contributions at all in 2016 or 2017 thanks to the likes of you.
Our choices that face us now are to go without insurance or pay as we go and hope we do not get seriously sick or hurt. Of course we have to pay the $695.00 per adult or $347.50 per child, or more depending on our hard work and annual income. At minimum $2,085.00 penalty for not having signed up for Loser-care. Another choice is to just insure the kids and my wife and I pay the Loser-care penalty, or some other combination of non-coverage. In the spirit of Mrs. Loser-care, this is the first time in my adult life that I cannot afford health care insurance for my family.
Half of the Loser-care health Co-Ops will be closed by the end of this year. What does that say about this flawed big government program?
Your collective elbows must be sore as you continue to be one of Loser in Chief’s minions, rubber stamping everything that dear ruler puts in front of you.
I will surely do everything possible to vote all of you out of office.
The amount of time that my family has been spending on what to do about our medical insurance coverage is a disgrace. It is similar to having a second job. What are you going to do about that? The loss of productivity across this country has to be phenomenal; no one even talks about all of the lost man power and productivity due to a dysfunctional website, confusion, bogus policy pricing, coverage no one wants and grotesque subsides. The fact that insurance premiums need to be subsidized; means there is an inherent flaw and broken plan from the start. Where is this subsidy money supposed to come from; rich tax payers like me and over 10 other new taxes placed on the middle class?
Loser in Chief is a failed president, failed insurance salesman, failed on the economy and taxes, failed on foreign policy, failed on domestic policy, but I will admit that he has been a very successful gun salesman and dividing our country into opposing groups. For the first time in my adult life I am not proud of my country (sound familiar?). I am disgusted with senators, congress and justices who vote and support the current Loser in Chief in the white house.

Suffering Tax paying surf


I am a full time college student who cannot afford the market place insurance. the deductibles are way to high. I won’t be able to afford my medication simply because my gross income is a 1000 over the income requirements for state insurance. Then i will be penalised if i don’t buy insurance. Am i suppose to ignore all of my other bills because my gross amount is high and i don’t have children. Should i start popping out babies just so i won’t be fined 695 for something i cannot afford and will never be able to use because the deductibles are ridiculous. i’ll never even bring home the gross amount because of taxes. Is there i way i can appeal a law because i do not think it should be based of of gross income because i will never even see about 9000 of my gross income.


Well, you can look into exemptions. See our exemptions list: https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-exemptions-list/

There are exemptions for affordability. Also income is based on Modified Adjusted Gross, not just Gross, so there is some wiggle room there.

As for the straight up fee, babies cost way more than $700 a year, so I mean, lets leave that issue alone.

Also, the college health plan counts as minimum essential coverage, so you can try that.

Also, you may be misjudging how cheap a plan will be at your income level. At just over the 138% poverty level we are talking coverage as cheap as $20 a month (don’t quote that, just know this to be true in some regions after assistance, its different for everyone).

Hope some of that helps. I’d be able to give slightly better advice if you gave an exact MAGI income.

One last option would be to look into an HSA for next year, you can use that to lower MAGI.


It is the month of August and I just found out i am 7 weeks pregnant with my first child. My husband makes 30,000 a year and with insurance we still WILL NOT be able to afford it! He plans to change the deductible after the first of the year but what can we do until then? What are our options?


THIS IS JUST A COMMENT!!Health insurance rates are too high. I have health insurance that costs $310.00 per month out of my pay check. The deductible is $6,000. I cannot afford my co-pays much less that crazy deductible If I choose not to buy insurance then I will be fined . This is just plain messed up and NOT FAIR to hard working people! Oh and then we pay for the people that don’t have insurance or need medical care as immigrants. How is this right again??????


To the Moderator…

“and we feel for people finding themselves in this position”

Two quick notes.

1)This line is total BS, and you know it. You are sitting in your office “feeling for us”? Yeah right. We believe that.

2) I don’t care how much you “feel” for me, I just care about having food on my table and a simple but debt free life. Obamacare has basically ruled that out.

Oh, and you didn’t post my “I’m going on welfare…” comment after all, proving again, that you are selectively spinning this forum.

No answers here, folks. Hope it makes you “feel” better to post, because that’s all you get from this administration…


I am a private business owner and not affiliated with the government. With that taken into consideration, we do care and the site is full of great information.

As for debt, I am actually not a fan of many aspects of our current attitude toward debt and spending and borrowing. I don’t think supporting reforming the healthcare system in favor of the tens of millions who didn’t have coverage is the same as not caring about the fiscal aspects and impacts. I’m more a read the CBO report guy. From that vantage point I know that we have lots of problems, but regulation to curve spending in healthcare is a top priority. As a humanist, I can’t let that solution involve tens of millions of low-income Americans without access to healthcare.

I also care about the middle-income families struggling, as those groups make up the majority of all the people I know and meet on a daily basis.


Going on welfare…

So, for my entire life, I have been a positive part of the productive American taxpayer society. I am reasonably intelligent (a member of Mensa) and believe myself to be, for the most part, objective about regulatory financial issues. However, after struggling for three years to make ends meet, due to forced healthcare premiums, I have decided to quit my job and become dependent upon the government.

The “facts” moderator on here will no doubt post some pithy comment about being a productive American, etc., but he or she apparently has swallowed the Obama pill. I am reasonably sure this comment will not get posted, because stories like mine (where people are ACTUALLY hurting because of one of the worst laws to be passed in American history) are exactly what they wish to ignore.

Insurance companies have used the system to gain billions, and those on the financial bubble have suddenly found themselves without options. I, for one, am through.

Nothing the “Facts” moderator can say will fix my problem, and the cheap “reassurances” will not put food on my table. He or she knows this. That makes him or her part of the problem instead of a solution to it.

Good luck all, because right after the 2016 elections, you all are going to see another HUGE rate hike in insurance premiums (I bet you didn’t want that subject broached, did you Mr. or Mrs. Facts).

Don’t even consider replying with more “you are responsible to be a productive citizen” drivel. That is a semantic construct designed to keep hard working Americans feeding a governmental money machine.

Have fun supporting me…I supported you all these years, and you just put me in the “poorhouse”. Of course, politicians don’t care. Do any of you on this forum realize that their plans are FAR superior to ours (don’t lie, moderator, there’s proof…and you’ll end up looking like a fool).

Enjoy supporting me for a change. I quit my job yesterday. Now it’s your turn to figure out what to do with ME. Batter up.


Well, I mean, you know painting me with a broad brush based on your perspective is more emotion based than reason based.

I have no desire to live in a welfare state, and I think we need to do way better with healthcare reform.

The argument i’m making is that education and healthcare and a few other key aspects of the collective need to be dealt with for the good of society. The rest should run with as little government intervention as possible.

But that is my theory, I am just a private citizen running a website, I don’t control government.

We support the ACA because 1. the opposition is cold hearted and doesn’t offer solutions. 2. its the best healthcare reform option on the table. 3. its here and people need to understand how to use it.

I don’t know what to say really, I dislike the idea that you are choosing not to work, but that is because of the conservative individualist aspects of my personal character. You requested I not say anything in that regard, so fine.

Why not use your smarts and free-time to work out some reasonable fixes for the ACA and help America stay on a better track?


I’m not here to complain, I honestly just want a solution. However, reading these comments, it seems there is no solution.
I’ve been unemployed for the most part since graduating, just barely scrapping by. The whole over qualified or under qualified for every job I’ve looked at (or the job costs more in gas to get there or live in that area than I get paid) is what got me.

Thankfully I recently got into grad school. I will be making only $6,000 a year. I just found out I’m required to have insurance. I am covered by my mother’s plan until November.

My issue comes into play in regards to the University’s automatic insurance plan. It is over $700 upfront just for a semester – next semester it is nearly $900. Considering that I have been just scrapping by already and have managed to scrape together a meager amount for moving/rent/gas costs etc. I don’t have $700 to spend.

I am trying to waive out of this mandatory insurance with the plan I’m on under my mother’s but I may not be able to since I get kicked off that one in November (so I lose coverage).

So now I’m trying to find a plan I can get on quickly and cheaply. I’m not finding anything. The cheapest was over $200 a month. I’m just not sure what to do at all. I can’t afford $700 up front but can’t afford $200 a month either.

In the end, if I don’t have insurance, I get kicked out of school. I don’t qualify for medicaid either. I’m at my wits end. What do I do?

I worked so hard to get into grad school, jumped through so many hurdles and sacrificed all I could. The next several years will be incredibly hard but it’s my only option to move forward. If I lose this opportunity now because of health insurance, I don’t know what I’ll do.


Hello, I Signed up for Obama care the beginning of the year. However, i also started a new business, and my income will be very low (i am guessing. I stopped paying the bill and got cancelled. But i know my yearly premiums will end up being way too much for the amount I make (guessing 10k for first year startup) my premium was 172/month. It became over 20% of what my income will be this year and is totally not worth it! What should i do!


Premiums go up, concerns pay and deductibles go up… it’s one thing to have insurance, but another to use it.


How can a family of three on a job that pays 13.00 an hour pay 400 a month for insurance that has a 6500 deductible and almost 800 for a policy that has a 2500 deductible. Might as well not have insurance at all. This is with a temp service. Ridiculous!


You mean go on welfare. No thank you! Government needs to stay out our lives.


I get paid once a month, tax free, so can’t claim at the end of the year BUT with what little I do get paid they say I make too much ?? I can’t afford health insurance for me and my son but can’t do the mark health place cause I can’t file at the end to prove what I make. I don’t know what to do.? Please I need help and I can’t afford health insurance and will lose what I have now very soon.


Our 23 yo college student turns 24 december 30. We can no longer claim her as a dependent on our taxes; due to her not listed as our dependent and her making $7000 this year, she will need to get her own ins. she won’t be able to pay $200 for her own ins. & we can’t insure her ($4000 is the cap that she could make) She was given an exemption. I find this ludicrous. We will continue to help her financially. How do they expect her to be a responsible citizen if she is below property level, working, studying, & yet, can’t be insured? I’m sure there are many like her. Close this gap!


I was laid off at the end of 2015 and had no money to get Ins. until after Jan. Now I can afford Ins. but can’t get it till Dec. I have a wife and 4 kids that need Ins. and can’t get it. Why can you only sign up to get Ins. 2 months out of the year. Talk about STUPID.


I don’t think I can afford coverage,
I make about 12,000 a year. This is my first time living on my own (I’m 20) and I got a a job as soon as I left but it seems like I’m constantly trying to catch up, between rent, food, electricity, and other things I can’t even afford schooling.. I still have much to learn I think but I really don’t want to get fined.. I can’t afford it..


Based on that income you have a couple of options:
1) Those under 30 can buy catastrophic only coverage. The premiums are far less expensive than traditional insurance and you can pair it with an HSA and get tax deductions for every dollar you pass through your HSA for care.
2) You should get cost assistance to purchase a plan on the marketplace and because you are young, your rates will be lower. Go to healthcare.gov or your states marketplace and apply for insurance. See what is offered to you.


I am 55 and make $2600 a month and I still cannot afford health ins. I go to the doctor once a year. I don’t qualify for any assistance. It makes no sense to pay $400 a month for a policy that has a $5000 deductible that I probably won’t even use. This is NOT health insurance. This is highway robbery. I cannot find a decent place to live for under $1,000 a month. Add utilities, car insurance, house insurance, car payment, transportation to work, food and necessities- I have nothing left. I might as well quite my job and live off of the government like so many other people that have given up on having some kind of quality of life.


im a middle class worker. im married with 2 kids. my husband is a full time student with no income and i make approxim about 60,000-80,000 a year. we pay $1600 rent a month for a 2 bedroom apartment. after daycare and tuition plus expenses i cannot afford insurnce what am i supposed to do???

sick and tired of being sick and tired

Here’s a brain teaser for you. Last year I made barely over $7,000…less than $600 a month, I have 2 dependents who rely solely on me, but I make too much to qualify for medicaid as a parent with minor children. I have attempted several times to get health coverage for myself only to be told by the marketplace that the cheapest coverage I can get is almost $200 a month and therefore don’t qualify for any of the plans. I’m exempt from the fines but that doesn’t help me go to the doctor when I get sick and even the emergency rooms won’t see us anymore without cash up front…so what am I suppose to do?


I lost my individual health insurance because I couldn’t afford to pay the premium. My coverage was terminated because I didn’t pay the premium. I need coverage now and don’t have a “qualifying event” other than loss of income. Where can I get health insurancenow or at least catastrophic coverage?

Concerned American

I think it’s funny how the GOP and republicans keep getting blamed for ObamaCare… are you serious?! Even the architect of ObamaCare called it a tax. Get it straight.

My family health insurance is over $1000 a month for very poor coverage. We’ve shopped other options during open enrollment and there are no better options. It’s a joke. Before Obamacare, I could insure my family with GOOD coverage for $450 a month. Now it’s $1000 for bad coverage that requires I also have an H/FSA. Keep blaming the GOP but this is 100% a tax on the WORKING class of America, put in place by Obama and his goons.

My health insurance is more than my mortgage + escrow…. it’s sad. Your answer about raising taxes, but not income tax is also a joke. What does it matter if it’s income tax or not…. it’s still going to come from the working class. Why is that so hard to understand? I’m tired of paying 50% of my money to the government and to add salt to the wound, they use that money to fund things that are stupid, and not help in the areas that they should. The federal government was never meant to be an assistance for all platform, ever.

America is done, and the left and right are to blame, not just GOP and republicans. Bill Clinton, George W, and Obama all have had a hand in the increased price of living in this country.


You are right. Party lines aside, we all bear responsibly for the country. I’ll get behind that. I can’t point fingers all day at both sides and the private market over our healthcare crisis, but I’d always rather come together and move forward. I don’t agree with every point you make, but it is your right to make them.


Can never get a simple answer! All nonsense. My brother is a 58 year old male with NO HEALTH COVERAGE. He makes $21,000 a year, pays $1,000 in rent (an illegal apartment that includes utilities). Has an old car that he needs to get to work, so the upkeep is a must. And he must eat. $300 plus a MONTH for healthcare is not an option, or he’ll be living on the street. He lives in Nassau County, NY. He doesn’t qualify for food stamps, or any other “welfare” benefit. This OBAMACARE -SUCKS!


Xxxxxxxcc I feel California Obama Care it’s a scam to tax money for the poor above 708 year if they cannot afford it . How can you charge Taxas on something like Medical insurance f you did not get it through your job or you’re not buying it. I think there’s better ways help poor people for medical care by the government by taken responsibility and making sure that everybody United States has insurance but it seems like it’s a scam so policians including the president scam the poor people by taxing them is going to be a burden on the poor people if they cannot even afford $10 a month let alone if they cannot afford to pay over $700 for not have insurance because pay out-of-pocket medical insurance for emergency which is over a thousand for a $1 coverage $6,000 deductible how is a poor person going to be able to spend $6,000 a year for single person and $13,000 for a family and medical is a scam to take advantage of the poor Malnutrition ,illiterate incompetent mentally, people to take advantage of……This scam the politicians metlaw it’s going to hurt the poor people if they are put into a burn because they couldn’t afford to get insurance the whole year and it’s going to cost him over 700 that would take their money away from eating paying bills having a roof over their head and making them more unhealthy just for the greed of for money they can get from poor.


This country is going to hell thanks to Obama! Too many idiots in government.


Please, please, please, vote for Trump!!!! And kick that lousy, lying ass botch Hilary to the curb!!!


last year i paid $420 for a family plan through my company with blue cross blue shield with a $2000 deductible, fast forward to this month my premiums are going up to $996 with a $7000 deductible, every thing i had going to savings is gone and some, all i can say is if you work your screwed!


No one obviously cares. All they want is the bottom line. In every situation. Healthcare, pharmaceutical companies and now the government? NO ONE CARES but for the people this has effected. NO ONE cares and this country has gone to the toilet.


I cannot pay my monthly premium. I came to the conclusion that I either had to choose between being able to pay $38 for sub-parr health insurance that I’ve used twice since I enrolled in 2015 or buy my kids school supplies. Dollar Tree has the $38 I owe. I don’t qualify for medicaid because my ex, whom I am still married to has applied for food stamps and since we are still married but separated since 2012, I cannot apply for assistance. It angers me that I can’t do so based on that alone. It also angers me that I cannot get the health care I want. I have a herniated disc with nerve damage and sciatic nerve pain. I cannot get any pain medication that helps alleviate the pain while I am having an episode. The “Medicaid” that I paid for does not allow for anything stronger than prescription ibuprofen. I know it seems pathetic that I cannot afford a measly $38 to pay for my crappy healthcare that I don’t use because it hasn’t helped me. But there are factors that cannot always be avoided. I’m a single mother, thought technically still married and am doing everything on my own. My kids have medicaid but I don’t qualify. Does that even make sense? I also do not make as much as I used to so my income if pretty low right now. Hopefully this will change and I don’t have to worry about being fined for not being able to afford crappy Obamacare.


How are you going to pay for this ,raise taxes and you and your counter partner can be ok, it me years to get where we are do not take it awat


Things can be paid for by raising taxes (which doesn’t have to be “income taxes on the poor and middle class”) and by cutting costs. Not sure the exact point, but it is worth remembering the different places funds can come from. Doesn’t always have to be a tax increase on income.


My husband closed his business late in 2014 and since he owned his own business he does not qualify for unemployment. He has been looking for other work but still has not found anything and it’s July 2016. He can only do some things due to his shoulder needing repair and he can’t go to the doctor because he has no health insurance. I’ve gone to the marketplace website but according to them our household income is too much and he would have to pay $500 per month. We can’t afford that. If we paid that we could not afford our regular bills. We filed bankruptcy about a year ago too. He could try for disability because of his shoulder but we can’t afford for him to go to either get it fixed or get disability. So after working and paying taxes for the last 45 years he has no options. It’s pretty unfair that after all of that you give everything away to people that have never paid taxes. The people that do get screwed.


No need to answer, based on the comments I am reading, everyone is pissed or have been pissed for a long time and there nothing we can do about it.

Good to know!


I meant Medicaid, apologies


I got a letter saying that Coventry (which is the cheapest…yet I struggle to afford as it is) is dropping their health care come December, when I look at the other options all I am given is Coventry…I cannot afford United. I don’t qualify for Medicare, what does someone like me do in this situation, am I out of luck come December?

If we are forced by our government to get healthcare or be penalized on our taxes why not provide health coverage that we can actually pick?


How about getting out of the military with 11 years in and plenty deployments with family? The price tagged on for four people is crazy; we even checked for low income help and never once got a call back or info. So being paid just above minimum wage and can’t get hired elsewhere that’ll pay better even with plenty military awards, can’t pay for medical, down to one car, and a kid that’s about to start college…AMERICA!


I am a new grad and having student loans, rent, car loans, and credit card payments, i am already strapped for cash. Bronze level coverage is $300 a month for myself. I see the doctor once a year. I feel like im just fooling myself with a degree in engineering. I cant afford to even have a nice T.V. So much for affordable care.


I have the rarest disease. Speak up. I have Addison. It is painful and annoying. I feel and will always be a burden.. Walking on Treamills hurt but I used to be a runner. Was my life. My freedom.


I think the root of this problem is that everything is based on gross income, but I have to pay for food, shelter, utilities, and health care out of my net income. So, my gross income is 21,400 ($100 too much to qualify for assistance.) My net income is more like 14,000 (way too low to be worth the risk of any insurance company selling me a policy.) As of now, I’m stuck in a new 1%. I’m 134% over the federal poverty level. I’m 1% over-qualified for medicaid, but 100% unable to pay for healthcare.
My options are: 1) Wait until I’m so sick I have to go to the ER where they can’t refuse to see me and then risk getting sued when I can’t pay the bill; 2) Quit my job because I’m in too much pain to work, lose my house, dog, car, everything, and in a year, when I’m on the street begging for food, maybe I’ll be one of the lucky 1 in 3 to be approved for disability. Can you give me a 3rd REALISTICALLY VIABLE option?


Place $101 into a qualified retirement account. This lowers your MAGI which is what is used to determine your eligibility for subsidies for health insurance. Or get a High Deductible Health Insurance and use an HSA. Contributions to HSA (up to the annual limit) are tax-free and actually lower your MAGI as well, thus you would end up getting Premium Tax Credits back at the end of the year, just for taking responsibility for administrating your own early healthcare costs. The premiums are less expensive and you will get the reimbursement rates the health insurance negotiated with the provider if you have them bill the insurer first (this also insurers that all your out-of-pocket costs are actually counted towards your deductible.


I am on a medical work leave, and am considered unemployable. I’m currently on short term disability which is about to run out, and it could take years to get state disability. I have seen all the doctors near me in Wisconsin and was referred out to Minnesota. I’m currently on cobra (500$ a month) so that I can keep my same coverage I had with blue cross and continue to see my doctor in Minnesota as I’m going to need a transplant. Is there any affordable plan that has out of state coverage? I’ve exhausted all my options here, and have been crying everyday because I don’t know what to do.


I can’t afford any insurance I qualify for. Next year my tax return will be penalized due to not having the insurance I cannot afford. There is no logic in this.


I’ve tried everything and it’s still 399.00 a month and for me a single 60 you grandmother that has to raise my two granddaughter half the time and work a full time job and barely make 20k a year is to much. Help please going broke and dying without care in Paris Texas


Food or Insurance ? Is a question we should not ask. However so many are faced with it. Myself included. Insurance over food it is !!!


No one should have to make that choice. You know there is a core of citizens who would never want that. So if that is where we are at you can be dang sure most Democrats and many Republicans are willing to fight the fight to ensure all families have both.


I completely agree. This whole Medicaid solution is complete bull and totally unfair to the people who need it most. Both my husband and I are unable to work due to medical reasons, were kicked out of the place we were staying and were forced to move out of state only to find out much later on that the state we are now in does not have the same Medicaid qualifications. Even though we are desperately trying for disability, yet another thing the government is zero helpful with even though they’re handing out such things to illegal people like candy, we still need medical help until it is given to us.
So basically all we can do is sit at home and twiddle our thumbs while in constant pain and hope that this cloud has one hell of a silver lining waiting for us because, honestly, I have no idea what else I can do. No one freaking cares that we need help even though we have all the right reasons for needing it.


I have had to pay $900.00 for citizenship on 12.50 hr Fined because I did not have health insurance I am sorry I do not make enough money to comply with the law can anybody help me?


I work and cant afford it thay take my taxes i got to pay in at the end of the year .and pay 200 month i use my taxes to pay bills at the end of the year not now and thay want to up the cost to 286 dollors i make 12 dollor a hr to eat and pay bills take your health care i dont want it working poor dont have a chance


Obamacare is a joke. I couldn’t afford health insurance before it became mandatory and I sure as hell can’t afford it now. A $6000 deductible on a bronze plan, what a laugh. My wife and I are 51 and 53 respectively. We pay our doctor and hospital bills in cash as they occur. We have yet to spend $6000 in a year. Remember the Supreme Court ruled Obamacare IS a tax. It’s the only way it could be constitutionally administered. As for the states and the Republicans being villainized for not expanding medicare, I live in one of those states. And I applaud my representatives for doing their duly elected jobs. This crap costs us taxpayers. Especially in my state that is overrun with illegals getting free healthcare. Just want to set the record straight. If government would get out of my life, I could damn sure do a lot better job of living and enjoying it. I don’t need some liberal moron in the White House trying to “solve” my problems for me.


You know, you can organize your state and build your own alternative as allowed under the ACA. Lots of frustration out there, lots of it valid. Should be some people ready to take action on a conservative alternative to prove to the country that not only liberals design programs to help the sick and poor.

We have lots of different ideologies in the US, we have to find some common ground. But you are right, Republicans shouldn’t be villainized for their choices (that isn’t fair). Nor should Republicans be lumped together, many embraced expansion with a sec. 1115 state alternative plan. They do however have to explain the rejecting of Medicaid to the hundreds of thousands in their state who don’t have access to Medicaid, its a hard conversation, but not an impossible one.



Ok, you are right, here is the conservative answer, FREE MARKETS. You know freedom, what this country was founded upon. Some people will be able to afford the health insurance of their choice, some not. Freedom may not be fair, but it comes without bureaucrats telling us what we have to do to appease them or pay a penalty. My health is my concern. should I choose not to make healthy choices, I and I alone should suffer the burden of my decisions. If I face a catastrophe in my life, then it is my responsibility to come up with a solution to my problems. I don’t need big brother to take from me constantly to take care of everyone else and tell me when and where I have to go for treatment that costs me out the ass. Lets look at the big picture. The only reason for socialized medicine in this country is to give healthcare to illegals and the jobless to buy their votes to keep the liberal bastards in power. As for common ground, was common ground found with us before this healthcare bullshit was rammed down our throats? Nobody tried to compromise with me. Nobody asked me and my family what we thought about this garbage. So NO, I will never try to compromise with the liberal agenda. Patrick Henry said it best when he stated ” Give me liberty or give me death”. I don’t ever remember hearing him say ” we just have to find some common ground with the British, after all we need to compromise for the common good”. That’s the problem with you liberals, you force things on the public they don’t want and when we rebel you try and make us look bad because we won’t compromise with you. Did Jesus compromise with the Devil? Did Roosevelt compromise with Hitler? Then no, there is no common ground between us. REPEAL OBAMACARE NOW, that is our goal, no matter how long it takes. And to anyone reading this, don’t be scared by the IRS about them penalizing you for not having coverage. There is NO penalty for not paying the Obamacare penalty. If you have a refund coming they can deduct it from it. However if, like me, you make it to where you owe a little every year, then you just pay what you owe in taxes. They have no teeth in the law to force you to pay the penalty. Just wanted you gook folks to know.


Sorry that should read: “just wanted you good folks to know”. Please excuse me,no racial slur intended.


Does healthcare have to be divided up between an arm and a leg per premium eye catastrophic dental whatever what does insurance mean? I will die because I could not afford the highest Premium to stay alive. Worse yet do I die Quicker because I could not afford the other 3 tiers of plans which do not address a real overall threatment of a human being. I think America is the only democratic nation that hates its citizens this way because of corporate profit and a population that does not question?


This isn’t fair.. I make $10.30 an hour in NY and I still have to pay a monthly premium of $20, and I don’t even get dental or vision with that. PLUS I have to pay co-pays every time I see the doctor. How is that right????? I make NOTHINGGGG!!!!!! So messed up how they use your GROSS income to say what you deserve.


How many dollars an hour does it take to afford Real healthcare can somebody answer the question it is not that hard everybody knows a person of 1 endures many more expenses as a family 4 encounters on a single income. But why are we considered lesser persons. he real question is. Why does government subsidize non sustainable wages through Walmart requiring food stamps energy subsidies to keep their employees . Exempting them from paying local taxes for multiple years: not like us mere humans


the question is why Can I not afford the platinum plan on 13.50 an hour?


You guys figure it out . What plan can I have on $13.50 an hour please explain Platinum best = live longer Gold = shorter Bronze= even shorter. Just looking for an honest answer


I’m unemployed, broke, and can’t afford your “affordable” health insurance..so let’s go ahead and charge me MORE money that I don’t have.

oh? you say. cant afford 600 dollars a month for ONE PERSON.
Just jump through our horribly inefficient social gauntlet so you can be quoted something insane that even a wealthy person would have a heart attack over.

Thanks Obama for basically killing me by strangling me both financially and literally.
when I have an asthma attack and die,(and it’s only a mater of time now) I’ll be sure to blame this shit on you in my Will.
gonna go deal some drugs or rob something to make ends meet now >_<


what does catastrophic health care got do with real healthcare? I need optical dental leg and arm care or do you want to slice and dice me with phony plans. Get real I need a real health plan that includes real medical coverage with no co pays or giant $ 7000.oo deductibles so I cannot even afford to even use it I only make $13.50 an hour am 60 years of age Show me something real and please do not tell me which plan will kill me quicker the bronze gold or platinum


Well, then platinum and gold are the way to go. Lower deductibles and higher premiums, great for those who need lots of care. Some will find, regardless of this, that pairing an HSA with a silver plan will yield better net savings, but that will require breaking out the calculator. Getting the perfect ratio takes some hard work and requires knowing your income.

But wait… at $13 an hour you should qualify for free care through Medicaid or super cheap coverage on a silver plan. So my gut is telling me you should look at marketplace silver plans again. No one making that income should be having to pay the full max deductible. That is how the program is set up, to be a sliding scale based on cost for premiums and out-of-pocket expenses.

Tanya Musselwhite

“we feel for people finding themselves in this position”
Wow. That is not helpful at all. But thanks for “feeling”.


You are welcome. We also, to be fair, spend every day writing about healthcare and trying to make a difference. Anyone could have built this site and taken up that job, but not many did. In a way, it isn’t the worst thing that could happen for any viewpoint. We are fairly moderate and are always looking for good points from any side of the isle. I’ve never been one to accept something on party politics alone, and most of those who work with us share that sentiment. The ACA does a lot of good, but more good work needs to be done to help the middle class, bring down costs, and simplify the system.


“…good points from any side of the isle.” I think that explains it all. The people making decisions and offering up platitudes in place of real world solutions are living on a fantastical private isle. If only we could find it, we could pray for a hurricane to wipe it out.
We already know they used imaginary economical models to turn the lower middle class into the working poor (remember the housing bubble?) How is projecting an “affordable” insurance rate based on imaginary cost-of-living expenses vs. before-tax income any different? A loaf of bread costs $3 if you don’t want it to give you cancer. Even cancer bread is more than a nickle these days.
If the plan is to starve us out and turn us into organ donors, I would think they would want better quality meat for the harvest. So, just like the housing bust, this insurance scam is doomed to backfire. You’re supposed to fatten the sacrificial lamb, not poison it, bleed it dry, and leave the corpse to the maggots and scavengers.


Where do I begin? I live in a state which opted not to expand Medicaid. My husband’s and daughter disability payments make me ineligible for Medicaid. I cannot afford private insurance. We have out of pocket premiums for his Dialysis treatment at 20 percent. When I tried applying for rates it says I am out of the ENROLLMENT period. What do I do now. How much is the penalty for not having

Quendessa Hopwood

My son is working a$10.00 wage job,and needs MED’s for medical illness. He needs to pay for doctor fee’s and mental pill’s. How does he get help and where does he turn too?


These answers are not helpful. I am on unemployment and the premium I have to pay is 3/4 of one weeks check. I really need some solutions


Can’t afford insurance thru my husband’s job because it’s ridiculous to pay $820/ month for spouse.
Definitely don’t qualify for Medicaid. Sooo… here I am, NEEDING surgery and sick DAILY.. and there’s no help. WTH?!


I have a 5400 dollar deductible I can’t afford to pay this and my insurance won’t pay one cent until I reach my deductible I really need help because my wife needs insulin very bad


Ok Hilary fix it…we can’t pay for bills and pay high premium health care each month…remember we are the little people..I had to drop my health insurance premium to be able to afford a car payment to get to work….can’t do both…guess I die while at work! COME ON SOMEONE ANYONE OUT THERE ARE YOU LISTENING TO OUR STORIES?


My husband & I have three children & he is the only one working & he only brings home 23,500 a year & I have a serious medical condition & I have no insurance nor can we afford it,what are our options because there is no way we can honestly afford an extra 200.00 a month & I cannot receive the medical treatment I need & my condition is getting worse how could I possibly get health insurance?I am ineligible for Medicaid because my husband supposedly makes to much but we can be penalized if we can’t afford coverage….there for this costing us extra money due to being penalized yet still I can’t get medical treatment so I can recover so we can have an extra income,it seems were being punished for not making enough…something should be done everyone deserves to be able to have coverage & be able to keep themselves healthy


So I get to die anyway??!!


You can always go to a public emergency room in an emergency and there is often some sort of option for local help.


I am trying to find insurance for my husband. He lost his job. So now we have only one income. However, this website wants our yearly income. that does not reflect the position we are in now. Why doesn’t it take into consideration our monthly income RIGHT NOW?

I am now covering all of our family’s bills, including his credit cards from before I even met him, with just my single income. None of that is taken in to consideration? The cheapest plan for him is $285. There is no way i can afford that. What are we supposed to do?


This is all BS#*&$#(


I don’t understand how I bring home about $630 a month and I qualify for low cost healthcare but Florida is denying me ACCESS (according to my eligibility)…and if I sign up for obamacare they want me to pay out (at the least in catastrophic) $212.00 a month!! I am a single mom…how is that even affordable? I work with someone that made $12,000 a year (married) and she pays out $50 a month…why is mine so much more? It doesn’t even make sense!!

Lauren Michelle Manning

Funk you obama


List of things not to say on the internet, but also list of things that prove you live in a social liberal democracy.


This is to the ignorant person responding to all of our concerns. You have not provided any good information. You have not responded to my question on how it is okay for my husband and I to have to pay an out of pocket of 22,000 ( 950 per month premiums – x 12 month added to a 12,700 out of pocket max) to have a child but the crack wh+re down the road can have all the kids she wants for free. Who has money to for retirement, student loans or actually being able to stay healthy because we are too afraid to use the insurance due to the high deductibles. Obama is a joke much like the person responding to the comments posted by the working middle class Americans on this site.


If your question is who in the middle class has money after all the costs and debts in the U.S., I would say those who save and don’t extend themselves too much on credit. But it gets harder and harder. We are very sensitive to this both on this thread and in this site and on other sites, so I think you didn’t really read before you spoke? I grew up middle class and made my living in my 20’s helping small businesses. Today I run a small business. Don’t mistake me for some crony government fella, i’m not.

I’m not sure what to say about your derogatory comment, except it isn’t accurate and that isn’t how assistance programs work. Also, what is up with you jumping in someone else’s business like that, mind your own (goes for the gal down the street, me, and Obama).

As for the costs, it is insane for a family of two to pay $22K (although you are quoting a number that assumes you hit your max deductible but then don’t need any extra care, as you aren’t factoring out all the savings from having insurance, so its kind of a BS number).

But even the real number $950 a month for a two person family plan with a max deducible is expensive assuming you make 400% FPL (so we have to round up that is $65,000 after taxes). So you make $65,000 MAGI for the family in household income and you owe 1% of that a month for insurance and then owe 10% of that in the worst case medical, yeah that is a lot.

So here is where we split ideologically though. I start looking for the issues with the underlying cost of healthcare, some of my frustration goes to the Obama administration for not pushing harder for a single payer solution and cracking down even harder on costs… but you blame him 100% like somehow he has a magic healthcare wand and there isn’t a $3 trillion industry there to deal with.

Jonica R Rucinski

First off, it is my business as it’s MY HARD WORKING Tax dollars spent at there finest. Second, do not tell me how to budget or cut down on credit card expenses. My husband and I have no credit card debt, however we do have student loan debt that is more then are house payment. I am an RN, I work in healthcare and I can tell you straight out that yes Obama Care has negatively impacted our entire healthcare system. People have so called health insurance but cannot afford to use it or pay the bills that the hospitals charge. Further more, what good is screening people for diseases that they won’t be able to afford to manage because they can hardly afford to have the mandated healthcare and cannot afford the deductible – makes no sense to me or anyone I work with. Speaking of the lady down the street w/ 5 kids – it’s wrong, wrong, wrong and we have to pay for it. Medicaid / Welfare is supposed to be temporary to help people get through a hardship, It’s not intended to be a way of life. If me or my husband lost our jobs do you think that the government would help me out? Absolutely not. It is absolute sickening that people I know and work with are discussing getting divorces just so they can have more affordable healthcare!

You make a lot of valid points, I am surprised as an RN that you wouldn’t be calling for a simpler single payer solution. Certainly I know healthcare professionals that are against it, but most are against specific types of programs and not the concept of a universal coverage (focused on private for-profit and non-profit devilry, but public funding).

High deductible health plans have lots of drawbacks and we are also not a fan of this, but as healthcare is something we all need in our lives I don’t think we can really just ignore the issue either.

I can’t afford this.. it is a burden monthly and then on top of it its making what medical needs i have MORE expensive. Recently I went to get my annual.. i have done this before without insurance and it is only $75.00 office visit and like 150.00 for blood work – @225.00 with no insurance. With Insurance I have $300/ monthly premium, $50 co pay, and then they charged back $80.00 on the blood work.. so I ended up paying $430.00 for a $225.00 office visit. The next month I had to have an odd mole removed. It should have been $75.00 office visit, $25.00 removal for the mole – $100.00 visit. WITH insurance I had the $300,00 monthly premium and $50.00 co pay – $350.00 for a $100 office visit .. YES i LOVE Obama Care .. I couldn’t be more ecstatic, truly (yes, I am lying!). America is only gritting its teeth until this DISASTROUS ROBBERY ceases and I only hope obama has a clue how much of hardship he has forced on the hard working people in this country that can’t afford this ridiculousness. . Of course now my premium jumped to $500 month because I had no way to prove a ‘projected’ income, for a company that just started in January. No worries Obama.. I will probably have to close it anyway just because I can’t afford to stay in business and create the jobs i have for having to pay out $500/month for less than worthless insurance. The people you will be forcing into unemployment of course might be able to. Good job, really! *golf clap*


This does not help me understand why tax paying citizens are having to pay even more for our health insurance. Because of Obama Care I can no longer afford my health insurance for my family. My premiums have increased to over 800 per month with an 8,000 deductible and an out of pocket max of 12,700. WTF?? What family can truly afford this? Including my monthly premiums and what it will cost me to have my 2nd child it will be approximately 22,300 in medical bills because of Obama Care, this is crazy. I’m a married, educated, tax paying citizen and should be the one having children but am to afraid to have another child because of what the medical bill will be. However, down the road there is a women who has 5 kids lives on welfare and everything is paid for and she has fee health insurance? How is this fair, how are we to survive?


Obama is a joke. He will surely go down in hx as the worst President ever. Honestly, people who pay taxes and work should not have to decide if they should or shouldn’t have children because of bullshit government regulations that rape them of their income.


This insurance is a joke and it’s affecting all insurance premiums. I’m an educated healthcare worker who’s employee benefits sky rocketed so high that my husband and I are struggling to pay our bills. The worst part is that we so badly want to have another baby but because of president Obama and the raping of American tax dollars we cannot. Reward all the low life, uneducated drug using maggots who suck up are tax dollars but punish the working class and prevent them from having and raising good people who will in turn likely become educated tax paying citizens. Obama sucks and obamacare must go.


My situation is my husband was incarcerated last July for 8 1/2 yrs! I am disable with no family and finding part time work is next to not feasible for I live with chronic pain. I am a resident of United States for last 20 plus years. I am still legally married to my husband of 16 years. I live on my husband income which is just a hair below the Obamacare threshold for income. This is the crazy part. I had to file jointly cause we are legally married. However because I filed jointly that increased my income. Even though my husband is incarcerated and the State is caring for his everything including healthcare. So I’m the one that really requires healthcare and I am being penalized due to no fault of my own. I simply trying to stay afloat and most likely somehow pay the premium cost outside of the Marketplace in order for me to receive some health insurance. How do you say LUDACROUS!! & terrified. What Is My Option NOW? Would Love To Know? ASAP!


That is one heck of a situation. You are right that your assistance will be based on the poverty level and that if you joint file in some way this could make life tricky. I would suggest understanding better what the marketplace and medicaid income cut-offs are for your state (it differs by state due to the way Medicaid expansion works). I would then see what you can do about increasing or decreasing your income legitimately to better qualify.

The best way to do this is likely to look at the federal poverty level: https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-poverty-level/

You can also call the marketplace and ask for assistance since it is a complex issue, you may have wiggle room around the way you are filing.


Obamacare sucks. I make a little too much for Medicaid but not enough to get any help with insurance. I can not afford it at alleast but still need to be seen medically. It’s so frustrating because I can’t get the help I need


The only thing i’d say is that in states that expanded Medicaid you can’t “make too little for Medicaid”. GOP run states rejected Medicaid expansion and that causes a Medicaid Gap, you are in the “Medicaid Gap”. So the correct phrase would be, “the state GOP sucks” not ObamaCare.

Anyway, finger pointing isn’t going to get you the care you need. Suggestions include local charities or figuring out how you can gain or lose income to meet the state Medicaid or national marketplace guidelines.

See the federal poverty level: https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-poverty-level/


I live on $1400.00 per month after taxes. I have to pay rent food clothing utility bills car insurance and gas. I also pay about $100.00 per month for health insurance. I had to get a mammogram. The bill was $265.00 insurance only paid 58.00 !!! I also paid up on my annual deductible. ..now I also have a medical bill to pay. This is robbery and a crime !! How is anyone suppose to live.? !!!


A lot of people are asking those questions. I don’t know that any of these things are a crime individually, but when they pile up, it certainly costs a lot of money to be in the middle class in America. Luckily it rather easy to argue it being worth every penny. Still, I mean, this is the general sentiment as to why we should be demanding a little more for the people and a little less for the top. It’s not hating on the rich, it is caring about ALL Americans not just those at the bottom or the top.

The kicker is the middle is split in two ideological factions (at least Democrats and Republicans). So not only are our numbers small, we have split in two. So it is silly to really expect to be given much of anything from such a weak position as we’ve put ourselves in. Too bad we don’t have economic parties and then religious and social value parties as separate, would likely solve everything!


I had signed my Husband and I up to a BCN silver plan, but cannot afford monthly payments any longer, it has drained our savings, and regular payroll checks have never been able to cover insurance anyway. There is no change in our income, as I havent worked in 3 years, we used our savings for healthcare costs. Savings is GONE. We do not qualify for a life event, but cannot afford coverage any longer, Marketplace and BCN are tied in together, and offer no solutions. What is a solution so we may still have insurance at a discounted (cheaper plan) rate, and wont suffer the $695 penalty?


Sooo, because I have a job and my husband also works we cannot get health insurance. 3 kids – none of them are able to go to the dentist or doctor and my oldest is mentally ill. LOVE IT.

For a terrible plan that basically covers nothing and requires us to pay out of pocket when we use it, we would need to pay $600 per month. That is the cheapest one offered in my state and the sales guy on the phone said he didn’t want to sell it to me because he would feel bad about it since it was such a terrible plan.

Seriously??? So the solution here is – quit my job and apply for public assistance??? How does that make any sense? Why would I want to do that? And my ultimate punishment – as if this is not already enough – is that I have to pay a fine (essentially for being alive and of course having the bad luck of not being born wealthy and stupid enough to want to work for a living) at the end of the year so that people who want to not work can sit around and do drugs and get medicaid (which I am sure Obama’s tax fine helps pay for). That people includes their methadone and oxy’s and whatever else they are scamming and trust me they are! Wake up people!

Let’s award the lazy and useless people and punish the hard working average people. Great idea! The rich people couldn’t care less since they have had insurance all along and have never had to worry. The only people getting screwed are regular people that live pay check to pay check and make barely enough to pay their bills and buy food. The heavy heel on the top of my head constantly pushing me down is getting old.

I am absolutely positive of one thing – not a single politician cares at all about any of this because they have excellent healthcare coverage, always have and always will. They are not trying to figure out how they are going to scrape together the money to buy their kids meds every month or how the hell they are going to take their kids for their physicals or to the dentist.

They play their little game of caring to get elected but it really doesn’t matter at all to them what happens to us. I worked in a bank and I would have 1000s and 1000s of dollars pass through my hands daily. After a while money was nothing to me, just something I saw and had to deal with each day. Politicians see people the same way I saw money when I worked in a bank. We are what they have to deal with to get paid.

I love my country but this is BS.


I live in Nevada and is currently not working due to I care for my grand kids I adopted and they have disability and requires me to either go to the schools or doctors I can’t afford insurance tried to apply for Medicaid no luck at all can someone help me please


Nevada is one of the better states for the ACA, you should be able to get help by calling their state marketplace. They can help you find out your options, make sure to have the denial letter, last years income, and your projected income on hand, this will help them to understand your situation.

small town family

Serous question please reply: My household was barely scraping by before were made to get ins. My husband was the only one that didn’t have it. I’m disabled so I have to have ins. & always have, we have 2 kids, but also have a minor family member that permintly reside, with no help from his parents. We are having trouble paying bills & putting food on the table, we’re starting to serously drown in debt. Trying to decide which bills we can pay & how much, & which can get skipped. Is there anyway to not have ins.? Even the cheapest ins. we could find is still too much, we cannot afford this. In our town we have a country Dr. that it’s $40 a visit & he doesn’t take ins. If there is a way please let me know. Also sorry if this is ridiculous question, what’s HSA & MAGI?


No worries, no ridiculous questions as they say. HSA is a health savings account (to pay for out of pocket costs), you can fund it each year to reduce your MAGI. MAGI is your Adjusted Gross Income modified for deductions. It is what cost assistance and Medicaid are based on.

In the situation you are in, you should have access to low-cost insurance, but the exact out-of-pocket costs and premium costs depend on your income and region.

There is no super simple answer here without knowing all your details in regards to income, family size, and region (which you shouldn’t post online). The general rule of thumb is to try the marketplace first, find out if you have access to medicaid, and then work to ensure your income is in the best place for your family based on your options and family size (in this funding a HSA and thus lowering your MAGI can really help).

The other big benefit of an HSA is it is tax-free in and tax-free out for out-of-pocket costs.

small town family

Unfortunately we are right on the cut off for making too much for any type of state assistants, by about $100. We have compared prices with many ins. companies & currently pay $400 a month for just my husband & this covers 6 Dr. visits & 6 specialist visits & that’s it. For us carrying no ins. & seeing the country Dr is by far the cheapest way for my family, but then we’re finned which we definitely can’t afford that’s what we use to cover home owners ins. & pay our taxes. We are stuck in a rock & a hard place with this policy. I hate the fact that my kids have to eat ramen noodles & hotdogs for dinner more times than anyone should ever have to feed a child that for a meal in this country, or the expired mystery foods & meats you get from the food bank. Thanks for trying to help, but I senserly wish people in situations like mine were taken into account before this was made mandatory. There are so many people in a situation like mine that the president and the others involved with making Obama Care happen should of took into consideration. I’m just thankful ramen noodles hasn’t jumped up in price, hotdogs sure has well all meats have……


Really disgusted by all of this. 46 year old single woman, working all my life. Quit my job in 2015…it was either that, or suicide…Now I’m second-thinking my decision because of the punishment society places on you. At any rate, I went through all my savings and, at times, my income from temping was less than $300/month…enough to eat, pay my phone & get me to job interviews. Now I’m working again and unable to sign up for Obamacare quitting job due to nervous breakdown isn’t a qualifying life event. Work plan is kicking back, too, because I missed open enrollment. WTF people? In the past 5 years I’ve had zero illnesses, yet I have to pay $3000 year “just in case”, when my take home pay is less than $2000/month and 50% of that goes to rent & car payment. I live in a small studio apartment. I make just enough money to pay my bills. Even if I could sign up for the ACA, it’s a joke. The deductibles make the plans irrelevant. WHEN YOU PAY YOUR BILLS AND HAVE $200/MONTH LEFT TO LIVE ON, A HIGH DEDUCTIBLE IS A COMPLETE JOKE. This plan was so obviously created by wealthy people who have ZERO clue what it’s like out there for us.


This Obama health care sucks I’m so glad his &(*%# is out, he made the poor people more poor, I hope karma comes in bite him in the *%#.


It is so strange, because in theory it took about thirty years of blood sweat and tears on behalf of Democrats to pass healthcare reform. Concept being that expanded Medicaid would save millions of lives and cost assistance would help the middle class.

Somehow, between corporate pressures and the GOP-spun Media outlets it has turned in to statements like this.

If you step back, and really think this one out, it has got to open your eyes a little. If this isn’t good enough, we need something better. If your only answer is repeal and replace with nothing, then you really need to do some moral-based soul searching.


If you pay high premiums and have a high deductible, you are paying insurance premiums AND clinic, lab and imaging costs out of pocket. If you get sick, you pay out of pocket. Why have the insurance? It only covers major medical and most policies only cover 60 or 70% of that. The balance owed will still put most Americans into bankruptcy. People are paying unreasonable monthly premiums and deductibles to pay for someone else’s medical operation and can’t afford to take their own child to the doctor. Check out all the new fancy headqquarters built by all the insurance companies since this law was passed. Check out their annual reports and salaries of their officers. Also, doctors are increasinly specializing and investing in laboratories, imaging centers and outpatient specialty treatment centers that they send their own patients to without disclosing that it financially benefits them to do so – a direct conflict of interest. Many doctors are entrepreneurs and not healers, making money by selling you expensice treatments rather than providing basic health care. Out of network doctors are jumping into your in networktreatment treatment and you get socked with a huge out of network fee. All the while corporations pump out cheap, unhealthy, high salt, high sugar processed foods that create an unhealthy population that relies on this over priced dysfunctional health care system. Learn something from cultures that respect people, that come together as communities to care for everyone. Where doctors train to be healers, not investors. Enough is enough. This nation, through its corrupt policies is quickly devouring itself.


I pay 750.00 a month for obamacare. I am currently not working and have epilepsy and an autoimmune. Half my doctors do not even take this plan (even though I have the highest ranking one). I can’t do this anymore, too expensive. The other plans also have such high deductibles (over $2,000) and still insane costs. I cannot qualify for Medicaid and even if I did, the specialists I need do not accept it. My savings is now nearly gone. There is nothing I can do and have to wait until open enrollment to get downgrade to another plan? This is horrific. Health insurance should not cost this much! It’s not even quality health insurance. My treatments are not covered and like I said, only the horrible doctors take these plans.


I am a disabled senior on a small fixed income with high rent that is average rent for my area. . I cannot afford the “nobama” care rates that covered CA charges us for insurance. The county I live in has cancelled all but 2 of the “nobama” care policies because the doctors are not getting paid. Of course the only two that remain are out of my price range to afford with high rent and regular monthly expense that take every last dime and that is without buying food as I live off food banks only. Have not afforded groceries in two years! So how is a low income senior with no disposable income and a limited monthly income that sets me in the red every month supposed to afford these high premiums? Its outrageous that I am forced to take insurance to pay every month and that forces the choice not to buy food! I am diabetic but cannot afford medical care as I cannot pay co payments and lab fees etc due to the high premiums that are only offered where I live. I cannot afford to go to any doctor due to the co payments and I do not have even one dollar left every month so no doctors visit possible
So Covered CA has given me no choice except to be forced to pay something I cannot afford and cannot use As of today I have gone 6 months without insulin or any medical care because the co payments are to high ! So I go without all medical care as I cannot afford the premium but am forced by law to pay it or I am fined heavily by the IRS because I choose not to have kids and have only a one person household! I don’t qualify for any other aid as I am a single senior. This is an outrage that our President has forced seniors into a program that prevents them buying food !!!!! I am outraged ! This is wrong. I am suffering in hunger every day going without any food in my house because of this program. I already talked to Covered CA and they could care less. Only 2 policy available here and they cost what they cost. I do not qualify for state health care and do not qualify for Medicaid according to your site. Most doctors and medical corporations here do not take ANY “nobama” care clients. They hate this program and refuse all patients with it. i was told by one doctor that we are all deadbeats and he refuses all “nobama” care in his practice !
What kind of country are we living in t hat makes seniors go hungry when forced to pay premiums they cannot afford!!!!!! Why are people made to suffer and go hungry and without proper medical care yet have to pay by law every month for coverage we can never use to to its exorbitant cost ?


There is no way I can afford insurance with our income. I was diagnosed with cancer less than a year ago, underwent surgery and now have follow up care and risk of recurrence, plus medication. It’s a struggle to scrape the premiums together, not to mention my deductible and co-pays. I get zero assistance and my husband and daughter are not covered not are they eligible for assistance. Adding up my bills, we already can’t afford food (very minimal bills – no cable, no fancy phones, no vacations, no savings) how am I supposed to pay $7000 a year for health insurance. Now, they say I missed a payment and cancelled my coverage and since I don;t qualify for assistance there is no grace period. My Rx is $500 a month. Now, I have no insurance, no Rx, not enough money for food and they will try to hit me with a penalty for not being covered?? If I can’t afford car insurance, I don’t get a car. If I can’t afford health insurance, what? Am I supposed to take my life?


My husband and I are both 24, and we have two children, one of whom has Autism. I work full time with overtime, my husband works full-time and I work a weekend part-time job. Having a special needs child means that we will meet our deductible. This year it was met within two months.
When you look at our premium (well over 600 a month) and our deductible (11,000), over 30% of our income goes to healthcare.
We have worked so hard, but our savings is gone, and we are going to have to start deciding which bills we don’t pay each month so that my children don’t starve. We don’t qualify for Medicaid, so if we cant afford a treatment or therapy for my son, he has to go without.
We are a couple grand behind in payments to my sons therapy center (we have a year to pay his deductible amount), so at the end of the year my 3 year old son will be kicked out of therapy.
The therapy that gives him the best chance at leading a productive life. All because my husband and I work hard to provide for ourselves.
But we are the class of people that nobody thinks about, and no one really cares to consider.


it’s kind of refreshing to hear a resounding “nay” against obamacare now that it’s taken effect for awhile. Felt like I was the only one up-in-arms about losing money.

I really can’t afford spending $600+ a month between my wife, myself, aftercare and summer school for my kid, without giving up quite a bit. Tbh, I could afford it if I never: smokeed cigarettes, drank, bought caffeine, went out to eat at lunch, ate less organic, or made shoddy attempts at home improvement on Sundays (my only day off) and instead tried to find ways to make myself even poorer, or work under the table so I can avoid taxes and if I tried to find cheaper ways to fix my house which I probably won’t be able to afford soon anyway, then I could pay these ridiculous bills.

Now, I’m not the brightest guy, but I’m of the mindset now that the people who feel the same way as me should just vote for the guy who has a realistic way to get rid of this healthcare law, move on from there and then rethink the healthcare crisis; because this whole thing has created a big crisis for me, my family, and from what it sounds like, a great many others. It created a serious crisis for me where there was none before. We are not”Europe” and we never will be. I just think we can fix one crisis without gaining another one.

That’s what I’m thinking. Thank you all for your comments.


It all seems good on paper to get rid of the ACA, but the GOP is honest about their replacement plan. I read the last one and it didn’t cut spending, it just gave tax breaks to businesses and put sick people in a different pool to lower costs on the rest. You still have the same problem with people being uninsured.

The answers aren’t easy, but, despite what politicians tell you, they don’t have to involve people dying on the streets and corporate profits. They can, you know, just be in the public welfare and operate as non-profit. So no easy answers, but lets not hang one American out to dry for another. Let’s focus on a solution that works for all.


I’m a single parent raising 3 kids. I make a 50k a year in nyc. My rent is $1500 a month and I pay $180 a month for the kids insurance. Cheapest plan for me is over $300 a month not even close to what I can afford. I don’t qualify for Medicaid or any exemption. I’m a veteran ,I’ve held a job since I was 17 (20 years) I work 60 hours every week it’s bad enough I can’t afford what’s being offered, but what I don’t understand is why are my tax returns being penalized. How can you fine someone for not being able to afford something? This is really digging me into a deeper financial hole every year. Not to mention as a tax paying citizen how much longer can I work 60 hours a week and “contribute” without at least being able to know If some health issues arrive before it’s too late to treat and now I’m unable to work, provide for my kids and continue “contributing”. This has to be fixed.. Your ruining hard working people’s lives that contribute to keep healthy the ones who don’t contribute? I even was told illegal immigrants can get Medicaid I doubt that is true but if it is just wow!


A fire fighter I talked to yesterday had his life saved because of the ACA. Ran into a burning building one too many times, got a disorder, was literally dying on the street after being dropped from private coverage, ACA saved his life.

So he disagrees, but yeah, we have to do better for the middle class. Won’t argue with you there, in the meantime the whole prejudice against poor people makes little sense. If you get sick, and then can’t work, you have no income, and thus as far as taxes go are a poor moocher. This is why we need access to healthcare to remain expanded. It’s a slightly tricky concept, but think about it.


For the record, I live in a state where the Medicaid expansion WAS accepted, and I still can’t really afford insurance. We’re pretty much in a situation where we’re gonna roll the dice without it (we’re all healthy individuals anyways). So, you can’t really blame our predicament on evil GOP leadership.


Well no, if you are above the 138% poverty level then the affordability is a matter of private insurance and public subsidies. If you are below 138% then Medicaid is free or low cost and it is a different story.

Trust me, if you are one of millions without coverage in a GOP state then yes, this is the GOP. Although evil only applies to some. Sometimes it is legitimate ideology. I am just as frustrated at those not working with the GOP as I am at the GOP not working with the Dems.


I legitimately can’t afford health care I called and the lowest plan I can get is 140$ a month. I’m 20 with rent insurance gas phone food and all I make under 20,000$ a year. I can not afford this, and am being denied any aid. Welp this sucks ass.


You should have access to health subsidies through the exchange during open enrollment, also because you are young you should have access to a catastrophic health plan. But for me personally, I feel like we should be expanding Medicaid to people of your age and income. You are young and healthy and don’t need the extra burden while trying to get off your feet.

If you make under about $16,500 in MAGI (Income after deductions) and your state expanding Medicaid, you may be able to get that free or low cost Medicaid I mention above. Here is a link with more information on all this.



Here is the REAL ANSWER, if you are poor in this country you are going to pay for the rest of your lives. You are going to pay while the insurance companies rake it in year after year. You are going to pay tax penalties because you can’t afford insurance and then you are going to be sick because you can’t get insurance. Then you aren’t going to be able to pay the tax penalty and you will lose your home and end up on the streets.

Welcome to America.


I was all for the ACA (I even wrote to the President saying how happy I was to finally have healthcare coverage) and now I see it is completely worthless, I’m back to square one with no insurance coverage at 50 years of age. I’ve worked my whole life for this kind of treatment. The first two years, I was able to afford basic high deductible health care at about $150 per month (I had a very low income). Now, two years later, my husband and I make $34K a year jointly and the health insurance has jumped to $680 per month for high deductible coverage. Give me a break, the health insurance companies are now being subsidized by our government and I haven’t seen any CEO’s salary being reduced, instead many of their salaries are going up. Shame, Shame on us. Stop Corporate Welfare.

Furthermore, my husband has a job with one of the top tech companies in America, which supposedly gives him benefits, but the ACA is now just an excuse for companies to offer exactly the same programs that you get when you are unemployed. It’s just inexcusable. So now, we can all work and not get health benefits. Things are worse than before. I’m totally disgusted, this country is in the dumper. I’m voting for Bernie Sanders and nobody else. WE NEED HEALTHCARE FOR ALL, yes people, socialized medicine. Clinton and Trump are both are worst nightmares. I for one will be out on the streets demonstrating come November and beyond. If this isn’t fixed, I’m looking for work overseas.


Question what are options for my wife and I my job pays my insurance but not my child’s or wife’s and the wife’s is around 600 a month we can’t use the marketplace cheaper plans because we fall into the family glitch why hasn’t that been fixed since its been known since the start. A coworker of hers is paying 300 a month for coverage for her, her husband, and child. Her work offers no health insurance


I don’t expect any answers, I just needed to express our grief. I’m so sorry to see so many others going through the same issues.

My husband and I made some sacrifices so we could attain some serious goals in the next few years.
We relocated to a cheaper apartment in a low income neighborhood, away from our community. We we’re doing it, really making it work. Finally, after graduating from a recession, struggling for years to get on our feet. We we’re so relieved and proud of ourselves for figuring out a plan.

But now our premiums went up from $92 a month to $377. So it’s back to the drawing board. Instead of reaching our goals, we have to pay a thousand dollar fine (we have no idea where to get the money) just so we are NOT covered. I know we can try and get exempt, but why do all the paper work? Just to NOT have health insurance. And I’m told us dropping our state plan will affect our son’s health care plan. It’s like they want to punish us.

Doesn’t the government want families to pay off student debt and buy a house? Send their kids to preschool? (We do not qualify for Head Start btw) We can’t work to attain these things if all our work is for ONE bill.

I have no idea how we are going to pay $377 plus minimum of our debts, loans, preschool, rent and bills. What happens if our rent jumps up again? I am so grossly disappointed.
And because it’s all income based, if I take another job to cover the $377, the premiums go up with it. There’s no way out.

Why are the insurance companies allowed to jack up the prices so high? I wish the government could stop them from overcharging. Or least drop the fine.

Thank you for listening.


There are little things I could say, and I could frame some issues in a way that might make you feel better… but I won’t belittle you or those like you who struggle under the growing mountain of debt and rising costs (like so many others who post here).

Your story illustrates the sticking point of expanding social programs in a capitalist society. My message is, we did great with the ACA, now we need to do better… that means addressing the weight of debt on the middle class. It is creating a “glass ceiling” that ensures the middle class will have trouble with upward momentum, and the current safety currently has holes and a glass ceiling of its own. I see real problems despite all the good that is done. I hope others in positions of power do too.


Seniors pay less on their health insurance than people aged 18-64. Medicare pays 80% of costs, then the retiree can purchase a supplement that will pay the rest of their bills for health care. They have an option for a separate drug plan, and the donut hole is disappearing. So my daughters health care is $152 a month with a 4000 deductible. I can’t afford the deductible, so any tests they want to do, I can’t afford. She has issues, scoliosis at 30+%. We are paying more for an 18 year old than what seniors get. Now why can’t they do this for the rest of us? By the time the baby boomers are gone, Medicare will go bust and I will have paid into it my entire life and reap no benefits. Costa Rica is looking better and better than America.


Thanks obamacare for making it impossible for self employed people to afford health insurance. Bravo


Well remember there is Medicaid, tax credits, and a ton of write-offs, plus HSAs, and 401k’s to drop MAGI.

Eric S. Huffstutler

I am a 59 year old male. This January, my job was eliminated after 16 years due to restructuring. I had great insurance, a Blue Cross PPO Gold Plan in which my employer paid 80% of my almost $800 a month premiums. I am currently on a severance package that runs out May 31st.

Went online to healthcare.gov and was not sure how to enter the data for the state of Virginia other than the amount of money earned the 4 months of severance. I have not applied for unemployment because of the severance so have no idea what I will get from them to key in and is that considered “income” by Obamacare? The amount I entered for only the 4 months of severance did not qualify for deductions and said my premium would be $400 a month and a $6,500 deductible. Not doable. My monthly bills, minus any insurance premiums, is $1,000. The most unemployment will pay (pre tax) is $358 a week. If I add my bills and the $400 for insurance I will be in the red every month.

Like everyone here said, how does the government expect people to live week to week when bills overpower what is coming in? I thought there was supposed to be some sort of relief for the premiums if you make under a certain amount? What are the outlets under these circumstances?

I also have expensive monthly medications which with my current insurance only cost $10 but will go over $100 each under the market plans. I was on one med that costs $14,000 a month but pay only $30 a month currently… cancer meds How will those be paid for?


This is dangerously misleading. You should warn people that if they accept a subsidy and then their income increases, they will have to repay thousands of dollars to the IRS.


We warn that all over the place. They repay the money they borrowed. The double edge sword of the ACA tax credits. We also advise simply taking just a small portion of the tax credits in advance if you are unsure.

However, the way this works is something someone can make work for them if they laser focus on taxes… which you know, most Americans won’t, and this is part of the silliness of the American tax system, it favors those who understand the white-hat exploits… and it just gets even sillier at higher incomes.

Zachary D'Alessio

I have an underlying medical condition that will require treatment the rest of my life. While I make a decent living in my overtime-dependent income in the field of human medicine, I cannot seek higher education without surrendering my insurance benefits through my agency by becoming a part-time employee. At present, based on my last year’s income, $2000 deductible and associated treatments for my disease, my total was 17.5% of my annual income after taxes. Without coverage and treatment I cannot work. Without work, I cannot have the insurance I require. I cannot flourish because I cannot seek higher education in my field, as I cannot risk the loss of coverage. I can only scrape by with very little wiggle room, based on my 70+ hour work weeks.

(Medicaid/Medicare doesn’t cover the necessities of my rare condition, I’ve checked into it several times).

Is this normal? Are there people out there that are just as stuck as I am?


My 10 yr-old daughter, who has severe autism and is considered intellectually disabled, is currently on Medicade, but is about to lose it and her therapies because, I now “Make too much money”.
If I have to pay for the therapies out of pocket, it will put my family worse off than before I got the job that “pays too much”.

Can anything be done to help people in my situation?


I am self-employed and an almost $300 a month Bronze plan was too expensive for me.
So, I filed my 2015 return and got penalized….
If I can’t pay it, that means that it’s not affordable…


My son has had a hard time finding work. I know everyone thinks the economy is great but he has really been struggling.

How can he pay premiums if he doesn’t have a job?


In situations like this the answer should be Medicaid or a family plan, but in reality about 20 states have currently rejected expanding Medicaid. This means in some instances there are no or limited choices.



Can’t get a job. Can’t afford. Can’t get exemptions. Can’t get any aid. Can’t get added to spouse’s because it’s even more expensive. Can’t use the doctors who know me and my kids for the last 9 years because HMO. Can’t get the RX’s needed because HMO thinks they’re my actual doctor. Paying full price for everything until deductible is met (what’s the point of insurance again?)

Seriously considering the penalty – or moving. Tried everything else.


I can have medical insurancr but i have to quit working then i will not able to ear or pay rent
Stupid fing democrats


don’t qualify for above, making about $3000.00 more this year. Cost of plan went up $25.00 from 60.00 to 85.00 and then lost the the $100.00 credit now get 4.99 credit. have a mortgage this year cant pay $185.00 for almost no coverage, my plan was pretty worthless to start with just covered birth control and in case of emergency. want to see if Im better off just paying the penalty as it seems I have a choice of getting insurance or eating! Our system sucks! crappy coverage, high prices! Thanks Republicans!!!! no point leaving name or email there’s no help here.


So if you can’t afford health insurance and can’t qualify for free insurance you get penalized. Thanks Obama!!


I cant afford my bills already, how can I afford more bills?


I tell you, you aren’t alone. Think the general sentiment is felt by most Americans, sometimes it feels unclear if legislators are fully in touch with this fact.


Where I live the average cost of an apartment is $1,804. Mine is in a low income area and is $1,740. It has gone up over the last 5 years from $1,275. I am a cancer patient in my late 50s. I had medi-cal last year, but this year I got a part time job and some self employment income, made $1,350 a month teaching. I was still spending down the retirement funds I had saved, even just paying food and rent. But what happened because I got the part time job is that I also lost my medi-cal. I had been told when they registered me by phone that it would roll over automatically and become Covered -California if I made more income, but that turned out not to be the case. It didn’t. I was ill during the months after medi-cal was stopped, and then tried to get Covered-Cal coverage and was told I was denied both medi-cal as I make too much money even though I make nearly $400 less than just my rent let alone food, and the I did not qualify for Covered Cal. So I suddenly, because I got a job, I have no health care coverage until November, when they said I could reapply, 7 months from now, as a cancer patient, this is frightening! I paid into insurance most of my adult life, but when you are actually ill, it is not possible to pay it. Even in November making what I do with the age I am, there would be no way to pay for food and rent and Covered California. Because the deductible, the premiums reduced by what Obamacare would pay are still about $275 a month or $3,300 a year, and the deducible is $6,500, in my area, on the website, that means before they even start paying any bills you are paying $9, 800 to them. Then if you are ill you would pay out of pocket of another at least $6,500 or a total of $16,000 at the lower end of the range to as much as $22,500 at the top end of the out of pocket, deductible and premiums combined, and that it the lowest out of pocket listed in my area. If I got Bronze, which is not even available with my current health provider as they say they are not required to offer all options, If I switched to Bronze the out of pocket max is even higher. Even the lowest figures listed would not allow me any money to pay rent or buy food and buy health insurance, even if I could get a full time teaching job, which is very difficult considering my health. What people need to understand, is that the system will break down as soon as you are ill! Even if you were able to afford it when you were well, so what good is it. Then you have to pay a fine, because you can not do something impossible to do.


I do not qualify for medicaid and I can’t afford obamacare. Our income a month is $2215 for 2. What can I do.


i couldnt afford my health care for turn of this year it went up.. i tried getting mnsure but they never contacted me back and i tried calling but all i ever got was “All people are helping others… Goodbye” something like that … and then it would hang up…I have an almost two year old… plus my own health problems… is there any way for me to get health insurance or at least get it on my son. any help is a blessing.


Medicaid goes by gross income. They don’t take into consideration you’re court ordered to pay child support. I’m in the same boat. Let me know if you find anything out. I lost a filling in my tooth 4 months ago and can’t afford insurance to get it fixed. My wife and son are on medicaid because our son is only a year old but it’s about to run out.


We feel for people fining themselves in this position. Yeah Right!

I have a chronic medical condition, went with an HMO with a high deductible and the best premium I could get was $1100.00 per month. Can’t afford to have a roof over my head and health insurance. Our income was drastically cut this year due to a change in my health status, and our current income sources. We also own a business that doesn’t pay enough to cover the cost of the premiums. We didn’t realize that we were going to be this short during “open enrollment”, so didn’t apply. Sounds like my only option is to pay the penalty on my taxes next year and pray that one of us doesn’t get really sick.


With other bills my son couldn’t afford to get healthcare and if he had it couldn’t afford to use it. It is like communism forcing people to get healthcare that can’t afford it and then charges them a lot of taxes when you can’t afford to get it. That just absolutely is wrong. He now owes 1800 dollars in taxes because of this and has no money to pay it after he pays his living expenses.


I made 9.50 hr live in low income housing I paid 209 a month in rent I got 50 cent raise my rent went up 300 dollars plus they take out 370 a month garnishment from 9 years ago and I had insurance at that time! I only make 10.00hr how can I afford health insurance?


I think we need to face the fact that this plan is fundamentally flawed. I lost my job – and the insurance that covered me and my husband. He makes $15K/yr, and I’m on unemployment. However, because we file separately – a lot of issues have made this a necessity – we are not eligible for assistance. We signed up for Obamacare because it’s required, but can’t afford the close to $900 per month for insurance for both of us. I’m looking for work like crazy but because I’m in my 50s….

Unemployment payments haven’t been adjusted anywhere to take into consideration the additional, significant financial burden of these premiums. We can’t afford insurance, but we can’t afford not to have it. If something happens to either one of us medically, we are up a creek without it.

Seriously, U.S. government. Can’t you do better than this? This thing was really not thought out well – at all.


This website is not related to the government in anyway, but we do try to do our part to ensure that people have a public place to have their voices heard. Please do contact your state and federal legislators though. Tell them your concerns and remember to vote.


Obamacare is pretty worthless from what I can see. The deductible is so high for the cheapest plans that it’s worthless. I live in a state that didn’t expand medicaid so here I am without health insurance like I have been my entire life. Stuck between making too much and not making enough. Guess those are the breaks. Over the past couple of years my health has been in steady decline and the way it’s going I’ll be dead in 5 years, if I’m lucky. I’ve hinted around to my girlfriend that I have heart problems but I don’t think she takes me seriously and all she says is go to the doctor and get checked out. She has excellent health insurance through her employer so I guess that’s why she thinks it’s simple to stroll down to the doctor’s office and run some tests. I haven’t told my family because there’s no point in it. They’ll just worry and why bother adding more problems for them. Like a lot of people, I had a lot of hope that things would change when Obama got elected but it quickly turned to disappointment. I’ve accepted that I’ll be dead before anything really changes for the better. Would it hurt this country so much to stop spending trillions going to war and start spending on the citizens who’ve supported this country their entire lives with their backbreaking tax dollars. So my advice for anyone that can’t afford health insurance is to just accept it as it is. Don’t go into debt and in turn make yourself a financial burden on your family. Try to live every day like it’s your last, even when you’re so sick you can barely walk. Try to keep a positive attitude and remember to laugh every day. Good luck to you all.


I make $300 a week. Me and my 2 kids need insurance. They don’t live with me.


my wife pays very high premium where she works.$45.00 co pay-$5000.00 deductible-I am retired on fixed income.she cannot afford to go yo a docter.most in the system are able to work but get all their medical paid in full including dental and optical.she also has to pay 20% of her medical after the deduct


does this seem fair that the lower and middlr class working people have to pay for all this Obama care?

Marilyn Cunningham

I am 60 years old and on a lot of medication. I have some major health issues but not enough to get disability and medicaid. I can’t work but the state of NC states that I’m not eligible for medicaid unless I am on disability(dieing) or have a child in my home. I tried to work but I started fainting and was diagnose woth syncopy. Still not eligible for medicaid. The cheapest marketplace health plan was over $400.00 per month. My income is barely $400.00 a month. I came to the conclusion that I will have to move to a state that gives medicaid based on income or have a baby at 60 years old Lol.


So I’m left with $50 on pay day after paying bills and that’s before groceries and gas….I do qualify for some subsidies but I still can’t afford $80 a month.


I can not afford 400 a month for coverage, that’s crazy and why do you not get tax credits if your employer offers coverage, even if its to expensive to get.


i only make 8,000 a year but my state has not changed the medicaid plan so I cant afford health insurance or get medicaid. But the problem is I ended up getting some health issues recently and now I cant go to the doctors because I couldn’t afford insurance and if i cant afford that then i definitely cant afford a regular medical bill without insurance. So I will just end up just dealing with this sickness and hope that it doesn’t get worse. Also since I make too little I don’t get a discount on the insurance to make my monthly cots lowers. so i’m stuck. I’m sick and I cant afford the help. Now what?


I want to have an answer for people who are in this position, but this is a matter of Republican ideology plain and simple. A finger point doesn’t help a person get coverage, and so I typically can’t think of what to say to people in this position. Options include raising your income a bit and looking for local charities.

It isn’t reasonable to have a 1 party system, so then Republicans must join the rest of the world a move toward the center. No other way to say it. Sorry you are caught in the middle though, it is part of what inspired us to start this site.


We need help we can not afford any insurance at all and we have no job and no income we need health insurance very bad can someone please help we’re about to lose everything we own


I am forced to pay a monthly premium of $120 — the cheapest I could find through a temp agency I work through. The deductible is $6,000. I have to pay over $400 per month for asthma medication. So now since my lousy insurance does not cover ANYTHING till I’ve made that deductible, I’m out $520 per month. This is killing me financially. I should just stop using the inhalers and die of an asthma attack then it would be all over and I wouldn’t have to deal with the constant stress.


I missed the enrollment. I payed the fine. Now I’m seriously sick. Can’t afford to go to hospital. I payed a doctor to tell me I’m sick he says I need upper and lower GI and nuclear stress test and more bloodwork. Cant afford it due to the fact I can’t work overtime due to the fact I’m sick. Who gets the money I payed in fines and what do they do with it?


You can’t be denied emergency care at a hospital even if you aren’t covered and that is exactly what the fees are for. Hospitals can get reimbursed for charity care provided to uninsured patients from those funds. If you have medical bills currently, than you qualify for an exemption from the fee, but you will have to apply at healthcare.gov


I’m a 56 year old women who was unexpectedly widowed two years ago. I worked full time until the end of August 2015 and had health insurance as part of my benefit package. However, after i no longer had employment I, of course, no longer had health insurance. I receive around $400 per month from my late husband’s retirement so I don’t qualify for Obamacare, I don’t qualify for Medicaid due to my age and I live in Kansas.

If I could afford health insurance the deductible would be so high I couldn’t afford to use it, so I would be paying for insurance just so I wouldn’t be penalized by the government at tax time each year. After doing my 2015 taxes this year I found that I was penalized $145 for not having insurance for the last four months of 2015, so I filled out the appropriate exemption forms, sent a verification of my monthly income along with a letter explaining my financial hardship and it was “Denied”. So, now I have to pay $145 in penalties while only making $400 per month. Oh, yes and in my hardship letter I advised that I applied for Social Security Disability in January 2016 but non of it mattered. I called the number provided on the denial letter and they said I could try to appeal the decision but I would just be telling them what I’ve already told them.

From where I sit Obamacare is the same as NO care:-( It’s not helping low income people who still have their minds.


I supported obamacare, I work hard and got a good raise. Now I am no longer eligible for medicaid because I am not married, but I take care of 3 children and their mother. We co-parent… but I am the only one with income. Medicaid doesn’t recognize her as a dependent as so I am no longer eligible for medicaid.

But I have two therapy secessions a month and on two prescription costing upward of $400. I cannot afford even a portion of the cost before using up the deductible. This will take away valuable opportunity for my family in investing in the very small things I can afford for the kids.

Low income families should not be forced to get married!

Low income families should not be penalized for making a bit more after working hard for a raise!


Even if you get get married it’ll be worse then you fall into my dilemma the family glitch


Once you’re married, you only need to eat 1/3 of the food you used to eat. You can be sheltered from the elements by 1 wall and an awning instead of the 4 walls and a roof of single people. You have someone to cuddle up with, so you only need 1/3 of the heat you used to need to make it through the winter. If someone is the sunshine of your life, you only need 1/3 of the electricity single people use to light their way in the dark. Since you never want to be parted for long, you only need 1/3 of the gas money you used to spend getting to work, unless you trade in your car for a unicycle.
So, marry young, because as soon as you turn 19 and start encountering real bills, you’ll be able to spend your 20s and 30s happily accruing debt at a 16% higher rate than when your parents could claim you as a dependent, and we all know nothing brings couples closer than facing a mountain of financial turmoil together.

Patricia Rauscher

Most middle class have coverage through their employers, but what about the ones who don’t? My husband doesn’t and we were quoted on the bronze plan $600 a month with a $12,000 deductible which had to be made first before insurance would pay, this meant even with this insurance we still could not afford to see the doctor. The insurance companies would be making $7,200 a year on us, they must love this plan. We were fined $1,000 this year for not having insurance that we couldn’t afford. Unfair!


Men should be having their scrotum tubes tied at birth. Then when they are actually responsible enough to take care of a child, then can get them untied and reproduce. Til then men are out of control, and we are having to pay for it.


IT IS NOT FAIR TO BE PENALIZED $700 for not having health insurance!!!!!!!!!
We should be paying for our medical services as we purchase it. It will give us incentive to take good care of our health, to prevent problems. We should not have to pay for the poor to keep reproducing when they can’t support a child.


This program has screwed up many lives. I have some friends that used to pay cash for all their medical needs that are now required to register with OBAMACARE. They are paying more now than when they paid cash. I am a contractor who does not live with his family because of work. The Government has given me the option of paying high prices for worthless insurance or get a divorce so I can make sure my family is taken care of. Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Harry Ried, and the rest of the idiots how forced this crap on us should be forced to be covered under the same program, without the government paying for it because I know they make a lot more than I do. The coverage I did have has been changed/dropped every year since forced upon us.


We did look. You told us we qualified for an exemption… then sent a BILL.
We took the plan that cost 0 to avoid the IRS.
You raised the cost.
We just got the SECOND bill for 2016… the first was over $100, now it’s over $250!!
I CAN NOT PAY THAT. So you’ll add what , penalties, and punishments, and …

I had a quad bypass and am fighting to remain solvent. Paying cash, because
the insurance paid only $25000. We got wiped out, but, I have barely kept up, but thank you God we have done it, and thank you to my wife for doing without so much. We even cut wood to stay warm. We only owe a fraction of the original bills…

In comes Obamacare! Wahoo.

I now get forced into taking money away from my cardiologist and docs for the current treatments to avoid a SECOND major operation to pay for Obamacare.
Now, I already live on a mix of donated meds, samples, and low cost alternatives, and pay out the bill the the doctors, who are barely doing status checks to see how the free meds work.

Now a year later Obammacare is telling me to pay them DOUBLE for 2016 what it cost in 2015… for the same insurance that will NOT take on my old existing bills, and is JUNK if I ever get sick again… it will pay NOTHING useful until I cough up what 10k? 20K? Obamacare is going to bankrupt us, I guess because the first trip in for major medical didn’t quite make it happen.

Am i supposed to just stop going to the doctors for my EXISTING regimen, and stop taking the meds I take so I can *maybe* sell everything and give all my money to OBAMACARE to avoid being punished by the IRS ?!


I’m not sure what I will do. This is HIGHLY unfair to both ME and the DOCTORS who worked to keep me alive and are still doing so and allowed me to pay out the bills…
it was slow but I was making headway, paying them off for the work they did, and geting ready for my follow up work.

I don’t know whether to just quit working and live off the governement… (except I’m not old enough for Social security, yet…. )
or start looking for illegal ways to make money. Hurt people, rob and steal, or what.

I am self employed working nearly seven days a week for whatever I can get to keep up now. WTF is the POINT?

Gee lets see. My options, realistically:
” Give us all your money, and stop going to the doctors because you wont’ have any cash and remember… we wont pay your old bills… then please don’t die, just keep paying us” or … “fail to do that and let the IRS show up at your house to take things, what little you have left.”

Yeah, those are the two options. Thanks, Barry. Thanks Nancy. Be sure to send a big ol’ check to Blue Cross ggg. Wonder who the insurance folks support. It Ain’t me.



I am neither Democrat nor Republican, but I have supported President Obama and the Democrats throughout the past seven years. I don’t think I can do that any longer. Why? Because of health care. I earn just under $1,000 per month after taxes. After I pay my rent, household utilities, car payment and auto insurance (a car is needed to get to and from work in Wisconsin), I BARELY have $150 dollars remaining from my pay. Out of that money, I have to pay for food, because the State of Wisconsin has cut my food stamps down to only $24 per month. By the end of the month, I am eating plain noodles with salt and pepper on them. Despite this, I am NOT eligible for Wisconsin BadgerCare (the state’s Medicaid), because I apparently earn TOO MUCH to qualify. Sure, because broke and starving means I’m living an oh-so-luxurious life. So now I get a notice from Healthcare.gov, wanting me to enroll in health insurance. This is where you lose my support. Why? Because there’s no way I can afford to pay a premium of several hundred dollars per year, yet get NOTHING out of it. Even shelling out what amounts to my food budget, I still wouldn’t be covered for anything, because I would FIRST have to pay over $6,500 in deductibles before insurance would begin to cover anything. And even then, those “low cost” plans don’t cover anything! In my eyes, it’s not a good deal, and is not worth it. What’s the point of shelling out all that money when you don’t get anything in return?


Your problems are not with Obamacare but are due to the fact that the Wisconsin GOP refused to expand Medicaid, paid for with federal dollars, to cover you.

Lynn E Flint Widdifield

It is mathematically impossible for the middle class to afford Health Insurance. In my situation, the same insurance industry that reduced reimbursement rates by 45% is the same insurance industry that raised premiums by 80%. In August 2014, Harvard University released a report titled; An Economy doing half Its Job. The synopsis was that Americans face an abysmal future with lowering wages and rising taxes. The report revealed that on September 1, 2014 Corporate America was planning to push a reset button and push wages back to 1995 but with inflation factored in the real reset would be 1989. Skilled and College educated private middle class Americans lost 25 years of pay raises. The middle class has fallen from 61% to 41% for the first time in American history. Many elite are fleeing the country and obtaining citizenship in other countries as the fall of the middle class signals a countries collapse.
Politicians know the middle class is pulling out of their driveways every day to go to work just to pay their taxes and bills. We are the new working poor. Those we elect to represent us know this is happening, we know they know, and they know we know they know.
A couple with one child in America can earn $100,000.00 a year. But after they pay taxes, overhead, and costs of living, their remaining income drops to below poverty levels for a family of three on Medicaid. This middle class couple is then expected to purchase Health Insurance. The lowest rates for a family earning that amount is $1,145.00 a month with $6.000 deductibles for each family member, $14,000.00 a year. or pay the fine.
Sadly the popular solution is to raise the retirement age to 70. If this proposal becomes law, the middle class will work an additional fifteen years longer. then the public sector who have the option to retire after 23 years, many cannot, but they get the option to do so with HC and a pension. The public middle class ion the other hand works without benefits of any kind and are sadly the most underserved class in America. We will work without Health Insurance and know that we will never be able to retire. The private middle class is a world away from the public middle class.
Meanwhile, the private middle class hangs on in desperation searching for meaning in a meaningless society where those that go to college, are skilled, work hard, and play by the rules and wait for our political leaders to have the honesty and courage to look at what is happening and implement real change.


Daughter age 32 made bad choices, went thru treatment and jail. Has not worked for months. Can’t get a job due to past felony drug charges. If you must have health insurance but have nothing but debts and are homeless , how do you pay the fines?


If your income for the year is below the poverty line, than you are exempt from having insurance and thus don’t owe the fee for not having it.


okay why am I being forced to buy insurance when there arent even ANY doctors worth going to in this town? anyone worth going to is 1-2 hours away. Iv made multiple dental appointments for them to be canceled, so what good would insurance even do for me, let me just pay out for something i never use!!


So how do you get insurance if you have no job no many and don’t pay taxes .


It depends on if your state expanded Medicaid. If they didn’t typically you can’t get coverage, but you should check with local assistance programs and public hospitals and see if there are region specific options. I’d call the state medicaid office first.


The thing is , that they really don’t care.. I cant work due to a medication pump that was put inside of me. I could work but no company will allow me to . I am a liability to them. So I cant get a job and still haven’t got disability in 12 yrs. I have lost everything. Family , home , cars , boat , savings , career and most of all my mind. But I fall between the cracks and can get NO HELP FOR ANYTHING. I have went without food for days at a time for years. No meds sometimes for months. I worked my whole life and was doing very well but my life has been hell. I have to beg for everything. My country and state does nothing to help the people who have worked and wernt bums living of government there whole lives. Really upset. Glad to see free healthcare Really happen.


ObamaCare is a joke. Ridiculously high premiums and making it illegal to not have insurance. I’m right above the level for medicaid but I can’t afford the cheapest plans above everything else. Now I’m being charged 1000$ for not having insurance!?


That isn’t exactly right:

The annual fee for not having insurance in 2016 is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child (up to $2,085 for a family), or it’s 2.5% of your household income above the tax return filing threshold for your filing status – whichever is greater. You’ll pay 1/12 of the total fee for each full month in which a family member went without coverage or an exemption.



And……that’s ok…..695$????? so does it even pay to work my pay isn’t increasing. Do you understand that healthy people that have insurance (me) don’t go to the fucking doctor….? I don’t want to go to the doctor or hospital because I don’t want the bills. Doesn’t matter because if you didn’t have enough bills and stress you can rely on our government who does what the people want (liar) will do the right thing (which is send you a fine for not getting health care when you don’t need to begin with). Awesome!


Why make people get insurance. Then we buy something we can’t use.


I think the deductibles and premiums have been a real sticking point of the law. But ideally it is to protect people in catastrophic incidents and to provide cost sharing on the basics (or at least to ensure people have access to the basics, like preventive care).

Eric S. Huffstutler

You keep saying that the insurance coverage helps in catastrophic events but what about people who are on regular regiments? Have to see a doctor once or twice a month for follow up care? The medications – some people take upward o 14 different ones? If you don’t have regular income, how can all of this be afforded if you have to pay full price for everything up to $6,500 deductible which for some people, is 1/3 to 1/2 of their yearly income? And don’t qualify for Medicare. Are they to do without, get sick and die on the streets?


100% agree with the basics here. The out-of-pocket costs make it so those with middle-incomes will put off a doctor because of cost, and lower incomes (while they will have less costs) may put off care for other reasons. I care about human beings first, and political parties second… but only as a means to make change that matters for the collective (hard-working American families and those down on their luck).

Just so we are clear, I’m not satisfied with what we have, I am respectful of the hard work done so far and am trying to do my small part to help lead the charge in regards to demanding more. https://obamacarefacts.com/2015/12/29/obamacares-sticking-points/


I don’t understand this. I am unemployed. A new graduate trying to find work. I cannot afford this. I have no income. Yet you except me to pay over 100 plus a month on insurance. Oh and I love being threatened with the fine. This is really wrong. I CAN’T AFFORD THIS!!!!!!! Please do something. This makes no sense. I qualify for nothing and I have nothing. Now I have to deal with my student loans and I HAVE NO JOB!. It’s awesome how some people in this country live off the system. They get by but me who fights for myself. Works hard and can’t get by. I’m angry, and like many others I do not see a point in this. You are forcing us to do something we can’t do. This needs to change!


If your income for the year is below the poverty line, than you are exempt from having insurance.


If I become a green card holder for less than six month or even just four or three months in 2016(I am still a F-1 student now), and I do not have health insurance coverage when I am a F-1, but I will get it after I get the green card. Would I get penalty when I do my tax for 2016 in 2017?


F you and Obama Care too! I took my dog to the vet today, and that was $150.00 f-g dollars. I need medicine to control my blood pressure. I AM OUT! Dr. wants to see me. I am f-g broke and can’t get f-g covered! F Obama Care! I will probably die from high blood pressure because Obama is a cock sucker who will only get the f-ng insurance covered to the gimme bastards who wont f-ng work because they are usually lazy fing drug addicts! I work for a living WHEN there is work available. I need 900 hours per year to be covered by the union. I have been lucky to get 300 hours per year. When I am working it cost me $550.00 fng dollars a month to be covered and if I use it it is more fing money! F-ck Obama and his f-ng lie of affordable health care. It is only affordable to the f-ng scum of the earth who just don’t want to work for a living. Everyone else is F’D!


Well you have F-ing B-ls of steel cursing at the Commander and Chief like a drunken sailor. Anyway, President Obama expanded Medicaid to all low income adults and YOUR state Republicans actually rejected the measure for all the low income people in your state. This is why you can’t get coverage.

You should know that this is something every single Democrat is against as illustrated by the years long battle to get this passed. https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacares-medicaid-expansion/


I’m a single mother of one and I make around 24,000/yr. My job recently switched from nonprofit to for profit which knocked me out of getting a subsidy through the healthcare market because my job insurance is now affordable. The insurance is only affordable if you are not overweight and don’t smoke. I am both which will make my insurance to be $400/month. I can’t afford that and still try to pay rent, water, etc. So what is a person to do? Obama care has been the worst thing ever.


High deductible plans make coverage worthless. $6,000??? Who in the already overburdened middle class has $6,000?!?! Why would any thinking person spend $150 a month on “coverage” they cannot even use? The whole thing is insulting and punitive.

This article misses the whole point. I choose to be self insured rather than to go broke.


So we are a family of 9 in PA. Everyone but my husband qualifies for Medicaid. Suddenly the state is telling me that they’ve calculated his self employment income wrong for years when is comes to deductions. He’s 63 and shows an income after deductions of $1069 a month. $12838 a year. Was referred to the market place and the cheapest plan is $479 a month. With a $6000 deductible. I don’t work and the other 7 are our kids from kindergarten up through college ages. How is this insurance supposed to be affordable?? That leaves less than $600 a month for food, bills, housing, etc. I would have thought we’d qualify for some kind of assistance – but nothing is showing any sort of financial assistance. He’s on health sustaining medications (high bp, cholesterol). We can’t afford to pay $479 a month and then the huge deductible on top of that….I don’t know what to do. He needs to see a specialist for a hernia and his prostate and now we can’t because we can’t afford the insurance let alone the deductible… How do you find out if you qualify for financial assistance? It doesn’t say it anywhere. 🙁


I applied for a plan that was affordable (after assistance) . It turns out that at the end of the year I ended up making a few extra dollars in tips than expected. What happened next? I had to pay back all the assistance they gave me for the entire year. 100%of it totalling 1900.00. If you can afford it now, you won’t later. It is very depressing to try and not make more money this year so I’m not penalized for it around tax time. For fear of having to pay some crazy amount next year I just cancelled my insurance. Now my cancer and other illnesses will go untreated because being in a worse financial situation would probably be more detrimental. I can’t fathom not having a place to sleep because of mandatory costs that do not benefit me. On top of not being able to afford insurance I can’t afford the deductible and I can’t afford the bills. How about you ASK what people CAN pay? Or instead of penalizing people who can’t pay with a fee they also can’t pay, what happened to community service? Or some kind of alternative to money? I would take jail time over having to spend money because I just don’t have it.


Have worked ON the books and have payed taxes thru the nose since I was 14 years old! I am now 48 and due to health reasons I can no longer work full time, I’m a self employed mechanic and do as much work as I physically can each week just to cover bills & expenses! I literally have NO income! And because I’m WHITE and have worked I’ve been turned down for ANY and ALL public assistance that I’ve PAID into! I can NOT afford these forced health insurance plans! Luckily I paid my mortgage off years ago, but prop taxes keep going up 10%-18% on every THREE month bill! My monthly electric bill is $200 per month!, Gas for heating.cooking is also $200 per month! Phone/TV/Internet (one bill) $175 per month! House insurance $140 per month, Auto insurance $130 per month, and that’s just for MINIMAL Liability on a 20 year old car that I’m lucky if I even drive it 4000 miles per year! I have no money left at the end of each month for food! NYC IS a huge overcharging scamming RIP OFF! Forget ever going out anywhere, who can afford to?! I haven’t had a trip, nor a vacation of any kind in about 30 years now and it’s only getting WORSE!! O’Bunga IS just making everything WORSE with his lies and Socialist bullshit! I’m next to suicide since I am left with no other options, but O’Bunga would probably fine me for that too! Scammerica, welcome to it! ANYONE who voted for the flip flopping lying sackoshit deserves a severe beating!


I think it’s a Goddamned Shame how Government can dictate what You Have to pay for,and then have the power and nerve to heavily Fine you if you can’t afford it, and that this costly unfair travesty is upheld by the “Supreme Court” is a Disgrace. This “Obamacare” only cares about making the insurance companies even more wealthy, on the backs of the working poor..it’s EXTORTION


I am losing my group comprehensive health care coverage April 1, 2016 because I am leaving my job. I must figure a way to carry a family of 4. My husband is in construction, we own a small business that’s already taxed SO much we can’t keep up. I’ve looked at plans, shopped and there’s NOTHING even coming close to comparing to what we are about to lose. We don’t WANT to be uninsured and have had coverage whether through truncate when I was in the military, individual pre Obama care, or with my civilian employer. Now, I am going to be forced to pay $1000+ a month for comprehensive care for my family, it doesn’t come close to comparing to what we are losing ( with a high deductible), pay only for catastrophic care with a super high deductible which is still very expensive, or go uninsured and pay our penalty every year. NO WINS. I can’t afford the monthly payments on anything decent, I can’t afford the deductibles on anything with more affordable ( but still expensive monthly), and we don’t feel like handing over what is OUR $! Furthermore, most doctors we see are naturopaths and DOs and we pay out of pocket anyway. Where’s ANY relief? This is BEYOND unfair.


If it were ever a time for Civil War, it’s NOW, Here you have a “Government” intent on Breaking it’s citizens, and is only an added Burden on their lives, How many people in Congress has this shameful Ripoff called “Obana care?” & if they can dictate What tou should have & have 2 pay for, then What’s Next??? 4 them the skys the limit.


That is a really insensitive comment given our nation’s history.


I don’t want it. Plain and simple. Last year I had to pay about 250$ for not having “affordable healthcare” I was employed but they did not offer health insurance and I don’t want Obama Care. This year I will have to pay over 600$ with MY taxes. I work full-time. This country sucks. This government doesn’t know how real people live. I live by my means – I don’t have a big house – I don’t have credit card debt and pay my bills and my taxes every year ( which go up every year) and this is what happens a *&% fine taken from taxes. Doesn’t surprise me. No one can get a head when your always having to make up for the previous year, everything goes up in price gas, property taxes, etc. and now fines what a joke.


My insurance premium for BC/BS (myself and two children) was increased AFTER the open enrollment period closed from $657.64 a month to 918.73 per month. We are all healthy, no prior medical conditions, and seldom use health insurance. We have had one medical emergency claim on my husbands insurance and currently pay approx $250/mo on medical bills. I called to request a more affordable plan because I did not anticipate such an increase on my monthly premium. I was told there is no option for me at all until open enrollment. I was also informed there is no date for open enrollment so I have no idea how long I will be expected to pay this outrageous amount. I have never sought any government assistance. We are hard working middle class family of 4. It seems to me these programs only benefit some while at the expense of others. We have to have to pay an outrageous $3000 health insurance premium increase so that others can be the recipients of discounts and tax breaks. I’m not in search of a hand out. I simply want the right to adjust my policy to a more affordable policy and I am being told that that I can not seek assistance until an undisclosed open enrollment date. This leaves me to pay over $900 a month or break the law and be uninsured. Is there any policy or enrollment exception for those who are no longer able to afford their current policy? In my opinion, Life circumstances and unexpected bills should be considered and qualify as special circumstance. Again, I was never asking for a subsidy just a change in insurance policy to lower my monthly premium.


My insurance premium for BC/BS (myself and two children) was increased AFTER the open enrollment period closed from $657.64 a month to 918.73 per month. We are all healthy, no prior medical conditions, and seldom use health insurance. We have had one medical emergency claim on my husbands insurance and currently pay approx $250/mo on medical bills. I called to request a more affordable plan because I did not anticipate such an increase on my monthly premium. I was told there is no option for me at all until open enrollment. I was also informed there is no date for open enrollment so I have no idea how long I will be expected to pay this outrageous amount. I have never sought any government assistance. We are hard working middle class family of 4. It seems to me these programs only benefit some while at the expense of others. We have to have to pay an outrageous $3000 health insurance premium increase so that others can be the recipients of discounts and tax breaks. I’m not in search of a hand out. I simply want the right to adjust my policy to a more affordable policy and I am being told that that I can not seek assistance until an undisclosed open enrollment date. This leaves me to pay over $900 a month or break the law and be uninsured. Is there any policy or enrollment exception for those who are no longer able to afford their current policy. Life circumstances and unexpected bills should be considered and qualify as special circumstance. Again, I was never asking for a subsidy just a change in insurance policy to lower my monthly premium.


I rarely even go to a Dr. Emergency or health unit which I pay according to income. Still rare.


This doesn’t address our situation, exactly. We are a family of four and our household income is just over the limit to qualify for a subsidy. I have two medically dependent family members so medical care is important. My husband and I are older. Under the ACA, our premium is twice what it was before – on the exchange it is $1,600 a month. That’s with high deductibles, high co-insurance, and significant contributions to our care. Insurance alone is more than our mortgage. We will spend close to $30,000 this year. Do we have any other option? This is financially ruining us. I have looked thoroughly at the site, talked to our insurer and so far come up with nothing. Thanks for your help.


Yeesh, that is not a fun situation. Have you tried an HSA? There are some ways to lower MAGI like 401ks, HSAs, and other deductions. So that is not a bad route. You can also look into catastrophic coverage or short term and pay the fee, although that is far from an elegant solution. Given your income being close i’m not sure i’d suggest shopping outside the marketplace (as the marketplace plans are flexible if someone loses income during the year).


If everybody stopped paying for this ridiculous insurance, maybe ,just maybe, somebody would stop being so greedy. If nobody pays something would for sure change.


I can’t afford 400 month premium and that’s with subsidies. Our income is 47,800 with 3 kids under 18. My kids are covered by medicaid, my husband and I do not qualify. Before aca we had a family plan for 75 a week no deductibles. Now this president expects me to pay 100 a week for a plan that does not cover a specialist? ?


Hey, you voted for Obama. Now you can live with your Democratic president and their “affordable” health care system. When you vote for a democrat, you vote for shared trouble.


This does really stink. I was out of work for a few months last year with no unemployment and to get Obamacare- great name-NOT- I have to estimate my income for the year in order to get the credit. A friend of mine did that and ended up making more than estimated and got it right in the rear end at tax time. It is so unfair. It should be government run FOR EVERYONE- insurance should not be run by independents who are just in it for profit. Do it more like Canada-if they are going to force us to pay for insurance. I can’t afford it but it ends up being cheaper to pay the fine at the end of the year anyway. So what if I end up in the hospital- if I had the so called high deductible plan- I still have to pay the bill anyway.


I became temporarily disabled at the end of the year, last year. Upon, returning to work my boss laid me off. I started working from home; making half of what I used to make. My bills didn’t reduce and my housing costs didn’t drop, so I can’t afford any extra health insurance cost. I want a quote on insurance, not sign up for it. How do I get a price quote without signing up for this horrible mistake called Affordable Healthcare Tax?


I live in the state of Georgia which is
And this state should be ashame because more services are given to
Unwed girls and the babies they have
Each year just so they can get a large
Refund doing tax time. But how can
You take care the babies and not take
Care if Seniors. But we always let people in the state and give them all
Free services.
Something is really wrong with this picture.


My rate would be $2,500.00 deductable and about $400.00 per month.I live alone. I make after taxes less than $2,000.00 each month. My mortgage is $712.00 Condo fee $205.00. Gas bill $70.00, Electric $86.00. Gasoline $120.00 Phone $25.00 groceries $90.00 each week.Cable $116.00 EZ pass bill-$100.00 per month. Auto insurance $90.00 each month. grooming $17.00 each month.I had a full hysterectomy in 2005 due to a large tumor. I also had a heart attack in 2012. This has left me weak. I cannot work 2 jobs. If I pay such a fee. I will have nothing to fall back on. in an emergency. I live from pay to pay and have no savings.How in Gods name do they expect me to afford such a thing. I have many medical problems. But I just ignore my problems as it is not possible afford Doctor visits.


This is a buckshoot tax on the middle class. I have a family of 5, couldnt afford the premiums, and now my “tax return” is going to be about $2000 less when they “penalize” me (or should I say tax me) because I couldnt keep up with the payments.

Obuma is a Joke and he knew when he passed this thing he was screwing over the middle class. The rich HAVE HEALTH CARE and the poor get huge exemptions. So the only group that benefited were the poor. Obuma has screwed over the middle class once again.


I have had to pay for not having insurance and I don’t have the money if I did I would have gotten it years ago. I have been off for 4 years and can not get any help from anyone. I am sick but no one seems to care. Someone told me to sell my house yea right and then I want have a place to live. This isn’t affordable at least not for the average person. They base this on my husband income which isn’t much here in East Texas. We can’t even pay our bills or buy food but you want me to have insurance. How about throwing this idea in the trash, refunding anyone who wants to cancel and lower the cost to see a Dr or be admitted in the hospital. Those costs are outrageous and you know it. But you’d rather continue to make the rich richer and the middle class suffer. Also you could allow anyone 60 and older free medical care. They shouldn’t have to fill out all those forms to still have get more coverage elsewhere.


My husband’s yearly income average is $100,000, however he has $70,000 shool loan debt and another $70,000 IRS debt plus owe $20,000 old state tax. Our household number is 4 ( 2 adults and 2 children ). We have tried to clear off our debts, and improving.
We would like to have health insurance, but we can’t afford to pay $1000 a month.
I have had health problems that my doctors recommend to have a surgery, which costs over $7000, which was 2 years ago. I still have the same problem and it gets worse and worse. Please help!


That explains very well “what is wrong with the current American system of debt and taxation”. Well intentioned debt can become a slippery slope. You aren’t alone, but there are no great solutions here. There are ways to write off debt, but government backed debt is unusually sticky.

I would see a tax specialist on this. There are lots of ways you can reorganize things.


Thank you for your reply. Well, that is what I have gotten the same answer over and over for years. I am very surprised to see HOW EXPENSIVE to get house insurance for middle class people, the further more, even I get the insurance, they don’t cover as much as I expect for..
But they support for people who don’t work, though having numerous babies. That is just unfair.


Not house… health insurance.


I am freshly divorced, decided to take on all the marital debt because I have good credit and my ex does not. However, taking on this debt has made me have little money for hardly any extras including health insurance. I have taken out consolidation loans to try to lower monthly payments…but still…I make about 32,000 a year, a decent income for just one person, I am religiously paying the debt, I have never relied on government programs. I continue to have good credit and am not about to throw it out the window because niw the government wants to tax me to death. I forgot to mention, I am a 40 year old female, I do not drink alcohol or smoke, or put myself at risk for any disease. I will take the penalty at the end I guess. God bless America!!!


I’m diabetic and just lost medicaid because i was stupid enough to get a temp job. i now earn $500 a week for the next few months. rent is $1500. i cant afford this bs. right now, ripoffcare has only given me two choices. 1-quit my job or 2-move to another country. i am currently looking to give up my citizenship and move to canada. i dont need this. the market place wants me to pay $220 a month and $4000 out of pocket per year. my salary doesnt cover this ripping off. insulin is expensive. syringes are expensive. the extra pills i have to take are expensive. might as well just give up and go on welfare and get everything for free. there is no point in even trying.


In a very literal response, you can move to a state like Washington that expanded Medicaid and has a fair cost of living (outside of downtown Seattle).


Obamacare is a scam it is destroying out healthcare system an lining the pockets of government employees. We have all been duped.


I can’t not afford my high deductible insurance plan. It really hurts our finances. My kids have chip. My husband has his company insurance but when he adds me its really really expensive because he works for a small company. Needless to say I don’t qualify for assistance because I could get coverage through is company. You say there is assistance. Where can I find it?


Well as you say your options are limited here. You can apply for Medicaid base don income, but when you have access to coverage through an employer you either have to get employer coverage or prove it is technically unaffordable and then get permission from the marketplace to use the marketplace instead.


I have $3500 on medical bills and you would think having health insurance would help but that would not even cover my deductible all having health insurance would do is make my situation worse I lost my job this year and had to take a pay cut to find another one now I’m screwed I was going to get a healthy return this year that I desperately needed to pay bills but that is gone and I owe instead. If I had paid for health insurance last year I would have been evicted lost my car probably my job and my marriage as well and I would still have medical bills. I cant afford to pay my Obamacare bill but it’s cheaper than paying for terrible insurance either way I’m screwed…..


Obamacare is a joke. My husband and I had a silver plan at $580/month. The next year it went up to $617 a month. For 2016, it went up to $850 a month- almost as much as our mortgage. We had to switch to the lowest, crappiest, bronze plan available, which was $627 a month. We don’t qualify for any subsidies and don’t have kids, so we get nothing. We’re both relatively young and healthy and only go to the doctor for checkups and emergencies. It’s cheaper for us to forego insurance, pay the penalty and save that money for an emergency visit; especially with the deductibles that make these plans completely worthless. The only people benefitting are those who live off the government full time. The rest of us hard working folks are screwed. Can’t wait until this &(*#(* gets overturned.


all places that Ive applied to is at least 100 a month I can only afford 40 what are my options


Medicaid and marketplace tax credits are the best first stop. If you get rejected you may be able to get catastrophic coverage through the marketplace.


I work in healthcare and I can say for a fact Obamacare is ruining healthcare and running up the costs worse than ever, the fine for not having healthcare is unconstitutional and a scam to collect more money from the poor and middle class. So unfair to the young and old struggling to survive. My advice to people who can’t afford it is to just use the ER for health care they can not turn u away and they can’t collect money you don’t have.


Even though Obama promised (on live TV) that we could keep our health insurance, which was a blatant lie, my insurance company secretly dropped us last year without even notifying us. We had this insurance for more than 40 years. Then without warning we got a bill for almost $1,000 for blood tests. After over 40 years we were dropped suddenly without any warning whatsoever. It’s like pulling a rug from under you and watching you fall to your death. I absolutely will not pay for this blood test under any circumstances. What, if anything, can I legally do about this unfair, unethical and probably illegal situation?


Here is a word of advice, never take anything a politician tells you in a talking point as gospel. Governance and society are nuanced, the 1,000 pages of the ACA can’t be summarized in language fit for the consumption of 320 million Americans. The actual “keep your health insurance” line needs about a page of qualifiers to be completely true.

Anyway, you can 100% appeal any insurer decision like this. There is no way you should have been dropped without warning for no reason. Nothing in the law allows for that. https://www.healthcare.gov/appeal-insurance-company-decision/appeals/


Too many similar stories here. Mine’s the same. After paying Mortgage and loans there’s no way to make the insurance premium. What little is left goes into an emergency fund (which seems to be tapped monthly to pay for auto / home repairs). Hoping against hope a change in the current administration will eliminate the penalty for not having insurance as there’s no way we can pay that either. It sucks to be middle class.


I hope Trump keeps his word and does away with this Obamination healthcare scam. It’s such a shame that Americans have the worst healthcare in the world and so absurd. Voting out greedy politicians is the only way to go now. It sends a clear message that we are fed up with their BS. Why not make the congress a 2 year term and cut their benefits when the term is over, or why don’t they pay for medical themselves like we do? so much waste and grandiose expectations given to the wealthy politicians. Stop buying into this healthcare and it will fall apart. Most doctors are going private and will treat you for cash they to hate this system.


I am an independent, full time student living from couch to couch while I get my college degree, because I believe that that’s important. Because of this, I can only work part time, with a monthly income of only $180/month. The most “affordable” health insurance in Kansas is $167/month. YOU tell ME how I’m supposed to afford to live when I’m already going days without food as it is, while trying to pay for this “affordable” insurance because I’ll get a fine next year from the IRS if I don’t.

Please, explain. I’ll wait. I’ll wait until I die for Congress to get their heads out of their butts.


Your answers are no solution for my 31 year old son. He earned $300.00 in 2015. Yes, 300. He lives in Utah with a friend.. I’ve been paying just about all of his living expenses and medical expenses. I guess this makes him my dependent but I don’t dare claim him on my taxes because of the huge penalty. He obviously can’t afford Obummercare and he was refused medicaid because he doesn’t work enough hours. I can’t afford to pay his health insurance and his living expenses so living gets priority. What are our options.


So, Obamacare would have actually given your son free coverage until he got to the point where he made enough to buy his own. But Utah rejected Medicaid expansion. You are right though, don’t claim him if he isn’t going to get coverage (or you’ll owe the fee).

The best solution (and it’s not great) is for your son to use the denial letter to get catastrophic coverage through the marketplace (which is high deductible an expensive typically). Aside from this local charities, paying out of pocket, and short term coverage are technically options.

I want to point out here, as i’ve done elsewhere, that Medicaid was essentially rejected as a specific tactic meant to turn people against Obama and the Democrats (people can’t get coverage, blame obamacare). Given that we write about the law and read all the comments, it is one of my personal biggest pet peeves.


pissed off ex us army sgt., mainland unfortunately

I AM SORRY to the moderator but this is INSANITY, you say tax credit, but this money is taken out of our refund, FOR HEALTH INSURANCE THAT DOES NOT PAY ANYWHERE ALL HEALTHCARE NEEDS, you are taking the only money for for any sort of fun out of our lives that WE EARNED TO BEGIN WITH, and if america wasnt INSANELY fiscally in debt, we would all be given free healthcare. you say its not 240, not 240 , only 60 or some crap which is still 700.00 ON TOP OF THE 1,000.00 YOU ARE TAKING OIUT OF MY REFUND, or you are not well educated ?


Don’t want to give the wrong impression. I’m not OK with the struggling going on as a result of the law and healthcare system. I simply support reform of healthcare and want to help people figure this thing out.

The way the ACA works lots of people do get tax credits, which lower their insurance costs, which can result in net savings. But I agree, there are a few layers of problems that need to be addressed to ensure our future. Healthcare is a big one and the burden on MANY tax payers is becoming too much to bear (this includes middle class, corporations kicking the can down the road over seas, small businesses, and our poorest who are still dying on the streets without healthcare due to the rejection of Medicaid expansion).

Still, the world is complex, and the ACA does a lot of good for a lot of people. We can’t lose sight of that.


I lost my ins. In Dec 2015…I was eligible for Medicaid until this past week because I am now receiving unemployment! I am not eliglble for any credits and make to much to receive Illinois Medicaide! After I pay my expenses I am left with 290.00 for gas and food for 1 month! The lowest premium I can purchase is 400.00. I can’t afford gas and food but Obama forces me to pay 400.00 leaving me a deficit of 110.00 per month! Of course I will starve to death because my choice is to pay for insurance or food! Explain how the government has the RIGHT to force me to choose between food or insurance?

Oh….and just try to get help!!! laugh out loud! Not one person from any government agencies can help me…NOT ONE!


Just did my taxes using turbotax. I checked a box that said I can’t afford premiums. It asked if I had an exemption or filed for one which I have not but still it said my penalty was waived for 2015. Is this correct?


Hmmm, well you can attest that you can’t afford premiums… but if that isn’t true then you might have some refund withheld (as per the fee). Read up on it here: https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-exemptions-list/

and here: https://obamacarefacts.com/form-8965-health-coverage-exemptions/


I find that the penalty is cheaper than the insurance. I make 30K a year, no kids, not married. I pay rent, utilities (no cable), car note, school loan. I was offered only a 50$ relief from yall and my monthly payment would be about 250$ a month WITH a 5k deductible. I’m not sure how this is supposed to help me. Please tell me what I’m missing here.


My husband and I have insurance, but we have an adult son living at home who won’t work. We’re struggling just putting a roof over his head and food on the table. Now we’re supposed to pay for his health insurance too?

Because he has no health insurance, this year, we’re having to pay an $816.55 fine.


The fee is based on income, but certainly this can be the case. If he was filing for his own taxes then you wouldn’t have to pay the fee. Generally though sorry to hear this, that is an unfortunate situation.


So why do you let him leave ve there for free? Adult children living at home should help their parents, the same way the parents helped them when they were little. It’s in the Bible, I checked


Here’s a radical idea…. How about when you visit a doctor/ hospital they just treat you, because you are a citizen of one of the wealthiest countries on Earth and we can afford to do it? Instead we have this ACA which promotes itself as being affordable: but read any of the comments here! As a country we are forcing both the middle class and the poorest citizens into premiums they cannot afford and into huge deductibles that make having insurance at all completely pointless… Unfortunately the administration I voted for has done nothing but perpetuate the destruction of the poor and middle class and the expansion of powers for the wealthiest companies on the planet. This is just another device to further separate the wealthy elite from the poor; and to make insane profits for privatized insurance and pharma companies who lick their lips at the thought of mandatory coverage; there is no incentive to compete, only to price gouge. And we can thank our government for opening the doors to these predators without offering any workable federal option.

It’s time for BERNIE SANDERS and his “radical” ideas! The pharma, insurance, banks and other predatory corporations have grown to a point where they CONTROL policy. We need to say no more!!


I made @ 44,500 this year but health insurance is impossible. After child support clears me out I only bring home @350-390 a week! I can barely afford all my bills every month and things my children need. I am stuck. Can’t get medicaid etc. Health place is way unaffordable and insurances that ho off my income go by what I make not bring home. This really sucks man. I’m trying to do everything I need but can’t get a break.


Obamacare is the worst plan. It does not benefit the working lower class American people. It IS NOT affordable. The penalties are criminal. This country is a mess. Unless you are RICH RICH RICH or on WELFARE WELFARE WELFARE you are screwed. My daughter makes $13 an hour, pay rent, food, gas, car to get to work, car insurance and OBAMACARE would cost her $197 a month with a $5,000 deductible and $60 co-pays. She can’t afford that. In fact, most people can’t afford OBAMACARE. It interesting reading the comments to see how many people DO NOT benefit from OBAMACARE and to see no response from this administration or their pathetic statement that it is only 9.5% of your INCOME. Taking nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

I have never voted Republican in my life but you can rest assure I will be from now on. Obama’s primary focus in the 8 years of administration was to support and bring illegal immigrants to the US. He only wanted his name on a healthcare plan. He did not care about the quality of AFFORDABILITY of the plan.


I hear what you are saying, but I don’t think this is a totally fair assessment. Governance is hard and solving the nations healthcare problem is hard. I do feel that he sincerely tried and I think the candidates for 2016 are on the whole significantly different… and even the closest, Hillary, will build on the foundation. What was possible 8 years ago doesn’t define what is possible now. Change tends to happen slowly in America.


My husband is on disability and i dont work as i stay home to help him we dont have any taxiable income. I cant afford no more than 50. A month but i havent been to a doctor in over 10-15yrs and i do need to go what can i do?


i have a suggestion give it to us free or don’t charge us. I am unemployed so why does it still cost me.


Our income is roughly 44,000 annually (gross) for our family of five. 2 adults, and three boys under the age of twelve. My insurance through my employer is 45 a pay period for myself, dental and vision is another 10 every two weeks. With a 6800 deductible, to add my children would be 400 a payperiod (adding my spouse is no longer an option). The boys currently qualify for discounted insurance through Nevada Medicaid, which helps. But my husband would receive very little assistance with his premium, which are very high for the clark county area. If we didn’t work opposite shifts, childcare would cost us $25 per day, per child. After all of our expenses, including groceries for three boys there just isn’t anything left to cover if anything actually happened to my husband or I. Discounted insurance for the children is all we qualify for. Maybe if goverment programs or the market place went off of
citizens net pay (approximately 37,000 for our family) rather than gross they would see what we actually have to live on, and what is a realistic expense for families.


So…bottom line..if you live in Virginia but make less than $20,000 a year, your life and health is expendable…you don’t make enough to be allowed to live. Social Darwin ism at its best. Good to know.


Well, I was really excited to sign up today but that soon changed. I’m unemployed and my wife and I carry a lot of debt. Even with assistance and credits I can’t afford a bronze plan and pay the bills and buy food. I honestly am at a loss. I have been defending Obamacare to all my friends for years and have run into a brick wall.


Sorry to hear that, assistance is based on income after some deductions, but it doesn’t take into account things like debt. Make sure you aren’t over-estimating income, a small amount of income can have a pretty big effect on premiums and cost sharing.


NONE of this makes any sense. I am self employed business owner with two mortgages…i do not qualify for any cost assistance whatsoever, and the plans I would like are more than my combined monthly mortgages. Yet I will be penalized for not being able to afford Obamacare…. This is ridiculous.


How about charging for healthcare based on how healthy a person is? Don’t smoke, don’t drink, eat well, variable exercise, and engage with others. I’m one of the healthiest people I know and I’m still charged the same as someone who is literally about to choke from their poor decisions. No, I will not pay you 10% of my pre tax income to cover their foolish behaviors.
Think I’d rather take out a life insurance policy for $10/month.


What if you have had loss of income just in the last few weeks and can no longer afford health insurance but did enroll? I helped my ex-husband enroll and then he lost his lease on business property? Should he just go to the Medicare Site? He will be 60 in a few months and simply can not afford anything right now.


You can adjust the amount of marketplace tax credits you will get based on your projected annual income. If you will miss work for a few months you may be able to project at the low end of what you will make netting you more upfront tax credits now. You’ll need to adjust credits at the end of the year on form 8962 for actual income, but updating the marketplace with your current situation can help you with a buffer for the months you are getting back on your feet.

Other options include Medicaid (if your state expanded) and then re-enrolling in Marketplace coverage when income comes back.


My lowest option $89 a month. I get paid every 2 weeks-$13 hr, bring home $792 every 2 weeks. Rent is $700. The balance of 792 + 92 doesn’t cover food gas utilities, car insurance etc now, But some genius DECIDES what I can afford????????? It is not even health CARE- it is a health business. Some wiseguy that planned all this HAS TO KNOW that if I sacrificed even MORE to pay the 90 a month premium, that there is no way in hell I could afford any deductible or co-pay!!!! Come on, seriously! I am doing the best I can! All this Obamacare does is ensure the ridiculous expotential profits made by the industry can continue. Basically, the government is stepping in to help pay the exorbitant charges for everything, so that the big corporations still rake in big bucks. This really really sucks. But I feel so better seeing the above comment that you feel for people. Thanks alot.


Well there it is. Another year with no insurance. I have a good job and I work hard. I guess that’s my mistake. Before Obama care, my employers always insured me and life was good. Now the idiots in DC fixed everything. My employer stopped offering coverage and Washington has decided that my budget can take another $250 hit. Well it can’t and it won’t. I have too many other bills. I guess the solution for me is to just not get sick and take the fine on my taxes. If I can’t afford the fine on my taxes you will throw me in jail and then I’ll have health care. Great country. I’m so happy I have all of these wonderful people in Washington fixing my life. I hope that all of the elected officials that brought this on, somehow loose their insurance and get a very slow, very painful disease. I’d call my representatives if I felt I had any. This whole mess is just Democrats vs. Republicans. All they care about is beating the other team, none of them care about representing their constituents. I’d like to say to all of them “Fu** you! Eat a big bag of Sh**!”. I wish I could believe that things would improve after the election but I know they won’t. We’ll just get a new crop of thieves and liars that will figure out a way to take more. Great system.


Obama Care Facts….Please address the usually overlooked fact that states like Alabama are refusing to extend their coverage to all of those who fall into the gap between Medicare/Medicaid/CHIPS and Obamacare. This seems to be the place that most folks commenting on this site find themselves. That the actions of their respective states to extend/provide the coverage to these gap folks (low wage earners, students not covered by parents, etc) is largely to blame. That without Obamacare and Medicare/Medicaid/CHIPS there would be many many more in that same gap. What would be the solution then???


We only get a few angry comments on the site, despite tens of millions of visitors. We address them on our sticking points page: https://obamacarefacts.com/2015/12/29/obamacares-sticking-points/

So the Medicaid gap and the rejection of Medicaid is a double pronged sticking point. On one hand we have millions without coverage, this is a moral problem for me, and a complex cost problem (both providing and not providing coverage costs money). But politically it is devilish, people are blaming OBAMA for Republicans rejecting Medicaid. This is something someone with a basic understanding of tactics would have seen coming a mile away.

If I was playing a game of chess and had no morals, I would make this move too. However, hard working poor American families aren’t Pawns in a game of chess. They are Americans.

I have to say the Medicaid expansion rejection is dubious and is one of the few moves I think will come back and haunt the GOP for a while. Can’t erase what is done, and people are starting to get what Medicaid Expansion means.

We elected two Bushes, but by the third it seems hopeless. Americans don’t like getting fooled two or more times (think the second Bush had a quote about this).


Unreal. I still can’t afford another monthly payment right now, even with the tax credit amount I am applied for. It’s not for you all to decide what I can and cannot afford. You don’t know the bills I have to pay. And the fact that I live on peanut butter sandwiches. And now the money that I WORKED FOR, you are STEALING from my taxes. How is that even real?


I cannot afford another bill. My check is gone on bills and I have to charge food and am going further into debt. I cannot afford basics like dental and vision.

I cannot afford insurance. Who can I talk to? I would like to talk to someone and submit my finances. I have no secrets.

If they continue to hurt the working poor in this way . I will need an easy payment plan for these fines.

Is that available? It looks like no one cares. I really would like someone to discuss this with. There are a lot of us.


I’m curious how this can be deemed affordable. Tell me where I can find the required money to pay for this?

I currently make 36,400 a year and support a family of 3. After taxes my take home is 25,480. This leaves me with 2,123 a month take home. I pay 1000 a month in rent, 50 in utilities, 210 car payment (required for work), 70 car insurance, 70 internet (required for work), 130 cell phones (required for work), 190 credit card, 100 in gas. 50 in household supplies (toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, et cetera). this leaves me with 253 a month (58 a week) to feed and entertain my family of 3 which is just doable. That 9.5% silver plan means my monthly premium is 288 (that still costs 50 to see a doctor and 6000 deductible, so I’m paying 288 a month for something I can’t use). This means I am making NEGATIVE 34 a month.

How is this affordable?


I am 25 years old and a full-time nursing student in Texas. I will be covered by a parent’s insurance until my birthday in July.

Because Texas declined funding for the gap between Medicaid/Medicare and ACA, I will be left in a position in which I am unable to afford insurance. Nor can I afford the fee for not being able to pay for ACA insurance.

My program requires that I have insurance, yet my school doesn’t offer student health coverage. As far as I can tell, the ACA makes no provisions for people in my position, or even those worse off. I can’t begin to express the anger I feel at the current state of Healthcare availability in the United States. I am faced with a position in which I am unable to afford the insurance to cover the Healthcare I will be providing, let alone any deductible in the extremely rare event that I need care.

I realize that my writing this is moot, and that this will accomplish nothing. I fully expect that the people hired to monitor these comments lack the power to provide any meaningful assistance. I just wanted to voice my opinion on the matter in the hopes that this comment, along with many others, reach the right people.

Please. Please fix healthcare. I think the ACA had all the right intentions, but that it was poorly executed. Please help us!

Thank you for your time in reading this.


My recurring monthly expenses (rent, power, water, car insurance, ect) are 1300. I take home 1700. That leaves me with 400 for food, fuel, and unexpected expenses. My lowest obamacare bronze quote is 421. What do you expect me to do? Go stand in a food line for the rest of my life? For anyone in the 20 to 30 thousand $ bracket, this program is unattainable. I’ll pay the $650 fine and hope nothing happens to me.


I have no job, no way to even go on a job interview and Im expected to pay $440 a month ?? I guess that means people like myself are just going to die because we can’t go to a doctor or dentist when we need to… Karma has a way of coming back around…


Tell that to the Republicans who blocked Medicaid in your state. You should be getting free coverage while you get back on your feet, but the GOP in your state rejected expanding Medicaid. In all around 5 million Americans are in your same shoes. To put that in perspective there are 320 million Americans in the US.



Living on my own single, 23, no dependents, make about 20,000 working full time. I would normally still be under my mom’s health care, but she quit her job last year. I was never concerned about the imposed health care until then, I figured by the time I was 26, we’d have a new president, maybe something would change.
Anyway. I’m healthy. Only time I’ve been to the hospital since my age became double digits was 2014 when I got kicked in the ribs by a horse at work (different job now..)
It makes me feel pretty bad that I don’t smoke, don’t drink or do any drugs at all, eat healthy and take care of myself, work full time (want to go to school..), that when I heard all these other people my age saying insurance was SO CHEAP for them $30-$40 a month “You’ll have no problems!” I figured insurance wouldn’t be a big deal. Not as bad as some, but I’m trying to save to go to college, trying to save for a down payment on a house someday, and the minimum catastrophic insurance I can get is $170 a month, because “Alabama didn’t expand to medicaid” or whatever.
Fortunately, when I tried to get my estimate it said I was exempt from paying the fine.

Everyone has been freaking out on me, saying you HAVE to get health insurance or they will fine you $500-$700+++ whatever. There is an article by Forbes that spells it out pretty clearly.
You can opt out.

“To recap then, by law, you have to pay the penalty. But if you don’t, you won’t go to jail, you won’t be liened and you won’t be levied for collection.
Is there anything that could happen to you if you choose not to pay? With no jail, no liens and no levies, it doesn’t leave the IRS a lot of room to work when it comes to collections. Congress actually managed to create, as I wrote in 2012 and in in 2013, an incredibly complex and burdensome law without any teeth.
Well, maybe some teeth. Baby teeth. The IRS might seize any part or all of your refund in order to satisfy your obligation. Might. IRS hasn’t come right out and said that it absolutely will offset your refund if you owe a penalty for failure to pay. However, in the Final Regulations issued on this matter, IRS noted that “[n]othing in this section prohibits the Secretary from offsetting any liability for the shared responsibility payment against any overpayment due the taxpayer, in accordance with section 6402(a) and its corresponding regulations.” That’s sufficiently passive aggressive, right? You’re on notice that the IRS doesn’t think that it’s barred from taking your refund. They’re not saying they will (for certain) but they’re not saying they won’t either.
So is there anything you can expect for sure? You can definitely expect a lot of letter writing and virtual shaking of the government’s fist at you. Maybe even some blustering, for good measure.
But real consequences? Other than that potential refund seizure and a guilty conscience, there’s nothing to keep taxpayers from opting out of paying. Will they? We’ll have to wait and see.”
What it sounds like to me is that the worst that can happen is that they will MIGHT take the money out of your refund, money a lot of people have learned to live without already.
Good luck everyone. I’ll definitely be using this knowledge in the future if it comes to that.


You qualify for Marketplace tax credits, not Medicaid. You shouldn’t even be looking at catastrophic coverage. Your friends are right, the Forbes article is some pretty awful advice despite bits of truth she is spinning.

I’d strongly suggest getting that $30 coverage (which is what you would get if you went to healthcare.gov and let them know your projected income was $20,000).


A high deductible means that when a person actually needs the healthcare, they just cannot afford it. So we waste all of our money paying the insurance and when we need it most, we have no money. In the last 3 years I have paid $1500 in healthcare costs (preventative and illness related). I have paid out of pocket, on an as needed basis. Under Obama’s Forced Insurance Plan I would have paid out $10,800 to an insurance company in those 3 years…and would not have been able to afford the deductible when I hurt my ankle. I would also have to move into a cheaper apartment, most likely in an unsafe/undesirable neighborhood. I would have better healthcare if I were on welfare, but for a working middle class citizen, the rates are just high enough to force me into a significantly lower standard of living.


How is a person supposed to estimate his income if he is employed temporarily and gets paid on an hourly basis. For example he gets paid x amount of $ for the first 40 hours and X amount for overtime, which fluctuates, however the position may end anytime between 4-6 months from now and there is no guarantee if he will find a job right away. How is he supposed to estimate when there is no certainty? What happens if he underestimates and ends up owing or pays huge premiums for months if he overestimates. Your calculations are confusing.


I agree, the math part of the ACA is confusing. It’s a lot to ask. What you do is add up your projected earnings roughly (MAGI) and then estimate your income for marketplace tax credits (MAGI compared to FPL). Then you adjust at the end of the year on the 8962 form. For people who want to be more laser pointed, they simply need to get out the calculator and crunch the numbers.


It’s so crazy how Obamacare works! This is so unjust!!! I make almost 23k a year. I honestly cannot afford this health care reform. I’m over qualified for Medicaid/Gov. Assistance and I’m under qualified to afford this Health Care Act. I am a college student. Full time last semester was too expensive for me so I have now moved to part time, 5k a year. I rent my own apartment, nearly 9k a year. I have a car note and full coverage auto insurance due to it being financed, 6k a year (Not including car maintenance and vehicle registration.) Leaving me with almost 3k a year…. I have monthly spendings such as groceries, utilities, cell phone, gas, clothing, vehicle maintenance, personal spending (laundry, basic needs, buying house items, internet/WiFi, entertainment, pet…) etc. I qualified for a $12 tax credit, that $144 for a whole year…. It really is not helpful and would not make a difference to me, considering I will still be paying $100+ for the lowest premium (Molina Healthcare) which covers hardly anything. I rarely have doctor visits as it is. It would be more convenient for me to just pay out of pocket every doctor visit. I honestly can not afford this mandatory healthcare BUT if I dont have it, I will be charged the penalty of $700! What a time to be alive!!!!! Everyone’s mandatory monthly/yearly spendings should definitely be included to decide what plans are “affordable” to an individual….. It’s sad this is between my life and death and no one seems to care about it.


At $23,000 you get pretty generous tax credits (remember you want to project MAGI) that is income after some deductions. https://obamacarefacts.com/modified-adjusted-gross-income-magi/

The rest of it is, as you say, expensive. You aren’t alone in struggling with that part.


This is crap!!! We can’t afford the premiums for health care @ 25000.00 a year we have maybe 100.00 left aweek medicine has sky rocket pills I bought before this health care , was under 100. a month now it is over 400.00 a month making it a law is extortion !!!!! premiums have gone up this is not affordable HEALTH CARE


Wow! Big increase! Do you mean $2,500, plus more for pills? Rising cost of healthcare is a big problem for sure.


This is not healthcare…this is Insurance…there is a big difference! Insurance does not exist for your sake, it is there to protect the hospitals so that they get paid if you cannot afford to pay them. This is Obama working for special interest groups…the insurance companies!


Well that is true and smart to say… but we live in American in 2016, so in this reality we need insurance to get healthcare. I’m all for us carrying Bernie and a single payer bill to congress and demanding change, outside of this we have to work with what we have.


I am unemployed and I barely can pay bills,I fill that it is hard to pay for something you can`t afford and get punished at the end of the year.


If you don’t have an income you get free coverage under Medicaid (if your state expanded Medicaid), otherwise you at least won’t owe the fee ( you only owe it if you make over the filing limit).


I’m a single dad, working all the time. I think everyone WANTS Insurance,, but can not afford anymore expenses. I would not be surprised the persons answering our questions gets medical benefits as a government worker, and telling us how to spend our money? lol


Private citizen who runs a small firm actually. No relation to the government at all, aside when I pay my taxes and drive on the roads. I’m not telling you how to spend your money. I’m helping people to take advantage of the benefits of the ACA.

My focus is always on what is best for the country and the people. I think having access to health care is right up there. I dislike the underlying costs, but I also (elsewhere on the site) help come up with solutions for what can be done about that too. Anyway, respect for being a single dad.


I don’t think it’s fair that I couldn’t afford insurance for several months than got insurance and they took 8.9 percent of my pay each week that I can’t afford and going to be penalized for the months that I didn’t have insurance


I too can’t afford a plan. I’m divorced( not my choice) self employed, three boys shared custody, and buried in credit cards from divorce. Mortgage , car payment, insurance, utilities, food I’m working my ass off trying to get out of dept . I barely make it now. I can’t add 420$ to my bills. And I don’t get a lot of work in summer( musician) to boot.
I give up . If I stop paying my credit cards I can put it toward health insurance. I’m really upset thinking about it. My wife cheats on me screws me over now obamacare. It’s all income based yet I have friends benefit and they have nice homes and money in the bank and cheap insurance, but it doesn’t look at my bills. It greatly hurts the lower middle class.


Can’t afford insurance most of my pay goes for rent and light.


We have Obama care but can’t afford the dental. I have lost my crown and my gums are open for infection. Dentists won’t touch me without insurance or money up front. Have 5 children with disabilities. I can’t work. Husband just lost job. Kids are on medicaid but we aren’t. HELP??


If you are in a state that expanded Medicaid then you should be able to reapply for Medicaid. Sometimes local assistance programs will include free dental from dentistry students. This could be an option.


I am not to sign up for this Obamacare thing. If i get my tax money taken away and this country feels good about it go ahead, that’s what they are doing anyways just taking our money. I got my money taken out last year and for sure this year. And if this Obamacare continues they can take my house and cars or what ever they want maybe then I’ll qualify for free or lower premiums when I’m pushing a cart down the streets. You guys are the voice of this country and if you sign up your only giving this law more power, I decided not to sign up and weaken the system. And yes I have check the programs out and even after cost and full evaluation of what I Pay still $250.00 a month. No thanks.


This is your choice as an American.


I need insurance for numerous reasons, yet can’t afford any of it! I have called numerous places and checked healthcare.Gov after putting in all of my information it says I will pay $270 a month. I am 24, female, married, stay at home mom of our 4 year old daughter. My husband has insurance through his work and my daughter has a medical card. When my husband went to put me on his insurance it was going to be an extra $500 a month. We can barely afford his truck payment which is the only vehicle he has to get to work. And now he’s going to be penalized for something he can’t help. This is extremely messed up. Good hard working people are getting screwed thanks to this awesome new health care plan!


Well apparently I don’t make ENOUGH to qualify for assistance! What kind of BS is that? I don’t make ENOUGH?! Im a full time student working part time and picking up hours when I can, how can I not make enough to qualify for assistance? Penalizing people by fining them for not having healthcare is unconstitutional. It should be our RIGHT to not want to pay for healthcare especially if we cant afford it. You say there are ‘affordable’ options out there but you have to jump through hoops to be able to get it.


17 Million people now have insurance that did not previously (if thats not just a Fox News headline and is in fact correct) because people like me who eat right, exercise, and have ambition (not sitting on the couch all day eating deep fried Oreos and watching Orange County Housewives and the Kardashians) have had their premiums more than triple for LESS coverage. ($115 before OBLAMACARE, $395 with OBLAMACARE). Penalize the people that will live longer and be healthier due to there habits and reward the people keeping fast food companies thriving. This is not hard to figure out… More handouts for the fat and lazy!! What a legacy Barack …


fact is that my family of 5 makes $17000 a year and the lowest premium on healthcare.gov was $570 a month for one adult! that’s more than my mortgage! affordable my a$$!


That is below the poverty line. It is possible that what is happening is you aren’t qualify for help because your state rejected Medicaid.




so my family is just screwed then! this is such a great country we live in.. SMH


I’m cancelling my insurance, we pay $1052.00 a month for me, my wife and 2 yr old daughter! WTF….. GOING BANKRUPT YO HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. … That’s the American Way!


$1,000 plus a month for 4 people is about $250 each. That is a lot to pay per-member for a family plan. Assuming this is without assistance, but still, that is asking too much unless we are talking a high-end plan.

Is this through the employer? Are you getting cost assistance? Remember you can still shop around until the end of open enrollment.


Yet another lower mid-class worker who “makes too much money” yet somehow cannot afford even the lowest price plans that would then require you to cover everything out of pocket in addition to $300 a month. Well, i could afford it, if I chose to skip meals or ramen every meal… but what would that do to my health.
I will continue to roll the dice and pray that I don’t get sick, and pray that somehow the so called “leaders” in this country with their free health care who aren’t subjected to this highway robbery have enough coverage to get their head removed from their posterior.


They say I make too much money to get assistance, but I don’t even make enough money to pay my monthly bills on time. And that’s without insurance. What am I supposed to do then?? Pay the fee and not get covered? I have a kid that needs insurance and I can’t even afford that. This is so frustrating. And they wonder how people can’t get ahead?


Double check your application. It’s based on income and family size and it applies to a fairly generous portion of Americans. You can also not qualify for credits by making too little. This page explains it well: https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-poverty-level/


In the many passages below I have read mention of gold or premium plans being the only way to obtain coverage anywhere near reasonable in premiums, deductibles and co-pays. Nowhere, as far as I read, was the “Cadillac Tax” mentioned. If I make too much, don’t qualify for assistance and can only go into further debt to afford this coverage, I ask you, how does it benefit me to purchase these plans, that according to you, are the only way to benefit from this charade.

Married couple in IL having first baby paying $360 for just mom, making 47k joint currently.

P.S. Also under the ACA, if you apply on, or after, the first of the month your coverage will not begin until the next month. The reason given for this is that it can take up to three weeks for your information to be received by the insurance company. In our case, our insurance company had it within three days and was happy to have our effective date reflect the initial date of application, even though at no cost to Healthcare.gov, they refused to have our effective date reflect our initial application. We were initially denied because of applying outside the open enrollment period as well as inquiring about assistance. Medicaid must deny you before you can be approved for unassisted coverage. After reapplying without assistance we were informed that being pregnant is not a qualifier, only having a baby is. With prenatal care being required per the legislation, I cannot fathom how becoming pregnant is not a qualifier. In the end we were able to obtain coverage because of a wonderful employee at Healthcare.gov informed me that since my employer provided healthcare wasn’t adequate to our needs we could obtain coverage on the marketplace outside the enrollment period. I am in appeals to have the effective date remanded to the first application. As I see it by being given coverage at all, Healthcare.gov is in agreement that they were incorrect in their initial assessments. Their latest correspondence states that since we have re-applied for 2016 there is no way to change an effective date for a previous year, eg. 2015. If you have made it this far in this post I congratulate you as you have my patience and insatiable desire to make this an act that is not only affordable, but truly care as well. Hopefully enough of us can come together to make sure that we have the respect, care and responsible representatives that we are blessed to be constitutionally endowed with. Speak up and often, this is a government of the people by the people, let us keep it that way.


Cadillac Tax doesn’t kick in until 2018 (which is why it probably didn’t get mentioned much). At the right income level a Silver plan (and sometimes with an HSA) is what I would argue to be the “best plan”. But yeah, I think most people’s idea of insurance is what Gold and Platinum plans are (good coverage and low cost sharing).


No matter how you say it Obamacare sucks!!! Its called the affordable health care act I say affordable for whom!!!??? Most people, myself included, can’t get ins thru work don’t qualify for access and even with the subsidiary still can’t afford the ins offered on healthcare.gov!!!! I work full time, pay my taxes so others can get help meanwhile I’m left out in the cold!!! Then to top it off if I don’t have ins you’re gonna fine me and take even more of MY hard earned money out of my tax return. Well I call bullshit!!!!! If your gonna fine me and take my money then give me proper ins for the cost of what your stealing from me!!! Quit giving away my tax dollars to cover those who don’t work or are here illegally!!! If I’m working and paying my taxes that fund access or medicade or whatever state program is offered then I should be aloud to use such programs no matter my income!!!! I’m paying for it!!!!! But NO our government gives away what I pay for to those who don’t pay for crap!!!! A screwed up back words situation if you ask me!!!!


I have zero income and I’m disabled in a year long battle with our broken social security system to get disability. I have a disease that is attacking my bones and central nervous system. I was denied medicaid despite losing the ability to walk. How in the world am I supposed to afford a 300 dollar a month premium? I wouldn’t have been able to afford that even when I was working 50 hours a week. My wife and I have lost everything over the last year because of the SSA and our government’s inability to take care of it’s disabled citizens. Our government is literally killing the people this was supposed to help.


I am not able to afford healthcare. I am a full-time student seeking a degree. I was wondering what options do I have. I can’t afford the premiums at all and how can I get assistance?


i CANNOT STAND THIS.. wE CANNOT AFFORD THIS. we cannot AFFORD A $460.OO MONTHLY PREMIUM FOR JUST MYSELF. tHIS IS RIDICULOUS. wE HAVE GONE THROUGH THIS WHOLE magi THING. And why should I be forced into the lowest possible Premium (which is still to expensive) to get the most unusable insurance. Cant wait for this clown to be out of office.

Rebecca in Oklahoma

Zero income = absolutely no money for any insurance. Not even the $9 a month catastrophic plan. If I can not even afford this. Will the government really punish me with a fine at the end of the year?


No. The government tried to give you free insurance and your state rejected it because… You know whenever I point out the WHY it sounds rather prejudice on my behalf. How do you explain to someone that their state doesn’t care about them? Next time your friends say they are voting for the GOP, think about what this means to you personally and maybe say something.


i made 16 thousand and some odd change last year, my income tax return was $900 and i was charged $400 bucks out of it for not having healthcare! the lowest plan available is $177 dollars a month! i cant afford that so i will be paying fines every tax season from now until obamacare is dismantled. thank you Obama….ps i live in Tennessee so i dont qualify for deductions

Elizabeth Mudd-Connelly

What next? So, I have many health issues, and live in a state that doesn’t expand medicare, and the lowest available is $800 more than I have every month? How do we push for expanded Medicaid? I was denied Disability.


Find out if your state expanded Medicaid (or is working on it). If not, find out who your Governor is and let them know you want Medicaid expanded.

If you know your state is holding back expansion help educate others on what this means. A number of states have created their own plans due to people demanding Medicaid, it can happen in your state too.



My employer decided to NOT keep helath insurance. They are a small company so they do not have to . I am in Ohio. I am 37 years old and female no kids. Married but we file taxes separately. I do not qualify for subsidies. Until 3 months agao I was only making 13.75 an hour. Now I make 16.00 an hour. The cheapest plan available is $240.00 a month from Caresource ona bronze plan . It has no out of network coverage and a $7000 deductible. I can’t afford it . The MAGI you talk about makes no since as there is nothing to adjust. I have bills and trying to survive. I had to decide if I want health care or a roof over my head. I drive an old vehicle too. This crap is not affordable and before too long everyone is going to be bankrupt. I played with the numbers and it didn’t matter if I made 31,000 a year or 270,000 my premium would be the same. What a joke. I would be better off to file Bankruptcy ,quit my job and sit on my ass. A flag should be raised that no one can afford this joke of insurance. Who can pay a $7000 deductible? It adds up to about $10,000 a year. The hospitals wont let you pay what you can on bills they tell you what you will pay . So if you did use it you will be so stressed out on how to pay for that too so why does it matter if you have healthcare or not.America is screwed


Obamacare forces women to buy maternity care. I am in my 50’s and will never have a child. My premium is so high in part because the law forces me to buy maternity care which I will never use! I cannot afford Obamacare. I cannot afford the penalty and I don’t qualify for any subsidies. By the time I pay my mortgage, income taxes, and real estate taxes, utilities, food, and transportation, I have no money left for insurance. I am single. I will never have kids. Why am I forced to feed the coffers of the insurance companies and buy things I will never use!! If maternity care was removed from the healthcare insurance package, the monthly premium would significantly decline. I have to wait another 10 years, when I am 65 and eligible for Medicare, to afford medical insurance. I will be paying 10 years of penalties.


We are all just cost sharing all costs in regards to essential coverage. We all pay for maternity, we were all babies at one point, and we all have mothers. The reasoning looks more like that than looking inward at what we need now in our lives. Your point is taken though, people are asked to pay more than they can afford in some cases and then it’s hard to look at the cost sharing in a good light. Sharing implies having more than enough, so being asked to share when you don’t have enough isn’t good. Think lots of people sympathize with the costs, but it’s hard to argue against coming together to ensure maternity coverage for women.


I had Market place coverage at $25/mo with my tax credit, then i lost my job at the time it came to re-enroll. So now instead off the plan that actually provided health care at a price i could afford even without a job, now all market place has for me is a catastrophic plan the covers nothing i pay for almost everything out of pocket, and that plan only cost me 270/mo. When i ask them how that is affordable, and how does it make sence that if i am making less i have to pay more for less coverage, im told because i wont be paying taxes at my current income level then i dont qualify for a credit. I have news for them at the previous income leveli wouldnt have been paying taxes either, and would have gotten a refund. Im still lost as to what to do. This makes no sence to me at all. Affordable health care my a*#.


You may be projecting too little income for cost assistance or your state didn’t’ expand Medicaid. If neither is true, then why go catastrophic? Major medical with tax credits is a much better option. You called HealthCare.Gov right?


This isn’t answer to the question at hand.. The question is what do you do if you cannot afford a monthly premium and the outrageous deductibles? People cannot qualify for the assistance programs which makes sense because they are qualifying for a Qualified Health Plan due to high income. The deductibles make it like there is no insurance at all, it cost $4500 to pay upfront and then $218 a month? The cheapest deductible that can be qualified is $3500 with a $330 premium. They need to make it illegal for insurance companies to be able to charge clients more than 5% of their yearly income. How are people suppose to afford the affordable care act? What is the point of paying 300 month on an insurance plan that will never be used since the deductible is so high..


Good comments. So in simple terms: If you can’t afford then you need to take deductions, understand where the subsidy level lines are, apply for Medicaid (and get a rejection letter), comb over the exemption options, etc. If you have employer coverage, then you need to look into the “affordable employer insurance” and “family glitch” related info. The more nuanced your situation, the harder it is. For most people there is a better option, but it requires some high-level tax form acrobatics and insurance shopping.


For someone who is so for the ACA do you think that is ok that hard working americans have to jump through hoops or acquire some crazy shopping skills in order to be able to just barely afford healthcare? do you supporters really believe that is ok? and if not wtf is the supporters and the people in high places in government doing about it?twiddling their thumbs maybe? or enjoying a nice vacation on our hard earned tax money? I think the last statement is probably more accurate…Dont be surprised if this continues to see crime and isis supporters climb drastically…this bs right here is what pushes us americans backs against the walls and if we have nobody looking out for us to alleviate that situation eventually u think these ppl are gonna continue to stay loyal? particularly if u get thrown in jail u can get better healthcare then if your a law abiding tax paying citizen.


I’m a college student and only work like 2 months out, of the year (and only on weekends) and for as low as the cost of insurance can be, I cannot afford it on a monthly basis. What would the IRS do to me?


The fee for not having coverage is a per-month fee based on income. It can be withheld from tax returns, but you can’t be put in jail or get liens on your property or anything for not paying. You can check out more information here: https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-mandate-exemption-penalty/


I make minimum wage my total bills is barely enough to make ends meet. The cheapest I found on the market place was a $238 month with almost $7000 deductible I can’t afford that!!!!! So I guess I won’t have healthcare insurance this is ridiculous !!! It’s cheaper to pay my doctor out of pocket!!! But they want to penalize you for not being able to afford health insurance


Single mom here, daughter in college (must be insured to attend) I became unemployed company closed. Paid six months of premiums of Obsmacare. Luckily found new job after three months I called to cancel as now I’m being offered insurance with my new company, only to find out that she was never insured due to a glitch! BCBS cut me check for 6 months of premiums. Now I get a bill for her not having insurance” HUGE tax mess! I will not use this farce again.


I am salary so my pay does not change. I will make $32,000 this year before taxes. The lowest plan is $192.94 in order to be exempt the fee would need to be $213.33, I’m $20.93 away. Not to mention the deductible is over $6,000 I don’t have enough to pay the monthly cost yet alone now have the money to actually visit the doctor. Before the affordable health care act I could visit a doctor for $40 when needed. If I sign up I will not be able to even afford to visit the doctor yet alone make all my bills. My take home after taxes is $982.80 Let’s do the math – I live in Tampa, my (small) 500 sq ft apartment is $780 a month in rent, my car payment is $435 a month, Car insurance is $170, phone is $80, Electric is $75, Gas is $80 just to go back and forth to work $120 if I go anywhere on weekends, I live on pasta, eggs and cheese mainly so my monthly food is about $200 – that leaves me about $145 left over…and additional things come up like oil changes, clothes, birthday’s, and $145 still is not enough for the $196 bill!!!! Maybe once my car is paid things will get better, but I was hoping that once it was paid off I’d have the extra money for saving for a house and to start a retirement savings – not pay for health ins that wont allow me the ability to afford to actually go to the doctors. I’m 29 years old and I’m now afraid I’ll never be able to get ahead. The American Dream has died and now I wonder if it’s worth even trying to survive.
by the way….my government assistance amount was $0. Affordable is a joke! Affordable is an option, maybe you should make this a tax if you truly want everyone to participate, and then you would realize that the average income would need to jump up a ton!


I’ve read many of the comments on this thread and have done my own large share of research regarding the so-called Affordable Health Care Act and what I’m seeing here is that the administrators of this site are choosing to blame the petty disparities between the political party system for the atrocious results this Health Care Act is having on the average American.

So instead of withholding/abolishing this healthcare act and leaving things the way they are so people are paying out of pocket what they can afford for their specific health care needs, the better option was to pursue this act knowing full well that the GOP at the state level would block specific aspects resulting in the abomination with which we’re all currently contending?

You can muddy the details as much as you want with pedantic reasoning and you can blame the two party system all day long, but the fact is there is ZERO justification for mandating a penalty fee for Americans who choose to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps year after year.

I would be remiss if I didn’t share my own personal experience: I am your average healthy American male borderline millennial (pushing 30) and up until now I haven’t had to pay for more than a tetanus shot for stepping on a rusty nail one time in my mid twenties. Now suddenly I’m charged more than half a grand every tax season because I have a fundamental disagreement with what is essentially a fascist act? This is the reality that many of my peers and many more who are not my peers have to face and you can argue the many ridiculously complicated details of the so-called larger battle but there’s a simple fact emerging from all of that BS: we are giving more money to the government as a result of this plan against our will.

The bottom line year is that as long as the government is demanding nearly $700 or more per year as a penalty fee for refusing to sign up for something, then we are living in a fascist state.

And I know the response to these concerns is that the Republicans in the Senate or at the state level corrupted the Act into the current state of affairs, but the even simpler response to that is this: DISCONTINUE THIS ACT AND RETURN THINGS TO HOW THEY WERE. It’s a very simple solution; it requires even less work than committing to executing an affordable healthcare act.

Why would an administration continue to execute and enforce an act that has so clearly been corrupted against its original intentions?

Up until this point my comment has been as objective in perspective as I could possibly manage, but here is the most subjective thing I will say about the current issue: of course the government would continue to back a completely corrupted version of its initial act if it meant making another $700+ per citizen every year.

This is actually worse than Nazi Germany


Thanks for the well thought out comment. I don’t think it is fair to blame “everything wrong” with the ACA on a party. I think the short-falls are largely a consequence of how dealing making works, but you are right that we can put the blame on a party.


If we move out of our house and move into a small apartment maybe we could afford insurance, but then we still don’t have $5,000 for our deductible on a 6 month policy.


I’ve looked into enrolling in a plan. We used to have Medicaid before we moved to another state. How can someone enroll in a plan if they make $0? The cheapest plan is $366…. Sure. I’ll pay that with my $0 cause I’m a full time mom and student. :/


Obama is just the puppet. Obamacare won’t leave once he’s out of office, that is if WW3 doesn’t happen and he stays in office because you can’t legally impeach a president during an active war but once Obama is gone Hilary will take the seat and FYI if you peeps didn’t already know Hilary wrote the the Obamacare bill practically and once the coward is out of office then it will be “Cliintoncare”. So keep that in mind when you go to vote, also Trump is a horrible choice. He will run this country like a business and America has been doing that for quite some while now and look hows its helping us. I agree by one commentator about going to religion or just simply God and religious/christian health insurances. Most of them are not half bad and maybe they will be able to help you but I don’t know form first hand experience but I plan to check it out. Best of luck to everyone here whose having it hard. What we lack in receiving here on earth in fairness, justness and compassion, we will get after life when we meet our creator. Peace.


I’m 56. My wife and and mine gross income is about 32000, and the total monthly insurance for me and my wife is $330 or the silver plan and $6000 deductible before seeing a doctor.
Otherwise, I have to pay 200/monthly for a bronze plan and ” $11000 ” deductible before seeing a doctor…Does it make any sense?
How could I afford it?Either way… it cuts me short, and what about the utility bills, and other expense?
If we don’t have an insurance, we have to pay extra $1000-2000 a year for the penalty for what we are not happy to get… i’d prefer to use this money to see doctor as needed or go to urgent care.
The insurance price goes almost half of my income. I have three kids. They all separately have the cheap insurance because they have no income. However, they need me to support for their colleges.
Last year, I bought an insurance for me, my wife and one of my daughter. The insurance for three of us was just 170/month for a silver plan. This year, I affair that we cannot afford neither the silver or bronze plan.


So my husband and I want health care and I did find pretty good monthly rates of around $170, but the deductible is 13,000. So that means that I will have to pay $170 per month plus try and spend 13,000 per year until I get covered? I don’t even think I will spend 13,000 in medical costs annually, and then when I look for a lower deductible the monthly price cost goes up to $300 and I know that there is NO way we would be able to afford that. What’s the deal, what if I don’t spend 13,000 annually, am I just wasting my money?


Yes, essentially if you don’t meet the deductible anything not covered for “free” or under the plans cost sharing is subject to the deductible. Deductible resets every year.

Just so it’s clear, I don’t think $13,000 is affordable. I’d only say it’s more affordable than $100,000 in a catastrophe.

That said, cost assistance is supposed to cap that deductible at lower incomes, so that is one plus.


This is a serious rip off.

Tax me.


My husband makes $70,000 gross we are a 1 family income with a family of 4 including me. Inc last year was $485 no dental and no vision which wasn’t to bad but they got rid of that plan and quotes is his year for a plan costing $878! That’s insane that’s after tax credit applied, and any other plan we look at are still $595 and dr visits still $50 and and a $6500 deductible per person. is still really expensive when you include all other monthly bills.


I am a college student, I can only work my ASS off in the summer. My school doesn’t offer health insurance, and I CAN’T afford to pay 200 plus a month. I don’t qualify for ANY assistance, so now I have to pay over 300 this year and over 600 next year in penalties. Thanks ACA for kicking me while I’m down!!!!


To the person who has all the answers on Obamacare:

Thank you for posting this vent it out site, even though it probably was never meant to be one, and I’m glad you have taken precious time out of your day to represent a ticking time bomb even if you must be reaping some benefits from it in order to want to keep it up and running, or maybe your just in pure amusement reading all of us middle working class people pour our hearts out in hope our plea’s may get noticed. ….. Yeah I know, who am I kidding.

Anyway Sir/Madam. I am too one of the millions of middle working class people who have been muted and wiped unaware of since this bill was passed, It was sold to the public to be a great benefit to the residents of the USA. Im sure there was somewhere in there that had it in tiny letters “excludes all classes of life except those who are living off the government already.”

So back to this middle class worker who is a single mom earning less that 35k or less per year, take home after all taxes and living in GA is about 22k or less per year. I have not seen a pay raise since 2011, yet everything around me is still going up .. well except fuel as its elections time … only good thing thats happened lately.
I got the so called Obamacare back in 2014 after coming out of a verbally abusive life with my childs father. I could not afford it in the early part of the year as I was supporting my child and myself alone with no help. I got turned down left right and center from the government as my income before taxes was over the poverty rate. Even though I was about to loose everything. I put my life in the hands of the Child support system to help, they dragged their feet for 4 months before I finally went and got help from a lawyer who was nice enough to give me a rate I could afford from cutting off my cable & internet and cutting whatever cost I could find. I then got sick from the stress and ended up in hospital without insurance. Walked away with a 5k bill for 1 night. 1 Tylenol pill I think was $60!!! Anyway, I finally got an order for support established (I could not recover the 5 months I struggled with alone so I was left in deep debt hole). Being scared of ending up in hospital again I decided to apply for Obamacare. I had to cut more corners to afford the premiums I was offered by skipping my lunches and sometimes even dinners for myself to save on the cost of food. At the end of the 2014 I had hope as I knew I would get a tax refund in the next couple of months to try and get my head above the water again.
Well guess what. I was penalized $600 for not having the insurance for the whole year, then also because my employer unexpectedly gave us a small end of year bonus (which was less than the penalty after taxes). So after paying $864 in premiums for 2014, the government still penalized me more than what it would have been to not have insurance.
Needless to say I did not have insurance for 2015 and I have filed for an exemption for 2015 and pray that I get it as if I dont get those 2014 medical bills paid my credit that Ive worked so hard to make decent is about to be ruined because of it. So thank you for backing up this plan as although it may work for some .. they missed the middle majority of us who are all hitting rock bottom because of it.


Thanks for venting. As the person in charge of hitting “approve” on the comments I get immediately associated with law. I get that.

As a person who understands the law and writes about it, I get accused at towing the political line… but only to the extent that my subconscious bias is acting without my knowledge.

I actually greatly empathize with those who are hurt by the law and spend most days trying to do my part to help. There is no amusement in knowing that my fellow working Americans are suffering and directing their anger in the wrong places as the country divides.

But I am glad that I could provide a forum for discussion.


I can barely afford it, and now my tax return is being gouged … because I made a tiny bit more than I anticipated. The tax return I usually rely on has dwindled to nothing. I did what I was supposed to do and got Obamacare. I can even go to the doctor though, because my deductible is so high, I have no copay. And now this. It’s thievery.


I meant to type that I can’t even go to the doctor.


I am so confused here… I went to healthcare.gov and put in my income (9700.00) per year and I have three kids. I am not married. Yes that says 9700 as in less then ten thousand a year! My monthly premium for a catastrophic plan is 296.00 per moth with a maximum out of pocket of 6850.00. How is this possible???!! I can not pay almost 1/2 my monthly salary in medical coverage that will only pay for something catastrophic! It states that I do not qualify for a premium tax credit. How so??!! Help! I can’t afford insurance and I can’t afford to be penalized. What do I do? Any help would be great!


If your state expanded Medicaid, then you have access to free or low cost coverage through Medicaid. If your state didn’t, you make too little to get cost assistance (why you are getting quoted full price).

You’ll need to project to make over 100% of the poverty level, apply to Medicaid, or go with the more expensive coverage.

The good news is, at that income you are also exempt from the fee (as you are below the federal tax filing threshold).




Received coverage for two months than cancelled because I didn’t make min for health coverage. What happens now


You should switch to a marketplace plan by visiting HealthCare.Gov.


I make $11 per hour, am 50 years old, and diabetic. Working full-time, I do not qualify for assistance that would make insurance affordable. The only option has been to keep the income low enough to qualify for Medicaid. Thank goodness that family members have been buying me food and paper products – saving a lot of money.

The only option I can see is to vote for a candidate that will repeal Obama Care and remove the mandate. Then free clinics can provide insurance. Most of my meds are generic and the drug manufacturers often provide insulint for free. “Affordable” is the biggest sham I’ve ever seen.


I’m sorry- I voted for Obamacare because I wanted health insurance for all. But then, when it comes time to enroll, and trust I’ve heard the 9.5% of income limit, I am profoundly dismayed when I realize that not only will the monthly bill be between $200-300 a month, BUT I also have to pay $4,000-6,000 before a single thing will be covered. Oh, yeah, Preventative care is supposed to be free. Good luck getting that expressed- I go in for a PAP, (preventative care) and I discuss past problems. Even though the doc didn’t do anything about it, I’m still sent a >$900 bill, and the insurance company claims it’s not preventative. But that’s not why I’m writing. I’m writing because of the audacity for anyone, let alone the government, to charge an exorbitant amount in the way of a fee, when the entire premise was that it would be affordable. That premise has not been met. I’m livid, just thinking that you expect me to pay, what is it…$695 because I can’t afford the insurance? Exactly how is that justified? So you expect me to work, oh…after taxes…about $70 hours because I’m too poor and billionaires are too rich for me to afford health insurance? Again, raging Progressive Liberal here, but…how dare you. I’m not yelling at you, but you’re the hapless target of an alarming anger growing inside me when I here that I might not get a single bleeping dollar back on my taxes because somebody decided they weren’t rich enough and I wasn’t poor enough?


Amen. Thank you for the honesty and not literally directing the anger at me (the guy who hits the approve comment button).

I think we can do better if we all agree people deserve access to healthcare, but people can’t afford these prices. There is room for fixes that address both these issues, while keeping the good parts of the PPACA in place.


Since my daughter will be18 on 01/31/2016, I’m not eligible for Medicaid anymore. My totally income between me and my child is $1300 and my bills take all that. Healthcare.got wants $256 a month with almost a $7000 deductible a year…How do I suppose to live?????


An additional monthly expense of this magnitude is going to make people change the way we live. I once lived as a jazz musician; this is my dream, my passion, and music is what makes me greet each day with a great smile. I do not make enough as a musician to pay for any coverage, but that was fine with me. Until now. My father recently passed away from an accidental death, and now I cannot risk being a burden to my family if something were to happen to me. I have decided to accept a job as a accounting contractor, but do not have healthcare coverage. Even after trying to make more money, I cannot afford this coverage, not matter what I enter as my MAGI, even if I fib the numbers, I cannot afford it. I have pushed my passion and love into what is now a part time hobby. I still have a better situation than most people: few student loans ($66 mo) and a degree in jazz performance and in accounting. However, I cannot afford any plans. I’ve read through all comments here and it looks like the people writing for obamacarefacts.comare nice individuals but they are simply doing their jobs. There are no good responses to people left with zero options to a horrible plan. We are in the infancy of healthcare reform must simply deal until things become better.


I am a 55 yo single woman no kids I only make 8000 a year an d I live in Mississippi so I can’t get Medicaid and I can’t get an Obama subsidy I have paid taxes my entire life but things have gotten tough the past few years…what am I supposed to do? This country has turned into a joke…


I scrolled down and looked at some of the comments, similar to my fix w/the health care system. I also looked at the responses from FACT. Last year my premiums were doable at $132.00 a month. I got a raise in pay and the coverage changed to $230 for the BRONZE plan. I too am healthy and didn’t even see a doctor last year. I plan on seeing one this year 2x for a prescription refill on Ibuprofen, my only script. I have no desire to take the numerous tests suggested as a way for doctors to milk insurance which is why the medical field is so jackedup. Because of student loan debt and living expense of home maintenance, food and gasoline my take home pay is generally $200 a month. I have no emergency fund, no savings plan, no 401k and do not ever see myself retiring. I can’t afford healthcare and will be paying the $700 next year for not having coverage. I really hope the system helps others but it sure doesn’t help this 55 year old healthy non-smoking female.


I work part time and made only $3,300 this year.. that’s an average of $170 every 2 weeks plus paying rent and eclectic bill not to mention groceries… I live in south Carolina and they don’t give single adults medicaid services… Obviously I can’t afford coverage and I’ll still get taxed for not being able to afford coverage? I’m taking care of my 16 year old sister she gets health insurance through my mothers disability benefits. I don’t understand why we are being taxed over something we can’t even afford to purchase. Yes it’s a necessity but if your barely making enough money to survive week to week how can the government expect someone to pay for medical insurance if ‘we’ don’t feel like it’s a necessity? That’s not fair!


Try being self employed and married. Wife couldn’t cover me because it would cripple us financially. I can’t cover me because I don’t qualify for the tax breaks as a married individual, filling separate taxes. Then make more than medicaid in my state. Yay, another year without insurance at all. Sigh. Some of us can’t afford anything but to just hide and hope we don’t get sick.


Lies lies lies!

I can’t afford this at all, even with the highest (ridiculous) deductible they want almost 400.00 a month. That’s my car payment right there. But If I was a welfare queen, popping out kids 24×7 and living off food stamps and WIC it’s free?

It’s as though the government is intentionally rewarding bad behavior and trying to make the lazy filth of our society grow and multiply. It seems as if the current status quo wants a country filled to the brim with lazy, uneducated, and easy to influence baby factories.

Producing more kids poorly raised by these parasites to continue the cycle of ignorance.
Did you know you get a $1000.00 tax credit PER CHILD each year? While hardworking people get the bill and the shaft!

This is nothing but a cash grab for the insurance companies and some nice kickbacks to all whom helped to push this into law. All they needed to do was expand Medicare for all and cover the costs by instituting sensible corporate taxes closing loopholes, inheritance tax, etc..

There are so many places to get the money other than bleeding the already broken middle class. Even so I would gladly pay a reasonable flat tax for Medicare for all, but Obamacare is nothing but a blatant scam.


spoken like a true trump trashional! KKK much?


My Monthly take home pay is $2200.00 My Monthly bills are as follows.
Rent $1100.00
Electric $100.00
Gas $40.00
Car Payment $276.00
Car Ins $100.00
Fuel for Car $140.00
Groceries $400.00
Total $2156.00

this leaves $44.00 per month and the premium I was quoted for the required insurance is min $103.00 per month. How am i supposed to come up with the difference? I am a single mom I cant afford the insurance and still keep a roof over our heads food on the table and still get to work. It does not make sense to me. Please help.


You are right, even with tax credits families still struggle to afford costs. Luckily you aren’t paying off student loan debt, many are and this poses yet another non-tax deductible obstacle that is pushed by society. We support affordable healthcare and a better life for Americans, not leaving a hardworking single mother with $44 a month. That said, fixing it isn’t easy.


you’re not leaving a single mother with 44 a month. You’re leaving her with a 60 dollar deficit every month. It sounds like maybe the government wants her to borrow money from china as well.


But you didn’t offer her any advice or solution.only to say “fixing it isn’t easy” and leaving her knowing she will be paying a fine which is unaffordable for something she cant even afford. Still not sure how the Gov’t can force us to spend money??? i have read all of your replies to peoples questions and concerns and not once have you offered advice only excuses. Seems to be the M.O of the Obama regime. When do we get REAL answers?


Bias is strange. I mean really strange. In my mind all I do is offer advice, and I just checked my comments and actually found a ton of really good advice. Just know that this the intention of the website. Obama is out of office soon, we still all need health insurance. I know more then the average person and i’m here to help. Feel free to ask any specific questions and i’ll do my best to answer.


I have high debt and due to my ins premium going too high I went all of 2015 without med ins for just myself. I applied for med assistant thinking that because I have hypothyroidism I would get it and was denied. I have of now for 2016 and once again I can’t afford it. And now I have worry about the penalty for 2015. What am I suppose to do. This is not affordable. How can you say upu are helping us.


I’ve worked at having a small business (that payed the wages for more than a few families) for 30 plus years. And I had good, affordable blue cross insurance all that time for my family of four, and helped with employees as my business could afford… until the affordable health care act came into effect. I can’t afford to pay for mine and my spouses tax premiums, ($864 a month bronze) how the heck am I supposed to pay for others?Now, having employees for my business is not affordable. Nobody better try and tell me I’m wrong. I’ve been trying to figure out how to pay the damn tax, keep my home, and make ends meet with my current income. Can’t be done. And NO, I don’t qualify for medicare/medicaid or other subsidies… If I work less, get my income down by half & get a little closer to or below the poverty line, I can get some subsidies (you know what I mean) and live like a lot of others (no, not all). I do not see a solution to the current health care / bait an switch tax plan in the near future. To many people believe now that all the good stuff grows on trees, you don’t need to work, and somebody else will always be there to pay for you. Yea, I’m pretty much done caring. 17 million more insured? BULL. 17 million more enrolled in a not good for much tax called affordable health care act, & how many million middle income people like me getting shafted? If you happen to be one of the chosen that the tax has helped, good for you. Get sick and a lengthy hospital stay, see how that bronze plan with a $12,800 deductible works out. Looking back, my old blue cross $120 a week insurance premium that paid for actual health care looked pretty good.
Looks like I’ll be paying the fine for not paying the tax. I wish there was a better solution.
Thank You and best wishes to all in the future.


I am unemployed do I have to pay rate for last year’s earnong s even though I have only unemployment coming? I cause there is no way, no savings to pull from, no exemptions, and a chronic condition that is very common for many people. Any suggestions. Am 61 years old? Any suggestiond


Tell me why a full time college student who made less than 12,000 this year who is 30 years old was given quotes for ridiculous amounts. My lowest monthly payments would be 360$ with a 6000$ deductible or I could go low deductible with 750$ monthly payment and 1200$ deductible. Even with those options I would still have to pay copay and for all prescriptions and a percentage if I had surgery. I dare the government to give me a penalty because I may just change my major to law at that point.


Well back up the choo choo there. At $12,000 MAGI you would qualify for coverage that costs less than $20 a month with nearly all out-of-pocket costs covered. This is because you just barely qualify for tax credits and at near 100% FPL the assistance is crazy good. You would be able to choose Medicaid instead, but you are apparently in a state that didn’t expand Medicaid (so hundreds of thousands in your state making less than you have no coverage options).

You are also teetering on the tax filing threshold, meaning you are in a place where you are almost exempt due to filing status. https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-tax-filing-requirement-thresholds/

I think you would be surprised by the reality of the PPACA with a few solid hours of research on our site. That said, we are busy so check out the federal poverty level and make sure your MAGI income is going to be above the 100% threshold. Then apply to heatlhcare.gov.


I make 16000/yr I CNT afford my insurance through my job 90/mo so how can I afford marketplace insurance for 140+/mo but I don’t qualify for help either because my job offers insurance!? This is a bunch of hokum I’m only 27 no kids, healthy, don’t smoke, and these premiums are treating me like I have a life threatening illness when I don’t even go to the doctor! Its cheaper to just have the damn fine when I file my taxes let’s see est. 1180/yr for insurance when I will never use it vs. 700 fine for not having insurance that comes out of my taxes! Ha I think I’ll just let them take my fine. Affordable insurance my ass! Another way for the government to get our money!


You feel for us? Wow, that’s helpful. Because of student loans and car payments, I CANNOT afford the cheapest plan available to me, even with partial assistance. My husband and I make about $45,000/year, combined, and yes, the cost of our plan only represents 8.5% of our total income, but after all our other expenses, the money just isn’t there. It just isn’t. This is horrible and I don’t know what what we are going to do. I voted for Obama and supported his attempts to reform the healthcare system, but this is much worse than what we had before. Much worse.


Bottom line… All insurance is nothing more than legalized extortion.


Your Bronze Plan requires a considerable amount of cash flow and only covers 60%. One would think that your insulting one’s intellect? Silver plan costs me 38% of my gross monthly income and Gold is 45%. Governor Rick Scott refused to accept Medicaid extension and also refused my Medicaid application even though I’m legally deaf and suffer from Stage IV Osteoarthritis in both knees. Constant pain and lots of prescription NSAID’s and pain killers. Please don’t insult me by saying it’s a cake walk to pay a $3800.00 deductible plus and additional $3,000.00 in deductibles and 30% of a $80,000 operation? That’s over $30,000 for affordable heath care.

Inform President Obama that his healthcare is dead. One would expect him to force that Medicaid expansion down those Governors throat or hold them liable for the well being and lives of their citizens. I’m 62 and going without healthcare effective 1/1/2016. Thanks to no tax credits, no response to my filed appeal with Healthcare.Gov and especially no thanks to Governors that put politics ahead of the well beings of their citizens.


Moderators better publish this. There is no profanity but I’m determined to put this on all social networks.


Bronze Plan has 6800.00 deductible that you have to pay over your monthly premium before doctor visits and prescriptions are covered. Look at what it covers medically …. practically nothing.

Obamacare is a sham. No tax credits, no medicaid in Florida. I guess I’ll go without Healthcare. He can penalize those Governors before he touches my tax return.


This is unconstitutional


Not technically according to the Supreme Court, but the frustration is noted.


I need help with my health care . Not able to work and medicaid said i dont qualify.. I have no income and there is no doctors that will see me with out money..


I don’t understand how my father, married and in his 60’s still working in order to qualify for Social Security, making $500 a week has to pay $750 a month. That amount simply doesn’t seem affordable at all.


Yeah, at that income he is eligible for an exemption from having coverage. He should call HealthCare.Gov so he can understand his options. He should have Medicare soon, but if he doesn’t yet he should find out his assistance and exemption options at HealthCare.Gov.


Try making 2 hundred less and paying the same amount every month for rent and affording it then believe it or not your father is in far from the worse situation.


With just over $30,000 income a car payment. mortgage and growing credit card debt who can afford healthcare? At $300 per month with $5000 or more deductible and still more copays for visits and meds I opted for a catastrophic plan. I am totally dissappointed and terrinmbly frustrated!!


I noticed that the cheapest plan is basically medicaid…. It offers exactly the same coverage…. So why would I pay for the something that a lot of people get for free!!!! I can’t afford any of the plans and it says I can’t qualify for any deductions…. I have four kids bills, food, clothes, rent, school fees, personal care items etc how do they expect middle to low income families to make it…. They don’t


Great generic response.


Made $22,000 this year and still cant afford health insurance. What do I do ? Im lucky if i break even at tax time
I dont feel i should be fined !


When you are in a position like this you should look into exemptions. You may feel that you can’t afford coverage, but at $22,000 the cost assistance subsidies could very well be cheaper than the fee. So you may want to reconsider this. People don’t like hearing it, but at your income funding an HSA can have a pretty powerful effect on your total year end net revenue due to the tax breaks.



How they figure out what I am able to afford if no one ask me what my bills are.
It doesn’t make sense when I have to cut back any possible social events because my income will go away in bills
Of course I will get sick and depress if I can’t have a life .
I live in tips , and the 5.02 per hour so my monthly income isn’t the same every month , I been putting on hold to fix my 13 year old car because I can afford a car payment to get a new one, I live alone and I don’t have any subscription to anything because money is tight , I cut the gym of and considering cancelling the Internet , but I have to pay FPL , my phone , rent, gas , food, most of my clothes are from the thrift store.
I don’t go out a lot.
Did you know how rent went up and up it probably takes 2 weeks to pay for it.
And don’t tell me the percentage , I want to know how they did the numbers , where you base that percentage on?
Did you thought about people being able to have a social life or take a class of something or go get a hair cut .


You are right. Why do we consider internet, food, phone, rent, gas, clothes, the same as buying a designer jacket when it comes to income? To some extent the sales tax and the progressive tax system do account for this. Still, add in student debt and other costs and it really does feel like net income should be calculated after some allotted limit for essentials.


I make less than 10k annually. According to the marketplace the cheapest plans in my area start at $130 monthly. I didn’t qualify for an exemption. I can’t afford the monthly premiums so now I’m going to be fined $695? Good luck squeezing blood from a stone :/


Your state rejected ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion so you have no coverage options. Due to your income you are exempt from the requirement of filing taxes, thus paying taxes, thus owing the fee. https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-tax-filing-requirement-thresholds/

This being said, that 10k has to be an exact or over estimate for this to be true. Check the link. Assuming it’s true, there will be no Government squeezing anything from your stone… but had your state not rejected Medicaid the government would be giving you health insurance along with the other assistance you qualify for due to income.

Just saying.


I get that you’re frustrated, dealing with this negativity, but this is going to hurt so many people. They’re coming here, desperate for any hope and your remark “Well this is your state’s fault..”

Really? That’s the help you’re offering?


No that is all the help the state is offering. I’ve taken a big chunk out of my life to answer questions online and to propagate a site full of free, awesome, and useful information and provided a forum for people to ask questions and vent frustration.

The thing on my mind when I commented was apparently me venting my frustration too. Years of hearing people’s stories of being rejected Medicaid and knowing there isn’t any GREAT answers (outside of getting states to exapnd) wears on the soul. But anywhoo. Always happy to provide direction. These articles have bevy of information:


The trick is to get denied Medicaid coverage, then use the denial letter to get an exemption and catastrophic coverage from HealthCare.Gov. You can also look into ways to lower your income to meet state specific guidelines or to up your income to use the marketplace. You can also look in to local assistance and charities. And in an emergency, use a public emergency room.


Having followed this for some time, have you actually helped any one? Kudos for taking time out of your busy day but I’d say it’s a lost cause. There’s no answers here. Only dismal reality.

I had health insurance for 2015 through my job, but my husband’s job doesn’t offer it and it was WAY too expensive through the Marketplace (over $200/mo. for a horrible Catastrophic plan). We made about $54,000 combined in 2014. Subtract house payments, student loans, credit card debt, groceries, etc. and we aren’t left with much at all. We don’t have kids (who could afford them?!), we drive old cars and have minimum car insurance and cut costs wherever we can. I agree that this isn’t helping the lower middle class at all… especially those that are married (higher household income means higher premiums).

My question is: How much will our penalty be if I had insurance all year but he did not? Are we supposed to file separately as opposed to jointly so I don’t get penalized too?

There are plenty of 25-year-olds like us drowning in student loan debt making $10-15/hour that truly cannot afford any if the plans.


So sadly, the family is responsible for the families taxes. Health insurance mandate is a tax, so you will both be pinged for one person not having coverage. At that income, and with an HSA (which actually does make sense at your income) you should be in a place where you are paying less than you are now. So consider this for next year.

You can also look into exemptions. https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-exemptions-list/

In 2016, the Individual Shared Responsibility fee for not having insurance is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child (up to $2,085 for a family), or it’s 2.5% of your household income above the tax return filing threshold for your filing status – whichever is greater. You’ll pay 1/12 of the total fee for each full month in which a family member went without coverage or an exemption.

So you would likely owe $695 – about $1,100 (depending on household income after deductions).

All that being said, it helps the middle class in the same way having home insurance or car insurance does, in the event of an accident it’s good. Obviously when we add up all the costs of an average person it’s hard to see how much more of a load the average person can bare. Can’t disagree with that, despite the importance of health insurance and the attractiveness of subsidies.


Does that mean that our penalty would be the same regardless of whether one of us has insurance or neither of us does?

Ricardo Shillyshally

Due to Obamacare, it appears I will have to choose between two type of coverages… Health Care or a roof… if deprived of Health Care I may die sometime down the line… if deprived of a roof I will die much sooner.


I’m a student and the only income I get is when I’m doing internships during the summer (GI Bill rarely covers an engineering degree due to the length), so my income is less than $12,000 a year on top of the $18,000 a year in loans I take out to live off of. How am I supposed to afford a premium of $270 a month for the lowest tier insurance? I basically make negative $6,000 a year. Florida doesn’t offer me any options, but neither does the federal government. Seems like nobody is on the side of a white male veteran aged 32 in government.


I get paid $11 and my hours range between 36 & 40 every week. This year, to date, I’ve made $21,289.45, before $ is taken out:
Fed W/H: 1,312.90
FICA 1,319.98
Medicare 308.72
(to date)
The cheapest plan my work offers (just for myself, no other family members) would be $41 and some change a week.
That’s not including dental and just including myself. Add my husband and it doubles.
If I’m thinking of it correctly, we would only qualify if my work offers a plan that is less than $42 a week (which is does), correct? I’m not sure I’m doing the math correctly…
We can’t afford that but if we don’t get insurance we will have to pay the penalty. So are my options to either pay the tax of no insurance, or pay the $300+ a month we can’t afford for insurance?


I am a college student age 22 and make $7,000.00 a year. My housing expenses for rent and utilities are $530.00 a month. I don’t qualify for a subsidy because my “income is too low” nor do I qualify for medicaid or chip because Florida rejected this option. My parents are not able to pay for my insurance due to the cost of living and my college tuition.


You are automatically exempt based on tax filing status (assuming you file as independent). Given your income you may want to look into assistance programs too. If you end up with more income consider switching to a healthcare.gov plan.


How would I find out about assistance programs outside of medicaid? I live in Seminole County, Florida.


We are a family of three and we are expected to pay 385 a month in coverage, and that is the minimal, through the employer it is even more, about 50. My house note is almost 900 a month, car insurance, car loan, utilities, home insurance, and the price of food climbing……..we are drowning, and it is not even in debt. I was hoping that Obamacare would have reasonable pricing, but it is not much different from the employer, still requires our family to give 100 a week out of our paychecks after taxes…..my Question….HOW? This is simply not affordable.


It’s not very affordable. There is a name for it “family affordability glitch” depending on your household income you may have options to opt-out of the employer plan or get an exemption.


I’m 47u/o, I make just under 12000 a year. ( sad, I know ). The system offered a huge discount. My premiums a month would it would be 45 to $50 a month. but making less than $1,000 a month, that’s $50 a month is something I just can’t afford. I was told by Dee customer service rep, that if I couldn’t pay my premium each month I will be charged the two hundred and something dollars credit each month for what I can pay $50 for a month. Obsolete I would rather pay the penalty of 2 or $300 instead of to the $3,000. I don’t really know what to do, if anyone have any suggestions please feel free to let me know.


I can’t afford any of the health care plans. I am a poor single father raising a young child. I joined the navy when I was younger so I would have the option of veteran healthcare for catastrophic events. My current health care plan is to keep a map to canada and a passport handy. I understand healthcare insurance should be somewhat equivalent to car insurance, but can’t afford the older model. How can I qualify for health care coverage for my child only?


Contact healthcare.gov and they can help walk you through options. You need to be in an income range that qualifies you for cost assistance on HealthCare.Gov. If your state expanded Medicaid and income is low, you can get that. Either way, if you child is young enough they can likely get CHIP free or low cost. HealthCare.Gov helps with all of this.


It also helps if you are non married with 5 or 6 kids then you get everything for free as usual. This is why we are paying so much because of irresponsible people having kids that they have never provided for and only live off of handouts and under the table cash and what cash they can get from their EBT cards and prescription pills that they get once a month paid for by our tax dollars.


Yes, those lucky low-income people with 5 or 6 kids, its like 1. Being low-income with many kids (and living in a state that offers benefits like Medicaid expansion) 2. White picket fence and a job you feel good about. 3. Being an astronaut. That was always my list of dreams in order of importance.

You know the great con is to get the middle-class angry at the lower-class to have everyones eyes turned away from the upper-class who is racking up all the money and assets right?


I can’t afford to have my employer take out insurance ftom my check and I can’t sfford obamacare. I am stuck.


If the politicians, and Obama, actually gave a rat’s arse about us AT ALL, rather than forcing crap on us and raising the minimum wage they would cap health care and the costs of living (like giving a max price per square foot of living quarters so i don’t have to pay 300$ to live in a closet in Florida cause it’s all i can find that i can afford), but they’d rather just force more bills down our throats — “hey, i know you have some extra money so go ahead and spend it on this crap we barely put any thought into that you don’t want. Oh, lookie,you’ve got five bucks left! You’re doing well for yourself, go buy yourself an ice cream, kiddo!”
Don’t tell me not to blame the laws because THE LAWS ARE WRITTEN by corrupt money grubbing politicians of which 95% don’t care about us AT ALL and obamacare is the best example of that out there.


I can’t afford the lowest plan. Sorry. I’m all ready eating every other day so I can pay bills and feed the kids.


Having a tax break next year does not make any cash for the monthly premium magically appear. Still can’t afford Obamacare 3rd year running. I have a struggling small business to run. I can pay my way in the world, but this forced paying for insurance is not only unconstitutional and unfair, it is un helpful. If you really want to help people get insurance you need to give it away at no cost, then you can take the premiums out of what I pay in taxes next year , not the other way around,


I make eight hundred to eight fifty a month with rent being 47.00 a month gas and electric running 150.00 a month can’t afford to buy food or pay bus fare to get to work


Rent 475.00 pay 800.00 to 850.00 a month duke 150.00


funk obama and funk obamacare i cant work due to a genetic disease and im being denied disability. funk alabama gov robert bentley as well. a total pizza and a clutz.


This is all Alabama rejecting Medicaid. Obama and ObamaCare wanted to see you covered, Alabama decided that if you didn’t have an income this year you cost too much to cover. If that sounds like a harsh judgement go and Google “why didn’t Alabama expand Medicaid?”

Good news is, Alabama is considering expanding. So you may actually have a coverage option soon! http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/11/gov_bentley_on_expanding_medic.html


The country and the states can’t afford to pay for healthcare, medicaid, medicare period. Our country is 18 trillion in debt and has over 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities. The govt and every facet of the healthcare industry are living high on the hog while they are raping the citizens and destroying the country. We need healthcare cost reform. There is no need for drugs and healthcare to cost so much. It is a messed up cycle of hospitals, insurance companies, doctors, pharma, and liability lawyers. All making out gaming the public with the help of our elected officials. You know…….the ones who are supposed to be representing “we the people”!


I make $12,000.00 per year. I have three children and I am not eligible for medicaid. The marketplace shows my lowest cost bronze plan to cost $256.00 per month. I have followed this all the way to the last step and it shows no other cost reduction before confirming enrollment. How can this be? Can my kids eat at a hospital cafeteria when I cant afford to feed them? Or should I wait for malnutrition to set in so the health insurance can kick in and they can be treated at a hospital This is just sad. Not only can I not afford this I will be financially penalized by the government for not having it. I wont be able to pay that either so tell me, if this whole thing was to benefit disenfranchised Americans who otherwise would not have access to health insurance due to costs why can I not afford it?


I am empathetic to your situation. I too am struggling, we were once covered through welfare, but we lost that coverage. I was grateful to finally have both of us working, since in the economy it has been tough, layoffs are constant. I am currently working as a temp employee for almost two years in order to ensure a consistent check. Food prices are so high that I struggle to feed my family a healthy diet. We have been getting by medically since our lost of coverage by utilizing our local drugstore walk-in clinics. These have been a life saver since I can usually get a discount from the clinic on antibiotics or other meds. I walk out paying about 100 a visit, only 2 visits in 2015. Yet, with Obamacare I am required to pay a minimum of 385 a month for my family, or be penalized for not having coverage? What sense does this make? I should only be required to pay for what I use!


It doesn’t make things fair or easy, but we have to remember that health insurance is as much about protecting against the unforeseen as it is about getting value month-to-month. Everything you say is valid, but we can’t lose sight of the catastrophic nature of insurance and how it’s corresponding to a large healthcare issue related to costs industry wide.


The affordable care act is such a fail. Instead of making insurance affordable it’s making my life more expensive. I don’t get sick and I don’t go to a doctor so why should I have to pay $200 a month for insurance. The marketplace is basing this on my income without consideration that I do have other bills I have to pay. I am a single mother. After I pay all my bills and buy groceries which I can barely afford I don’t even have $50 leftover most of the time and I’m damn sure not going to spend my last on insurance I don’t need. And on top of that I have to pay penalty during tax time because i don’t have insurance!!! This health care law is doing more harm than good to the very people this law is supposed to help.


I guess the only bright side to my situation is I’m not alone. I’m yet another hard working family man with an equally hard working spouse that can not afford health insurance. Our kids are covered through medicaid (thank god), and my wife has group insurance. My work doesn’t offer any and it would cost us over $400/mo to be added to my wife’s through her work. Hence why I’ve been paying penalty and doing without. So this year I make another effort to do the responsible thing and seek out insurance on healthcare.gov to only to be let down again. We have 4 children and make 50+k a year combined and I do not qualify for tax credits! Like other posters have said, it should take into account your debt/income ratio. The whole thing really pisses me off! The cheapest bronze plan just for myself is $250/mo and it doesn’t pay for crap!! We can’t afford that. With the $6000+ deductible and copays I won’t get one red cent of aid from this insurance all year! So let me get this straight, I pay over $3000/year in premiums plus out of pocket for all my medical expenses!? Hell no, give me the penalty! At least I won’t have to make my family suffer all year trying to scrape by for something that won’t benefit me anyway. This whole obamacare has me so angry. I would love to have insurance, I worry for my family constantly not having it. It’s wrong forcing us to take something we can’t afford or penalize us for it. Only benefits the poverty stricken and the rich. The rest of us in the middle are screwed. This system needs fixed & now!!


This plan did nothing to actually reform skyrocketing health care costs. Just made sure to punish anyone who didn’t have insurance so Obama could make it look like some kind of utopian health care God. Bottom line: We shouldn’t be penalized for not having health care. I’m trying to pay rent, four credit cards, student loans and live in a city with a cost of living 38% above the national average while making $11/h 29.5 hrs/wk (it was 40hrs/wk before the aca kicked in so don’t tell me it didn’t lead to employers cutting hours. I couldn’t afford it then. I can’t afford it now. The only difference is now I’m being punished for being “affluently (aka working) poor.” Requiring someone to purchase health insurance is tantamount to making suicide illegal. It’s my life. I should be allowed to risk it and get sick and die if I want to. But then again I’m a woman we’ve never had much sway in what happens to our bodies have we moderator?


Good comment. The problem with health is that you getting sick puts a burden on other taxpayers as hospitals write off the crazy costs. At least with the ACA we all pay in and are accountable. Gotta remember that we were having a healthcare crisis as a country even before the ACA (it was in many ways simply a response to a problem we were ignoring).

The ACA does a lot in regards to improving equality for women in healthcare, so it’s not totally fair to take that jab in this instance. Still, I generally agree here. The current system is no Utopia be it healthcare, debt, or the cost of living. But the American dream is Utopian and together we can realize that.


You, sir or madam, are an enormous idiot; I am literally in tears over some of these stories, yet you don’t quite seem to understand even after every negative comment. Get it through your thick skull. This is a huge, enormous and literal ‘tax’ and burden on the American people, mainly middle class. Even for the poor, this ACA has just done a real number on people. If it were affordable for EVERYONE with a low deductible for everyone, you know maybe if it were an affordable $200 a month with $1000 deductible for an annual family income of $65000 per year, the American people would be rejoicing. That’s the way it should be. Affordable. With my current income, that amount described above, would be the only amount that would be affordable…..and reasonable.

The government should’ve went after the doctors who overcharge and the insurance companies that over charge. Not the American people.


Unemployed and still am what then? and what about those who do work but can barely afford to live working from one paycheck to the next and barely I mean 0 dollars left over after paying rent and utilities.


It’s definitely the high deductible IN ADDITION TO THE MONTHLY PREMIUMS. Personally, I refuse to pay for something I can’t use. Who has $5000 to pay for a deductible ON TOP OF THE MONTHLY PREMIUMS??? ($150 a month is too high when you factor in a $5000 deductible)


You are right. Without cost sharing subsidies or an HSA $5,000 is nothing more than catastrophic coverage and basic preventive services. So if one gets in a catastrophic accident only paying $5,000 will be a lifesaver and of course getting to the doctor for a checkup and basics like birth control and such are a bonus. Aside from that not much good and is hard to stomach at a high premium.


You keep talking about the cost sharing subsidies. Remember the subsidies are just other citizen’s tax dollars and other citizen’s premium payments. All going to, like welfare, the low income and in many cases the not so low income. Call it what you want, welfare, on the dole, transfer of wealth the whole ACA was purposely designed to fail and have more and more people dependent on the government.


In other words…. we are out of luck. I cannot afford healthcare in the Affordable Care Act, and do not qualify for any of the benefits you mention. Thanks for nothing.


Dear Mr. Obama, I make less than $25,000 a year working 2 jobs. The company I was employed with full time at $12.00 per hour, with the option for plenty of over time, reduced my hours to 120 per month to avoid having to provide health insurance to me. My other job as a real estate agent fluctuates and I manage to get enough business to bring me up to about $25K a year. I have a house payment of $1050 per month. My air conditioner broke last month, and I now have a monthly payment of $108 for that. I also have a car payment, car insurance, electric / water bill, internet bill (needed to work my $12 an hour job), phone bill (needed for my real estate job), yearly HOA fee $250 (or they will put a lien on my house), plus the other fees and expenses of daily life. Please tell me how to squeeze another monthly $107 (that is a subsidized payment) into my budget. As my granddad used to say, ‘you can’t squeeze blood out of a rock’. Even if I could scratch out $107, the deducible is so high, I would still be bankrupted by any health issue that might come up. This is essentially a way to force me to give your crony insurance companies money that I will receive absolutely nothing back for. This is so crushing to those of us who have been decimated by the economy. I am so afraid I will be homeless after all of this. Wondering how many others are in the same boat.


The whole plan is just wrong. I am married and joint income is $54k, but I pay for all of my expenses and half of the household expenses with my income of $13k. For the bronze plan individual has a $6000 deductible, which means I pay cash up front for all visits, drugs and procedures and pay $282.97 a month for insurance. So now you have reduced my income by 46 percent and I really don’t have any insurance unless there is a catastrophe and I haven’t even paid income taxes yet. What is the point of me working at all? Thank God my husband has VA.


You are right. When one spouse makes less, but files jointly, they get taxed on household income. So I have to say, given the way taxes and the health law works, it may not be “fair” that you are responsible for the costs within your home. Tax credits are based on you splitting coverage costs.


The deductible for catastrophic is ridiculous. Lets say you have a major catastrophe in December with a 13,000 deductible. In January you have to pay the 13,000 again if you are still having medical problems from the catastrophe. I have a sister who has been too ill to work for years. Her main illness is sarcoidosis but she has a lot more problems, and her husband has worked hard all of his life as an engineer but because of his age he is being discriminated against now at his job and has tried for years now to get this looked at through all of the government agencies but to no avail because it will cost them so much to fight it and prove it. He has a lot of medical issues too that are costly. Anyway, he can’t stop working because he can’t afford the insurance for my sister if he retires early. Their premiums are now I believe $900 a month. With all of her medical needs, they pay out of pocket for the deductible each year and never reach where the insurance pays and then start all over again in January with the deductible. It is insane. They are dug into a nightmare of a life, in which they should have a descent life with his income, but it is never ending debt. She hasn’t been able to work for years. They live in Indiana. I don’t have any answers for her and feel so bad. The government has not been financially balanced or capable in any of its endeavors. Why did we give them our health to take care of? Why? They should have just taken care of the part where the insurers were dropping those with medical problems, and left the rest alone. A few laws changed and that was it. The whole insurance thing is a scam. You pay premiums so that if something happens, it is covered. The money is pooled for those catastrophes, not to line pockets of insurers. Reasonable profit – not get rich from others fear of sickness. So sad… This is all the government should have focused on. Not taking it over.


I agree with What do you care, Ramon, LM and others. I’m a single 57 year old hard working hourly male. Have been working for 42 of those years. This Obamacare has ruined my life. The most I had to pay for insurance before the nightmare was about $170 a month. I only make about $40k a year. I’m hourly in the retail industry. I live in Dallas Texas. I signed up in 2013 to be covered in 2014. I made 39,000 in 2013. Because of being a hard worker and getting a small hourly raise due to my hard work and overtime I ended up making more than allowed by about $2500 for 2014. I got penalized and had to pay back IRS for my monthy assistance about $3000. So much for the American dream. Work hard, hope to get ahead, oh but wait the government going to take it back. Also all the plans I could afford, my doctor I’ve been going to for over 12years didn’t take. 2014 I paid $240 per month with assistance. $70 a month more than what I use to pay. Then end of 2014 the insurance company was raising the premium 45% -Blue Cross of Texas. 2015 was paying $255 and going broke because if I work more. I will get penalized again on insurance I hardly ever use. Oh and now the insurance is going up again for 2016 another 25%. All of these are the cheapest bronze HMO’s with the assistance. I looked the other day on Healthcare.gov and the cheapest I can get with assistance will cost me $290. All it’s down is increase, WHY? How do you call that affordable.
If ObamaCareFacts knows of something I’m doing wrong please help. I haven’t had a peaceful day/night in 3 years because of this.
It has only been a nightmare. This required government law has only brought major depression for this hard working voter. I can’t afford to live with the government controlled affordable health insurance and I can’t afford not too because I will penalized. So much for being rewarded for a job well done or working hard or a bonus because the IRS will penalize me for my non-affordable health care.
SO please stop preaching Affordable Health care because it’s not for me and many other hard working individuals. Oh and I haven’t been to a dentist or eye doctor in 3 years because I can’t afford that health care because I’ve been trying to afford this AffordableHealthCare.
And I’ll probably need a new car next year so if anyone knows of any
AffordableNewCar with paying AffordableHealthCare let me know but then again I could live in my car since I wont be able to afford a roof over my head but I’ll have AffordableHealthCare. I apologize for my rambling however this has law really upsets/angers me.


Right on, work hard and get screwed, be lazy and get rewarded


This is a sad sad time to be in middle America. If you are in your 30’s and 40’s and have a full time job, then you are just shit out of luck. Most people our age have young kids who cost money to raise. A house and cars that are not even close to being paid off. But which we need for our kids and jobs. But we also need healthcare! And none of us are asking for a handout, but with daily life expenses and cost of living these premiums are ridiculous! Before Obamacare, my whole family was insured and we could afford it and everything was fine. No one can afford Obamacare!! It’s a terrible feeling knowing you can not afford to get insurance and keep your family healthy. You are putting AMERICANS health at risk. You can simply not pay for something you can not afford. We can currently only afford to insure my son, he’s insured we are not. But hey tax me and punish me for not physically being able to afford your healthcare. That just makes it even more heartbreaking. Sincerely- Middle Class America!


Obamacare is a joke! In my state middle class is considered from 30k to 100k!! I’m a single dad and with me and two kids I received a tax credit. The cheapest insurance was 180/month for the low end bronze pkg. Which is still stupid because you pay 100% until you’ve reached your deductible. RETARDED!! My son is going to get insurance from state through his mom so I re applied….now my premiums went up to almost 300/month because now I do not get a tax credit. Are we supposed to eat ramen noodles and are the kids not to do extra curricular activities??? I do everything for my kids, that’s why I drive a 20+year old car and still live in an apartment. And now I can’t afford health insurance. Not only that, I get fined now? 20% of my income?? So, do I quit my 401k plan so I can afford insurance? Or take them out of sports/activities so they can become unhealthy kids?? Wait, so if I have 20 kids, which means more medical visits…shots, injuries, etc…..then my insurance is free. AND I’d get free food, rent, and daycare!! But if I just have or “claim” one child, I get NO help and pay EVERYTHING!! Now I know why people drive nicer cars that are in “poverty” than me. NOTHING MAKES SENSE IN THIS COUNTRY. It was much better before OBAMACARE STARTED. BOTH MY KIDS WERE INSURED BY THE STATE BACK THEN!! THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE!!!!!!!


Make 44k my two kids are on FL chip. For me and my wife it’s $369 a month for me and her with bronze plan. Doesn’t seem too bad until you see the 13k I’d have to pay out of pocket before insurance would be usable. This is cheapest no dental etc etc even when active pays only 60% . 369 is about everything left over to live and be a family. Movies and eat out couple times month. Extra school things clothes etc. We could pay the fine sure. Doctors won’t see us if sick. So we either pay you for nothing cause we’d never get a thing for money or just die. We may could get apt with card but would have to lie and say we could pay the entire cost. If we don’t pay you you take more at end of year for not being able to pay. It’s disgraceful and I for one am glad this will all be gutted soon. You’ve took a great idea you blame gop for not letting it pass in way that would work. Then knowing it would kill middle class your the ones that still pushed it instead of doing the right thing.


Where should I begin?! I have been struggling to figure this insurance stuff out since it started. I have met with several places that help you enroll and figure everything out for you and each time I get told that its too expensive for me and that I should just take the penalty! I just did my application….again because I really am determined to get myself and my family covered, but I don’t see how it will work financially for us. We just recently bought a new home, so we have a mortgage that is a little higher then what we would like, but with the PMI thats added we have not choice. I have medical bills that we are struggling to pay, credit cards, cars, food, and everything else that comes along with living! Yes, we know the credit card bills are our fault, but we have them and there is nothing we can do now about it. Does obama care take all these other costs into the equation??!! NO, so I am getting offered these premiums that would make us really count our pennies. For what? The Bronze plans are just a waste of money. They don’t cover anything. I see no point. So instead I am just going to be penalized for not wasting my money that I really can’t afford to use for health care on a fee. Thanks Mr. President. You are really helping me and my family live a better life. Also I find it very amusing that they make the cheapest bronze plans just at that magic number where you are supposed to “afford” it so you can’t be exempt from paying….
Just like others say this is for the wealthy and the poor and mid range working hard family gets screwed. We make roughly 68,000 a year, 4 kids and the cheapest bronze plans are 453.00 (which cover hardly anything)


At your income versus family size you should start and end your Journey at HealthCare.Gov. Go for a Silver plan that is HSA eligible, find a one with a decent network and take a good look at copays and deductible. Then claim your tax credits. It’d doubtful this won’t be the best option. But if you feel you need to shop around compare also Gold and Bronze and consider an HMO versus PPO.

You can also take this little blip to a local broker and get help from them.


Nothing covers my family! My husband was laid off after 29 yrs. 29 yrs! I have never in my life be without insurance till now. I used to sell it for goodness sake! If you would have ever told me that insurance would be required by federal law I would have called you crazy. Now look at us, mandated to pay prices for little or no real coverage that are 3 times or more what they were 10 years ago, this is insane! We can’t afford the monthly premium and don’t qualify for the tax credits because WE DON’T MAKE ENOUGH! How’s that for crazy?! Neither one of us have a job at this moment and we don’t qualify for medicaid because we have a savings account. So what is a person supposed to do???!!!! I’m applying for exceptions but I have to wait for responses which will put me past the deadline. The one play I was looking at changed about 2 days ago, dropping my doctor and increasing the monthly from about $120 to $960 and the deductible went from $500 to $6000. What the.. is that? What would happen if I had already committed to that plan? I have never seen such a blatant robbery of the American people as this. This is worse than what started the revolutionary war. The tyranny of the government has got to be stopped.


This is ridiculous. I am off my parents insurance plan this year and the cheapest plan you can give me is +/- $200 a month Catastrophic? There is no way I can afford that every month when I already pay about $300 a month in credit card bills, another $300 on college loans (which is still not the min payment they want), plus other bills associated with the cost of living. I turn 26 next month and I suppose this means that I am not worthy of health insurance since NC does not allow people like me to get medicaid. This entirely sucks. I have lost faith in the health care system. I cannot afford health care and this realization has broken me.


My husband and I are self employed our annual estimate can very widely. This Obamacare is absolutely not affordable for us or anyone else how is self employed. I was trying to be honest on our yearly income and came up with ridiculous UN-affordable premiums. Our premium last year started out at $901 per month then in September of this year it went up to $1,245 per month because I hit 55. Now Blue Cross Blue Shield sent me a letter stating they were getting rid of PPO’s and going to all HMO and our monthly premium will be $1,655. How can someone afford this amount every month, let alone the extremely high deductibles and be self Employed? If you had something major that went wrong you still would have to get alone to pay the high deductables and the co-pays. I thought this Obamacare was suppose to help but instead it has made it extremely difficult for the middle class who works hard just to make a living. Our government needs to fix the health and start regulating the insurance companies more.


Wow, that is crazy. You obviously aren’t qualifying for subsidies based on your household size and household income. If you were you’d be getting cheaper coverage. Things are getting out of hand for some. It’s not just about regulating insurance companies, healthcare providers and manufacturers, and drug makers all need to step up to the plate together.


I can’t afford Obama care at 800 a month. I don’t have insurance because I can’t afford it. I am even behind on rent. I need medical insurance. Please help me! I need insurance and I can’t afford the prices they are giving me please help


Make sure you are understanding household income and family size. Then look at tax deductions like HSAs. Make sure you are going to HealthCare.Gov too. If the cheapest plan is reallly $800 you likely qualify for an affordability exemption.


This insurance is unaffordable to those of us in the middle. I am in California the cost of living has skyrocketed. I barely make ends meet. I can’t afford 352 per month for a crappy plan that I can’t even go to the doctor if sick on and prescriptions aren’t covered. I have panic attacks about how I am supposed to live. I am 49 single and the Magi and Agi is a joke it doesn’t lower anything if you are on your own. It literally has made me suicidial thinking about growing older and how can I survive. I have purchased insurance all my life and this is ridiculous, it should go by the net not the gross. I have to work 10 days to get paid 5.3 days. I do not get that back in taxes. Also as a freelance person I could take part of my health costs off my taxes and that has been taken away. So give me a legitimate answer on how to afford this healthcare I am forced to buy. It has taken competition out of the marketplace, all of the private individual plans are jacked up and cost the same with the same horrible narrow networks. Before I paid 145 with a 4500 deductible hsa with 3 doctors visits. I want to die before I hit 50 and the rates go up again because I am already losing my home because of rent increases, work more hours than I humanly can, I have no money for anything but necessities because I have to pay 342 a month in health insurance because I make 36000 which is 20000 take home rent 15000, car insurance 1300, plus phone etc where does paying 4104 a year on something I can’t use or change. This is a bronze plan This isn’t right. Tell me how do I survive


You are right, I think everyone should get a reasonable cost of living deduction that factors in child care, rent, car insurance, healthcare costs, education, etc at lower incomes. $342 for a premium and $2,800 /mo in car insurance and rent for someone making $36,000 are both probably a little higher than would be comfortable.


So what do I do? I need to know, I am on the.verge of losing everything and in the past I used to be able to switch health plans for a lower premium. Now I am trapped. Obamacare is a nightmare. Tell me what my options are.


My husbands employer offers health insurance through work. It is only $70 a month for him, but $1400 a month for a family. Since his single premium is so cheap, I have been told we do not qualify for a subsidy. This is just crazy. That is more than our house payment. How is this even a little affordable?


You may qualify to have your family exempt (one or more members). This would allow you to forgo coverage, or depending on income compared to the cost of the employer plan, shop on the Marketplace. You should contact HealthCare.Gov ASAP.


I rated this 1 for NOT an answer. I can’t afford it, can’t afford the tax which is another name for the penalty and just flat out can’t AFFORD it at all. This is the one area I agree with the Republicans on. THIS IS NOT AFFORDABLE!!!! It’s not affordable even if you qualify for a subsidy. As a SMALL, TINY, SMALL business owner, I have no clue what I make each year until our taxes are done the following year since it depends on the profits in the business and there is no way to know that until the bottom line is filled out either. If I guess wrong, then I could owe the IRS. If business is slow, which it usually is over winter and into the spring, I can’t afford to owe the IRS.


I cannot afford obamacare.I have insured. My self for about 15 years as employer faxed out health insurance I am 56 year of age. And in good health my insurance expense. Before I could usually hold to 300.00 to 360.00 with low deductible about 2500.00 with the marketplace for 2016 united health care bronze 454.20. 5500.00 deductible
Currently I am insured with same company same insurance plan only it is a short term plan I
Am paying 300.00 2500.00 deductible including a10000.00 rider for medical. Emergency


Even given the higher cost of the major medical without cost assistance it’s possible a better deal for you. Short term will mean you pay the fee so you’ll have to factor that in to your total healthcare spending. Make sure to look into all health plan options, cost assistance, and tax breaks you can take as an employer.


All this new healthcare is for is insurance companies. I would have to pay 250 a month with ridiculous copays. This did clear 1 thing up though, It does matter what party I voted for they are all crooks. But hey hold up I will just cut a week of food out a month, and live in my car so I guess its not that bad. I thought that this was a free country where I chose whether or not, If I was nursing off Medicare fine. But I am not all this is, is more money for the insurance companies.


This is insanity. I am a 52 yr old Breast cancer survivor and I cannot afford even the marketplace insurance. I make 30k a year and I have the BARE minimum of expenses, THE cheapest rent in town, car insurance, cell phone, electricity, fuel for my car and groceries….With this insurance plan I can choose between a higher monthly premium or a higher deductible. Great! With a higher monthly deductible I will have to choose between rent,food, electricity or driving to work!!. With a higher deductible I will not be able to afford the yearly testing that I need to see if I am still cancer free ( and no I can do mammograms) or any of the surgeries that I also still need. It’s beginning to look like my best option is to quit my job and go on welfare!!! I have been paying into Social Security and taxes my whole life and this is just ridiculous!!
And before the ‘responder’ tells me about the MAGi or any other CRAP< I have been trying to figure out a way to afford this for MONTHS and nothing is working! And and guess what? I work with a woman who has no history of cancer, is my age and only makes 3 $ less than me a month and she is only paying $90 a month and the best I can get is $250!!!
Face it, the system is wrong and screwed up. I wish I could sue Obama/Pelosi for their "Read it AFTER it passes" …..Too bad we can't make THEM use this insurance program they dreamed up…I am FED UP and frustrated beyond belief.


I’m not sure what to say. You lay out facts here that say you should have access to that same plan at a similar price. If you don’t want to hear about household income and how that caps premium prices then OK. This then is for others:

In this case we would suggest looking at household income as that should result in you getting a similarly priced plan $90 (region affects price this is the same, income affects price this is roughly the same, and age affects price accounting for a small difference, but preexisting conditions don’t affect price).

To others in this boat the frustrations are valid, but don’t let that dissuade you from doing a little more homework. The facts laid out here don’t add up, it sounds like this person is quoting costs before cost assistance and not after.


If I get sick I just go to the doctor. It usually costs about 100.00. If I buy Obamacare I won’t be able to afford to the doctor because of the premiums. It makes no sense. The deductible is way too high to do me any good. I guess I won’t go to the doctor any more.


Not that it’s much consolation, but you do get the “free” wellness visit and preventive care on your plan. This offsets some of the cost.


You, sir or madam or in between, are a total idiot.


I cannot afford any of these plans. This process doesn’t take into account debt. We have over $70,000 in student loan debt, 7500 in credit card debt, rent of $700. Phone, gas, food, medicine for my wife. I have 0 left at the end of each month. The only plan that is close to what I could pay has a $10000 deductible and it is only 50/50. I gross 16,800 and my wife about $12000. Too much income to really qualify for much help, but no where near enough to buy health insurance. So, I get threatened with a $700+ tax?! I’m screwed and we really need health insurance because my wife has a medical condition.


You are right, debt is something many Americans and America as a whole is dealing with. It’s perhaps one of the biggest problems in America right now, well not just debt but interest on debt to be more exact. It’s unsustainable for a country as it is for a family.


Me and my husband make to much to get any assistance anywhere but to go through his plan at work would cost 700+ monthly for a family of four. That is to much but because he is offered health insurance through his work that is considered affordable (just for him it is 160/month) we cannot get help to pay. Now there will be a penalty if we do not get insurance but how can we afford 700+ a month!! And that is with the highest deductible plan too!! Thanks Obama for nothing!!!


Upon completing my application the cheapest plan offered was about $237 per month but there are not any local doctors in network so the next cheapest is 287 a month. which was the third cheapest. I am a single adult with full custody of a 9 year old (she has medicaid)
My MAGI is $26,935 and based on the lowest plan with no in network doctors around the cost is over 8% of my MAGI
I have not sent in my paystubs which confirm the above information yet; After i send them in will i get a different premium? the website is no clear about the process. my employer said that if i dont apply and enroll they will be required to enroll me in there plan and deduct 400 a month which is even higher. Any advice?
after taxes i make about
$2000 a month
-1400 for rent,300 childcare,50 phone bill,200 utilities i already can barley buy food and necessities for me and my child and my childs mother does not work do she does not pay any child support. there is nothing left over for insurance and i make to much money to qualify for medicaid- i would have to make 15,000 a year to qualify


Your employer plan costs more than 9.5% of MAGI so have them fill out an employer coverage tool and get marketplace coverage.

It seems like you are quoting the cost before cost assistance. After cost assistance your coverage should be substantially cheaper.

Employers can’t force you to take coverage, you can opt-out, have them fill out a form, and shop on the Marketplace. Ask HealthCare.Gov about unaffordable employer coverage and employer coverage tools (the form the employer would fill out when you opt-out).

This is general advice, you’ll want to double check how it all applies to you before taking action.




I got out of the military this year and I am living on the GI Bill just to barely pay rent. If I pay for the minimum coverage, I don’t have the money to pay rent or eat. So you can take this and shove it up your @$$. Arrest me if you want to.

– Proud Vet, unimpressed with the country he served.


Well you won’t get arrested, the most the IRS can do is withhold your tax refund. If you are making enough to barely pay rent you likely qualify for free or low cost coverage through Medicaid (if your state expanded) or for generous tax credits between 100% – 400% FPL. Also my first reaction was “where is TRICARE and the VA and related benefits”? Is that what is causing the problem, or do you no longer have those options and are referring to the private market?


I just cancelled my health insurance today. I was paying 200.00 a month with a 5500 deductible on a plan offered by my employer (for the FACT folks here…that’s 7900.00 a year paid out of my pocket before my insurance even kicks in). Our contribution is increasing by 5% next year. I checked the covered CA site, best they have to offer is 191.00/mo and 4500 deductible before the insurance would finally pay 60% of services and prescriptions (which I wouldn’t qualify for because my employer offers insurance). I am a single dad with 2 kids and only make 18.00 an hour. I’m sick of hearing 8% blah blah…HSA blah blah…MAGI blah blah! Fact is I went to the doctor maybe 2 times at 90.00 per visit and had a few prescriptions that cost 9.00 at Target (which I could have covered out of pocket with just 1 month of premiums). All year long my kids have gone without some things so I could be compliant with this ridiculous law.
I can’t believe for the first time in my 45 years of life as an American citizen, I am being forced to purchase a product or be fined for not doing so as a condition of my citizenship. Obamacare was never intended to make insurance more affordable, it was simply the next step the LEFT took to move this country closer to a single payer system. Create chaos in a system until it collapses, then have the government rush in to the rescue. Before Mr. Obama pulled this stunt, every job I have had the last 20 years offered to cover my health insurance in full, I only had to pay additional if I selected a family plan. It used to be called “benefits”. Remember those, it was what employers used to give employees as a reward for working hard and being an asset to their companies? Only how unfair was that? I mean those poor entry level job folks at McDonalds who only work 20 hours a week didn’t get the same benefits…so lets get rid of them all together, right?
I totally understand the LEFT’S reasoning…I mean what a perfect way to force income redistribution on people. Why bring the bottom up when you can simply bring the middle down? I’m choosing not to participate in this anymore, I work my butt off to try and give my kids a decent life. I earned this money all on my own. I got this job all on my own. I choose to raise my kids with the money I earn…YES ALL ON MY OWN! My kids need this money far more than any silly insurance exchange, and it’s worth a 700.00 fine taken from my taxes to not spend 2400.00 a month on premiums for insurance I would most likely never use.
If the FACT folks here believe this is such a great step in the right direction, maybe you should be asking yourself this. If it was such a great thing for America, why do you need to force every citizen to comply under threat of penalty? You know the answer, because if you left it up to the people that have to actually pay for it, there wouldn’t be anybody who would sign up for it.
Rant over! Thanks for reading.


The “mandate” isn’t for the people, it’s for the private insurers who would lose money without it (it’s been tried and proven). The healthcare industry employees a lot of people and accounts for a lot of our nations wealth. It’s not a simple thing.

Just make sure you are taking advantage of all your options including cost assistance and exemptions. Whether the healthcare system swings to single payer, goes back to the old way, or collapses under it’s own weight like you say, the important thing here is your family. It’s your right to forgo coverage (but exemptions may help that cost less). Also consider catastrophic coverage perhaps for your children if they are under 30.

And to be clear the last thing we (at ObamaCareFacts.com) want is to hear about a single working father who can’t afford coverage for himself and his family. It’s rather heartbreaking.


Heartbreaking, and yet you do nothing about it.

Unusable insurance = no insurance.

I’d never claim anything against the insurance I have because the deductible is so high. If I pay cash at the hospital or doctor, they give a 50% off price. It would take a LOT of claims to get to the $13,000 deductible.

Mandated insurance is a fraud/sham on the American people.

Your concern for the insurance companies is touching. They have condemned multitudes to an early grave but your only concern is if they are making sufficient profit. You and Obama should “do lunch” and compare your stock portfolios!

This is spot on, exactly the problem. 5 kids here. Worked mt butt off as we have been trained to all our lives to finally start earning an income which freed me from any public assistance – and now, we live worse off than those on government assistance because of healthcare costs. So I can take a demotion, get medicaid and foodstamps, and be better off. Not cool.


Yeah crossing that threshold from subsidies to taxes isn’t fun. People expect, “Now that I make more I will have more!” This ignores the progressive tax / subsidy system that everyone is paying into (I mean obviously not the fraction of the 1% with their capital gains and offshore accounts, but the rest of us). There is no easy step up where $1 equates to $1. But specifically the step up from assistance to not is a little disenfranchising as you lose subsidies and gain taxes. This is something that should be continually addressed as we do humane and moral things such as care for the sick and the poor. Perhaps at some point congress will start working together rather than playing tug of war with subsidies and taxes.

Awesome. Simply awesome comment. Agreed.


Thank you for your service. It is ashame. It is unbelievable what this horrible government (to put it nicely) has done to our country. God bless you, I hope everything turns around for us all. I hope and pray that we can get people in government that want us to have decent jobs and repeal obamcare. That joker keeps saying it needs more reform. If the problem was people not being able to get insurance because of pre existing conditions, why didn’t they just fix that and leave the rest alone? Why? Because it’s just one more way of this government to get us all under their control. If someone don’t fix it everything is going to collapse. The government can’t keep controlling and stealing people’s hard earned money. Something is going to break. The only hope I have is in God. He has always carried me through and I know He will continue to do so. I hope and pray everyone reading this will come out on top. God bless you all. I’ve been reading this stuff for hours. Not much positive coming from any of it. I’m going to stop reading now. Very upsetting.


I was on medicaid. I recently married my husband after 5.5 years. now my household income is $68,000. My household does not pay my half of the rent, utilities and so forth. I pay my own expenses. In order for my plan to be “affordable” I have to set money aside for my $7,000 deductible. on top of the $200 monthly premium. Lets Get Real. We lived together for 2 years while i was on medicaid, we’re married and now i could magically pay $200 per month. News Flash! Brooklyn New York is expensive to live in as in.


Medicaid and subsidies are both a little weird in that they can incentivize not getting married in situations where one family member earns less than the other. If you get married your best advantage tax-wise is likely sharing a family plan. Look into HSA’s and High Deductible family plans on the marketplace.


I hate obamacare. I can’t afford to pay anything extra a month for any plan and we shouldn’t be FORCED to get coverage if we don’t want to. It’s just an extra bill thrown an bet me, then we’re penalized for not having it and it goes up every month!


Every plan available is a high deductible plan. What is the point of even paying for insurance if the lowest deductible is $750/person and the premium with a subsidy is $400/month? That is not a good investment of money.

If I choose a truly high deductible plan, it’s $5500/person and the premium is $75/month. That plan will never be used unless a major injury or illness hits. My husband and I would still have to pay out of pocket for our needed prescriptions and will still avoid going to the doctor because we cannot afford it.

We’re barely making it as it is, it seems like a better gamble to hope that nobody gets sick and keep our $75/month.


Totally agree!! I can’t afford it AT ALL!


I make 55k a year, and have bills that i live by. Not over my limits, and single guy has to pay $384 a month for shoddy coverage… No win here… Just a loss.. Terrible law..


I need a regular health care plan with co-pays and affordable deductibles. I cannot afford the prices I was given in the marketplace. Last year I was even out of work, an unemployed single mom, and could not get affordable coverage and wound up in the hospital. so now I have high medical bills to top it all off. This Obamacare is the worst idea ever!!!!!!!!!


People in Late 20’s expected to pay $230 for healthcare coverage on top of student loan repayments?… forget it.


A person should never pay that in their late 20’s unless their income is over 400% FPL. People in there 20’s are more likely to pay $20 after cost assistance than $200. That doesn’t mean this would never happen (certainly could happen through an employer getting an unfair shake). Just, I mean we have a list of the average and lowest cost plans, and know what cost assistance caps premiums at, we know national averages… So, essentially we can be upset about costs (especially cost sharing) all day, but saying $230 for someone in their late 20’s is just giving me a red flag that someone is missing something. Call HealthCare.Gov.


I am 29, in good health, make about $35,000 per year (pre tax) and my lowest cost option (for a plan I would not be able to afford to USE) is $180ish per month. I pay child support, rent, utilities, food, commuting costs, and I really cannot see where I would get the extra income to cover this.

If I dont pay it though, I have to pay a tax. I dont understand how this works, or why someone my age in good health is forced to pay over $2000 a year for a health insurance plan I couldnt afford to use.


It isn’t an easy situation to be in. $2,000 is rather expensive as it’s just premiums and not cost sharing amounts. This isn’t too different from what coverage would have been before the law (adjusted for the rising cost of premiums), but that doesn’t ease the burden now that the coverage is mandated.

If you max out an HSA you may be able to drop your income to about 250% FPL, this will net you more tax credits and cap your out-of-pocket costs. You can also, at 29, potentially find a slightly cheaper plan with cost assistance (even at $35,000).

I’m a few years older than you and I pay about the same price for a bronze BCBS PPO without cost assistance. Of course, pricing varies so much from region to region it’s hard to say.

Certainly we can all agree that the cost of living, especially for those raising children and paying off debt, makes the “affordable” “unaffordable” rather quickly. This must be addressed and this is why we try to stress that further reform and not just ideologistic repeal is the best answer for America.


HSAs are a joke too…so have your employer set money aside *in case* you need it for medical expenses; this lowers your income and saves you money on your monthly premium. So reaaaallllly, you’re not saving money because it’s still taken out of your check, and f you haven’t used it at the end of the year – your employer keeps its. Fail.

It is common to confusing FSAs with HSAs. Couldn’t be more different though. HSAs rock, FSAs are eh. You are thinking about FSAs. HSAs have no use it or lose it and have better tax perks cause you get the benefits not the employer.

The BCBS PPO is being discontinued in my state and the HMO they are forcing on me for myself and my new baby is the same cost…$650 per month. For my husband to carry us on his work ins it would be $300 more per month. He has student loans to repay and I have an autoimmune disease along with a new baby so even running my business has been put on hold. There is no way to get any assistance bc they say we make too much…however it’s all going towards paying medical bills from the birth and increasing HMO costs that won’t cover the doctors we have previously seen. Sorry but I am not trusting my health to a doctor I can’t choose!

Can't Afford to Eat

We live in Montgomery Co. MD. Our monthly income for this year will be $5432 net. However, after taxes, what we really bring in per month is $4162. Mortgage payment is $1300, utilities cost approx. $500, non-health insurances cost approx. $400, and food $1,200. That leaves us with $762. Currently we pay about $200 for subsidized health insurance for the family. I have the BRCA gene (requiring vigilant monitoring from various specialists), have asthma (with expensive medication), and tend to get sick often (requiring many trips to other doctors and specialists). After health insurance, I have $562 with which i must pay for all my copays, medicines, as well as buy clothes for the kids and other obvious life extras.

Our expected net income for 2016 is $46,000. Yet I will still have to pay around $400 for a reasonable Obama-Care health care plan with a low-ish deductible (b/c we don’t have enough to pay the high deductible plan’s copays and deductibles). Still, I’ll have to pay around $40 for specialists and who-knows-how-much for prescriptions. Our monthly income next year will be around $3,000, but we will have $3,400 in expenses. How do you expect us to pay $400/month (before copays etc) for healthcare? I just don’t understand.


Well at your expected MAGI your insurance will be capped about about 9.5% of income for the second lowest cost silver plan. So that is let’s round up and say $4,600 for the year. Well of course that is about your $400 a month. With out-of-pocket costs it can really be a lot to deal with. You can save money by using an HSA and getting a bronze plan, but that is only if you bank on not needing your coverage (and letting it act as catastrophic coverage). You can also look into other deductions.

So bottom line. No, not fair. And, arguably not affordable with the rising cost of healthcare. But taking a step back we can find a few ways to lower costs and taxes and increase cost assistance.


I just tried to enroll. I’M NOT… my government will not force this upon me


If you have trouble enrolling call HealthCare.Gov directly. Technically you aren’t forced to get coverage, you just have to pay a tax if you decline to get coverage. You can refuse to get coverage and to pay the tax, but the IRS can withhold the amount you owe from your next refund.


That is the same thing as being forced to get insurance when you cannot afford it. You are penalized for not being able to afford it. So now they want to tax you on products you don’t even buy and can’t use. How is that even remotely fair?


The underlying concept that we all need healthcare, but most people can’t absorb the cost, so we need a collective fund is pretty solid. Tackling this with a tax is a solid idea. The devil is in the details as they say. It’s not fair to force someone to buy unaffordable coverage, the goal of the ACA is affordability. Where it falls short we need congress and the people to stand up and demand more efficient solutions. Lots of the ACA does amazing things, but it doesn’t excuse away one lick of the bad.


“The underlying concept that we all need healthcare, but most people can’t absorb the cost, so we need a collective fund is pretty solid. Tackling this with a tax is a solid idea.”

^^^No what it is is Communism. And everyone knows it.

I explain the nature of insurance as a group fund and you yell “Communism”… Ok there Senator McCarthy. Yeesh. Should I bother with the history lesson or are you just being inflammatory? Even the Socialist running for President decries Communism, along with me, and i’m sure 99.99% of our readers.

Ridiculous! How can my deductible be $4000 higher than my expected salary? What are you trying to achieve with this bogus healthcare system? Colorado is already about to go kaput on this, NY is having trust issues along with lack of funds…how can one afford healthcare if it is beyond feasible for one to pay? Sorry, I have a wife, children and children I pay child support for. Just tax it…


I too can’t afford my premium as a middle age woman. The offered plans are a joke. $ 618.00 a month and the deductible is so high I will be bankrupt before I can use it. A male friend older then me pays $218 a month for better coverage.
We will be bankrupt as seniors if we have medical bills .


$618 is very high, is that through work or through the private market? The private market should have cheaper options in most regions (certainly the lowest cost plan for any age in a given state is cheaper).


I just went through the Marketplace and renewed my application for coverage in 2016 and it is saying that my family will have to pay at the minimum of $713 a month!! We don’t qualify for a tax break for some reason and this puts the monthly premiums well over 14% of our income. Our mortgage is only $60 more than this so called affordable care. My wife and both kids are currently on Medicaid but can’t get off of it because the local office is saying that they are not making any changes to any plans, but the Marketplace says that we make too much money for any of them to qualify for Medicaid so the website is saying that we are to pay over $700 a month now for insurance. So we will essentially be paying for double coverage which is what I get for trying to be honest on the application. This is absolutely not affordable for my family!! I have just submitted the application but I will refuse to choose any plan with premiums that high. So I guess we are stuck paying the fines at the end of the year if we are able to afford those. Eventually we will become buried in debt to the government and be forced to apply for welfare assistance and food stamps. Should have moved to another country a long time ago I suppose…..thanks United States government.


There is likely a missing piece of the puzzle here. If you make less than 138% of the poverty level for your family size, and your state expanded Medicaid, then you qualify for Medicaid. If your state didn’t expand eligibility may be shifting because of the age of your children. You need to find out the specific rules for your state and make sure your a projected the right income for 2016. It is up to you to attest to and prove your income, and if the state feels the need, it is up to them to prove that you are incorrect. If they can’t then you get to claim the assistance you are due.

The guess here is that, you live in a state that didn’t expand Medicaid, but you were getting it due to your children (technically getting CHIP). In this case you need to look at CHIP eligibility levels. You shouldn’t just get frustrated and forgo coverage, our guess is that you can take a deeper look and ensure cost assistance on coverage.


The $618.00 is a silver plan through the Marketplace. By the time I pay it, co-pays and all the the bills come in as they cover zero until I get to my deductable , ( they do cover some preventative) I still can’t go to the doctor. I live in Ohio.


These plans are a joke and not affordable.My work dropped healthcare forcing us to go to Ob amacare.For a 36 year old woman in Ohio my not so cheap premium will be like $300 a month for a bronze plan with a $6000 deductible.I have to choose if a car and housing is more important or healthcare .I make less that $33,000- and do no t qualify for any credits.This is insane


If you don’t have coverage through work then you DO qualify for tax credits. Call HealthCare.Gov. Your premium should be lower than $300 after tax credits unless you choose a more expensive plan. https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-poverty-level/


I’m trying to find a plan like I had last yr I pd 140. P mo which was high enough, I got a part time job increasing our family income to 48000.( For 4 people) and I qualify for 35 dollar subsidy this year and the cheapest plan I can find is 311???!!! Really??? I went to the doctor 1 time and didn’t even use my insurance cause they don’t accept ANY Obama plans… So…worthless… Waste of money. How do I go from 140 to 311??? Same plan goes up when you never use it, I get it shoulda racked up some hefty bills to get my $ worth. Bitter, just a bit.

I paid for obamacare premiums last year for me and my two kids could barely make the ends meet now this year the plan i was on is being cancelled and i have to pick a new plan only two choices both cost more than the plan i was on i still paid over $2000 in out of pocket medical care costs because the deductibles are too high so i basically paid the insurance company over $1500 for the year in premiums and they paid my doctors a total of $167 that’s it, this healthcare act is stupid, its just the president getting more money for big pharma by selling out the american people and stealing our hard earned money!


I don’t think it’s Obama who we blame for Phrama.

Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted Medical Center researchers say. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkilling opioids are most commonly prescribed, their study found.


I won’t say anymore, but do a bit of critical thinking and try to figure out why rates are high and our focus is on fighting each other rather than demanding more reform.

I am 58 years old, a single woman now that my last child has left home. I make $65k a year in the city of Seattle. The cost of living in Seattle is almost as high as California. I lost my home during the Great Recession, after working hard for 25 years… I was laid off from my job and couldn’t find another one fast enough to stop the process. I became close to homeless before bouncing back and finding this job. I am supposed to pay $700 per month for health insurance (silver plan with 6500 deductible). I did it for 2016. I didn’t have to see a doctor ONCE. I have been forced to use credit cards to stay afloat. I am going to have to file bankruptcy in order to survive. 58 years old, worked my whole entire life, have paid taxes, struggled to get where I am, and THIS is going to finally take me down. THIS. I have no words for the terrible disappointment I feel in our country. I voted for Trump, even though I am a democrat. Why? Because NO ONE WHO HAS A HISTORY AS A POLITICIAN HAS EVER KEPT HIS WORD. My last hope is that someone who has been a businessman, not a politician with big companies in his pocket, will see that healthcare reform MUST be changed or the middle class will be gone. I have seriously thought about just committing suicide to escape what seems to be happening. My children are grown and I will be working for NOTHING until I am 75 years old, before I am granted the blessings of a social security retirement that won’t nearly be enough to survive on. My generation is screwed; if there isn’t something done, FAST, we are looking at the next 3 generations also being screwed out of any kind of hope for a decent life if they aren’t earning in excess of $200k per year. It broke my heart to read one poster’s story about how he was so proud to be making over $100k and find out… it’s just not enough. HOW CAN THAT BE? How can this be allowed to happen?


The biggest problem I’m finding is that while I can find something I can more or less afford – the deductible (most around 13,000 a year) make it impossible for me to use. I would be paying for something i could never make use of, and end up without enough money for my medications and required doctor visits.

It’s enough to make this grown woman cry. I really thought this was going to save us – but the government of my state (texas) and others like it have sabotoged the system – hurting a large majority of the people they claim to protect – just to get their personal digs in at a president they don’t like.

Too bad they dont have to suffer like we do. They’d change their tune in a heartbeat.


Sorry. You sound like one of the people that thinks hard working taxpayers should pay to take care of you. Once all the taxpayers get tired of footing all the bills for people that want a free ride or can’t find a decent job they are going to have to do something to change this. I really don’t know what can be done. But at some point there will be so many people getting handouts that there will not be anyone to get the handout from.


I am unemployed and disabled, but not eligible for SSDI or SSI since the government says I’m not disabled.

WHAT do I do? I’m not eligible for any aid with insurance due to my “income being too high.”

My income is $0!!

It’s all a joke to the government!


Just remember that ObamaCare tried to expand coverage to you for free and the GOP in your state blocked this. In short you and millions of others have no coverage options due to Republicans in your state.


I’m so tired of the Dem’s blaming the Rep’s and the Rep’s blaming the Dem’s. You are elected by the people to work FOR us not against us, stop blaming each other and LISTEN to the people! I didn’t want this health care, I was just fine making payments out of pocket now I am forced to pay for something I don’t want and can’t afford. I was fine with my $50 a month payment for my medical bills that was affordable.


You are right, we all should be focusing on the best healthcare options for our country and not pointing fingers over political differences. The caveat of course is that each party, and in some instances each politician, has very different views on what the right next move is. Still, we need to remember to focus on what we have in common more than how your political leanings make us different. Ideally.


The best healthcare option for our country or its people???? For the people and those in healthcare business it is a having a free market where the government is not monopolizing or invested in a business such as healthcare. The Healthcare system we have is ment to divide people . Only 2 religions are exepemt and only one or 2 other insurance companies are also exempt. One is MEDI SHARE. A christian company that pats for everything you cant . It has a few rules but it seems worth it. A family of 3 can be coverd for aprix 200. A month ,double check that. The only good thing this obamacare did was to make people more religious and seek real help elswhere So thanks.

“Just remember that ObamaCare tried to expand coverage to you for free and the GOP in your state blocked this. In short you and millions of others have no coverage options due to Republicans in your state.”

At first I thought this comment was made by someone looking at this website. Then I realized, no, this comment was made by the official in charge of this website. I hope you realize how unprofessional your comment was. Most people would be in trouble with their boss for writing with that tone and making a comment like that. I suggest you edit it, although I’m guessing your supervisor is just fine with you making remarks of that nature.


Point taken. Counter point (from the boss / author of this privately run free to use fact site attempting to help people understand the law).

The PPACA was written to expand Medicaid coverage to all adults below the 133% poverty level (138% in practice). A libertarian / conservative backed lawsuit NFIB V. Sebblius attempting to “break” ObamaCare made it to the Supreme Court. That ruling ended with the mandate being declared a tax and let states opt-out of Medicaid expansion. Almost exclusively “red” states opted out of expanding Medicaid. The stated reason was cost, but this is really a weak argument. Likely the goal with opting out is the same as the NFIB case, to break ObamaCare and make Obama look bad. We can’t say this was the intention of all, but we can look back at videos, see the behavior of the GOP, and think of basic strategy and reasonably guess this is the case.

So when we say “ObamaCare tried to expand coverage for free (or low cost) to millions of uninsured low income Americans and that Republicans in your state are to blame for you not having coverage.” This is true. There is no elegant way to say that the GOP has sacrificed a bunch of low income Americans as pawns in an ideological war against Obama and subsidized healthcare. That was there choice, I don’t think it’s’ unfair to call it how it is. I could have framed the above as more favorable to the GOP like “they fought the socialist law to free poor people from the tyranny of state spending”, but I gotta say the version I went with sounds more true.

To clarify, we are a privately run website (the official one would of course never talk politics, only healthcare). Our aim is to help people understand the PPACA. In this case the data point to convey is that if you don’t hold Republicans accountable for rejecting Medicaid for political reasons then people in your state will continue to go without healthcare. If you don’t have healthcare because your Governor rejected expansion then this likely matters to you.


Perhaps had the Democrats not voting for this atrocity in the middle of the night without any Republicans knowing about it…it could have been different. I am also between a rock & a hard place…$0 income….husband is disabled & gets $345 a month after his $200 premiums for medicare…make too much for medicaid & can’t afford Obamacare at $426 a month…no that isn’t for a premium plan…high deductible & high out of pocket $12000…is this really reasonable??? No!!! I m 59 yrs old…my husband makes too much for me to qualify for medicaid & burger flippers want $15 an hr…ha!!!

Can’t agree more with the first statement, if the parties would work together we would have better legislation. Ryan even admits that the GOP has been the party of “NO”. Everything else aside, their stonewall tactics have been about as useless as a wet noodle for the country. Blocking liberals is not governing, it’s just stalling. I am NOT impressed. Stop the hate and pandering and give us a smart business oriented solution that provides universal coverage, give the people and the other party something to take seriously.

The truth is nothing is free. Tax payers still have to pay taxes. And then the “government” takes hard working tax payers money and gives free or low cost insurance and anything else people that don’t work want or need. I don’t have insurance. I can’t afford to buy groceries. We only make it by the grace of God. I dare you to say the republicans didn’t want people to have free stuff. Where is the government getting the FREE money to help all the people that aren’t working. The only people that should have “free” insurance are truly physically or mentally disabled. And for the other people, the great and powerful government should have jobs available for American citizens. And since no one is really listening: let me just say: If an illegal alien has a child in the United States that child or children should also be illegal. Nothing’s free unless you don’t work. Which gives people very little incentive to work. Ridiculous.

The “administrator” on this site is extremely unhelpful and unprofessional…. a very biased person who is not giving anyone any positives of this program… Just blaming others… It must run in the current administration’s nature… Blame the other guy…. Gosh, it couldn’t be Obama…. his plan is infallible! HAHA (In case you didn’t already notice… I’m being extremely sarcastic – OBAMACARE IS HURTING AVERAGE AMERICANS!!!!!!!)


Hmm, thanks for the feedback. I actually just respond to what I see. So maybe the initial comments are negative and the response shaded by that. Maybe its frustrating to see a country who needs to fight a bigger healthcare issue focused on fighting itself instead. Honestly don’t know, but will consider your comment.

Most of the site is filled with all the awesome benefits of the ACA. But there are also a lot of misconceptions. Learning about the law I feel a responsibility to simply let the conversation rest at “OBAMACARE IS HURTING AVERAGE AMERICANS!!!!”. I think that is a shallow reading of the nature of healthcare in America and will only lead us further away for a real solution… and i’m doing it again aren’t I.

Then President Obama is a coward. He should force Medicaid expansion down those Governors throat or withhold federal money to those states and use those funds for tax credits. These Governors are jeopardizing the well being of their citizens. President Obama does nothing, I call that cowardice.


Actually they have no options because the health care plan dictates which plans are approved as “qualified”

as it turns out. There are 2 sides to everything. You say its republican, I say its a faulty premise that we should put more power over us into the hands of the people who make money from screwing us. But what do either of us really know about what were talking about?


Likely we both have part of the truth and if we put our heads together we can make changes. But I suggest we fight over who has better hair Trump or Sanders.


OMG!! REALLY, now it is a party line thing too. when is anyone going to take responsibility and say they screwed this whole thing up!!! Use drugs, have no ambition, have lots of babies at a young age and refuse to work and support them or come here illegally, then all is forgiven and free and those of us who work everyday and bust our busts will be more than happy to foot the bill for you.All the while we will continue to live with the fear of being hurt because the cost of insurance for someone like my wife and making 60k a year is more than our house payment. sorry Obama but i chose to keep a roof over my head and reliable transportation so i CAN work and support my family without relying on my government to do it for me. Might be hard to comprehend when all the politicians have free health care for life, let them live like us!


Amen brother. If you are trying to explain any of this to a liberal they are never going to listen. They think anybody that makes more money than someone else should give the lower income person their hard earned dollar. Of course, it doesn’t apply to the liberal democrat that has more money than most of us. The bible says if you don’t work you don’t eat. Which goes back to if you are unable to work, of course we want to help. God says we should help the needy. He didn’t say we are to let the “government” which is supposed to work for us make us help the needy. It is God’s will that we help. The other problem is that a lot of people don’t believe in God. But they will. I hope things get better for you and your wife and God has mercy on our once Great country.


The better translation is “if you are unwilling to work, you don’t eat”. Closer to how you say we should help the needy.

I don’t believe in a god, but I do believe in the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The problem is not religious. I know plenty of people who claim to be Christian, yet couldn’t care less about anybody who doesn’t look and dress like them. In fact, some of the Most judgemental and inconsiderate people I’ve met call themselves Christian.
We’ve been programmed to be consumers and the more we can stockpile, the closer we are to the unobtainable American dream. When greed is in charge, the greedy will not contribute unless the law forces them to. Even when laws are in place to make them contribute to the welfare of the minimum-wage slaves they used to build their fortunes, they use every trick in the book to avoid paying the taxes they legally owe.
I do agree with the administrator on one point; Party politics have once again blocked the path of real working reform. Republicans in Congress sliced and diced Obamacare just like they neutered Clinton’s welfare reform in 1996. If I had a voice, I would call what they did in both cases unconstitutional.
Nothing has changed, nothing will change, as long as the GOP keeps playing the same dirty tricks and toeing the party line NO MATTER WHAT. Most of them can’t stand their current Presidential candidate, and it’s not even because he’s one of the criminal tax-dodgers who has screwed over every average working person he’s come into contact with. They’re not backing him, they’re backing THE PARTY. It’s a cult.
I personally vote Dem, although I don’t agree with everything they do. In a two party system, they’re the lesser of two evils. My political views actually combine elements of Libertarianism and Socialism.
Thanks to the Christian-Commercial conspiracy of the early decades of the 20th century that spawned our current more more more “American Dream” attitude of mindless greed equaling patriotism, we need laws to promote the general welfare, AND fewer regulations blocking those who need help from actually getting it, ergo less administration fees driving up healthcare costs.

That’s complete BS and you know it. Obamacare is a failure and EVERYBODY knows it we need the GOP to fix your screwup and how dare you put your trash on someone else. Own up to the fact that you messed up and screwed over every LEGAL citizen in America thank god for trump he’ll fix this mess


When I hear talk like this, such bitter and hateful talk with so few facts, my immediate reaction is to be snooty. Instead I’d just point to this:


It describes how some right-wing media drills really negative stuff into people’s heads. That makes it hard to have a rational tit-for-tat conservative and liberal debate. Conservatives have great ideas, but Trump can’t magically fix everything. if you are paying attention to the current state of healthcare that is exactly the conversation going on (the one where people work together for solutions, not just slander).


Of course I do not qualify for help. I have a full time job and so does my husband. To be able to afford healthcare, we would have to move farther away from our jobs to afford our rent. Even if we could afford health insurance, we still couldn’t cover the deductible. Forced health insurance is only going to drive us into further debt. Good bye middle class.


My wife and I together make about 66k a year. With that, the monthly “insurance”  cost for my wife and I is about $672. Now, that’s still out of my price range if everything was covered 100%, and almost nothing is. And, there is a $12,000 annual deductible! The deductible and the annual premium together mean that I will need to spend $20,000 a year before I get fully covered for virtually anything! Sure, the plan covers $70 office & urgent care visits, and free preventive care, but my private doctor only charges $75 for these visits. I would pay the first $500 for prescriptions, the next $500 covered by the plan, and after that I’m on my own…

Conclusion: won’t be wasting my money on this type of so-called insurance! It would serve me no good unless I had over $20,000 in medical bills in one year. In that case, we wouldn’t be able to afford it anyway! Who could?


The truth is, for those who want to really use health services, and who don’t get cost assistance, the Gold or Platinum plans are the only real solution. The high deductible plans are meant to act as catastrophic coverage and pair with an HSA. They are a decent move for some, but like if you want a Harley of course a Moped is going to seem like a crummy deal for the price.


“The truth is, for those who want to really use health services, and who don’t get cost assistance, the Gold or Platinum plans are the only real solution. The high deductible plans are meant to act as catastrophic coverage and pair with an HSA. They are a decent move for some, but like if you want a Harley of course a Moped is going to seem like a crummy deal for the price.”
Are you seriously comparing buying health insurance to buying a motorcycle? Sure, I guess, if that Harley you can’t afford offered life saving coverage to chronically ill people while that darned “moped” covered none of the costs. How about you change your statement to “those who NEED to use health services because they are CHRONICALLY OR TERMINALLY ILL and who don’t get cost assistance, the Gold or Platinum plans are the only real solution, but unfortunately they are not AFFORDABLE TO THOSE WHO NEED IT.”


Actually the answer isn’t that simple. I was just trying to use association and metaphor instead of saying the same thing over and over:

Health insurance is expensive
States that didn’t embrace the program made life very hard on those who lose income or don’t have income.
Gold and platinum plans are essential if you are sick and don’t have medicaid, unless you pair catastrophic with an HSA and have a good buffer in the HSA.
There are lots of solutions for lots of people, but not for everyone. Every situation is different.
There is going to be sticker shock and buyers remorse in many situations, even when people make the best choices for them.

They never compared the two. They gave an example. Why you are angry with an person who is just trying to answer peoples questions is beyond me.

There are numerous studies that show that the gold and premium plans are not a better deal. You are incredibly uniformed for one who thinks he has all the answers.

The worst part is having only a small window that allows for the purchase of insurance. I simply do not have the money to pay for any of it today. However if Im able to turn it around in the next 90 days, Im still screwed as now I cant get coverage at all.

You are a moron for thinking that this is better than what existed before.


After walking bone on bone for several years now, my son has just had his first knee replacement. He can get the other one replaced as soon as he can save up another $6,000.00 for the deduction. Which makes me think that, Ins. Co. are making a killing as are pharmaceutical Co. Maybe if we can get the costs under control there might be enough for everybody.
These other countries, I keep reading about, that provide health care for everyone ie: Canada, Germany, etc. set limits on what pharmaceutical Co. can charge in their countries.
As for reeling-in the Insurance Companies. Someone more knowledgeable than me will need to address that.
Thank you for the opportunity to express my two cents.


This responder needs a reality check. There are thousands of families who qualify for cost assistance, or Medicaid, based on their MAGI. It isn’t enough! There are families that look like they have decent earnings (by the numbers requested at Healthcare.gov) that are drowning in real life. We STILL can’t afford the coverage. They do not take debt load into account, don’t check to see if the families can qualify for credit (due to outstanding debt) to verify, don’t know if the families can afford the co-pays and deductibles on the lower tier coverages, don’t check to see if a family member has a life threatening illness, etc. etc. Obamacare doesn’t take into account the folks who are under 65, qualify for no assistance due to earnings and age, paying thousands per year in Rx costs, co-pays, deductibles, and costs associate with chronic (life-threatening) health problems. It doesn’t count the medical debt incurred in previous years that isn’t getting paid down. It only benefits people who don’t have income and/or know how to “work” the system to reap the benefits of welfare even though they shouldn’t be entitled to it. I could go on and on but what’s the point. We’re screwed.


We are well aware of the pitfalls related to cost in the current system and we were certainly aware of the pitfalls of the old system.

Our goal is to spread awareness of all the options people have under the Affordable Care Act (take deductions, use an HSA, get a Silver plan to be eligible for cost sharing reduction, shop based on your needs, understand networks). We aim to our readers understand ways to lower costs and to point out all the good the law is doing around the country.

We hope this will lead to a discussion about further smart reform of underlying healthcare costs and the way those are passed onto consumers. What we want to avoid is people misdirecting all their anger at the law and thus resulting in little more than a repeal of ObamaCare as a solution and instead spark a conversation about what still needs to change.


The reform has helped the few, not the overall hard working middle class Americans. In order for me to get a plan that I could actually use the insurance, I would have to get a Gold or Premium plan. I have asthma and have been unable to get my medication for a year because I could not get qualified for insurance last year even though I was an out of work single mother. This year, if I put myself and my daughter on a plan with somewhat reasonable deductibles it would cost m anywhere from $700-$1,110/month. How in the hell is that affordable? I would have to get a second job to do that, and in that case that raises my income and then the premiums are even more. This healthcare plan needs to be trashed and they need to start over, actually trying to do what is best for the masses. Other countries can do it, so we should be able to as well.


I agree, this Obamacare Who can afford it. it needs to be trashed
How someone can figure I can afford $1,200 a month with a $7,500 out of pocket? Get real and stop taking from the lower middle class to pay illegal immigrants and lazy people


To clarify: Sick people and the underlying cost of healthcare would be the primary reason rates are going up. Illegal immigrants can’t get cost assistance (except in some states through Medicaid) and many states didn’t expand Medicaid (and it’s a different market) so those costs aren’t really added in.

I feel like i am being backed into a corner at this point. I absolutely can not afford to use the insurance i am paying for how is that ok? When will this change? How do they expect people who are going into debt and watching their once good credit rating drop! I cant make it much longer? I work have nothing now. Not taking my deductions basic necessities into consideration is outrageous!!! Why in the hell am i torturing myself for absolutely nothing! Im not getting a head anymore, im falling behind. Hmmm Quit my job get on medicaid full benefits i have cavities that cause severe pain and i still have to suffer thru but not if i dont work live off the government. Free health care dental and optical!!! I can finally feel healthy again… Free food and hey they will pay my shut off notices too doesnt sound bad at all i can do what ever i want all day and night. Thats what is going to happen if people are working for nothing! Saying people are getting help with subsidies etc is not true maybe some but not all people are. This is unbelievable and im sick of it. Im sick of being in pain and going into work sick while their are people on medicaid trying to sell me their antibiotics wth is that ??? Yea sell me their free medications that i help pay for!!! Seriously thats beyond wrong!!!

It all comes down to this… the rich don’t care because they can afford the premiums and the politicians aren’t even subject to the wonderful (NOT) “Affordable Care Act”; if you are destitute or know how to work the system you may get help BUT if you are “middle class” trying to do what you are supposed to you get NO help whatsoever!!! The middle class always gets screwed!


The problem is the screwed up idea that people need “skin in the game” when it comes to health insurance. If you are having a stroke how much more “skin” do you need? It’s your life and yet you say a person who now cannot work has to pay this huge penalty before he can receive care? He has to pay several thousand dollars, face multiple out-of network issues and spend hours on the phone when he may not even be able to speak. Plus he cannot work for an extended period. Why insist on kicking this man while he is down just so an insurance company can pocket money he needs to live and support his family? High Deductible Health Insurance is a crime against humanity and those who defend it should watch their back. Be not deceived God is not mocked!


The way income vs expenses are calculated is unfair flawed for most of these “public assistance benefits”, including Obamacare…and it seems to actually favor becoming unemployed if one is employed.

Housing, foodstamps, transportation costs and other financial help to the ‘poor’ is not considered as income for some, even as it is not considered an “expense” for others.

Why aren’t some working families aren’t allowed to reduce thier take-home income by the amount they pay for housing, food, or necessary transportation and childcare costs, when applying for health insurance benefits? For example:

A family of 4 (two working adults, two children) makes 3200 take-home pay a month, pays 900 of that for rent. Not eligible for free Link, transportation, or childcare. Subsidized insurance costs them about 240/mo which, after the rest of the families bills (food, gas, electric, phone, transportation, childcare, etc) puts them in the negative every month. Their deductible for doctor visits is $40. Their tax EIC is 2400, which is mainly used to catch up on late bills every year. They can’t save up for a rainy day or their childrens’ future college education. They would get a better deal (but remain poor) if one parent quit their job.

A single mom with one child who makes 1200 a month at work. She has a small apartment worth 900 but only pays 200 a month, because she is on sec8. She also gets around 160 in Link, and 200 in child support. She also gets free childcare, free transportation card, free phone, help with utility bills, and she and her child get free medicaid insurance, her deductible is $2 for doctor visits. She would still get most of those benefits if she didn’t work at all. Right now, her paycheck (and 3350 tax EIC) is practically gravy, to have fun with as she pleases.


That’s why single payer is the way to go–but Obama tried that briefly and couldn’t get it passed. He was forced into a “Romneycare” style solution, because blue dog Dems and all Republicans were too much in the pocket of the insurance corporations to make that drastic of a change happen. Plus, Republicans scream “socialism!” every time a single payer system is mentioned. Obama is not at fault–he did the best he could, given the current situation. Free market solutions do not exist–we already have a free market, and costs keep rising. Tort reform is a drop in the bucket and wouldn’t solve the problem. Severe cost control is the only solution (like Germany, who has a program similar to Obamacare, practices), but again, the corporate power brokers won’t permit cost controls. So what we have is the best we’re going to get until either cost controls are put into place or a single payer system is voted in. And good luck in the current political environment in regard to both of those. Obama is merely a fall guy for everything that the military-industrial-corporate complex has done to undermine this country. Sorry.


Dear Mr. Obama Do I pay my house payment or health insurance? I wish you ” Obama” would just please listen. You have zero idea what its like to be in my shoes. My wife and I make 79k combined each year. This sounds like a lot but really when its all added up we really don’t have much left. Maybe we go out to eat and stuff but We can’t afford kids even We made the choice to just Not have them also let alone retirement Forget that lol. When you factor in 983.00 house payment 150.00 car payment, Food,Gas,phone, other small debt payments we only have about 700.00 per month left how can we pay for insurance daycare kids LOL, retirement on that. According to you mr. Obama we make too much for government help but yet we are the ones paying the taxes. It sounds like to me we should quit our jobs forclose the house and get Free Medicade. It’s the only way. The working middle class cant get ahead in life. if this Crap still continues American will fall. There is till hope if you Mr. Obama would at least take away the mandate ….then it will solve the problem. I must make a choice pay my house payment and car payment or have health insurance. I think I’ll pay the penalty divorce my wife and have a lower income bracket. It seems to me the government want us to fail. Why does a 17 year old girl get to drop out of school pop out kids get free health care, free cell phone, and medical care, and I have to pay for it. IF I pay taxes she should get nothing unless she pays also. In fact I pray that I get cancer so I can die sooner, at least my wife would be better off. At least on paper. Think about this please!!


I can 1 up you, I’m a young, reasonably healthy, single female working at $10/h and I make roughly 16k to 17k a year depending on if I can get O/T. Because I make just over 16k instead of 15k I don’t qualify for any benefits or exemptions. After subtracting my basic living expenses (rent/car/utilities) I only have about $275 a month left for personal expenses such as food, toiletries, gas, etc… Under Obamacare, the cheapest insurance I qualify for is $155/month with an almost $7,000 deductible. That would leave me with a weekly budget of $30 for gas and food and I already burn $20 of gas a week just commuting to work! My previous insurance before Obamacare was only $13.50/month with a $100-$500 deductible and I would still have it if Obamacare hadn’t stepped in and told my company it was “non-compliant”. The tax-fee to be uninsured is only 1% of your yearly income, for me that’s roughly $14/month. Which one did they think most Americans on a tight budget would pick!


I see where you are going here. Just for clarification the fee is up a bit this year. The thing here is that you were getting coverage cheaper than most Americans before and now it looks like you are stuck with a jacked up employer rate. If you could get cost assistance (at your income) you would actually be looking at a similar priced plan this year (after cost assistance). So the reality of the situation is NOT COOL for you personally, but we can see how the real sticking point if we wanted to fix things was the cost of employer coverage in the current market (due to the way subsidies work).

The annual fee for not having insurance in 2015 is $695 per adult and $347.50 per child (up to $2,085 for a family), or it’s 2.5% of your household income above the tax return filing threshold for your filing status – whichever is greater. You’ll pay 1/12 of the total fee for each full month in which a family member went without coverage or an exemption.


I make $65,000 a year, my wife who is sick had to quit her job making $65,000 a year, she also held the benefits. She has what you call Cronic migraines. It’s so bad that she has worn sunglasses and ear plugs to work. Well she is also suffering from PTSD due to her ex husband beating her up for 9 years. She has a lot of medical issues that was carried into this marriage. Now, I have to pay all the bills, mortgage, CC’s and all her bills. She just recently took on a part time job making $10 an hour. I am healthy right now but we all know that can change quick. We fall in the category of “your out of luck”. I can’t get help anywhere at all. I can’t even afford health for my wife without losing my house!! I’m 38 and 1 1/2 years ago I finally made my dreams by buying a home. But now I’m forced into most likely selling and moving in with someone. I didn’t ask for my dreams to be taken away from me, but with no one to help it seems like they are. Now the person from Obama care can fill me in with a bunch of non existing, falsification stories about go here and apply for this or go here and apply for that. What they don’t have is the balls to say sorry dude, your life sucks and we still want your fee. I’ve paid my taxes, always obeyed the law, and done right by all my bill collectors. But I’m ashamed of saying that the government of the USA is nothing more then a MOB!!! They don’t care about us at all. Leave the homeless in the streets, screw the hard working class people, take all our taxes just because THEY don’t know how to manage money. When’s they retire they will sit nicely, while we all suffer. Burn in HELL all you politicians. I hope you all lose your jobs, be forced into the streets and get your ass kicked by every thug alive! You deserve nothing but the worst!! And thank you for taking all my dreams away and leaving my wife sick, this is all on you!!!


Has your wife applied for Social Security Disability? She should. It takes awhile to get it but if she has a verifiable chronic medical condition she can get it.

It’s me, my husband & daughter living on one income of $36000 a year. Our daughter barely got medicaid. We get nothing else. We’re not on welfare etc. My husband pays a lot for his insurance through work & adding me would be a lot more. Can’t afford it. We scrape to get by. We’re in such bad shape & they act like we can afford coverage. We’re in severe dept. I don’t work & can’t. Disabled but make too much to get any help (ssi or ssdi). I suddenly started getting really sick in Oct. 2012. Also, I just found a lump about 2.5 months ago & it twice the size now. My front teeth have crumbled. I vomit blood sometimes, always in pain. i pass kidney stones all the time. I could go on & on. I just have to say that I’ll be surprised if i make it to my early 40’s.

Ditto for me and millions like us. Ben echos our situation. The options listed as answers is so scripted and false it is laughable. Repeal Obamacare, repeal the Elitist Demicrats and repeal our current government. I would rather the government stay out of our lives altogether.


What? None of the idiots who voted for his bill even knew what was in it when it passed. He could have snuck any socialized bullshit in that he wanted and no one who voted on it would have a clue that it happened. Wake up genius, he’s just as much a corporate shill as all the rest of the big buisness bottom feeders in office.


That is a really interesting POV. Good comment. I do think though it’s very American to be slow and steady and not over-rock the boat, perhaps there is more to the story.


Obama IS at fault. He just could not do enough for Wall Street but noting for the people. He is black, but “Black Lives Matter” was formed under his watch. Doesn’t that speak well of his priorities. I hate to use the “N” word but if it is used to describe a certain type of degraded person who has sold his soul for money and access to power the shoe fits and you hardly have to be black to wear this shoe!


Ha ha ok so the funniest thing is I Had health insurance that cost me 200 a month ….. Not counting meds and co pays …. They didn’t even wanna pay for my asthma meds I’ve been on for the past 6 years ……. I’m sorry but my med were are working why would I change just because they say they won’t pay for it ….. Last I checked that’s why I even have health insurence ……… But needless to say my husban and I both are in our early 20s we just bought a house and had to choose between eating and health insurance like really how dare them …….. We only make 25,000 a year how the hell are we supposed to make it thank god we don’t have kids I don’t know what we would do ….. The bad thing is we both went to collage thank god we don’t have student loans …….like how do they expect young adults who do have health problems to get anywhere in life ……..and the funnest thing about all of it is I go out of state to a dentist because our dental insurance in state is more expensive to use it when it covers 60% than to pay out of pocket in another state that’s the sad thing

barely makingit

I’m 52, married, one child 9 years old. We live in Los Angles. AGI is roughly $89,000. That sounds like a lot, but in Los Angles after taxes, take home is roughly $2500 every two weeks. We rent. We pay the least expensive we can find and not live in a dangerous neighborhood. I know others who are making less than us and are paying a lot more than we are. We consider ourselves lucky. Because we have a child we can’t just live anywhere we want. We have to consider schools, and many other things in order to make sure our daughter is safe and secure. Roughly 50% of our income goes to rent, that’s pretty common in LA right now and not likely to get better for sometime. Because of the recession, my husband was out of work for most of the last two years, so we have no savings left and we have debt, lots of it. Credit is what kept us from becoming homeless.
The quote we received, and believe me, I didn’t take Covered CA’s Website as my only source, I called every expert I could find. The best quote we were able to get was over $900 a month, obviously not eligible for any subsidies. Outside the exchange, through my husband’s work it was roughly $1200. This is not affordable….

Currently, without insurance, it costs us more than we make to live and pay bills. Even if we defaulted on all our debt, we would still not be able to afford even half of these premiums. I’m sick now, I need to got to the doctor and find out what is wrong, but I can’t,… I also badly need new glasses, my daughter and I need to go to the dentist. How did these things become a luxury,….

I’ve asked others how they are doing it, thinking we must be missing something. Found out that many are in the same position, no health insurance, or they have parents that are well off enough to help out or they are either directly or indirectly going into debt for it. Some have even gotten a divorce so they can be eligible for help. These are middle class people, not people in poverty. We need universal health care. NOW!!!!!!!!!


First of all, you base my medical cost for insurance on how much I make a year. Most are based on there Salary, and should be based on 40 hour a week and what you make per hour. I make 13.75/hr x 40 = about 29k and some change. But I get overtime and make more. Each year is different and I do depend on my overtime. So I make 39,000 and my insurance is sky high with being the lowest on the bronze insurance. You wanna take 3/4 of my paycheck per week per month and say this is affordable. Indont understand how you can say this is. You dictate to the American people on how they should run there lives. How dare you become a dictator. I’m appalled by you making that choice and haven’t listened to those who can’t afford it. We’re nothing to you and you don’t give a dam. Don’t know what else to say since no one else in our government wants to listen to us.


Insurance can’t cost 3/4 of your income after cost assistance. The maximum it can cost is 9.5% of MAGI for the second lowest cost silver plan, since we are talking about a bronze plan it would be less. This is true for an individual making $39,000 (in MAGI after deductions) with cost assistance. Having more family members increases the assistance amount. Over 17 million people who didn’t have coverage before the law now have coverage. The cost of coverage can be frustrating, but the numbers in this comment don’t add up. Feel free to comment back with more detail explaining the situation better.


If that were true, then my lowest premium wouldn’t be $240.

9% of my MAGI is $180

explain this.


Tax credits are based off the second lowest cost silver plan in your region. That will cap a plan with the same cost at 9.5% of income at 300% – 400% FPL. If you get a more expensive plan (perhaps because your region is expensive) you could certainly end up paying the difference. In the same spirit, if you get a lower cost bronze plan (there should be lower cost plans) you would save more money.

This is only true for Marketplace subsidies. For employer plans they are supposed to ensure your share of costs is less than 9.5%.


I am a naturalized citizen originally from EUROPE and I voted twice for Obama but this Obamacare is not well thought out and does not benefit the lower income people like it says it does.

You have to be super poor to qualify for Medicaid then again that would be close to being homeless because you have to make less than what $15-$20k. Who can live on that unless you live in the middle of nowhere. And if you make more than that and do not qualify for Medicaid then you get taxed highly and have to pay a lot of money just so you can see a doctor. If you have a job and make say $40k to $60k your premium is like $250-$300 for the lowest care. The government thinks you are making a decent salary, boom they tax you higher, plus a premium as high as a car payment. You get penalized for working in this country, you might as well be on SNAP and Medicaid and have 5 kids by 5 different men and work as a waitress or nanny to get by and get paid in cash.what a joke!

Where I live, DC area that is, where rich politicians, well mainly Obama reside!!, a 1 bedroom apartment starts from $1500, 2 bedroom $2500 Fairfax County is what, the second richest county in the US? Yet, you want me to pay taxes and premiums similar to what a person residing in say Wichita.

My previous job offered healthcare I used to pay ~$400 for myself and my daughter (divorced mom of now a teenager, by the way, who has not collected one penny in court ordered child support in 15 yrs THANKS AMERICA) Now my job offers no insurance and I make about $25k less than what I made before the crisis in 2008 ( and noone bailed me when I lost my house, THANKS AMERICA) marketplace wants to charge me the same amount of premium for an HMO level care. It is ridiculous. And to get charged a penalty is even more ridiculous.

I’m telling you this country is a joke on so many levels. But you do not realize it because the ethnocentrism and patriotism have blinded you. You think this is the greatest country in the world. Umm, have you looked around and seen how many homeless or people who are about to be homeless just because they miss a paycheck or two? Have you ever been to the Netherlands or Sweden or Luxembourg and seen how wealthy they are- oh they get 2 months of vacation every year too by the way.

Health insurance should be government funded. Simple as that. You tax all that money but sorry, what do we exactly get in return? After the snow storm we could only go back outside yesterday and roads were still messed up here and schools have been closed until next Monday because noone bothers to clean the roads. Chicago got 6 months of snow, much worse, schools or the roads never closed for 1 day. Just ask Obama. So where are my tax dollars going in Virginia?

I had very high hopes for Obama, in fact I was at the Grant Park on that cold November night as a former resident of Chicago. But he failed me and so many other hard working people. I expected tax reforms- learn something from the Swiss tax systemfor example. Motivate the hard working people, single moms like me, who is not trying to cheat the system. When the government makes a SNAFU, BAIL THE PEOPLE OUT first. Make college education close to free. Look at Europe, mainly Germany. Education is free and much better- I went to college on both continents FYI.

Some of you may say, wellyou are complaining so much why dont you leave. Well, when your dhild is born in this country and this is the only country she knows you would do the same. When she is off to college in 2 yrs I will say sayanora and leave you with the same headaches and problems you always talk about before and during every election time and complain but never seem to find a solution ever since I ve moved here since the Clinton era.-whom I miss dearly.

You talk as if paying 8% of your income is ok and acceptable for insurance that does nothing. If 8% is so low cost to you them maybe you should send us 8% of your income. Since its nothing anyhow. Then we could pay our stupid “obamacare” each month, because that 8% means to us we cannot save money we cant afford other bills, we end up with nothing, Etc

9.5% Of gross pay is a lot more than 9.5% of net pay. Calculated from my gross pay, 9.5% is $40. My average check is only $275. So, $275 – $40 = $235. Now I have $235 to pay bills and eat food. If I could pay my bills in full on time ever, that would be $235 – $280 = $-45. Even without an insurance bill, I’m still $5 in the hole, every week. Every week I have to figure out how to turn that negative balance into food and gas money. If – no – When the car breaks, we’re in crisis mode. More debt on top of more debt on top of shut-offs on top of calling off work because I have no transportation on top of more debt and more and more debt. I work in retail, so I’ve been juggling this for 15 years, when the recession really started. This is my real life, not some imaginary projection of sliding-scale blah blah blah. If I actually got $400 a week, my life would be rainbows and unicorns, a fantasy, just like basing costs on gross pay. $120 of disposable income! I could buy healthy food! I could not stress about what utility to put off without a shut-off! I could do fun outdoor activities that cost money! I could fix my house’s water leaks that are most likely getting moldy by now! A dream! All that better living might lead to better health! But no, instead I have to give up 1/3 of my paycheck to help subsidize insurance companies that want 15% more of my check to to nothing for me except cause more stress and starvation.
Campaign finance whatever whatever… OUTLAW LOBBYING.

Oh, I see. Health insurance shouldn’t be higher than 9.5 percent of adjusted gross income. That happens to be .05 percent under the Medical tax deduction for a year. SO, IN EFFECT 9.5% equates to 0% medical write off at tax time. Brilliant! Trump will change that BS.

@Jacqueline you are 1000% correct and that is what I am doing as well as soon as I save enough money (which will be awhile in this shit country) I am out and this is coming from a natural born citizen of the US and my children are coming with me.So Have fun raping all your citizens America and have your fun while it last doing the same to me because in a few short years you wont have myself and my two daughters to steal from you low life p.o.s in government and corporate america.Denmark or sweden is the way to go I’m telling you everybody having these issues if you are fed up and tired of the system never changing and stealing your hard earned money and leaving you with nothing then go to a better country because depite what everyone says here in they’re idiotic blind patriotism the U.S IS NOT the best country to live the dream in other countries in Europe are.If everyone was to do this drastic measure lets see how long government survives on they’re own without our hard earned cash or lets see how quickly it changes when they lose more then a quarter of the people footing the bill for them and they’re p.o.s cronnies.

Only 9.5%? I am a 22 year old who has just finished college. I am still living with my parents who themselves cannot afford insurance. I have a part time job with the state. I makeep close to $900 a month and pay everything myself. I have just started paying back my student loans and trying to do so in a shorter amount of time. After talking with representatives and finding the lowest priced plan, $157 a month, I feel like this is a waste of money that I cannot afford. I only see a doctor for checkups twice a year at $50 a visit. The fee of being penalized for not having insurance is certainly lower than over $2,400 a year. Paying over 20% of my income on something I won’t use is just plain stupid.


I totally agree!!! mine is 661 a onth for the lowest. between my husband (who is on medicare) and I e make 70,000….but alot of that is early(partial) social security becasue we cant afford to live without opting for early payments. I don’t go to the dr so for me, this is truly a waste of money. I need to gie up my job that I love but doesn’t pay benefits, and go to a job that I’ll hate for that employer to help defray the cost of my health care!!!!! only in America!!!


Unfortunately the government does not care if people can or cannot afford healthcare they just care if they are following “the law” made to require them to have it punishable by a fine if they don’t. We have less and less rights and freedoms. It is sad. My income is next to nothing but I qualify for a bronze program for $812.27/ month ummm yeah I don’t even make that a month. That’s our government,that’s our land of the used to be free. Oh and did I mention that medicaid sent me a letter right before the deadline stating they will not be making a decision on my case at this time? Disgusting!!

you know what 9.5% is.

The same as Sales Tax.
We’re being bled.

Tax when You’re paid. Tax when you buy anything with the money you were already taxed on, and now a mandatory tax for living in the states.

9.5 is too high. if i make 22000 a year after tax. the cost of rent around here is 800 dollars on the low end. utilities, electricity, garbage, water, sewer, phone, and gas for the crummy car i have to drive because i cant afford to get ahead plus 300 in food eating on the cheap with never going out. never enjoying anything in life with my money that i work 40 hours a week to earn, the total comes to 1600 a month for me. and i get to live. that’s 19200 a year. if im then able to be charged roughly 220 dollars (9.5% of 28000) on my Gross income, not my take home, but what i was already taxed out of and you multiply that by 12 months that’s another 2640. add the 19200 from earlier. and Ive spent 21840. of my 22000.

That leaves me with 160 dollars? in a years work? of working for 2000 hours? I have 160 dollars? And you think this is reasonable? How does a 25 year old get anywhere in life? how is the suicide rate not higher? how have all the people not left the country for somewhere they don’t have to get a second and third job yet? This is a major step backwards.

Oh, but if i forgo the whole thing. I can get away with a 700 tax fee. which would allow me another 1950 to hang onto. So if I just take the tax hit and don’t get covered, don’t use your system, and never have to go to the doctor then ill have something to pay for a car when mine falls apart.

You know whats frustrating though, is that most people who support this federally imposed health care wont understand that what im saying is there are more ways to suffer than having your health sapped away by time. Money isnt everything, but it sure is when you don’t have anything and this bill did a great job of taking the last of it from me. 9.5% is not reasonable. 9.5% is attrotious. It’s abhorent. It’s disgusting. how about not taking 15% then 10% and another 10% before I have to pay 1600 of my 2000 a month to survive. ffs.


Bull they don’t care!!! I got hurt at work in 2010 and have been unable to return to work I have had 5 surgeries lost my job along with my insurance from work. We bought a home in 2008 so we have a monthly mortgage, car payments, utilities, auto insurance, toll to get to dr apt. And more. We worked hard to keep up our credit score. I go to the dr maybe 1 or 2 times a year. Now because I had to get health ins and the premium is so high I can’t pay the deductible of 6000.00. Now they increased my premium almost a 100.00 a month for 2016. Our credit is in the dumps. Can’t get help from SS because I worked for the School district and payed into a Teachers retirement. I had work and paid into SS for over 20 years but because I haven’t paid in in the last 10 year i can’t get SS benefits was told SSI was like welfare and we made to much for me to get it. But our government will give free health care to a bunch of illegal immigrants. Our government put others before its own.!!!!


Illegals do not get free health care, stupidest thing I’ve heard.
Illegals pay federal income tax and don’t even get a return FYI, pay extra on car insurance, get house and auto loans at higher interest rate, and on top of all that do not qualify for any help, if your referring to Medicaid, food stamps that might be given to American citizen their children and that might be because they only make the minimum wage to flip your burger, clean your house and cut your grass.


Wrong. Many illegals DO get free health care. They apply for and receive welfare which includes medical, housing subsidies, cell phones, food stamps. Check YOUR facts.

If you were injured at work, you should be receiving Workers’ Compensation or State Disability, your surgeries for that should be covered 100%, and you cannot lose your job.


You want my wife and I to pay $650/month ??? We don’t qualify for assistance either ??? We have a toddler and daycare and other bills to pay for. These premiums are outrageous. We slowly go broke every month because of you. You help me fall behind into debt day by day.


You say it can’t cost more than 8% but it does. This is just the premium. Most of us cannot afford the deductible or copays to even use it. The answers you give here are not based on reality. I did not have healthcare before because I simply could not afford it. It’s three times more expensive now, and our income has not increased, so how could you possibly conceive that it is now magically affordable?


seriously how can someone really afford health ins making 10.00/hr? 40/wk= 400 now lets take out taxes your left with 320 now at 9% of 400 = 36 320-36= 284 per pay check take home. rent =600 electric=80 phone=50 food for the whole month 350 gas=80 car ins (Michigan) 200 …..bills alone are 1360 now 40/hr work week I only take home 284×4 = 1136 that leaves me at a negative (224) ….So in America where the avg pay is 10/hr …the Government wants you to either live at home with parents or never ever be in a position to save money..you cant afford a car not…so walk or ride a bike….now you’ll really be at a crapy job because you cant get out of your little circle to find a good job…thank my lucky stars I have a decent job with 74K in student debt that I couldn’t find a job in that profession so I took a lower paying job.. and I have a 3month old baby and a wife who wont go back to work because her paycheck alone just covers day care….wow what a great life of debt I will never get out of and now I have to pay for 3 people’s forced health ins …here’s a tip ! don’t go to college unless you have money saved for it …..your student loans will never be paid off unless you only took out 6K to do some odd job that only pays you 13/hr instead of 10 … in which case you’ll end up paying around 30K because you can only afford to pay the interest and not the principle……end of rant…have a great day everyone! 🙂 Stay positive.


Maybe since you went to college and it sounds like your wife didn’t have a very good job if it only pays for daycare. You should have thought about daycare before you had the baby. Or maybe you could just both stop working and have 2 or 3 more babies. That’s what most people do and you can also work under the table for cash and still get all of the FREE benefits. It’s laughable to me that some people on here say illegals pay taxes and don’t get free medical……….they don’t pay taxes at all because they work under the table 100%. They have several kids and most of them are pregnant when they get here so they can give birth immediately to an American citizen to jump on the FREEBIE band wagon. A vote for Hillary is more of the same and she wants to legalize 16 million plus people who are in this country ILLEGALLY and have broken the law. She is only doing it for votes and wants to have open borders. I can’t afford Obamacare either mine is $1300 a month with a $6600 deductible and I’m unemployed at this time. My husband was out of work for 3 months this year. Thanks Obama and his voters. This is now our country and I see that 50% of the country thinks that Hillary is the answer and she LOVES Obamacare and thinks it’s working. ROFLMAO


Just FYI, childcare costs are more than the cost of in State College tuition in many states. If you have more than one child… It takes a GREAT paying job to make up for the cost of childcare. People spend $10,000-$20,000 just on childcare expenses every year per child for the first 5 years of their life.

While reading these comments, I have to say that people are outrageous with their behaviors. Unemployed people don’t get any insurance and illegals most definitely do not get any food stamps. The animosity in these responses is ridiculous.

I must say though, I make around $20,000 annually, and still have to support 2 children. This being said, I cannot afford any insurance and have a part-time job, so I get no insurance there. Right now, I am sick, but cannot go to the doctor- I haven’t went to the doctor in 3 years honestly even though I am loaded with health problems, I cannot afford any of the payments or deductibles on healthcare. My state also refused Medicaid. This hurts, but I am not sure what else to do. I hope the new president will have better intentions and can do more for me and my family.


There is no credit if you fall into the “Family Glitch” which is where me and my husband fall. My husband is self employed and I work outside the home. My employer offers health insurance but only pays a portion of mine. I would have to pay my husband’s total premium which is over 25 percent of my income. We have purchased his insurance from the marketplace for the past several years with no credits, and have watched his premiums go from 125.00 per month for a 500.00 deductible before ACA to 550.00 per month now for a 6000.00 deductible now. Where is the help for people who fall into the family glitch hole?


Can’t help but to agree!!! This year, I’ve only made $21,482 as of my last pay stub, and Obamacare shows the lowest price per month as $360!!! I can’t afford that! But then if I try to get Medicaid, I “make too much”. So either people that can afford Obamacare or the “poor” can have insurance. Not anyone in between!!!


You may be looking a the cost of plans before cost assistance. Why some of the state run markets show people the prices of plans without cost assistance is pretty befuddling. But, this is the case in some some states. Coverage with cost assistance will always be between 2.5% – 9.5% of income for the second lowest cost silver plan in the state. $360 per month isn’t that, so then you are being quoted the base cost of the plan and not the cost after cost assistance.

One (after reading many comments like this) can’t help but wonder if states did this on purpose to scare people away from actually enrolling in plans. But of course that is probably to fringe of an idea to truly entertain. Most likely just need to a little redux on how some of the sites function.


I live in California, am Self Employed, and was told I should qualify for Medicare based on my income. Problem is, my wife and I make just enough and her insurance is covered through her employer. Now, since I am my own employer and trying to build a business, my employer is supposed to cover my insurance? With what money? I am supposed to not pay the one employee I have working for me or my business partner? No, states didn’t do this to scare people away from the program. My wife and I barely make enough to cover the school debt that we rolled into our mortgage when we refinanced so we could save $50 a month. We are lucky to have $50-100 at the end of the month, let alone put anything into savings. The ACA is no where near affordable. Then to make matters worse, if I don’t have coverage, I am going to get taxed substantially at the end of the year. We have a baby on the way and the coverage that we do have won’t even cover the $6,000 we need to come out of pocket with to have our baby. It is a giant shell game of a joke. 9.5% of a product I didn’t want to buy with a tax rate that is burdensome is not affordable. Yes, I would get premium assistance. That means, I would have a cost of $80 a month. So out of the $50-100 I am supposed to pay that? So I have to go $30 in the hole every month? Here is a thought, don’t force people to buy a product. For everyone else that is frustrated by this, welcome to the “pissed off at the Democrats who shoved this down our throats” party.


Here’s the deal. If you make under 30k a year, and are single, with no kids, you get screwed, period. You’re the backbone of the country, but are getting the shaft in the Federal Income Tax bracket for us, and on healthcare. You don’t qualify for any subsidies because according to government officials, you make too much money, since you are single with no dependents. Each year I see my Income Tax return get smaller and smaller. I claim 0, pay in nearly 3k in withholding, so I take home about 22k a year. Until we go to a single payer system, federally mandated healthcare will never work. Medicare for all. We already pay for it on each pay check. There is enough workers in the country for this system to work.


I get where you are coming from, but you are misquoting the amounts at which you get assistance. It’s 100% – 400% FPL and in states with Medicaid expansion where people save money. Check out how this works here: https://obamacarefacts.com/federal-poverty-level/

Obamacare facts is WRONG about what he says! We make 28000 yearly before taxes, so less afterward. And we qualify for a measly $9 credit monthly. Our premiums are hundreds per month! So saying that because we are under 400% of poverty level and have to pay only 8% is not right. We only get a $9 help monthly, as I said. We need more like$100 of it paid just to scrape by. Why would anyone believe that someone making $2000 a month after taxes could afford $210 per month on anything? After rent( we pay a lot for a tiny place), utilities at city prices, phone, internet, food is exorbitantly expensive, transportation, general money to actually enjoy life, because why live otherwise? And random expenses here and there like clothes, shoes for work etc. there is no $210 left to waste on this stupid insurance we do not need. The very idea that 22-30 k per year is enough is stupid! This coming from rich guys making half a million per year. Out of touch and ignorant people.

I have read through most of the comments here, and can’t disagree with a lot said. With that being said, my question to this answer is this: I have a 2 year old on medicaid, who is, thank God, almost never ill, but is still expensive to pay for his daily needs and increasing appetite. On top of this, I make less that $28,000 per year and am trying to afford rent, food, car payment (that I can not escape), credit card payments from trying to stay afloat, not to mention food, gas, diapers, clothing for my son (and I always buy second hand for him)…I receive $71 in food stamps, which pays little but bread, milk, and a package or 2 of chicken, and veggies. I don’t qualify for medicaid and still have over $1000 in medical bills from an emergency surgery I had 2 years ago, for which I am now in collections because I can’t even pay that. On top of all this, I am also a full time student and can’t afford to work fewer hours because my son would never have anything! After bills, I have maybe $100 left to buy food, gas, diapers, and such, so how am I supposed to pay $90+/mo for the cheapest ins on marketplace after the deduction/assistance thing they calculated for me when I can barely make it through the month?? Not to mention, I’m going in the hole on my account and am having to pay that back on top of the nsf fees they charge??? Is there another option that is not mentioned here?


Thanks for the kind words. The ways to get help are:

1. Medicaid, 2. Marketplace assistance, 3. Catastrophic coverage with approval from the marketplace in certain instances like when denied Medicaid in a non-expansion state, 4. Local Charities, 5. Buy Out of Pocket.

In an emergency you can also just show up at a public hospital.

This whole thing irks me, the ACA went so far, but the support wasn’t there to fully expand Medicaid or to do “just a little bit more”. We have to remember that when it comes time to vote. You may equate Obama with a half-measure for healthcare, but the other option on the table was nothing. We got the half-measure, now we need to push for more. Your situation is frustrating and all too common for my taste. We can and will do better, right?

My husband and I together make “too much” money, we pay $1179/month for the cheapest plan. This is $14,148 per year before the insurance has paid for anything. We also have an $85 co pay and a $6800 deductible each. Just to walk through the door of a doctor’s office – $85. So, if one of us has a heart attack on Dec 30 for example, we will have paid $14,148.00 + $6800.00 before any care is given, a total of $20,948. Who has that kind of money laying around? And, with this wonderful plan, we get to pay 50% of healthcare cost AFTER meeting the deductible.

Additionally this money is paid after tax is taken out of a paycheck, making it even more expensive. We are broke because of this.

I fully believe everyone should have access to health care – especially those who have pre-existing conditions who previously could not get insurance. Punishing healthy people is not the answer.

I also do not understand how someone who makes much less and therefore pays much less , gets to have a BETTER plan than what we get. The whole thing makes me sick, but I can’t afford to go to the doctor!


I think this sentiment is common, especially among those in the middle-class who work hard enough to be over 400% FPL, but aren’t wealthy enough to shrug off $16,000 bill in an emergency and/or absorb the $1,000 plus a month when factoring in their other expenses.

This is why I’ve always said we need to continue to reform the law. The first version that got through had lots of good points, but they are obscured by the bad ones for many, there is noting perfect about programs that punish people for working hard enough to be above any given poverty line.

Think we need to rethink a national public option that is extended to all incomes and move away from mandating people to buy a private product only. But each step of reform requires popular support and right now the popular sentiment is focused on the election and other matters.

We are in the same boat. We make just a tad over what would qualify us for any subsidies. But the cost of the lowest ACA plan for next year will cost us over $1000 per month for absolutely zero coverage due to high deductibles and extremely narrow networks. We had a child hospitalized last month so our expenses for this year will be at least $15,000. Oh, and did I mention that our ACA carrier went under so we are losing the entire amount of our deductible? So we start from scratch in October and nooooooooobody cares. I will not be surprised if the insurance company ends up not paying our bills even after deductible and we are held responsible for the full amount anyway due to them being bankrupt. So do we sue? Oops, they are bankrupt and they pay out first to banks. So basically we probably gave them $7000 in premiums this year for absolutely nothing in return- and the government will do absolutely nothing about it except fine me if I don’t pay taxes to an insurance company. In 2017 my premiums alone will be over $12,000, which is over 10% of our income, and we now have only one carrier to “choose” from so we’ll lose the ability to keep our doctors – not that we can afford to see doctors anyway with our health costs for 2017 STARTING at $12,000 plus $1000 for a medication (IF the cost of the medication doesn’t also rise). What happens in 2018 when rates go up another 50%? There is a breaking point… Then I think our answer will be to give up being self employed and go work for some big corporation so we can get health care. I think that’s what the powers that be would prefer we all do.

I have the same situation here in Chicago. I make $17 per hour but I only work less than 40 hours a week because I have to pick up my son in the afternoon (single mom here). We did not qualify for State assistance due to my rate per hour. I cannot afford the exorbitant premiums @ healthcare.gov!!! What am I going to do now???


Make sure you are checking after cost assistance. At that hourly rate you should be getting pretty good premium prices after assistance.


I see this Obama Care Facts . com keeps replying the same thing. Prices are not including the “before cost assistance”

But Your Wrong!
Even with cost assistance I can not afford insurance monthly rate for family of 4. We are two months behind on insurance payments. Now what?
About to drop out of heathcare and then be fined for not having health insurance. Guess what….. Cant afford that fine either.
What do I do?

I bet the answer is nothing we can do. I wish I was (insert racist comment here). Id get all the free stuff.

I agree. Remarried this year we both had tons of debt. Trying to unbury. Be responsible. We work pay taxes. Cant afford like 360 for 1 persons health coverage. I am in 50s. Female. Do not need maternity coverage. Andnthatbpayment is more than our home.


I cannot afford my premium payments. It cuts me short every month!


You should try looking at other options during next open enrollment, you may find a plan with a lower premium. You could also take another look at the income you reported to the Marketplace, you may be due more upfront assistance than you are getting. Remember assistance is based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income.


I make around 22,000 a year but that’s with tax and because I have no kids I get taxed heavily l on my checksa. I have rent I’m also a part time student a car note and auto insurance but yet I qualified for a $0.00 dollar credit!!!!! That’s crazy!!! I can’t afford it but yet I get penalized for not having it I’m 20!!! For crying out loud


what if your unemployed


If you are unemployed you want to use the Marketplace or Medicaid, but keep in mind your projected income for the year. That is what credits are based on, Medicaid is based on actual current income.

what? we need to be unemployed to have health insurance? who will pay for food, clothes,house and other bills. Obama?

its a joke ur better off without job
thaen u get everything free

That really isn’t true, I know it feels like that sometimes… but America is built on hard work, don’t worry about what the Jone’s are doing aside when it comes discussing on how to create smart policy.

What ever state you live in , there is a medicaid or medical free insurance . If you are not employed, you are more likely to get it. If your income is under a certain amount each month, you can still get it. Contact the social services, ask for a form to fill out.

If you looked at what you have to pay (If you could afford it) and then add in the deductible, the insurance plans under the ACA are ludacris. Furthermore, with exceptions, the 18 – 28 +/- group are the healthiest ones out there and the last ones to need insurance. Regardless of your political persuasion, the Act needs a major overhaul. Like most governmental ideas with good intention, it does nothing but hurt the middleclass.


A zillllllion % AGREED!!!! And w having a small business, we are being TAXED to DEATH!

I agree completely!
My son is 43. He is a diabetic and has lupus. His healthcare costs are eating him alive! ObamaCare wants another $100 per month from him to participate. In spite of his health, he works 3 days a week plus cleans houses once every two weeks. His health is failing and there is no help from Medicaid because he has no dependents. Also, $16 per month for food stamps. No help from any direction. Where is the solution from Obamacare?

The frustrating thing here is that the solution from ObamaCare is Medicaid expansion… which is currently rejected in about 20 states by the GOP leadership in that state. https://obamacarefacts.com/obamacares-medicaid-expansion/

This same reasoning can explain why the food stamp allotments and other assistance in a given state is sparse. Just general GOP ideology that assume people with low income shouldn’t get government help and that private charities will suffice. This leaves me in a position where I am left to suggest local charities, which do exist in real life.

Anyway, hope this doesn’t come off like just a dig on the practicality of Republican ideology, I have a friend with Lupus and personally find this frustrating to say the least.

Only other suggestion is to check where the eligibility levels fall, getting better assistance could be a matter of making a little more or less money (something that sounds like it could be controllable).

Our premiums are huge and it covers practically nothing. We can’t even buy PPO even if we could afford it. Our deductible is $8000 per person. We make enough money not to qualify for anything but most of it goes out in bills so we don’t have it . We literally can’t afford it. So we opted out. If we are going to fork out $ 600 per month and STILL have to pay for drugs and Doctors visits until we meet our annual $8000 decuctible then why not use the $600 dollars a month to pay for drugs and Doctors visits. But the tax penalty right? Ah, what they don’t tell you. They can’t come after you for it. They can only withold it from a refund. No refund, no tax penalty. I adjusted my tax es withheld and they can go F themselves for the tax penalty. Legal robbery.

Why isn’t this question being answered? I want to know what this person is supposed to do!


The question “what should one do when they can’t afford coverage, but the law says they can?” Is not something that can just be answered. Get exemptions, pay the fee, look into catastrophic coverage, look at deduction options, get an HSA, consider total household income, consider who you are filing for, consider the terms of a divorce agreement, consider child support costs, etc.

There is no good answer, so this page is somewhat of a compilation of advice. I am in no way trying to avoid the question, it’s just there is no clear single answer.

I am wondering the same thing. I picked a silver plan of which deductables are completely insane as it is, but Bronze is even worse. Theres no way I could EVER pay the deductable if sick anyhow so the plans worthless to me. I make 28000 per year, i have rent, bills, phone, electric, internet IS necessary nowdays, and everyone needs money to live, if we all just paid bills and never lived life/had fun, we might as well all die. I get no tax credit whatsoever, $200 per month bills make me unable to afford what we need. I cant afford to lose my “refund” either. Refund? Its MY money they used its not a refund, its giving back stolen income, really. I have no answers and it would seem theres no answer. You just live in poverty, dont pay, pay and dont eat, or lose your so called tax refund. They offer no solution! They should be paying our insurance in full. The plans offered are horrible anyhow.

This is ludicrous! Have son in college full time. Has apt and makes $7-8000 a year. We help support him because his earnings pay for his food, gas and electricity. Since we claim him, our crappy income is included. I’m on SSD his father doesn’t make that much. When filed for Obamacare, they want $250 for coverage! Wtf! The catastrophic coverage wasn’t much lower and what good is it! It’s a disgrace! BUT—- if He jumped the fence from Mexico to the U.S., no problem ! They will even give me foodstamps and a place to live!!! What a JOKE

it has nothing to do with helping people besides upper class america has been a slave trade country since its beginnings with that name. if you cant undertand that there was never intention to help anyone besides upperclass people.. can you even understand what im saying upper middle lower? that is already wrong… lower class get the medical needs in order to keep them alive so they can fill really bad jobs. and then middle people ect. get hurt more by plans like this.. so they are stopped from climbing this so called class ladder which is already immoral. but hey everyone is alive.. which is all you need on a 300 milliion person slave farm.

Proud but Angry American

I came on this page looking for REAL advice on what to do because I can’t afford healthcare and afford to live. The only good info I’ve seen so far is from the commenter above, I didn’t realize that they withhold your tax return for the penalty so I too will be adjusting how much is withheld from my paycheck next year when I stop paying into Obamacare. I’m 25, had my own apartment, work 40+ hours a week and make about $24,000/yr before taxes. Last year I enrolled in Obamacare so as not to burden my parents with my health insurance any longer. I thought for sure I would qualify for the credit since I feel quite poor…I nearly live paycheck to paycheck with my very small rent payment of $450/mo. But as soon as I had to start paying $212/mo for health insurance I had to move back home with my mom. I can’t afford to put a roof over my head and insure my health in case of a catastrophic event. So I’m paying $212 every month for crappy coverage and I’ve only been to the doctor once this year for strep throat. I live at home with my mom, I live a very frugal lifestyle, and I work damn hard for this very dependent life so that I am only a burden on my mom by taking up space in her home. I pay for my own vehicle, car insurance, 2 phone bills, a mutual fund, health insurance, dental insurance, and pouring what little I have left over into savings. So the next person who wants to tell me that I come from a generation of entitled little pricks, think again. The standards we are being held to are not possible. We are destined for failure under Obama’s leadership. Everyone on welfare, popping out child after child, getting your phone bills paid for by our tax dollars, YOU’RE WELCOME! Because you choose not to go to work everyday like the rest of us, I have to pay $212/mo to cover your health insurance because we both know you aren’t paying a dime for it. Anyone who stands behind this healthcare plan does not want what’s best for America, they want what is best for THEMSELVES. You are hurting hard working lower middle class people by taking our money and giving it to (replace poor with) lazy unmotivated people. This is why everyone rethinks working so hard, I might as well have a few kids, stop showing up at work and start signing up for welfare programs. That way I’m covered and get to live the kind of life I want because working hard sure isn’t getting me there.

We are in the exact same boat. My Husband and I were living in poverty and making minimum wage on top of paying debt for 2+ years. I finally had enough and quit my job to start my own nonprofit and worked VERY hard to earn a salary. We still make a pretty pathetic combined income despite all of our work but we were at least able to get off Medicaid able to afford our mortgage without borrowing from parents (how embarrassing)! Now this stupid system expects us to pay $450/month PLUS a $5000 deductable if we ever are in a situation where, you know, we would actually NEED health coverage. Well, that’s just not possible if we want to keep a roof over our head and freed ourselves, pay debt and loans and other bills. So, we’ll just opt out, right?! NOPE… Because that would cost us 5% of our annual income. Are you crazy!!!??? Are you trying to drive us into poverty?!? I’ve done everything I was told to do as an American, get an education, work hard, contribute to good in this country and you’ll achieve you dreams. Well this is a NIGHTMARE

you should jump on your parents coverage. I think you can stay on theirs until you’re 25


My parents can’t even afford their insurance as working middle class….
So there’s not a lot to jump onto.

I pay about $200/m and I got strep throat and had to pay about $80 for a quick test and antibiotics,…..
currently looking into ways to pay off my tax penalties from last year! No refund AND it looks like I owe about $700 for losing my insurance last year due to a change in jobs (never unemployed).

Any fun/helpful facts for me?

Lots of fun helpful facts: http://factmyth.com/

… although probably none to help with that issue.

I think there is a lot to work on with the ACA as mentioned, but a lot of what you are discussing is high healthcare costs and high insurance costs. We can’t remove the ACA from this, but we also have to realize that the ACA isn’t the only cause of the healthcare crisis. Google “healthcare crisis”, it has been a thing for a long time. Fingers crossed the next President gives us a solution that addresses the concerns of the people on this page without putting us back at square one.

move to canada..free healthcare. This government is corrupt always has been always will be. You did notice our senate and house of representatives are now demanding raises because $174,000 isn’t enough to live on right? There needs to be a revolution. The we the people in the constitution did not mean we the government.

This is crazy, I’ll say we should all stop paying for this crap! Only 20 millons are on obama care and we are paying for the rest of the people, really? I was paying $1044 a month for 4 people, crappie insurance, unbelievable deductibles, that you can only reach if you get a brain surgery, die and bring back to live, then, you will probably, reach the deductible. Now , my new premium is $1546 a month, no vision or dental, ha ha what a joke! We all go 2 times a year to the doctor , annual exam, gynecology and mammogram fir me, thats it! You know what, I’ll start paying out of my pocket for what I need , even if it takes me until i get my medicaid. Btw, i make over 100k a year, own a small business, have 1 dependant, paying 2 car loans, a mortgage, credit cards , bills, insursnce snd so and so. I say NO, you pay for the rest of the people,im tired to get robbed! ! Stop paying Obama care! !!!

What I’d like to know is if this ludicrous Obamacare is repealed, can we get our penalty(ransom) money back? I, like almost everyone else, can’t come close to affording this absurd TAX. What rights do WE have? I agree an earlier message that it is much more lucrative to not work, and have everything given to you. It’s all BS!!!

You should be eligible to stay on you parent’s plan until you are 26. I am 27 I made less then you $18, 793 last year which after taxes I brought home $13,614. I have to rob Peter to pay Paul I can’t afford to pay any extra bills especially the quoted $708 for the year plus the high deductible I’d have to pay just to use the policy. I like the idea of the ACA; however, when put into action part time people who are not benefit eligible employees, where ever they work get the short end of the stick. If the deductibles did not exist, I could see it as a benefit, but why pay money for something you can’t afford to use? It is just as good as not having insurance at all. I am sure the IRS will catch up with me soon, and I will be just as screwed, but at least I will only pay about $400-$500 for my lack of coverage leaving me with $208 dollars in savings.


Sorry lost train of thought, I can’t afford to get insurance through work for both of us but can’t afford Obama care for both of us either with mortgage car payment, electric bill, water bill, daily living expenses, food , car insurances, and paying I.R.S for last couple years because we made a little more than we thought, if this keeps going we will lose our house, all together even with paying monthly premiums and having to pay at least a $100 a month to even go to doctor because they won’t write refills even on blood pressure medicine, and still owing I.R.S. I will be living on the streets not too long from now, or in my car, or divorced because they definitely do more for you if your not married

My friend is a single mom who dosen’t get ObamaCare and can’t afford health insurance and when she files her taxes she states that and she hasn’t been penalized yet.

Did you vote for obama? Socialism doesn’t work.


Ur rite doesn’t work here , bt works in Canada & other European countries. Do u knw wht real socialism is s??

Yeah but those countries have half to 1/10 the population America has we have 320 million people so the ideas of socialism just doesn’t work in a large country like us.

Socialism would be paying a little extra in taxes, no deductibles, no fees, medical/health care for all, no penalties. We haven’t tried this yet.

Theres socialism and then theres having a heart. I live in New Zealand and we have free hospital care and highly subsidized doctors and medicines. Americas system is broken. Too much greed and corruption. God help you guys, I have no clue how you would have a chance to fix this. And it sure wont be the Democrats.

medicare is the best program. Infrastructure cost 4% compared to private insurance overhead of 23%. The actual Medicare approved rate is about 60% to the provider. Premiums are $110 to the insured. program is paid through our tax code withholding. Medicare works!

Private insurance sucks, expensive, high deductibles, limited choices.

While many people are satisfied with Medicare coverage, I think it is important that people understand just how expensive Medicare is for the low income elderly and disabled, those on restricted SSI or SSDI incomes. Some states have found ways to improve coverage for those who are considered “Dual Eligible.” However, for the most part, this group who often have the greatest health needs and have some of the least financial resources, yet, they are still expected to pay premiums, copays, and deductibles and/or exhaust their pensions, savings, and assets in order to get that coverage. Even Medicare has it’s shortcomings and for those affected by them, they would strongly disagree that “Medicare Works!” for them.

You would definitely qualify. There is possibly an error on the page – you do qualify for a tax credit at only $22000 income per year


Yeah, you’re being claimed as a dependent by someone who also makes money


I make around 22,000 a year but that’s with tax and because I have no kids I get taxed heavily l on my checksa. I have rent I’m also a part time student a car note and auto insurance but yet I qualified for a $0.00 dollar credit!!!!! That’s crazy!!! I can’t afford it but yet I get penalized for not having it I’m 20!!! For crying out loud

Gee-and still no response to this.

Or to MY question about what’s being done about the fact that I purchase in the individual market, my premium has MORE than doubled, I am ineligible in my state for assistance (the cutoff is 36K here), AND under the current structure my premiums aren’t even tax deductible-which means AFTER my 5K a year expenditure I STILL pay a marginal rate of 25% on that as income-bringing my total cost for this boondoggle to well over 500 per month.

Any explanation? Ever? Or will my comments just keep being deleted here?


As you can imagine there are a ton of comments on a site like this. No one ever gets deleted and no one ever gets ignored (at least not on purpose). We do however pre-approve comments, so posting isn’t immediate.

To your point, you should qualify for generous tax credits based on your income. It seems like you might be shopping outside of open enrollment (you can only enroll in subsidized ACA coverage during open enrollment).

That last line should cover the rest of the comment, as cost assistance is based on the federal poverty level, you make 1/2 what the cut off is, it’s not 36k it’s over 45k. And as far as tax implications and insurance premiums not being tax-deductible… yes I agree that is lame.

If you factor in all costs in America we have, for the lower income bracket, what amounts to the basics costing close to every last penny. I am not a fan of this, but I am a fan of healthcare reform, and it seems you may benefit from calling healthcare.gov and getting some straight information from them for next enrollment. Too many odd things not adding up with the above statement. Not dissing you, I get the frustration, just getting that red flag about the numbers you are quoting.

I hate Obamacare. I cannot afford it and the policy stinks. How did we let the Democrats get away with this unbelievable nonsense. I used to have a good insurance plan that did not have an outrageous premium. Thank you Mr. Obama. You have now made my life miserable. Pray that Mr. Trump can overhaul this crap. NASTY.

My same problem.

Screwed by Obamacare

I just looked at enrolling in Obamacare for 2018. I make 10,000.00 a year and I only get 26.00 tax credit and my lowest premiums are going to be 250 a month with a 7,000.00 deductible. I can’t believe it! What kind of scam is Obamacare?


That doesn’t add up. If you make $10k then you should get free health insurance under Medicaid. You likely live in a red state that refused and rejected Medicaid expansion and thus you don’t actually qualify for any assistance since they rejected Medicaid and you are under the level for getting tax credits.

I.e. “it isn’t ObamaCare that is putting you in a bad situation, that would be your Republican state leaders.”

Now, with that said, I’m not saying the ACA didn’t have an effect on rising costs. It did. Both parties need to stop pushing divisive messages and work together to get this right so the end result is affordable coverage. Politics aside, the situation you are in isn’t acceptable.

This Obama Care facts “person” is a joke!!! Just trying to get us to drink the mighty Obama kool aid!!! Guess what??? We refuse to drink it anymore!!! I never did…he’s nothing but a liar and has turned our country into a socialist country!!! Hell…we’re inches away from being a country ruled by a monarch or dictator. I unfortunately are on SSDI and I have to pay $105 a month for Medicare…I have to get a supplement insurance cuz Medicare doesn’t pay for half of what I need. My old insurance I paid $42 a month for. This year it isn’t being offered so I had to get a new one and the cheapest was $75. So now I’m paying almost $200 a month on health care. On my old plan I paid $65 a month on the meds I need. Now I’m paying $190 for the meds I need. By the time I finish paying all my bills I have about $150 left for the rest of the month. That doesn’t include food…gas and Dr appointments. Guess what??? Here’s the real kick in the ass…I male FOURTY DOLLARS TOO MUCH FOR MEDICAID AND FOOD STAMPS!!! FOURTY!!! WTF???!!! I worked for 20yrs and paid my taxes and now that I do need help I CAN’T GET IT!!! My roommate has to get yalls joke of insurance and he can’t afford it!!! He doesn’t even go to the dr!!! He told me I have to pay am extra $100 for electricity or get another heater to keep warm!!! I chose the heater and guess what??? I AM FREEZING!!! I LIVE IN A TRAILER IN NC AND IT’S BEEN SNOWING!!! So now I have to figure out which meds I can “do without” to save money. I SHOP AT THE DOLLOR TREE TO GET MY FOOD AND THEY DON’T HAVE GOOD NUTRITIONAL FOOD!!! OBAMACARE IS A JOKE AND A RIP OFF AS IS OBAMA HIMSELF!!! HE HASN’T DONE SHIT FOR OUR COUNTRY EXCEPT MADE US “LITTLE” PEOPLE SUFFER AND BREAK US…NOT TO MENTION THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! WHY DOESN’T HE FIVE SOMEOF HIS MILLIONS TO US??? BETTER YET PUT HIS $450K A MONTH RETIREMENT MONEY???!!! ALMOST FORGOT…NOW HE’S LETTING IN MILLIONS OF REFUGEES AND ARE GONNA GIVE THEM EVERYTHING AND SUPPORT THEM!!! WHAT ABOUT THE VETERANS THAT ARE HOMELESS??? WHAT ABOUT OUR STARVING CHILDREN??? WHAT ABOUT US “LITTLE” PEOPLE??? HE NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF US BEFORE HE TAKES CARE OF ANYONE ELSE!!!


In what universe is insulting the person who hits the approve comment button a good idea? Anywhoo. Everyone gets a voice. Just remember I have to read all these to make sure you are human and not spam bots, and that is time I could be adding awesome content on how middle-class Americans struggling can get a better deal.


Signed up for 2015. Tax credit was $ 983 per month – paid $540 a month for my portion of insurance premium. Fast forward to March 2016. We now have to pay back $2,600+ to IRS.
This is due to (we think) second lowest silver cost plan (SLSCP)setting the amount you are actually going to receive ,which varies depending on where you live. Healthcare.gov never mentioned this when we processed our application. We contacted healthcare.gov and they could not even explain what SLCSP is. They said to contact IRS. We had already signed up for 2016 and SLCSP was again, not part of the equation.

The advanced resolution team (misnomer,by the way)also said they entered our income at $36k for 2015 (we have 3 sources of of income and they left one source out)and not even close to what we entered as income. We provided documentation to verify income after we signed up to VERIFY our application and apparently they don’t understand VERIFY.

Almost 50% of people signed up on healthcare.gov for 2014 had to refund money to IRS. Also look up how many people on obamacare did not pay their insurance premiums. Maybe obama’s friends should not have gotten the no-bid contract for setting up this disaster

I hope this commentator side gig involves free health insurance. Kudos to you for taking this verbal beat down from your fellow disgruntled Americans.

ACA? What a joke…as others have written if your unemployed, on food stamps, have several kids Everything is paid for-Yes…by us…the middle working class…so they can thank ‘us’ for their Free cell phones, free housing and health care while the rest of us tries to meet the bear minimum of survival…because I made too much one year I ended up paying $2,000 to the IRS…thanks Obama Care…affordable? I’m a single woman who is a breast cancer survivor but still can’t afford their so called affordable premium of $300.00 oh and none of my doctors take their crappy insurance…basically, I have to go uninsured…what choice do I have…just knowing I’m Not alone gives me some peace to a degree…but this isn’t fair…why are so many of us Americans penalized for trying to do the right thing? So disheartening..

Only one question to ask about government involvement in the healthcare industry in 2017: Pretend as if Obamacare is working and watch it turn into pure government-provided system at a cost of trillions that we don’t have, OR try something, heck anything else. I vote for anything else.

So, for real, there are like 20 million newly insured who depend on this and some of the patient protections are vital. There are lots of reform options out there, I wish people would stop trying to solve this issue with a sledge hammer. Why just call for repeal when one could call for repeal+keep key provisions or repeal+universal catastrophic or a public option or a more robust single payer with or without supplemental.

Amen and damn straight! I agree with everything you said. Its insane, they have millions for doing nothing but mess up a country, we have nothing! They should be forced to hand over their excess money to us, the people who cant afford obamacare.


ObamaCare is a joke.
It caters to the low income and encourages individuals not work.
It screws the middle class in every way.
I am now paying 750.00 a month for the Kaiser no deductible plan.
If I selected the High Deductible Plan I would be paying 5500.00 a year 458.00 a month, which has terrible benefits. How can the hard working middle class get ahead having to pay these kind of premiums? I don’t expect insurance to be free, but don’t like to feel like I am paying high premiums to support others that are milking the system and not working that could otherwise be working just to take advantage of our failed Obama Care Benefit system. It is also funny how so many have voted for Obama then complain about medical insurance and everything else in the country that have failed under his leadership.


We’re paying $1,069/month for a family of 4 to have insurance. With $750 deductibles. We make less than $90,000 a year. So we’re basically paying another mortgage payment and are plowing through our savings just to make ends meat now. Oh the best part with Obamacare… You can’t change your insurance if you can’t afford it unless its during an enrollment period. That’s 4 months away right now. However, if one of us quick our jobs right now, then we’d qualify to drop our insurance. Obamacare has ruined healthcare.

Proud but Angry American


You are absolutely right. Pay 10k for premiums so I can have a 10K deductible. Yeah, 20k hits the upper middle class hard too. No help with college tuition or medical. Alternative minimum tax means little deductions on my 1040. Frustrated to the point of wanting a divorce so I can go on welfare and live with my husband as a boyfriend. Seriously.

Mike one world one life the good of the many out weigh the good of the few!

While we are all struggling to come up with any idea of how to pay for health care. Lets not forget that the CEO’s of all of the Insurance Companies and their Special Interest cronies are MAKING $30 to $40 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE THE DEVIL INCARNATE!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS DISGUSTING THE GREED FROM THE TOP OF THIS GOVERNMENT TO THE TOP OF THE INDUSTRY LEADERS .

Sadly, so many of you have echoed my sentiments exactly. Obama Care sucks beyond words. If I had a low paying job with 5 kids I’d be set. But I have a decent paying job through a temp agency that offers preventive care only (which I have found to be referred to as a Skinny Plan). Which is absolutely useless to me. Preventive pays for mammos, colonoscopy, pap tests etc. Problem is I can’t make an appointment for tests because the coverage doesn’t pay for doctor visits, blood work or prescriptions. I can’t afford the $200 office visit. You can’t have a test performed without a script from your doctor. I have high blood pressure and ran out of my medication months ago. I keep praying to the Lord I don’t stroke out. My rent is $1,300 a month. Even with the assistance Obama Care will give me I still can’t afford a premium of $371 with a $3,000 deductible plus additional money for dental coverage . I have never spent $3,000 on medical expenses in a year in my life! Between $1,300 rent, electric, phone, and basic necessities I can’t afford medical insurance. The middle class are royally screwed. There is nothing out there to help me. I am totally lost with no where to turn,

What an idiotic, uninformed answer. My premium is increasing by 62% and I can no longer afford coverage. There ARE NO options. The ACA has crushed me. Do you care? No, you don’t.


Why, if I didn’t care, would I spend my days answering questions about the ACA. I would strongly suggest shopping around, looking into HSAs and other tax related vehicles, look into assistance, look into exemptions, and look into anything else you can to curb your costs.


It is easy for you to say you need to HSA, or this or that. You might be one of those government boondogle wizards that can figure out all the govt snafus and legaleeze, but most american’s aren’t.

They are confused as hell with the ACA and the reason that most can’t find solutions is primarily because there are none, or the solutions that are available are too well hidden under a huge conviluted mess.

Obamacare is literally killing people who can’t afford insurance or life saving medicine they need. And no that isn’t just more talk, it is really happening now as I have researched this whole ACA topic with much consistancy for about a year and a half now.

People just poo pooed Michelle Bachmann when she said that Obamacare would literally kill people, and now that it has, no one is saying a thing about it.

And how come Obama who came up with the ACA, congress who passed the bill without reading it, or the supreme court who made an unconstitutional act (forcing people to buy something) constitutional by calling it a tax, aren’t being held responsible for any of this???

I appreciate your responses to those you have chosen to respond to, but a lot of your responses sound more like you are just being a yes man and an appologist for Obama and the ACA than you are actually answering anything. Please!

Obamacarefacts: “Why, if I didn’t care, would I spend my days answering questions about the ACA. I would strongly suggest shopping around, looking into HSAs and other tax related vehicles, look into assistance, look into exemptions, and look into anything else you can to curb your costs.”

You spend your days answering these questions because that’s your job and you receive payment to do so, get real. The prices are too high period and saying “I know it’s expensive, but the government (i.e. the people) will give you subsidies” is a bullshit bandaid that is destined to fail. These costs will be climbing at ridiculous rates every single year, with 3 major companies dropping out this year that will reduce competition. Competition drives the market down, so naturally costs will increase. As time goes on, more will drop out and the cost will continue to rise at unprecedented levels. This is a house of cards that will eventually fall under it’s own weight. I refuse to pay for health insurance because it is a god damn rip off. I’m not paying 25% of my income to health insurance. I’m not cooking the books to put that burden on others. I will simply pay for my own minor medical issues that I never seem to have anyway. God forbid I get diabetes or Congestive heart failure or some other condition, luckily that will qualify as a life changing event and I can get coverage for that kind of stuff then. I am not going to throw my money into the wind waiting for that to happen. I never get tax returns anyway so I’m conditioned to not expect them like most americans who already can’t afford anything until they get those refunds. I’ll put that money into a retirment plan that will benefit ME since it’s MY MONEY.

Curb the cost? Or do you mean ask for help when we shouldn’t have to? There is people who do not want anything to do with hand outs so they can be labeled as property of the government. When you need help working harder should do the trick not hand outs. As your options grow thin even in your responses your only solution is to ask for hand out to justify the corruption at play. How about we make proper funds to compensate inflation. Rid our selves of world problems that cost more for us while politicians get more for the rise of cost due to there failed policies and desisions. If I don’t do my job am fired and go with out. They get a raise while you sit back and defend them and blame republicans as though we don’t see it’s democrate White House that are in office. They use you as mediator and mean while help foreign doctors come here to lower quality of doctors. I have been to a hospital and it’s a joke the smarts thies people say they have. “Organizational chaos ” with no communication. Lack of care and with a slogan of “am only trying to help”. Well they don’t. Drug sales men is there job. Truth hidden from us in fear of loosing there doctors license. Malpractice is what I call it from the top to bottom. Mean while Floride is good for us but is considered so dangerous it’s controlled by government and only given to water company’s and toothpaste makers. What the hell is going on here where this is considered sanity and not treason to the people. I want my Jewish doctor who took notes asked questions and gave answers back. Lol they left because there not stupid to be fooled or scared by government to do there bidding. Take a look at majority of doctors now and they come from communism and well trained at that. Or go on YouTube and listen to Obama and compare to what he said and what is happening now am sure we would have said no. Wait I did say no. And now am a racist man who loves his country and that is considered against the law and terrorism. Wow it sucks being right thies days and cool to be wrong. HELLO!

ObamacareFacts.com is a completely independent website that tries to provide the most thorough information and help answer people’s questions. Thus the accusation that “They use you as mediator” isn’t accurate. The information and comments posted here are moderated, but it isn’t “used” by anyone except the owners (as a private business), people who come here to ask questions (because they hope to find an answer), and people who want to complain about the ACA (which this website can’t actually do anything about except approve them to exist in these threads). If you have problems with the law and how it affects you then absolutely contact the people who can change it: your state and federal elected legislative representatives. They are the only ones who can actually amend of write healthcare reform legislation.

Do you hear how many things “we” need to look into just to get a few extra dollars taken off the top? SICKENING a repeal is the ONLY thing that is going to work,you say you wish it wasnt a sledge hammer solution everyone comes up with..well please tell us how would you fix these issues without one? because before the ACA came into effect almost NOBODY from the middle class struggle like they struggle now..so repeal it and go back to the system we already had in place..yes it isnt great and still isnt all that affordable but its 1000% better then this theives idea of “affordable care”

100%. IF I quit my job, I could afford it. As it is with the price hike, my premium would be higher than my mortgage payment. It’s total bullshit. Exemptions, etc….None of it works if you are employed and work your fair share.


Please tell me where you live that your mortgage is cheaper than your premiums, because I would like to move there. To rent a one-bedroom apartment in my area (SF bay area) you need a minimum of $4,000/month (not exaggerating) unless you want to live in the Tenderloin with all the drug dealers–in which case you can find a 1B/1B for 3,300. Most people I know are renting ROOMS for 2,500/month or SPLITTING ROOMS for 1,500.–Yes, I’m talking about grown-a** people. That’s why at 35 years old and despite working 50+ hours a week as a corporate attorney, I had to move back home with my parents in order to pay my bills (including health care premiums) and law school loans and still be able to save a tiny bit for my miserable future. (I get no tax breaks, deductions etc.) Essentially, I live the lifestyle of a loser who lives with her parents despite the fact that I work full-time at a job that historically has allowed for a grand lifestyle and pay all my bills and loans. Count your blessings–You could be living at home with Mom and Dad at 35. Obamacare sucks for a lot of people, but everyone here posting is acting like the republicans would have gotten them a better deal. (If anything, they’re the ones that screwed up this bill). For those angry, healthy people saying that they never go to the doctor, I feel your pain, but you never know what can happen. I’ve been paying for insurance my entire adult life–I’m thin, fit, eat healthy, and never go to the doctor. I’m tired of people who don’t take care of themselves (and get diseases like diabetes from consuming shocking amounts of sugar and junk and who never exercise) driving up the costs for the rest of us. (E.g. cost of an obese kid under medicaid in CA is 4X that of a kid with normal weight). However, life can change in an instant (even for young healthy people), and it would be terrible if you can’t get any coverage because of your “pre-existing” condition or an accident. More importantly, I’m disgusted by the astromonical cost of prescription drugs and health care services. If anything, we should be pissed at Congress for standing by and doing nothing about those outrageous costs (e.g. 1k/pill for hepatitis C medication- are you f-ing kidding me?) Again, Obamacare is a disappointment for a lot of people, but let’s not forget a lot of those same people (including some of those posting here) wouldn’t be able to get insurance at all without it due to their pre-existing conditions and certainly wouldn’t be able to ever afford 1k/per pill out of pocket. The problem is the people keep voting idiots into the house and senate who do nothing about the broken system–So, we deserve the crappy programs we have. Sigh…As you can tell, I have mixed emotions.

You can’t be serious? Asking where premiums are higher than mortgage payments while you live in THE most expensive area of the US. I live in Raleigh, NC. My mortgage payment on our 2200 sq. ft. home is $998 per month. Our EMPLOYER based premium for a family of 5 = $1054. The exchange is even higher. No subsidies, we earn too much. We were forced to a payment HIGHER than our mortgage payment in 2016. In 2017 I said he’ll no and dropped coverage. The “family glitch” is killing American families just like Obamacare is slowly tanking the middle class economy. Furthermore we’ve found a lot of doctors give huge cash discounts, better prices than thier pre-negotiated rates with insurers. We also found how much the medical community hates insurance companies. I don’t care where you stand politically, to be forced into a FOR PROFIT insurance product, with a goal of returns to shareholders, is morally bankrupt. People’s health and well being should not be for the profit of middle men insurance industry executives. As for the health care providers, compensation is NOT the same as profit. Doctors will still get thiers. I’ll pay a doctor. I’m not paying the government sponsored middle man anymore. To hell with the health insurance industry in America PERIOD. The only explanation for any of this forced purchase of a private market product is a return to shareholders and what are we seeing them do when it’s not profitable anymore? They drop out. This US health market as it exists today must be destroyed. Failure is an understatement.

I am super late in this discussion but I am currently looking for answers to my current situation and i keep finding this diarrhea/vomit spewing from your keyboard. I am struggling with the whole healthcare thing as of late and have come across many posts ALL funneling to this website. The responses are all classics examples of deflection and regurgitating all the crap you were told in training. Even though throughout your responses you’ve pointed out how you are not associated with the government yet every one of your answers has only completely biased blanket statements that never specifically reply to ANY questions. There are a crap ton of people who cannot afford the premiums but make too much to afford any assistance. If you go on healthcare.gov and attempt to get assistance they will ask you questions which will help find out if you qualify. But if you aren’t a single parent, a minority or disabled you won’t qualify. Also, your responses seem to ask people to check the website for exemption like the government is on our side. You remind me of a new employee who actually believe the bs your multilevel marketing coach told you. HSA is one of the most stupid things ever. I have to pay my premiums AND pay money in that AND lose it at the end of the year! Yaaay! I wanted this originally, but this is not the aca Obama envisioned yet he let it go through anyway. Most Americans are getting screwed with this. Also, my children’s PCP and my own are not available on ANY of the plans offered to me. My children will have their doctor and no plan will tell me otherwise. It’s also cheaper to pay the fee at maximum than a monthly premium. The lowest plan offered to me was 650 a month. Also pretty much all of the plans require you to pay such a high deductible there is no point to pay a premium because you gotta pay almost the full cost of the visit. And I imagine every single year they’re gonna say, “oh your plan won’t be available next year so you need to change.” Guess what, a lot of these policies require you to have the insurance for a specific amount of time to even be covered for certain procedures. I had two procedures I needed done and went and did them. Was told how much to pay and paid. Then got a beautiful letter stating I owed another 500 because I didn’t have the insurance for a year. So, I am at my white end here trying to find answers only becoming an angry person because you decide to create a website stating the same “facts” that work in theory but don’t in operation. Not to mention all of the frankly non layman big boy words you used for all of the “options” that normal people have no inkling what you’re talking about. If you’re trying to get people to WANT this thing you are doing an awful job. If your job is to prove you have the ability to create a satirical website and see if ou can respond to comments you have succeeded. I will applaud your ability to stay true to your Crusade though.


Thank you for the kind words. 😐

We really are trying our best here. And this is a big site with lots and lots of advice. We agree people are struggling and the costs are difficult, but as far as an HSA goes… the tax-free-in tax-free-out quality is pretty amazing. If you don’t think so, I’d get to writing Paul Ryan the GOP yesterday as their new plan is centered around HSAs.


This is ridiculous! ObamaCare or MassHealth (when i was trying to find something I could afford the ObamaCare site sent me back home to MassHealth) do not take into consideration people’s living expenses. Some make too much to qualify for the exemptions, however we can’t afford the “affordable plans” offered to us, nor can we afford the shared responsibility fee nor the fine for not having the insurance! Should we therefore sell our homes that we have worked very hard to get? I really wish I could afford something. I wear glasses and am at high risk for glaucoma but can’t afford eye exams or new glasses. The glasses i am wearing now I bought before I got divorced 7 years ago. So no, the ACA hasn’t helped me at all. I would have used my tax refund to go get my eyes checked and purchase a new pair of glasses, but now I will be paying fines and shared responsibility fees instead. Again, my hard work has earned me too much for help and not enough not to worry about it! Was just managing to keep my head above water but find that the ACA is the anchor pulling me under


I told market place from jump street I can not afford premiums
I’m sorry is all I hear from them….. How can ppl keep there homes with such demand on paying high premiums.


A silver BCN insurance plan for my husband and I age 62 & 51 costs us $1100 a month with a 7500k co-insurance.

So yea. Our house payment is less and I need a knee replacement and can’t get it because the hospital wants the co-insurance up front. Can’t work as a LPN nurse because my knee is bone on bone and their are no desk/case management jobs avail in our area.

So now going on 3 years without a job, but my husband makes just over the amount to qualify for subsidies as a self employed man. We are about to lose everything. If I could just get my knee replacement and get back to work we might be able to make it-but highly doubtful anymore.

We think of just giving up every day. Seriously we are living to pay healthcare costs and can’t get caught up. This $1100 bill every month that covers hardly anything is killing us.

No quality of life anymore. None. What’s the point?

We need a solution the gives everyone decent healthcare, not just the poor and not just the wealthy.

I give up.


I can’t afford medical insurance for me and my son, medicaid denied my application, and I have medical conditions, Asthma, Lupus, arthritic pain. I need help. But the medical insurance is out of reach for me. I have car payments, car insurance, rent, gas, water and electric bills. How can I get free medical assistance?


Vote Trump, our only answer


Vote Trump?! All you Trump Trashionals who think trump is going to liberate you from the trailer parks and section-8 housing are in for the biggest con ever. He has been ripping off hard working Americans his entire life. Duh! Rich folks have lawyers, that’s why you are the target of his deception. Government does the same thing except they screw the middle class. Do you really think as president he will have a sudden change of heart?? OMG! If you really think so, you deserve the life of the white-trash you identify with.

ACA is a mandatory tax designed to eradicate the middle-class. Without a middle class you have an oligarchy and no one to vote against it.

I worked my ass off working full-time while going to college nights. All while raising a family. I finally made it to 100k just a few years ago and quickly discovered that the ACA had diminished a respectable salary to nothing more than the perfect ‘tax-bracket’ for Obamacare. I now make 100k and also cannot afford the insanely over-priced insurance dictated by the ACA. So sad. Mortgage, car pyts, student loans, state college tuition for 2 kids, plus, my elderly parents live with me as well. I have to pay for the bare bones HMO plan at $900 per month with a $13,700 deductible. As you know, the plan doesn’t cover anything until you pay the 13,700. By the time I pay the premium and deduc, it’s 27,000 per year. And no tax deductions. I don’t even spend this much a year on my mortgage and property taxes. Something is seriously wrong with this picture.

Sadly, there is no good answer, however, ACA definitely needs to be abolished. As some have pointed out, this country caters to the poor, screws the middle class and leaves the the ‘1-percenters’ with even more. It’s all part of the grand scheme to accelerate the separation of wealth. Clinton is no prize but vote for trump if you want to escalate the process. Then we’ll all be eating out of trash cans.


Apparently many people just don’t understand how economics works.
It’s hard to say where to start. But let’s try this…..
First thing first is ALL disabled and mentally or physically impaired should be provided for.
Our economy is being fueled by the taxes we pay. If you don’t make much money you don’t pay much. Today we are close to having more people on some sort of government assistance Not including ACA. Than pay taxes.
The middle class is the ONLY class that the government can go after!!!!
Most people do not understand that wealthy people absolutely pay their fair share in taxes. What they don’t understand is that they are taxed at a higher rate than anyone else depending on their wealth. If they own a business, people don’t see that they are paying even more!!! They may or may not pay personal taxes bc of how much they have made or LOST in their businesses. However their businesses are ALL paying taxes.
When is the last time you saw a poor person employ people?? It takes wealthy people to start businesses and hire people who also spend money and pay taxes to keep the economy going. Without businesses there are no jobs and no tax dollars being paid. We can not keep expanding social programs (which costs tax dollars) and not have job creation. The math doesn’t work.
I own a small business and can’t afford my health coverage!! In process of selling my home and downsizing because I am a single father with an average medical plan paid for by myself ( because no plans available for my small business)
Plan is $774.00 per month. Which last time I checked was an average mortgage payment.
I am not saying that Donald Trump is the answer to this, however I can tell you that the United States Government is an astonishingly huge business. A business that keeps charging its EMPLOYEES (tax payers) more and more and more. They keep expanding social programs and welfare and disability in record numbers. So if you think a career politician is going to do anything different than what is happening now you are wrong. I can tell you that Obama has never ran anything before he ran the United States of America!! Obama as far as I can tell has zero business experience of any kind!!!
So I guess the thought that a hugely successful businessman (Trump) may actually do a better job at running this Giant businesses than Hillary or Obama!!!
Donald Trump had all the money he needs for generations to come. He doesn’t need to make back door deals or take donations in return for special contracts or tax breaks or a laundry list of other corruption that seems to be the standard today. Ask yourself why all these career politicians whom have in general very average salaries seem to retire even after just a few short years with millions and millions of dollars.
In short, our government today is broke. If we were not the United States Government and were a corporation we would be bankrupt and the “government ” would have shut us down!!!
We need a monumental change and need it fast. We will not get it with Hillary we know for a fact

Not paying your penalty, not buying your insurance. Trump just signed an executive order. This will end. I claimed more this year in taxes. Usually I claim zero. But I claimed more so I could break even instead of getting money back, because it would’ve went to paying a penalty anyhow.

He might wave the fee this year. Nothing the government loves more than a giant deficit… which you know, is what happens when people don’t pay their taxes (fee is a tax, although, knowing what I know now, I don’t think I would have gone with the mandate system).

All Trump has done is confirm that he doesn’t think Obama care is good. But that idiot needs to discuss his policies.

“We’re going to take Obamacare and replace it with something terrific”

Says NOTHING about how he plans to address the issue.

This isn’t going to change, our only choices for the next president are between a fucking buffoon that doesn’t even understand what the job he’s “applying” for entails, and a Conniving lying bitch that will flip in a heartbeat to appease those with the largest wallet. Either way the middle class is still fucked


100% agree with your statement! Referring to the statement of the person you replied to; clearly most ppl don’t understand how the economy works but giving tax breaks to the super wealthy is absolutely FALSE rhetoric that has been peddled to us for so long we actually believe it. It’s a completely unfounded assumption, the driving force of our economy IS the middle class because of size alone. Any economy is based largely on production and consumption, and considering the small size of the wealthy class, it is not possible for them to consume or even desire to consume the amount of goods middle class folks consume as a whole. The wealthy class of business owners can ONLY create jobs when demand for the product/service they provide increases which is directly related to the middle class consumer. When the middle class no longer have disposable income, they stop consuming goods and there isnt ANY amount of tax incentives/breaks for the wealthy that can overcome this feat. They didn’t get wealthy as business owners by hiring people without considering the actual need for additional employees regardless of product/service demands. Our govt has now formed a symbiotic relationship with wealthy corporations that permits them to pay substandard living wages while the middle class foot the bill for subsidies necessary to sustain the working poor which saves these corps tons of money and diverts their responsibility for paying living wages over to the middle class taxpayers. It’s a perfected system and to the many who truly don’t understand how it works this serves to keep them busy arguing amongst themselves about the several different but incorrect indoctrinated narratives rather than directing frustration at those who are indeed responsible and SHOULD be held accountable! But division and distraction continue to be infallible methods for imposing special interests agendas with little/no opposition from the people.

I don’t work because I have back problems because of my pervious job . Now I am out of work
I have no money to pay for health insurance what can.I do


I have the same problem.
I have lowest plan with the highest deductable.
I can’t get my insurance any cheaper then 40% of my monthly income, I don’t fit into any of the categories for assistance.
I’m slowly drowning in insurance premiums. Can’t afford to see the doctor and if I really get sick, I’m done. I’ll be financially ruined and to old to recover.
So much for the pursuit of happiness.


Ok no one is answering this question as far as i can tell, though maybe i missed it:

What happens if i cant afford healthcare AND the fee/fine/penalty for not being able to afford it?

Im 26, i have some disabilities and cant hold a regular job for more than a couple months depending on a few things. My parents are going to help me pay for a lawyer and doctors appointments to get disability, but from what i hear, disability probably wont be more than a thousand a month, if even that much. and if i ever want to not rely on my parents, ill have to pay the doctor bills myself which would come out of the disability check (a lawyer said to have disability a monthly doctor visit is required). I also live in a city that requires a car (not by law but by culture). I dont have enough money to pay for much more than a crappy 90s car (if im lucky).

What do i do? If my parents were to die, will i be homeless? If not having healthcare is illegal, will i go to jail? There are days and weeks at a time that i can work but there are also days and sometimes weeks at a time that im not functional enough to work.its also entirely unpredictable. Not many jobs in america that i know of accomodate that level of instability.

Someone please give me some answers. Thank you


If you live in a state where Medicaid was expanded, then your answers will come from understanding how expansion works. If you are “in the Medicaid gap” then you have that complication. If you qualify for assistance, but still have cost issues, that is another issue.

The punishment for not having healthcare and being able to afford it technically is a fee (specifically not a jail-able offense), that Donald J. is likely going to get repealed.

Google any of those terms or search our site for them, it should point you in the right direction.

If all else fails, if you are having an emergency you can show up at a public hospital and local charity is often an option.

All the above said, this is why we fight for a public option and single payer.


and what if i cant pay the fee? I live in texas. my dad never taught me how taxes work or medicare or any of that.. so i dont really understand your implications. i just know that i have no money and i dont have the capacity to make enough money to support myself or even close. maybe 5-10% of the amount it costs to support myself.

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